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Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

DOI 10.1007/s10570-009-9317-x

An economic and environmental comparison

of a biochemical and a thermochemical lignocellulosic
ethanol conversion processes
Thomas D. Foust Æ Andy Aden Æ Abhijit Dutta Æ
Steven Phillips

Received: 20 October 2008 / Accepted: 24 May 2009 / Published online: 10 June 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract With the world’s focus on rapidly deploy- analysis there is not a distinct economic or environ-
ing second generation biofuels technologies, there mental impact difference between biochemical and
exists today a good deal of interest in how yields, thermochemical gasification processes for second
economics, and environmental impacts of the various generation ethanol production.
conversion processes of lignocellulosic biomass to
transportation fuels compare. Although there is a Keywords Biofuel  Biochemical 
good deal of information regarding these conversion Thermochemical  Biomass  Feedstock  Ethanol 
processes, this information is typically very difficult Corn stover  Gasification  Catalyst  Fuel synthesis 
to use on a comparison basis because different Pretreatment  Enzymatic hydrolysis  Fermentation 
underlying assumptions, such as feedstock costs, Energy efficiency  Emission  Inhibitor  Recycle 
plant size, co-product credits or assumed state of Mixed alcohol
technology, have been utilized. In this study, a
rigorous comparison of different biomass to trans-
portation fuels conversion processes was performed
with standard underlying economic and environmen- Introduction
tal assumptions so that exact comparisons can be
made. This study looked at promising second-gener- Transportation fuels are almost exclusively made
ation conversion processes utilizing biochemical and from crude oil, in fact over 97% of transportation fuel
thermochemical gasification technologies on both a needs are made from crude oil (Sandalow 2008). To
current and an achievable state of technology in 2012. reduce the dependence on crude oil to meet trans-
The fundamental finding of this study is that although portation needs, while simultaneously reducing the
the biochemical and thermochemical processes to environmental impacts of crude oil usage such as
ethanol analyzed have their individual strengths and greenhouse gas emissions, a number of countries and
weaknesses, the two processes have very comparable regions are rapidly developing and deploying biofuels
yields, economics, and environmental impacts. and have set some very aggressive goals for near-and
Hence, this study concludes that based on this long-term deployment. For example, the EU has
mandated that biofuels account for 10% of transpor-
tation fuel use by 2020 (Trostle 2008). Furthermore,
T. D. Foust (&)  A. Aden  A. Dutta  S. Phillips
the United States has set both a near term goal of a 20
National Bioenergy Center, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA percent reduction in 2007 gasoline usage by 2017 to
e-mail: be met predominantly with increased biofuels

548 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

production (US DOE Biomass Multi-Year Program [850 °C, to a gaseous intermediate (syngas), which
Plan 2008); as well as a long term ‘‘30 9 30’’ goal to consists of H2 and CO. A good review of the different
displace 30% of the 2006 gasoline demand with types of gasification techniques that exist and their
biofuels by 2030 (Foust et al. 2007). relative advantages and disadvantages is provided by
Although many countries are rapidly deploying Spath and Dayton (2003). Pyrolysis on the other
biofuels worldwide, this is almost exclusively first hand, is the milder depolymerization of biomass
generation biofuels technology. Brazil and the United producing a liquid intermediate (pyrolysis oil or ‘‘bio-
States are rapidly moving forward with developing oil’’) in the absence of oxygen at lower temperatures,
and deploying ethanol technology, with Brazil using typically in the range of 400–650 °C. Good reviews
sugarcane as the feedstock and the United States of pyrolysis techniques and the current technical
using corn. Brazilian sugar cane ethanol is generally status of these techniques are provided by Bridgwater
regarded as having little to no impact on primary food and Peacocke (2000) and Czernik and Bridgwater
supplies and prices, since Brazil has increased its (2004).
production of sugar cane to more than offset the Each primary technology conversion approach,
amount of sugar diverted to ethanol production. biochemical and thermochemical, has its particular
However, food supply and price concerns have been advantages; for example, high selectivity and con-
raised about corn ethanol production in the United version efficiencies are advantages commonly cited
States (Mitchell 2008) because corn grain is an for biochemical conversion (Himmel et al. 2007;
important food and animal feed commodity. The EU, Houghton et al. 2005), whereas technology robust-
the largest biodiesel producer, uses rapeseed oil as its ness and ability to accept a wide range of feedstocks
main feedstock and again concerns about fats and oils are advantages commonly put forward for thermo-
supplies and prices have been raised over the chemical conversion (Milne et al. 1998; Hallen et al.
diversion of rapeseed oil to biodiesel production. 1998). Although both conversion approaches have
Because of these concerns and the overall limita- their unique advantages, two main questions are
tions of first generation biofuels technology primarily commonly raised. (1) How do these processes
due to competition with feed and food production, compare both from a cost of conversion basis and
advanced or second generation biofuels technologies an efficiency basis both in the near and long term? (2)
will be required to meet aggressive volume goals for How do these processes compare from an environ-
biofuels deployment (Farrell et al. 2006). A number mental impact perspective.
of different conversion technologies exist (Farrell Some work has been done to date to address these
et al. 2006; Rammamorth et al. 2000; Huber et al. important questions. Wright and Brown (2007)
2006) for the conversion of cellulosic biomass to compared the economics of dry mill ethanol produc-
biofuels. The predominant differentiation between tion to cellulosic ethanol from a biochemical conver-
the conversion options is the primary catalysis system sion route (Wooley et al. 1999), as well as biomass
(Foust et al. 2008). Biochemical conversion routes thermochemically converted to methanol (Hamelinck
rely on biocatalysts, such as enzymes and microbial and Faaij 2002), hydrogen (Williams et al. 1995) and
cells, in addition to heat and chemicals to convert Fischer-Tropsch diesel (Timensen et al. 2002). They
biomass first to an intermediate mixed sugar stream concluded that based on the current state of techno-
and then to ethanol or other fermentation produced logy, neither the biochemical or thermochemical
biofuel. Conversely, thermochemical conversion approaches had clear cost advantages. Additionally,
technologies rely on heat and/or physical catalysts they concluded that both approaches for advanced
to convert biomass to an intermediate gas or liquid, biofuels production have opportunities to compete
followed by a conversion step to convert that against grain ethanol as corn prices continue to rise.
intermediate to a biofuel. Thermochemical conver- Zeman (2007) also looked at the merits of biochem-
sion technologies tend to be grouped in two distinct ical versus thermochemical routes for advanced
categories for fuel production: gasification and pyro- biofuel production and although no comparative
lysis (Energy production from biomass 2002). Gas- economics were presented in this report, Zeman
ification is a complete depolymerization of biomass concluded that marketplace economics should decide
with limited oxygen at high temperatures, typically which conversion approaches are utilized. Hamelinck

