Canvas Audit

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Tara Grier
Sydney Chandler

The implementation of new media in everyday life  The next year, the pre-canvas tour went to metro
has reached beyond social and amusement (Geo Metro). In 2010, Instructure took on a new
purposes. Now, and in 2020-2021 more than ever, CEO, Josh Coates. Also in this year, Instructure
new media technologies and platforms are became the state-wide LMS for all Utah schools
essential to students’ learning. K-12 and college and universities. In 2011, Instructure finally
students alike use platforms like Blackboard, launched Canvas. Canvas then began offering
Schoology, and Canvas to learn, track their grades, open, online courses for everyone in all locations
and communicate with educators. With the just a year later. In 2014, they moved their
addition of the pandemic, we’ve been able to see headquarters and by 2015 Canvas was
just how vital technology and these platforms are international. 2016 launched Canvas Studio, and

to modern education. hit the $1 Billion market cap a year later. Also in
2017, Canvas acquired Practice, a video learning
tool. In 2019, Canvas surpassed 30 million global
Canvas, founded by Instructure, has been uniquely
users. Finally, in 2020, Thoma Bravo and Steve
successful. Canvas is a website and app that offers
Daly joined in leadership positions and Instructure
various educational tools to students and
acquired Certica Solution
educators. Institutions purchase the service for
their staff and students to use campus-wide to
.Canvas is represented as a participatory platform.
create a universal learning experience. Interacting
They do this by emphasizing the use of student
with this platform can mean as little as checking
and educator communication through various
your grades, or as much as watching lectures,
media, student interactions, discussion boards,
participating in discussion posts, and creating
and even offers a personal profile option that
content. The platform began in 2008, and has
resembles that of a social media app.
quickly dominated the online education space in
the last thirteen years. In 2008, two graduate
students turned Instructure into a viable startup.






The Student Dashboard is the

first tab that shows up as soon
as opening the mobile
application. This houses all of
The first page you see greets
the student’s classes from all of
you with the Canvas logo and
their past and present classes.
"find my school" button
There is an option to hide the
old class in the edit tab.
Students can select their
favorite or current courses to
always be viewed.

Notifications are stored under one tab

In the Side menu, there is a section for all of the classes for the given
where a student can select their semester. This tab will give you updates
profile picture. on subscribed on discussion boards as
well as notes on assignments and
Calendar showing all the due dates of
Within the Canvas, there is a direct
future assignments. These cross off
messaging system akin to the average
when an assignment is submitted or
emailing application. A notification
marked as such by the user. There are
pops up as a red bubble with a white
different views, both weekly and
number inside of it above the tab that is
monthly listings.
notifying the student.

A student can customize their class

When you have nothing from their side to make each class fit
planned for a day, Canvas into their comfort level. This ranges
suggests you take the day to from selecting the color that their
recharge. courses show up as to giving each
one a nickname.

Course Homepage that is Modules fall under every class

available to show all of the that show sections of the class
major tabs within a class. either daily, weekly, or month.
Teachers and Professors can
The groups tab shows all the groups
place videos of pre-recorded
students were put into for every class in
lectures for missed and online
one spot for easy access.

Grading Periods Tab with listings of

The grading system automatically weighs assignments that need to be or have
the grades out and shows an accurate been completed.
percentage. This section has all past and
future assignments that teachers and
professors post. Within the grading system,
there is a section labeled “What if?” In this
tally, students can see what their grade
would be like if they had gotten an “80%”
instead of a “90%” on their assignments.

Discussions can be pinned and

subscribed to. This is so students,
teachers, and professors can receive
notifications on their devices that tell There is a chat feature where you can
them who commented and where speak with group mates, classmates,
they did. These boards are often used and professors about class
for shorter assignments and as an easy assignments.
way to leave feedback.

Some boards have hidden replies

until the student replies as an anti-
cheating method.

I. Relationships and Collaboration

Upon opening Canvas, a student can easily find four different methods of communication between
themselves, educators, and fellow students. The inbox, discussions tab, chat function, and
conferences are all easily accessible and navigated to. This array of various avenues of
communication displays the vitality of collaboration in education environments. Canvas makes a point
to provide both written and video communication between all its members. You are also easily able to
see every student in each of your classes. This provides an openness among classmates. Students
can message each other for collaborative purposes, or even just asking a peer a question about
class. The “groups” tab allows students to be put in groups for group projects and workshops, making
collaborative work much easier.

