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Section I: Verbal Ability

Direction: In the following the questions choose the word which best
expresses the meaning of the given word.
a. Lord b. Eulogy c. Praise d. Extolled
a. Clever reply b. Recollection c. Remuneration d. Reaction
a. Offhand b. Unimportant c. Unreal d. Effective
a. Foolishness b. Extremity c. Enthusiasm d. Economy
a. Agreements b. Contracts c. Documents d. Letters
Direction: Each sentence below consists of a word or a phrase which is bold.
It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is
closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.
6. We had a delectable meal yesterday.
a. heavy b. unsavory c. tasty d. nice
7. Many people suffer setbacks in their career because of their inherent
a. seriousness b. solemnity c. religiosity d. gravity
8. What he tells me confirms my ideas.
a. strengthens b. opposes c. contradicts d. verifies
9. Unsettled conditions in the land led to exodus of hundreds of its
a. invasion b. entry c. immigration d. expulsion
10. Feasibility of the project is under study.
a. unsuitability b. cheapness c. impropriety d. impracticability
Direction: Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in
the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
11. You haven't had your lunch yet,……. you?
a. are b. aren't c. have d. haven't
12. The waiter hasn't brought the coffee ...... I've been here an hour already.
a. till b. up c. yet d. still
13. ...... the arrival of the police, nobody went near the victim.
a. Unless b. Although c. Even d. Till
14. Johnny, where are you? ...... up this tree.
a. There I am b. There am I
c. Here am I d. Here I am
15. The boy was cured ...... typhoid.
a. from b. of c. for d. through

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 1

Direction: In the following questions four alternatives are given for the
idiom/phrase italicized and underlined in the sentence. Choose the
alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
16. He sold his house for a song.
a. at a reasonable price b. at a discount
c. very cheaply d. at a premium
17. The accounts of the murder made her flesh creep.
a. Made her sad b. Surprised her
c. Made her cry bitterly d. Fill her with horror
18. He went to his friend's house in the evening as was his wont.
a. as usual b. as he wanted
c. as his want was d. as he wanted that day
19. I ran out of money on my European tour.
a. exhausted my stock of b. did not have enough
c. lost d. carried a lot
20. I have a bone to pick with you in this matter.
a. Am in agreement b. Am angry
c. Am indebted d. Will join hands
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
In the world today we make health and end in itself. We have forgotten that
health is really means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of
modern medicine and this includes many patients as well as many physicians
pays very little attention to health but very much attention to those who imagine
that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns
in newspapers. The health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of
television programs and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the
time. Yet for the most part the only result is more people with imaginary illness.
The healthy man should not be wasting time talking about health: he should be
using health for work. The work does the work that good health possible.
21. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
a. promotion of good health b. people suffering from imaginary illness
c. people suffering from real illness d. increased efficiency in work
22. The passage suggests that
a. health is an end in itself b. health is blessing
c. health is only means to an end d. we should not talk about health
23. Talking about the health all time makes people
a. always suffer from imaginary illness
b. sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
c. rarely suffer from imaginary illness
d. often suffer from imaginary illness
24. The passage tells us
a. how medicine should be manufactured
b. what healthy man should or should not do
c. what television programs should be about
d. how best to imagine illness
25. A healthy man should be concerned with

2CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. his work which good health makes possible
b. looking after his health
c. his health which makes work possible
d. talking about health

Section II: Quantitative Ability

26. If the length of a rectangle is halved and its breadth is tripled, what is
the percentage change in its area?
a. 25 % Increase b. 25 % Decrease
c. 50 % Decrease d. 50 % Increase
27. A car owner buys diesel at Rs.7.50, Rs. 8 and Rs. 8.50 per litre for three
successive years. What approximately is the average cost per litre of diesel if he
spends Rs. 4000 each year?
a. Rs. 8 b. Rs. 7.98 c. Rs.6.2 d. Rs. 8.1
28. On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th
Feb, 2004?
a. Sunday b. Friday c. Saturday d. Monday
29. In a camp, there is a meal for 120 men or 200 children. If 150 children
have taken the meal, how many men will be catered to with remaining meal?
a. 50 b. 30 c. 40 d. 10
30. How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight
a. 22 b. 44 c. 48 d. 24
31. What is the least number which when divided by 5, 6, 7 and 8 leaves a
remainder 3, but when divided by 9 leaves no remainder?
a. 1108 b. 1683 c. 2007 d. 3363
32. Find the ratio in which rice at Rs. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at Rs.
5.70 a kg to produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg.
a. 4 : 3 b. 3 : 4 c. 2 : 3 d. 3 : 2
33. If x and y are positive integers such that (3x + 7y) is a multiple of 11,
then which of the followings are divisible by 11?
a. 9x + 4y b. x + y + 4 c. 4x - 9yd. 4x + 6y
34. Kamal started a business with Rs.25000 and after 4 months, Kiran
joined him with Rs.60000. Kamal received Rs.58000 including 10% of profit as
commission for managing the business. What amount did Kiran receive?
a. 75000 b. 70000 c. 72000 d. 78000
35. If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:
a. None of these b. 10% of a c. 4% of a d. 20% of a
36. In how many different ways can the letters of the word
'CORPORATION' be arranged so that the vowels always come together?
a. 47200 b. 48000 c. 42000 d. 50400
37. The Average age of a class of 22 subjects in 21 years. The average
increased by 1 when the teacher's age also included. What is the age of the
a. 48 b. 45 c. 43 d. 44
38. A train having a length of 240 m passes a post in 24 seconds. How long
will it take to pass a platform having a length of 650 m?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 3

a. 120 sec b. 99 s c. 89 s d. 80 s
39. Murali purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He
sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. Find out his profit percentage.
a. 3.5 b. 5.6 c. 4.1 d. 3.4
40. If 6m = 46656, What is the value of m-2?
a. 36 b. 7774 c. 216 d. 1296
41. Two boys start from the same place walking at the rate of 5 kmph and
5.5 kmph respectively in the same direction. What time will they take to be 8.5
km apart?
a. 17 hr 0 b. 14 hr c. 12 hr d. 19 hr
42. 4A work can be finished in 16 days by twenty women. The same work
can be finished in fifteen days by sixteen men. The ratio between the capacity of
a man and a woman is
a. 1:3 b. 4:3 c. 2:3 d. 2:1
43. The probability of A getting a job is 1/5 and that of B is 1/7. What is the
probability that only one of them gets a job?
a. 11/35 b. 12/35 c. 2/7 d. 1/7
44. The price of 24 apples is equal to that of 28 oranges. The price of 45
apples and 60 oranges together is Rs.1350. The total price of 30 apples and 40
oranges is
a. Rs.920 b. Rs.940 c. Rs.880 d. Rs.900
45. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as c. If the total of the
ages of A, B and C be 27, the how old is B?
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
46. The value of log 2 ⁡16 is:
a. 1/8 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16
47. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and C by 13 m. In a race of 180 m,
B will beat C by:
a. 5.4 m b. 4.5 m c. 5 m d. 6 m
48. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If
both the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
a. 12 min b. 15 min c. 25 min d. 50 min
49. If 0.75 : x :: 5 : 8, then x is equal to:
a. 1.12 b. 1.2 c. 1.25 d. 1.30
50. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of
milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two
times. How much milk is now contained by the container?
a. 26.34 litres b. 27.36 litres c. 28 litres d. 29.16 litres

Section III: Logical Reasoning

Direction: Six girls are sitting in a circle facing to the centre of the circle.
They are P, Q, R, S, T and V. T is not between Q and S but some other one.
P is next to the left of V. R is 4th to the right of P.
51. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. S is just next to the right to R b. T is just next to the right of V
c. R is second to the left of T d. P is second to the right of R

4CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

52. If P and R interchange their positions then which of the following pair
will sit together?
a. RT b. PV c. VR d. QV
53. What is the position of T?
a. Just next to the right of Q b. Second to the left of P
c. Between Q and R d. To the immediate right of V
54. Which one is sitting just right to the V?
a. P b. T c. R d. S/Q
Direction: Choose the pair that best represents a similarrelationship to the
one expressed in the original pair of words.
a. confusion : penance b. infinity : meaning
c. decorum : decoration d. elation : jubilance
a. chain : letter b. bell : church
c. telephone : call d. jingle : commercial
a. romance : sympathy b. furtherance : melancholy
c. independence : autonomy d. tolerance : philanthropy
a. asinine : silly b. cautious : emotional
c. envious : desiring d. shy : familiar
a. rancid : rational b. repetitive : recurrent
c. ephemeral : immortal d. repentant : honorable
60. In a family there are husband wife, two sons and two daughters. All the
ladies were invited to a dinner. Both sons went out to play. Husband did not
return from office. Who was at home?
a. Only wife was at home b. All ladies were at home
c. Only sons were at home d. Nobody was at home
61. Artists are generally whimsical. Some of them are frustrated. Frustrated
people are prone to be drug addicts. Based on these statements which of the
following conclusions is true?
a. All frustrated people are drug addicts
b. Some artists may be drug addicts
c. All drug addicts are artists
d. Frustrated people are whimsical
62. If A is the son of Q, Q and Y are sisters, Z is the mother of Y, P is the
son of Z, and then which of the following statements is correct?
a. P is the maternal uncle of A b. P and Y are sisters
c. A and P are cousins d. None of the above
63. There are five books A, B, C, D and E placed on a table. If A is placed
below E, C is placed above D, B is placed below A and D is placed above E, then
which of the following books touches the surface of the table?
a. C b. B c. A d. E

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 5

64. Three ladies X, Y and Z marry three men A, B and c. X is married to A,
Y isn’t married to an engineer, Z is not married to a doctor, C isn’t a doctor and
A is a lawyer. Then which of the following statements is correct?
a. Y is married to C who is an engineer
b. Z is married to C who is a doctor
c. X is married to a doctor d. None of these
Direction: These questions are based on the figure given below in which (1)
Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urban (3) Square
represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants.

65. The number indicating the uneducated urban males is

a. 4 b. 5 c. 7 d.11
66. The number indicating the educated civil servants who are males but not
urban is
a. 7 b.8 c.9 d. 10
67. The number indicating the educated urban males who are not civil
servants is
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11

68. The number indicating the educated males who are urban civil servants
a. 4 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
69. The number indicating the uneducated males who are urban civil
servants is
a. 6 b. 9 c.10 d. 11
Direction: Each of the following questions contains two statements followed
by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to consider the two
statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance at the commonly
known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions definitely
follows from the given statements.
Give answer ((a) if only I follows ; ((b)if only conclusion II follows ; ((c) ) if
both I and II follow; ((d) if neither I nor II follows and
70. Statement : Some tables are glasses. All trees are tables.
Conclusions: I.Some trees are glasses II. Some glasses are trees.
a. a b. b c. c d. d
71. Statement : No man is a lion.Somu is a man.
Conclusions: I. Somu is not a lion. II. All men are not Somu.

6CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. a b. b c. c d. d
72. Statement : All students are girls.No girl is dull
Conclusions : I. There are no boys in the class II. No student is dull
a. a b. b c. c d. d
73. Statement : Many actors are singers.All singers are dancers.
Conclusions: I. Some actors are dancers. II. No singer is an actor.
a. a b. b c. c d. d
74. Statement : Some files are ants.All insects are ants.
Conclusions: I. All files are ants. II. Some ants are insects.
a. a b. b c. c d. d
75. Pointing towards a girl, Abhisek says, "This girl is the daughter of only
a child of my father." What is the relation of Abhisek's wife to that girl?
a. Daughter b. Mother c. Aunt d. Sister

Section IV: General Awareness

76. Which is the first industry of Nepal?
a. Biratnagar Jute mills b. Biratnagar Sugar Mills
c. Hetauda Cement Factory d. Janakpur Cigarette Factory
77. What is the scientific name of snow leopard?
a. panther tigris b. panther snow c. panther maximus d. panther unicia
78. Which is the first Nepalese bank to get ISO standard?
a. NIBL b. Standard Chartered Bank
c. NABIL Bank d. NIC Bank
79. Revolon is brand name used for
a. Cosmetics b. Sports ware c. Glass ware d. Pharmaceytical
80. Which famous brand has tagline “Bring Home Europe’s Finest”?
a. Sony b. Philips c. Beko d. Kohle
81. When did Nepal establish a diplomatic relation with Britain?
a. 1814 b. 1818 c. 1820 d. 1822
82. Which bank installed the 1st ATM machine in Nepal?
a. Himalayan Bank b. NABIL Bank
c. Kumari Bank d. NIBL
83. What is the full form of ACCA
a. Association of Chartered Cost Accountants
b. Association of Certified Chartered Accountants
c. Authorized Certified Chartered Accountants
d. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
84. Who won the ICC Champions Trophy 2017 held in England?
a. South Africa b. West Indies
c. Australia d. England
85. Who built the Rani Mahal of Palpa?
a. Chandra Sumsher b. RudraSen
c. KhadgaSumsher d. PratapMalla
86. Who won the Madan Prize 2073 BS?
a. Ram Lal Joshi b. Ghanashyam Kandel
c.Yuvraj Nayaghare d. Lil Bahadur Chettri

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 7

87. Atlantic Charter gave rise to which organization?
a. EU b. UNO c. WTO d. World Bank
88. Which country is going to host the FIFA World Cup 2018?
a. Russia b. Qatar c. Germany d. Argentina
89. Who is the author of the Novel “PagalBasti”?
a. Jhamak Kumari Ghimire b. Buddisagar
c. Sarubhakta d. Amar Neupane
90. On which day is “Corporate Post” of TKP published?
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Friday d. Wednesday
91. OSLO BARS is the stock market of which country?
a. USA b. Norway c. Germany d. China
92. Dual Factorial Theory of Motivation is explained by
a. Abraham Maslow b. Frederick Herzberg
c. Victor Shiklovosky d. David McClelland
93. What is the total capacity of BudhiGandaki Hydropower Project?
a. 600 MW b. 750 MW c. 546 MW d. 650 MW
94. SAFTA has come into effect from
a. Jan 1, 2006 b. Jan 1, 2010 c. June 1, 2005 d. June 1, 2008
95. Which is the country to gain independence on Jan 14, 2011?
a. East Timor b. Montenegro c. Biafra d. South Sudan
96. What does PPP signify in Economics?
a. Purchasing Pay Power b. Public Private Partnership
c. Public Purchasing Power d. Purchasing Power Parit
97. When is “NRN Day”?
a. June 11 b. Sept. 12 c. Nov. 14 d. Oct. 1
98. Who was the pioneer of “Green Revolution”?
a. Sundar La lBahuguna b. Dr. Norman Borlaug
c. Mahbub U lHaq d. William P. Grant
99. ‘Thinking forward, Moving forward’ is the slogan of
a. Sanima Bank b. Civil Bank c. Mega Bank d. NIC Asia
100. The organization of developing countries is
a. G 8 b. G 16 c. G 20 d. UNO

8CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Section I: Verbal Ability
Direction: Choose the words which is the exactly opposite of the given words.
1. Provocation
a. Vocation b. Pacification c. Peace d. destruction
2. Subservient
a. Aggressive b. Straight-forward
c. Dignified d. Supercilious
3. Lend
a. Borrow b. Cheat c. Pawn d. Hire
4. Faint-hearted
a. Warm-hearted b. full-blooded
c. Hot-blooded d. Stout-hearted
Direction: Select the word which is closest to the meaning of word.
5. Feeble
a. Weak b. Arrogant c. Vain d. Sick
6. Transient
a. Transparent b. fleeting c. Feeble d. Fanciful
7. Bare
a. Uncovered b. Tolerate c. Clear d. Neat
8. Repeal
a. Sanction b. Perpetuate c. Pass d. Cancel
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.
9. To smell a rat
a. To see signs of plague epidemic
b. To get bad smell of a bad dead rat
c. To suspect foul dealings
d. To be in bad mood
10. To set one’s face against
a. To oppose with determination b. To judge by appearance
c. To get out of difficulty d. To look at one steadily
Direction: Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of
idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence.
11. Sobhraj could be easily arrested because the police were tipped off in
a. Toppled over b. Bribed
c. Threatened d. Given advance information
12. I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.
a. Scolded me b. Insulted me
c. Abused me d. Ignored me
13. He passed himself as a noble man.
a. Was regarded as b. Pretended to be
c. Was thought to be d. Was looked upon
14. The small child does whatever his father was done.
a. does b. did c. has done d. had done

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 9

15. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently
referred to by their short names.
a. initials b. signatures c. pictures d. middle names
Direction: Pick out the most effective word.
16. Fate smiles…..those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life.
a. with b. over c. on d. round
17. The miser gazed… the pile of gold coins in front of him.
a. avidly b. admiringly c. thoughtfully d. earnestly
18. Catching the earlier train will give us the… do some shopping.
a. chance b. luck c. possibility d. occasion
Direction: Make a correct sentence from the following words.
19. i) I ii) immediately iii) salary iv) my v)
a. iv,iii,i,ii,v b. I,v,iv,iii,ii
c. iv,ii,iii,v,i d. iv,v,i,iii,ii
20. i) of ii) we iii) heard iv) him v)
a. ii,v,iii,I,iv b. iv,ii,iii,v,i
c. v,ii,iii,iv,i d. ii,v,iv,iii,i
21. i) do ii) today iii) you iv) must v) it
a. iii,iv,I,v,ii b. ii,v,iv,I,iii
c. i,ii,v,iv,iii d. v,I,iii,ii,iv
Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the
end picking the most suitable response to the each questions.
It is to progress in the human science that we must look undo the evils have
resulted from knowledge of physical world hastily and superficially acquired by
population unconscious of the changes in them that the new knowledge has
imperative. The read to a happier world that any known in the past lies open
before us if atavistic destructive passion can be kept leash while the necessary
adaption are made. Fears are inevitable in time, but hopes are equally rational and
far more likely to bear good fruit. We must learn to think rather less of the
dangers to be avoided than of the good that will lie and let it dominate our
thoughts. Science, whatever unpleasant consequences it may have by the way, is
in its very nature a liberator, a liberator of bondage to physical nature and in time
to come, a liberator from the on the threshold of utter disaster or unprecedentedly
glorious achievement . No previous age has been fraught with problems. So
momentous, and it is to science that we must look to for a happy life.

22. What does science liberated from?

a. Fears and descriptive passion
b. Slavery to physical nature and from passion
c. Bondage to physical nature
d. Idealistic hopes of glorious future
23. Should human sciences be developed because they will
a. Provide more knowledge of the physical world

10CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

b. Make us conscious of the changing world
c. Make us conscious of the changing in ourselves
d. Eliminate the destruction caused by a superficial knowledge of the physical
24. If man’s bestial yearning is controlled
a. The future will be tolerable
b. The future will be brighter than the present
c. The present will be brighter than the future
d. The present will become tolerable
25. Fears and hopes according to the author
a. Are closely linked with the life of modern man
b. Can yield good result
c. Can bear fruit
d. Are irrational

Section II: Quantitative Ability

26. In an examination, the average score of ten students is 60.If the score of one
student is missing and the average score become 55, then the score of the
student must have been:
a. 55 b. 115 c. 105 d. 60

27. If z is a positive real number, then the maximum value of √ z+ 1   i s

a. 0 b. 2 c. -2 d. None of these √z
28. Each prime number has
a. no factor b. only one factor
c. only two factors c. more than two factor
29. Ram is fifteen in queue from the first as well as the last. How many persons are
there in the queue?
a. 15 b. 29 c. 30 d. 21
30. Which of the following is the smallest number?
a. 1/√3 b. 1/3√3 c.√3/3 d. 3/√3
31. 30 men can finish 1/7 of a work in 2days.18 men will do the remaining work in:
a. 20days b. 24 day’s c. 28 day’s d. 30days
32. How much interest will rs.10000 earn in 9 months at an annual rate of 6%?
a. 250 b. 300 c. 450 d. 550
33. The average income of Sita and Geeta is Rs.2000 and that of Rita and Neeta is
Rs.1500.What is the average income of all four?
a. 875 b. 1000 c. 1750 d.3500
34. If 2x-y=4, then 10x-5y=
a. 16 b. 1 c. 20 d. 22
35. The ratio of boys to girls in a class was 5:3. When 10 boys left the school the
ratio become 1:1. How many students were originally there in the class?
a. 32 b. 40 c. 48 d. 64
36. A book seller purchased a book at Rs.20 and sold it at a profit of 15%.The
selling price in Rs. of the book would be:
a. 22 b. 23 c. 27 d. 30
37. If a+b+c = 0 find he value of(a+b)(b+c)(c+a)
a. -3abc b. 3abc c. –abc d. abc
38. 755÷5-5=

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 11

a. 41.2 b. 140 c. 29.2 d. none
39. The next figure in the series DEFO, EFOD, FODE, will be
40. If   p=qr ,   q=r p   a n d   r= p q then, pqr=
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
41. The area of four walls of a square room 8m long and 4m high is
a. 128 m2 b. 126 m2 c. 124 c m2 d. none
42. A sum of money put out at compound interest amounts in 3years to Rs 800 and 4
years to Rs.840. Find the rate of interest.
a. 3% b. 4% c. 5% d. 6%
43. What is the value of 1 − ( 0.2 )2 ?
a. 1/4 1
b. ½ c. 25/24 d. 4
44. The sum of the digits of a two digits number is 12, and the ten’s digit is one third
of the units digit. What is the number?
a. 93 b. 54 c. 48 d. 39
45. The sum of the greatest and smallest number of five digits is:
a.11110 b. 111110 c. 10999 d. 109999
46. Ashok spends 20% of his salary on house rent. After spending two thirds of the
balance, he has Rs.320 as balance. His salary is:
a. RS.1500 b. Rs 1440 c. Rs 1200 d. Rs 1060
47. 64 is 2/7 of what number?
a. 336 b. 224 c. 192 d. 164
48. How many numbers between 100 and 300 are divisible by 11?
a. 15 b. 16 c. 18 d. 22
49. If x 2+ y 2  =13 , and x+y=5 then x-y=is
a. 0 b. 3 c. -3 d. 1
50. The square root of 99 is
a. 9 b. 11 c. 9.95 d.10.9

Section III: Logical Reasoning

Directions: The following question consists of two words that have a certain
relationship with each other, followed by four pairs of choice. Select the pair
that has the same relationship as the original pair.
51. Cells: Cytology
a) Worms: Ornithology b) Insects: Entomology
c) Diseases: Physiology d) Tissues: Morphology
52. Birds: Aves
a) Fish: Water b) whale: Fish
c) Lizard: Insect d) Man: Homosapiens
53. Dusk: Night
a) Afternoon: Evening b) Infant: Child
c) Walk: Run d) Day: Light
54. Triangle: Hexagon
a) Cone: Sphere b) Rectangle: Octagon
c) Pentagon: Heptagon d) Angle: Quadrilateral
55. Pesticide: Plant
a) Pesticide: Plant b) vaccination: Body
c) Advocate: Court d) Teacher: Student
Direction( 56-60): The following questions present four words. Find out
the odd word.

12CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

56. a) Ginger b) Potato c) Spinach d) Cabbage
57. a) Plant b) Short c) Twig d) Spray
58. a) Father b) Brother c) Woman d) Sister
59. a) Horse b) Sparrow c) Cow d) Pig
60. a) bringer b) Orange c) Apple d) grapes
61. If diamond is called gold, gold is called silver, silver is called ruby and ruby is
called emerald, which is the cheapest jewel?
a) Diamond b) Silver c) Ruby d) Gold
62. If eye is called hand, hand is called mouth, mouth is called ear, ear is called nose
and nose is called tongue, with which of the following would a person hear?
a) Eye b) Mouth c) Nose d) Ear
63. If room is called bed, bed is called window, window is called flower and flower
is called on what would a man sleep?
a) Window b) Bed c) Flower d) Cooler
64. In a certain code language, 617 means sweet and hot; 735 means coffee is sweet;
and 263 means tea is hot. Which of the following would mean coffee is hot?
a) 731 b) 536 c) 753 d) 367
65. A train 150m. Long takes 20 seconds to cross a platform 450m. Long. What is
the speed of that train?
a) 25m/s b) 50m/s c) 40m/s d) 30 m/s
66. Three coins are tossed in the air at the same time. What are the chances that at
least two of the coins will finish heads up?
a)100% b)50% c) 40% d)60%
67. Arrange the following words form general to particular order
1. Sentence 2. Words 3. Chapter 4. Phase 5. Paragraph
a) 43125 b) 23541 c) 35142 d) 12345
68. What is common in – Love, Respect, and Sympathy?
a)They are sentiments b)They are feelings
c)They are net reciprocal d) They cannot be displayed
69. I have no brothers and sons but Ajit’s father is my father’s only one son. Who is
Ajit to me?
a)Wife b)Motherc)Sister d) Daughter
70. A man said to a woman “Your brother’s only sister is my mother”. How is the
man related to woman?
a) Nephew b) Son-in- law c) Husband d) Son
71. X is the son of Y and Y is the mother of Z and Z is the daughter of A. Who is A
to X?
a) Mother b) Brother c) Father d) Sister
72. A glass gull of Beer weights 1 kg and the glass and half full of Beer weights ¾
kg. What is the weight of glass?
a)1/2 kg b)1/4 kg c)1/8 kg d) 1/3 kg
73. Which word comes last in Dictionary?
a) Ensure b) Enslave c) Ensnare d) Ensign
74. If English Alphabets are written in reverse order, what will be the 4th letter to the
right of the 13th letter from the left?
a) J b) L c) K d) M
75. Which word cannot be formed from MADRID?

