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What is the Alpha

Generation ?
Alpha Generation
According to specialists, every child born after 2010
is part of the Alpha Generation. They are thus
between 0 and 8 years old and their particularity it
that these children will grow up with new technology
devices in hand, from a cellphone to an iPad.

n e c te d

The big difference between our generations is

that, even if we daily use new technology, the
Alpha Generation entire education will be done
From little chalkboards to iPads through it. That’s why they are also called
the « Glass Generation », as they will interact
through a screen for their entire life.
After the Millennials Generation, the Alpha Generation is the
most interesting and the one that companies want to target,
because they will not consume and buy as their parents do. There
are already big differences on the way they use social media.
Brands and different markets will have to adapt to their way of
life. For example, online banks may be the future for a generation
that will want to do everything instantly and on their phones.
Also, this generation may not be the biggest consumer of watches,
as they have this information on every new technology devices.

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# A d a

Laura Macdonald, head of consumer of North America at Hotwire

said: “Alphas are going to expect the same interactive, responsive
experiences from every brand. So if clothing companies start using
AR to help people create bespoke experiences — which brands like
Nike already are — while shopping, Generation Alpha will expect
the same from grocery stores, or even when it comes to buying car
The Alpha Generation is a generation that will face many e s
challenges. The first one will be the Environment, with a concern
for recycling and sustainability. The second one will be the ageing
population. Children from the Alpha Genration are usually only
child, as people become parents older than before. Thus, they will
have to adapt to take care of the ageing population and of the
retirement system, or eventually change the existing society into
something more adapted to their future world.
Alpha Generation
Girlswear #O v e r e xpose d

Alpha Children are at the stage of establishing self-

awareness. Various external influences change their dressing
styles. In term of Fashion, the main factors are classified
into three parts: parents, technology and culture.

Children were born to learn through their parents whose choice is decisive
for children’s dressing. The generation of Alpha’s parents, Generation Y, is
deeply influenced by the social media on which parents are encouraged to
share their lives with children. Moreover, some parents built a personal
page of their children on Facebook, Instagram and other social media.
Thus, « overexposed » is the most general phenomenon in this generation.

So many likes!

For the Alpha babies, sleeping mini-outfit is a common trend. For example, famous
photographer Laura Lzumikawa often shares photos of her daughter, Joey, on Instagram.
Parents now dress their babies with neutral themed costumes. Girls also dress as male
characters. After the baby stage, it is easy to see parents dress up their children with
their tastes. Therefore, girls wearing in Alpha generation tends to be more precocious.
Compared with the previous generation, girls of alpha
generation are more precocity. They concern more
about their appearances, and even use filters to
make themselves more attractive in photos. Hence,
alpha girls focus not only the wearings but also their
facial expressions on the photos and videos.

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Always with an iPad or a

phone in hands

After all, social media which is part of technology decides the final wearing
outcome of alpha girls. Technology, eliminating the national boundaries of alpha
children and building their own languages, is now the main trend for alpha girls.
Culture influences alpha girlswear in
several ways. In some countries
with strong religious faith, the girls
wearing style is greatly affected by
customs. Hinduism and Muslim,
which have 14% and 23% of world
population, show good examples.

ue n c e
In f l
tur al
In Asian countries, uniform style which starts from children's
kindergartens extends the uniform fashion. In addition, sport issue
is always important in western countries, alpha girls are also
trained in diverse sports groups, such as yoga and ballet. On the
other hand, children began to get in touch with the outside world
during this period and sharing their preferences with their peers.
Even though different cartoons are popular in different regions,
cartoon style clothes are always popular among alpha girls.

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Alpha Generation
Boyswear In terms of Fashion and Style, the children from the Alpha Generation are under the
influence of their parents. Even if they are conscious of their style and start to develop
their tastes, the parents are the one that buy and decide what they are going to wear.