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 549

and Faaij (2005) looked at which of the biofuel biochemical and thermochemical biofuels, specific
options have the best potential for the short-term and conversion processes need to be chosen for analysis.
best long-term (2030) prospects and what develop- For purposes of this study, two peer-reviewed ethanol
ments are necessary to improve the performance of models were utilized with the same level of detail and
advanced biofuels production and use. There study same basis for design. The biochemical process
summarized and normalized results for methanol, design was originally published in 2002 by Aden
ethanol, hydrogen and synthetic diesel. They con- et al. (2002) and the thermochemical design was
cluded that methanol and FT diesel provide the best published in 2007 by Phillips et al. (2007) and
near term potential, with lignocellulosic ethanol Phillips (2007). These designs were based on targets
emerging in the near term with hydrogen ultimately deemed to be achievable in the 2012 timeframe. Both
providing the best long-term prospect but requiring of these designs utilized detailed Aspen Plus simu-
breakthroughs in hydrogen storage technology. lations to provide the material and energy balance
Although these studies address some important data using 2000 dry metric tonnes per day of biomass.
areas in providing economic assessments of advanced Spreadsheet-based discounted cash flow calculations
biofuels, significantly more work needs to be done in were also performed for both processes to generate
this regard since it is critical to the successful capital and operating costs. In addition, the lowest
development of advanced biofuels. Investors in ethanol price required to generate a 10% internal rate
advanced biofuels need credible information to use of return (IRR) was calculated. This is also known as
as a basis for making investments both in the near- the Minimum Ethanol Selling Price (MESP, $/gallon
and long-term and they want assurances that invest- ethanol). Detailed descriptions of these two processes
ments made in biorefineries will remain economically can be found in Aden and coworkers and Phillips and
viable over the long-term. Beyond the straightfor- coworkers reports referenced above. A general over-
ward economics of the conversion comparison issue, view of the respective processes is described next.
other questions need to be asked. These are: is either
approach better suited for particular feedstocks Biochemical process
(Perlack et al. 2005); is the higher temperature/higher
pressure thermochemical process more capital inten- The biochemical design is illustrated in Fig. 1 and
sive; and what are the major inhibitors/poisons for uses a corn stover feedstock. Baled corn stover is
each process? The objectives of this study are to delivered to the plant and the bales are washed and
perform a rigorous economic comparison of a milled. From there, the stover is loaded to
biochemical and thermochemical lignocellulosic eth- pretreatment at 30% total solids concentration.
anol conversion approach on both an operating cost Dilute sulfuric acid is used to solubilize much of
and capital cost basis. Additionally, this study the hemicellulose to soluble sugars during this step.
investigated yields, thermal efficiencies, and impor- Pretreatment also serves to disrupt the matrix of
tant sustainability metrics, such as water usage. biomass polymeric compounds in order to facilitate
enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis further downstream.
Once pretreated, the hydrolysate is conditioned
Methods using a process known as overliming. The liquor
and solid fractions of the hydrolysate are separated,
Biochemical and thermochemical technologies are and the liquor fraction is conditioned by adding
clearly not a ‘‘one size fits all’’; many possible sufficient lime to raise the pH to 10.0. This serves
configurations exist for each conversion approach. In to neutralize the acid present and provide further
biochemical conversion there are a multitude of detoxification. The reaction of lime and sulfuric
pretreatment approaches (Mosier et al. 2005), as well acid results in a gypsum precipitate that is sepa-
as fermentation approaches. In thermochemical con- rated from the process and hauled off as waste. The
version there are a multitude of gasification, as well conditioned liquor is then reacidified to the proper
as fuel synthesis options (Wender 1996), in addition pH (determined by the enzyme system) and mixed
to multiple pyrolysis to fuels options. However, in with the pretreated solids prior to entering enzy-
order to make more direct comparisons between matic saccharification.

550 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

Fig. 1 Biochemical
conversion process

In this design, a hybrid hydrolysis and fermenta- a triple-effect evaporator system to reduce the
tion (HHF) is utilized. Purchased cellulase enzymes hydraulic load that would otherwise be sent to
are added to the saccharification fermentors and the wastewater treatment. Much of the evaporated
biomass is loaded at 20% total solids. The mixture is condensate is recycled back to the front end of the
held at 65 °C for approximately 36 h. At this point, process while the evaporator syrup is sent to the
saccharification is largely but not entirely complete. combustor. The remaining stillage is then sent to
The mixture is then cooled to 41 °C and sent to anaerobic and aerobic wastewater treatment. Treated
fermentation, where the rest of the cellulose is water is also recycled within the process.
saccharified and Zymomonas mobilis bacteria (Gao
et al. 2002) ferment the sugars to ethanol. The total Thermochemical process
saccharification and fermentation residence time is
assumed to be 3 days. CO2 produced from fermen- The thermochemical design is illustrated in Fig. 2
tation is scrubbed of organics and vented to the and uses a different feedstock than the biochemical
atmosphere. design. Wood chips instead of corn stover are
The fermented broth is then distilled in a two- converted to ethanol and other higher alcohols though
column system to produce azeotropic ethanol. The a series of solid-phase and gas-phase reactions. Wood
azeotrope is then broken using conventional molec- chips are brought to the plant and then screened,
ular sieve dehydration technology. The stillage from milled, and dried. The wood is then gasified using a
distillation enters a series of dewatering steps. First, circulating fluidized bed indirect gasification system.
solid/liquid separation is used to recover the insol- Biomass char and a small slipstream of unreformed
uble lignin-rich residue. This is sent to a biomass synthesis gas are combusted and this heat is trans-
combustion system onsite where steam and electric- ferred to the gasifier through the circulation of hot
ity are generated to power the biorefinery. The sand (olivine) between the two process vessels. The
overall biorefinery as designed is steam-limited, crude synthesis gas (syngas) is primarily composed of
therefore excess electricity remains after meeting the CO, H2, CO2, CH4, tars, and water.
electric needs of the refinery. This is sold to the The tars (including benzene) are then reformed
power grid for a slight coproduct credit equal to into useful syngas using a fluidizeable tar reforming
$0.04/kWh. Once the insoluble residue is separated catalyst. De-activated reforming catalyst is separated
and combusted, the remaining liquor is sent through from the effluent syngas and regenerated on-line

