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Basic Models of Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer

Keywords: Unit Models, Evaporator, Vaporizer

A chemical process invariably involves energy transfer simultaneously with mass transfer. So in
this part basic concepts of energy balance for simple flow systems are developed.


Figure shows a vessel with the steam jacket, an inlet flow, , and an outlet flow, (volume

The holdup in the vessel, V varies according to the equation

=( − )

The energy balance for the contents of the vessel is similar to the mass balance, that is

Rate of change of heat energy in vessel = heat in –heat out

Heat content of vessel = VcϕT2; heat flowing into vessel = cϕT2

heat flowing out of vessel = cϕT2, heat transferred from jacket q = UA( − )

Where = temperature of inlet flow

= Temperature of contents of vessel,

U= overall heat transfer coefficient across jacket wall; A= jacket wall area,

= Steam temperature in jacket wall; c = specific heat of fluid,

ϕ= density
Fig. 20.1: Open Vessel with Stream Jacket

By substituting these terms in the energy balance statement we obtain the following equation:

( )
= − −

The temperature of the steam jacket is a function of the pressure, and it is assumed that this
pressure is controlled to a known value. The steam temperature can be defined merely as a
function of pressure; that is,

= ( )

( ) = ( − )
= −

Heat balance Jacket flux

= −
= ( )
Fig. 20.2: Model for Stream Jacketed Vessel


In this example two complications are added the first I instead of single feed there are two feed
flows, FA and FB , each with the different specific heat cA and cB. The second complication is to
assume that the heat transfer area A between the steam jacket and the content of the vessel varies
significantly because of the variation in level. Density variations are negligible.

= + −

The specific heat of the vessel is

= +

Where C = concentration

Φ= density

Two more equation is required to establish the concentration CA and CB.

Rate of accumulation = inflow –outflow

= −

= −

The variation in volume V will cause the heat transfer area A to vary according to the following

= +
Where D = diameter of vessel.
Fig. 20.3: Stream Jacket Open Vessel Two inlet Stream with Mixing
Component mass balance for A

( ) = ( )
= −

Jacket heat flux


( ) 4 = ( − )
= + − = +

Specific heat

( ) ( )
= − = + = + − +

Component mass balance for B Heat balance

Fig. 20.4: Model of Fig. 20.3


Supposed a container of fluid is heated at a rate q (Vol./time). A heat balance equation would

rate of change of heat content = heat in – heat out

= − 0( no heat loss)

Where V= volume

c = specific heat
( )
= q−0

Fig. 20.5 Heat Balance Model

= ( )

Fig. 20.6: Vapor Pressure / temperature relationship

Heat balance Vapor pressure

( ) v= ( − )
= q− = ( )
Temperature ( − )>0

Fig. 20.7: Model ( Microscopic ) for Equilibrium Balance.

Total pressure π
T= temperature

Heat Flux q Boiling System V= Vapor flux

Fig. 20.8: Macroscopic Input- Output Relationship

( )
= q−

= ( )

Fig. 20.9: Macroscopic Model for Boiling

Case: 3

Boiling in enclosed Vessel

Suppose a vessel containing a single component fluid is totally enclosed with a gas space above
the fluid. If this system is heated the temperature rises until boiling starts, after which the vapor
evolved accumulates in the gas space and consequently raises the pressure. In turn, this increases
in pressure forces the boiling temperature to rise. Such a system is sometimes erroneously
viewed as the rise in temperature causing rise in pressure. Clearly, the pressure rises because more
vapor is forced into the gas volume, a process that can be defined by using the gas law for ideal


( )
= q−

Fig. 20.10: Use of Heat Balance for boiling System

In this case it is necessary to include the change in sensible heat of the liquid mass. The heat
balance equation on the fluid mass becomes

( )
= q− ( + )

( )
Where ( + ) is the vapor enthalpy. Differentiating by parts and substituting = − , the
equation reduces to

( )
= q−

Fluid mass

( )

( ) Vapor mass
= q−
( )
Heat balance

Gas space
= ( )

Fig. 20.11: Model of a Boiling Heat Transfer enclosed vessel

Fig. 20.12: Continuous Flow Boiling System

Valve 1 Gas pressure Vapor mass

( )
= −
= P( − ) PVG= mRT

= ( ) = ( − ) = ( ) = − = −

Heat Balance
( )
= + q−( + )

Fig. 20.13: Model for Continuous Flow, Boiling Jacketed Vessel

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