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Mini-Project Report


Universal Programmer For PIC Microcontroller.

Submitted By

Guided By

Third Year Instrumentation Engineering




This is to certify that Seminar Report entitled

“Universal PIC Programmer”

Submitted by
N.BODHE (09)

Is the record of bonafide work carried out by them in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the Degree of Third Year Bachelor of Engineering
(Instrumentation), as prescribed by the Savitribai Phule Pune University in the Academic
Year 2018-2019 .

Ms.P.D.Deosarkar Mr. H. P. Chaudhari

(Guide) (Head of Department)

Dr. P. B. Mane


Inspiration and guidance are invaluable in every aspect of the life, especially in the field of
the academics, which I have received from my respected seminar guide Ms.P.D.Deosarkar
And my respected HOD Mr. H. P. Chaudhari. I would like to thank as he was responsible
for the complete project and also for his endless contributions of time, efforts, valuable
guidance and encouragement he has given to me. I would also like to thank principal Dr.
P.B. Mane without whom we would not have opportunity to reach up to this level. I would
also thank my colleagues and friends for their inspiration and motivation and those who
helped me directly or in directly for my project work.


By the use of this project the programming of PIC microcontroller becomes easy and can be
used in all applications where coding of PIC is necessary. All the components used in this
module are simple efficient and can be easily studied. After the successful preparation of the
board we will simply use the PICKit to run a demo FLASH/ERASE/READ program. After
the demo setup the user can upload his own codes and use it for any number of applications
and can also erase the contents of his PIC by using the demo program. The final outcome of
this project will result in complete study of PCB boards and how it is made and also the
soldering of materials and lastly the study of various PIC microcontrollers and its
applications. The final outcome of this project will result in complete study of PCB boards
and how it is made and also the soldering of materials and lastly the study of various PIC
microcontrollers and its applications. The Aim of this project is to enhance the skills of
microcontroller programming by making a PIC module for burning the various programs
using a single user-friendly software called as PICKit. Using this we can easily upload our
programs without any hesitation by a USB wire. Here we use an Eagle software for preparing
the layout of our PCB and then solder all the components on the board as per our schematic.



List of Figures............................................................................................................................4

1: Introduction........................................................................................................................5

1.1 Background.........................................................................................................................5

1.2 Problem statement...............................................................................................................5

1.3 Objective.............................................................................................................................5

2: Literature review................................................................................................................6

2.1 Basic Idea...........................................................................................................................6

2.2 PIC microcontroller.............................................................................................................6

2.2.1 Low end Architecture.......................................................................................................7

2.2.2 Mid-range Architecture....................................................................................................7

2.2.3 Harvard Architecture........................................................................................................7

2.2.4 Pipelining..........................................................................................................................8

3: Methodology.........................................................................................................................9

3.1 Concept................................................................................................................................9

3.2 Circuit diagram and working..............................................................................................10

4: Auxiliary Model..................................................................................................................11

4.1 Eagle Software model.........................................................................................................11

4.2 Final Model….....................................................................................................................12

5: Conclusion...........................................................................................................................13

5.1 Remarks..............................................................................................................................13

5.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................................13

5.3 New Ideas...........................................................................................................................13

6: Books and References........................................................................................................14


Fig 2.1 PIC microcontroller in DIP and QFN package...........................................................7

Fig 2.2 Basic Harvard Architecture.........................................................................................8
Fig 2.3 Pipelining in PIC.........................................................................................................8
Fig 3.1 Block Diagram............................................................................................................9
Fig 3.2 Circuit Diagram.........................................................................................................10
Fig 4.1 Screenshots from Eagle software..............................................................................11
Fig 4.2 Final Model…...........................................................................................................12

1.1 Background:
Early models
consisted of a
monitoring box
with a set of
electrode leads
which attached to
the chest. The first
wireless EKG hear
t rate monitor was
invented in 1977
by Polar
Electro as a
training aid for the
Finnish National
Cross Country Ski
team. As
training" became
a popular concept
in athletic circles
in the mid-80s,
retail sales of
wireless personal
heart monitors
started in 1983.
A heart rate monitor (HRM) is a personal monitoring device that allows one to measure/display heart rate in real
time or record the heart rate for later study. It is largely used to gather heart rate data while performing various types
of physical exercise. Measuring electrical heart information is referred to as Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG).
Medical heart rate monitoring used in hospitals is usually wired and usually multiple sensors are used. Portable
medical units are referred to as a Holter monitor. Consumer heart rate monitors are designed for everyday use and
do not use wires to connect.
1.2 Problem statement

1.3 Objectives
The objective of this study is as follows:

1. To create a system that is capable of providing knowledge to the students regarding

the programming of PIC microcontroller.

