OSPF Cost Impact Analysis On SDN Network: Ronald Adrian

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2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

OSPF Cost Impact Analysis on SDN Network

Ronald Adrian Akhmad Dahlan Khoreul Anam

Department of Electrical Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta Department of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics Indonesia Engineering and Informatics
Vocational College alland@amikom.ac.id Vocational College
Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
ronald.adr@ugm.ac.id khoerulanam96@gmail.com

Abstract— Software Defined-Network is a new technology in the services such as SNHX-IP for RYU controller [4]. There is a
network engineering. This technology allows a server which is called fundamental difference because the use of real network devices
by a controller and it controls all connected devices. All as part of the role of forwarding plane will get more realistic
configurations and resources of network devices become centralized results with conditions on the field. Through this topic is
to the controller. One of them is routing configuration. This makes expected to be produced output with equivalent parameters that
it easier for network administrators to configure routing on complex can determine the best choice in determining the routing
networks. This study focused on OSPF implementation and QoS protocol used in the network.
performance analysis on SDN networks. OSPF implementation can
be configured using cost and no cost. This configuration can be SDN is a new paradigm in network development [5].
done as a configuration of cost settings on conventional networks. It Research field of routing is done to analyze how the
affects the selection of main data paths on OSPF routing. This performance of routing protocols previously implemented in
implementation in this research used the Mikrotik devices. Data conventional networks and then implemented in new paradigm
retrieval involves convergence time and some QoS parameters such technology. SDN research is generally still conduct on mininet.
as Throughput, PLR, Jitter and Delay. In testing phase used traffic Mininet hosts run standard linux networking software and
data which generated by iperf and D-ITG with variations of existing switches that support OpenFlow for highly flexibility custom
data types. The goal of this research is to find the best routing routing and SDN.
configuration on SDN networks, especially in OSPF. This research
can be expanded with the various parameters and complex topology. Several studies have been done on the SDN network such as
SDN controller performance testing, POX and Floodlight.
Keywords : SDN, QoS, Delay, Jitter, Cost. Floodlight give better management of large amounts of data and
requires a very high data flow settings than the others. POX
provides a more constant handling guarantee for whatever
number of hosts [6]. That research becomes one example of
In recent years SDN technology has become an interesting SDN research without routing function. On a large network,
topic for researchers. SDN technology is a network technology routing needs can not be avoided either on conventional
in which the infrastructure part of the device, ie control plane networks or SDNs. Routing requirements on the SDN network
and data plane is done separation, so the routing policy can be can be configured by some controllers, such as the use of
done centrally through the controller. Centralized network RouteFlow and SNHX-IP based on the RYU controller [7].
control SDN makes network settings easier and flexible. Current
SDN development has covered things such as load balancing, The use of RouteFlow controllers in research has been
VLANs, and one of them concerning routing protocols through successfully applied to several routing protocols, such as OSPF,
RouteFlow [1]. eBGP, and RIP. Research carried out through simulation routing
using the eBGP protocol and performed on the SDN network by
The architectural in SDN and conventional network will retrieving QoS (Quality of Service) data states meets ITU-T
make a fundamental difference from the performance sector. standards if it flows background traffic up to 75 Mbps. From the
This study was conducted by analyzing the performance of the test results also obtained some things, where the results of
existing OSPF routing protocols on SDN and conventional convergence time, and Routing overhead is influenced by the
networks. It based on cost and without cost by utilizing number of switches and features.
Routeflow [2]. OSPF routing protocol was selected because it is
one of the most widely used routing protocols. We use a variable This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we
cost as a benchmarking instrument because OSPF is an LSA explain the previous and related work to our research. Section
routing protocol. The best route will be determined based on the III is the method. We provide result in section IV. Finally, we
cost value [3]. Similar research has also been done using conclude in Section V.
different protocol types, ie RIP and EBGP or using other

978-1-5386-0658-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 198

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)


. (4)
Yamei et all in 2016 did research on performance tests on
Explanation :
SDN. The study compared two controllers, OpenDaylight and
ONOS. Tests are performed on different topologies to know of- : One-way delay variation
channel time, delay and recovery time [6]. : receive time – i.
: transmit time ke – i
The research we did tested the SDN network using ospf : packet amount
routing. The focus of this research is to find the best value of
non-cost and cost OSPF comparisons in various types of data
generated such as video, VoiP and general data. We used
routeflow as a controller. IV. RESULT
The first scenario in this test is the use of OSPF as the routing
III. METHOD protocol on the SDN network without cost setting. The results
obtained are as follows:
This research used the following network topology as shown
from figure 1 and figure 2.