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 551

Fig. 2 Thermochemical
conversion process

similarly to fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) tech- Table 1 summarizes many of the major discounted
nology used in petroleum refining. The hot syngas is cash flow parameter assumptions used for this
cooled through a series of heat exchange and water analysis. For site-specific projects, these parameters
scrubbing steps. The scrubber removes impurities will often vary depending on a company’s location,
such as particulates and residual tars. This scrubber business practices, desired profit margin, etc. The
water undergoes primary treatment onsite to recover assumptions in Table 1 represent a generalized list of
a portion of the quench water, while the rest is sent values, not tied to any specific site or company.
offsite for further wastewater treatment. The cooled Whereas this design assumes 100% of the financing
syngas is compressed to 435 psi before it enters an to come from equity sources (as opposed to loans), a
amine unit to remove a majority of the acid gases more typical business approach is to fund such a
(CO2, H2S) present. The CO2 is vented to the project with a mixture of debt and equity financing.
atmosphere and the sulfur is captured in its elemental Straight-line depreciation is not used in this analysis.
form using a Klaus-like unit called, LO-CAT. Instead, the IRS Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery
The cleaned and conditioned syngas is further
compressed to the required synthesis pressure and Table 1 Major economic parameters used in the cash flow
sent through a fixed-bed molybdenum-sulfide-based analysis
catalyst to synthesize a variety of mixed alcohols.
Plant life 20 years
After synthesis, the alcohols are cooled and con-
Discount rate 10%
densed away from the unconverted syngas. The
General plat depreciation Modified Accelerated Cost
unconverted syngas is recycled to the tar reformer Recovery System (MACRS)
while the condensed alcohols undergo distillation and General plant recovery period 7 years
purification to recover pure ethanol. Methanol is Steam plant depreciation 150% declining balance
recovered and recycled to the synthesis reactor in Steam plant recovery period 20 years
order to boost ethanol and higher alcohol yields. The Federal tax rate 39%
C3? alcohols are then sold as a co-product based on
Financing 100% equity
an assumed fuel value ($1.15/gallon). In this design,
Construction period 2.5 years
the steam cycle is integrated throughout the process
Working capital 5% of total capital investment
while driving compressors and generating electricity
Start-up time 6 months
as well.

552 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

System (MACRS) was used because it offered the was made for purposes of this study to keep the two
shortest recovery period and largest tax deductions. processes on the same cost basis, in reality markets
will determine actual feedstock costs and they may in
fact be different. The minimum ethanol-selling price
Discussion (MESP, $/gallon) is slightly lower for the thermo-
chemical process despite having lower ethanol yields
Costs—operating and capital than the biochemical process. One primary reason for
this is the fact that the total alcohol yield from
The biochemical and thermochemical ethanol design thermochemical production is slightly higher than for
reports were completed 5 years apart. As a result, biochemical production, and the higher alcohols co-
costs for much of the equipment and raw material product returns a larger co-product credit than the
inputs (chemicals, etc.) were developed using differ- power credit the biochemical process receives. Sub-
ent year’s dollars. Because of inflation and other tracting the co-product credits from the respective
factors, the time value of money for each year MESP values results in ethanol costs that are almost
changes. Therefore, it was necessary to put all costs identical, especially within the margin of uncertainty
in the same year’s dollars in order to make them all for these models.
more directly comparable. This was done using a As shown the Total Product Investment of each
factored indexing approach for capital costs, chem- process is also substantially similar (within 5%).
ical costs, and labor costs as described by Aden and Investigating these capital costs in more detail has
coworkers and Phillips and coworkers using well revealed that the installation factors used in each
known cost indices. The cost indices for non-labor study differ. The biochemical study used individual
costs have risen significantly since 2003 due to a installation factors for each separate piece of equip-
variety of international demands for materials and ment, whereas the thermochemical study used a
increased energy costs. For this comparison, all costs single average factor for the entire process. Also, the
are shown using year $2007. biochemical overall average installation factor was
A direct comparison of the costs is shown in 1.6, whereas the thermochemical average was 2.5.
Table 2 for biochemical and thermochemical ethanol The installation factors and added capital costs used
processes. Process alcohol yields are also shown. in these reports were obtained from multiple sources,
Note that while the feedstocks are different for each including standard engineering texts and engineering
process, identical delivery costs ($46/dry ton) are experience for design and construction of similar
assumed. The identical feedstock price assumption industrial processes (starch-based ethanol and pulp

Table 2 Cost comparison between biochemical and thermochemical ethanol production from biomass
Biochemical Thermochemical

Year dollars ($) $2007 $2007

Feedstock Corn stover Wood chips
Minimum ethanol selling price, MESP ($/gallon) $1.33 $1.22
Total installed cost ($MM) $127 $151
Total project investment ($MM) $220 $210
Delivered feedstock cost ($/dry ton) $46 $46
CoProduct credit Electricity ($0.04/kWh) Higher Alcohols (C3?) ($1.15/gallon)
CoProduct credit/gallon EtOH $0.09 $0.21
Ethanol production (MM Gal/yr) 69.3 61.8
Total alcohol production (MM Gal/yr) 69.3 72.6
Ethanol yield (gal/dry ton feed) 89.7 80.1
Total alcohol yield (gal/dry ton feed) 89.7 94.1