2. To eliminate the problems faced by the students while burning the code to their
respective microcontroller.

3. To demonstrate the ways by which we can connect the Microcontroller to our PC and
the different ways to program the IC given to us.
Literature Review

A review of the history of fetal heart rate monitoring is followed by detailed analysis of
eight randomized, controlled trials and of a recent prospective study of electronic fetal
monitoring compared with intermittent auscultation. No significant differences between
the methods were reported in perinatal mortality rates, neonatal infection rates, and Apgar
scores. Mixed results were reported for length of labor, maternal analgesic use during
labor, maternal genital tract infection rates, umbilical cord pH values, and admissions to
neonatal intensive care units. Auscultation was associated in two trials with a significantly
increased rate of neonatal seizures. Electronic fetal monitoring was correlated with a
significantly increased cesarean delivery rate in the first four trials, and with a significantly
increased rate of operative delivery (forceps plus cesarean delivery) in three later trials. A
decision tree is presented to assist the clinician in selecting the appropriate fetal
monitoring method for a given client

2.1 Basic Idea:

Deming Chen et al. [1] describe the role of design automation or computer-aided design
(CAD) for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in the rapid advancement and adoption
of FPGA technology over the past two decades. The purpose of this work is to meet the
demand for an up-to-date comprehensive survey/tutorial for FPGA design automation, with
an emphasis on the recent developments within the past 5-10 years. The paper focuses on the
theory and techniques that have been, or most likely will be, reduced to practice. It covers all
major steps in FPGA design flow which includes: routing and placement, circuit clustering,
technology mapping and architecture-specific optimization, physical synthesis, RT-level and
behaviorlevel synthesis, and power optimization. This paper can be used both as a guide for
beginners who are embarking on research in this relatively young yet exciting area, and a
useful reference for established researchers in this field
2.1.1 Mid-range Architectures:

2.1.2 PIC 18 Harvard Architecture:

Figure 2.2 Basic Harvard Architecture.

2.1.3 Pipelining:

2.4.1 What Is heart rate?

Heart rate is the number of heart beats per unit oftime, typically expressed as beats per minute
(bpm).Heart rate can vary as the body’s need to absorb oxygen and excrete C02 changes, such
as during exercise or sleep [9]. The measurement of heart rate is used by medical
professionals to assist in the diagnosis and tracking of medical conditions. It is also used by
individual, such as athletes, who are interested in monitoring their heart rate to gain maximum
efficiency from their training.

2.4.2 Measurement ofheart rate system

Heart rate can be measured either by manual or monitor method. Manual method ❖ Carotid
Pulse (neck): To take the heart rate at the neck, place the first two fingers on either side of the
neck. Be careful not to press to hard, and then count the number ofbeats for aminute [10]. ❖
Radial Pulse (wrist): Place the index and middle fingers together on the opposite wrist, about
lA inches on the inside ofthe joint, in line with die 25 Chapter 2 Literature review index
finger. Once find a pulse, count the number of beats feel for a minute. To estimate the beat per
minute by counting over 10 seconds and multiplying this by 6 or count over 15 seconds and
multiply by 4, or over 30 seconds and doubling the result. There are obvious potential errors
by using this shorthand method. Hence the heart rate monitor gives an accurate reading.
Fig2.1 and 2.2 shows measuring the heart rate using manual method.

3.1 Concept

Heart rate monitors usually consist of a transmitter unit strapped to the chest, wrist or other
body part and receiver unit. The transmitter records the heart rate and transmits it via radio
frequency to the receiver, which features a numerical display to indicate the heart rate [11].
Heart rate monitors work by detecting heart beats using electrodes, electrical signals or
infrared waves. When the monitor detects a heartbeat, it sends to the transmitter, which
converts it into an electrical signal and sends it to the receiver. The receiver records the heart
beats and the intervals between each one to determine 27 Chapter 2 Literature review the
person’s average heart rate, which it reads out on a liquid crystal display (LCD).Fig2.4
shows the typical block diagram ofheart rate measurement.