Section IV: General Awareness

76. How many years does Neptune take to revolve around the sun?
a. 104.35 yrs b. 284.23 yrs c. 105.51 yrs d. 164.79 yrs

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 13

77. What is demo phobia?
a. Fear of school b. Fear of crowed
c. Fear of ladder d. Fear of marriage
78. What is the scientific study of the soil called?
a. Pedology b. Astrology c. Seismology d. Socoilogy
79. For which language did the word ‘Bank’ originate?
a. Ptalian b. Spanish c. English d. Indian
80. What is apiculture?
a. Butterfly Keeping b. Bee-Keeping
c. Bird-keeping d. Goat-Keeping
81. Which country introduces the AIDS disease?
a. France b. America c. England d. Africa
82. Which country is known as ‘Country under water’?
a. Greece b. Denmark c. Bulgaria d. Netherlands
83. The Japanese space probe ‘Hayabusa’ was targeted at………
a. Saturn b. satellite of Saturn
c. An asteroid d. none of these
84. Who won the Women’s singles Winbledon 2017?
a. Angelique Kerber b. Roberta Vinci
c. Johanna Konta d. Garbine Muguruza
85. Who is the president of WTO?
a. M. Kamalnath b. Keith Rockwell
c. Dr. Incropera d. Roberto Azevêdo
86. Which of is not member of G-20?
a. Brazil b. China c. Pakistan d. Japan
87. The famous Hollywood Actress Nicole kid man is from
a. Australia b. Sudan c. America d. China
88. Who is the lead vocalist of the band Nepathaya?
a. Amrit Gunung b, Sudip Giri
c. Sugampokherel d. Shiva Mokhia
89. Which country recently honoured the first conquest of Mt. Everest without
bottled oxygen?
a. Nepal b. India c. UK d. China
90. Who established the world famous website Yahoo.Com?
a) David felo and geryang b) Yahoo and Tiker
c) Bill gates d) Cherry and josheph
91. Who is the writer of Book “Let’s Visit to Nepal?
a) Tong b) AngsangSuki
c) Kolin Powel d) Atal Bihari Bazpai
92. How many types of Language are spoken in Nepal?
a) 125 b) 120 c) 115 d) 110
93. In which Vitamin we introduced from rainy water?
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C d)Vitamin E
94. Which animal can breathe through eye and nose? ‘
a) Giraffe b) Bear c) Deer d) Pig
95. How many Hectors are there in one acre?
a) 0.406 b) 0.408 c) 0.405 d) 0.407
96. When was the first Miss World competition held?
a) 1952 AD b) 1953 AD c) 2000 AD d) 1951 AD
97. Rlex is the brand name of
a) Footwear b) Car
c) Wrist Watch d) Mobile Phone

14CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

98. Currency of Thailand is
a) Taka b) Rupee c) Dinar d) Bhatt
99. Who is the new chief of US space agency, NASA?
a) Jim Bridenstine b) John Cornyn
c) Mitchell McConnell d) Cory Gardner
100.“Believe in the Best” is the slogan of

Verbal Ability
Direction: Select the correct antonym of the following
1. Discrete
a. wise b. continuous c. separate d. foolish
2. Sensible
a. careless b. irrational c. palpable d. ridicule
3. Curse
a. bless b. blame c. sacrifice d. donate
4. Selection
a. seldom b. often c. ever d. never
5. Fallacy
a. fruitful b. truism c. aversion d. false
Direction: Select the correct choice to fill in the following blanks.
6. The Custom officer searched…………. the bags of passenger.
a. in b. of c. on d. into

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 15

7. You will have to wait until the policeman……………. The traffic.
a. will stop b. must go c. should stop d. stops
8. Most T. V sets today are cable…………
a. competitive b. compactable
c. commendable d. commensurate
9. Everyone should abide………………the rules of the university.
a. to b. for c. from d. by
10. The books were equally distributed………. the four student.
a. between b. for c. among d. to
Direction: Select the correct preposition to fill in the following blanks.
11. He is greedy………. money and property.
a. of b. with c. by d. to
12. The college principal is entrusted……… the authority to expel the unruly
a. for b. with c. by d. to
13. At the college, I was mistaken……………. a professor.
a. upon b. over c. for d. on
14. Conditions are favorable………… his progress.
a. at b. to c. on d. for
15. I am dying……….thirst.
a. of b. with c. from d. by
Direction: The question has a statement following by four words or phrases.
Select the word or a phrase which is closed in meaning the statement.
16. ‘Out of pocket’
a. earn a fortune b. to be broke
c. spend lavishly d. to be rich
17. A big gun
a. cannon b. an important person
c. a dealer of arms d. an aircraft carrier
18. Snail’s pace
a. fast pace b. regular pace
c. unplanned move d. slow pace
19. Once in the blue moon
a. forever b. never c. rarely d. always
20. To lend a hand
a. to be honest b. to be regular at work
c. to be helpful d. to be among friends
Direction: Read the given passage carefully answer the questions that follow.
Computers have been described by the lay man as “giant brains” which can do or
imitate many of the things that human brain generally does. The brain is the finest
miniature computer known to civilization; its four pound of gray matter and its billion

16CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

of calls can store more information than the same number of what is called “flip-
flops”. The information stored there is recalled whenever necessary, in a flash as it
were. But with the advance of science, especially electronics, life has almost become
computerized, which is another way of saying that computers have become more and
more a part of everyday life. Tomorrow, it is said, belongs to computer.
21. “Flip-flops” are used in computers to
a. print the information b. calculate the information
c. store the information c. analyze the data
22. The information stored in computer is
a. temporary
b. always printed on a magnetic tape
c. erase when required to be used
d. recalled whenever necessary
23. Which part of the human body is comparable to the job of the computers?
a. heart b. brain c. lungs d. hands
24. According to the author ‘gray matter’ forms a part of
a. computer memory system b. computer cells
c. human brain d. none of the above
25. With the advance of science and electronics, human life has become
a. less monotonous b. more or less relaxed
c. more complicated d. more or less computerized

Logical Reasoning
26. Gooch is an English man. So, he is a good cricketer.
a. cricket is played in Britain
b. all English men play cricket
c. some English men are good cricketer
d. all good cricketer are English men
27. Suresh is sincere because he is honest
a. no sincere person is honest b. only sincere people are honest
c. only honest are sincere d. sincerely and honest go together
28. Ram is hospitalized because he suffered heart attack
a. everyone is hospitalized once a while
b. some suffering from heart attack are hospitalized
c. all who suffer from heart attack are hospitalized
d. heart attack is reduced in hospital
29. No babies can walk, all those who can walk are grown-ups, therefore:
a. all babies are grown up
b. all grown-up persons are babies.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 17

c. no person who can walk is a baby
d. those that can run can also walk
30. She will surely help because she is a good friend
a. only girls are good friend b. no are who can help as a friend
c. none are who friends can help d. all good friends help
Directions: In question 31-35 you are required to choose from four diagrams a,
b, c, d, that illustrates the relationship among the three given classes better than
any other.

a b c d
31. mother, son, daughter
32. family, father, mother
33. principal, teacher, students
34. England, Nepal, America
35. Alphabets, A, D
Direction: Select the pair of pair which best expresses the relationship similar to
that expressed in the pair of bold letters
36. Book: knowledge:: teacher:
a. fire b. instruction c. light d. power
37. Football:11::cricket:
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 9
38. Cigarette: smoking:: exams:
a. giving b. taking c. getting d. running
39. Noon: midnight:: dawn:
a. night b. eve c. afternoon d. morning
40. Country: capital:: investment:
a. capital b. property c. industry d. factory
Direction: Find odd one out
41. a. Bangkok b. Tokyo c. Bombay d. Jakarta
42. a. father b. mother c. sister d. friend
43. a. sunflower b. pine c. rose d. jasmine
44. a. pepper b. butter c. chest d. milk
45. a. rifle & bullet b. gun& shell c. rocket & charge d. tank &
Direction: Select the pair that has same relationship as the original pair of
46. Fire: hot

18CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. sweet: wet b. sky: blue c. film: camera d. book: page
47. Cartoon: soft
a. iron: hard b. wood: think c. silk: costly d. nylon: thread
48. Player: coach
a. examination: mark b. student: teacher
c. devotes: religion d. guide: friend
49. Cube: square
a. sphere: circle b. pyramid: triangle
c. solid: hollow d. prism: cone
50. Sugars: sweet
a. ice: cold b. butter: cow
c. attack: fail d. comparative: superlative
General Awareness
51. With which of the following trade name “gulf” is associated?
a. computer b. soft drink c. cigarette d. lube oil
52. The most populated city of the world is:
a. Delhi b. Bangkok c. London d. Tokyo
53. Emergence of both private and public sector is known as
a. unrestricted economy b. restricted economy
c. socialism d. mixed economy
54. Which of the following is not a news agency?
a. PTI b. RSS c. ILO d. UNI
55. Which company’s slogan is “let’s make things better”?
a. General electronics b. Philips
c. BPL d. Tata
56. With which of the following countries is the AFP news agency associated?
a. France b. Nepal c. Sweden d. Japan
57. Bank generally does not pay interest in
a. saving
b. current account
c. fixed deposit account
d. interest is payable in all type of accounts
58. The air “Biman” belongs to
a. Nepal b. India c. Bangladesh d. Srilanka
59. Which sports man is popularly known as “sultan of reverse swing”?
a. Javed Miandad b. Wasim Akram
c. Shoeb Akhtar d. Wakar Younis
60. Willington is the capital of
a. Australia b. New Zealand c. Netherlands d. Norway
61. In which country is the headquarters of ASEAN located?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 19

a. Malaysia b. Thailand c. Indonesia d. Singapore
62. “ROCK YOGIS” is related to
a. Dance group b. Musical group
c. Environmentalist d. Rock climbers
63. ARYABHATT is the name of
a. space craft b. flim star c. ancient city d. film
64. Which is the odd pair?
a. Panchakanya: iron rod
c. Konika: photography
b. Exide: battery
d. Mobicos: mobile oil
65. To which country the Al-Queda leader Bin Laden belong to?
a. Afghanistan b. Saudi Arabia c. Iraq d. Iran
66. Where is the head quarter of UNO?
a. New York b. Paris
c. London d. Washington DC
67. “Bulls and bars” is the term associated with
a. Parliamentary affairs b. Bull fights
c. Racing d. Stock exchange
68. The term “fourth estate” refers to
a. Judiciary b. Press
c. Backward area d. Parliament
69. That branch of science which deals with study of change taking place in
atmosphere is:
a. Mammography b. Meteorology
c. Mycology d. Morphology
70. Arthashastra was authored by
a. Vatsyayana b. Manu
c. Chanakya d. Vishnu sharma
71. Business today magazine is a publication of
a. Kantipur publication b. Fairgrowth ltd
c. News equity ltd d. Shree distillery
72. The brand name “Revlon” is associated with
a. Tea b. Cosmetics
c. Whiskey d. Office equipment
73. By what name is GATT known in the present
a. WTO b. ITC
c. Trade authority d. GMTO
74. Where was Ganga lal Shrestha shot dead?
a. Teku b. Shova Bhagawati
c. Basantapur d. Singhadurbar

20CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

75. The headquarters of UNESCO is located in
a. New York b. Geneva c. Vienna d. Paris
Quantitative Ability
76. When an article is sold for Rs. 2000. It is the loss of 10% to earn gain of 10%
the article must be sold for
a. 2444.44 b. 2420 c. 2160 d. 2222.22
77. If x2 - y2 =30 and x - y = 5, then x + y is
a. 6 b. 12 c. 15 d. 10
78. If the bus can travel 15 miles on a gallon of the gas, how many gallons of gas
will it use to travel 200 miles?
a. 10.28 b. 12.56 c. 15.8 d. 13.33
79. If the sides of square increases by 40% then the area of square is increased by
a. 90% b. 80% c. 96% d. 160%
80. If the perimeter of the squares is 16 its area is a
a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 64
81. Hari spent 15% of his money and from the reminder he gave 20% to his friend.
He was left with Rs. 1020. Find the money in the beginning
a. 1600 b. 1500 c. 1400 d. 1200
82. 47. If the radius of a circle is increased by 5% then the area of the circle is
increased by
a. 3.6% b. 6% c. 12.36% d. 36%
83. Which of the following is the smallest?
a. 1/2+1/4 b. 1/3+1/4 c. 1/3+1/3 d. 1/2+1/3
84. The difference of the age’s o father and son is 15. If fathers age is 4 times the
son’s age. What is the father’s age?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 25 d. 20
85. What percentage of 3500 is 70?
a. 1% b. 2% c. 3% d. 4%
Direction: The bar chart given below shows the number of students admitted in
Diploma level of management in years.
Question 86-90 are based on the following graph.
(Note: Graph is giver after Q. No. 90)
86. In which years was the decrease in admission when compared to the previous
a. 1984-85 b. 1986-87 c. 1985-86 d. 1988-99
87. What was the percentage increase in the admission in the year 1987-88?
a. 50% b. 75% c. 100% d. 80%
88. In which year was the percentage decreases in admission the least when
compared to the previous year?
a. 1986-87 b. 1985-86 c. 1988-89 d. 1984-85
89. The percentage decrease in admission in 1988-89 over 1987-88 was

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 21

a. 60% b. 40% c. 30% d. 20%
90. The number of student decreases in admission from 1983-84 to 1988-89 was
a. 1400 b.1550 c. 1350 d. 1300

91. Which one is subtracted from 7/8 gives 24:80?

a. 23:40 b. 94:80 c. 47:40 d. 5:8
92. If (x+1)/x=5 then (x2
+1) /x2 is
a. 17 b. 23 c. 15 d. 10
93. A string of the kite is 250m long make an angle of 600 with the horizontal
ground. Find the height of the kite from the ground?
a. 217. 2m b. 216.5m c. 218.2m d. 220.2m
94. If a=b=c=d=e=1, find the value of -a [-b {-c (-d -e)}]
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
95. Given A={2,5,7} and B={4,6,7,8} for U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}then set A`U B`
will be
a. {1,2,3,4,6,8,9} b. {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9}
c. {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10} d. {1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10}
96. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on Rs. 500 for 3
years at 5% per annum is
a. Rs. 4.18 b. Rs. 3.18 c. Rs. 1.88 d. Rs. 5.08
97. If root of 60 + root of 15 - root of 135 = root of x , then the value of x is
a. 0 b. root 15 c. 2 root 15 d. 3 root 15
98. The product of two numbers is 2400. If the greater number is 1. 5 times
greater than the small. Then the smaller number is
a. 80 b. 60 c. 40 d. 20
99. A digital watch set accurately at 8:30 am and then lost 2 second every minute.
What time was indicate on the watch at 6;30 pm of the same day. If the watch
operated continually until that time.
a. 6:26 b. 6:00 c. 5:58 d. 5:56
100. The next number in the series, 2 and 4, 8, 16……………
a. 32 b. 36 c. 40 d. 42

22CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Section I: Verbal Ability
Directions to Solve: In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in
bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly
the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without
altering the meaning of the sentence.
1. The bullet wound proved to be fatal and the soldier died immediately.
a. grievous b. dangerous c. serious d. deadly
2. He has a propensity for getting into debt.
a. natural tendency b. aptitude
c. characteristic d. quality
3. I don't like alien fashions.
a. foreign b. extraneous
c. unusual d. exotic
4. All the characters in this novel are fictitious.
a. unbelievable b. unreliable
c. infamous d. unreal
5. The invasion force had no artillery and was completely annihilated.
a. dismembered b. reduced

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 23

c. destroyed d. split
Directions to Solve: In the following questions choose the word which is the
exact OPPOSITE of the given words.
a. reliable b. cultural c. social d. religious
a. Abdicate b. Renounce c. Possess d. Deny
a. withheld b. sanctioned c. passed d. validate
a. slim b. obese c. sulky d. suffice
a. Candid b. Direct c. Forthright d. Genuine
Directions: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each,
four words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out
the appropriate words.
Within the (11) …….we are more friendly to each other than are many (12)……
of animals but in our attitudes towards those outside the herd, in spite of all that
has been done by moralists and (13)…….teachers, our emotions are as (14)
…….as those of any animal, and our (15)…..enables us to give them a scope
which is (16)…… to even the most savage beast.
11. a. Society b. Caste c. Herd d.
12. a. Species b. Kinds c. Types d.
13. a. college b. school c. religious d. social
14. a. uncontrolled b. hostile c. wild d.
15. a. intellect b. intelligence c. knowledge d.
16. a. relegated b. denial c. denied d.
Direction: In the following questions four alternatives are given for the
idiom/phrase italicized and underlined in the sentence. Choose the
alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
17. Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to stew in his own
a. Make a stew b. Boil
c. Suffer in his own juice d. Suffer for his own act
18. How long will the people put up with the increasing economic
a. welcome b. take easily
c. remain satisfied with d. tolerate
19. The speaker gave a bird's eye view of the political conditions in the

24CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. a personal view b. a general view
c. a biased view d. a detailed presentation
20. Their business is now on its last legs.
a. About to fructify b. About to perish
c. About to produce results d. About to take of
Directions: In the following questions, there is a sentence of which some
parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts
which are labeled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the
correct sequence.
21. Rajesh
P. Rama who studied Q. in the same school
R. paid the fees of his friend S. who was rich
22. I shall go
P. my work here Q. to Calcutta
R. I have finished S. after
23. I saw
P. a dead bull Q. while walking across
R. the street S. yesterday
24. The social worker devoted
P. to the upliftment Q. of the people
R. his entire life S. of his village
25. P. The doctor prescribed Q. some antibiotics
R. having examined the patient S. of his village

Quantitative Analysis
26. If tn= 2n2+3n, the value of S4 is
a. 90 b. 85 c. 80 d. none of the above.
27. If the clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock, etc. how many
times will it strike in 24 hours?
a. 150 b. 156 c. 157 d. none of the above
28. Complete the series: 1,2,4,7,14,18,__,__
a. 23, 45 b. 23, 44 c. 23, 46 d. 23, 48
29. What is 4% of 4% of 40,000?
a. 61 b. 62 c. 63 d. 64
30. If the circumference of the circle is equal to the perimeter of the square
whose sides are π, then the radius of the circle is
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
31. What is “b” divided by b% of b?
a. 100/b b. 1000/b2 c.100/c d. none of these
32. Which of the following is greater than x when x= 9/11?
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 25
a. 1/x b. (x+1)/x c. (x+1)/(x-1) d. none of these
33. The measures of two acute angles of a right angled triangle are in the
ratio 5:13. What is the measure of the larger acute angle?
a. 62 b. 65 c. 68 d. 69
34. If a: b= 3:5 and a: c= 5:7. What is the value of b: c?
a. 3: 7 b. 21: 35 c. 21: 25 d. 25: 21
35. Gita can grade ‘m’ test in 1/y hours. At this rate, how many tests can
she grade in ‘y’ hours?
a. my b. my2 c. 1/m d. y/m
36. The system of equations: 2x+3y= 8 and 4x+3y= 6 have
a. Unique solution b. no solution
c. infinite solution d. none of these
37. The difference of two ‘irrational numbers’ is
a. Real number b. irrational number
c. rational number d. none of these
38. Find the arrangement in which vowels always come together in the
word ‘ARTICLE’.
a. 5! * 2! b. 5!* 3! c. 5!* 4! d. None of these
39. The fourth proportional to 5, 8 and 16 is
a. 24.6 b. 25.6 c. 26.6 d. 27.6
40. Find the true discount on Rs. 1025 due 6 months hence at 5%.
a. 21 b. 24 c. 25 d. 26
41. “correlation coefficient” lies between
a. 1 to 2 b. -1 to 1 c. -3 to 1 d. none of these
42. Divide Rs. 53 among A, B and C so that A may receive Rs. 7 more than
B and B may receive Rs. 8 more than C.
a. 25, 18, 10 b. 18, 10, 25 c. 20, 12, 27 d. 15, 17, 19
43. One half of a number is 17 more than one third of the number. The
number is
a. 52 b. 84 c. 102 d. 112
44. Find the area of square whose diagonal is 10.
a. 50 b. 40 c. 70 d. none of these
45. If x and y are positive integers and (13x)y= 1313, what is the average of x
and y?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
46. The first term of sequence is 1. Every term after the first one is more
than the square of the preceding term. What is the fifth term?
a. 676 b. 677 c. 678 d. 679
47. If the sum of 5 consecutive integers is 740, what is the largest of these
a. 70 b. 60 c. 80 d. none of these
48. If A is the set of positive multiples of 5 less than 200 and B is the set of
multiples of 7 less than 200, how numbers are in both Set A and set B?
a. 800 b. 700 c. 900 d. none of these

26CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

49. What is the next number in the series: 18, 10, 6, 4,__
a. 8 b. 6 c. 3 d. none of these
50. Ram’s average on four tests is 80. What grade does he need in his fifth
test to raise his average to 84?
a. 82 b. 84 c. 92 d. none of these

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Spot the odd one out
51. a) picture b) poster c) painting d) photograph
52. a) vwyz b) aceg c) hjln d) oqsu
53. a) pain b) gain c) vechicke d) train
54. a) dark b) night c) day d) noon
55. a) birds b) children c) animals d) women
56. Nephew is to nice as wizard is to
a. witch b. bitch c. dogs d. all of above
57. FAILURE is to LAZINESS as success is to
a. waste of time b. hardwork
c. intelligence d. beautiful
58. If DRAMA is related to Director, then MAGAZINNE is to
a. printer b. publisher c. editor d. reader
59. If TRADE is to EMBARGO, then water is to
a. RAM b. DAM c. FAM d. CAM
60. If the happiness is to sadness, as health is to
a. sickness b. sadness c. None of these d. Both
Direction: Select the logically best answer which complements the statement
in question
61. ‘Fanta is an orange flavored drink’
a) Fanta is orange flavoured b) Fanta can only be orange flavored
c) Fanta is orange in color d) Orange drinks are Fanta
62. ‘Clean the TV screen! Its covered in dust’
a) TV screen needs cleaning b) Dust has covered the TV screen
c) If it is not covered in dust, TV screen does not need cleaning
d) A clean TV screen does not have dust
63. ]The internet is down. Reset the router’
a) There is disturbance in router b) Wi-Fi strength is determined by router
c) Resetting router can solve the connection problem
d) The internet is down because the router is not well configured
64. ‘The fullback crosses with pin point precision and it’s a wonderfully
headed goal by the striker’
a) The goal was made by the passing of the fullback
b) The striker scored because the cross was good
c) The striker scored and was well assisted by the fullback
d) The fullbacks cross was so good that it was going in even if the striker missed.
65. ‘I haven’t worked out for a week. I must have put on weight’

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 27

a) Regular workout keeps us fit
b) If workout is irregular, we gain weight
c) Putting on weight is due to not working out
d) Regular workout is the only way to lose weight.
Direction: Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a
certain relationship to each other, followed by four pairs. Select the pair that
has the same relationship as the original pair of words.
66. Soap: Hand wash
a) Shampoo: Head wash b) Soap: Shower Gel
c) Antiseptic: Cotton d) Lotion: Powder
67. Pillow: Feather
a) Man: Guts b) Pipe: Water
c) Water: Bottle d) Pen: Ink
68. Toaster: Cheese
a) Fridge: Vegetables b) Mp3 player: Songs
c) Microwave: Sandwich d) Plate: Salt
69. Facebook: YouTube
a) Truck: Bicycle b) Gmail: Yahoo
c) Samsung: Hyundai d) Plane:Helicopter
70. Ghantaghar: Dharahara
a) Changu Narayan: Suryabinayak b) Pashupatinath: Guheshowi
c) Krishna Mandir: Bangalamukhi Mandir
d) Patan Durbar: Basantapur Durbar
71. In a certain code IMTITJU is written as TMIIUJT. How is TEMREMP
written in that code?
72. I n a certain code, SIKKIM is written as THLJJL, how is TRAINING
written in that code?
73. If COMPLETED is coded as MOCELPDET, then DIRECTION will be
coded as:
74. If COOL is coded as DQRP, then write the code for HOT
a. IQW b. JQW c. IQX d. IPW
75. In a certain code, '289' means 'read from paper'; '276' means 'tea from
field' and '85' means 'wall paper'. Which of the following is the code for 'tea?
a. 2 b. 6 c. either 2 or 6 d. either 7 or 6

General Awareness
76. Ankara is the capital of
a. Zambia b. Turkey c. Brazil d. Japan
77. The longest day in the year is
a. June 21 b. Feb 21 c. March21 d. Jan 21
78. Which blood is universal accepter
a. O b. A c. AB d. B

28CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

79. "We are here for what you want" is the slogan of which bank
a. SBI Nepal b. Everest Bank
c. Himalayan Bank d. Standard chartered Bank
80. The first meeting to establish WTO was held at Havana in
a. 1987 b. 1948 c. 1947 d.1995
81. Saina Nehwal who received many national awards is associated with which of the
following sports?
a. Boxing b.Tennis c. Badminton d. Athletics
82. Name the son of Prince William and Kate
a. George Louis William b. George Robin William
c. George William d. George Alexander Louis
83. From which language did the word Bank originated
a. Italian b. Spanish c. English d. Nepali
84. Indian Criket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni was appointed as a brand
ambassador of Nepal Cricket Association on
a. 2010 b. 2011 c. 2012 d. 2009
85. According to Forbes 2018, which game's player have highest earning
a. Basketball b. Football c. Boxing d. Moto GP
86. What is the actual name of singer Psy(gangnam style)
a. Lu Sen b. Yum Jae Chang
c. Park Jae Sang d. Park Jae Chang
87. Which movies has been awarded as the best picture in Oscar 2018?
a. Life of pie b. Lincoln c. The Shape of Water d. Amour
88. Which was the first Nepali film made in Nepal
a. Buwa b. Aama c. Didi bhai d. Bhauju
89. Which of these is not a full member of the International Cricket Council?
a. Australia b. Bangladesh c. Zimbabwe d. Mexico

90. At present how many commercial banks are there in Nepal

a. 31 b. 32 c. 28 d. 29
91. How many pounds are there in 1kg
a. 2.5 b. 1.5 c. 2.2 d. 3.2
92. Which is not a member of G-20
a. Brazil b. China c. Pakistan d. Japan
93. Which district is refereed as desert district of Nepal
a. Manang b. Mustang c. Nepalgunj d. Dolpa
94. Sajha yatayat was established on
a. 1961/62 b. 1962/63 c. 1963/64 d. 1964/65
95. First government college of Nepal
a. Shankedev campus b. Tri Chandra
c. Pulchwok campus d. Nepal law campus
96. Which country recently announced an economic corridor with multidimensional
connectivity through the Himalayas?
a. China b.India c. Nepal d. Bhutan
97. Who was the miss Nepal of 2018?
a. Shrinkhala Khatiwada b. Ronali Amatya
c. Manita Devkota d. Priya Sigdel
98. Who is the current governor of NRB.
a. Yub Raj Khatiwada b. Himalaya Shumsher
c. Mr.Deependra Bahadur Kshetry d. Dr. Chiranjivi Nepal
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 29
99. A feasibility study for the metro railway(5 metro lines) prepared by the
government had concluded that the railway system in the Capital would costs
a. 330 billion b. 220 billion c. 110 billion d. 440 billion
100. What was the theme of 2018 World Earth Day?
a. End Plastic Pollution b. No to Plastic
c. Save Mother Earth from Plastic d. Plastic Pollution: A Menace


Section I: Verbal Ability

Select the word which is closest to the meaning of the words given
1. Tangible
a. real b. indefinite c. meek d. apparent
2. Liquidate
a. float b. destroy c. deride d. jostle
3. Witty
a. indigenous b. speedy c. foolish d. awkward
4. Anarchy
a. authority b. supreme authority
c. lawlessness d. discipline
5. Carnivorous
a. decorative b. social c. rude d. flesh-eating

30CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Fill in the blanks with the words that best fits in with the meaning of the
following sentences.
6. Ram… us for half an hour.
a. said b. speak c. talked d. told
7. She is expert in preparing …… .
a. desert b. deserts
c. dessert d. none of the above
8. He distributed money……. the four beggars.
a. in b. between c. in between d. among
9. His…….brought about his ruin.
a. greed b. avarice c. ambition d. desire
10. The bridge was………opened by the minister.
a. formality b. formatically c. formally d. formerly
In each four different spellings for words given, select the incorrectly
11. a. correspondance b. volatile
c. neighbor d. independence
12. a. colleague b. willful
c. altogather d. separate
13. a. maintenence b. restaurant
c. Wednesday d. vocabulary
14. a. communication b. language
c. participent d. appropriate
15. a. tribunal b. committee
c. commisson d. remuneration
Each questions given below consists of an idiom or a phrase, followed by
four lettered expressions. Choose the lettered expression that most nearly
expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
16. By hook or by crook
a. by unfair means b. by fair means

c. by fair or foul d. by seeking help from somebody

17. At sixes or seven

a. in right order b. improper order

c. odd and even events d. to be self-dependent

18. Days to come

a. to look forward b. to forecast

c. days and nights d. to come to nothing

19. A rolling stone

a. frequent change in work b. hard working person

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 31

c. downhill trip d. difficult task
20. An eye for an eye
a. association b. close friendship
c. revenge communicate through eye language
Question no. 21 to 25 are based on the following paragraph. Please read the
paragraph carefully and answer the questions.
It is undesirable that some useful analogies can be drawn between the relation
systems of computer mechanism and relational systems of brain mechanism. The
comparison does not depend upon any close resemblance between the actual
mechanism links which occurs in brains and computers; it depends on what the
mechanics do. Furthermore, brains and computers can both be organized so as to
solve problems. This mode of communication is designed to generate artificial
human speech and even by accident to produce sequences of words which human
beings recognize as poetry. The implication is not that machines are gradually
taking human forms, but that there is no sharp break of continuity between what
is human and what is mechanical.
21. The mechanism in a computer and human brain is:
a. same b. similar c. different d. almost same
22. Computers and human brains are designed in order to:
a. reason b. solve problems
c. complicate life d. make life easier
23. Computers are able to generate:
a. real human voices b. artificial human voices
c. stories d. discord
24. Computers are able to perform many functions similar to those performed
by the human brain only because:
a. the computers have human facilities
b. the human brains have shrunk in size
c. the process of programming communication is same
d. the modem has become more mechanical
25. What is the implication of this paragraph?
a. computers should replace human brain
b. computers cannot replace human brains
c. computers can write poetry
d. computers should be discarded to save the human race

Section II: Logical Reasoning

Find the odd ones out.
26. a. professor b. principal
c. Researcher d. head master
27. a. Kathmandu b. New Delhi
c. New York d. Bangkok
28. a. meter b. yard
c. cubic centimeter d. liter
32CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
29. a. hen b. horse
c. dog d. camel
30. a. cloth b. silk
c. yarn d. chair
Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a certain
relationship to each other followed by four pair. Select the pair that has the
same relationship as the original pair of words.
31. Kathmandu: Nepal:
a. Calcutta: India b. New York: USA
c. Bangkok: Thailand d. Jaffna: Sri Lanka
32. fire: hot :
a. sweet: wet b. sky: blue
c. film: camera d. book: page
33. hospital: beds :
a. college: teachers b. college: seats

c. road: passengers d. family: guests

34. density: volume:

a. humidity: pressure b. temperature: weather

c. forecast: rain d. resistance: current

35. soldier: regiment:

a. pond: river b. accountant: money

c. player: team d. speaker: radio

Two statements are given each followed by four answer choices. Select the
best answer choice which is logically based on the arguments in the given
36. Yogesh is a student of St. Xavier’s school. He must be sharp.
a. Students of private school are sharp
b. Students of public school are not sharp
c. St. Xavier’s school is a private school
d. Students of St. Xavier’s school are generally sharp
37. We use heaters in winter because:
a. Heaters provide light
b. Heaters provide badly needed heat
c. Heaters are available
d. Firewood is costly
38. Cricketers are players. So:
a. Some players are always cricketers
b. Girls do not play cricket
c. She is a cricketer

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 33

d. Cricketers are not necessarily players
39. All those who fail second time are fools. So:
a. He is b. No one should fail
c. People are fool d. None of the above
40. If PEN is coded 520 and LETTER is coded as 324426, then TENT is coded
a. 2404 b. 4204 c. 4404 d. 4004
In questions 41 to 45, you are required to choose from the four diagrams
marked A, B, C, and D. The one that illustrates the relationship among the
three given classes better than any other.