Collaboration between students, peers, and educators being such a ubiquitous value displayed on
Canvas is important because it shows Canvas directly rejecting the concept that learning is a solitary
activity. This helps eliminate toxic competitiveness among students, barriers between educators and
students, and students’ feelings of isolation. By providing channels of communication, it’s much easier
for students to reach out for help and to form relationships with their peers and educators. This benefits
everyone involved. By having such a strong focus on communication, Canvas enriches the online
learning experience. Even when in-person, it is sometimes easier for students to ask questions through
a written message rather than approach an educator in the classroom. Canvas offers various ways for
students to do this and receive the help they need.

By introducing students to the importance of collaboration, Canvas also helps to prepare them for the
workplace. Rather than teaching students to work alone, to care only about their grades, it’s much more
effective to stress the importance of succeeding as a group. This approach by Canvas is both innovative
and productive in a multitude of ways.
II. Learning styles, Organization &
Canvas offering various methods of learning: video lectures, transcripts of those lectures,
readings, and other forms of media exhibits an awareness of different learning styles.
Canvas accommodates many of these learning styles. This is an indication that Canvas
values students’ success. This, too, veers away from traditional teaching methods in which
students are expected to learn one specific way.

Another way Canvas contributes to student success is their apparent dedication to

organization and productivity. Modules for each class are ordered chronologically and
sorted by week so students are able to easily access work from previous weeks or even
work ahead. This also allows for students to better follow the timeline of the class and be
more aware of how far into the semester they are. This, along with the other organizational
tools Canvas offers, like the calendar, helps to manage time, leading to student success.
Class times and assignments are automatically placed in students’ calendars, and they may
add or alter it to what works best for them. On days where there aren’t any events in the
calendar, there is an animated panda relaxing telling the student to to take the day to rest
and recharge. While this is a small gesture, it is one that at least acknowledges the
importance of mental health and rest.

The blue and white color scheme strengthens the themes of orderliness and tranquility while
the red notifications for the “to-do” tab and inbox contrast that with a sense of urgency. The “to-
do” tab also assists students in organization, and notifies them of both late and upcoming
assignments. By offering diverse methods of learning and organization, Canvas assists is
student success.
III. Personalized Experience

There are several ways students can personalize their experience on the Canvas app. The
first and most obvious is by adding a profile picture to your account. This helps put faces to
names among classmates and professors, especially while learning online. There’s also a
sense of identity that comes with having a profile picture--choosing the way you want
everyone online to see you. This function is somewhat new to educational environments.

Another way Canvas allows students to customize their experience is by assigning each class
a color. This contributes to expression as well as organization. Color-coding is proven to be a
successful organization tactic, and choosing a color to represent each class can be both fun
and helpful to students’ learning. Students are also able to choose whether or not their grade
percentage is visible on their dashboard. This helps them manage the app aesthetically, but
also may help manage anxiety. Students can also manage what classes are shown on their
dashboard. They can prioritize some by starring them with the “edit” tool, and hide others.

Through all of these personalization tools, Canvas gives students a

sense of control over their education and how they interact with the app.
These tools also further the emphasization on organization for students.
IV. Impact on Students &

Online platforms like Canvas have become more and more crucial to education. Especially with the
outbreak of COVID in 2020, learning moved almost entirely online. Canvas quickly became a
necessity. It became the main source of communication between students and educators. Adapting
to this new way of learning has almost made us accustomed to it. Returning to physical classrooms
will be an adjustment, while Canvas will remain a familiar tool.

Will Canvas impact how we interact in physical education spaces? Even prior to the pandemic,
students generally stopped turning things in physically and began to turn to canvas/blackboard to
submit electronically. Some find this less personal, but it makes it easier for students to receive grades
and feedback in a timely manner and to communicate with their professors when they have questions.
Not to mention, the less paper that is printed and used, the better for the environment.

A lot of the topics discussed--personalization and communication specifically--aid students in having a

sense of control over their education. Canvas also provides students with a voice. The power to
communicate with an entire class, or even just your professor, on a regular basis with just a click of a
button is powerful. Students are able to reach out for help, air any grievances about the class, or find a
way to collaborate for everyone’s success.
Canvas is largely a computational platform. It
lives online, through computer screens and

Applying apps. However, this is not the only definition

of platform that is applicable to Canvas.