Figure 3.1: Block Diagram

Types of heart rate measurement devices

1. Infrared Infrared heart monitors

3. use small infrared sensors lodged into the monitor, usually with a small window cut out to allow
infrared beam to pass through. Most models are handled, with the sensor usually clipped onto a
finger or earlobe. Earlobe monitors are the best used when exercising, because their reading are
not 28 Chapter 2 Literature review affected by the user’s movement. However, finger monitors
are more effective in dim or poorly lit rooms, because infrared detections can fluctuate in
irregular light conditions.
5. 2. Hand Hand heart arte monitors
7. work by detecting the natural electrical signal that triggers the heartbeat. They usually detect
these signals from the hands or fingers, where the signal is strong and easy to detect. Most
models use two metal sensors, which are touched or grasped with the hand or finger.
9. 3. Chest Chest monitors
11. work much the same way as hand monitors, except that the sensor is strapped to the user’s
chest. A set of electrodes is built-in the belt and positioned just below the bust line, where the
signal is stronger. The electrode belt features a built-in or attached transmitter, which sends the
data to the readout unit upon detection. This eliminates the delay present in hand monitors. They
are most preferred type of monitor because of their reliability and accuracy to others system.
They are also more convenient, as they do not depend on physical movements and can be used
with all forms of exercise. However they are prone to interference from nearby transmitting
devices such as televisions and computers.
3.3 Circuit Diagram And Working:

Figure 3.2 Circuit Diagram

Heartbeat sensor provides a simple way to study the function of the heart which can be
measured based on the principle of psycho-physiological signal used as a stimulus for the
virtual- reality system. The amount of blood in the finger changes with respect to time.

The sensor shines a light lobe (a small very bright LED) through the ear and measures the
light that gets transmitted to the Light Dependent Resistor. The amplified signal gets inverted
and filtered, in the Circuit. In order to calculate the heart rate based on the blood flow to the
fingertip, a heart-rate sensor is assembled with the help of LM358 OP-AMP for monitoring
the heartbeat pulses.
Features of Heartbeat Sensor
 Indicates heartbeat by a LED
 Provides a direct output digital signal for connecting to a microcontroller
 Possesses compact Size
 Works with a working Voltage of +5V DC
Primary Applications of Heartbeat Sensor
 Works as a Digital Heart Rate monitor
 Works as a Patient Health Monitoring System
 Used as a Bio-Feedback control of robotic applications
Working of a Heartbeat Sensor
The heartbeat sensor circuit diagram comprises a light detector and a bright red LED. The
LED needs to be of super-bright intensity because maximum light passes and spreads if a
finger placed on the LED is detected by the detector.

Heartbeat Sensor Circuit Diagram Heartbeat Sensor Principle

Now, when the heart pumps blood through the blood vessels, the finger becomes slightly
more opaque; due to this, less amount of light reaches from the LED to the detector. With
every heart pulse generated, the detector signal gets varied. The varied detector signal is
converted into an electrical pulse. This electrical signal gets amplified and triggered
through an amplifier which gives an output of +5V logic level signal. The output signal is
also directed by a LED display that blinks on each heartbeat rate.

Let us understand its primary application by considering a project as a practical example

with the help of a heartbeat sensor.

Wireless Health Monitoring System for Patients

The main purpose of this automatic health system is to monitor the body temperature,
heart rate, and pulse rate of a patient and display the same to the doctor by using RF

In hospitals, patients’ body temperatures and heartbeat rates need to be monitored

regularly, which is usually done by doctors or other paramedical staff. They observe the
body temperature and heartbeat rates (whether 72 times per minute). The doctors and
other hospital management staff keep a record of the body temperature and heartbeats of
every patient.

This health monitoring system project includes various components such as an 8051
microcontroller, a 5V regulated power supply unit, a temperature sensor, a heartbeat
sensor, an RF transmitter, a receiver module, and an LCD display. The microcontroller is
used as the brain of the entire project for monitoring the heartbeat, pulse rate, and body
temperature of patients. The working of this monitoring system project is illustrated with the
help of a block diagram, which includes various blocks such as a power-supply block that
supplies power to the whole circuit, a temperature sensor that calculates patients’ body
temperature, and a heartbeat sensor for monitoring heartbeats of the patients.

Block Diagram of Transmitter

In the transmitter section, the temperature sensor is used to read the body temperature of
the patients continuously and the heartbeat sensor for monitoring the heartbeats’ rate of
the patients, and then the data is sent to the 8051 microcontrollers. The data gets
transmitted first, and then encoded into serial data through the air by a Radio Frequency
module. The body temperature of the patients and heartbeat pulses per minute is displayed
on the LCD display. With the help of an RF antenna placed at the transmitter end, the data
is transmitted to the receiver section.

