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Receivership/Rehabilitation programs – jurisdiction -

over the subject matter

- What the corporation can do
There are three basis phases in the resolution of
Note: however, two requisites should be asked
conflict problem:
in determining the legal effect of an act of a
1. Jurisdiction – concerns the power or authority of a corporation:
court to take cognizance of a case
a. Is the corporation authorized by its charter
2. Choice of Law – pertains to the determination of to do the particular act?
the law which should be applied in a particular
b. Is this act permitted by the law of the
place where the act is done?
3. Recognition and enforcement of Judgments

3. Kinds of stocks allowed and transfer of stocks

China issued new rules to protect its companies and in a way that would be binding on the
citizens from what it described as unjustified use of corporation
foreign laws.
4. Issuance, amount and legality of dividends
- No more conflict of laws in China. Only Chinese
5. The internal organization of the corporate
laws will apply.
enterprise, the rights and liabilities of
- Chinese foreign corporations would not need to shareholders, members, directors, officers,
comply with foreign restrictions their relation inter se and stockholders’
participation in the management and in the
- Lex fori/ law of the forum – Philippine law
- Capacity – Personal law
6. Alteration or modification of the charter and
- Powers – Personal the dissolution of the corporation
Internal Affairs Rule –

Personal Law of Corporations  Question about the status of a corporation

AIDNOG  Compliance to restrictions to doing business or

operating business in the Philippines --- not an
Administration, Incorporation, Domicile, Nationality, internal affair – apply the law of the state
Organization, and Governance (internal affairs rule) where the corporation is licensed or authorized
Internal affairs rule – how we fix the relations between to do business
the stockholders, members, officers of the corporation.

Incorporation Test
Personal law of a corporation – law of the State where Purpose:
it is incorporated. Since a corporation is an artificial
being created by law, it possesses only the rights and  Used to determine whether the state where it is
powers conferred upon in its charter. incorporated is the state where it filed the suit
and acquired jurisdiction
Hence, if the law creating the corporation does not
give authority to enter into certain contracts, such  For the purpose how we should classify
contracts made by it in another state shall be void (domestic/foreign corp) it to know what laws to
despite the express permission given by the laws of apply
that other State.
 To determine the nationality

Conflict Problems of Corps. – conflict of laws with

Exceptions to the Incorporation Test
respect to corps generally deals with laws governing
their administration, incorporation, nationality and 1. Constitution and Statutory Restrictions
- A state, if it sees fit, may by legislation exclude
a foreign corporation altogether, subject to
constitutional limitations or prescribe any
Matters where the personal law of the
conditions it may see fit as prerequisite to the
corporation governs:
corporation’s right to do business within its
1. Requisites for formation of the corporation territory
and its legal character
- Status of the corporation – de jure/ de facto
2. Control Test during war
2. Capacity and powers of the corporation
- In wartime, the courts may pierce the veil of SC required that the other parties cause alias
corporate identity and look into the nationality summons to the petitioner so it can acquire jurisdiction
of the controlling stockholders to determine the over the petitioner.
citizenship of the corporation

Validity corporate acts and contracts – determined by

Domicile of the corporation the law of incorporation and law of performance. The
act/contracts must be authorized by both laws.
- Articles of incorporation
If valid in the place of incorporation but void in the
- Domicile of a domestic corporaration is its principal
place of performance or vice versa, the validity may be
place of business (contained in the AOI)
doubtful and may not be given effect at all
- For foreign corporations, their domicile is in the
country under whose laws they are incorporated
If a foreign corporation sells its products in the
Philippines through a resident merchant on a
Domicile or Residence of Corporations commission basis, it is the merchant which is doing
- A Foreign corporation that has been granted
license to operate in the Philippines acquires If a foreign corporation sells its products through an
domicile in the Philippines. exclusive distributing agent, it is doing business here in
the Philippines because the agent is acting only in
- The object of the Corporation Code in requiring a behalf of the foreign corporation.
foreign corporation to secue a license to transact
business in the Philippines is to prevent it from
acquiring a domicile for the purpose of business
Home Insurance vs Eastern Shipping Lines
without taking steps necessary to render it
amendable to suit in the local courts Capacity to sue - supposed to be governed by lex fori
A foreign corporation, that is granted license to
operate or to do business in the Philippines, acquires
State Investment House vs Citibank
domicile by virtue of the said license.
Purpose of requiring a corporation to secure a license
to operate is to enable the courts to acquire
jurisdiction over its person and for the requlation of its