Figure 1. Non Cost OSPF Topology Figure 3. Data Delay Traffic on Non-Cost SDN
Based on Figure 3 above shows that the value of delay for
data service delivery is fluctuating, which has an average value
ranging from 0.006584 s - 0.009474 s for every multiple of
giving background traffic. However, the average on the graph
above is still in a stable range because both the decline and the
increase are not too significant. The above also shows that giving
background traffic on the link does not affect significantly.
Significant effect occurs when giving background traffic of 100
Mbps reaching 0.009474 s from the previous 0.006068 s when
background traffic is given at 90 Mbps. Overall average of data
Figure 2. Cost OSPF Topology service delay for scenario of SDN architecture usage without
modification cost 0,006725455 s.
Testing is done by generating various data types and
baground traffic using iperf and D-ITG. Data packet is captured
by wireshark. This research is implemented directly using
mikrotik devices. We analyze the delay and jitter from the above
Delay formulation can be shown as equation (1).
∆ & (1)
Explanation :
: one-way delay value
: transmit time
: receive time

Jitter formulation can be shown as equation (2), (3) and (4). Figure 4. VoIP Delay Traffic on Non-Cost SDN
Jitter is a delay variation which produced from various data
transmission. Other test results based on Figure 4 show that the delay value
for service delivery in the form of VoIP has increased with the
(2) giving of background traffic. The resulting average value ranges
(3) from 0.005917 s - 0.009271 s for any given traffic background
multiples. The trend of increase in delay value also tends to be

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

stable, it is indicated starting from giving background of traffic traffic background, it shows an increase of 65%. This can occur
20 Mbps - 80 Mbps which range of value increase ranges from due to the influence of traffic load and the amount of congestion
3-19%. Significant effect occurs when giving background traffic in the network causing packet delay to vary. But the average
of 100 Mbps reaching 0.009271 s from the previous 0.006068 s value of data traffic jitter when the background traffic 40 Mbps
when background traffic is given at 90 Mbps or an increase of tend to experience a downward trend to 100 Mbps point. It is
23%. Overall average VoIP service delay for scenario of SDN noted that the decrease of jitter tedalam value when the
architecture usage without modification cost 0,007060909 s. background of traffic traffic of 100 Mbps, which became
0.000614 s from the previous 0.000764 s. This can happen
because the network has a bottleneck condition, so the received
packet has a relatively same arrival time.

Figure 5. Video Delay Traffic on Non-Cost SDN

Meanwhile, the result of testing on video service delay as
shown in Figure 5 explains that the delay is fluctuating. The
lowest delayed average value in this trial occurs when the video
service provider is given a background value of 30 Mbps, which Figure 7. Data Delay Traffic on Cost SDN
is 0.003472 s. This value becomes one of the decline. Decrease Figure 7 above shows that the delay values for mobile data
in the value of other delay also occurs at the time of giving traffic are varied and tend to experience an upward trend, with
background 80 Mbps traffic which is a further decrease from the the average value of traffic samples ranging from 0.004909273
previous point of 70 Mbps. Where previously it had increased s as a whole. Significant effect occurs when giving background
the highest point ie 0.008435 s then down 22% to 0.006548 s, traffic of 30 Mbps which increased by 48% resulting in delay
and continue the decline to the point of 0.003822 s (decrease of value reaches 0.005576 s. Another increase occurred when given
-42%). It becomes the deepest decline among other points. As background traffic of 100 Mbps, delay value rose by 38% and
for the increase in the value of delay, the highest delay value is became the highest value, that is 0.006423 s. The picture above
when given background traffic worth 60 Mbps which is on the also shows that giving background traffic on the link has a small
average delay of 0.008435 s or increased 32%. The average effect on the delay value, especially data traffic.
value that experienced the highest increase was when the
network was over 40 Mbps traffic, as it experienced an increase
of 91%. Overall the delay value is an average percentage
increase of 14% from the 1 Mbps - 100 Mbps test.

Figure 8. VoIP Delay Traffic on Cost SDN

Figure 6. Jitter Traffic on Non-Cost SDN The results in Figure 8 show that the delay values for voip
traffic are fluctuating and tend to form an upward trend as the
Figure 6 shows the jitter state when the sample measurement background traffic grew. Nevertheless the overall delay value is
is a successful data service traffic. In the picture above shows declared stable because of the small range of difference between
that the increase in jitter value occurs when reaching the level of the increase and the decrease that occurs, which is only about
background traffic measurement of 30 Mbps. It is characterized 2%. The magnitude of the increase in delay delay yields an
by the average sample value of jitter of 0.001509 s. When average percentage of 15% along the upward trend, while the
compared to the average sample rate when it flows over 20 Mbps downward trend is percentage on average by 11%. Significant

2017 2nd International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering (ICITISEE)

influence occurred when giving background traffic of 80 Mbps flown with 20 Mbps traffic background which causes a 35%
which happened decrease of 28% to 0,005194 s, after which increase. This happens because of the influence of traffic loads
happened rebound equal to 39% when flowing background 90 and large congestion within the network resulting in packet
Mbps. Overall average service delay of voip is 0,006564818 s. delay varies. After the background traffic of 30 Mbps the
average jitter value has decreased trend up to 100 Mbps. The
average percentage of jitter impairment trend occurred by 13%.
This can happen because the network has a bottleneck condition.

The application of configuration cost modification on the
SDN network has an influence on network performance.
Comparison of SDN and conventional network scenarios based
on two parameters (QoS and convergence time) using either cost
modification or not. It indicates that the best delay average value
is generated by the SDN network using the cost setting of 5.947
ms. The value is the lowest compared to others. Overall it shows
that SDN performs better than conventional when running OSPF
Figure 9. Video Delay Traffic on Cost SDN routing.
On the other side as shown in Figure 9 the resulting video
traffic delay values tend to experience an upward trend as the
background traffic flows. This is reinforced by the average This research is funded by funding capacity improvement of
percentage percentage increase of 7%. On average, sampling young lecturer of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
traffic flow of 20 Mbps load becomes the lowest delay value and
becomes the deepest percentage of decline of 26% before finally REFERENCES
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