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The Astrology of Love Venus Aspects and Your Love Life by Kelly Surtees emis hastong been admiced as ple cating at party, lamin from the instance, with Venus and Mercy in te brightest sar. The oldest reference interaction. Aspects change by transit aspect, casey and communicaon linking Vest love dats back 9 Mes- om one dayo the net, so your natal fete inrelatonsip, whe wth Venos opotamis in 660 CE, so her connee- aspectsare pat af hat males your and duper in aspect, love ae elation fiom vith romance ancient ‘tology uri. ‘hips apt an adventurous se Hon Modern sstrloger use your er “The five erga or Pokemale, ever, f Plo aapects Venus, ove is sonal Venus desabeyourlove se, aspect are theconkneion (0), sek. be deep and intense, See Table 2) as welsh relationship experiences. He (60), square 0" tne (1207) and Ifyouve sl learing about your ‘Venus has twelve dilentiove aft-oppostion (180%) Each aspect has fs _planets read through the various peo face, based onthe gn inuhich she's ohm qualy, For example, planet that flew snd ace whith ont) most tt placed in yourbith chart However, are conunc rived together, Bie your deste and lave experiences I {even mere important than sour Venus fo people running a theedenged race. you faa wilh your oun chat, sion are any planets that aspect, and They blend together, operating asasin- skp aad tothe prof of the plants ‘hereto indsene, Ver gleunit However, planets insquare tha aspect your Venus. spect can get in each thera, Aspects ‘eating tension and fleton. (See Venus-Moon Popes sect planetay geomet. Tablet, Ul) Hy hae Ue Me ae Wen “They show the unique ways mn which ‘You Verustakas onthe qual _aspec. ane of your primary lve neds diferent planes connect. By forming tes of any planet apecing her, sothat i fo be cated foro proteced. The ‘spect, planets exchange enemy and yournds and wants iniove become Moon linked to mesherna, sor You, ‘ody each ether'stases Ihe Wo peo- caloured by thee exza themes. For love invohes a nuring quay ‘You may stuaae wats the “mater! Table 1: The Ptolemaic Aspects lover lemma. Relationships demand [Aspect [Degrees z ‘hat you stake a balaee between ‘Meaning : sion, blending, ogetheress imthina orig fe ape Supt, How, ge romantic of ove Vers). Fiton, With Venus nd Be Moon in Cooperative, conneced amar spect, yon tobe protective Ctoved ones and can eno eng ‘wded. Ths may push Youn ray {emoy, where your reaorship ends ‘being about ning th the pe [eee $0, ang te energy or pace for dein cesive, exis sresoo ego; Ende | panini hee veneen Protective, uring, senaive, domestic Providing supper wihout smothering Curious, converatona,ighhearled, fede] Someone sper a hey love leon, ‘Afecionste, romani, atl, considerate, wing to compro ‘Sine the Moon ao Inked to. ‘Aatve, seve elavere, oubpolen family, you may have sonal, | Generous, advenfirous, open-minded foigncomnecions faim | 2bout the importance of having chien nn ene i cone | a heen apa of voe le Seow cone, ing our genes, eporsbir | "haga tons paolo ‘Conunetion ([Sesate ‘Unconventional, independent, fuetoting, eectie saint or opposion, a Venu-Mocn, renmy, rman, sptsal, eat srugls with boudates | ping can ndcate having o ake Tntense, power magnet: ca inate contol themes ‘holes betacen a vlatorshipbesed Feb Mer, 2004 6 HA eo yattosaylnaeationship that's vo wants to have fun wth roman, Venus and Love rirerwering rater than be alone. rather than geting too bonged down n ‘Raby sense of yel-esoor, of intense ot hea sutlons, Of course, onthe un, sexy, educive se of de slow, elp you lo make pose the sigsof Vers and Mercy wl ar fan cssren amy elaonshpcoles. Wh Venus con- moderate this however, your cre ove and domes Moon) Junct the Sun, you are wing and need of mental connection, conve Tie to compromise Yurinaactis ton, and vtbal expression remain co Venus-sun weather poople fist so aming 10 sant egw ofthe sans TJemusts newer mote than 47 separate your need from the needs of ges fom the Sun so the one Pict those you