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Y Patil Institute of Technology,

Pimpri, Pune-411018.
Department of Electronics &

Aditya khedekar TETA54

Rushikesh giri TETA52
Ankit tiwari TETA60

• Problem statement:
• Certain amount of stress is necessary for our lives, but too
much stress brings negative consequences such as decreases in level of concentration,
mental health issues such as anxiety and depression as well as ineffective ways of
coping, such as substance abuse. Most people do not know when and what situations
they get stress from. Therefore, we are designing a system that can daily record a
person’s stress level and time and help the user with regulated breathing as a way of
reducing their momentary stress. On the market, there are smart phone’s apps where
people can hold a finger to the camera, which will then detect slight changes in color
related to blood flow. With these apps, users can purchase other apps that direct the
user towards stress reduction techniques. These solutions, however, do not
continuously record stress level. If a person able to recognize when they get stress and
what they get stress from, it will be helpful for them to find ways to relieve it. There are
also continuous stress detection devices, such as stress dots but they don’t provide the
user with a way of relieving there momentary stress. It is our intention to address these
gaps in the market and create a system that will be of benefits to a great many patients
and health care practitioners by better assisting them by taking control of an elevated
physiological response that has many negative health consequence.
• Objectives:
• Our goal is to create and combine a continuous monitoring device
and stress management device into one system. Our continuous monitoring
device will be responsible for monitoring the user’s stress level, so that the
user will be able to concentrate on his/her tasks throughout the day and be
assured that stress levels are accounted for. We will also help the user regulate
his breathing to relieve any stress that is detected..

• Specifications:
• Micro-controller (Arduino Nano 3.0)
• Led (white,red)
• pezzo-buzzer
• Lm3915
• Touch pads
• 9v battery
• NPN transistor (BC548)
• Stress meter is a device which used to measure stress of the body
depending upon the current flow through our body. Our body resistance level
varies with stress of our body and mind. A highly stressed body results in increase
of blood flow through our body mechanism which result in increase in ion
concentration in our body and thus allow more current to flow across our body.
While a stress free human being has very resistance due to less blood flow and
thus result in less ion concentration all our body. Our project simply follows the
principle of ohm?s law and current flows through led help in determining the
stress by glowing different LEDs. Project consists of five LEDs of three different
colors and a piezo-buzzer. Different LEDs used to denote different stress level. The
green ( first two) shows normal level, blue(third one)shows a little higher than
normal and last two red LEDs show high stress level and if current flows is greater
than the allowing limit then piezo=-buzzer goes off and thus sounds a alarm. If
implemented properly this device can be used to fight disease stress and with
further improvements can be used to find another counterpart diseases like
depression and another nervous related syndromes.

Expected outcome:
• limitation towards mental fitness will overcome with precise redings
• Should be flexible to wear in daily life
• Applications:
• fitness bands

• (Prof .Madhavi Repe ) (Prof..Shahaji Jagdale) (Dr. S. D. Chavan)

• Guide Name Subject Incharge Mini Project
• cordinator

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