Gillespie To contrast the concept of a computational
platform, the architectural platform refers to
In The Politics of Platforms, Tarleton Gillespie describes physical, tangible platforms. “In this sense
platforms, saying, “Like other structural metaphors (think ‘platform’ has been broadly used to describe
‘network’, ‘broadcast’ or ‘channel’) the term depends on human-built or naturally formed physical
a semantic richness that, though it may go unnoticed by structures, whether generic or dedicated to a
the casual listener or even the speaker, gives the term
specific use…”(Gillespie, 2010). While Canvas
discursive resonance” (Gillespie, 2010). Gillespie goes
is fully online, it has a physical presence and
on to define four semantic territories that the term
platform has denoted in the past. These categories are platform in the offline world as well.
computational, architectural, figurative and political. We Canvas’ architectural platform exists in the
are able to apply each of these categories to Canvas as physical offices and headquarters where people
a platform. are working on and building this online
educational space. This is where perhaps the
I. Computational most important decisions are made on design,
values, and missions that directly impact the
Computational platforms are defined as “
way we as end users later interact with the
infrastructure that supports the design and use
platform. Even though we only see the result,
of particular applications, be they computer
there is a very present architectural platform for
hardware, operating systems, gaming devices,
Canvas behind the scenes.
mobile devices or digital disc formats” (Gillespie,
2010). Canvas is primarily focused on the Another way Canvas manifests itself physically
computational definition of a platform. Canvas is is how it impacts how we interact with each
an online platform for teachers, professors, and other in in-person classrooms. Canvas is used
students. This gives teachers and professors a in class to navigate the lesson plans, explain
way to reach out to their students in a structured assignments, present, and many other ways.
manner since Canvas is on the internet, it does Not only this, but even students and educators
not require everyone to be in the same place. who aren't actively engaging in Canvas in class
are often affected by their prior use of the
Canvas as a computational platform works as
platform. Because we are so used to handing in
both an app and website created through
assignments online, through applications like
complex code. The platform is reached through
Canvas, and are so accustomed to
laptops, PCs, phones, and other devices
communicating through Canvas-- there is
connected to the internet. Further, Canvas was
sometimes less face-to-face interaction between
created by Instructure, Inc. This company plays
and among educations and students.
a large role into how Canvas was made, but
Canvas is not limited to the online space. In
also how it is continuously updated. It’s worth
nothing that Canvas isn’t the only online more ways than one, Canvas is a prevalent
educational platform. Other successful architectural platform as well.
examples include Schoology and Blackboard.
These are Canvas’ largest competitors.
Canvas offers online courses taught through
professors--is it possible that we may, in the
III. Figurative future, have courses taught entirely by
computers? Will we need in-person
To explore Canvas as a platform further,
classrooms at all? The future of what Canvas
refer to Gillespie’s definition of a figurative
can become, and what can come of that, is
platform. This is described as, “the ground,
foundation, or basis of an action, event,
calculation, condition, etc. Now also: a
position achieved or situation brought about IV.Political
which forms the basis for further The final category of platform that Gillespie
achievement” (OED, 2006). In order to identifies is a political platform. It is described
evaluate Canvas as a figurative platform, it is as, “We now refer to the issues a political
imperative to consider its foundation. candidate or party endorses as their ‘platform’;
this usage first emerged from the more
Canvas, as mentioned above, was created architectural meaning, referring first to the
by Instructure Inc. in 2011. Instructure itself actual stage constructed for a candidate to
was founded in 2008 by two graduate address an audience, from which they would
students. This is a platform made for articulate their political beliefs”(Gillespie,
students and educators by students. These 2010). While Canvas may not seem like a
students were familiar with their own political platform at first glance, it is arguable
experiences as students and built a platform that no platform is entirely neutral politically.
that would support future students. Canvas is not endorsing certain candidates or
Instructure started as a Learning policies, but they do have very clear values.
Management System that quickly took over
Utah, then national, and international As described above, Canvas’ main values
education spaces. seem to be organization, productivity, and
collaboration. This is to encourage student
Part of Canvas’ foundation is Instructure. If success. To consider what the motive behind
we look further back, it is reasonable to these values may be, it was found that
consider the history of education systems, Instructure’s second major platform is
specifically in the United States, as their Masteryconnect. It is defined by its own
foundation. Without a developed education website as “the assessment and curriculum
system, Canvas wouldn’t have a blueprint. platform designed to show student learning in
The progression of the education system an intuitive, visual way, so educators can focus
gave Canvas a starting point, and its failures on what matters most—improving student
or flaws gave it a reason to exist. Finally, outcomes”. Canvas sets up students for
part of Canvas’ foundation is the evolution success in the ways they deem most effective,
of other interactive online platforms. to then be successful in their assessments by
Because we interact so much online in a Masteryconnect. Instructure defines improving
social environment, the same concept was student outcomes as “what matters most”.
applicable to education spaces.
The stress on productivity and improved
outcomes is very reflective of the capitalistic
Canvas doesn’t just have a foundation, it is a
society we as U.S. residents live in. It is the
foundation. As a figurative platform, Canvas
notion that above all, productivity and success
has the ability to lift up and be the foundation
in predefined terms is what matters most. The
for even more developed educational
education system’s main goal is intended to be
to prepare students for the workplace, and
Canvas upholds this very well.
Participatory and Not
Conclusion Canvas is a platform that depends on both
of its participatory and non-participatory
actions. In many ways, Canvas does not