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 553

Fig. 3 Biochemical costs Capital Recovery Charge Raw Materials & Waste Process Electricity
distributed by process area Grid Electricity Total Plant Electricity Fixed Costs

Biomass 51.1¢

Feed Handling (Included in Price of Purchased Feedstock)

Pretreatment /
Conditioning 24.7¢

Hybrid Hydrolysis
& Fermentation

Cellulase Enzyme 9.9¢

Distillation and Solids


Wastewater Treatment 2.4¢

13.0¢ (Net)
Utilities 5.1¢

Storage 1.3¢ $1.33 MESP

-$0.20 -$0.10 $0.00 $0.10 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60

Fig. 4 Thermochemical Capital Recovery Charge Catalysts, Raw Materials, & Waste Process Electricity
costs distributed by process Electricity Generated Co-Product Credits Fixed Costs
Feedstock 57.3¢

Feed Handling & Drying 14.4¢

Gasification 11.1¢

Tar Reforming; Acid

Gas & Sulfur Removal

Alcohol Synthesis -
Compression 9.7¢

Alcohol Synthesis -
Other -17.8¢ (Net)

Alcohol Separation 4.5¢

Steam System &

Power Generation 5.4¢ (Net)

Cooling Water & Other

Utilities 3.4¢ $1.22 MESP

-$0.30 -$0.20 -$0.10 $0.00 $0.10 $0.20 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.70

and paper). These installation and other economic residue boiler and turbogenerator section represents a
factors are being further investigated to determine huge portion of the overall capital costs; however,
what realistic difference might be expected between much of this is offset by the heat and power generated
the two processes. for the process. Therefore, the net cost of this process
The costs are further broken down into respective area is diminished. The next largest net cost area of
process areas as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. For both the biochemical process is pretreatment and condi-
cases, the single largest cost component is the tioning, accounting for $0.25/gallon (or 19%) of the
biomass feedstock, though the absolute contribution overall cost. Much of this is due to the high capital
in $/gallon differs because of the different ethanol cost of the pretreatment reactors needed for dilute
process yields. In the biochemical process, the lignin sulfuric acid. For the thermochemical process, the

554 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

largest cost area is the tar reforming and syngas analysis was completed using a lower heating value
conditioning section, which accounts for $0.34/gallon basis (LHV). An HHV basis is convenient for a
(or 28%) of the overall cost. Reductions in costs for biochemical process since there is a lot of liquid water
pretreatment and syngas cleanup and conditioning flowing through the process, and for an HHV basis, the
will lead to significant reductions in the overall cost liquid process water has virtually zero contribution to
of ethanol for each process. This also helps to explain the energy potential of any stream, with the exception
why each of these respective areas is a key focus of of minor sensible heat differences between stream
process R&D. temperatures and the reference temperature (25 °C).
It is important to remember that each of these For the base case thermochemical process the calcu-
respective designs do not represent current techno- lated LHV and HHV basis efficiencies for the overall
logy, but rather future states of technology that need process (45.9 and 47.4% respectively) were close and
to be achieved for the conversion processes to be cost within 2%. Note that the differences in LHV and HHV
competitive. For example, the cellulase enzyme cost based efficiencies reflect the relative closeness of the
in Fig. 1 equates to roughly $0.10/gallon ethanol. ratios of LHV and HHV of the input biomass and the
However current estimates (Aden 2008) put today’s product alcohols and not that the LHV and HHV of the
cellulase enzyme systems at least three times this products are very close (they differ by about 10% for
amount or higher. This context must be kept in mind the product alcohols).
when comparing biochemical and thermochemical Table 3 presents a summary of the energy analysis
processes. for both biochemical and thermochemical processes.
The overall energy efficiency of the thermochemical
Energy efficiencies process as designed is 47.4% on an HHV basis,
whereas the overall energy efficiency of the bio-
The overall energy efficiencies of each process were chemical process on an HHV basis is 53.2%.
also compared, though direct comparison is somewhat However, this result is well within the margin of
difficult. Each process was analyzed to compare the error for this type of analysis, so essentially both
energy available in its products to the maximum energy processes can be considered 50% efficient (±5%)
available from the biomass feed. However, the bio- based on the ratio of the energy content of ethanol
chemical energy analysis was completed using a higher and co-products to the energy content of the
heating value (HHV) basis and the thermochemical feedstock. For the biochemical process, the energy

Table 3 Overall energy analysis for biochemical and thermochemical ethanol production
Biochemical (HHV-basis) Thermochemical (LHV-basis)
Energy flow Ratio to Energy flow Ratio to
(MMBTU/h) feedstock energy (MMBTU/h) feedstock energy

Energy inlets
Feedstock 1420.7 1.000 1269.7 (wet) 1.000
Air 7.9 0.006 2.3 0.002
Water -7.9 -0.006 -133.4 -0.105
Energy outlets
Ethanol 690.5 0.486 619.1 0.488
Coproduct 63.5 0.045 122.1 (C3? Alcohols) 0.096
Cooling tower 313.5 0.221 17.0 0.013
Flue gas 214.3 0.151 46.2 0.037
Compressor heat – – 178.3 0.140
Heat from air-cooled exchangers – – 222.0 0.175
Other 138.9 0.098 -66.1 -0.052

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 555

losses from the system are primarily from the cooling The negative flows seen in the analysis represent
tower and from the flue gas. Ambient losses amount water streams where the temperature is lower than the
to 6%. For the thermochemical process, energy losses reference temperature.
from the system come substantially through air-
cooled heat exchangers and from compressor heat Environmental assessment
losses. The cooling tower evaporation losses are
much lower than for the biochemical process because The emissions profile for both processes is surpris-
less cooling was required from the cooling water. ingly similar. This data is shown in Table 4 for all
This was done in order to minimize overall process solid, liquid, and gaseous emissions from these
water demand. Flue gas losses were also small processes as designed. Each process has two primary
compared to those seen in the biochemical process. vapor emissions point sources: a flue gas stream and a