Chinese Corporation
 incorporated and domiciled in China
 Doing business in the Philippines, Hong Kong,
Is there any issue on domicile?
Determine first whether it was granted license in the
Philippines. If it was, then it is deemed domiciled in the
Rationale: Equity; when sued in the Philippines, it may Issue: Whether or not a foreign corporation with a
set up the defense that it is not it’s principal place of branch in the Philippines and doing business therein
business if it were not for this rule. can be considered a resident.
When it referred to the Philippine laws , Lex fori ang
ginamit. It talked about the tax code and made use
What are the requirements for corporations doing banking law, General Banking Act.
business in the Philippines?
- Granted a license
- Authorized representative in the Philippines Hyatt Elevators vs Goldstar Elevators
Jurisprudence has however settled that the place
where the principal office of a corporation is located as
Was it doing business in the Philippines? stated in the articles, indeed establishes residence.
SC held that whether Leiner is doing business in the This ruling is important in determining the venue of an
Philippines would not matter any more. What is given action by or against a corporation.
more weight is the agreement that any dispute shall be
filed with the Philippine courts --- choice of law is
applied as long as it is not contrary to law.
Nationality of a corporation The right of a private corporation to bring suit in the
forum and its amenability to court processes and suits
- Nationality of a private corporation is determined
against it are governed by the Lex Fori.
by the character or citizenship of its controlling
stockholders From the theoretical viewpoint, the country like ours
may completely prohibit a foreign corporation from
transacting business in the Philippines; we may even
Test of Corporate Nationality prohibit it from filing suit here.

1. Control Test
2. Grand-father Rule
Right of Foreign Corporations to Sue
Jurisdiction over foreign corporations
Acquisition by a foreign corporation of a license to
The prevailing rule is that with the consent of a State, transact business in the Philippines is an essential pre-
a foreign corporation shall be recognized and will be requisite for filing a suit of the corporation before our
allowed to transact business in any state which gives courts.
its consent.
This rule is embodied in our Corpo Code when it
provides that such corp may be sued or proceeded
against before Philippine courts or administrative
tribunals on any valid cause of action recognized under
Philippine laws.

License Requirement; Exceptions

1. Isolated Transactions

Sec. 146.
The Revised Corporation Code mandates that all
foreign corporation lawfully doing business in the
Philippines shall be bound by all laws, rules and
regulations applicable to domestic corporations.
Hindi lng lex fori will apply. At times, if it will refer to
internal affairs, we have to refer to the personal law.
Determine the matters regarding internal affairs where
personal law applies.

Which cases fall under isolated transactions?

Service upon foreign corporations doing business in the
Isolated transaction is one that is occassional,
Philippines may be made on:
incidental or casual and not of a character to indicate a
1. Resident Agent purpose to engage in business.

2. In the absence thereof, process will be served on A business is isolated when there is no continuity of
the government official designated by law or any of conduct and intention to establish a continuous
its officers or agent within the Philippines business within the state.

3. On any officer or agent of said corporation in the

Philippines 2. Actions to protect trademark, tradename, goodwill,
patent or unfair competition
4. Serving summons through diplomatic channels

Rights of Foreign Corporation to Sue

Will it be lex fori or will it be personal law?
Lex Fori
3. Agreement to fully transact outside of the Transnational corporation – clusters of
Philippines corporations, each with a separate entity, existing and
spread out in several countries but controlled by the
headquarters in a developed state where it was
originally organized.