Gillespie stray from being like several different media

platforms however, it completely differs in its
Instructure, the mother company founded purpose. Canvas is not like traditional social
Canvas in 2008. Canvas is an idea that media applications since the primary focus
came to fruition by two graduate students to of the application is sharing education
make learning more accessible and to have media. Everyone utilizing this platform is a
everything in one place for both the prosumer. As students, completing
organization of students and those assignments, discussions boards, and
educating them. This educational platform exams is both producing and consuming
quickly grew over the following years to media. Oh the other side, for educators it is
become one of the most sought after posting the assignments and grading them.
learning management systems in the world This alone makes Canvas participatory
and the top LMS in North America. This because of how the media is shared. Unlike
platform is for the advancement of other social media platforms, Canvas does
education and ease of access for both not have repost buttons or like buttons or
students and educators alike. Categorizing anything remotely similar so it is not a very
these findings in Gillespie’s definitions of a social experience and is instead more
platform from architectural, computational, focused on the individual experience. This
figurative, and political aided to deeper pulls it away from Jenkin’s idea of a truly
understanding of Canvas as an educational participatory platform.
application as well as a participatory culture.
Applying Chayko
Jenkin's Definition When applying Chayko’s piece to Canvas
Jenkin’s definition of “Participatory Culture” as a platform, it does not exactly fit the
refers to the expressed artistic freedoms standard idea of participatory. Since it is not
with very little limitations. Jenkins states that a traditional super connected platform like
every culture is participatory however, the Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, Canvas
levels of participation varies between them. could use a method to connect the
(Jenkins, 10) In this sense, the sharing of educators and the students more closely.
content and distribution of content deeply More often than not, the announcements
connects both sides of this participatory page or discussion boards can serve this
media as well as students and their purpose. However, this can be easily
educators. Jenkins idea of participatory substituted by accessories like Zoom,
culture includes the idea of prosumers, or WebEx, or Discord which give the option for
producers and consumers of the media conversations in and outside of the
content created. scheduled class period if it has one.
This would aid in a deeper connection
between the students of the class with one
another making it a more deeply connected
platform that transcends a platform with an
educational focus. Since Chayko’s focus is
on an interconnected platform, Canvas
would need another method besides emails,
discussion boards, and announcements to
give the illusion of a more connected social

Applying vanDijck
In terms of what vanDijck has to say about
the traditional participatory platforms, the
culture of connectivity again differs from the
standard. Depending on which level a
student studies at, the feeling of
connectedness does not last long. Since
Canvas deals with classes, some can last
for a few hours and upwards to a year or
more. The connection between the
educators and students is not the same as it
is on social focused platforms. The primary
focus of this platform is education at the end
of the day. The advancement of learning will
cause all of the social interaction in this

Applying Hogan
In Hogan’s article, the main purpose is to be
a curator of the platform and to show the
world the best side of yourself. Hogan has
the idea that the performance of the
individual is the contribution to the
participatory culture. It is hard to interact
with one another on Canvas outside of the
discussion boards, announcements, and
group assignments. This makes discussion
boards one of the most prominent “exhibits”
according to Hogan. Canvas as a whole has
made efforts to lessen the toxic competitive
spirit that some platforms may seem to
encourage. Canvas does the best job with
Hogan’s definition of participatory media.
Works Cited
Canvas Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Chayko, M. (2021). Superconnected: The internet, digital media, and techno-social life.
Los Angeles: SAGE.
Dijck, J. V. (2013). The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. New

York: Oxford University Press.

Gillespie, T. (2010). The politics of ‘platforms.’New Media & Society, 12(3),347–364.

Hogan, B. (2010). The Presentation of Self in the Age of Social Media: Distinguishing
Performances and Exhibitions Online. Bulletin of Science, Technology &
Jenkins, H. (2018). Fandom, Negotiation, and Participatory Culture. A Companion to
Media Fandom and Fan Studies. Stories: They're Where Your Customers Share and
Discover Things

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