love is imprint ‘Venus-Mars. rel expen thas pose between "Venus ond Mars re kxown asthe fosusand Vonusisthe conjineson. Venus-Mercury cosmic lovers, and you love se ca tesa ee Gomahle dred Alta, Vena and Mecun/get_ gone of wo ways thes anes ve yarns crrenemade mov sound 5 degrees ay om each in apps. Venus donates, you be (ring ome Migrant cei, ober 0 he wo Mole apc thy _confoable wth compromise aid pe inabader et mbinafon of eanform are the conuncton andthe pared o week together, ou unde ‘Venus ond the Sur sent and how to moderate sour an ees Wf you hve Venus conjuct he ‘ih communication planet Mer- fo susan elaonstp. I Mars dom Sa eae ree ortecog: cin aspect to your Verus you sek nas, gol be mee aware of your oun Sa oe eatent The Sun, love thasbased on tlling 1 each neds and determined to make sure they Tenge Sire ofte soar ssn, lhe, sharing ess and alowe of lam. get me Rone benotced and, shen fed to ingor new experiance. The way to To week out which planet dom! a a a mGiontsouriowe — yourhentis trough your mind, 20. nates, consider the sg fem which ent ee eter and perterho sefher welreducated or Ven and Mas aspect och ote. For aoe ee pcan lor wel ead olds you inset Someone inane, fhe are conn Taunus xa NO you ompodtove — uho'sopenandviingt fkistay, 0» signed by Ves, hen Ven i wel treated in ret Goutteamaced to croay, Humoxt, dominate, If they ae conjunet in Sor tote na emary planeta ae study o oter puss ofthe po, a gn fiona ued by Mar Oe ee mind ean pat of your dana tals, then Marsal dominate. Las say hat Sen a eas Sedo your Kaeping the spark lve ivovesheping Venus and Mass foon ast wh Se ee angi cpeclly fens of commuicaton open you Main Capcom and Venus Pies ar east ey sndards ean at our pret, youean nn hi case, bt pnts aren as of IrRtatonshpe You tive when ina ga almost enshing onthe. thei exalt, abd this may be = oe fipportve ar partner, bat your Nerary hos check, playful ight ewen Venus-Mars expect, without a Sore Pecan vometines head quip <0 you prefer aparer dear dominant ane. SSTUDIES ‘Sunnter SCHOOL 18 OXFORD, ENGLAND 15TH - 22Np Aucust 2014 Brett College, Oxford University come and say wih Day Col, Berard Exes, John Fovey Rob Hand, Mike Hardig, Clare Mar ay Radek Mee Reinhart, Angel ou “pony morte bo orege tr fm rou he wrld Foc mare information wmeantolognerpuk % ifoastrology.ogk tinge sand of ges ice 48 Regards of whether Venus Mars dominates, with these fo ‘spect soul ek love tha’ pasion- She fog, and comes with a compattive fee, Mae gues Verus the confeence to expen er deses — ond des ‘You enjoy ate fetion nove, and few fireworks can ad hot ard passion ‘You seee a psrner who sas sel assured and expressive a you ae ‘Walch out for sesh atts that pre ‘vent you fom giving othe extent ten noeesary in ve Pry aty, nding sx, plays large part n expressing and main. faning deste. You may sek a pares tho shares your interests in exer or frre sports, oF someone whe has a ‘Sar sex drive ‘Venus-Jupiter Tf you ave Ver and Jupiter in aspect ove mist be enctng and fl of denture You want ohave as wide ‘vata of dating and ean exper ‘noes 0 pose. “lpr owes wavl and uncer his infvene, lve can have an exci oF fm connection. You rag al is th someone rom diferent counsy ‘or cultural baderound than your own, ‘rmeet The One whist taveling Rlo- ‘cating for lve posse, to. Supls aso the ly planet, which in elionshis pally mani fens gneroaty. You gv abundanty to those you Ive wanting ott ther in ways they normaly would indulge themeshen Your gencrous spit mast be empered threat, to avoid st ‘tions of “urredprocated generosity, tahore you gie and oer tke. RSs ‘nore Urey Venus and duper ae in ‘epocbysquae or opposition | ‘Shae dupter symbolises faith and hiotop, commiting to someone Who sharer your bbls s import. roving tat yo value the sme tras land share common big pcre von isport othe ataron sper aso has fan optimise see, so a parmer who Spores your “ns hal a" ve of fe and love ese. You're key to se elanships as an adventure to Journey trough eaming and evohing as you