Pseudo-corporations/ Personal Law

Pseufo-corporations - quasi-foreign corps

- Incorporated im one state and doing business in
anotherr state
A foreign corporation may maintain an action on
transactions fully consumated abroad.
Incorporated in HK but principally doing business in the

4. Corollary Defensive Suits


Doing business in the Philippines (cases)

What is the personal law of these pseudo-
Steelcase vs Design International
Philippine law should govern

GR: Personal law – where the corporation is

Definition of Personal Law of a foreign corporation is
different from the requirement of obtaining a license
because you are doing business in the Philippines.

Incorporatated under laws of England but was

principally operating in Italy.
Apply law where it is really operating its business.

Stick to the definition of Personal law

Kelan Lex Fori – legal capacity to sue

Internal affairs rule – personal law
Foreign corp doing business in the Philippines but it
does not ( lex fori governs)
FOREIGN JUDGMENT  Clear mistake of law or fact
- A foreign judgment is recognized when it is 7. Foreign judgment must not be barred by
given the same effect that it has in the state prescription under the law of the State in which it
where it was rendered, with respect to the was promulgated
parties, subject matter and issues involved

Enforcement of FJ Recognition of FJ
Recognition of a Foreign Judgment - where the foreign
judgment is being presented as a defense to the claim
of the plaintiff Plaintiff or petitioner wants the Defendant or respondent is
court to positively carry-out or presenting the foreign
In the absence of a special compact, no sovereign is make effective the foreign judgment on the basis of
bound to give effect within its dominion to the judgment resjudicata
judgment rendered by a tribunal of another country
In the absence of a special compact, treaty or Involves an act of sovereignty Involves merely a sesnse of
convention, the Philippines is not bound to recognize justice
and enforce foreign judgment
Requires an action or Being a matter of defense,
proceeding brought precisely recognition needs no action or
Requisites of Valid Judgment: (JMJC) to make the foreign judgment proceeding but implies that an
effective action or proceeding has
1. Jurisdiction of the State already been filed against the
2. Reasonable method of modification employed and defendant who is invoking the
opportunity to be heard if afforded to persons foreign judgment
3. Judgment rendered by competent court
Enforcement cannot exist Recognition does not need or
4. Compliance to such requirement of state rendition
without recognition shall not require enforcement
as necessary for the valid exercise by the court

Reasons for recognizing or enforcing foreign

Requisites for Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Judgment: - Comity
- Utility and
1. Foreign Judgment was rendered by judicial or
- Convenience of nations
quasi-judicial tribunal which has competent
jurisdiction over the parties and the case in the Have been established by which final judgments of
proper judicial proceedings in which the defendant foreign courts are reciprocally respected and rendered
is given reasonable notice and opportunity to be efficacious
2. The judgment must be on civil and commercial
matters. Basis of giving effect to foreign judgment:

3. Judgment must be valid according to the court that 1. Comity

delivered it - Prevailing party has no absolute right to
4. Judgment must be final and executory to require our courts to enforce a judgment
constitute res judicata in another action rendered in his favor by a foreign court

