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sale of refined sugar  if the cooperative only sells its produce or goods that it
is VAT-exempt.  manufactures on its own, its entire sales is VAT-exempt.46

As a general rule under the NIRC, a seller shall be liable for A cooperative is the producer of the sugar if it owns or
VAT34 on the sale of goods or properties based on the gross leases the land tilled, incurs the cost of agricultural
selling price or gross value in money of the thing production of the sugar, and produces the sugar cane to be
sold.35 However, certain transactions are exempted from the refined.47 It should not have merely purchased the sugar
imposition of VAT.36 One exempted transaction is the sale cane from its planters-members.48
of agricultural food products in their original
state.37 Agricultural food products that have undergone UCSFA-MPC satisfies these requisites in the present case. 
simple processes of preparation or preservation for the
market are nevertheless considered to be in their original First, UCSFA-MPC presented its Certificate of
state.38 Registration issued by the CDA. It does not appear in the
records that the CIR ever objected to the authenticity or
Sugar is an agricultural food product. Notably, tax validity of this certificate. Thus, the certificate is conclusive
regulations differentiate between raw sugar and refined proof that the cooperative is duly registered with the
sugar.39 CDA.49

For internal revenue purposes, the sale of raw cane sugar is While its certificate of registration is sufficient to establish
exempt from VAT40because it is considered to be in its the cooperative's due registration, we note that it also
original state.41  presented the Certificate of Good Standing that the CDA
issued. This further corroborates its claim that it is duly
On the other hand, refined sugar is an agricultural product registered with the CDA. 
that can no longer be considered to be in its original state
because it has undergone the refining process; its sale is Second, the cooperative also presented BIR Ruling No.
thus subject to VAT.  ECCP-015-08, which states that UCSFA-MPC "is
considered as the actual producer of the members' sugar
Although the sale of refined sugar is generally subject to cane production because it primarily provided the various
VAT, such transaction may nevertheless qualify as a VAT- productions inputs (fertilizers), capital, technology transfer,
exempt transaction if the sale is made by a cooperative. and farm management." It concluded that the cooperative
"has direct participation in the sugar cane production of
Under Section 109(1) of the NIRC,42sales by agricultural its farmers-members." 
cooperatives are exempt from VAT provided the following
conditions concur, viz:  Thus, the BIR itself acknowledged and confirmed that
UCSFA-MPC is the producer of the refined sugar it sells.
First, the seller must be an agricultural cooperative duly Under the principle of equitable estoppel,50 the petitioner is
registered with the CDA.43 An agricultural cooperative is now precluded from unilaterally revoking its own
"duly registered" when it has been issued a certificate of pronouncement and unduly depriving the cooperative of an
registration by the CDA. This certificate is conclusive exemption clearly granted by law. 
evidence of its registration.44
With the UCSFA-MPC established as a duly registered
Second, the cooperative must sell either:  cooperative and the producer of sugar cane, its sale of
refined sugar is exempt from VAT, whether the sale is
1) exclusively to its members; or made to members or to non-members. 

2) to both members and non-members, its produce, whether The VAT-exempt nature of the sales made by agricultural
in its original state or processed form.45 cooperatives under the NIRC is consistent with the tax
exemptions granted to qualified cooperatives under the
Cooperative Code which grants cooperatives exemption
The second requisite differentiates cooperatives according
from sales tax51 on transactions with members and non-
to its customers. If the cooperative transacts only with
members, all its sales are VAT-exempt, regardless of what
it sells.
These conclusions reduce the issue in the case to whether
the granted exemption also covers the payment of advance
On the other hand, if it transacts with both members and
VAT upon withdrawal of refined sugar from the refinery or
non-members, the product sold must be the cooperative's
own produce in order to be VAT-exempt. Stated differently,
Sitel vs CIR It sent a letter the Collector of Internal Revenue,
questioning the 5% tax imposed on the goods prior
to shipping.
Sitel – engaged in the business of providing call Collector responded – produce are exempt from
center services from the Philippines to Domestic tax
and Offshore businesses.
6 yrs later, it received a letter demanding the
Sitel filed separate formal claims for refund or payment of 196k as fixed and percentage taxes and
issuance of tax credit for its unutilized input VAT surcharges for the its domestic sales of pineapple
arising from domestic purchases of goods and products.
services in the amount of P23, 093,899.59
Appeal to the Board of Tax Appeal
Sitel filed for a judicial claim for refund or tax credit
via a petition for review
CTA partially granted the petition and reduced the Whether the domestic sale of pineapples and
amount to P11, 155, 276 pineapple products grown and canned are
exempted from tax?

CTA denied SItel’s P7, 170, 276.02 claim for Court does not agree with CTA saying that the
unutilized input VAT attributable to its zero-rated because the manipulations which appellant
sales. CTA found that Sitel failed to prove that the subjects the fresh pineapples amount to a
recipient of its services are doing business outside manufacturing process, the sale of canned
the Philippines. products becomes taxable sale of manufactured

Sitel fell short of proving that the recipients of its The canning is a mere incident and consequence of
call services are foreign corporations doing the large scale production of pineapples.
business outside the Philippines. It had to resort to a preserving process for the
Sitel’s documentary evidence which includes: volume of its products.
 Certifications issued by the SEC
 Agreements btw Sitel and the foreign the nature, qualities and texture of the product are
clients in no way altered, and it distinctly remains an
May have established that Sitel rendered services agricultural product.
to foreign corporations but said documetns failed
to specifically prove that such foreign corporations
were doing business outside the Philippines or
have continuity of commercial dealings outside the

Phil Packing

Phil Packing Corp. is engaged in the growing and

canning of pineapples in Mindanao.

120k tons every year

50k of which are given away in fresh ssta

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