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Mind map illustration showing the mahrams (male

chaperones) of a woman for travel and sittings

Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid 2 September 2015

A woman must have a legal (Sharee`ah legislated) mahram (male chaperone) before she
can embark upon a journey. Without a mahram a woman cannot even travel for Hajj and
Umrah – and these are from the greatest acts of worship – so it goes without saying that
a journey lesser than these two mighty acts of worship also not permitted except with a
mahram. It does not matter whether the journey (of leaving her home village, town or city)
is short or long; it matters not whether she has a group of women with her or she is alone;
it matters not whether she is young, pretty and vulnerable or old, unattractive and
experienced; it does not matter whether she leaves by car or plane or ship – regardless of
these things, a woman is required to have a mahram upon her travels. This is due to the
hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (radiyallaahu `anhumaa) who narrated from the Prophet
(salallaahu `alaihi wassallam) that he said: “A woman is not allowed to be alone with a

man unless there is with her a mahram. And a woman is not allowed to travel
except along with a mahram.” A man stood up and said: “O Messenger of Allaah! My
wife has left out to perform Hajj and I have enlisted for the army in battle.” So the
Prophet (salallaahu `alahi wassallam) said: “Go and and perform Hajj along with your
wife.” (Bukhaaree and Muslim) So the Prophet did not seek from him details of whether
she were with her a group of other woman, or whether she was young and beautiful, or
whether the trip was going to be safe. So the mahram is a means of protection and
preservation of the woman from harm and corruption; and harassment from wicked
people who have not no scruples, honour or respect for woman. It is the duty of the male
chaperone to prevent the woman from coming to harm or from falling into that which is
forbidden. Before is a mind map illustration of the permissible male chaperones
(mahaarim) of a woman, as explained by the great scholar and jurist, Shaikh Muhammad
Ibn Saalih Al-`Uthaimeen (rahimahullaah).

Here’s a PDF version:

Mahārim (mahrams) of a woman


A journey in the Arabic language: To exit from the dwellings/buildings of a township

wherein one resides. In the Sharee`ah: It is any leaving out that requires preparation that
is not required by the resident of a town. A traveller no doubt makes a particular type of
preparation for his journey – and a resident of a town does not do that, and the first of that
is the intent. (Shaikh Al-Albaanee, Silsilah al-Hudaa wan-Noor, tape 025)

There are rare circumstances where a woman is forced to travel due to a necessity
beyond her control, and she not able to find a mahram. In this situation she must seek
guidance from the Scholars of Sunnah and Salafiyyah.

As Salamu Aleykum wa rahmatullah.

Is a woman’s husband’s nephew her mahram? Jazak Allahu Kheyr.

Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid says:
5th March 2021 at 11:33 am




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