Elements: - If contrary to laws, morals, public policy and

rights of citizens and persons under its
a. It must be final protection – courts will refuse to recognize
b. Rendered by a competent court 2. Reciprocity
c. on the merits - If foreign court accords recognition or gives
effect to Philippine judgment, our courts
5. the judgment must not be contrary to public policy
should similarly extend recognition or grant
or good morals of the State where it is to be
effect to the foreign judgment
3. Creates an obligation to pay a debt and
6. There must be no:
entitles prevailing party vested rights
 Lack of notice
- Enforced in any country where the defendant is
 Lack of jurisdiction found or property against which the judgment
may be executed
 Collusion
- Vested right – absolute, complete, and - does not constitute RES JUDICATA as basis for its
unconditional right enforcement without giving the losing party the
opportunity to show that the judgment is vitiated
4. Res Judicata
by want of jurisdiciton, notice, collusion, fraud or
 issues raised in a foreign judgment should not clear mistake of law or fact
be relitigated anew in another country
 final judgment or decree on the merits by a
court of competent jurisdiction is conclusive of
the rights of the parties or their privies in all Effect of foreign judgment rendered by a foreign
later suits on points and matters determined in country having jurisdiction:
the former suit.
a. in case of judgment or final order upon a
If a party in a foreign judgment files another action in specific thing, the judgment or final order is
the Philippines against the other party, and the latter conclusive to the title to the thing
resists action by raising the defense of res judicata. b. in case of judgment against a person, the
judgment or final order is a presumptive
If the court sustains the defense, they are actually
evidence of the right as between the parties
recognizing the foreign judgment and giving it effect in
and their successors-in-interest
the country.
In both cases, the judgment or final order may be
2 Grounds of Res Judicata
repelled by evidence of:
1. public policy and necessity - Res Judicata is
 want of notice
a public policy or necessity which makes it the
 want of jurisdiction
interest of the state that there should be an
 collusion
end to a litigation
 fraud
 clear mistake of law or fact
2. individual should not be vexed twice for
the same cause Judgment upon a specific thing
- real action
If the judgment is interlocutory or provisional in - action in rem
charater which contemplates that a fuller investigation
leading to the final decision may later be held, it
creates no obligation on the forum court to recognize Judgment against a person
- recovery of damages; recovery of personal
property; enforcemnet of a contract
Enforcement of Foreign Judgment – necessarily
includes its recognition
No decision shall be rendered by any court without
The court cannot enforce the judgment by granting expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts and
affirmative reliefs without recognizing it as valid. the law on which it is based.
Recognition does not require enforcement in the sense
that no affirmative relief is prayed for as when it is
presented as a defense to defeat the claim of the Reasons why Philippine courts refuse to recognize
plaintiff. foreign judgment
1. the requisite proof may not have been
He cannot repudiate the foreign judgment and ask for 2. the foreign judgment contravenes a recognized
the enforcement of the Philippine Judgemnt which he and established policy in the country
previously abandoned 3. administration of justice in the country where
the judgment came from may be shockingly
 this is contrary to policy and interest of the Phil
corrupt or not beyond reproach
to disturb the orderly administration of justice
Husband is regarded to have abandoned his rights
under Philippine judgment and is therefore precluded Grounds to repel foreign judgment
by his conduct and the doctrine of Res Judicata from
seeking their enforcement. 1. want of jurisdiction
- foreign court must have acquired jurisdiction
over the defendant either by his:
2 actions filed – one in a foreign country and one in
the Phil a. voluntary appearance or

Judgment has been rendered in the foreign country b. proper service of summons upon him
Action in Personam – non-resident of the foreign
- foreign court would not acquire jurisdiction
over his person absent any voluntary
appearanace, otherwise, the judgment against
him shall be is null and void and cannot be NOA vs CA
recognized in the country
The service of summons is valid. The judgment is
presumed valid and binding in the country where it
2. want of notice to the party comes from, unless the contrary shown. The
proceedings and the giving due notice is likewise
presumed. Here, the party attacking has the burden of
3. collusion – mutual fraud of both parties to secure proving the irregularity in the service of summons.
a judgment they mutually desire either for or
Sharp failed to prove the applicable Japanese law to
against one party
base its claim since in matter of procedure, lex fori
- no violation of due process of the party who applies.
lost the case
Service of summons may be made to:
4. fraud
1. resident agent designated
Extrinsic fraud – done outside of the court; effect 2. if none, the government official designated by
of which prevents a party from having a trial law
3. other officers or agents within the Philippines
Intrinsic fraud – acts of a party during the trial
such as use of forged instruments and perjured

5. clear mistake of fact or law

Mistake of Law
- incorrect application of law on a set of given
- one which warrants a review of the
proceedings or vitiated the proceedings and
warrants the reversal of the judgment

Mistake of Fact
- mistaken judgment or incorrect belief as to the
existence of effects of matters of fact or
misapplication or misapprehension of facts
- a court commits mistake of fact when it
overlooked, ignored or misinterpreted certain facts
which if considered would alter the result of the

Recognition and enforcement – involves extra-

territorial application of law
Philippines has not entered into a treaty to serve as a
basis for the enforcement and recognition of a foreign

A foreign judgment may be recognized and enforced in

the Philippines if the losing party is in the Phil and he
has property in the country against which the
judgment may be executed.