A. B. C. D.
41. Nepal, India, New Delhi
a. b. c. d.
42. Professor, Lecturer, University
a. b. c. d.
43. Mahendra Gufa, Nepal, Pokhara
a. b. c. d.

44. Dang, Bajhang, Morang

a. b. c. d.
45. University, Campus, Campus Chief
a. b. c. d.
46. BLACK is coded as 52134 and WHITE is coded as 90876. Then TALE will
be coded as:
a. 5370 b. 7826 c. 7126 d. 2654
47. The next figure in the series DEFO, EFOD, FODE will be:
48. Problem

Answer figure:

34CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. b. c. d.
Find the odd ones out:
49. a. Mother b. Aunt
c. Nephew d. Friend
50. a. Gun and Shell b. Tank and Gun
c. Rocket and Charge d. Rifle and Bullet
Section III: Quantitative Analysis
51. The sum of the greatest and smallest number of five digit is:
a. 11,110 b. 111,110 c. 10,999 d. 109,999
52. A man deposits Rs. 1 on a day, Rs. 2 on the next day Rs. 3 on the third day
and so on for 60 days. Total collection at the end of 50 days will be:
a. Rs. 183 b. Rs. 1830 c. Rs. 3660 d. Rs.5460
53. A man drove 100 km in 2 hours and 27 minutes. Of the following, which is
closest approximation to his average speed in kilometer per hour?
a. 33 b. 38 c. 39 d. 41
54. The next figure in the series of PQLM, QLMP, LMPQ, will be;
55. The square root of 200 is?
a. 11.65 b. 13. 45 c. 14. 14 d. 14. 50
56. Which of the following fraction is the largest?
a. 11/4 b. 29/35 c. 17/21 d. 5/ 6
57. If m is proportional to n and m=5 and n=4, then what is the value of m if
a. 22.5 b. 10.5 c. 12.5 d. 18.5
58. If x2+y2=13 and x+y=5, then x-y= is:
a. 0 b. 3 c. -3 d. 1
59. What is the value of ( 64 )x =4
a. 1 b. 1/2 c. 1/3 d. 1/4
60. Which one is the greatest?
a. 4:5 b. 5:4 c. 5:20 d. 4:20
61. Which will be the next number in the series 5, 8, 12, 17, …. ?
a. 23 b. 25 c. 27 d. 29
62. Simplify (0.5)2
a. 0.125 b. 1.25 c. 12.5 d. 0.25
63. A company makes a profit of 7% selling goods which costs Rs. 2,000. It
also makes a profit of 6% selling a machine that costs the company Rs.
5,000. How much total profit did the company make on both
a. 330 b. 440 c. 400 d. 420
64. Ram’s salary is currently Rs. 35,000. Ram was hired 2 years ago, his salary
was Rs. 10,000. By what percent has Ram’s salary increased since he was
a. 250 b. 350 c. 40 d. 50
65. What is the eighth term of the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25….?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 35

a. 36 b. 64 c. 49 d. 92
66. A bus travels at an average speed of 50 miles per hour for 2.5 hours and
then travels at a speed of 70 miles per hour for 1.5 hour. How far did the
train travel in the entire 4 hours?
a. 150 miles b. 130 miles c. 125 miles d. 230 miles
67. (x-y)(y-x) is equal to;
a. x2-3y+3 b. xy-3y+y2+3x c. xy-3y+y2 d. xy-y2-3y+3x
68. If 25 men can unload a truck in 1 hour and 30 minutes, how long should it
take 25 men to unload the truck?
a. 2 hours b. 3 hours c. 2.5 hours d. 3.5 hours
69. One percent of 497000 is:
a. 4.97 b. 49.7 c. 497 d.4970
70. The square root of 99 is:
a. 9 b. 11 c. 9.95 d. 10.9
71. Which of the following number is a perfect square?
a. 7799 b. 7755 c. 7766 d. 7744
72. Kamal spent 40% of his income. He deposited Rs. 400 in a bank and was
left with Rs. 500.What is his income?
a. Rs. 1200 b. Rs. 1450 c. Rs. 1500 d. Rs. 1680
73. (7x2)2÷7=
a. 4 b. 28 c. 45 d. 56
74. A departmental store has 6435 bars of soap. If the store sells 20% of its
bars of soap, how many bars of soap did it sell?
a. 1187 b. 1287 c. 1387 d. 1487
75. How much interest will Rs. 10,000 earn in 9 months at an annual rate of
a. 250 b. 300 c. 450 d. 550

Section IV: General Awareness

76. Most of the electric energy is produced in Nepal by:
a. Thermal power plant b. Hydro-power plant
c. Nuclear power plant d. Diesel engine power plant
77. Who is the first Nepali woman receiving Gruber International Women
Rights award?
a. Bipana Malla b. Kritika Shrestha
c. Sapana Malla d. Niruta Malla
78. Which of the following country provides the largest volume of diamonds to
the world?
a. Russia b. Australia c. USA d. South Africa
79. Marble is a kind of:
a. Igneous rock b. Sedimentary rock
c. Metamorphic rock d. Mineral rock
80. Bhaktapur Brick Factory was built in the assistance of:
a. Former USSR b. India

36CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. China d. None of the above
81. Which of the following country is not a member in ASEAN?
a. Thailand b. Bangladesh
c. Malaysia d. Indonesia
82. World Trade Organization (WTO) has become operational since
a. 1st January 1994 b. 1st January, 1995
c. 1st January 1996 d. 1st January, 1997
83. An effort to promote sales through gifts is known as?
a. Advertisement b. Public Relation
c. Publicity d. Sales Promotion
84. The airline ’GARUDA’ belongs to:
a. Germany b. Indonesia
c. Netherlands d. Sri-Lanka
85. The brand name ‘CBZ’ is associated with:
a. Cold drinks b. Confectionery
c. Cosmetics d. Motorbikes
86. Which of the following item is not an export item from Nepal?
a. Garments b. Tea
c. Pashmina Shawls d. Palm oil
87. Which bank introduced the credit card for the first time in Nepal?
a. Bank of Kathmandu b. NABIL Bank
c. Himalaya Bank d. Nepal Bank Ltd.
88. John Lennon was related to which musical band?
a. The Beatles b. The Rolling Stones
c. Queens d. The Who
89. Which country makes two budgets in a year?
a. America b. Italy
c. France d. Ireland
90. The covering of capsule is made of :
a. Polythene b. Starch
c. Protein d. Sulphur
91. With which sport is Baikuntha Manandhar associated?
a. Football b. Marathon
c. Cricket d. Tennis
92. Where does Vyas Cave lie?
a. Nuwakot b. Tanahu c. Dhading d. Rasuwa
93. Which one of the following is not an international hotel group?
a. Hyatt Regency b. Holiday Inn
c. Sheraton d. Hotel Everest
94. Which of the following currencies have the lowest value in terms of rupee?
a. Dollar b. Mark c. Yen d. Pound
95. Which planet has the maximum number of satellites?
a. Jupiter b. Earth c. Mars d. Saturn
96. One tola gold is equivalent to:
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 37
a. 10 grams b. 10.54 grams c. 11.664 grams d. 12.335 grams
97. The first research scholar to receive ‘Nobel Prize’ for working in the field
of Management is:
a. Fredrick Taylor b. Henri Fayol
c. Abraham Maslow d. Herbert Simon
98. The joint venture bank collaborating to promote Everest Bank Ltd. is:
a. Punjab National Bank b. Habib Bank
c. City Bank d. ICICI Bank
99. Who is the author of the famous novel ‘Harry Potter’?
a. J.K Rowling b. Danielle Steel
c. Queen Elisabeth d. Anna Karenina
100. “When one person suffers from delusion, it is called insanity. When many
people suffer from delusion it is called religion.” Who said this?
a. Marilyn Monroe b. Friedrich Nietzsche
c. Kahlil Gibran d. Robert M. Pirsig

38CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

CMAT 2016 (Batch 2073)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Select ther best preposition in the following sentences.
a) limited b) small c) little d) short
a) common b) ridiculous c) dignified d) preety
a) energetic b) watchful c) observant d) intelligent
a) stopped b) paused c) slowed d) postponded
a) help b) command c) defence d) safety
a) tiny b) soft c) average d) weak
a) aondence b) convert c) congest d) conclude
a) cowardly b) egoistic c) gentlemanly d) humble
a) rough b) expert c) awakward d) miserable
a) irrational b) irrelevent c) irregular d) inconsistent
11. My best friend, Ramesh, is named ………….. his great-grandfather.
a) for b) after c) to d) about
12. He is never late. He always comes………. time.
a) at b) in c) right d) on
13. Lalita was stopped by the police for driving ………55 mph.
a) at b) for c) up d) on
14. Go ………these stairs until you reach the top floor.
a) through b) in c) up d) on
15. Jagdish always listens to music ………the way to work.
a) in b) by c) on d) for
16. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool.
a) imbecility b) senility c) dotage d) superannuation
17. That which cannot be seen
a) Invisible b) intangible c) insensible d) unseen
18. To accusion oneself to a foreign climate
a) Adopt b) adapt c) accustom d) acclimatize

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 39

19. One who knows everything
a) literate b) scholar c) omniscient d) omnipotent
20. Detailed plan of journey
a) Schedule b) itinerary c) travelogue d) travelkit
Direction: The passage given below is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question.
Speech is great blessings it can also be great curse, for while it helps us to make
out intentions and desires known to out fellows, it can also if we use it carelessly,
make our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of tongue, the use of unusual
word, or of an ambigious word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had
hoped to win a friend. Again, different classes of people use different
vocabularies, and the ordinary speech of an educated may strike an uneducated
listener as pompus. Unwittingly, we may use a we may use a word which bears a
different meaning to our listener from what it does to men of our own class. Thus,
speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands carefu
handling. Only a fool will express himself alike to all kinds and conditions to
21. The best way to win a friend is to avoid
a) Irony in speech b) pomposity in speech
c) verbosity in speech d) ambiguity in speech
22. While taking to an uneducated person,we should use
a) Ordinary speech b) hige vocabulary
c) simple words d) polite language
23. If one used the same style of language with everyone, one shoud sound
a)flat b)boring c)foolish d)democratic
24. A ‘slip of tongue’ means something said
a) wrongly by choice b) unintentionally
c) without givng proper thought d)to hurt another person
25. Speech can be curse, because it can
a) create misunderstanding b) hurt others
c) lead to carelessness d) reveal our intentions

Quantitative Ability
Direction: Find the best answer for the questions given below.
26. A sum lent out at 12% p.a. compound interest for two years amounts to
Rs.15600. The sum lent is
a) Rs.12000 b) Rs.12250 c) Rs.12484 d) Rs.12880
27. The interest rate that doubles a sum in 10 years is
a) 12% b) 11% c) 10% d) 9%
28. A sum of Rs.1000 in 2 years on compound interest of 5% per annum.
The % rate of interest is
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 10
29. Ramesh invested a sum of money at simple interest at a certain rate of
interest for three years. Had it been invested at a 4% higher rate, itt would have
fetched Rs.480 more. Find out the principal amount that was invested by
a) Rs.3000 b) Rs.4000 c) Rs.5000 d) Rs.45000

40CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

30. A salary of an officier being increased by 10% eevery year becomes
Rs.48400 in the third year. What was the original salary?
a) Rs.45000 b) Rs.44000 c) Rs.42000 d) Rs.40000
31. When Usha wwas thrice as old as Nisha, her sister Asha was 25. When
Nisha was half as old as Asha, then sister Usha was 34. Their ages add to 100.
How old is Usha?
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 50
32. The average agge of a family of five members iss 24 years. If the
present age of youngest member is 88 years, what was the average age of the
family at the time of birth of the youngest member?
a) 50 b) 40 c) 30 d) 20
33. The average of 1010 numbers is calculated as 15.15. it is discovered
later on what while calculating the average one number, namely 3636 was
wrongly read as 26.26. The correct average is
a) 12.4 b) 14 c) 18.6 d) 16
34. Paras Khadka takes 5 wickets for 26 run in the final match due to which
bowling average improves by 2. His old bowling average was 14. Find the total
number of wickets after the final match.
a) 20 b) 22 c) 24 d) 24
35. The average marks of a class in a science test is 75. Geeta was the
topper with 96 marks. If her mark is wrongly entered as 69, the average of the
class decreases by 1. Find the number of students in the class?
a) 24 b) 25 c) 27 d) 29
36. Arun obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out in 100) in English,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. What is his average mark?
a) 53 b) 54 c) 72 d) 75
37. In an examination, a student’s average marks were 63. If he had
obtained 20 more marks for his Geography and 2 more marks for his history, his
average would have been 65. How many subjects were there in the examination?
a) 12 b) 13 c) 11 d) 14
38. The average of six numbers is x and the average of three of these is y. If
the average of the remaining three is z, then
a) 2x = y + z b) x = y + z
c) x = 2y + 2z d) none of these
39. In an election between two candidates, one got 55% of the total valid
voters, 20% of the votes were invalid. If the number of votes were 7500, what
was the number of valid votes that the other candidate got?
a) 2800 b) 2700 c) 2100 d) 2500
40. The population of a town increased from 175000 to 262500 in a decade.
What is the average percent increase of population per year?
a) 4% b) 6% c) 5% d) 50%
41. What is the 0.5% of 100000?
a) 0.05 b) 0.50 c) 50 d) 500
42. If a sum of money is divided equally among a children, each child will
receive Rs.60. if another child is added to the group, then when the sum is
divided among all children, each child will receive a Rs.50 share. What is the
sum of money?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 41

a) Rs.100 b) Rs..120 c) Rs.300 d) Rs.400
43. A vendor bought bananas at 6 for rupees. How many for rupees must
he sell to gain 20%
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
44. If there are 5 routes for travelling between two places A and B, how
many option are there for a person from A and B and return back?
a) 5 b) 10 c) 9 d) 25
45. If 5a = 3b = 25, then 30ab = ?
a) 100 b) 150 c) 625 d) 1250
Direction: (Question 46 to Question 50) Find the odd one out.
46. 1, 3, 9, 12, 19, 29
a) 12 b) 9 c) 1 d) 3
47. 18, 27, 64, 125, 196, 216, 343
a) 64 b) 196 c) 216 d) 18
48. 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21
a) 21 b) 17 c) 14 d) 3
49. 1, 4, 9, 16, 23, 25, 36
a) 9 b) 23 c) 25 d) 36
50. 24, 36, 52, 72, 96
a) 72 b) 36 c) 24 d) 52
Logical reasoning
Direction: Select the pair of words which best express the relationship
similar to that expressed in the pair in bold letters.
51. Paddy:field::
a) steel:factory b) wheat:fertiliser
c) wagon:mine d) village:farmer
52. Dhangadi:kailali::
a) Kathmandu:nepal b) butwal:bhairahawa
c) birgunj:parsa d) bharatpur:ratnanagar
53. Platform:train::
a) aeroplane:aerodrome b)hotel:tourist
c) quay:ship d)foothpath:traveller
54. Ink:paper::
a) door:handle b) dog:tail
c) chalk:blackboard d) speak:sing
55. Always:never::
a) occasionally:repetedly b) often:rarely
c) words:author d) humid:hot
56. Sugar:sweet::
a) ice:cold b) butter:cow
c) attack:fail d) wine:grapes
57. Track:train::
a) sea:ship b) radiation:bomb
c) map:terrain d) road:car
58. Kaski:pokhara::
a) Kathmandu:nepal b) butwal:bhairahawa
c) jhapa:bhadrapur d) biratnagar:ithari
59. Rest:land::

42CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a) wages:bonuses b) interest:capital
c) share:profit d) income:salary
60. Monday:Tuesday::
a) January:february b) working day:holiday
c) December:sunday d) winter:summer
Direction: Choose the word which is least like other words in a group.
61. a) potato b) rice c) pea d) mustard
62. a) bananna b) orange c) pineapple d) lemon
63. a) computer b) X-ray c) television d) radio
64. a) pokhara b) damauli c) inaruwa d) malekhu
65. a) valley b) river c) tower d) mountain
66. a) sharpner b) pencil c) paper d) pen
67. a) london b) mumbai c) dhaka d) bangkok
68. a) warm b) hot c) cool d) humid
69. a) one b) three c) fifth d) seven
70. a) tansen b) b) dhangadi c) nepalgunj d)nagarkot
Direction: For each question, find the best answer.
71. Which of the following will appear third in the English dictionary?
a) question b) quarell c) quack d) query
72. In 6145 stands for FADE and 9451 stands for IDEA, hat does 8978
stands for?
73. If LN NP QS DS stands for MORE, then SU QS TV SU GI stands for
74. If BAD is coded as YZW and FIGHT is coded as URTSG, then HIGH
will be coded as
75. If 2*3= 812, and 4*5=1620; then 6*7=
a) 6677 b) 6767 c) 2428 d)2824

General Awareness
76. Where is the tallest bridge of Nepal?
a) chisapani b)trishuli c)madikhola d)koshi
77. Which of the following is the Nepal’s largest trading partner?
a) USA b) Japan c) China d) India
78. Who develeloped the Principles of Bureacracy?
a) Elton Mayo b) Max Weber c) van Pavlov d) Henri Fayol
79. Chamelia hydropower Project is located in:
a) achham b) taplejung c) sindhuli d) darchula
80. What does the Nepal Rastra Bank submit its annual report to
a) Prime Minister of Nepal b) Parliament of Nepal
c) Ministry of Finance d) Auditor General of Nepal
81. Which is the South Asian nation that has prohibited the sale of cigarette
in its territory?
a) Sri Lanka b) Afghanistan c) Bhutan d) Bangladesh
82. Which of the following airliners does not have regular passenger flights
to Kathmandu?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 43

a) British Airways b) Korean Air
c) Silk Air d) Qatar Airways
83. How many permanent members are there in the security council of UN?
a)10 b) 7 c) 5 d) 3
84. Olumpic games are held in every ……… years
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
85. What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order
numerically or alphabetically?
a) crop b) report c) record d) sort
86. Which of the following is not a public sector undertaking?
a) rastriya bema sansthan b) hotel himalaya c) Nepal telecom d) DDC
87. Which of the following is a military alliance?
88. Which of the following place is not on the direct bus route from
Bhaktapur to Kohalpur?
a) Ghorahi b) Butwal c) Gorudinghe d) Lamahi
89. The term “clean sweep” is associated with
a) football b) cricket c) badminton d) hockey
90. Which of the following is not a part of the internet?
a) WWW b) Email c) CDROM d) HTTP
91. How many bits is a byte?
a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) 32
92. To which country does not present UN secretary-general belongs?
a) japan b) south korea c) australia d) gahana
93. Sun rays yield vitamin?
a) A b) B c) C d) D
94. The longest river in the world is
a) indus b) nile c) ganga d) amazon
95. Where is the Hindukush range located?
a) india b) pakistan c) nepal d) indonesia
96. The famous Manakamana Temple is situated in
a) tanahu b) Makwanpur c) Dhadhing d) Gorkha
97. The place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and
accounts is known as
a) Treasury b) Clearing house c) Collection centre d) Dumping ground
98. Which country will host the south Asian Association for Regional
Corporaton(SAARC) Summit in 2018?
a) Maldives b) Pakistan c) Bangladesh d) Bhutan
99. The world’s longest and hightest glassbottomed bridge will open to
which of the gollowing countries?
a) United States b) United Kingdom c) China d) France
100. Hanif Mohammad, who passed away recently, was well-known
cricketer of which contry?
a) India b) West indies c) Pakistan d) Sri Lanka
CMAT 2015 (Batch 2072)

44CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Verbal Ability
Direction: In the following question choose the word which best express the
meaning of the capitalized word.
a. Small b. Brief c. Solid d. Strong
a. Decay b. Breed c. Sprout d. Produce
a. Common b. Ridiculous c. Dignified d.
a. Risk b. Adventure c. Travel d.
a. Stupid b. Vague c. Stubborn
d. Gentle
Direction: Select the word which is closest to the opposite in meaning of the
word in capital letters.
a. Tiny b. Soft c. Weak d.
a. Uninterested b. Unnoticed c. Lazy d.
a. Started b. Closed c. Finished d.
a. Red b. Truthful c. Natural
d. Solid
a. Slow b. Superficial c. Narrow d.
Description: Select the proper proposition to fill in the blanks in the
following questions:
11. The first rank was shared ………. three students.
a. For b. with c. among d.
12. He prefers coffee ……. tea.
a. To b. for c. on
d. over
13. ……. Seeing the police, the thief ran away.
a. By b. as c. on d.
14. She has been staying in Kathmandu……2 years.
a. From b. at c. with d.
15. My friend presided……. Meeting yesterday evening.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 45

a. Over b. at c. with d.
Directions: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked 16, 17,
18, etc. followed by a set of options. Mark the options that best complete the
Most people spend plenty of time and money buying their toothpaste, but the first
toothpaste they can find. It…16…more attention than that, says dentists. The
brush may be less glamorous partner in your dental kit, but it is the more...17…
one. It does something that the best toothpaste….18…do alone; physically lift out
food particles that hide between your teeth. A….19….chosen brush could be stiff
may not be…20…enough to reach between teeth and they abrade both gums and
16. a. needs b. demands c. deserves d. commands
17. a. frequent b. vital c. relevant d. common
18. a. need not b. should not c. may not d. common
19. a. casual b. commonly c. conveniently d. particularly
20. a. long b. thin c. pliable d. flexible
Directions: The passage given below is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question.
Courage is not only the basis of virtue; it is its expression. Faith, hope, charity
and all the rest don’t become virtues until it takes courage to exercise them. There
are roughly two types of courage. The first an emotional state which urges a man
to risk injury or death, is physical courage. The second, more reasoning attitude
which enables him to take coolly his career, happiness, his whole future or his
judgment of what he thinks either right or worthwhile, is moral courage.
I have known many men, who had marked physical courage, but lacked moral
courage. Some of them were in high places, but they failed to be great in
themselves because they lacked moral courage. On the other hand I have seen
men who undoubtedly possessed moral courage but were very cautious about
taking physical risks. But I have never met a man with moral courage who
couldn’t, when it was really necessary, face a situation boldly.
21. A man of courage is
a. Cunning b. intelligent c. curious d.
22. Physical courage is an expression of
a. Emotions b. deliberation c. uncertainty d.
23. A man with moral courage can
a. Defy his enemies b. overcome
all difficulties
c. face a situation boldly d. be very
24. People with physical courage often lack
a. Mental balance b. capacity
for reasoning
c. Emotional stability d. will to
25. All virtues becomes meaningful because of
46CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. Faith b. charity c. courage d.

Quantitative Ability
Directions: Find the best answer for the question given below:
26. A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs.
6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must have in the sixth month so
that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500?
a. 4800 b. 4991 c. 5001 d.
27. A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other
days. What is the average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days
beginning with a Sunday?
a. 290 b. 340 c. 285 d.
28. If the digits of the number 572648 are arranged in ascending order, how
many digits will remain at the same position?
a. None b. One c. Two d.
29. If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 60% of the same number?
a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d.
30. A salary of an officer being increased by 10% every year becomes
48400 in the third year. What was his original salary?
a. 45000 b. 44000 c. 42000 d.
31. 60 is 80% of what number?
a. 60 b. 72 c. 75 d.
32. When 10000 is increased by 0.1%, we get?
a. 10001 b. 10010 c. 10100 d.
33. The square root of 130321 is
a. 121 b. 231 c. 361 d.
34. Which of the following number is divisible by 12 but not by 8?
a. 72 b. 88 c. 108 d.
35. The average of x and y is 40. If z = 10, what is the average of
x, y and z?
a. 16.6 b. 20 c. 25 d.
36. In a mixture 60 liters, the ratio of milk and water is 2 : 1. If this ratio is
to be 1 : 2, then the quantity of water to be further added is:
a. 20 liters b. 30 liters c. 40 liters d.
60 liters
37. The smallest four digit number divisible by 6, 8 and 16 is

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 47

a. 1000 b. 1002 c. 1004 d.
38. If a sum of money is equally divided among n children, each child will
receive Rs 60. If any another child is added to the group, then when the sum is
divided equally among all children, each child will receive an Rs 50 share. What
is the sum of money?
a. Rs100 b. Rs120 c. Rs300 d.
39. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than third number.
The ratio of the two number s is
a. 2:5 b. 3:5 c. 4:5 d.
40. If there are 5 routes for travelling between two places A and B, how
many option are there for a person to travel from A to B and return back?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 9 d.
41. If 5a = 3b = 25, then 30ab =?
a. 100 b. 150 c. 625 d.
42. Arun obtained 75, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks out in 100. in English,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. What is his average mark?
a. 53 b. 54 c. 72 d.
43. 0.3 x 0.006 =
a. 0.00018 b. 0.0018 c. 0.018 d.
44. If 8x + 4 = 32, then 2x – 1 =?
a. 9 b. 8 c. 6 d.
45. A man buys Rs. 20 shares paying 9% dividend. The man wants to have
an interest of 12% on the money. What is the market value of each share?
a. Rs12 b. Rs 18 c. Rs 15
d. Rs 21
Directions: find the odd one out.
46. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64
a. 50 b. 26 c. 37 d.
47. 10, 25, 45, 54, 60, 75, 80
a. 10 b. 45 c. 54 d.
48. 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21
a. 21 b. 17 c. 14 d.
49. 1, 4, 9, 16, 23, 25, 36
a. 9 b. 23 c. 25 d.
50. 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30

48CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 26 b. 28 c. 29 d.