#O v e r e
Nowadays parents live with
Social Media. They sometimes made of it
their main source of revenue. They expose
their lives, work with brands to do some
advertisement, etc… So when an influencer
has a baby, he instantly becomes part of the
content. For example, the french couple Hugo
Philip and Caroline Receveur had a baby in
2018: many brand sent gifts to be visible and
their child, Marlon, became a little celebrity,
always with a great style.

You will see many children wearing clothes

that adults could definitely wear. They are
just smaller in size. For example, many
Instagram accounts are focused on childrens’
fashion, influencers at an early age and you
won’t see the difference between the
content of their accounts and the millennials’.

What is the difference?

In many pictures, grey is a dominant colour. It reminds us of the new
hi n g
technology devices’ colour such as the Ipad’s or the MacBook’s: a very
light, silvery grey. It is a colour that inspires modernity, future, and
v e
at the same time neutrality. It easily goes well with other colours
and thus it is one of the favourite colours of the Alpha Generation.
#G reyE

This generation lives in modernity with new technologies, new gadgets
and digital and at the same time, they follow the rules of Fashion or
what parents think is Fashion. The huge trend of this winter is the
very traditional Tartan pattern that creates a contrast with all this
modernity and streetwear. But it looks cute on children, right ?
e wTr i b e s #Opti
# N mism

But, all of this in…

This new generation has already so many challenges that awaits it: be more open-minded, positive, make this world a better
place. We can notice this in these coming trends. New Tribes is going to be a translation of their open-mindedness thanks to the
early access to the Internet, and Optimism a manifestation of all the positivity they will need in the future to change this
world. With all these beautiful challenges, comes the most important one: Sustainability. It is important that parents dress
their children with organic fabrics, second-hand clothes and brands that take care of this planet. This way to dress will be like
a heritage to this generation, in order for them to consume Fashion in a more responsible, sustainable way, in the future.
Alpha Generation
In terms of accessories, we need to pay
attention to functionality, safety and
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#G re
In terms of decoration, the alpha generation's
accessories use a large greyish color, which is Morandi Color Code
saturation and brightness are relatively low, make
people feel soft and comfortable. Besides, Morandi
color code is also the current trend.

The choice of materials for the accessories that should be non-toxic
and safety. The size is not swallowed as well.
In addition, Children of this age group do not have the ability to
protect themselves, in order to ensure that they are not hurt by
accessories, which should not have angles.
More and more people care about fashion nowadays, their kids are no
exception. Therefore, some big-name accessories are essential, and more parents
are happy to share the style they have made for their children.

i on abl e
# Fash

Living a Luxury life already…

Alpha Generation
Leisure In terms of leisure, parents should constrain children from sticking to electronic gadgets
and when you detach kids from virtual world they grow more, inculcate good habits and
become excel in studies. They get adequate sleep and their eating habits also improves.

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Play with them

e d ia
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Platforms & functionality are always changing so parents keep
themselves keep up to date with the social media so that
they can explore & love going from one activity to the next.

T oys
Day-to-day activities and behaviours # Cogn i ti v e
contribute to brain and cognitive
development in children. Earlier toddlers
play with electronic gadgets like T.V,
computers and cellphones. But kids of
Alpha generation have new pattern of
technology which enables them to
access more knowledge, fun and
Alpha Generation

In Primary and Secondary school, Alphas will move from a structured, auditory method of learning to a
visual, hand-on method. They will acquire problem solving skills and experience peer-to-peer learning.
Connected classrooms will be the norm. There are already schools that have shifted from the
traditional forms of interacting with Generation Z to the methods more suited to the incoming Alpha
students, like the use of iPads rather than textbooks to create projects and share work with teachers
and classmates. Students can already digitally contact their teachers with questions on their homework.
As employees, Alphas will be tougher to
keep motivated and challenged. In response,
many types of work will become more like a
serie of individual projects and challenges
with their own rewards.

Generation Alpha is the first group who will
be immersed in technology their entire lives.
These kids are also referred to as the Glass
Generation as their glass-fronted devices
will be their main medium of communication.
Thanks for your attention!

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