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Hanna Miller

Mr. Taylor

Honors English l

4 May 2021

Dreams in A Raisin in the Sun

Walt Disney said, “ If you can dream it, you can do it.” When you have a dream you want

so badly, you will do anything to approach that dream. In the play A Raisin the Sun, many

dreams get deferred, but they also are fulfilled. If your dreams get deferred, you can get so

disappointed; that you can become enraged. When your dream is fulfilled; you feel so happy and

a sense of relief.

Nobody wants to be told that their dreams are not going to come true. You feel like

you’re not good enough, or didn’t put enough effort into it. You can get very disappointed and

feel like the world is ending. In the play A Raisin in the Sun, Walter’s dream of owning his own

liquor store gets deferred. In (Act 2, Scene 3), Walter says, “ (He starts to pound on the floor

with his fists, sobbing wildly.) THAT MONEY IS MADE OUT OF MY FATHER’S FLESH.”

The money Walter invested for his liquor business is all gone. The liquor store is the start of his

dream; his dream is to provide a better life for his family. The only reason he has the money is

because of his father’s death. The money came from the check his father left for the family. This

quote shows how enraged and disappointed Walter is. When a man cries, you know something is

really disappointing him.

Imagine you have been told your dream is going to come true. You feel so happy. As if, a

weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It is so relieving to know that you do not have to worry

about a stressful situation anymore. Ruth’s dream in A Raisin in the Sun, is to get out of the one
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bedroom apartment that her five person family was living in. In (Act 3) Ruth states, “ (looking

around and coming to life): Well, for God’s sake-- if the moving men are here-- LET’S GET

THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” Ruth is so excited to be leaving the old one bedroom apartment.

Her statement showed so much happiness and that she was ready to start the next chapter in her

life. It also shows that she got her dream. Her dream was fulfilled. In (Act 3) Mama and Ruth

have a conversation, “ (Stalling, starting to look around at the house): Yes-- I’m coming Ruth.

Ruth: Yes? Mama: “(quietly, women to women): He finally come into his manhood today, didn’t

he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain… Ruth: “( Biting her lip lest her own pride explode in

front of Mama): Yes, Lena.” The simple “ Yes, Lena”, showed how content she was with her

husband and family. Also, what Mama said about Walter, makes Ruth have a sense of relief. She

knows Walter is having a hard time finding his manhood, and not being able to provide a

luxurious life for his family. In the end, Ruth just wanted her whole family to be happy, and not

have to worry about the old, small apartment anymore.

If your dreams get deferred it can be so disappointing. So, disappointing that you can

become enraged. But when your dreams are fulfilled; you feel so happy and have a sense of

relief. Even though every dream might not come true; you have to believe you can accomplish

anything you put your mind to. Everyone has a dream. Whether it is to make your school soccer

team, or getting a promotion. Not every dream you dream will come true. When they don’t come

true it hurts; but when they do come true it feels amazing. Everything happens for a reason. If

you don’t get that promotion, it just means you were not meant for that promotion. There is

something else in the making for you, that you do not know of yet. The journey to your dream

may not be what you expect, but will work out for the best in the end.
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