Table 4 Emissions from biochemical and thermochemical ethanol processes

Description Solids Liquid (N/A) Vapor
Gypsum waste Boiler ash Scrubbed fermentation offgas Flue gas

Total flowrate (kg/h) 7,347 4,492 24,013 352,975
Component flowrates (kg/h)
Water 1,261 0 432 68,775
N2 0 0 0 206,380
O2 0 0 196 10,278
CO2 0 0 23,381 65,695
CO 0 0 0 61
CH4 0 0 0 3
NOx 0 0 0 61
SOx 0 0 0 100
Other 452 177 4 1,622
Ash 0 4,287 0 0
Gypsum 5,634 28 0 0
Description Solids Liquid Vapor
Sand and ash Sulfur Wastewater Flue gas CO2 vent

Total flowrate (kg/h) 1,101 49 528 452,822 23,878
Component flowrates (kg/h)
Water 110 0 528 102,108 0
N2 0 0 0 240,887 0
O2 0 0 0 10,978 0
CO2 0 0 0 80,955 23,878
CO 0 0 0 0 0
CH4 0 0 0 0 0
NOx 0 0 0 122 0
SOx 0 0 0 51 0
Other \1 49 \1 17,721 \1
Sand and ash 991 0 0 0 0

556 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

carbon dioxide vent stream. When totaled, slightly inhibitors (feedstock or byproduct of processing) and
more CO2 is emitted from the thermochemical process the mechanisms of inhibition. More specifically,
than the biochemical process. The thermochemical researchers have begun to explore this issue in detail
process also has one liquid stream that is sent to by: (1) developing high throughput methods to analyze
wastewater for treatment whereas the biochemical hydrolysates for the presence of toxic compounds, (2)
process has wastewater treatment designed onsite. identifying novel interactions between individual
Both processes also have two solids waste streams. components, (3) determining the mode of action of
Each process has an ash stream from combustion. The toxic compounds individually and in combination, (4)
higher ash in the biochemical process is reflective of determining the method by which fermentation micro-
the fact that corn stover has a higher ash content than organisms respond to these compounds, and (5) using
the wood chips used in the thermochemical process. this information to craft hypotheses for improved
The thermochemical process has an additional ele- conditioning methods for hydrolysate and for genetic
mental sulfur stream that can be sold as a refined manipulation of the fermentation organism to enhance
product, whereas the biochemical process has a resistance to the toxic compounds.
gypsum waste stream that is very impure and must Understanding the source and mode of action of
be disposed of as waste. NREL is examining the use of hydrolysate toxic compounds and the means by
ammonium hydroxide instead of lime in the condi- which some organisms develop a resistance to these
tioning area (Jennings and Schell 2006), and this compounds (Pienkos and Zhang 2008) is important so
design change would eliminate the gypsum waste. that effective conditioning approaches can be devel-
In addition to the emissions shown in Table 4, oped to reduce this toxicity. Synergies have been
evaporation losses from cooling utilities are about detected in simple combinations of known inhibitors,
70,000 kg/h for the thermochemical and 168,000 kg/h and the ability to test for toxic effects in a high
for the biochemical processes, with further scope for throughput manner will allow the identification of
reductions in the biochemical process. more complex combinations of individual com-
pounds or fractions. Systematic studies (Zhang and
Catalyst inhibitors and poisons Nagle 2008) have also been conducted to analyze the
chemical composition of the hydrolysates and to
Catalysts for the biochemical process, with the correlate them against organism growth kinetics. The
exception of the dilute sulfuric acid used during chemical analysis of hydrolysates, including both
pretreatment, are by definition biological, whereas organic and inorganic compounds, has revealed
the catalysts for the thermochemical process are compositional differences between the ammonia
synthetic manufactured catalysts. Therefore, the par- hydroxide conditioned and overlimed hydrolysates,
ticular inhibitors and poisons for each system are indicating that the mechanism of inhibitor removal is
significantly different. different for these two conditioning methods. Inor-
Biological catalysts include both the enzymes as ganic salts/ions primarily due to their high concen-
well as the fermenting organisms, which can be yeast tration after conditioning, along with the sugar
or bacteria. One of the most important inhibitors to the degradation products and acetic acid, have been
organisms is acetic acid. This is largely derived from shown to be important contributors to the toxicity of
the raw feedstock itself, particularly the acetyl groups hydrolysate on microbial growth. Data suggests that
within the hemicellulosic matrix. There are effective either inorganic or organic compounds can be the
conditioning methods (ion exchange) and agents (lime, dominant contributor to this toxicity, depending on
ammonium hydroxide) for reducing the toxicity of their relative concentrations.
pretreated biomass hydrolysate; however, these steps In the thermochemical process, the tar reforming
add cost to the process and also have the potential to catalyst is utilized to reform the tars to additional
reduce sugar yields. Ongoing research is currently syngas. The assumed catalyst is nickel-based, and
focused on developing a more fundamental under- therefore is extremely susceptible to sulfur com-
standing of what compounds are inhibiting the fer- pounds, such as H2S. Chlorine ions can also be
mentation organisms for the biochemical process, and inhibitory or toxic to these catalysts as well. These
this research is also investigating the origin of these inhibitors are also largely derived from the feedstocks