go. ‘upter’sfundamantl concepts of Inte fh, and meray mean that With a Venus-Saturn aspect, it can be hard to believe that you deserve love. Your shy or hesitant approach can be mistaken for aloofness, Jove as to bes fal, and knead for bath peopl i de or ou com mit. Your geneous insncts mean that ‘Sour eonecou son es in developing taderaion in how much, Row often, fr fo whom you give Venus-Saturn ‘Sat epresets the pieiple of matty and tne 20 you have 3 enue Sotrn aspect, you sok lasing relationship for whch youre more than prepared to werk hard Secusty tn cammiment are ey love cones, ‘even though you may be sy bout ‘lpr alfa, cape ely, ‘ish sere Satur fencing our heat, yon approach lve prac fell, You're a romantic elt and na that sharing tie together soc eso for bling 2 sol foes {Tove docs ned tobe hurd insted, you prefer to erov each sage of areatonship. Since Stun has ‘geunded quay. yu carefally consider Frow to Balance esta esponsibis, Ie caer, omy, ar ances, with the neds of your elaonsip ‘Satur flrs you rena o man ge cllenges in love, as wel sr flit, whic he right person ds ies n you, Onc essed in {a teltionsip ou can work through “icaies, but he Fg nanureof the {nil tracon mean hat wou may ol alee St steps o eae your ‘esr, you perceive too many ier ‘ows or bath omnzone peda ‘You love ie Catherine loved Heath in Wuthering Hig, sing ive asthe ‘crock off, as something ese but nat ashy or public ‘ith a Venus Sat sapet, can that beloe tht you deserve lve You shy or estant approach can Be tae sf, 2 hey Sevmscaterenug Sams Speco Venscan eae wht Tigh sone al sear yur be SR ea ex ron facto doe cov sn “aa youtafwrecar ouean two sing bur ao yet lr cal ‘Sue depot when non Beacindacanmiecre |p rng ys fsoech Ong ojo owe wooo) ey earn Teimypeieramea stows | such younger ye ine tayo Bossy of Soenmen ee pl ore Stott tnd Sus Sex grt per reg Selanne ie ty on Soegmace SS pd cin, br vt ol cri soe Tat eee Paige edison garter ‘Sato tate only oe te aie Te eta leo on ‘Spsrmatoty aodrter sas Venus-Uranus "With the planet of ebalion in encing your heat love must be uncon ‘enon Uranus es to chalnge he lt quo and do things ferent, fo your lowe ble and your pater re Hel tobe quirky or havea few ural uaities Whe others may be surprised, Gr even ical of your czas, he tert love cole is always whats Fah for you ‘rans epeesnt the “lack sheep” rchelpe, fore elebrates indivi Sly rter than conformity ts more ‘portant to honour the unusual destes {nyour est than nyt ta person or ares into sek’ sometimes Im Ting defirtion of acceptable love. Vout ‘arson ave needs canbe met ony by $epping outside the box. This quote, | from Raph Waldo Emerson, captures some ofthe teller ener around Tow for you: “Do not go where the path nay lod: go instead where there 0 | pth and lave al” Feb Mar 2018 © 48 | Venus and Love ‘The frm of your idea elatonsip doesnt exit asa standard convention I's up to you to develop a stuong sense of ndidual ats and detest help you create. You may ‘bul convenon or halnge soil an fami) norms about ‘he way to low, showing thse around you, though your acon and choices, ha ve realy does come in a shapes, Sis and elous "You might slfer fom what's knoun a the “heedom- closeness demna,”" since Venus loves to bond and Uromus ‘refer space and independence. Ths, your lel love Join NCGR ‘The Leading Astrological Organization Today! Enjoy the sense a earmunty that comes from being votes in one oF 20+ ee NOR chapters in the U.S. and wordwide. ‘Membership benefits include: “Two Journals Pet Yet» Bi-montly Membenetet + Biweekly ENewsetar + Special terest Groups ‘onling Discussion Forums » Webinars + biseaunts on NCGR-PRA Ceriteation Exams. * Savings on Conferences Ifyou have Venus in aspect to Neptune, ‘your trusting nature can leave you open to being taken advantage of. ined a pater ce suston that allows you to have re lar me apart fo pursuina your own intrest. This an work wel in long lstancerelabonships, orn partnerships where two people have conicsng wor hein Kall ban ‘mt up your ned for