Logical Reasoning
Directions: select the pair of words which best express the relationship
similar to that expressed in the pair in bold letters.
51. Platform : train ::
a. Airplane : aerodrome b. hotel : tourist
c. quay : ship d. footpath :
52. Doctor : lawyer ::
a. Client : illness b. Clint : nusing
c. patient : litigation d. patient : client
53. Chalk : blackboard ::
a. Type : point b. table : chair
c. door : handle d. ink : paper
54. Biratnagar : Morang ::
a. Kathmandu : Nepal b. Butwal :
c. Birgunj : Parsa d. Bharatur :
55. Rent : land ::
a. Wages : bonuses b. interest : capital
c. share : profit d. income : salary
56. Sunrise : sunset ::
a. Morning : night b. dawn : twilight
c. noon : midnight d. energetic :
57. River : ocean ::
a. Child : school b. book : library
c. lane : road d. cloth : body
58. Patient : client ::
a. Client : illness b. patient :
c. medicine : fee d. doctor : lawyer
59. Room : house ::
a. Chair : room b. cabin : ship
c. wheel : chair d. refrigerator :
60. Border : country
a. Pen : cap b. book : cover
c. frame : picture d. handle : shade
Directions: Choose the word which is least like other words in a group.
61. a. telescope b. microscope c. binocular d. thermoscope
62. a. 221 b. 333 c. 556 d. 777
63. a. lady b. ornament c. sandals d. necktie
64. a. Birgunj b. Mahendranagar
c. Bhadrapur d. Itahari
65. a. cheese b. butter c. milk d. yoghurt
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 49
66. a. sit b. walk c. run d. jog
67. a. Kabul b. Perth c. Colombo d. Jakarta
68. a. 91 b. 112 c. 135 d. 154
69. a. reward b. crime c. offence d. punishment
70. a. now b. cow c. low d. how
Directions: for each question, find the best answer.
71. If SELDOM is coded as MODELS, then HELPER is written as
72. If 6145 stands for FADE and 9451 stands for IDEA, what does 8978
stand for?
73. If BAD is coded as YZW and FIGHT is coded as URTSG, then HIGH
qill be coded as
a. THIS b. TRST c. RSTR d.
74. If 2 x 3 = 812; and 4 × 5 = 1620; then 6 × 7 =
a. 6677 b. 6767 c. 2428 d.
75. If LN NP QS DF stands for MORE, then SU QS TV SU GI stands for

General Awareness
Directions: in each of the following questions, select the best answer choice.
76. Where is the headquarter of the World Bank?
a. New York b. Washington DC c. Nairobi
d. Paris
77. Highest speed of wind could be expected in case of
a. Strong breeze b.strong storm
c. hurricane d. strong gale
78. The longest rover in the world is
a. Indus b. Nile c. ganga d.
79. Which of the following airlines does not have regular passenger flights
to Kathmandu?
a. KLM b. Korean air c. gulf air d.
Turkish air
80. Thailand is baht as Indonesia is to
a. Dollar b. yen c. rupiah d.
81. On 20th august 2015, which of the following players regained the first
rank in the world badminton rankings?
a. Carolina martin b. Saina
c. Aswini poppanna d. Vijay

50CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

82. Entomology is the science that studies
a. Human beings b. the
formation of rocks
c. animals d. insects
83. zA web sites main page is called as
a. Website page b. home page
c. search page d. browser page
84. Fathometer is used to measure
a. Earthquakes b. rainfall
c. sound intensity d. ocean
85. Data that is copied from application is stored in the
a. Ram b. prompt c. clipboard
d. CPU
86. What among the following is the most common source of viruses to the
hard disk of your computer?
a. Incoming email b. outgoing
c. CDROM d. websites
87. Bulls and bears are the terms associated with
a. Parliamentary affairs b. stock exchange

c. bull fights d. racing

88. Which is the largest bilateral donor to Nepal?
a. USA b. Up c. Australia d.
89. Tikapur is on the banks of river
a. Karnali b. Mahakali c. Gandaki d.
90. Which of the following is not a public sector undertaking?
a. Rastiya Beema Sansathan b. Nepal gas
c. Nepal telecom d. DDC
91. Filarial is caused by
a. Bacteria b. protozoa c. virus d.
92. Which of the following is not a Himalayan river?
a. Trishuli b. Baghmati c. kali Gandaki
d. Koshi
93. Seismology refers to
a. Earthquakes b. plants c. humidity d.
94. Which one is the largest city in terms of population?
a. New Delhi b. Paris c. London d.
95. Silver fish is
a. A fish b. an insect
c. a term used in politics d. a fish made of
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 51
96. The national anthem of Nepal was written by
a. Bairagi Kahila b. Amber
c. Madhav Ghimire d. Byakul Mahila
97. Which of the following nation is not categorized as a test playing in
a. Zimbabwe b. Kenya
c. new Zealand d. Bangladesh
98. Which of the following palace is not on the direct bus route from
Bharatpur to Janakpur?
a. Birgunj b. Hetauda c. Nijgarh d.
99. The famous swargadwari temple is situated in
a. Surkhet b. Jajarkot c. Dang d.
100. QUNTAS airline belongs to
a. Japan b. Germany c. Australia d.
South Africa
CMAT 2014 (Batch 2071)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Select the word which is closest to the meaning of the capitalized
a. Cruel b. Definite c. Deliberate d. Firm
a. Trick b. Approach c. Fraud d. Bulge
4. a. Chief b. Accomplish c. Proof d. Example
a. Announce b. Deprive c. Cultivate d. Curse
5. Dwindle
a. Lesson b. Lumpen c. Itch d.Lessen
Direction: complete the following sentences with the appropriate choice from
among the options that follow:
6. The notice clearly states that trespassers will be
a. Prosecuted b. Persuaded c. Prosecuted d. Pervaded
7. The police burst tear gas shells to ……………. the mob.
a. Apprehend b. Divert c. Disturb d. Disperse
8. The dose of sleeping pills proved ………………. and he died in sleep.
a. Disastrous b. Fatal c. Effective d. Efficacious
9. The thieves tried to ………………….with the lock but they did not
succeed in breaking it.
a. Tamper b. Temper c. Fiddle d. Temperate
10. A referee should be………………… in the outcome of the match.

52CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Uninterested b. Disinterested
c. Involved d. Participative
Direction: Each question below consists of an idiom or phrase, followed by
four lettered expressions. Choose the lettered expression that most nearly
expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. To bring to light
a. To open a window b. To reveal the facts
c. To switch on the light d. To draw the curtains
12. To see red
a. Stop at the signal b. Jump the red signal
c. To be very angry d. To suffer from color blindness
13. Roots and branch
a. Entirely b. Step by step
c.Part by part d. Bare truth
14. In full cry
a. To be upset about something b. Howling badly
c. At a fast pace d. At one’s best
15. Into the bargain
a. Buy goods from sales b. An additional benefit
c. A warranty card d. At no extra charge
Direction: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked 16, 17,
18, 19 and 20 followed by a set of options. Mark the options that best
complete the blanks.
The average new about fifty centimeters long. In twenty years,
this little body more than triples......17...... in length. The average height of a man
is 1.7 does not stop growing; he continues to grow even
after the........19..........of twenty five and reaches his maximum height at about the
age of thirty five. An average person shrinks as much as ten
millimeters........20.....ten years after the age of forty.
16. a. Body b. Infant c. Kid d. Child
17. a. Itself b. around c. Over d. Last
18. a. Since b. Yet c. Though d. However
19. a. Ages b. Years c. Age d. Period
20. a. In b. After c. Every d. Usually
Direction: The passage given below is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question.
It is to progress in the human sciences that we must look to undo the evils which
have resulted from the knowledge of physical world hastily and superficially
acquired by population unconscious of the changes in themselves that the new
knowledge has imperative. The road to a happier world than any known in the
past lies open before us if atavistic destructive passions can be kept in leash while
the necessary adaptations are made.
Fears are inevitable in time, but hopes are equally rational and far more likely to
bear good fruit. We must learn to think rather less of dangers to be avoided than
of the good that will lie within our grasp if we can believe in it and let it dominate
our thoughts. Science, whatever consequences it may have by the way, in its very
nature a liberator, a liberator of bondage to physical nature and in time to come, a
liberator from the weight of destructive passions. We are on the threshold of utter

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 53

disaster or unprecedently glorious achievement. No previous age has been fraught
with problems so momentous; and it is to science that we must look to for a
happy future.
21. What does science liberate from? It is liberate us from
a. Fears and destructive passions
b. Slavery to physical nature and from passions
c. Bondage to physical nature
d. Idealistic hopes of glorious future
22. Should human sciences be developed because they will
a. Provide more knowledge of the physical world
b. Make us conscious of the changing world
c. Make us conscious of the changing in ourselves
d. Eliminate the destruction caused by a superficial
knowledge of the physical world

23. If man’s bestial earning is controlled

a. The future will be tolerable
b. The present will be brighter than the future
c. The future will be brighter than the present
d. The present will become tolerable

24. Fears and hopes according to the author

a. Are closely linked with the life of modern man
b. Can be fruit
c. Can yield good results
d. Are irrational
25. To carve out a bright future a man should
a. Analyze dangers that lie ahead
b. Try to avoid dangers
c. Overcome fear and dangers
d. Cultivate a positive outlook

Quantitative Ability
26. Given that 100 millimeters is equal to approximately 0.4 cup, 205
millimeters equal to approximately how many cups? Which of the following
expressions models the solution to the problem above?
a. (100 – 0.4)(205) b. 105% of 0.4
c. (205 – 100)(0.4) d. 205% of 0.4
27. 18% of the students at a school are in year 8, and 16% of the students
are in year 9. If the school has 126 year 8 students, determine the number of year
9 students.
a.108 b. 110 c. 112 d. 114
28. The exam scores of all 500 students were recorded and it was
determined that these scores were normally distributed. If Jane’s score is 0.8
standard deviation above the mean, then how many, to the nearest unit, students
scored above Jane?
a.106 b. 250 c. 394 d. 400

54CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

29. In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3. 2.
What should be the run rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 282
a.6.25 b. 6.5 c. 6.75 d. 7
30. In a dairy firm, 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days. In how many
days one cow will eat one bag of husk?
a. 1/40 b. 1 c. 40 d. 80
31. A sum of money at a simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years
and to Rs. 854 in 4 years. The sum is
a. Rs 650 b. Rs 690 c. Rs 698 d. Rs 700
32. The difference between simple and compound interests compounded
annually on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Re. 1. The
sum in Rs. Is
a.625 b. 630 c. 640 d. 650
33. (½) (5/6)(8/5) =
a. 5/12 b. 1/2 c. 2/3 d. 4/3
34. If 5a = 3125, then the value of 5a-3. is
a. 25 b. 125 c. 625 d. 1625
35. A homeowner is planning to use carpet tiles to cover the floor of a room
measuring 9 feet by 10 feet 8 inches. If the carpet tiles are 8 inches wide and 1
foot long and there are no gaps between the tiles as they are placed on the floor,
how many carpet tiles will the homeowner need to cover the floor of the room?
a. 100 b. 135 c. 144 d. 150
36. Seats for Mathematics, Computer and Accounting in a school are in the
ratio 5:7:8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75%
respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats?
a. 2:3:4 b. 6:7:8
c. 6:8:9 d. None of the above
37. Look at the series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, … What number should come
a. 7 b. 10 c. 12 d. 13
38. Look at the series: 58, 52, 46, 40, 34, … What number should come
a. 26 b. 28 c. 30 d. 32
39. If 6x + 5 = - x + 40, then
a. x = - 9 b. x = - 5 c. x = 5 d. x = 9
40. The slope of the line determined by the equation 3x + y = 4 is
a. - 3 b. 1/3 c. 3/4 d. 3
41. The three solutions of the equation f(x) = 0 are – 2, 0, and 3. Therefore,
the three solutions of the equation fx- 2 = 0 are
a. – 4, - 2, and 1 b. – 2, 0 and 3 c. 4, 2 and 5 d. 0, 2 and 5
42. If the function f is defined by fx. = x5 – 1, then f - 1 , the inverse
function of f, is defined by f – 1x. =
a. 1/(√5&x)+ 1) b. 1/√(5&x+1) c. √(5&x-1) d. √(5&x+1)
43. The set of all points (et, t), where t is a real number, is the graph of y =
a. 1/ e t b. e1/t c. te1/t d. ln t
44. simplify: z6. z – 2.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 55

a. z3 b. z4 c. z8 d. z – 12
45. There are 5 numbers in a data series. First number of the data series is
14 and mean, median and mode are 10, 9 and 6 respectively. Find the 5
a. 14, 6, 9, 6, 15 b. 14, 9, 9, 9, 9
c. 14, 9, 10, 8, 9 d. 14, 9, 9, 6, 12
46. When a metallic ball bearing is placed inside a cylinder container, of
radius 2 cm, the height of the water, inside the container, increases by 0. 6cm.
The radius, to the nearest tenth of a centimeter, of the ball bearing is
a. 1 cm b. 1.2 cm c. 2 cm d.
0.6 cm
47. The probability that an electronic device produced by a company does
not function properly is equal to 0. 1. If 10 devices are bought, then the
probability, to the nearest thousandth, that 7 devices function properly is
a. 0.057 b. 0.478 c. 0.001 d. 0
48. In a box, there are 8 red, 7 blue and 6 green balls. One ball is picked up
randomly. What is the probability that it is neither red nor green?
a. 1/3 b. 3/4 c. 7/9 d. 8/21
49. Given a sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 20, 36, 49, find the odd one out
a. 2 b. 9 c. 20 d. 49
50. A school committee consists of 2 teachers and 4 students. The number
of different committees that can be formed from 5 teachers and 10 students is
a. 8 b. 10 c. 15 d. 2100

Logical Reasoning
Direction: read the following passage carefully and select the right answer
Journalist: To reconcile the need for profits sufficient to support new drug
research with the moral imperative to provide medicines to those who most need
them but cannot afford them, some pharmaceutical companies feel justified in
selling a drug in rich nations at one price and in poor nations at a much lower
price. But this practice is unjustified. A nation with a low average income may
still have a substantial middle class better able to pay for new drugs than are
many of the poorer citizens of an overall wealthier nation.
51. Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the
journalist’s reasoning?
a. People who are ill deserve more consideration than do healthy people,
regardless of their relative socioeconomic positions.
b. Wealthy institutions have an obligation to expend at least some of their
resources to assist those incapable of assisting themselves.
c. Whether one deserves special consideration depends on one’s needs rather
than on characteristics of society to which one belongs.
d. The people in wealthy nations should not have better access to health care
than do people in poorer nations.
e. Unequal access to health care is more unfair than an unequal distribution of
52. Several critics have claimed that any contemporary poet who writes formal
poetry–poetry that is rhymed and metered–is performing a politically

56CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

conservative act. This is plainly false. Consider Molly Peacock and Marilyn
Hacker, two contemporary poets whose poetry is almost exclusively formal and
yet who are themselves politically progressive feminists.The conclusion drawn
above follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?
a. No one who is a feminist is also politically conservative.
b. No poet who writes unrhymed or unmetered poetry is politically
c. Anyone who sometimes writes poetry that is not politically conservative
never writes poetry that is politically conservative.
d. No one who is politically progressive is capable of performing a politically
conservative act.
e. The content of a pet’s work, not the work’s form, is the most decisive factor
in determining what political consequences, if any, the work will have
53. Situation: In the island nation of Bezun, the government taxes gasoline
heavily in order to induce people not to drive. It uses the revenue from the
gasoline tax to subsidize electricity in order to reduce prices charged for
Analysis: The greater the success achieved in meeting the first of these
objectives, the less will be the success achieved in meeting the second. The
analysis provided for the situation above would be most appropriate in which of
the following situations?
a. A library charges a late fee in order to induce borrowers to return books
promptly. The library uses revenue from the late fee to send
reminders to tardy borrowers in order to reduce the incidence of overdue
b. A mail order store imposes a stiff surcharge for overnight delivery in order
to limit use of this option. The store uses revenue from the surcharge to pay
the extra expenses it incurs for providing the overnight delivery service.
c. The park management charges an admission fee so that a park’s users will
contribute to the park’s upkeep. In order to keep admission fees low, the
management does not finance any new projects from them.
d. A restaurant adds a service charge in order to spare customers the trouble of
individual tips. The service charge is then shared among the restaurant’s
workers in order to augment their low hourly wages.
e. The highway administration charges a toll for crossing a bridge in order to
get motorists to use other routes. It uses the revenue from that toll to
generate a reserve fund in order to be able one day to build a new bridge.
54. The ancient Romans understood the principles of water power are very
well, and in some outlying parts of their empire they made extensive and
excellent use of water as an energy source. This makes it all the more
striking that the Romans made do without water power in regions dominated by
large cities.
Which one of the following, if true, contributes most to an explanation
of the difference described above in the Roman’s use of water power?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 57

a. In heavily polluted areas the introduction of water power would have been
certain to cause social unrest by depriving large numbers of people of their
b. In the areas in which water power was not used, water flow in rivers and
streams was substantial throughout the year but nevertheless exhibited some
seasonal variation.
c. Water power was relatively vulnerable to sabotage, but any damage could be
quickly and inexpensively repaired.
d. In most areas to which the use of water power was not extended, other, more
traditional sources of energy continued to be used.
e. The ancient Romans were adept at constructing and maintaining aqueducts
that could carry quantities of water sufficient to supply large cities over
considerable distances.
55. Karuna: As we both know, the population of this country is aging.
Elderly people generally prefer not to live in harsh climates characterized by
extreme temperatures. Accordingly, in this country’s coastal regions, where
the climate is generally most temperate, the population is likely to grow, while
other regions are likely to suffer population declines.
Mira: I disagree. With few exceptions, region where the climate is harsh
are characterized by comparatively low living costs, a compelling factor for
retired people with little savings and on fixed incomes.
Which of the following is the most likely point of disagreement between
Karuna and Mira?
a. The reason for the population shift toward coastal areas
and away from other regions.
b. Whether the country’s current decline in overall
population will continue into the foreseeable future.
c. Why older people find certain regions where the climate
is harsh attractive places to live.
d. Whether regions characterized by harsh climates are
likely to experience population decline in the foreseeable future.
e. The extent to which coastal regions are affordable places
to live for retired people.
56. An avid television viewer is statistically more likely to take sleeping
pills at bed time than a person who enjoys listening to classical music but does
not watch television as a habit. Clearly, listening to classical music just before
bedtime contributes to a more restful night’s sleep, whereas watching television
before bedtime has the opposite effect.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the above
a. Reading a book before bedtime contributes to restful
sleep more than listening to music does.
b. People who enjoy classical music typically like to read
just before bedtime.
c. Sleeplessness is more common among people who watch
late night television than among people who do not.
d. Engaging in a bedtime activity that is mentally
stimulating often interferes with a person’s ability to fall asleep.

58CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

e. A silent environment is less conducive to restful sleep
than an environment with calming ambient sounds.
57. Everyone who is compassionate is kind, and someone who has
experienced life’s challenges is invariably compassionate. Jeremy is kind, so he
has experienced life’s challenges.
Which one of the following exhibits a pattern of flawed reasoning most
similar to that exhibited above?
a. Roberta is a highly productive person. Every person who
is motivated is highly productive, and every person who is organized is
motivated. Therefore, Roberta is very organized.
b. Nice people are always sympathetic people, and those
who have experienced hardships always end up being nice, Betsy is not a
sympathetic person, so Betsy has not experienced hardships.
c. Almost everyone who loves black and white films is a
movie buff, and all movie buffs enjoy popcorn. Sasha does not love black and
white films, so Sasha probably does not enjoy popcorn.
d. Patience requires an even temperament, and being a good
parent certainly requires patience. James has no patience, so James is not a
good parent.
e. Successful entrepreneurs are either confident or
experienced. Yoshi is a successful entrepreneur, and he is not experienced.
Therefore,Yoshi is confident.

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions no. 58 to 61.
A chess tournament is occurring in the local community school, and the players
at all four of the tables are engaged in their fourth game against their prospective
The players with white pieces are: David, Gerry, Lenny and Terry.
The players with black pieces are: Don, Mike, Richie and Stephen
The scores are 3:0, 2.5:0.5, 2:1, 1.5:1.5
note: tied games result in a score of 0. 5 points for each player .
Lenny is playing at the table to the right of Stephen, who has lost all of his games
until now. Gerry is playing against Mike. At least one game at table 1 has
resulted in a tie. Richie, who is not in the lead over his opponent, has not been in
a tied game. The player who is using the white pieces at table 4 is Terry;
however, the current score at table 4 is not 2:1. Don is leading his match after his
last three games.
58. What table is Stephen playing at, and what is the score at the table?
a. Table (1, 2) (5:1)5 b. Table 1, 3:0 c.
Table 2, 3:0
d. Table (2, 2) (5:1)5 e. Table 3, 2:1
59. Whose score is highest?
a. Mike b. Stephen c. Richie
d. David e. Lenny
60. Which player has black pieces and is tied?
a. David b. Mike c. Richie
d. Don e. Terry
61. Who is the winning player at table 4?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 59

a. Don b. Terry c. David
d. Gerry e. Richie
Direction: Read the following passage and answer the following questions
no. 62.
Larry has purchased a device that the manufacturer claims will reduce the fuel
consumption in his car. After a month has passed, Larry determines that his
mileage currently rests at 17 miles per gallon. Larry’s best friend, Steve, owns the
exact same make and model car and has calculated his mileage at 23 miles per
gallon. Steve’s car does not have the device that Larry purchased one month ago.
Larry then makes the conclusion that the manufacturer of the device’s claim is
not true.
62. Which of the following statements would cause Larry’s conclusion to
be the weakest?
a. Though Larry has the same make and model of car as
Steve, Larry’s car is 15 years older.
b. Larry was driving in the city, whereas Steve drives the
c. Larry purchases a lower grade of gasoline than Steve.
d. Steve lied, he actually only gets 15 miles per gallon.
e. Before buying the device, Larry had never before
calculated the mileage of his car.
Direction: Read the following passage and answer the following questions
no. 63 to 66.
A petrochemical plant manufactures a range of hazardous chemical products and
must therefore follow strict guidelines concerning how each of the chemicals may
interact with one another on a daily basis. The plant processes five different
chemicals every week. Three of these chemicals can be processed on any given
Xenon may be processed any day except for every other Monday and every other
Oxygen can be processed only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Liquid hydrogen may be processed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Sulfur dioxide can be processed on Fridays.
Methane can’t be processed on Wednesday.
63. What are the three chemicals that can be processed on any given
a. Liquid hydrogen, xenon, and oxygen
b. Methane, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide
c. Methane, xenon, and oxygen
d. Sulfur dioxide, methane, and liquid hydrogen
e. Xenon, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide
64. Which weekday is most likely to be impossible for three chemicals to
be processed in one day?
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Wednesday
d. Thursday e. Friday
65. There are three chemicals that can be processed on Friday. What are

60CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Oxygen, methane, and liquid hydrogen
b. Liquid hydrogen, methane, sulfur dioxide
c. Liquid hydrogen, methane, and xenon
d. Methane, oxygen, xenon
e. Liquid hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide
66. On which days of the week can they process liquid hydrogen and only
an additional two chemicals?
a. Monday and Tuesday b. Tuesday
and Thursday
c. Wednesday and Friday d. Thursday and
e. Monday and Friday
Direction: Select logically the best answer for the following questions.
67. If FRAGRANCE is written as SBHSBODFG, how can IMPOSING be
68. If ROBUST is coded as QNATRS in a certain language, which word
would be coded as ZXCMP?
69. If BE QUICK is coded as ZC OSGAI, then the code of the lat letter of
the third word in the sentence I LOVE MY COUNTRY is
a. A b. T c. Y d. W
70. If ZEBRA can be written as 2652181, how can COBRA be written?
a. 302181 b. 31822151 c. 3152181 d.
Direction: Questions 71 to 75 follows the given pattern. Select the
appropriate pattern.
71. Horse: Mare ::
a. Fox : Vixen b. Duck : Geese
c. Dog : Puppy d. Donkey : Pony
72. Cricket : Pitch ::
a. Ship : Dock b. Boat : Harbour
c. Boxing : Ring d. Wrestling :
73. Oceans : Deserts :: Waves : ?
a. Dust b. Sand Dunes c. Ripples d.
74. Grain : Stock :: Stick : ?
a. String b. Heap c. Collection d.
75. Cube is related to square in the same way as Square is related to
a. Plane b. Triangle c. Line d.

General Awareness
76. Which country do sinologists study?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 61

a. Japan b. China c. Korea d.
77. What was the first James Bond film?
a. Dr. No b. From Russia
with Love
c. Thunderbolt d. Star Wars
78. Which human rights organization founded in 1961 got Nobel Peace
Prize in 1977
b. European Human Rights Commission
c. Amnesty International
d. International Court of Justice 79
79. Whose autobiography was A Long Walk to Freedom?
a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Nelson
c. Md. Ali Jinnah d. Subash
Chandra Bose
80. Who ran naked through the streets crying Eureka?
a. Aristotle b. Albert Einstein
c. Archimedes d. Right Brothers
81. The vegetable Broccoli belongs to which family?
a. Cabbage b. Cauliflower c. Potato d.
82. What links the names Botnivik, Tal, Karpov, Fischer?
a. They are cricketers b. They are
chess champions
c. They are lawn tennis players d. They are world
class footballers
83. What is the national flower of Japan?
a. Rose b. Mary Gold
c. White Lily d.
84. Which medical tool was developed by Sanctorius in 1612?
a. Thermometer b. Blood Pressure
c. Glucometer d. X-ray
85. What is known as the business portfolio that provides a steady
dependable source of income which provides money for the rest of the business?
a. Star b. Dogs
c. Question Marks d. Cash Cows
86. A financial ratio which gives an indication of whether or not a company
can pay its short-term debts is known as:
a. Current ratio b. Acid test ratio
c. Breakeven point d. Capital to
assets ratio
87. What do you understand by FMCG?
a. Forward Marketing Core Group
b. Former Managers of Chaudhary Group
c. Fast Moving Consumer Goods
62CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
d. Feeling Management of Control Group
88. What does Gratis mean?
a. To give a gift to a loved one b. To give
something free-of-cost
c. To give advice d. To give a
89. To which country the Nikkei index belong to?
a. Hong- Kong b. China c. Japan d. Singapore
90. In which district is the Rara Lake located?
a. Dolpa b. Mugu c. Jumla d.
91. Which of the following newspaper is not published daily?
a. Kantipur b. The Himalayan
c. Nagarik d. Bimarsha
92. To which sports does James Rodriguez belong to?
a. Cricket b. Football c. Hockey d.
Lawn Tennis
93. Which of the following books is not the part of the four “Bedas” ?
a. Rigbed b. Atharvabed c. Samabed d.
94. Which tax is levied on production?
a. Income tax b. Custom duty
c. Excise duty d. Sales tax
95. A tax payable on profits made on the sale of certain types of assets by a
company or individual is known as:
a. Property tax b. Capital Gains
c. Wind fall tax d. Income tax
96. Recently, Super Typhoon Neoguri, the strongest typhoon so far in the
2014 Western Pacific season smashed which of the following countries?
a. Japan b. New Zealand c. Australia d. China
97. How many rings are there on the Olympic flag?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Six
98. Where in your body is your patella?
a. Knee b. Cheek c. Neck d. Backbone
99. Which bird like mammal lays egg?
a. Kiwi b. Emu c. Ostrich d. Duck billed
100. Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man in the Hollywood movie?
a. Charles Bronson b. Lee Majors
c. John Lennon d. Jimmy Holbrook

CMAT 2013 (Batch 2070)

Verbal ability

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 63

Direction: each capitalized word is followed by a set of options. Select the
one that is closet in meaning to the word.
a. vigour b. vigorous c. hesitation d.incentive
a. Ancient Greece b. program c. broad sense d. temple
a. hate b. hatred c. courage d. memory
a. surprising b.mainly c. sadly d. actually
a. tired b. fastened c. protected d. certain
Direction: each capitalized word is followed by a set of options. Select
the one that is opposite or nearly opposite in meaning to the wor
a. permant b. irritant c. imprudent d.
a. loud b. vocal c. silent
d. casual
a. vile b. revengeful c. retrograde d.
a. acclaim b. revelation c. mockery d.
a. routine b. favourite c. unusual d.
Direction: Each of the following sentences has ablank space. Complete the
sentence with the appropriate choice from the options that follow.
11. It is too difficult………….
a. Problem b. problem to me
c. A problem for me d. the problem to
12. I am sure the clerk is preparing………
a. arrear bill b. the arrear bill
c. arrears bill d. the arrears bill
13. If I…………. .I would have helped you.
a. was him b. was he c. were he d.
were him
14. I…….for the insult.
a. avenged b. avenged myself
c. revenged d. revenged myself
15. I enjoyed …….the holidays.
a. during b. myself during
c. myself of d. Myself by

64CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Direction: in the question given below out of four alternatives, choose the
one which can be substituted for the given sentence.
16. That which cannot be corrected.
a. unintelligible b. indelible
c. illegible d. incorrigible
17. The study of ancient societies.
a. archaeology b. anthropology c. history d.
18. A person who insists on something
a. disciplinarian b. strickler
c. instantaneous d. boaster
19. State in which the few govern the many.
a. plutocracy b. autocracy c. plurocracy
d. oligarchy
20. Parts of country behind the coast or a river’s banks.
a. archipelago b. hintertland c. swamps d.
Direction: read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Harold a professional man who had worked for many years had a fearful dream.
In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy
tentacles lived on people’s bodies. The people tolerated the loathsome creatures
because after many years they grow into elephants which then became the
nation’s system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Harold
suddenly realized that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke up
screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatized for Harold what
he had never been able to put in to words; he saw himself as letting society feed
on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he retired. He later
threw off the “security bug” and took up freelance work.
21. In his dream Harold found the loathsome creatures
a. in his village b. in his own
c. in a different land d. in his
22. Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise
meaning of “loathsome creatures”?
a. security bug and slimy tentacles
b. fearful dream and slug-like animals
c. slimy tentacles and slug- like animals
d. slug-like animals and security bug
23. The statement that “he later threw off the security bug”means that
a. Harold succeeded in overcoming the need for security
b. Harold stopped giving much importance to dreams
c. Harold started tolerating social vicxtimaxation
d. Harold killed all the bugs troubled him
24. Harold’s dream was fearful because
a. it was full of vivid pictures of snakes
b. it brought him face to face with reality
c. he saw huge elephant in it

