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Everyone, every single one of human in this world absolutely have a dream.

And so am I sit right here, in

front of the camera to tell u guys what’s about my big dream.

But before that, I feel so sorry because u know, u see something strange with me, especially my eyes. I
don’t know its accidently happened. I don’t know what it is exactly, I don’t know how, I don’t know why,
I just woke up like this.

I’m chasing the deadline for this project. It must be submitted yesterday, but I asked for some
permission with my teacher and he agreed with it. Thankyou so much sir dem, really thnkyou. So yea,
I’m making this video right now.

Lets not talk about that for too long, we have something more important to be discussed.
actually for what someone has a dream? in my opinion, that dream will make someone do their best and
will not stop trying. the dream also becomes a life motivation for moving forward. but there, there must
be hope placed so that the dream can come true. If you guys ask me about what’s going on with my
dream? For now, I just hope I can just go on with my life. I mean not being stuck in any situation,
especially my daily school life. Honestly, It’s kinda sucks for the first time. Go back to the school as an
senior high school’s student. Only in a few weeks, there’re already so many things to do. Habit since
childhood, I cant manage my time, my schedule properly. So yea, I be a lil frustrated. But day by day, I
realized it and I told to myself that it was entirely wrong. I choose to be enjoy now, rather than I have to
spend my whole 3 years with boredom. And if u guys ask me why I choose social as my main
way/subject? Its because I like some of the subjects, like economy, history, and others.

The second one, tbh I really hate physics and chemistry. Too obvious, right? Its too hard for me and im
totally not interested with it. And for the last reason also the main reason at all is I have commited my
own dream to be an accountant or a lawyer in the future. For those, I still confuse but their both lead
me to join the social class. In fact now, I feel lucky to be one of it. Im in the learning process to become
an independent student.

And for this topic, im very inspired by Maudy Ayunda. I watched an interview where she told about her
struggle so far, but at the time she got it. She got what she wants. Even, I heard about the news about
her confusion in choosing university that she wants to go to. I really want to become like her someday.
Maybe not with oxford, Harvard, or whatever it is, but fortunately, will be accepted at a state university.
Like the famous one, university of Indonesia. Moreover, get an invitation from them, omg! Its such a big
miracle that ever happened in my life, if its happen, it will.

For the short-period goals, secretly I want to have a good posture and the thin one. I wont go on with
any diets, but rather to switch to healthy food. The problem is I don’t really like vegetables. The taste its
kinda strange sometimes HAHHA. Even then, ive tried to drink refuse water, and at the moment I felt
like throwing up, ew gross. I still remember how it taste. I also often spend my free time to watch the
models or other beauty vloggers. After that, I was motivated by the things they did routinely. But when I
just wanted to try, I feel lazy and in the end undo my intention. However, behind all of that one of the
efforts that ive made is attending a dance class. Even though its only once a week, but I feel really
sweaty with it and hopefully it helps burn my fat. The prove, in the last few weeks, I lost 3 pounds. And I
I think I will consume more fruits to balance the vitamins that I don’t get from vegetables. Wish me luck
to have a propotional body like Lisa blackpink!
That’s all about my short and long term goals. actually there’s still a lot but if I tell everything here,
maybe this video can take hours, seriously. Oh yea, once more, try to share your dream with others,
cause like what Raditya Dika said, “ if our dreams are high, we need to be awakened by others.” So,
thankyou for watching this video, hope you guys can reach what u want, what u dream about all this
time. I love u guys, bye. 9

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