Essay of Definition

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Azad 1

Aurash Azad

Mr. Palmer

English 12 DE

26 May 2021

Word of Definition: Bravery

Fear is reality. Remember, Robin Sharma once stated, “Being scared is part of
being alive. Accept it. Walk through it.” Someone would be lying if they told you they are
not fearful. Everyone fears something. Feeling afraid from time to time is completely
normal. It’s difficult to put fear aside when facing it. No matter the phobia one has, it is
extremely hard, yet possible to escape fear. Every struggle we face has shaped us into
who we are today and every action we have taken has shown through the people we
have become. Bravery. Bravery can’t exist without true fear behind it. Having the
courage to follow your heart, even if you are scared, is what defines bravery. Bravery
can be defined in many ways. Some may define it as a characteristic a superhero has
on TV, while others can define bravery as simply confronting a fear. Our world revolves
around the idea of bravery. Each and every day thousands of innocent individuals are
being killed all around the world due to gun violence, political misbeliefs, and so on.
Those who confront and try to stop the violent attacks are considered to be brave.
Bravery doesn’t have to be solely described as accomplishing a dangerous task, but
can be known as someone who opens the front door to a delivery person.

Our minds are very powerful tools. They dictate our actions, and the way we
think and express opinions. Bravery is controlled by our mind and the way we think. A
person can perceive a harmless situation as challenging such as climbing a simple
staircase. An act of bravery requires an individual to face a task, whether to slowly turn
away from it. So, why do people act braver than they actually are? The true answer to
this question is to impress others. One might act braver and stronger than they actually
are to show off. Is this an act of bravery, or is this an act of impression? There are many
examples of what bravery truly stands for all around us in our everyday lives, all around
us. Acts of bravery extend from a firefighter jumping into a fire to save people’s lives all
the way down to a student standing up to a bully or even simpler, presenting a
presentation in front of a class.
Azad 2

Conversely to this idea, bravery is a characteristic not everyone can pursue. For
some, being brave comes hard, and for others it comes easy. Remembering that
bravery is not the lack of fear, but instead the ability to move forward in spite of fear is
important. Whether our world is aware or not, humans achieve bravery through acts of
courage in their everyday lives. Our environment impacts our behaviors and the way we
construct bravery. When we are around loved ones, we might act braver than when we
are alone, which demonstrates an act of protection over others. The environment plays
a very important role when it comes to one’s actions and the way they control
themselves. Bravery in its various forms after all keeps us going, keeps this world

Lastly, there are many different kinds of bravery in our world. There are many
different conceptual frameworks that define the quality and spirit of mankind. The
different kinds of bravery are characterized as physical bravery, moral bravery, and
finally psychological bravery. Physical bravery is categorized as accomplishing an act of
possible harm that could make a difference in your body. This is seen when someone
undergoes a task for someone they love that could be a result of life or death for them.
Moral bravery is the second most common type of bravery that occurs throughout our
world. It involves acting in a manner that will enhance one's beliefs to be good and true.
In the world we live in today, moral bravery means standing up against the moral police
or the jealous. Lastly, psychological bravery deals with acting against a natural urge,
facing our enemies and overcoming them. Examples of this can be drug addictions, or
simply an ex from a past relationship.

Overall, bravery is a trait which allows each individual in our society to overcome
our inner fears, gives us the strength to accomplish what is right and turns away against
any possible thing we believe is wrong. In conclusion, bravery means standing up for
what you believe is right and not fearing the unknown and being ready for whatever life
throws at you.

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