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 65

d. in it he saw slimy creatures feeding on people’s bodies
25. Harold suddenly woke up
a. laughing b. crying c. screaming d.
Quantitative analysis
26. A consumer group surveyed the prices for a certain item in five
different stores, and reported the average price as $15. We visited four of the five
stores, and found the prices to be $10, $15, $15 and $25. Assuming that the
consumer group is correct, what is the price of the item at the store that we did
not visit?
a. $10 b. $15 c. $20 d.
27. During a semester, a student received scores 76, 80, 83, 71,80, and 78
on six tests. What is the student’s average score for these six tests?
a. 76 b. 77 c. 78 d. 79
28. Ms. Gutierrez needs to order rope for her gym class of 32 students.
Each student will receive a piece of rope that is 5 feet 8 inches long. What
is the total length of rope Ms. Gutierrez needs to order for her class?
a. 106 feet b. 154 feet 8 inches
c. 160 feet 8 inches d. 184 feet
29. If the number of people classified as unemployed is 20000 and the
number of people classified as employed is 230000 what is the unemployment
a. 8% b. 8.7% c. 9.2% d.
30. In a recent survey, 80% of the community favoured building a police
substation in their neighbourhood. If 15 citizens are chosen, what is the mean
number favoring the substation?
a. 12 b. 15 c. 8 d. 10
31. Which of the following represents numbers greater than -3 but less than
a. {X:_#>X>^} b. {X:_#>=x>=6} c. {x:-3<x<6}
d. {x:-3<=x<=6}
32. A man’s regular pay is $3 per hour upto 40 hrs. Overtime is twice the
payment for regular payment for regular time. If he was paid 4168, how many
hours overtime did he work?
a. 8 b. 16 c. 28 d. 48
33. in a garden, there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. The
distance between the two trees is 2 meters and a distance of one meter is left from
all sides of the boundary of the garden. The length of the garden is
a. 20m b. 22m c. 24m d.
34. Profits in the partnership of Bikram, Bishnu, and Binita are shared in
the ratio 1:2:3. If Bikram’s share of the profits is Rs. 300, what is Binita's
a. Rs 150 b. Rs. 450 c. Rs. 600 d.
Rs. 900

66CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

35. The differences between simple and compound interests compounded
annually on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is re. 1. The
sum in Rs. is:
a. 625 b. 630 c. 640 d.
36. A contractor employs 20 male, 15 female and 5 children in his factory.
Male wages are Rs. 10 per day, female is 8 per day, and children is Rs. 3 per day.
The weighted x of wages paid per day will be
a. 3.86 b. 8.37 c. 9.21 d.
37. In a class of 50 students, 18 take music, 26 take art, and 2 take both art
and music. How many students in the class are not enrolled in either music or art?
a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d.
38. Due to drop of 30% in price of mobile sets of a shop there was an
increase in sales by 20%. What is the effect on the mobile shop
a. 16% fall b. 15% fall c. 12% fall d.
10% fall
39. What is the factor(s) of the equation y62=64?
a. (y+8) b. 8 c. (y+8)(y-8) d.
40. What is the solution set of x+2/x-2=-3/x?
a. -2, 3 b. -1, 6 c. (-3/2,-1/2) d.
41. The length of a rectangular window is 5 feet more than its width. The
area of the window is 36 square feet. Which equation could be used to find the
dimensions of the window?
a. w(w+5)=36 b. w+w+5=36 c. w(w-5) =36 d.
42. Find the slope of the line that passes through the points (-1, -1) and
a. 0.25 b. 0.50 c. 1 d.
43. Peter wants to get $200000 for his house. An agent charges 20% of the
selling price for selling the house for Peter. What should be the selling price?
a. $250000 b. $200000 c. $150000 d.
44. It took Malcom 3. 5 hours drive from city A to city B. On his way back
to city, he increased bus speed by 20b km open hour and it tool him 3 hours. Find
the average speed for the whole journey?
a. 120 km/hr b. 129.2km/hr c. 125 km/hr d.
139 km/hr
45. What is the nth term in the arithmetic series below? 3+7+11+15+19….
a. 4n b. 34+n c. 2n+1 d.
46. The total of the ages of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is 80 years. What
was the total of their ages three years ago?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 67

a. 71 years b. 72 years c. 74 years d.
75 years
47. Mr. Thakali invested an amount of 13,900 divided in two different
schemes A and B at the simple interest rate of 14% p. a. and 11% p. a.
respectively. If the total amount of simple interest earned in 2 years be 3508,
what was the amount invested in scheme B?
a. 6400 b. 6500 c. 7200 d.
48. Two bus tickets from city A to B and three tickets from city A to C cost
Rs. 77 but three bus tickets from city A to B and two tickets from city A to C
cost Rs. 73. What are the fares for cities B and C from A?
a. Rs.4, Rs. 23 b. Rs.13, Rs. 17
c. Rs. 15, Rs. 14 d. Rs. 17, Rs. 13
49. How much will it take for an amount of Rs. 450 to yield rs 81 as
interest at 4. 5 % p.a. of simple interest?
a. 3.5 years b. 4 years c. 4.5 years d.
5 years
50. out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels , how many words of 3 consonants
and 2 vowels can be formed?
a. 25200 b. 210 c. 21400 d.

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Read each definition and all four choices carefully, find the
answer that provides best example of the given definition.
51. It is appropriate to compensate someone if you have damaged his or her
property in some way. This is called restitution. Which situation below is best
example of restitution?
a. Jake borrows Leslie’s camera and the lens shatters when
it falls on the ground because he fails to zipper the case. When Jake returns
the camera, he tells Leslie that he will pay for the repair.
b. Rebecca borrows her neighbor’s car, and she returns it,
the gas tank is practically empty. She apologizes profusely and tells her
neighbor she will be more considerate the next time.
c. Aaron asks Tom to check in on his apartment while he is
out of town. When Tom arrives, he discovers that a pipe has burst and there is
a considerable amount of water damage. He calls a plumber to repair the pipe.
d. Lisa suspects that the pothole in her company’s parking
lot caused her flat tire. She tells her boss that she thinks the company should
pay for the repair.
52. Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a
period of time and then returns. Which situation below best describes Reentry?
a. When he is offered a better paying position, Yadav
leaves the restaurants he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other
side of town.
b. Sita is spending her junior year of college studying
abroad in France.

68CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. Arjun is re-adjusting to civilian life after two years of
overseas military service.
d. After several miserable month, Seema decides that she
can no longer share an apartment with her roommate Hilary.
53. Embellishing the Truth occurs when a person adds fictitious details or
exaggerates facts or true stories. Which situation below is the best example of
embellishing the truth?
a. Lisa goes to the theater, and the next day, she tells her
co-workers she thought the play was excellent.
b. The realtor describes the house, which is eleven blocks
away from the oceans, as prime waterfront property.
c. During the job interview, Mohan, who has been teaching
elementary school for ten years, describes himself as a very experienced
d. The basketball coach says it is likely that only the most
talented players will get a college scholarship.
54. Establishing a Power of Attorney occurs when a legal documents is
created that gives one individual the authority to act for another. Which
situation below is the best example of establishing a power of Attorney?
a. Lila is selling her house and she hires a lawyer to review
the contact.
b. Suman’s mother can no longer get to the bank to cash her
cheque and make deposits, so she has taken legal steps to enable Suman to do
these things for her.
c. Hari’s father is elderly and Hari thinks he is no longer
able to make decision for himself.
d. At her daughter’s urging, Mrs. Kavita opens up a
retirement account with the local bank.
Direction: Each problem consists of three statement. Based on the first two
statements, the third statement may be true, false, or uncertain.
55. The Kingston Mall has more stores than the Galleria.
The Four Corners Mall has fewer stores than the Galleria.
The Kingston Mall has more store than the Four Corners Mall. If the
first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. True b. False c. Uncertain
56. All the tulips in Badri’s garden are white.
All the pansies in Badri’s garden are yellow.
All the flowers in Badri’s garden are either white or yellow. If the first
two statements are true, the third statement is
a. True b. False c. Uncertain
57. During the past year, Ram saw more movies than Hari.
Hari saw fewer movies than sita.
Sita saw more movies than Ram.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. True b. False c. Uncertain
58. Rover weighs less than Fido.
Rover weighs more than Boomer.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 69

Of the three dogs, Boomer weighs the least. If the first two
statements are true, the third statement is
a. True b. False c. Uncertain
59. All the offices on the ninth floor have wall to wall carpeting. No wall to
wall carpeting is pink.
None of the offices on the ninth floor has pink wall to wall carpeting.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
a. True b. False c. Uncertain
Direction: Select logically the best answer for the following questions.
60. “Empty vessel makes much noise” is logically similar to
a. Live and let live.
b. Wise people are respected.
c. Fools generally praise themselves.
d. Cowards die many times before their death.
61. “Making hay while the sun shines” is logically similar to
a. Sleep when you are tired.
b. Jump when you are dancing.
c. Take the flood at its ride.
d. Entertain hope when others help you.
62. “He will not tolerate insult because he is self-respecting” is logically
similar to
a. He is unhappy as he failed.
b. This is trivial, so a fastidious person will not accept it.
c. He can buy the costlier things because he is a rich man.
d. He has compassion for all because he is conscientious.
63. “Do not take sugar because you have diabetes” is logically similar to
a. Do not play as you are hurt.
b. Do not sing as you have hoarse throat.
c. Do not read as you have weak sight.
d. Do not speak as you are not asked to speak.
64. “Read in order to increase your knowledge” is logically similar to
a. Speak to relieve your tension.
b. For building body, take exercise.
c. For making profit, do not cheat others.
d. Pay only when you have.
Direction: Find the odd-one out.
65. a. Here b. There c. Now d. Nowhere
66. a. Accra b. Amman c. Baghdad d. Kabul
67. a. Cricket b. Rugby c. Baseball d. Carrom
68. a. 24 b. 44 c. 60 d. 66
69. a. Look b. View c. Watch d. Hear
70. a. Home b. Igloo c. Building d. Hut
71. If GIRL is coded as IGLR, what should be the code of BABY?
a. BBAY b. ABBY c. YBBA d.
72. If LION is coded as ONLI, what should be the code of FEET?
a. ETFE b. TEEF c. TEFE d.
73. If CROW is coded as RWCO, what should be the code of WORK?
70CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Direction: Questions 74 and 75 are best on the following figures. There are
eight squares among which the left four squares are the problem figures and
the right four squares are the solution figures. The correct answer is the
solution figure follow the same relationship in the problem figures.

75. Problem Figure Answer Figures

a. b. c. d.

General Awareness
76. XETRA DAX stock exchange belongs to,
a. Switzerland b. Germany c. France d.
South Africa
77. The agreement on WTO was signed at Marracus on,
a. 1993 b. 1994 c. 1995 d.
78. The Doha round of negotiations started on,
a. 1996 b. 1999 c. 2001 d.
79. The latest a class bank to issue IPO in Nepal is,
a. Civil bank b. Century bank
c. Commerz and trust bank d. mega bank
80. Bill gates established microsoft in associated with,
a. Steve jobs b. Paul Allen
c. Mark Zuckerberg d. Stanislav
81. The Eurozone crisis is related to,
a. currency crisis
b. financial and economic crisis
c. crisis resulting from continued appreciation of US dollar
d. sovereign debt
82. SAARC consists of …………. members
a. 7 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12
83. Who has won the most majors so far in the game of goal?
a. Tiger Woods b. Jack palmer c. Sergio Garcia
d. Jack Nickolaus
84. Who has own the largest number of grand slam tennis tournaments?
a. Rafael Nadal b. Roger Faderer
c. Jimmy Connors d. Pete Sampras
85. The banking software made by Mercantile Corporation of Nepal is
known as,
a. Lhotse b. Chooyu c. Everest d.
86. Who won the WIMBLEDON tennis into 2013.
a. Novak Djokovich b. Roger

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 71

c. David Ferrer d. Andy Murray
87. Deaming management is related to,
a. Quality circle b. Quality control
c. Input management d. Total
quality management
88. The oil crisis first started in the world as an aftermath of Yom Kippur
War with more than four folds increase in the crude price of oil by opec in,
a. 1967 b. 1973 c. 1982 d.
89. The famous manager guru, Igor Ansoff, by training is a
a. Physicist b. Mathematician
c. Astronomer d. Economist
90. The largest ever passenger air craft manufactured so far is
a. Boeing 747 b. Boeing 747-700

c. C-130 d. Air bus 380

91. The achievement of theory of motivation is theorized by
a. Fredrick Hertgberg b. Victor
c. Renisis likert d. David
92. Detail study and developmental tools and techniques and motion study
was made by,
a. FW Taylor b. Frank and
Lilian Gilbreth
c. Henry Fayol d. Elton Mayo and
the team
93. The welfare dimension in economics was introduced by,
a. Adam Smith b. Karl Marx
c. Alfred Marshall d. Robert Owen
94. Herbert Simon got the Nobel prize on economics for working on the
theory of
a. Decision making b. Participatory
c. dividend theory d. Portfolio theory
95. The most widely use currency in the South American continent is
a. Dollar b. Frank c. Mark d.
96. The famous Nepali nobel “Palpasa Cafe” was written by
a. Gopal Prasad Rimal b. Hari Adhikari
c. Samrat Upadhyaya d. Narayan
97. The lake at the highest altitude in Nepal is
a. Tilicho lake b. Damodar kunda
c. Gosai kunda d. Bhairav kunda

98. The first person to climb all peaks above 8000 meter is
a. Reinhold Messner b. Babu
Chhiri Sherpa
72CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
c. U Jong Ti d. Edmund Hillary
99. The longest Nepali river is
a. Karnali b. Koshi c. Arun d.
100. “Kotparva” the massacre through which Jung Bahadur snatched power
to place in
a. 1989 b. 1903 c. 1911 d.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 73

CMAT 2012 (Batch 2069)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Select the word/words which is/are closest to the meaning of
the bold word:
1. Quota
a. Quotation b. Quote
c. Limited number d. Unlimited quantity
2. Plumb
a. Thin b. Fat c. Chubby d. Plumber
3. Visualize
a. To see future b. Vision c. Void d. Vector
4. Compassion
a. Comparison b. Cost c. Love d. Hate
5. Unison
a. Union b. Complete c. Care d. Universal
Direction: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate choice
from among the options that follow:
6. All of the following are sedimentary rocks except……..
a. Mica b. Gravel c. Sand d. Soil
7. We lost confidence in him because he never ……..…the grandiose
promise he made.
a. Forgot b. Tried c. Delivered on d. Relied upon
8. Some very durable plastics ………. When exposed to sunlight.
a. Harden b. Stagnate c. Decay d. Decompose
9. When Hari left the cocktail party he was quite ……..
a. Drunk b. Driving c. Amazed d. Lofty
10. We had to pay more taxi fare because the taxi driver brought us by a
……. Route.
a. Short b. Longest c. Alternative d. High speed
Direction: Each question below consists of an idiom or phrase followed
by four lettered expression. Choose the lettered expression that most
nearly express the meaning of the idiom or phrase.
11. Throw a party
a. Leave the party b. Celebrate
c. Throw food in the party d. Start conflict in the party
12. The rest is history
a. History takes rest b. Known to everyone
c. To avoid historical facts d. History repeats itself
13. Live like a king
a. Live a very high quality life
b. Live like king of Nepal
c. Live the life of a saint
d. Live like Indra, the king of heaven

74CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

14. Warm as toast
a. Very hot b. Very fresh c. Lukewarm d. Cold

15. Ride out the storm

a. To overcome difficulty b. To come out in the storm
c. To play in the storm d. Ride a horse
The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked 16-20 followed
by a set of options. Mark the options that best complete the
Rarely in life there is a …..16….where only one answer is ….17…. In fact,
even ….18…., there is only one right ….18…. often ….19…. to an ill
thought out ….20…
16. a. Situation b. State c. Time d. Opportunity
17. a. Wrong b. Correct c. Inaccurate d. Approximate
18. a. Taking b. Assuming c. Repeating d. Reading
19. a. Leads b. Backs c. Begins d. Ends
20. a. Decision b. Dream c. City d. Story
Direction: The following passage is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each
What it means to “explain” something in science often comes down to the
application of mathematics. Some thinkers hold that mathematics is a kind of
language - a systematic contrivance of signs, the criteria for the authority of
which are internal coherence, elegance, and depth. The application of such a
highly artificial system to the physical world, they claim, results in the
creation of a kind of statement about the world. Accordingly, what matters in
the sciences is finding a mathematical concept that attempts, as other
language does, to accurately describe the functioning of some aspects of the
world. At the center of the issue of scientific knowledge can thus be found
questions about the relationship between language and what it refers to. A
discussion about the role played by language in the pursuit of knowledge has
been going on among linguistics for several decades. The debate centers on
whether language corresponds in some essential way to objects and
behaviors, making knowledge a solid and reliable commodity; or, on the
other hand, whether the relationship between language and things is purely a
matter of agreed-upon conventions, making knowledge tenuous, relative and
21. What is used to explain things in science?
a. Physics b. Logic c. Mathematics d. Knowledge
22. What is Mathematics?
a. Numbers b. Language c. Formulas d. Difficult to
23. What type of system is mathematics?
a. Real b. Group of numbers
c. Very difficult to understand d. Artificial

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 75

24. Who is a linguist?
a. A professor b. Expert in science of language
c. Expert in mathematics d. One who knows several
25. What is the debate about? languages
a. Weakness of language b. Weakness of mathematics

c. Relationship of language d. Language and mathematics

Quantitative Ability
26. On my sister’s 15th birthday, she was 159 cm in height, having grown
6% since the year before. How tall was she the previous year?
a. 140 b. 150 c. 160 d. 165
27. Arun spent 25% of his pocket money, and has Rs125 left. How
much had he at first?
a. 120 b. 144.45 c. 166.66 d. 175.67
28. If the cost of electricity increases by 30%, by what percent one should
reduce his spend in order that spent on electricity stays the same?
a. 23.07% b. 25.5% c. 26% d. 33.33%
29. If the price of petrol increases by 25% and Rajesh intends to spend only
15% more on petrol, by how much % should he reduce the quantity of
petrol he buys?
a. 5% b. 8% c. 9% d. 10%
30. In an election, Congress secured 10% of the total votes more than non
Congress (consider only two parties in the election and everyone
voting). If the non-Congress got 126,000 votes, by how much votes
did it lose the election?
a. 20,000 b. 22,000 c. 25,000 d. 28,000
31. If the population is 1,500,000 and the expected birth rate is 50%, while
the expected death rate is 31%, what will be the net change in the
population at the end of one year?
a. 285,000 b. 250,000 c. 244,000 d. 200,000
32. What is the % change in area of a square (which will become
rectangle) if its length side is increased by 10% and its width
side is increased by 10%? In these types of problems, assume a percent
(100) base and move forward.
a. 5% b. 3% c. 2% d. 1%
33. Ram obtains 40% of the marks in a paper of 200 marks. Shyam is
ahead of Ram by 25% of Ram’s marks, while Bhuvan is ahead of
Shyam by one -ninth of his own marks. How many marks does Bhuvan
a. 112.5 b. 115 c. 120 d. 125.25
34. Three Englishmen and three Frenchmen work for the same company.
Each of them knows a secret not known to others. They need to
exchange these secrets over person-to-person phone calls so that
eventually each person knows all six secrets. None of the Frenchmen

76CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

knows English, and only one Englishman knows French. What is the
minimum number of phone calls needed for the above purpose?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 9 d. 15
35. Suppose you have a currency named Miso, in three denominations: 1
Miso, 10 Misos and 50 Misos. In how many ways can you pay a bill of
107 Misos?
a. 19 b. 17 c. 16 d. 18
36. A confused bank teller transposed the rupees and paise when he cashed
a cheque for Shailaja, giving her rupees instead of paise and paise
instead of rupees. After buying a toffee for 50 paise, Shailaja noticed
that she was left with exactly three times as much as the amount on the
cheque. Which of the following is the valid statement about the cheque
a. over rupees 4 but less than rupees 5
b. over rupees 13 but less than rupees 14
c. over rupees 7 but less than rupees 8
d. over rupees 18 but less than rupees 19
37. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight
people added up to 231 years. Three years later, one member died at the
age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After
another three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was
born during the same year. The current average age of this eight
member joint family is nearest to:
a. 24 years b. 23 years c. 22 years d. 21 years
38. In a certain zoo, there are 42 animals in one sector, 34 in the second
sector and 20 in the third sector. Out of this, 24 graze in sector one and
also in sector two. 10 graze in sector two and sector three, 12 graze in
sector one and sector three. These figures also includes four animals
grazing in all the three sectors which are now transported to another
zoo. Find the number of animals in the zoo.
a. 38 b. 56
c. 54 d. None of the above
39. 10% of the voters didn’t cast their vote in an election between two
candidates. 10% of the votes polled were found invalid. The
successful candidate got 54% of the valid vote and won by a majority of
1620 votes. The number of voters enrolled on the voters list was:
a. 25,000 b. 33,000 c. 35,000 d. 40,000
40. A person closes his account in investment scheme by withdrawing Rs.
10,000. One year ago he had withdrawn Rs. 6,000. Two years ago he
had withdrawn Rs. 5,000. Three years ago he had not withdrawn any
money. How much money had he deposited approximately at the time
of opening the account 4 years ago, if the annual simple interest is 0%?
a. Rs. 15,600 b. Rs. 16,500
c. Rs. 17,280 d. None of the above

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 77

41. It takes 6 technicians a total of 10 hours to build a new server from
direct computer, with each working at the same rate. If 6 technicians
start to build the new server at 11:00 am, and one technician per hour is
added beginning at 5:00 pm, at what time will the server be completed?
a. 6:40 pm b. 7:00 pm c. 7:20 pm d. 8:00 pm
42. In a 400 meter race around a circular stadium having a circumference
of 1,000 meters, the fastest runner and the slowest runner reach the
same point at the 5th minute, for the first time after the start of the race.
All the runners have the same starting point and each runner maintains a
uniform speed throughout the race. If the fastest runner runs at twice
the speed of the slowest runner, what is the time taken by the fastest
runner to finish the race?
a. 20 mins b. 15 mins c. 10 mins d. 5 mins
43. A train crosses a platform 100 meters long in 60 seconds at the speed
of 45 km per hour. The time taken by the train to cross the electric pole
a. 8 seconds b. 1 minute c. 52 seconds d. 20 seconds
44. P,Q,R are three consecutive odd numbers in ascending order. If the
value of three times P is three less than two times R, find the value of
a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 11
45. A shop sells floor tiles at Rs. 48 per square meter. A building
contractor employs a machine that polishes the tiles that damages 10%
of total number of tiles which can not be used any more. Calculate the
amount that needs to be paid by the contractor to the tile shop owner, if
the hall is of a square shape and has a perimeter of 400 meters?
a. Rs. 400,000 b. Rs. 500,000 c. Rs. 528,000 d. Rs. 365,000
46. A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus
increases his average by 3. Find his average after 17th inning.
a. 39 b. 38 c. 38.5 d. 39.5
47. Out of four numbers, the average of first three is 16 and that of last
three is 15. If he last number is 18, the first number is:
a. 20 b. 21 c. 23 d. 25
48. Narasimha, Pawan and Madhu started a business by investing Rs.
120,000, Rs. 135,000, and Rs. 150,000 respectively. Find the share of
Pawan, out of an annual profit of Rs. 56,700.
a. Rs. 16,800 b. Rs. 18,900 c. Rs. 21,000 d. None of these
49. The ratio of Rita’s age to her mother’s age is 3:8. The difference of
their ages is 35 years. The ratio of their ages after 4 years will be:
a. 7:12 b. 5:12 c. 38:43 d. 42:47
50. A starts business with Rs. 35,000 and after 5 months, B joins with A as
his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2:3. What is
B’s contribution in the capital?
a. Rs. 7,500 b. Rs. 8,000 c. Rs. 8,500 d. Rs. 9,000

78CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Select logically the best answer.
51. Nepal will not manufacture nuclear bomb because it is a peace loving
a. Some peace - loving countries do not manufacture nuclear bomb.
b. No peace - loving country will manufacture a nuclear bomb.
c. All peace - loving countries manufacture nuclear bomb.
d. Nuclear bomb is manufactured for peaceful purposes.
52. She felt the book is bad because it was sad.
a. All sad books are bad.
b. Some people do not like to read sad books.
c. Bad books are all sad.
d. Sad books have sad endings.
53. Brittle things break easily.
a. All hard things are brittle.
b. Some hard things break easily.
c. Some hard things are brittle and can be broken.
d. Steel is unbreakable because it is very hard.
54. Most of the employees who work hard get bonus.
a. All hard working employees get bonus.
b. Some employees who are hard working get bonus.
c. None of the hard working employees get bonus.
d. All employees get bonus.
55. One takes medicines because one is sick.
a. Sick people take medicines.
b. Medicines cure sickness.
c. All people take medicines.
d. All medicines make people sick.
Direction: Two statements are followed by two possible inferences. You
are required to identify the answer choice that applies the question
number 56 to 60. Assume the statements to be correct even if they may
vary with the facts.
Answer choices
Only inference I follow
Only inference II follow
Both inferences I and II follow
Neither inference I nor inference II follows
56. All horses are donkeys; all donkeys are monkeys, so:
I. All horses are monkeys II. All monkeys are horses
57. No flower is plant; no plant is tree, so:
I. No tree is flower II. No flower is tree
58. All cars are scooters; all scooters are trucks, so:
I. Some trucks are cars II. All cars are trucks
59. Every ink is red; rose is red, so:
I. Rose is ink II. Ink is rose
No drug is a tonic; some tonics are beneficial, so :
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 79
I. No drug is beneficial II. Some drugs are beneficial
Direction: Find the odd-one out.
60. Monitor Printer Zip-driver Steering
61. Aunt Brother Mother Sister
62. Piano Guitar Banjo Harmonium
63. Train Truck Car Cart
64. Nylon Fur Wool Cotton
Direction: Two words on the left side of the sign(::) bears the same
relationships. The same relationship exists between the third word and
the word provided in the answer choices. Select the logically best word.
Run : Walk :: Shout : ?
a. Cry b. Call c. Whisper d. Scream
67. Cast : Class :: Appointed : ?
a. Status b. Achieved c. Job d. Employment
68. Do : Undo :: Reason : ?
a. Intelligence b. Ignorance c. learning d. Genius
69. Faulty: Useless :: Slow : ?
a. Moronic b. Intelligent c. Fast d. Worry
70. Foundation:Structure :: Cylinder : ?
a. Plan b. Instrument c. Transport d. Motor
Direction: Questions 71-75 are based on visual analogy. There are two
sets of figures : problem figures and answer figures. The problem
figures bear some relationships. One of the answer figure is also based
on the same relationships. You are required to identify the figure that
would fit the question mark.
71. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(a) b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
72. Problem Figure Answer Figures

(a) b. c. d. a. b.0 c. d.
73. Problem Answer Figures
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
74. Problem Answer Figures
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
75. Problem Figure Answer Figures

80CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
General Awareness
76. Group of Seven (G – 7) is the organization of:
a. The largest industrial democracies
b. The nations having atomic power
c. The developed nations of Europe
d. Countries with Veto power in the UNO
77. A large retail outlet operated by one agency selling a variety of
commodities and services under one roof is known as,
a. Departmental store b. Super market
c. Shopping mall d. Chain store
78. The term ‘penalty corner’ is associated with
a. Football b. Hockey c. Basketball d. Volleyball
79. The unofficial winner of Beijing Olympics occupied the following
position in 2012 London Olympics
a. 0 winner b. 2nd positionc. 3rd position d. 4th position
80. 2012 T - 20 world cricket cup is being organized at
a. India b. Australia
c. Great Britain d. Sri-Lanka
81. Remittances in Nepal is generally included at
a. Gross Domestic Product b. Gross National Product
c. Gross Disposable Income d. None of the above
82. Nepal’s economic growth rate for 2011-12 is estimated at
a. 4.3% b. 4.6% c. 4.9% d. -4.6%
83. Premium offering of shares mean
a. Offering at the face value
b. Offering at book value
c. Offering at market value
d. Offering at prices higher than the face value
84. Micro enterprises as per the official definition of Nepal means
a. Small domestic activities
b. Cottage industries
c. Industries employing one or two persons with Rs. 100,000 or less
d. Enterprises employing less than 10 persons with up to Rs. 200,000
85. Nepal’s largest export destination is
a. India b. China c. USA d. Germany
86. Barter trade means
a. Exchange of goods with money
b. Exchange of goods with services
c. Exchange of goods with goods
d. Exchange of goods in ancient times

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 81

87. DRUIC Air is the flag carrier of
a. Laos b. Cambodia c. Myanmar d. Bhutan
88. A tax that is levied on the turnover of goods is called
a. Income tax b. Excise duty
c. Tariff d. Value added tax
89. Thailand is Baht as Indonesia is to
a. Dollar b. Pound c. Dhiram d. Rupiyah
90. SBI Bank Nepal is
a. A subsidiary unit of State Bank of India
b. A branch of State Bank of India
c. A joint venture bank with State Bank of India
d. A bank with no relationship with State Bank of India
91. ‘Global 500’ Award is associated with
a. Human Rights b. Peace Promotion
c. Environmental Protection d. Successful entrepreneurs
92. Which of the following countries is not completely located inside a
single country?
a. Lesotho b. Vatican c. San Marion d. Andorra
93. The historical silk route links
a. Asia and Europe b. China and Iran
c. Mongolia and Hungary d. China and Turkey
94. The district with highest number of over 8,00 meter peaks in Nepal is
a. Sankhuwasabha b. Solukhumbu
c. Taplejung d. Gorkha
95. Hangseng is the stock exchange index of
a. Singapore b. Hong Kong c. Taiwan d. Japan
96. Who is the current chief secretary of Nepal?
a. Madhav Ghimire b. Shanker Koirala
c. Leela Mali Poudel d. Yubraj Bhusal
97. According to the astronauts, the only visible physical structure on earth
from the moon is
a. Vatican Palace b. Temple of Rhode Island
c. Sun Francisco Bridge d. The Great wall of China
98. The tallest building in the world at present is located at
a. UAE b. USA c. Malaysia d. Taiwan
99. The current chair person of the SAARC is from
a. Nepal b. India c. Maldives d. Sri Lanka
100. Tertiary education is
a. Basic Education b. Primary Education
c. Secondary Education d. Higher Education

82CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

CMAT 2011 (Batch 2068)

Verbal Ability
Directions: Select the world which is closet to the meaning of the bold word.
1. Moderate
a. Not easy b. Non-historic c. Non-starter d.
Not extreme
2. Deplorable
a. Barren b. Laudatory c. Acceptable d.
3. Percept
a. Planning b. Conduct c. Dogma d.
4. Profound
a. Sleepy b. Asylum c. Abandon d.
5. Suite
a. A set of rooms b. Stymie
c. Plunder d. Legal case
Directions: complete the following sentences with the appropriate choice
from among the options that follow:
6. The notice clearly states that trespassers will be
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 83
a. persecuted b. persuaded c. prosecuted d.
7. The police burst tear gas shells to.........the mob.
a. apprehend b. divert c. disturb d.
8. The dose of sleeping pills proved..........and he died in sleep.
a. disastrous b. fatal c. effective d.
9. The thieves tried to.......with the lock but they did not succeed in
breaking it.
a. Tamper b. temper c. fiddle d.
10. A referee should the outcome of the match.
a. uninterested b. disinterested c. involved d.
Directions: each question below consists of an idiom or a phrase, followed
four lettered expressions. Choose the lettered expression that most nearly
expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. At sixes and sevens
a. to create chaos b. improper order
c. in proper order d. sometimes odd sometimes even
12. To be ill at ease
a. to become ill b. to recover from illness
c. to become unpopular be on hostile terms with someone
13. Roots and branch
a. entirely b. step by step c. part by part d.
bare truth
14. To eat the humble pie
a. to be under nourished b. to work secretly face failure d. to be highly annoyed
15. To take one’s hand to plough
a. to do basic work b. to commence the
work seriously
c. to change the profession d. to do an
unimportant job
Direction: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked (16-20)
by a set of options. Mark the options that best complete the blanks.
The average new about fifty centimeters long. In twenty years,
this little body more than triples.. ....17...... in length. The average height of a
man is 1.7 does not stop growing; he continues to grow
even after the........19..........of twenty five and reaches his maximum height at
about the age of thirty five. An average person shrinks as much as ten
millimeters........20....... ten years after the age of forty.
16. a. body b. infant c. kid d. child
17. a. around b. itself c. over d. last
18. a. since b. yet c. though d. however
19. a. ages b. years c. age d. period
20. a. in b. after c. every d. usually

84CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Directions: The passage given below is followed by question based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each
Sherlock Holmes was the first of all the story book detectives and he is still the
greatest. He is perhaps known to more people than any other character in fiction.
You have probably seen pictures of him - a powerful man of six-foot two, dressed
in a cape and deer-stalker hat, with a pipe in his mouth and a magnifying glass in
his hand. Yet is was not his appearance that made Sherlock Holmes famous, but
his marvelous powers of detection.
In the Norwood Builder, a popular Sherlock Holmes story, a young man rushes
into Holmes sitting-room at 221 B Baker street. “I am John McFarlance” he says,
painting heavily. Sherlock Holmes lazily replies, “You mentioned your name as
if I should recognize It. I assure you that beyond the obvious fact that you are a
bachelor, a solicitor, a freemason, and an asthmatic, I know nothing whatever
about you.
21. Sherlock Holmes pictures show him dressed in a
a. a cap and deer stalker boots b. Cape and doe
coloured boots
c. Cap and deer stalker hat d. Deer skiing
cape and stocky hat
22. Sherlock Holmes was fond of smoking.
a. Cigars b. Pipe c. Cheroot d.
23. Sherlock Holmes’ greatest asset was
a. His power to draw conclusions b. his keen sense
of observation
c. His magnifying glass d. His ability
to see through people
24. What Sherlock Holmes lazily replies to John McFarlance ?
a. I know you very well
b. I recognize only the story writers.
c. I Know persons who are solicitors.
d. None of the above
25. What made Sherlock Holmes famous was
a. His stately appearance
b. His pipe and hat
c. His address at 221 B Baker street.
d. His marvelous power of detection.
Quantative Abilty
26. The ten’s digit of a two-digit number is twice the unit’s digit.
Reversing the digits yiled a new number. Which one the following number is the
original number?
a. 83 b. 63 c. 43 d.
27. What is the area of right angle triange to the right ?
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 10

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 85

28. If in a certain school 20 students are taking math and 10 are talkng
history and 7 are taking both. How many students are there?
a. 30 b. 23 c. 37 d.
29. Suppose p is even and q is odd. Then which of the following cannot be
an integer ? i. (p+q)/p ii. pq/3 iii. q/p2
a. ii only b. iii only c. i and ii only d.
i and iii only
30. If the average of the consecutive even integers a,b and c is less than a/3,
which of the following best described the value of a ?
a. a is positive b. a is negative c. a is prime d.
a is odd
31. if (x+y)/(x-y) =3 and x and y are integers, then which one of the
following must be true ?
a. x is divisible by 4 b. y is an
even number
c. Y is an odd number d. x is an even
32. If n is an integer, then which one of the following expressions must be
even ?
a. n2+1 b. n (n+2) c. n(n+1) d. n(n+4)
33. 212 +212 +212 + 212= ¿ ¿
a. 214 b. 4 16 c. 216 d. 248
34. 2
4 ( x y ) 3  +   ( x3 − y 3 )
a. ( x 3− y 3 )2 b. ( x 3+ y 3 )2 c. ( x3 + y 3 ) d. ( x 3− y 3 )
35. The population of a town as 12000 in 1980 and 16000 in 1990. What
was the percent increase in the population of the town during this period ?
a. 80 b. 75 c. 50 d. 33.3
36. A jar contains 24 blues balls and 40 red balls. Which one of the
following is 50% of the blues balls ?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
37. John is 20 years older than Steve. In 10 years, Steve’s age will be half
that of John’s. What is the Steve’s age?
a. 8 b. 10 c. 20 d.
38. How many ounces of nuts costing 80 cents a pound must be mixed with
nuts costing at 60 cents a pound to make a 10-ounce mixture costing 70 cents a
a. 5 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
39. The distance between cities A and B is 120 miles. A car travels from A
to B at 60 miles per hour and returns from B to A along the same route at 40
miles per hour. What was the average speed for the round trip?
a. 56 b. 52 c. 50 d.
40. What is the greatest prime factor of (24)2-1?

86CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 3 b. 5 c. 11 d.
41. In n is an integer, what is the least value of n such that 1/3n <0. 01?
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2
42. 1/109-1/1010=
a. -1/10 b. -1/109 c. -1/1019 d.
43. If 4% of (p+q) is 8 and p is positive integer, what is the greatest
possible value of q?
a. 196 b. 197 c. 199 d.
44. The average of 8 number is A, and one one of the numbers is 14. If 14 is
replaced with 28, then what is the new average in terms of A ?
a. A+7/4 b. A+1/2 c. A+2 d.
45. If 7 workers can assemble a car in 8 hours, how long would it take 12
workers to assemble the same car?
a. 3 b. 3.5 c. 4.67 d.
46. Let u represent the sum of the integers from 1 through 20, and v
represent the sum of the integers from 21 through 40 what is the value of v-u?
a. 39 b. 200 c. 320 d.
47. In a legislative body of 200 people, the number of Democrats is 50 less
than 4 times the number of Republicans. If one fifth of the legislators are neither
Republican nor Democrat, how many of the legislators are Republicans?
a. 71 b. 50 c. 42 d.
48. If you roll two dice, what is the probability of sum total of 5?
a. 1/6 b. 1/9 c. 1/18 d.
49. If y is an even integer and x is an odd integer, which of the following
expressions could be an even integer ?
a. 3x+y/2 b. (x+y)/2 c. x+y d. x2+y2
50. If 813=2z, , then z =
a. 10 b. 13 c. 19 d. 26

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Select logically best answer for the questions 51 to 55.
51. ‘Do not take sugar because you have diabetes’ is logically similar to,
a. Do not read as you have weak sight.
b. Do not speak as you are not asked to speak.
c. Do not play as you are hurt.
d. Do not work as you are already overworked.
52. ‘He will not tolerate insult because he is self respecting’ is logically
similar to
a. He can buy costly things because he is a rich man.
b. This is trivial so a fastidious person will not accept it.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 87

c. He is unhappy as he has failed.
d. He has compassion for all because he is conscientious.
53. ‘Where there is a will there is a way’ is logically similar to,
a. There is a solution to every problem.
b. Determined persons can always find way outs for any
c. Those who pray can accomplish task.
d. We have to construct roads to enhance accessibility.
54. ‘Empty vessels make much noise’ is logically similar to,
a. Wise people do not talk much.
b. Fools generally praise themselves.
c. Cowards die many times before their natural death.
d. Empty vessels and people are similar.
55. ‘Read in order to increase knowledge’ is logically similar to,
a. If you want to build your body, take exercise.
b. Speak to relieve your tension.
c. Pay only when you have obtained services.
d. If you want to earn, do not cheat others.
Direction: Question numbers 56-60 are based on matching the relationship
of the pair of words that carry similar meaning as the pair of words given in
the left-hand side.
56. Always: Never
a. Frequently: Occasionally b. Often: Constantly
c. Constantly: Occasionally d. Often: Rarely
57. Lawyer: Case
a. Psychiatrist: Maladjustment b. Teacher: School
c. Scholar: Book d. Doctor: Disease
58. Crowd: Mob
a. Life : Death b. Trees : Forest
c. Million : Billion d. Large : Huge
59. Longitude : International Date Time
a. Direction : Gravitation b. Longitude : Time
c. Latitude : Equator d. North Pole : South Pole
60. Plus : Minus
a. Increase : Decrease b. Infinity : Zero
c. Digit : Series d. Multiplication : Division
Direction: Find the odd-one out for the question numbers 61 to 65.
a. Here b. Now There Nowhere
a. Los Angeles b. Vancouver Acapulco Cape Town
a. Table-Tennis b. Gymnastics Chess Volleyball
a. 30 b. 35 36 42
a. Listen b. Look View Watch
Direction: Select the best answer.
66. Mortar : Engine : Computer:?
a. Software b. CPU c. Monitor d.
67. People : Food:: Machines:?
a. Oil b. Power c. Repair d.
88CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
68. Literacy : Ability to read and write :: Comprehend:?
a. Understand b. Analyze c. Decide d.
Direction: There are two sets of figures: problem figures and answer figures.
The problem figures from some kind of series. Select one figure from the
answer set which will continue the same series as given in the figures.
69. Problem Figure Answer Figures

a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
70. Problem Figure Answer Figures

a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
Direction: Choose from the following diagrams the one that illustrates the
best relationship among the given words.

a. b. c. d.
71. Asia, Europe, Africa
a. b. c. d.
72. Animal, Dog, Table
a. b. c. d.
73. Men, Teachers, Priests
a. b. c. d.

74. Musicians, Dancers, Performers

a. b. c. d.
75. People, Women, Earth
a. b. c. d.

General Awareness
76. Which country introduced chess for the first time?
a. India b. China c. Pakistan d.
77. Which country of the world passes budget two times in a year?
a. India b. France c. Sweden d.
78. Which desert is known as man-made desert?
a. Thar b. Sahara c. Deccan d.
79. Which country of the world is getting highest number of inflow of
migrant Nepalese workers in the fiscal year 2010/11?
a. Kuwait b. Malaysia c. UAE d.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 89

80. Who is that Indian lady to whom Asia’s equivalent of the Nobel prizes
“Ramon Magsaysay Awards 2011” is awarded?
a. Nileema Mishra b. Nilem Mukharjee
c. Arifa Rahaman d. Sulakchhyana
81. “Delhi Belly” an Indian movie is the production venture of
a. Rakesh Roshan b. Aamir Khan
c. Salman Khan d. Amitabh Bachhan
82. ‘Lingonberry’ is a kind of
a. Grain b. Animal c. Game d.
83. How old is the relationship between Nepal and Britain?
a. Almost 300 years b. Almost 200 years
c. Almost 100 years d. Almost 150 years
84. Sri Sri Ravi Shanker is a leading name of
a. A political leader
b. A business leader
c. A humanitarian and spiritual leader
d. An organizational leader
85. Which of the following country has the highest number of Internet
a. India b. USA c. China d.
86. Who was known as “ The Queen of Rock and Roll”?
a. Amy Winehouse b. Janis Joplin
c. Janis Kate d. Tony Maya
87. Which of the following country has been endorsed as hosts of the 2012
AFC Challenge Cup finals?
a. India b. Palestine c. Nepal d.
88. Who replaced Rakesh Sood, the Indian Ambassador to Nepal?
a. Ramesh Sood b. Jayant Prasad c. Kalyan Modi d.
Nirupama Rao
89. In which country the incident of an women blinded with acid by her
suitor for turning down his marriage proposal spared him at the last minute from
being blinded too as punishment for his crime?
a. Pakistan b. Turkey c. Afghanistan
d. Iran
90. Which sea lies on the west part of Syria?
a. Mediterranean b. Caspian
c. Baltic d. Red
91. Which of the following indicates a protest against sexual assault and
insecurity among women?
a. Fashion Walk b. Cat Walk c. Fast Walk
d. Slut Walk
92. Who is the present Member Secretary of the National Sports Council?
a. Ganga Thapa b. Yubraj Lama
c. Hira Maharjan d. Santosh Sahukhala

90CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

93. Which bank of Nepal bagged mBillionth Award 2011 for its mobile
cash product?
a. Laxmi Bank b. Kumari Bank
c. KIST Bank d. NABIL Bank
94. Who headed a three member panel that selected Managing Director of
Nepal Electricity Authority with hefty remuneration?
a. Balananda Paudel b. Suryanath
c. Lilamani Paudel d. Shanker Man Singh
95. Informal Sector Service Centre honored Ghana Shyam Acharya with
Prakash Human Rights Awards for his contribution to human rights in
a. Rolpa b. Jumla c. Dadeldhura d.
96. To which daily paper Prakriti Adkikari the winner of National
Education Journalist Award is associated?
a. Kantipur b. Gorkhapatra
c. Samacharpatra d. Annapurna Post
97. Which of the following is not a television channel in operation in
a. Terai b. Himalaya c. Mountain
d. Chure

98. Who is considered as God of Gods in Hindu mythology?

a. Mahadev b. Bishnu c. Bramha d.
99. Who is the musician of the National Anthem of Nepal?
a. Sambhujeet Banskota b. Amber Gurung
c. Yogeswor Amatya d. Sambhu Rai
100. On August 02, 2011, a weekly tabloid to be published from Kathmandu
and New York was inaugurated in Kathmandu by Nilambar Acharya: Chairman
of the Constitution Committee. What was the name of the tabloid?
a. Vishwa Sandesh b. Vishwa
c. Vishwa Sandesh New York d. Naulo Vishwa

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 91

CMAT 2010 (Batch 2067)

Verbal Ability
Directions: Select the word which is closest to the meaning of word.
1. Detonate
a. Stalemate b. hinder c. Cylinder d. to explode
2. Benediction
a. Denunciation b. marriage c. Original d. blessing
3. Euphoria
a. Witty b. loss of speech
c. State of pleasant excitement d. tempt
4. Fallacious
a. Flimsy b. spiteful c. Bleak d. misleading
5. Dexterity
a. Proficiency b. simplicity c. Cunningness d.
Directions: complete the following sentences with the appropriate choice
from among the options that follow.
6. The wound healed but the scar remained as painful of the accident.
a. Evidence b. testimony c. Reminder d. accord
7. The magician astonished the audience with the which he performed his
a. Catechism b. caveat c. cahoots d. celerity
8. Those who seek....... from others must learn to forgive and forget.
a. Leniency b. clemency c. courtesy d. retribution
9. The thieves tried to....... with the lock but they did not succeed in
breaking it.
a. Tamper b. temper c. fiddle d. temperate

92CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

10. His ancestral home has build a high rise shopping
a. Pulled up b. pulled down c. erased d. raged
Directions: each question below consists of an idiom or a phrase,
followed four lettered expressions. Choose the lettered expression that
most nearly expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. The Alpha and the Omega
a. All the relevant details b. The beginning and the end
c. To cause misunderstanding d. The best Swiss watches
12. To smell a rat
a. to look for rats b. to be upset
c. to cause misunderstanding d. to suspect trick or foul play
13. A writing on the wall
a. a distinct future possibility b. wall advertisement
c. a legal notice d. a misfortune
14. To worship the rising sun
a. to become pious b. to work honestly
c. to change the profession d. to work for the welfare of
15. To take one’s hand to plough people
a. to do basic work b. to commence the work seriously
c. to change the profession c. to do an unimportant job
Directions: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked 16-
20 followed by a set of options. Mark options that best complete the
Broadly speaking letters may be said to..16.. into two categories; the formal
and the personal. Formal letters...17. .. of official; or business matters
and are addressed to the employer or head of a department, section or
institution. Letters to the... 18... of a newspaper also belong to this
class. In fact, all ...9... using formal pattern is of this category. The...20...
has to be precisely stated.
16. a. belong b. fall c. split d. convert
17. a. comprise b. consist c. deal d. inclusive
18. a. correspondent b. reader c. owner d. editor
19. a. letters b. matters c. correspondence d.
20. a. content b. criticism c. case d. theme
Directions: The passage give below is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to
each question.
IVAN PAVLOV (1849-1936) the Russian psychologist who won the Nobel
Prize in 1904 showed how reflexes, animal reactions to stimuli, could be
predictably fixed, conditioned, by associations. If, for example, a dog
salivates, when it sees food and if bringing food is uniformly preceded by
ringing of bell, soon the dog will begin to associate the bell with the coming
food and will be conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell. This

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 93

discovery of conditioning by association has turned out to perhaps the most
significant finding of psychology and is the direct base of the Gestalt and the
behavioral branches of the field.
21. Pavlov showed that
a. Dogs salivate when the bell rings.
b. Reflexes can be associated
c. Reflexes can be conditioned.
d. Animals can be trained to behave in a particular way.
22. A reflex is
a. An animal reaction to a stimulus.
b. A stimulus resulting from a previous reaction.
c. Predictable reaction of animals.
d. An acquired response to a stimulus.
23. In the experiment explained above, the bell was rung
a. After the food was given.
b. Before the food was given.
c. During the time the dog ate food.
d. Before the dog started salivation.
24. Pavlov’s experiment with the dog would not have been possible
a. If the bell was not used.
b. If the dog did not salivate at the sight of food.
c. If the bell was not rung for along time.
d. If the bell was not rung uniformly.
25. Pavlov was a
a. Russian physiologist b. Gestalt psychologist
c. Russian psychologist d. Animal psychologist

Quantitative ability
26. The digits of a three-digit number add up to 18. If the ten’s digit is
twice of the Hundred’s digit and hundred’s digit is 1/3 of the unit digit,
what is the number?
a. 246 b. 369 c. 531 d. 893
27. If (x6-5x3-16)/8=1,then x could be
a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 8
28. Given a triangle , what the area of triangle to the right?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8
29. If x>y>0, which of the following are true?
i. (x+y/y+1)>x/y ii. (x+1/y+1) =x/y iii. (x+1/y+1) >1
a. III only b. I only c. II only d. I and II only
30. If a z2b is defined to be, then what the value of ØΔ2/ ØΔ3 ?
a. 2/3 b. 1 c. 3/2 d. 2
31. For all real numbers of x and y, let x # y = xy. -x+y2 what is
the value of y that makes x # y equal to - x for all value of x?

94CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 7 b. 5 c. 2 d. 0
32. If x and y are prime numbers which of the following can’t be
difference of x and y?
a. 9 b. 15 c. 23 d. 30
33. If x and y are both prime and greater than 2, then which of the
following cannot be a divisor of xy?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 11 d. 15
34. If is both a cube and square of an integer and x is between 2 and 200,
what is the value of x?
a. 16 b. 64 c. 125 d. 169
35. Which of the following numbers is the greatest positive integers x such
that 3^x is a factor of 275?
a. 25 b. 19 c. 15 d. 10
36. If 4% of (p+q) is 8 and p is positive integer, which is the greatest
value of q?
a. 197 b. 198 c. 199 d. 200
37. If 2x+y=3 and 3y=9-6x, how many solution does the given system of
equations have?
a. None b. infinite c. one d. two
38. In travelling from city A and B, John drove for 1 hour at 50 mph. and
for 3 hours at 60 Mph., what was his average speed of his trip?
a. 53. 5 b. 55 c. 56 d. 57.5
39. The average six consecutive integers in increasing order size is 9.5,
what is the average of the last three numbers?
a. 11 b. 10 c. 9 d. 8
40. If the product of two integers is odd, then sum of those two integers
must be
a. odd b. even c. prime d. a perfect
41. If two zero positive integers p and q are such that p=4q and p<8, then q
equals to
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
42. Suppose x=y-2=(y+5)/2, then x equals
a. 1/3 b. 7 c. 1 d. 7/6
43. √(31 — 6)(16 — 9) equals
a. 5 b. 10 c. 25 d. 30
44. A jar contains 4 blue balls and 40 red balls. Which of the following is
% of blue balls?
a. 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12
45. Stella paid Rs. 32000 for a computer after receiving 20% discount.
What is the price of Computer before discount?
a. 35000 b. 38000 c. 40000 d. 42000
46. Seven workers can assemble a car in 8 hours, how long it would take
12 workers to Assemble the same car?
a. 7/2 his b. 14/3 hrs c. 11/2 hrs d. 19/3 his

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 95

Directions: In questions 4710 SW you are required to choose the correct
answer based on given information, Distributions of criminal activity by
category of crime for country X in 2000 and projected for
Criminal Population in 0. 1 Criminal Population in 0. 2 million
25 28
million 30
assault robbery
38 murder assault
30 white colar murder
white colar
10 32
2000 2010
47. What is the projected number of white collar criminals in 2010?
a. 40,000 b. 50,000 c. 60,000 d. 65,000
48. The ratio of number of robbers in 2000 to the number of projected
robbers is
a. 25/56 b. 25/60 c. 1/4 d. 2/3
49. What is the approximate projected percent increase between 2000 and
2010 in the number of criminals in murder?
a. 180% b. 182% c. 184% d. 186%
50. What is the net percentage increase in Assault in 2010 ?
a. 2% b. 7% c. 9% d. 10 %
Logical reasoning
Directions: Select the logically best answers
51. He is not liked because he drinks.
a. All who are not liked are drinkers.
b. Some are not liked because they drink.
c. Some non-drinkers are not liked.
d. All drinkers not liked.
52. She does not do well in the exams because she does not study hard,
a. All who do not study hard do poorly in exams.
b. All who study hard do well in the exams.
c. Some always do not do well in the exams.
d. Some always perform poorly in the exams.
53. All rich are happy because they have money.
a. All those who are happy have money.
b. All who have money are happy.
c. Some rich are not happy.
d. Some who are poor are happy.
54. Ducks can swim because they have wings.
a. All having wings can swim.
b. Some which can swim have wings.
c. Which can swim have wings
d. some can swim may not have wings.
55. Football is a great game because many people like it.
a. All games are liked by people.
b. Football is liked by all people.

96CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. All games which are liked by people are great.
d. Football is liked by all.
Directions: find the odd one out
56. a. IBM b. Hewlett-Packard c. Apple d. orange
57. a. Uncle b. Aunt c. sister in law d. Brother
58. a. Airplane b. Rocket c. Bullet Train d. Jet Plane
59. a. Nylon b. jute c. cotton d. wool
60. a. Accelerator b. Petrol c. Brake d. Steering wheel
Directions:Two words on the left side of the sign (::) bears same
relationships. The same relationship exists between the third word ends
the word provided in the answer choices. Select the logically best word.
61. Whisper: shout :: walk:
a. Race b. stop c. run d. stand
62. Engine: motor:: Foundation :
a. stone b. Bricks c. Basis d. Structure
63. Undo: Do:: Ignorance:?
a. Reason b. intelligence c. Genius d. Fool
64. Heaven: Hell :: Flood :
a. Disaster b. Calamity c. Drought d. Erosion
65. Hunger : Food :: Fatigue :
a. sleep b. rest c. take vitamins d. eat
Directions: select the pair of words that best expresses the relationship
similar to the given pair of words.
66. Curve : Accident ::
a. Road : Footpath b. Vehicles : Accident
c. Dirt : disease d. road heavy traffic
67. Shoe: leather ::
a. Brick: Clay b. Cement: Building
c. Match : Fire d. Cotton : Clothes
68. Fur : soft ::
a. Wood : Thick b. Wool : Warm
c. Silk : Expensive d. Iron : Hard
69. Student : Teacher ::
a. Guide : Friend b. Devotee : Religion
c. Love : Baby d. Player: Coach
70. Religious : Atheist ::
a. Hard : soft b. Warm : Hot
c. Group : Single d. Cold : Cool
Directions: in questions 71 in 75, you are required to choose from the
four diagrams marked A, B, C and D the one that illustrates the
relationship among the three given classes better than any other.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 97

71. Singapore, Hongkong, Macao
a. A b. B c. C d. D
72. Tribhuvan university, Shanker Dev Campus, Nepal Commerce Campus
a. A b. B c. C d. D
73. Asia, Afghanistan, Kabul
a. A b. B c. C d. D
74. Father, Mother, Nurses
a. A b. B c. C d. D
75. Kathmandu, Godavari, Gokarna
a. A b. B c. C d. D

General Awareness
76. Who was awarded the Golden Boot in world cup 2010?
a. Snijder. W. b. David Villa c. Diego Forlan d. Thomas
77. Which of the following country has the highest per capita income?
a. UK b. Norway c. Canada d. Australia
78. Which of the city is most expensive to live in?
a. Tokyo b. Luanda c. Oslo d. Copenhagen
79. Which country is considered as the poorest country in the world?
a. Burundi b. Niger c. Somalia d. Zimbabwe
80. SPSS indicates
a. Statistical Package to social Science
b. Short Package to Social Science
c. Strategic Package to Social Service
d. Straight Process of Social Service
81. Which temple in Kathmandu does not have pinnacle?
a. Pashupati b. Kathmandu Ganesh
c. Mahankalsthan d. Sankata
82. “Nelson Mandela International Day” was recognized by the UN and
celebrated across the world on?
a. July, 10 b. July, 15 c. July, 18 d. August, 1
83. NBEX is a newly introduced brand of
a. Radio Station b. Television Channel
c. Newspaper d. Educational institution
84. The currency of UAE is
a. Riyal b. Saudi Riyal c. Dirham d. Ringit
85. What is the pass percentage of SLC examination of 2066 B.S.?
a. 68% b. 66. 1% c. 65.5% d. 64.13%
86. Which of the following industry is considered as the biggest industry in
the world?
a. Film b. IT c. tourism d. Dairy
87. Who won the prestigious CMO Asia Brand Builder of the Tear Award
for developing suture-less cataract surgery, a form of surgery that does
not require stitching?
98CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. Dr. Sanduk Ruit b. Dr. Ram prasad Pokhrel
c. Dr. Deep Bdr Karki d. Dr. Sashanka Koirala
88. Who is the ambassador of Nepal to UK?
a. Damodar Gautam b. Dr. Shanker Sharma
c. Dr. Suresh Chalise d. Rukma Sharnser Rana
89. What is the projected inflation rate according to monetary policy
announced by Nepal Rastra Bank for the fiscal year 2010-11?
a. 5% b. 6% c. 7% d. 8%
90. Which of the following is the projected gross domestic product (GDP),
rate of monetary policy for 2010-11 announced by Nepal Rastra Bank?
a. 8.2% b. 6.5% c. 6.0% d. 5.5%
91. Gautam Buddha International Peace Award is the Nepal’s biggest
international award which carries a purse of
a. US$50000 b. US$55000 c. US$70000 d. US $ 75000
92. G-4 comprises of the following countries
a. India, Brazil, Germany and Japan
b. Brazil, India, Japan and Thailand
c. Brazil, Singapore, Japan and China
d. China, Philipines, Pakistan and Bangladesh
93. What is the capacity of the highly talked Upper Tamakoshi hydro
a. 600 MW b. 550 MW c. 500MW d. 456MW
94. “Coblenger” is the brand name of
a. All Natural Premium Beer
b. Natural Beauty Cream for Men
c. Natural Beauty Cream for Women
d. Antidandruff Shampoo
95. “One Account, One Tree” is a campaign officially launched by
a. Bank of Kathmandu b. Laxmi Bank
c. Kumari Bank d. Everest Bank
96. On July 20, 2010 Tribhuvan University celebrated its anniversary. What
anniversary was that?
a. 49th b. 50th c. 51st d. 52nd
97. In which country the world cup 2014 is going to be held?
a. USA b. china c. France d. Brazil
98. To which country the pop star Shakira who performed at the world cup
kickoff concert in Johannesburg belongs to?
a. Mexico b. South Africa c. Columbia d. UK

99. “Friendships begin with inking or gratitude- roots that can be pulled
up”. Whose thought is this?
a. S.S. Maugham b. B. Shaw
c. Shakespeare d. George Eliot
100. Who was awarded Novel prize for Economics in 2010?
a. ElinorOstron
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 99
b. Oliver E. Williamson
c. Elinor Ostron and Oliver E. Williamson
d. None of the above

CMAT 2009 (Batch 2066)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the word which best fits in.
1. Many religions believe in the ……… soul.
a. immoral b. amoral c. immortal d.
2. The students organized a ……….

100CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. fete b. feat c. feet d.
3. His letter to his son speaks ……… for his affection, tolerance and
a. much b. volume c. volumes d.
4. His business ………. saw him through this new venture.
a. interest b. skill c. venture d. acumen.
5. Amita was ………. with her own petard and faced defeat.
a. hoisted b. hoist c. confronted
d. reviled.
Direction: Select the most suitable preposition in the following sentences.
6. What do you infer ………. this boy’s hesitating behavior?
a. from b. for c. with d.
7. The citizens must not murmur ………. new taxes.
a. over b. upon c. against d.
8. If you repent ………. your sins, God will forgive you.
a. for b. about c. of d.
9. Shyam kept on talking to Jaya, oblivious ……… the fact that he was in
the library and not the common room.
a. of b. to c. with d.
10. At the hospital, Ram was mistaken ………. a doctor.
a. upon b. over c. on d.
Direction: Choose the littered expression that most nearly express the
meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. To draw a line
a. To improve certain restrictions. b. To restart
c. To have fair game d. To divide evenly
12. A bird of passage
a. Active worker
b. A person who shifts from place to place
c. A coward person
d. A person who cannot keep secrets.
13. To be lost in the clouds.
a. To be perplexed
b. To fly deep in the clouds
c. To imagine about something impossible
d. To achieve unprecedented success
14. To let the grass grow under one’s feet
a. To take advantage of situation
b. To work cautiously
c. To idle away time
d. To work on a job below the dignity

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 101

15. To come off with flying colours
a. A good start
b. To attend grand party
c. Good results of constant effort
d. To achieve distinction
Direction: Select the best word, which correctly fill in the blanks.
The average new born ……. . 16 …… about fifty centimeters long. In
twenty years, this little ………. 17 ………more than triples ……18 …….in
length. The ……19 ………height of a man is 1. 7 meters. However, man does
not stop growing then he continues to grow even after the ….. 20………. of
twenty five and reaches his maximum height at about the age of thirty-five.
16. a. baby b. child c. infant d. kid
17. a. mass b. body c. child d. infant
18. a. around b. over c. than d. itself
19. a. average b. mean c. common d. ages
20. a. years b. period c. age d. ages
Direction: The following passage is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question.
As advertisers become more and more expert at their work, they appeal to all the
human emotions in the effort to increase sales-greed, jealously, love of a bargain,
fear of the disapproval of the other people, fear of ill health, the desire to catch a
husband, the desire to show off, and many others. But more and more customers
are also becoming suspicious of and resistant to high-powered advertisements.
This is producing in highly sophisticated countries, a deliberately modest, self
deprecating type of advertisement that is intended to disarm the suspicious of
sophisticates by giving an impression of absolute sincerity, or even deliberate
understatement. Soon we may have the strange spectacle of advertisers vying
with each other, with Eastern courtesy, to belittle the merits of their own
21. According to the author, high-powered advertisement has created
suspicion among people in
a. Highly sophisticated countries
b. Unsophisticated countries
c. Oversold markets
d. In poor countries
22. The self deprecating type of advertisement seeks of
a. Announce the product loudly
b. Introduce the product by appealing to principal emotions
c. Lessen the suspicion in buyer’s mind
d. Tell the true merits of the product
23. In the context “Eastern Courtesy” would mean
a. Genuine courtesy
b. Courtesy with an intention to cheat
c. Sincere courtesy
d. Business etiquette
24. The new type of advertisement as compared with the high-powered
advertisements of the past
a. Is absolutely sincere
102CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
b. Gives the impression of being sincere
c. Is courteous to the buyer
d. In more in buyer’s interest
25. Which of the following according to you is an understatement?
a. At sixty miles an hour the only sound you can hear in
your car is the ticktock of the electric clock
b. We cannot make all the soap in the world. Therefore we
decided to make the best.
c. In 9 out of 10 cases our toothpaste has completely cured
tooth decay
d. Our “GENIOUS” pen cannot make you a genius. But it
can make your writing chores of pleasure

Quantitative Ability
26. If X is an integer, then which of the following is the product of the next
two integer greater than 2(X+1)?
a. 2
4 X +14 X +12 b. 2
4 X +12
c. 2
X +14 X + 12 d. 2
X + X +12
27. If , then N =
a. 1/3 b. 1 c. 2 d.
28. If the ratio of to in equal to the ratio of to x then what is the value of
a. 1/20 b. 5/16 c. 1/5 d.
29 If 0<X<1, which of the following expression is greater?
a. 1/√X b. √X c. X3 d.
30. In a certain school 20 students, 10 are taking math and 10 are taking
history and 7 are taking both, how many students are taking math only?
a. 20 b. 14 c. 13 d. 7
31. If (d) denotes the area of circle, with diameter d then which of the
following is equal to (4).(6)?
a. Ω 24. b. Ω12. c. 24 d.
32. If -x = -|-(2+5)|, then x =
a. -7 b. -3 c. 3 d. 7
33. A number, when divided by 12, given a reminder of 7. If the same
number is divided by 6, then the reminder must be
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
34. The value of (64-63)/5 is equal to
a. 1/5 b. 63 c. 6/5 d.
35. Two successive discount of 20% and 15% is equivalent to a single
discount of
a. 18 b. 24 c. 32 d.
36. If 3x = 81, then (3x+1)( 4x+1) must be equal to
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 103
a. 12500 b. 18660 c. 8938 d.
37. What is the average of x, 2x, and 6
a. 1/2x b. 2x c. x+2 d.
38. If 7 workers can assemble a car in 8 hours, how long would it take 12
workers to assemble the same car?
a. 3(1/2) b. 4(2/3) hrs c. 5 hrs d.
39. A Jet uses 80 gallons of fuel to fly 320 miles. At this rate , how many
gallons of fuel are needed for a 700 miles flight?
a. 155 b. 160 c. 170 d.
40. A 30% discount reduces the prices of a commodity by Rs. 90. If the
discount is reduced to 20%, then the price of the commodity will be
a. Rs 180 b. Rs. 210 c. Rs. 240 d.
Rs. 300
41. A set with three elements has a number of subsets equal to
a. 2^1 b. 2^2 c. 2^3 d.
2^ 4
42. If AUB=AUB, the set operation law is known as
a. commutative b. distributive
c. associative d. de-Morgan’s
43. Find the sum of the series 5-1+1/5-………. .
a.4 1/6 b.4 1/3 c.4 ½ d.4 2/ 3
44. Find the arrangement that can be made out of the letters of the word
a. 453600 b. 456300 c. 45300 d. 45600
45. If frequency distribution is positively
skewed, then
a. X<Mo b. X<Md<Mo c. X>Md d. X>Md>Mo
46. The functional relationship of data given below,is equal to
X: 1 2 3 4 5
Y: 1 3 5 7 9

a. y=2x-1 b. y=2x+1 c. y=3x-2 d. y=3x -1

47. Given the production cost associated with an item is Rs. 20 and fixed
cost is Rs. 60,000 per month. Each item is sold at Rs. 32 per item. If the target
profit is Rs. 18,000, then number of item to produced and sold is as
a. 6000 b. 6200 c. 6500 d.
48. If 6 men can earn Rs. 150 in 10 days, how much do 8 men earn
in 7 days?
a. Rs. 160 b. Rs. 140 c. Rs. 135 d.
Rs. 130
49. The list price of an article is 25% above the selling price and cost price
is 40% below the list price, then rate of discount is

104CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d.
50. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a given
sum for 3 yrs at 5% p. a. is Rs. 15.75. The sum is equal to
a. Rs. 1500 b. Rs. 1800 c. Rs. 2000 d.
Rs. 2100

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Select the logically best answer
51. Akbar was popular because he was secular.
a.All seculars are popular b. All popular are seculars
c.Only seculars are popular d. non of these
52. Drug addicts are hated because they are criminals.
a. All who are not liked are drinkers
b. All drinkers are not liked
c. Some are not liked because they are drinkers
d. Some non-drinkers are not liked.
53. A monkey climbs 5 meters in one day but falls 3 meters in one night. In
how many days can it climb an 11 meters pole.
a. 2 days b. 3 days c. 4 days d.
5 days
54. Birds can fly because they have wings.
a. All having wings can fly b. All which can
fly have wings
c. Some which can fly have wings d. Some which have
wings can fly
Direction: Each of the questions below consists of two words that have a
certain relationship to each other, followed by four pairs. Select the pair that
has the same relationship as the original pair of words.
55. Cotton : soft
a. Wood : thick b. Silk : costly
c. Nylon : thread d. iron : hard
56. Student : teacher
a. Examination : marks b. Guide : friend
c. Player : coach d. Devotee : religion
57. Pyramid : triangle
a. Sphere : circle b. Prism : cone
c. Solid : hollow d. Cube : square
58. Ice : cold
a. Sugar : sweet b. Butter : cow
c. Attack : defeat d. Gold : cold
Direction: Select the pair of words which best expresses the
relationshipsimilar to that expressed in the pair in bold letters/figures.
59. Drought : Flood :: Hell :
a. Torture b. Calamity c. Deprivation
d. Heaven
60. 4 : 20 :: 7:
a.14 b. 28 4 d. 35

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 105

61. Mango : Fruit ::
Flower :
a.Pink b. Fragrance Rose d. Garden
62. Hunger : Food :: Fatigue :
a. Overwhelming b. Tireness
c. Exercise d. Rest
63. June: August::Sunday
a. Weekend b. Saturday c. Monday d. Tuesday

Direction:Find the odd ones out.

64. a. Bangkok b. Bombay c. Hollywood d. Bollywood
65. a. Mother b. Aunt c. Nephew d. Friend
66. a. Dahlia b. Rose c. Pine d. Jasmine
67. a. Gun and Shell b. Tank and Gu
c. Rocket and Charge d. Rifle and Bullet
68. If BEAT is coded as EBTA, what should the code of OUPS?
a. SOUP b. SPUO c. UPOS d.
69. If DEFY is coded as 40, what should be the code for TRAP?
a. 45 b. 55 c. 35 d. 65
70. If 4316 coded as DCAF, what should be the code of HIGE?
a. 3416 b. 1643 c. 8975 d.
Direction: In Question 71 to 75, you are required to choose from the four
diagrams marked a, b, c and d. the one that illustrates the relationship
among the three given classes better than any other.

a. b. c. d.
71. Mongolia, China, North Korea
a. b. c. d.
72. Patan, Krishna Mandir, Jawalakhel
a. b. c. d.
73. Europe, Switzerland, Geneva
a. b. c. d.
74. Father, Mother, Athless
a. b. c. d.
75. Tribhuvan University, Thakur Ram Campus, Saraswati Campus
a. b. c. d.

General Awareness
76. What was the position of Nepalese women’s cricket team in ACC 20-20
women’s cricket championship held in Malaysia on 11th July 2009?
a. First b. Second
c. Third d. None of the

106CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

77. Who is the current president of Confederation of Nepalese Industries
a. Tula Ram Dugar b. Rup Jyoti
c. Rajendra Khetan d. Binod kumar Chaudhary
78. The slogan “every morning at your doorstep” is associated to :
a. The Himalayan Times
b. Dairy Development corporation
c. Wai Wai noodles
d. Kathmandu Upathyaka Khanepani Ltd.
79. Which of the following nation is not in G8 nations?
a. Britain b. The Netherlands
c. Russia d. Japan
80. On which day of the week the daily newspaper “The Himalayan Times”
brings a supplement with the title THT property plus?
a. Wednesday b. Thursday c. Friday d.
81. Who is the writer of the book “The American Man”?
a. Elizabeth Gilbent b. Jeffrey sachs
c. John Humphrys d. Pamela Chaterjee
82. Who is the first lady minister with the portfolio of Defense in Nepal?
a. Saileja Acharya b. Bidhya Bhandari
c. Kamal Shah d. Astha Laxmi
83. In which year Tribhuvan University is celebrating its Golden Jubilee?
a. 2066B.S. b. 2068B.S. c. 2070B.S. d. 2071B.S.
84. The botanical name of the national flower of Nepal is
a. Red Rose b. Rhododendron
c. Rhododendron Arbarium d. Red Lotus
85. Which country has been selected to host 2012 Olympics?
a. Germany b. United
c. Japan d. Australia
86. Who is the permanent representative of Nepal to the United Nations?
a. Gyan Chandra Acharya b. Rajeshwor
c. Dr. Suresh Chalise d. Madhu Raman
87. CRBT commonly used in communication Sector Indicates to
a. Call Ring Back Tone b. Call Ring
Before Tone
c. Caller Ring Back Tone d. Caller Ring
Before Tone
88. Sin city stands as nick name for
a. New York b. Berlin c. Barcelona
d. Las Vegas
89. Amongst different styles of temples in Kathmandu valley, to which
style Kumari Ghar (home of living Goddess Kumari) belongs to

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 107

a. Pagoda b. Stupa c. Krishna temple d.
90. Serena Williams Clinched her third Wimbledon title and 11th Grand
Slam crown with a victory over whom?
a. Elena Dementiava b. Venus William
c. S. Sarapova d. Sania Mirza
91. The first three wheeler women driver
a. Sita Thapa b. Parbati
c. Ang Kami Lama d. Laxmaya Chhetri
92. The summit of non- aligned nations held in july 2009 in Italy was
a. 10th b. 12th c. 15th d.
93. The first Nepali woman architect is
a. Hisila Yami b. Priyanka Rana
c. Chandra lekha kayastha d. Manjeshree
94. What is the price of the basic model of worlds cheapest car?
a. US$ 4,000 b. US$ 3,500 c. US$ 2,000
d. US$ 1850
95. Security force in India has introduced a type of hand grenade to control
the mob that includes
a. Red chili dust b. Paper Dust
c. Garlic dust d. Brick dust
96. The Everest Bank is Tied up with
a. SBI b. Canera Bank
c. Punjab National Bank d. Bank of
97. The number of students securing distinction in SLC regular examination
of 2065 was
a. 15,000 b. 13,901 c. 12,365 d.

98. Which is the most expensive city to live as an expatriate?

a. Moscow b. London c. Tokyo d.
New York
99. Scientists of Queensland University, Australia have developed vaccine
to treat swine flue using
a. Butterfly cell b. Caterpillar cell c. Human cell
d. Monkey cell
100. The 50-year-old musical superstar Michael Jackson had Germany
Awards in his name numbering to
a. 16 b. 15 c. 14 d.

108CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

CMAT 2008 (Batch 2065)

Verbal Ability
Directions:fill up the blanks with the words which best fits in with the
meaning of the following sentences.
1. Ram’s business _______ saw him through his new venture.
a. skill b. acumen c. interest d.
2. The candidate have to make their own arrangement for ___ and
a. boarding b. food
c. accommodation d. board
3. Hitler had highly ____ notions of his stature as a military leader.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 109

a. elaborate b. arrogant c. exaggerated d.
4. His caliber as an administrator is yet to be____
a. put to the test b. put to test
c. tried d. applied
5. Rita has decided to _____ of the generous offer.
a. avail b. avail herself c. not avail d.
not to avail
Directions: The questions below have a statement followed by four words.
Select the word which is closest in meaning to the statement.
6. One is having less blood.
a. spinster b. irritable c. Anemic d.
7. Capable of living both on land and water.
a. amphibians b. cannibals c. omnivorous d.
8. One who hates mankind.
a. callous b. neurotic c. amphibious d.
9. Happening once in five years.
a. finale b. quinquennial c. finetesse d.
10. Something no longer in use.
a. avaricious b. censured c. obsolete d.
Directions: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked as
1,2,3, etc. followed by a set of options. Mark the options Q. N. 11-Q.N. 15.
that best complete the blanks.
Cricket is a ___ 1 ___ game, but the destiny of the side is often shaped by a
couple of individuals. In a ___ 2 ___ game. especially, a quick fire half
century, a couple of quick wickets, or a vital run out can ___ 3 ___ the match
completely. Every ACC Cup has thrown up its own ___ 4___, some who had
previous renown, some entirely unexpected. In reaching the ACC final, Nepal
___ two exciting new face.
11. a. good b. team c. popular d. new
12. b. dull c. practice d. thrilling
13. a. affect b. twist c. excite d. transform
14. a. followers b. stars c. problems d. champions
15. a. tested b. revealed c. put d. blocked
Directions: Selected the word which is colset to the meaning of the BOLD
16. Prone
a. inclined to b. alone c. hooch d.
ready to act
17. Yield
a. try to win b. magic spell c. to hinder d.
to produce
18. Jargon

110CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. hilarity b. language c. derivation
d. error
19. Harness
a. enormous
b. polygolt
c. to use something to produce power
d. be too hard on
20. Suite
a. a set of room b. stymie c. plunder d.
legal case
Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the
end by picking out the most suitable response to each question.
Not all those who know something about offering goods to customers or even
about selling can become real salesmen. You cannot become real salesman unless
you have real strength, the strength to face people who do not want to face
salesman, the strength to face and master the demands of a strenuous profession,
the strength to find and face their own short-comings and correct them. Too many
people never realize these facts. Selling is a profession that cannot be learned in
the flick of an eyelid. Being tired of some other job does not make a man into a
salesman; neither does the vague hope of making money in a hurry.
Selling demands professional knowledge just as any other profession does. It is
no job for people who just want to pick up easy money. The selling career is an
exciting career but it is hard and exacting too. The salesman’s personality is
under a pressure that most people cannot take. He must feel at ease, cordial and
friendly in the presence of people who have little or no wish to see or to listen to
him. In the face of their hesitation he has to make them aware of needs which
they did not realize and on which they quite likely do not want to spend money.
21. Selling is a profession
a. that can be learned in a business college.
b. that depends solely on your ability to see things.
c. that is tough, challenging and demands great strength.
d. None of the above
22. Selling is not a profession
a. for people who have no training at a business college.
b. for those who cannot learn things at a flick of an eyelid.
c. for those who are tired of their job and want to make a
fast buck.
d. for those who are not destined to be salesman.
23. Selling is an exciting career but it also
a. is full of uncertainty
b. offers avenues for making easy money
c. is quite risky.
d. is exacting and demanding.
24. A salesman should be confident, friendly and cordial.
a. even under grave provocation.
b. for these are the essential qualities of this profession.
c. to those who treat him as an unwelcome intruder.
d. None of the above.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 111

25. A successful salesman is one who
a. makes you aware of your needs and caters for them.
b. makes you buy what you had not planned to buy.
c. sells you useful articles at your door step.
d. makes your treat him as an honored guest.

Quantitative Ability
26. If n is odd integer, which one of the following is an even integer?
a. n3 b. 2/4 c. 2x+3 d.
27. If n is an integer, which of the following cannot be an even integer?
a. 2n+2 b. 2n+3 c. n-5 d.
28. If x/y is a fraction greater than 1, then which of the following must be
less than 1 ?
a. 3y/x b. x/3y c. y/x d.
29. If x and y are perfect squares, then which of the following is not
necessarily a perfect square?
a. x b.
2 x+y c. xy d. yx
30. If p and q are positive integers, how many integers are larger than pq
and smaller than p(q+2) ?
a. 2p-1 b. p+2 c. p-2 d.
31. Which of the following is a solution to the equation x 4−2 x 2 =-1?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
32. The sum of the digits of a two digits number is 12, and the ten’s digit is
one third of the units digit. What is the number?
a. 93 b. 54 c. 48 d.
33. Which of the following is the greatest?
15/16 b. 7/9 13/15 8/9
34. What is the value of 1/1-.(2)2?
a. 1/4 b. 1/2 25/24 4
35. If a shirt selling for $ 18 is marked up to $20 t hen the percentage
increase is equal to :
a. 11% b. 10% c. 12% d.
36. If in a certain school 20 students are taking Math and 10 are taking
History and 7 are taking both, how many students are there?
a. 17 b. 27 c. 23 d.
37. If 4x+y=14 and 3x+2y=13, then x-y is equal to:
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. -1
38. If x and y are prime and greater than 2, then which of the following
cannot be a division of xy?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 11 d. 15

112CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

39. In the two digit number x, both the sum and difference of its digits is 4.
What is the value of x?
a. 13 b. 31 c. 40 d.
40. The smallest prime number greater 53 is
a. 54 b. 55 c. 57 d.

41. In how many ways four persons, A, B, C, D can be arranged taking 2

person at a time
a. 12 b. 15 c. 16 d.
42. If 15 men can finish a work in 16 days, in how many days will 8 men
finish the same work?
a. 24 b. 30 c. 32 d.
43. An article was sold for Rs. 415 at a loss of 17%. What would have been
the cost price?
a. Rs. 475 b. Rs.490 c. Rs. 500 d.
Rs. 525
44. The difference between simple and compound interest in a certain sum
in 2 years at 12% per annum is Rs. 216. The sum is :
a. Rs. 14500 b. Rs. 15000 c. Rs. 15500
d. 16000
45. Find the greatest number which will divide 223 and 1083 leaving
remainder of 8 in both cases
a. 5 b. 40 c. 43 d.
46. A Co. reports that 1800 units of products were found defective. If this
represents 5% of total units exported, how many of this units were exported?
a. 36000 b. 38000 c. 40000 d.
47. If A ={1,2,3,4 15}, B={2,4,6,8,10, 22}, C= {1,3,5,7, 25} What is
a. {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14} b. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
c. {6, 8, 10, 12} d. { }
49. A banker pays Rs. 564 for a bill of Rs. 600 due 6 month hence. What
is the rate percent per annum the bank has deducted from the bill?
a. 12% b. 11% c. 10% d.
50. The present worth of Rs. 2040 due 4 years hence, reckoning interest at 5
% p. a. is
a. Rs. 1650. 50 b. Rs. 1675.30
c. Rs. 1678.45 d. Rs. 1680.00

Logical Reasoning
51. Leather is considered as the best material for shoes, because leather is ;
a. water proof b. easily available
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 113
c. flexible and durable d. durable
52. Monday dawned 3 days preceding day before yesterday. What
day will dawn two days after tomorrow?
a. Wednesday b. Tuesday c. Monday d.
53. Steam burns the body more severely than boiling because,
a. It pierces through skin pores and water falls out.
b. Its temperature is higher than that of boiling water.
c. Steam can driver engines, but boiling water cannot.
d. Steam has latent heat, not present in boiling water.
54. Which is the odd one out?
a. Ship b. car c. motorcycle
d. bicycle
55. Which number is out of step with the others in the following digit
groups ? 136, 532, 640, 514, 273, 262, 802
a. 640 b. 514 c. 273 d.
56. Which letter is out of place in the following series? I M L T N K O J
a. O b. M c. T d. L
57. Children should not see television regularly for long time because.
a. It weakens Children’s eye sight
b. They find interest in cartoons only.
c. Movies are better pastime than TV.
d. Children are subject to moral effect.
58. A man faces north and covers 12Km, turns west and covers 6Km, then
turns south and covers 3Km, and turns ‘West again and covers 6km. How far is
he from the starting point?
a. 27km b. 10Km c. 18km d.
59. If 15 cows eat 15 bags of fodder in 15 days, in how much time will 1
cow eat a day ?
a. 1 bag b. 1/15 bag c. 1/30bag d.
60. P occurs only when Q occurs, Q has occurred, Therefore,
a. P has not occurred. b. P may have
c. P must have occurred d. None of the

61. A human being can always but not an animal

a. hear b. see c. reason d.
62. Complete the analogy: SRAND is to DETRAIN as STAND is to
a. SAND b. DETAIN c. STAN d.

114CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

63. Find the odd
one out.

a. b. C. d.
64. Score out the
odd one.

a. b. c. d.
65. Find, the boys, girls and, fifteen years old.

a. b. c. d.
66. Health is to sickness as happiness is to
a. health b. heart c. sadness d.
67. Doctor: Disease::
a. intern : medicine b. miser : gold
c. theft : punishment d. sheriff : crime
68. Ashes : Fire ::
a. water : ice b. flower : bud
c. disgust : expectation d. moon : sun
69. Point X is north of point Y and point Y is east of point Z. To which
direction is point X with respect to Z?
a. East b. North c. Northeast
d. West
70. Find out the odd one in the following.
a. Hair b. Wool c. Feathers d.
71. If EARLY stands for 32567, then YEAR will be.
a. 3725 b. 7325 c. 3752 d.
72. Bird is to nest as horse is to
a. ride b. mare c. gallop d.
73. “Walk to be healthy” is logically similar to,
a. Read in order to increase your knowledge
b. Speak to relieve your tension
c. Cheat to make profits.
d. Listen when others speak.
74. “Work hard to earn money” is logically similar to,
a. do not cheat to make profits.
b. Invest to amass wealth.
c. Buy lotteries.
d. Study to pass in distinction

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 115

75. “All roads lead to Rome” means
a. Roads do not go anywhere but Rome.
b. Rome is the most important place on earth.
c. Everything is attracted towards the place of action
d. Rome is the nearest place.

