Barch 8 Sem Sustainable Architecture Summer 2018

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B.Arch. Eighth Semcstcr (Architecture Engincering) (CGS)

10068 : Sustainable Architecture : 08 AR 04
P. Pages : t AU - 3083
Time : Thrce Hours ililll;llt ltililill Max. Marks : 80

Notcs l. All question carry marks as iEdicated.

2. Question No. otre is compulsory.
3. Illustratc your answer necessary with the help ofneat sketches.
4. Use ofpen Blue/Black ink/refill only for writing the answer book.

I What is the need for sustainable planning with appropriate Architectural design ooncept. 20

a) What do you mean by Ecologicat foot print. 20

b) What is the role ofEnvironmcnt and stakeholder to maintain sustainability.


3. a) Explain the plarming concept of any Historical Development by considering sustainable 10


b) Explain Early settlement planned layouts. l0

4. Explain the various appropriate materials used lor co[struction with their propelties & 20


5 a) What do you mean by biodiversity. 5

b) Explain the suitable practices at campus, Building & settlement l€vel. 15

6. What are the Resources available to maintain Biodiversity on Earth. Explain the case study 20
of any sustainable caopus.


1 Explain atry four from following 20

a) EcGfiiendly construction practices.

b) Susrainablepolicies

c) Carbon foot print

d) Sustainableplanniogtechniques

e) lmportance ofclimatic factors

0 Impact ofecological foot print.

AU - 3083 l

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