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 557

being used. Ongoing research activities are geared Table 5 Typical dry basis percent compositions of corn stover
towards minimizing the effects of sulfur and other and hardwood
compounds that may deactivate the catalysts. One Component Corn Yellow poplar
approach that is being explored is the use of sulfur stover (hardwood)
sorbents for in-line use to reduce the concentration of
Glucan 37.4 42.67
sulfur that the catalyst sees (Torres et al. 2007).
Xylan 21.1 19.05
Another synergistic approach that is being investi-
Lignin 18.0 27.68
gated (Albertazzi et al. 2007) is to determine the
Ash 5.2 1.0
exact mechanism of deactivation and given this
Acetate 2.9 4.64
information make the determination if it is reversible
Protein 3.1
or irreversible deactivation. In other words, research-
Extractives 4.7
ers are determining the regeneration capacity of these
Arabinan 2.9 0.79
catalysts in the presence of sulfur and other
inhibitors. Galactan 2.0 0.24
In prior research, catalytic deactivation models Mannan 1.6 3.93
with residual activity were developed and evaluated Unknown soluble solids* 1.1
based on experimentally measured changes in con- Moisture 15.0% 47.98%
version efficiencies as a function of time on stream * Indicates that the compound ‘‘unknown soluble solids’’ is
for the catalytic reforming of tars, benzene, methane, something not measured experimentally, but is used within the
and ethane (Bain et al. 2005). Both first- and second- model to close material balance of the dry wt biomass to 100%
order models were evaluated for the reforming Italicized values helps to separate the assumed moisture
content of the feedstock from the rest of the dry weight
reaction and for catalyst deactivation. Comparison composition
of experimental and modeling results showed that the
reforming reactions were adequately modeled by compositions of corn stover compared to yellow
either first-order or second-order global kinetic poplar. There are other more potent inhibitors present
expressions. in smaller quantities, such as aromatic aldehydes and
The mixed alcohols synthesis catalyst; however, is C6 to C9 organic acids (McMillan 1994). High
not poisoned by sulfur. In fact, the molybdenum concentrations of salts and metal ions in the feedstock
sulfide (MoS2)-based catalyst that was assumed for also inhibit fermentation. Other fermentation inhibi-
this study must actually be sulfided in order to tors, such as hydroxy-methyl-furfural (HMF) and
maintain activity. Less is known about what specific furfural are formed by the degradation of sugars
compounds are inhibitory to these catalysts. What is during the pretreatment process are a function of the
known is that compounds such as CO2 and CH4, can conversion process and can be reduced by process
act either as diluents or can reduce the alcohol yields modifications and are hence not directly related to
if present in sufficient quantities or partial pressures. feedstock composition. Besides inhibitors, other com-
positional aspects can also influence the processing,
Feedstock considerations e.g., softwoods (pine) contain considerably higher
amounts of mannan than hardwoods (hybrid poplar)
It is important to choose the correct process techno- (Wyman 1996). The mannan needs to be converted to
logy to make the best of the variations in feed ethanol in order to increase process yields. This is
compositions. Depending on the conversion process, usually not a problem, considering that even common
physical and chemical characteristics of the feedstock Baker’s yeast can ferment mannose to ethanol.
can lead to the formation of compounds that are Biomass composition also affects thermochemical
detrimental or inhibitory to the conversion process. processing, albeit in a different manner. Gasification
For example, acetic acid derived from acetylated converts the organic portion of biomass into syngas,
pentosans (e.g., xylan) in hemicellulose is usually the hydrocarbons and some tars. The inorganics, predom-
most abundant inhibitor for biochemical processing. inantly salts and alkaline earth metals, are carried
Acetyl groups are more abundant in hardwoods through as ash. The presence of ash will increase
compared to corn stover. Table 5 shows the conversion costs even after the cost of the feedstock is

558 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

adjusted for the weight of the ash (Aden et al. 2002). sources. Pinch analysis was used to develop an
Ash content in corn stover is significantly higher than integrated system of heat exchangers that generate
in wood; wood is the preferred feedstock for thermo- process steam and increase the overall energy
chemical conversion in this respect. The ability of efficiency of the process.
thermochemical processes to convert the lignin Process recycle is employed in the biochemical
portion of the biomass to liquid fuels, also points to process mostly in the form of water recycle. In fact,
advantages of converting wood, which has higher process water recycle is crucial for both processes in
lignin content. Sulfur content in feedstock is detri- order to minimize the overall water demand of the
mental to catalysts for tar reforming and alcohol biorefinery. In the biochemical process, a number of
synthesis. Although a considerable amount of work is unit operations are used to dewater and purify process
focused on making tar-reforming catalysts more streams, including pressure belt filters, triple-effect
sulfur tolerant (Sato and FujiMoto 2007; Nishikawa evaporators, and onsite water treatment (anaerobic
et al. 2008) the task becomes more difficult with and aerobic). This water is then recycled back to
increased amounts of sulfur in the feed. Results from various locations within the process, including pre-
ultimate analysis have shown that sulfur contents are treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Similar water
2–8 times higher in corn stover compared to wood (Yu recycle techniques are also used in conventional
et al. 2007). The higher sulfur content in corn stover biofuels processes that utilize corn grain to provide
makes it more difficult to process thermochemically. what are known as ‘‘net zero discharge’’ designs.
Process designs should factor the anticipated Because of this significant process water recycle, most
variations in feedstock. More specifically, if a of the water demand for biochemical processes is
thermochemical plant will handle only woody feed- actually makeup to compensate for losses from
stocks it can get away with catalysts with lower sulfur utilities instead (Aden 2007). The biochemical pro-
tolerance and minimal sulfur removal mechanisms. cess as currently designed uses 6 gallons of water per
There usually are inherent advantages of using either gallon of ethanol produced, which is approximately
the biochemical or thermochemical process for a twice as high as commercial corn ethanol. However,
chosen feedstock. This should be recognized before water optimization has not been employed for this
picking a process. The details of the processing steps process and several opportunities for water reduction
will also be determined by the specifics of the range have been identified. For the thermochemical process,
of expected feedstock variability. water reduction strategies have been implemented,
which have successfully brought water use below
Integration and recycle 2 gallons per gallon of ethanol. Water reduction and
optimization will be key aspects of the updated
There are two key design elements that have been biochemical design report to be completed for the
applied to both the biochemical and thermochemical DOE Office of the Biomass Program by mid-2009.
processes utilized for this study: (1) energy self- Recycled materials in the thermochemical process
sufficiency and integration, and (2) significant pro- are primarily unconverted syngas and methanol. The
cess recycle. These are very important aspects that unconverted syngas leaving the mixed alcohol syn-
improve energy efficiency, reduce process costs, and thesis reactor can be used in a variety of ways. It can
enable both processes to be more sustainable. be combusted to generate process heat, recycled to the
In the biochemical process, energy self-sufficiency throat of the fuel synthesis reactor, or recycled to the
comes from combusting lignin-rich residue to gener- gasifier or tar reformer. Recycling the unconverted
ate steam and electricity for the biorefinery. Sufficient syngas back across the tar reformer has several
residue exists to fully meet the heating and electric advantages including avoiding the buildup of methane
demands of the plant. In the thermochemical process, in the process and producing higher overall yields.
a slipstream of unreformed syngas is combusted
(along with the char from the gasifier) to provide the Biofuels other than ethanol
entire energy needs of the biorefinery. While this
slightly lowers the overall ethanol yields, it does Whereas many feedstocks are appropriate for both
eliminate the need to purchase fossil-derived energy conversion processes, there are also many different

