PMS Methods

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Performance Management

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
• This formatted performance appraisal is based
on making rates on behaviors or sets of
indicators to determine the effectiveness or
ineffectiveness of working performance. The
form is a mix of the rating scale and critical
incident techniques to assess performance of
the staff.
Graphic Rating Scales
• This format is considered the oldest and most
popular method to assess the employee’s
• In this style of performance appraisal, the
management just simply does checks on the
performance levels of their staff.
360 Degree Performance Appraisal
• The style of 360 degree performance
appraisal is a method that employees will give
confidential and anonymous assessments on
their colleagues. This post also information
that can be used as references for
such methods of performance assessments of
720, 540, 180…
Other Methods
Forced ranking (forced distribution)
• In this style of performance appraisal, employees are
ranked in terms of forced allocations.
• For instance, it is vital that the proportions be shared in the
way that 10 or 20 % will be the highest levels of
performances, while 70 or 80% will be in the middle level
and the rest will be in the lowest one.

Behavioral Observation Scales

• The method based on the scales of observation on
behaviors is the one in which important tasks that workers
have performed during their working time will be assessed
on a regular basis.
Other Methods
Essay Evaluation method
• In this style of performance appraisal,
managers/ supervisors are required to figure
out the strong and weak points of staff’s
behaviors. Essay evaluation method is a non-
quantitative technique
Other Methods
Critical incident method
• This format of performance appraisal is a method
which is involved identifying and describing
specific incidents where employees did
something really well or that needs improving
during their performance period.
Weighted checklist method
• In this style, performance appraisal is made
under a method where the jobs being evaluated
based on descriptive statements about effective
and ineffective behavior on jobs.
Balanced Scorecard
• The name “balanced scorecard” comes from
the idea of looking at strategic measures in
addition to traditional financial measures to
get a more “balanced” view of performance.
It’s this focus on both high-level strategy and
low-level measures that sets the balanced
scorecard apart from other performance
management methodologies.
• Financial goals—“What financial goals do we have that will
impact our organization?”
• Customer goals—“What things are important to our
customers, which will in turn impact our financial
• Process goals—“What do we need to do well internally, in
order to meet our customer goals, that will impact our
financial standing?”
• People (or learning and growth) goals—“What skills,
culture, and capabilities do we need to have in our
organization in order to execute on the process that would
make our customers happy and ultimately impact our
financial standing?”
Activity: Translating Strategy into KPIs
Choose a perspective and write the OMTI
HR Manager
ASYNC May 15, 2021
• Objectives
• Measures
• Targets
• Initiatives
• May 15- Asynch: OMTI
• May22 – Summative JD to PMS.
• May 29:Presentation: Problems, Interviews,
June 5 Asynch
• June 19- Biases, Error Politics, and Power
• June 26 Reward Systems

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