Res Judicata – seeks to end litigation by disallowing

suit on the claim
Collateral Estoppel – concerned with preclusion by
barring relitigation of an issue already litigated on in a
prior proceeding.
We hold that the divorce obtained by Lorenzo H. divorce is validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse
Llorente from his first wife Paula was valid and capaciting him to remarry.
recognized in this jurisdiction as a matter of comity.
A divorce obtained by a couple who are both aliens,
Now, the effects of this divorce (as to the succession to
may be recognized in the Philippines provided it is
the estate of the decedent) are matters best left to the
consistent with their respective national laws.
determination of the trial court.
A divorce decree obtained abroad by an alien may be
Validity of the Will recognized in the Philippines provided it is valid
according to his national law.
The Civil Code provides: Before a divorce decree can be recognized by our
courts, the party must prove the divorce as a fact and
"Art. 17. The forms and solemnities of contracts, demonstrate its conformity to the foreign law allowing
wills, and other public instruments shall be governed it.
by the laws of the country in which they are Before a foreign judgment be given evidentiary value,
executed. the document must first be presented and admitted in
"When the acts referred to are executed before the
diplomatic or consular officials of the Republic of the A divorce obtained abroad is proven by the divorce
Philippines in a foreign country, the solemnities decree itself. The best evidence is the judgment itself.
established by Philippine laws shall be observed in
their execution." (underscoring ours) The decree purports to be a written act or record of an
act of an officially body or tribunal of a foreign country.
The clear intent of Lorenzo to bequeath his property to
his second wife and children by her is glaringly shown Under Sections 24 and 25 of Rule 132, on the other
in the will he executed. We do not wish to frustrate his hand, a writing or document may be proven as a public
wishes, since he was a foreigner, not covered by our or official record of a foreign country by either (1) an
laws on "family rights and duties, status, condition and official publication or (2) a copy thereof attested 33 by
legal capacity." the officer having legal custody of the document. If the
record is not kept in the Philippines, such copy must be
Whether the will is intrinsically valid and who shall (a) accompanied by a certificate issued by the proper
inherit from Lorenzo are issues best proved by foreign diplomatic or consular officer in the Philippine foreign
law which must be pleaded and proved. Whether the service stationed in the foreign country in which the
will was executed in accordance with the formalities record is kept and (b) authenticated by the seal of his
required is answered by referring to Philippine law. In office.
fact, the will was duly probated.
The divorce decree between respondent and Editha
As a guide however, the trial court should note that Samson appears to be an authentic one issued by an
whatever public policy or good customs may be Australian family court. However, appearance is not
involved in our system of legitimes, Congress did not sufficient; compliance with the aforemetioned rules on
intend to extend the same to the succession of foreign evidence must be demonstrated.
nationals. Congress specifically left the amount of
successional rights to the decedent's national law. the legal capacity to contract marriage is determined
by the national law of the party concerned.
The certificate mentioned in Article 21 of the Family
A divorce decree obtained abroad by a foreigner may Code would have been sufficient to establish the legal
be recognized in our jurisdiction, provided the decree capacity of respondent, had he duly presented it in
is valid according to the national law of the foreigner. court. A duly authenticated and admitted certificate is
Divorce decree and the national law of the alien prima facie evidence of legal capacity to marry on the
spouse, who obtained the divorce decree must be part of the alien applicant for a marriage license.
Our courts do not take judicial notice of foreign laws
and judgment. What the Illinois court retained was "jurisdiction x x x
for the purpose of enforcing all and sundry the various
Divorce decree and the national law of the alien spouse
provisions of [its] Judgment for Dissolution."
must be alleged and proven according to our law on
Petitioner’s suit seeks the enforcement not of the
"various provisions" of the divorce decree but of the
post-divorce Agreement on joint child custody. Thus,
the action lies beyond the zone of the Illinois court’s
In mixed marriages, Art 26, FC allows the filipino
so-called "retained jurisdiction." 
spouse to contract a subsequent marriage in case the
The purpose of the law in requiring foreign
corporations doing business in the Philippines to be
the Agreement’s object to establish a post-divorce licensed to do so is to subject them to the jurisdiciton
joint custody regime between respondent and of the courts.
petitioner over their child under seven years old
contravenes Philippine law. Considering that the LA and NLRC acquried jurisdiction
over the persons of the parties and the subject matter,
no child under seven years of age shall be these tribunals can proceed to try the case even if the
separated from the mother rules on conflicts of law or the convenience of
The Agreement is not only void ab initio for being
contrary to law, it has also been repudiated by the
mother when she refused to allow joint custody by the