Block Diagram of Receiver

In the receiver section, a receiver is placed at the other end to receive the data and the
received data is decoded by using a decoder, and the transmitted data (body temperature,
heartbeat pulses) is compared with the data stored in the microcontroller, and then the
resultant data gets displayed on the LCD screen. The receiver RF module placed at the
doctor’s partition continuously reads the Patient health conditions such as body
temperature, heart rate, and pulse rate, and displays the result on the LCD, wirelessly.
Components Used:
AT89S52 Microcontroller: The device used in this project is ‘AT89S52’, which is a
typical 8051 microcontroller produced by Atmel Corporation. This Microcontroller is the most
important fragment of this project as it controls all the operations of the circuit such as
reading heartbeat rate pulses data from the heartbeat sensor.

Power Supply: This power supply block consists of a step-down transformer, a bridge

rectifier, a capacitor, and a voltage regulator. Single-phase Active Current power supply
from the mains is step down to a lower voltage range which is again rectified to Direct
Current by using a bridge rectifier. This rectified Direct Current is filtered and regulated to the
whole circuit operating range with a capacitor and voltage regulator IC, respectively.

LCD: Most of the projects make use of LCD displays for displaying information like
heartbeat rate, body temperature, etc. There are various displays used in projects such as
seven-segment displays and LED displays. The selection of display depends on
considering these parameters: cost of displays, power consumption, and ambient lighting

Resistors: Resistance is well-defined as the ratio of the voltage applied across its terminals
and the current passing through it. The resistor value depends on a fixed voltage that limits
the current passing through it. The resistor is a passive component  used for controlling the
current in an electronic circuit.

Capacitors: The main purpose of a capacitor is to store charge. The product of the

capacitance value and the voltage applied across a capacitor is equal to the charge stored
in the capacitor.

Crystal Oscillator: A Crystal oscillator circuit is a type of electronic circuit that makes use of
the mechanical resonance of a vibrating circuit used for generating electrical signals by
varying the frequency. An AT89S52 microcontroller controls the crystals for synchronizing
its operation. The type of synchronization made in this circuit is known as the machine

Circuit Operation
 In this system, a crystal oscillator circuit is connected between the pins 18 and 19 of the
AT89S52 microcontroller used for operating the instructions sets at a various clock frequency
range. A machine cycle is used to measure the minimum time for executing the single instruction
 The reset circuit is connected to the pin 9 of the AT89S52 microcontroller with the help of a
capacitor and resistor. The resistor’s other end is connected to the Ground (20pin) and the
capacitor’s other end is connected to the (EA/Vpp) 31 pin. The resistor and capacitor are
connected in such a way that they perform a reset mode of operation manually. If the switch gets
closed, then the reset pin is set high.
 Heartbeat sensor connected to the port1.0 pin of the microcontroller is used for monitoring
the pulses of the heart, and these pulse signals are sent to the microcontroller and compared with
the programmed data stored in the microcontroller by using Keil software. Whenever the input’s
heart rate pulses are received, the counter in the microcontroller counts these pulses for a certain
time period.
 LCD Displays are connected to the port 2 pins of the AT89S52 microcontroller. The time
duration of one heartbeat’s pulse will be one sec, and by dividing 60,000 by 1000 we will have
the appropriate result as 60, which will then be displayed on LCD.
This is all about the heartbeat sensor and its working with relevant applications and
practical examples in detail. Furthermore, for any queries regarding this topic or on the
electrical and electronic projects us by commenting in the comment section given below.
Photo Credits:
 Digital Heartbeat Monitor Circuit Diagram by 8051projects
 Heartbeat Sensor Principle by rlocman
 Heartbeat Sensor Circuit Diagram by onlinetps

Auxiliary Model

4.1 Eagle Software Model for PCB:

The Eagle software is used to design the basic schematic of the PCB board and we can also
view the board on a silkscreen by using 3D effects we can see the overall structure and
design of the PCB board. This software helps in getting the sharp edges and details to our
board and thus we can connect the rails as per our wish. There is also an option to print the
circuit by using a cloud printer and thus it becomes easy for us to print it on the copper
cladding of our PCB. The schematic for the Programmer we have used in our project is
shown in the figure below:

Figure4.1 Circuit screenshot from Eagle software

4.2 Final Model:

The final model of our circuit looks like the figure below. The Programmer is ready to be
used and as we can observe that we have one port for the communication of our board to the
PC and we can directly connect the 5V supply to the board. This gives the ease to use the
board and we can connect 8,14,28,40,18 pin PIC microcontroller family giving us more
flexibility to use our board. The final model contains the LED for indication purposes so that
we can recognize whether the board is working or whether it is in Run mode or it is in Erase
mode. Thus the final model gives us the utmost touch of simplicity and efficient use of the
space of our PCB board.