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 559

biofuels that can be produced from both processes as not met, the cost of the overall conversion process is
well. Alcohols (methanol, ethanol, butanol, mixed affected to various degrees. Sensitivity analyses have
alcohols) can be made from either process. Hydro- been performed (Foust et al. 2007) on the cost
carbon fuels can also be manufactured both biochem- impacts on the individual targets and are shown in
ically and thermochemically. Companies such as LS9 Figs. 5 and 6 for the biochemical and thermochem-
and Amyris Biotechnologies have recently developed ical process respectively. Market and financial cost
processes for biological production of these hydro- sensitivities are also included for completeness. For
carbons, while thermochemical production of hydro- both the biochemical and thermochemical cases these
carbons, through Fischer-Tropsch and other cost sensitivity analyses show that for the technical
chemistries, have been known and researched for targets, it is not a single area that dominates but rather
decades. The analysis presented in this paper is a number of areas that combine to have a significant
specific to ethanol and since conversion processes are impact on the overall cost effectiveness of the
somewhat unique to the biofuel produced, it is not processes. This is in contrast to the market and
reasonable to draw general conclusions about the financial sensitivities where clearly plant size and
overall economics of biochemical and thermochem- required Return on Investment (ROI) have the
ical conversion processes for biofuels production overwhelming effect on the overall process cost.
from the results of this study. Foust et al. (2007) outlined a research plan aligned by
key barriers to achieve and demonstrate at the pilot
Technical barriers towards achieving analyzed states plant scale the states of technology outlined in Aden
of technology and coworkers and Phillips and coworkers for
biochemical and thermochemical conversion, respec-
As stated earlier, the comparison cases for both the tively. Conversion costs can be reduced by increasing
biochemical and thermochemical do not represent the efficiencies or reducing capital costs recognizing that
current state of technology, but instead a near-term these two factors are highly interrelated.
state of technology that could be achieved with an Based on this cost sensitivity analyses, R&D
aggressive applied R&D program. When any target is programs need to address all of these areas in an

Fig. 5 Cost sensitivity

analyses for biochemical

560 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

Fig. 6 Cost sensitivity Recycling Unconverted Syngas to Synthesis Reactor (25%:0%:0%)

Catalyst cost ($2.50:$5.25:$2,250 per lb)
analyses for Catalyst Poison Allowability (100:50:10 ppm)
Catalyst Lifetime (10 yrs:5yrs: 1 yr)
thermochemical conversion Total Alcohol Catalyst Productivity (1,000:600:200 g/kg-cat/hr)
Operating Pressure (800:1000:2,000 psia)
CO Selectivity to Alcohols (95%:90%:70%)
Single Pass CO conversion (80%:60%:30%)

Level of CO2 removal (10:5:0.1 mol%)

Acid Gas Removal Costs (-10%:baseline:+100%)
Tar Reformer Equipment Costs (-10%:baseline:+100%)
Combined Tar Reformer Conversions
Tar Reformer Tar Conversion (99.9%:99.9%:95%)
Tar Reformer Benzene Conversion (99.9%:99%:90%)
Tar Reformer Methane Conversion (95%:80%:50%)

Olivine cost (1/10:baseline:10X)

Reduced CH4 to CO (baseline:baseline:25%)

Feed Moisture Content (15%:50%:70%)

Sulfur Content (Baseline to 4X)
Feedstock Quality - Ash (1%:1%:12%)
Feedstocks (Lignin:wood:Corn Stover)
Feedstock Cost ($10:$35:$53 per dry ton)

Loan vs. Equity Financing (100% debt @ 7.5%:100% Equity:100% Equity)

Financial / Market
Return on Investment (0%:10%:30%)
Contingency (0%:3%:15% of TIC)
Average Installation Factors (-10%:baseline:+30%)
Total Project Investment (-10%:baseline:+30%)

Plant Size (10,000:2000:600 dry tonnes/day).

Co-Product Values (69% Chemical Market:baseline:Fuel Oil Value)
($0.50) ($0.25) $0.00 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50

Fig. 7 Process schematic

for biochemical conversion

integrated manner to ensure the highest probability of and development needed to address the technical
success in achieving the required state of technology barriers for the individual unit operations as well as
for cost competitiveness. Following is a brief the integration challenges for the overall conversion
description of the major areas that need to be process.
Pretreatment and hydrolysate conditioning
Biochemical conversion
The main functions of pretreatment are to hydrolyze
Achieving the assumed level of technology perfor- the hemicellulose structural polysaccharides to oligo-
mance will require additional technology advance- meric and monomeric sugars, and to condition the
ment in the key areas of pretreatment, enzymatic cellulose to make it more susceptible to cellulase
hydrolysis, and fermentation processes. Figure 7 enzymatic digestion. Ideally, pretreatment processes
depicts the overall biochemical conversion process accomplish these objectives at the highest solids
and the technical barrier areas that will need to be loadings possible to maximize capital utilization and
addressed for each particular unit operation to at the mildest possible process conditions to mini-
achieve the target state of technology used in this mize sugar degradation and the need for conditioning.
study. The following sections highlight the research Aden et al. identified overliming as the most