space inthis seminal quote on ma "age: “Bute thr be specs in your togethemes, an et the winds ofthe heavens dance between ou” For you, the excitement of whats new adds tothe * ti oftve 0 the route of daly Me can ull the edo ‘of romance, Rater than lookin forage tl, he 2 Sending dale ight, ou'l benef fom eonstanty changing routines ad experimenting —in whatever ways you fee Comfortable Venus-Neptune Love comes wih a ceamy nti feo, if you have Venus in apect to Neptune. This pakingsaes you sve fo Ike the romantic fay tl, as you seek your perfect mate, but forlastng ullment a love, your Jouney to apply ever ‘er mustindude a spt ampec. With 20 mush about Neptune beng Husory and inspired ‘by fants, pura the pot lve ca tay ead you ff ‘rack. Your busting nature can iave you open to being taken vantage of thie thre point checldst may help you to recognise uneahy paterselatonships before you ge foo Inobed. Venos-Nepkne hears shuld avoid vlabonships ‘wih people who: (0) don’t howe a means of supporting themsahes (2) have drug, alcohol, or other sbstaice abuse sues; {G) vert ecally alae (eg, may til be involved ere Neptune arouses high lvl of compassion snd ering toads loved one; you may a ino the patter of sing to se love to heal Nepnie binge out in Venu a deseo ‘meng ad ber completely wth a para, so bang sec fend erly day of lve ike to nmin hat you ony ‘open your hero emeone whol wut deserving. "Neptune offers an inive quality t owe that help you tune in energezall to what thes need or deste. Your Tie lewon comes rom leaming when to ofr sport and tehen fo allow ur loved ones to help themes This may {nucle having lam how boundaries can enhanee rather than ett ove Spftual and retve connections ate posse with \enus-Neplune so developing a shared mediation practic, ‘thang rivals round eestor sy supporting each ‘thers aris expression can be funeional and insping ‘ray to honour the Venus: Neptune lve experience, without Tesng Yousef inthe proces. Venus-Pluto Love sintonse and must be deep before your Venus~ nT el ale een a nee ee o Dee Po he i sata fs ld ht Venue Ps people den ae lvers but hostages, wich n extents way of Stang fo th mnt of ont nd posses that an emerge nei ont a Ver Pho porn Yer you softwar neta postions 1304 = Sfuvebblinglrcomeone uth whomyoushare tat I uiticohen ase ope sananephemera = Jateniaccalietuthyearbearwios ew vance, ff ea | WENAVEALL YOUNEEDE iat rut Honesty and ley re ney topertant 4 a a ites ond beta something you ae forge. Love Biockand whiten the hers of Venus Pht ore youre tier love and woul ea hlet for prme ors ovr and you Teo longer each cher ves a Po iia o Hades: god ofthe Underwood ike Pasepoe, ho ws drew othe Underage her wih ive may sometimes resto ston in which You must make profound chief ese blancs around power end cont oman elngs can un obese nthe arts of Venue Pao peple. Tis ypc happen ind when you bapedt that sothing ct ue sg Palo aves 0 Stone urtund and hs xem “need ono” can eve outa probe depart dover the thin your cum anda ict oe’ hea For you, oe a patho Monormaton. ‘Yours bout pope erly wong, 20 dvlop spate alistening wo your gt You have anti iyo pking wp on ncn an wl ost va on yan pannesina pre, sven hough You ey eur Sim crcl fo your che Sexes or soy ae, aonb then the tuth wont hat For soma, th exgeesson aa Venus aspects lee and easy to understand, You may rengnse the beso your heat inthe desertion above and gain insight into how best to aa the kindof love thet meat oucdios you Fr oth fer, Venus aspacs ae blued by various chat ators. Not terme hae a srons Venus aspect, end some have mare than one. In whatever way sour Ven tory mares, ene ancent archetypes cn elp you to beter undestand your ‘um bart, making ease or you o giv and rece ull Ieglove 1 al Kelly Sutes lst 8A Prato ‘cn ray carerncos Key 0 ‘io, teh on ior ho ‘vt th eens ane on pub. ‘ve wound near: Dns oro Sey Rerminf as Inch prosresiont and carporaing a Sao cr Shen ep ue ‘eran Tater eran, or cont er prema telus co

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