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NAMA = Alif Dwi Saputra

KELAS = XI Elind 3

Complete these sentences with question tags!

1. Let’s have a chat on the internet, SHALL WE?
2. Petrus hasn’t met me yet, has he?
3. The children aren’t going to Bandung by bus, are they?
4. When I phoned you last night, you were studying English, isn’t it?
5. They began to talk after class was over, didn’t they?
6. Ismed and I play football very well, don’t we?
7. Something must happen, isn’t it?
8. Shut up, will you?
9. Don’t be sad, will you?
10. Everybody will appreciate your kind behaviour, don’t they?
11.I have to type it again, don’t you?
12.It is an interesting programme, isn’t it?
13.He can’t bring an invitation letter, can he?
14.Discuss the problem, will you?
15.Don’t love me, will you?
16.I miss you so bad, will you?
17.I’m Indonesian, aren’t i?
18.You may come tomorrow, won’t you?
19.Stand up for your right, will you?
20.Everything’s gonna be alright, isn’t it?

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