Figure 4.2 Final Model

Chapter 5
Recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology, wireless
communications, and digital electronics have enabled the development of low-cost, low-
power, multifunctional wireless sensor nodes that are small in size and communicate
untethered in short distances. These tiny wireless sensor nodes, which consist of sensing, data
processing, and communicating components, leverage the idea of sensor networks based on
the collaborative effort of a large number of nodes. The efficiency of hospital staff is
increased by using some of these newly available applications and tools. In the healthcare
field, issues such as long-term patientcare in hospitals, support for elderly people at home
and in an ambulatory environment are being discussed in the realm of wireless sensor

5.1 Remarks
5.2 This thesis focused on three important areas of remote patient
monitoring of viz., i) post-operative patients in a hospital environment,
ii) elderly patients in a home environment, and iii) patients affected by
COPD and PD in ambulatory environments. This thesis also proposed a
wireless sensor grid architecture for monitoring different group of
patients’ health status.

5.3 Recommendation

Heart rate monitors (HRMs) can be immensely beneficial if you know how to
use the information they collect. Exercise has very different effects on the body
depending on how high you push your heart rate and for how long. Training
intelligently means using heart rate data to guide your workouts. Sometimes
you might want to keep your heart rate relatively low to burn fat or pace yourself
for a longer workout, whereas other times you want to push it higher for
different health benefits, like building stamina. Another reason to own a HRM is
to keep an eye on your resting heart rate with a device that will automatically
record it for you

All technologies have limitations, and cannot provide their benefits under all circumstances. When new
technology is introduced into the 196 emergency response arena, it is important to note its limitations as
well as its capabilities. Due to the chaotic nature of emergencies, our system faces the challenge of
operating in situations that challenge instrumentation designed for use in the controlled environment of a
clinical situation. The wireless patient monitoring feature will not be useful in all situations. In a mass
casualty disaster, when the medics must triage many casualties quickly, they will not have time to
respond to alerts until all patients have been triaged. Medics expect the monitoring system to be most
useful for patients who have been triaged and are waiting for ambulances. They can then use our system
to prioritize the patients who need to be transported by ambulance. The other limitations of the proposed
method are 1. Skin connectivity with the electrodes can be a problem. 2. The electrodes pull away from
the skin after a while.
Chapter 6

Books referred and References

1. Deming Chen, Jason Cong and Peichen Pan, FPGA

Design Automation: A Survey, Foundations and trends in
Electronic Design Automation, 1(3), 2006, 139- 69
2. . 2. Jie Qin, Charles E. Stroud and Fa Foster Dai, FPGA-
Based Analog functional Measurements for Adaptive
Control in Mixed-Signal Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, 54(4), 2007,1885-97.
3. 3. Daniel Hadji and Valentin S. Mollov, Precise
Temperature Measurement and Data Processing with
Xilinx Spartan-3E Starter Kit, International Scientific
Conference Computer Science, 2008,219-24.
4. 4. Savita SONOLI and K. Nagabhushan Raju,
Implementation of FPGA based PID Controller for DC
Motor Speed Control System, Sensors & Transducers
Journal, 114 (3), 2010,170-83.
5. 5. S.Velusamy, Wei Huang, J. Lach, M. Stan and K.
Skadron, Monitoring temperature in FPGA based SoCs,
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design:
VLSI in Computers andProcessors, 2005,634 - 37.
6. 6. K. Scott Hemmert and Keith D. Underwood, Floating-
point divider designs for FPGAs, IEEE Transactions on
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 15(1),
2007, 115-18.
7. 7. F. Bensaali and A. Amira, Design and Implementation
of Efficient Architectures for Color Space Conversion,
ICGST-GVIP Journal, 1(5), 2004,37-47.
8. 8. Sharief F. Baiker, Liena Elrayah Abdel-Khair, Samah
M. Elbasheer, Microcontroller Based Heart Rate Monitor
using Fingertip Sensors, Dept, of 30 Chapter 2 Literature
review Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering ,University of Khartoum, Sudan. UofKEJ
Vol. 1 Issue 2 pp.47-51, October 2011.
9. 9. Overview ofHeart-rate measuring device
10. 10. Overview ofpulse measurement.
11. 11. Overview ofheartbeat sensors.

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