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 561

promising conditioning process for the hydrolyzate progress has been made in this regard and there are a
for dilute acid pretreatment. Although effective, number of microorganisms under development for
overliming is problematic because it requires an fermenting biomass mixed sugars to ethanol. The
associated solid–liquid separation step that increases target state of technology in Aden et al. (2002) has a
both capital and operating costs; it also leads to fermentation organism that converts 95% of glucose
significant sugar losses. There are other hydrolysate and 85% of all hemicellulose sugars to a minimum
conditioning processes under development, i.e., six percent ethanol titer in 3 days in a combined
ammonia conditioning (Phillips 2007) that signifi- hybrid saccharification and fermentation.
cantly reduce sugar losses when compared to over-
liming and show promise for not requiring an Integration/process engineering R&D
associated solid–liquid separation step. Ideally, the
need for conditioning could be eliminated altogether It is important that all the unit operations integrate into
by reducing the severity of pretreatment and/or an efficient overall conversion process. Whereas
increasing the robustness of fermentation organisms. performance targets for individual unit operations
There are some pretreatments under development are defined as levels of conversion at specific condi-
(Lau et al. 2008) that show considerable promise for tions, overall integration targets are defined as overall
eliminating or greatly reducing the need for extensive cost, both capital and operating, efficiency and
conditioning that would be very beneficial both from availability. Ideally, the overall conversion process
a capital and operating cost, as well as an overall is as simple as possible and robust providing maxi-
process simplicity perspective. These reduced sever- mum availability.
ity pretreatments tend to produce more of the
hemicellulose sugars as oligomers versus monomers Thermochemical conversion
for the higher severity pretreatments, thus developing
low-cost hemicellulase enzymes, such as exo-xylan- The thermochemical conversion case assumed in the
ases to hydrolyze these oligomers to monomers will Phillips et al. (2007) study utilizes indirect gasifica-
be required (Selig et al. 2008). tion as the gasification approach. Although very
attractive from a cost and efficiency perspective,
Enzymatic production and hydrolysis indirect gasification faces some significant challenges
for syngas quality. Achieving the target state of
Although considerable progress has been made to technology used in this study requires additional
date on reducing the cost of cellulase enzymes (Terter technology advancement in key areas of gas cleanup,
et al. 2006; Genecor and release 2004) much more conditioning and fuels synthesis. Figure 8 depicts the
needs to be done in this regard to achieve the target overall thermochemical conversion process and the
state of technology used in this study. There are two technical barrier areas that will need to be addressed
research paths that need to be pursued to reduce for each particular unit operation to achieve the target
enzyme costs: increase enzyme-specific activity and state of technology used in this study. The following
decrease the enzyme production costs. Although both sections describe the R&D needed to overcome these
research paths are necessary to accomplish the barriers for the individual unit operations as well as
enzyme cost reduction goals, the development of the overall integrated conversion process.
enzymes with increased specific activities provides
the added benefit of reducing saccharification time, Gasification
which increases capital utilization.
Mixed alcohol synthesis, like most gas to liquid
Fermentation processes, is very sensitive to gas quality and
composition. Although indirect gasification in gen-
Developing a robust, commercially available micro- eral looks very good for economically producing
organism (yeast or bacteria) capable of fermenting syngas at large scales, it has the problem of producing
both the 5- and 6- carbon biomass sugars to ethanol is relatively high amounts of tars in the gas stream
a major barrier that needs to be overcome. Significant (Zwart and Boerrigter 2005). Although there have

562 Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565

Fig. 8 Thermochemical
conversion process and
technical barrier areas

been a number of studies on the amounts and types of Mixed-alcohol synthesis

tars formed during biomass indirect gasification
(Carpenter et al. 2007; Nunes et al. 2008), surpris- The commercial success of mixed-alcohol synthesis
ingly little has been done to understand the processes has been limited by poor selectivity and low product
that lead to tar formation. Fundamental heat and mass yields. Single-pass yields are on the order of 10%
transfer as well as tar kinetic mechanistic studies are syngas conversion (38.5% carbon monoxide conver-
required for developing a better understanding of how sion) to alcohol, with methanol typically being the
tars are formed; this can lead to the ultimate goal of most abundant alcohol produced (Wender 1996;
designing indirect gasifiers that produce lesser Herman 2000). Improvements in mixed-alcohol syn-
amounts of tars. thesis catalysts that increase alcohol yields and the
selectivity of ethanol are needed. These catalyst
Gas cleanup and conditioning improvements would have the added benefit of
improving the overall economics of the process by
Although water quench is an effective approach for requiring fewer syngas recycling loops and thus
removing tars and other particulates from the syngas, facilitate better efficiencies of the overall process.
it is highly problematic from both efficiency and
waste disposal perspectives. Additionally, steam Integration and demonstration
methane reforming of methane and other light
hydrocarbons adds an additional step that is undesir- For any sophisticated conversion process, combining
able from both a cost and operational simplicity individual unit operations into a complete, integrated,
perspective. Therefore, consolidated tar and light efficient process is a significant challenge. As is the
hydrocarbon catalytic reforming into additional syn- case for the biochemical conversion process, the
gas in a single step is highly desirable from a number integration challenge is to design and validate a
of perspectives. Although a number of catalysts exist conversion process that affords maximum efficiencies
that show these types of activities they tend to and operational robustness.
deactivate fairly quickly in the sulfur environments
that are typically seen for biomass gasification
(Magrini-Bair et al. 2007). The challenge is to Conclusion
develop catalysts and/or regeneration protocols that
maintain high tar and light hydrocarbon reforming This study performed a rigorous comparison of a
activities over extended operating periods. biochemical and thermochemical biomass to biofuels

Cellulose (2009) 16:547–565 563

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