The Agreement would be valid if the spouses have not Considering that LA and NLRC had acquired jurisdiction
divorced or separated because the law provides for over the parties and the SM, they may proceed to try
joint parental authority when spouses live together. the case, even if the rules on the conflict of law points
to a foreign forum, this being a sovereign prerogative
of the country where the case is filed.
However, upon separation of the spouses, the mother
takes sole custody under the law if the child is below
seven years old and any agreement to the contrary is Forum non-conveniens (CPP)
1. Philippine is one to which the parties can
conveniently resort to
The petition before us puts at issue an arbitration
2. It is in a position to make an intelligent
clause in a contract mutually agreed upon by the
decision as to the facts and the law
parties stipulating that they would submit themselves
3. It is likely to have the power to enforce its
to arbitration in a foreign country.

Established in this jurisdiction is the rule that the law

of the place where the contract is made governs. Lex
loci contractus. The contract in this case was perfected
here in the Philippines. Therefore, our laws ought to Applying the foregoing in this case, we conclude that
govern. Nonetheless, Art. 2044 of the Civil Code Philippine law the applicable law. Basso, though a US
sanctions the validity of mutually agreed arbitral clause citizen, was a resident here from he time he was hired
or the finality and binding effect of an arbitral award. by CMI until his death during the pendency of the case.
Art. 2044 provides, "Any stipulation that the CMI, while a foreign corporation, has a license to do
arbitrators’ award or decision shall be final, is business in the Philippines and maintains a branch
valid, without prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039 and here, where Basso was hired to work.
The contract of employment was negotiated in the
Philippines. A purely consensual contract, it was also
The arbitral clause which was mutually and voluntarily
perfected in the Philippines when Basso accepted the
agreed upon by both parties is valid. There is no
terms and conditions of his employment as offered by
showing that IT WAS CONTRARY TO LAW,
CMI. The place of performance relative to Biasso's
contractual duties was in the Philippines. The alleged
prohibited acts of Basso that warranted his dismissal
were committed in the Philippines.
There is no showing that the parties have not dealt
with each other in equal footing. Clearly, the Philippines is the state with the most
significant relationship to the problem.
CMI that there is a conflict-of-laws issue that needs to
be resolved first. Where the facts establish the French Rule – crimes committed on board a foreign
existence of foreign elements, he case presents a merchant vessel shall not be prosecuted by the country
conflict-of-laws issue.39 The foreign element in a case within whose territorial jurisdiciton the crime was
nay appear in different forms, such as in this case, committed, unless the crime affects the peace and
where one of the parties s an alien and the other is security of the territory
domiciled in another state.
English Rule – crimes committed within the territory
Jurisdiction over Basso was acquired when he are generally triable within the courts of the country
filed the complaint, whereas jurisdiction over where they were committed.
CMI was obtained through the coercive process
of summons.

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