General Awareness
76. Who is the first Nepali woman receiving Gurber International Women
rights awards?
a. Bipana Malla b. Kritika Shrestha
c. Sapana Malla d. Niruta Singh
77. Who is the first ever elected president of Nepal?
a. Ram Prit Paswan b. Dr. Rambaran Yadav
c. Ram Raja prasad Singh d. Mrs. Shanta
78. Nepal’s first commercial bank to receive ISO 9001:2000 standards
certification for Quality Management system is
a. Nepal Bangladesh bank
b. Nepal Bank Limited
c. Nepal Industrial and Commercial Bank
d. Rastriya Banijya Bank
79. Who was the runner up in the last edition of Indian Idol?
a. Charu Sharma b. Abisekh c. Amit Paul
d. Ankita
80. The coldest planet which is just beneath Mars and in the side of Venus
a. Sedna b. Mercury c. Sun d.
81. Who is the writer of the book entitled “The Looming Tower: Al
Qaeda’s Road to 9/11” ?
a. Amitar Ghosh b. Kalam Rashid
c. Lawrence Wright d. Salman Rusdi
82. Who is the demon that took the form of golden deer in Ramayan?
a. Marich b. Trijata c. Rawana d.
83. Revlon is a brand name used for
a. Cosmetics b. Sportsware c. Glassware
d. Pharmacetutical
84. Tribhuwan University is going to celebrate its golden jubilee in
a. 2009 b. 2010 c. 2012 d.
85. UNFCCC signifies
a. UN Framework convention on climate change
b. UN Force for control of climate cause
c. UN Fleet for the control of climate change
d. UN Flight for the control of climate change
86. The recipient for the prestigious literary award of the U K Booker of
Bookers for 2008 is

116CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. David Brown b. Robbins
c. Gordon Anderson d.
Salman Rusdi
87. Dr. Dilli Raman Regmi Foundation announced the 2008 National peace
prize to
a. Jhalnath Khanal b. Amik Serchan
c. Babu Ram Bhattarai d.
Puspa Kamal Dahal
88. On July3, 2008, the Women Wimbeldon Tennis trophy was grabbed for
the fifth time by
a. Venus Williams b. Serina
c. Jane Mckangie d. Jennifer Lopez
89. Which of the following is not the member of G8 Countries?
a. Britain b. Canada c. Japan d.
90. With which country Nepal entered into a widely talked peace and
friendship treaty in 1950
a. China b. India c. Bangladesh
d. Pakistan
91. What is the name of Sita (Daughter of King Janak of Mithila) in
her former life?
a. Bedbati b. Saubhagyabati c. Laxmi d.
92. How many astrological signs are there in HIndu mythology?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d.
93. Which country is recorded by World Development Report 2008 as the
second largest economy of the world?
a. Germany b. USA c. China d.
94. ‘Uniting People’ is the slogan of
a. Mero Mobile b. United
Telecom Limited
c. Nepal Telecom d. Sky Telecom

95. The ever remembered name in management is

a. Tom Jerry b. Jerry Johnson
c. Micheal Hardy d. Peter Drucker
96. Reputed Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and her husband actor Brad
pit have been awarded for their contributions for human cause by
a. Time Magazine b. Herald Tribune
c. New york Times d. Times of India
97. Ten Grams of gold is equivalent to
a. 1.3251 tola b. 1.2578 tola c. 0.8573 tola
d. 0.7573 tola

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 117

98. Who urge to eat less rice to increase earnings through rice experts.
a. Samak Sundarabej: Thai Premier
b. Dr. Manmohan Sing : Indian Premier
c. Ban Ki Moon : UN Secretary General
d. Gordon Brown : British Premier
99. The Bharat Bisural of Nepal is associated with
a. Football b. Professional
c. Tennis d. Boxing
100. MIss J. K. Rowling is the writer of popular book series
a. Small is beautiful b. Harry potter
c. Autobiography d. The beautiful game

CMAT 2007 (Batch 2064)

Verbal Ability
Directions: fill up the blanks with the words which best fits in with the
meaning of the following sentences.
1. Santosh wandered all day in the……. .
a. lay b. lec c. lea d.
2. Ram ………. . your ruling on the matter.

118CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. waits b. awaits c. waits for d.
awaits for
3. I………my ………to be fulfilled.
a. want…needs b. want….wishes
c. desire…wants d. wish…desires
4. The students organized a………
a. feet b. feat c. fate d.
5. Her attitude was ……. in the answer she gave you.
a. impetuous b. impetus c. implicit d.
Directions: choose the words which is close to the meaning of the word.
6. Fallacy
a. a word idea or belief b. something not
c. falsely implicated d. under the command
7. Impeccable
a. faulty b. Flawless c. ductile d.
8. Antidote
a. Counteragent b. Fighter
c. Laxative d. Anti thesis
9. Founder
a. Defeat b. to stumble c. cowardice d.
10. Dexterity
a. Clumsiness b. extremity c. deftness d.
Directions: select the words or phrase that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the word.
11. Derogatory
a. Complaint b. Complimentary c.malevolent
d. obliterate
12. Temperate
a. Aged b. unlimited c. productive
d. inebriated
13. Stigma
a. mark of esteem b. sign of decline
c. reflection of glory d.
notice of rejection
14. Mute
a. Diversify b. Quicken c. Harmonize d. Amplify
15. Foment
a. Pretend b. Subside c. Inhibit d. Assume
Directions:Each question below consists of an idiom or phrase, followed by
four lettered expression. Choose the lettered expression that most nearly
expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 119

16. A cat and dog life
a. best understanding with colleagues
b. friendship amongst the people of same class
c. purposeless
d. always quarrelling
17. To be lost in the clouds
a. To be perplexed
b. To fly deep in clouds
c. To imagine about something impossible
d. To achieve unprecedented success
18. To let the grass grow under owns feet
a. To take advantage of situation
b. To work cautiously
c. To idle away time
d. To work on a job below the dignity
19. To come off with flying colours
a. A good star b. to attend grand
c. Good results of constant effort d. to achieve
20. To draw a line
a. To restart
b. To impose certain restrictions
c. To have fair game
d. To divide evenly
Directions: The following passage is followed by question based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each
As advertise become more and more expert at their work,they appeal to all the
human emotion in the effort to increase sales-greed, jealously, love of a bargain,
fear of the disapproval of other people, fear of ill health, the desire to catch a
husband, the desire to show off, and many others. But more and more customers
are also becoming suspicious of and resistant to high-powered advertisements.
This is producing, in highly sophisticated countries, a deliberately modest, self
deprecating type of advertisement that is intended to disarm the suspicions of
sophisticates by giving an impression of absolute sincerity, or even deliberate
understatement. Soon we may have the strange spectacle of advertisers vying
with each other, with Eastern courtesy, to belittle the merits of their own
21. According to the author, high-powered advertisement has created
suspicion among people in
a. Highly sophisticated countries
b. Unsophisticated countries
c. Oversold markets
d. In poor countries
22. The self-deprecating type of advertisement seeks to
a. Announce the product loudly
b. Introduce the product by appealing to principal emotions

120CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. Lessen the suspicion in buyer’s mind
d. Tell the true merits of the products
23. In the context, “Eastern Courtesy” would mean
a. Genuine courtesy
b. Courtesy with an intention to cheat
c. Sincere courtesy
d. Business etiquette
24. The new type of advertisement as compared with the high-powered
advertisement of the past
a. is absolutely sincere
b. gives the impression of being sincere
c. is courteous to the buyer
d. is more in buyer’s interest
25. Which of the following according to you is an understatement?
a. At sixty miles an hour the only sound you can hear in our
car is the tick-tock of the electric clock.
b. We cannot make all the soap in the world. Therefore, we
decided to make the best.
c. In 9 out of 10 cases our toothpaste has completely cured
tooth decay.
d. Our “GENIOUS” pen cannot make you a genius. But it
can make your writing chores of pleasure.

Quantitative Ability
26. The difference between simple and compound interest in a certain sum
in two years at 15% per annum is Rs. 144. The sum is
a. Rs 6000 b. Rs 6200 c. Rs 6400 d.
Rs 6500
27. The number of student in a constituent campus and a affiliated campus
in bachelor level is at the ratio of 3:5. If 20 student are increased in each
campuses at the same level, the ratio changed to 5:7. The total number of students
in the two campuses before the increase was
a. 72 b. 80 c. 96 d. 100
28. Find the greatest number which will divide 201 and 671 leaving
remainders 6 and 8 respectively.
a. 15 b. 51 c. 39 d. 65
29. How many of the integers between 50 and 80 are odd?
a. 9 b. 11 c. 13 d. 15
30. One -third of a number is 20 more than one -fifth of that number. What
is the number?
a. 30 b. 84 c. 102 d. 150
31. A company reports that 2000 electronics parts were found defective. If
this represents 5% of the total shipment, how many of these parts were shipped?
a. 40,000 b. 30,000 c. 20,000 d.
32. A diagram of a large ground drawn to the scale of 0. 5 inch equals
80 feet. If the length of the diagram is 4.5 inches the actual length of the ground

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 121

a. 720ft b. 680ft c. 640ft d.
33. The value of x 2+   5 x  = 12−x 2 are
a. 3/2 and -4 b. 3 and 4 c. 2 / 3 and 4
d. 4/3 and 2
34. If 4y-x =10, 3x=2y, then xy=?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 12
35. There are 50 students enrolled in computer course. Of the enrolled
students, 90% appeared in a final exam. Two-third of the students attending the
final exam passed. How many student passed the final exam?
a. 30 b. 33 c. 34 d. 35
Question number 36 to 40 is related to the following data:-

36. What is the productivity of food crops (production/ area) in 2005?

a. 0.55 b. 1.50 c. 1.88 d.
37. What is the productivity of cash crops (production / area) in 2005?
a. 6.23 b. 5.37 c. 4.98 d.
38. The productivity of food crops is highest in which year?
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d.
39. The productivity of the cash crops is lowest in which year?
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d.
40. What is the productivity of food and cash crops taken together in year
2001 ?
a. 1.56 b. 1.82 c. 2.12 d.
41. A tourist bus travels for 3 hours at 40 miles per hour and then covers a
distance of 80 miles in two hours and 40 minutes. His average rate for the
entire trip was
a. 35mph b. 35.3mph c. 35.5mph d.
42. Four workers working together can plough the field in 12 hours. How
long will it take 6 workers to plough the field of the same size, if all of them work
at the same rate?
a. 6 hours b. 8 hrs c. 10 hours d.
12 hours

122CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

43. The arithmetic mean of x and y is 10 and their geometric mean is 8.
what is the value of x and y ?
a. 16, 4 b. 15, 5 c. 14, 6 d.
12, 8
44. When magnified 10,000 times by an electron microscope, the image of
a certain circular piece of tissue has a diameter of 0. 3 centimeter. The actual
diameter of the tissue in centimeter is
a. 0.03 b. 0.003 c. 0.0003 d.
45. Selling price of four articles equals to cost price of 5 articles. The
gain is
a. 20% b. 25% c. 28% d. 80%
46. A sport jacket marked $ 48 is offered at a discount of 25% during a
stockout sales. At this reduced price the dealer makes a profit of 20% on the cost.
The cost to the dealer is
a. $29 b. $30 c. $32 d.
47. ABC is right angled triangle with perpendicular side equal to 8, and the
base side equal to 6. the hypotenuse side is equal to
a. 10 b. 9 c. 7 d. 5
48. If A = {1,3,5,7,…. 21} , B = {1,2,3,4…20} and C ={2,4,6,8,…. 20}.
What is aAΩBΩC?
a. { 20, 30 } b. {30} c. {40} d.
49. The compound interest on a certain sum for the first year for 4% is Rs.
25. The compound interest for 2 years at the same rate on the same sum will be
a. Rs. 50 b. Rs. 51 c. Rs. 53 d.
Rs. 54
50. Length and breadth of a rectangular field is 50 meter and 20 meter
respectively. 7 meter road runs outside around the field. What is the area of the
a. 40 sq m b. 1000 sqm c. 1176 sq m
d. 1208sq m

Logical Reasoning
Directions: each of the question below consists of two words that have a
certain relationship to each other, followed by the four pairs. Select the pair
51. Eight: nine ::
a. six : twelve b. 23 :32 c. Ten : nine
d. four :22
52. dear : herd ::
a. white: snow b. gees : flock c. ducks : duack
d. seed : sproud
53. bat : bline ::
a. melt : freeze b. diseases :
c. traffic : d. quiet : lamb
road block
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 123
54. fear : terror ::
a. distress : b. joy : ecstasy
c. relief : d. danger : anxiety
55. triangle : circle ::
a. nut : screw b. salt : solution
c. wedge : whet d. engine : wheel
Directions: select the pair of words which best expresses the relationship
similar to that expressed in the pair in.
56. Expenditure : Saving :: Import :
a. Excise b. Export c. External d. Exit
57. Sale : Excise :: Income :
a. Honorarium b. Tax c. Penalty d. Standard
58. Advocate : Law :: Cook :
a. Kitchen b. Vegetable c. Dinning table d. Recipes
59. Lunatic : Brain :: Blind :
a. Support b. Brain c. Crutches d. Spectacles
60. Darkness : Evening :: Light :
a. Electricity b. Switch c. dawn d. Heavy
Directions: one out of the four choices is odd. Find the “odd one
out”from each of the following.
61. a. 121 b. 231 c. 352 d. 453
62. a. Debenture b. Government bond c. Equity share d. Share
63. a. Reward b. Crime
c. Offence d. Punishment
64. a. Conductor b. Insulator
c. Contractor d. Germanium
65. a. 1210 b. 125 c. 729 d. 1728

Directions for Q. 66 to 70
Seven boys A,B,C,D,F,G and H have 10 pens each. A takes 4 pens from F
and B takes 4 pens from G. D gives 3 pens to H and H gives 2 pens to F. G
takes back the pens he had given to B. A gives 3 pens to D.

66. How many pens does G have?

a. 10 b. 7 c. 11 d.
67. How many boys have got eleven pens each ?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
68. Who have got the least number of pens?
a. A b. D c. F d. H
69. After the exchange of pens among the boys is over, how many of them
have 10 pens ?
a. Two b. Three c. Four d.
None of them
70. The maximum number of pens which any of the boys has?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d.
None of these
124CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Direction: select the best answer choice which is logically based on the
arguments in the given statement.
71. Yogesh is a student of Padmodaya school. He must be sharp.
a. Students of public school are sharp.
b. Students of government schools are not sharp.
c. Padmodaya is a public school.
d. Students of Padmodaya are generally sharp.
72. Prices are rising again. This is mainly due to fall in production.
a. Production is expected to increase now.
b. Earlier the production was high.
c. If production falls, prices rise.
d. If production increases, price will fall.
73. No babies can walk. All those who can walk are grown-up. Therefore,
a. No babies are grown-up.
b. All grown-up persons are babies.
c. No person who can walk are babies.
d. Those who can run can also walk.
74. Nothing is a man unless it is intelligent. Nothing is intelligent unless it
has a brain. Therefore.
a. All man do not have brain.
b. Some man are more intelligent than others.
c. No one without a brain is a man.
d. All men are equally intelligent.
75. Some men are school teachers. Some school teachers are not
football players. Therefore.
All men are football players.
Some school teachers may be football players.
Ramesh who plays football must be a school teacher.
No football players are school teachers.

General Awareness
76. Prof. Mohammad Yunus received Nobel peace Prize in 2006 is the
citizen of
a. Pakistan b. Iran c. Bangladesh
d. Afghanistan
77. When the reading of barometer goes down, it is an indication of
a. Storm b. Earthquake c. Tornado d.
78. Which planet has been recently found as an asteroid, not the planet?
a. Pluto b. Venus c. Jupiter d.
79. In which international organization, Nepal has recently got the
a. ILO b. WTO c. GATT d.
80. NEPSE is a
a. travel agency b. stock exchange
c. computer software d. drug

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 125

81. The branch of science which deals with study of changes taking place in
atmosphere is:
a. Mammography b. Meteorology
c. Mycology d. Morphology
82. The revolutionary IPOD was brought out by
a. IBM b. Microsoft c. INTEL d.
83. Nepal gained accession to WTO on,
a. April 23, 2004 b. Sept. 10, 2003
c. Jan 1, 2004 d. Jan 1, 2005
84. ISO signifies
a. International Organization For Standardization
b. Standardized International Organization
c. Internal Standard Organization
d. International Standardized Organization
85. The 2007 Twenty -20 cricket tournament is held in
a. Asia b. America c. Africa d. Australia
86. VAT is a form of
a. Direct tax b. Indirect tax
c. Material tax d. Information tax
87. One tola of gold is equivalent to
a. 10 grams b. 10. 54 grams c. 11.664 grams d. 12.335 grams
88. Which blood is universal acceptor?
a. O b. A c. AB d. B

89. The first bank established in Nepal is,

a. Nepal Rastra Bank
b. Rashtriya Banijya Bank
c. Agriculture Development Bank
d, Nepal Bank Limited.
90. The “Man Sarover” is in
a. Tibet b. Pakistan c. India d.
91. “Manager of the Year Award” given to best manager in Nepal is
awarded by
a. Management Association of Nepal (MAN)
b. Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)
c. National Planning Commission (NPC)
d. Nepal Tourism Board (NTB)
92. Goodwill is a/an
a. Current Asset b. Fixed Asset
c. Fictitious Asset d. Intangible asset
93. The number of electoral constituency as recommended by the “Electoral
Constituency Delineation Committee-2064” is
a. 205 b. 215 c. 240 d.
94. Swami Ramdeo is known for

126CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Yoga b. The Art of
c. Bipasyana d. Quality Control
95. The Gauri Shankar mountain peak lies in which Zone of Nepal
a. Mahakali b. Karnali c. Janakpur d.
96. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP in %) of Nepal from Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry in 2005 is recorded as
a. 68 b. 55 c. 38 d.
97. “Ramsetu” is known for
a. The bridge made by monkey troop of Ram
b. Bridge constructed in Ayodhya
c. The new train network of India in Kerala
d. The hilly range in terai belt of Nepal
98. The average width of Nepal (North-South) is
a. 193 km b. 231 km c. 291 km d.
300 km
99. The Tsunami is the name of
a. The water wall caused in the ocean
b. A Chinese Scientist
c. Famous lake in Indonesia
d. Mountain peak of Japan
100. “Bhagwad Gita” is related to
a. Ramayan b. Chanakya c. Mahabharat
d. Lord Buddha

CMAT 2006 (Batch 2063)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Select the word which is closest to the meaning of the bold
1. Fallacy
a. A wrong idea or belief b. Something not expected
c. Falsely implicated d. Under the command of
2. Impeccable
a. Faulty b. Dectile
c. Intolerable d. Flawless
3. Witty
a. Ingenious b. Speedy
c. Foolish d. Awkward
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 127
4. Slump
a. High spirits b. Low spirits
c. Sharp fall d. Nexus
5. Succumb
a. Feel ashamed b. To yield
c. Smoother d. Shrine
Directions: Select the proper preposition to fill in the blank in the
following questions.
6. Plants absorb moisture ______ the air.
a. for b. in c. from d. to
7. It is vain to calculate ______ an uncertain result.
a. upon b. over c. for d. into
8. Places of honour and confidence are free ______ all.
a. for b. among c. with d. to
9. Can you guess ______ the moral of the story?
a. on b. upon c. at d. over
10. I hope you will excuse me for encroaching ______ your valuable time.
a. upon b. with c. over d. at
Directions: Each question below consists of an idiom or a phrase,
followed by four lettered expressions. Choose the lettered expression
that most nearly expresses the meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. To call a spade a spade.
a. To speak the plain truth b. To work on ground
c. To make a beginning d. A false praise
12. To break the ice.
a. To break a promise
b. To work in winter
c. To break the silence to get over initial shyness
d. To lay the foundation
13. A can and dog life.
a. Best understanding with colleagues
b. Friendship among the people of same class
c. Always quarrelling
d. Purposeless
14. To be last in the clouds.
a. To be perplexed
b. To fly deep in the clouds
c. To imagine about something impossible
d. To achieve unprecedented success
15. Spread like wild fire.
a. To circulate information quickly
b. To circulate information step by step
c. To make publicity
d. Unable to stop

128CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Directions: The following passage is followed by questions based on its
contents. After reading the passage, choose the best answers to each
It is no easy life that lies before a scientific investigator. He has to steel his
body, and nerves, to the utmost. There is to be for him no life of ease. It is to
be one of the unending struggle. Even after all this, there is no assurance
whatever of success to reward him for his ceaseless toil. He has to cast his
life as an offering, regarding gain or loss, success or failure, as one. This will
perhaps be better realized when I recount the history of the conquest of the
air. I had the unusual opportunity of coming in close contact with the work of
a man to whom this great achievement is ultimately due. Many lives had
previously been sacrificed in various ineffective attempts before the
investigation of the supporting power of moving surfaces was scientifically
taken up by Langley in America. After many years of patient
experimentation, new data were obtained, which were contrary to all
previously accepted theories of aerodynamics. Great interest was aroused and
the American nation keenly watched for the occasion when a large machine
was to make its flight before the public. In this public demonstration a small
screw was left loose by the carelessness of a workman with the result that the
machine, instead of rising, was precipitated into the river. A chorus of
derision arose which was magnified by the Press, and Langley died of a
broken heart. This has often been the fate of great inventors and discoverers.
But the lure that draws heroic souls is not the success which can easily be
achieved, but defeat and tribulation in the pursuit of the unattainable.
16. Langley’s experiment failed due to
a. faulty design
b. carelessness of Langley
c. carelessness of a workman in fitting a scerw
d. unattainable pursuit
17. What is meant by the phrase ‘to steel his body’.
a. to be fair looking.
b. capable of deceiving others
c. capable of sustaining stress and strain
d. to become thin and lean
18. Langley worked in the field of
a. thermodynamics b. aerostatics
c. hydrostatics d. aerodynamics
19. ‘Derision’ implies
a. ridicule b. praise
c. publicity d. public honour

20. Langley’s design was based on

a. hypothesis b. law of aerodynamics
c. experimental data d. imaginary ideas

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 129

Directions: The following paragraph has a number of blanks marked
numbers followed by a set of options that best complete.
Books are by far the most ___21___ product of human effort. Temples
___22___ to ruin, pictures, statues decay; but books live. Time is no account
with great thoughts which are fresh today ___23___ when they first
penetrated through their author’s mind ages ago. As was then thought and
said, still speaks to us as ___24___ as ever from the printed page. The only
effect of time ___25___ to shift and winnow out the bad products, for
nothing in literature can ever survive which is really good.
21. a. lasting b. everlasting c. temporary d. permanent
22. a. breakdown b. fall c. broken d. crumble
23. a. such b. that c. as d. so
24. a. clearly b. vividly c. graphically d. manifestly
25. a. is b. had been c. has been d. has

Quantitative Ability
26. Find the greatest number which will divide 201 and 671 leaving
remainders 6 and 8 respectively.
a. 15 b. 51 c. 39 d. 65
27. The value of the expression 16   x 2  +  24   x  +   9 for x = -3/ 4
a. 2 b. 1 c. 0 d. -1
28. A plane left 30 minutes later than the scheduled time and in order to
reach its destination 1500 km away in time it has to increase its speed
by 250 km per hour from its usual speed. Find its usual speed.
a. 1000 km / hr b. 750 km / hr
c. 500 km / hr d. 600 km / hr
29. A contractor undertakes to make a road in 30 days and employ 15 men.
After 24 days, he finds that only half of the work is done. How many
extra men should he now employ so that he is able to complete the work
in time?
a. 2 b. 30 c. 45 d. None
30. In the rafting situation, a boat goes 30 km downstream in 75 minutes
and the same distance upstream in 90 minutes, the speed (in km / hr) of
the stream is
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
31. A sells an article to B at profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a profit of
25%. If C buys it for Rs. 225, what did A pay for it?
a. Rs 100 b. Rs 125 c. Rs 150 d. Rs 175
32. How many of the integers between 20 and 40 are odd?
a. 10 b. 11 c. 1 2 d. 13
33. One-half of a number is 17 more than one-third of that number. What is
the number?
a. 52 b. 84 c. 102 d . 112

130CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

34. A diagram of a plane drawn to the scale of 0. 5 inch equals 80 feet. If
the length of the diagram is 4. 5 inches the actual length of plane is
a. 720 ft. b. 680 ft. c. 640 ft. d. 360 ft.
35. How many terms of the sequence -12, -9, -6, -3, …. must be taken to
make the sum 54?
a. 13 b. 12 c. 14 d. 11
36. An owner of a restaurant earns a profit of 30% per person in a dinner
even after allowing discount of 35% on the listed price. If the list price
is Rs 250, what is the cost price?
a. Rs 120 b. Rs 125 c. Rs 150 d. Rs 180
37. Today is the birthday of Rahul and he is 3 times as old as Nirmala. In
13 years, Rahul will be one year less than twice as old as Nirmala will
be then. What is the age of Rahul today?
a. 12 years b. 24 years c. 36 years d. 48 years
38. If A : B = 5 : 7 and B : C = 3 : 5 then A : B : C = is
a. 5 : 7 : 3 b. 15 : 21 : 35 c. 5 : 3 : 7 d. 3 : 7 : 5
39. In the equation y = x2 + r x - 3, for what value of r will be y = 11 when
x = 2?
a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2
40. The average of 8 numbers is 6, the average of 6 other numbers is 8.
What is the average of all 14 numbers?
a. 55/7 b. 66/7 c. 72/7 d. 81/ 7
41. How many years will a sum of money become double at 10% per
annum simple interest?
a. 5 years b. 8 years c. 10 years d. 20 years
42. A company reports that 2000 electronic parts were found defective.
If this represents 6. 25% of the total shipment, how many of
these parts were shipped?
a. 3,200 b. 17,000 c. 32,000 d. 34,000
Question number 43-46 are based on following data. Select the best
answer. Following data represents the capacity utilization %. of selected

43. On the average which year shows the highest capacity utilization of the
industries selected?
a. 2000/01 b. 2001/02 c. 2002/03 d. 2003/ 04
44. Which industry has highest variation of the capacity utilization within
four selected years?
a. Sugar b. Cigarettes c. Beer d. Matches

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 131

45. Comparing Cigarettes and Beer, and, Cigarettes and Matches, in which
year the difference in the capacity utilization is highest?
a. 2000/01 b. 2001/02 c. 2002/03 d. 2003/ 04
46. Comparing Cigarettes and Beer, and, Cigarettes and Matches, in which
year the difference in the capacity utilization is lowest?
a. 2000/01 b. 2001/02 c. 2002/03 d. 2003/ 04
47. The price of balcony seat in a theatre is one-third of a seat in the
orchestra.When completely sold out the total tickets from 600 orchestra
seats and the 450 balcony seats are Rs 4500.What is the price of one
orchestra seat?
a. Rs 3 b. Rs 4 c. Rs 5 d. Rs 6
48. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and the width of the
same rectangle decreased by 20%, then the area of rectangle
a. decreased by 20% b. decreased by 4%
c. increased by 20% d . increased by 4%
49. If the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation is 6 and the product of
the roots is also 6, then the equation is
a. x 2− 6   x  +  6  =  0   b. x 2+   6   x  −  6  =    0
c. x 2− 6   x  −  6  =  0 d. x 2  +  6   x  +   6  =    0
50. If A = {1,2,3…9}, B = {2,4,6,7,8} and C={3,4,5,8,9,10}, Then A U B
a. {1,2,3…10} b. {1,3,5,7, 9} c. {2,4,6,8,10} d. {1,3,5,8, 9,10}
Logical Reasoning
Directions: Select logically best answer for the question numbers 51-55.
51. “Empty vessel makes much noise” is logically similar to
a. Live and let live
b. Wise people are respected
c. Fools generally praise themselves
d. Cowards die many times than before their death
52. “Making hay while the sun shines” is logically similar to
a. Sleep when you are tired
b. Jump when you are dancing
c. Take the flood at its ride
d. Entertain hope when others help you
53. “He will not tolerate insult because he is self respecting” is logically
similar to
He is unhappy as he failed
This is trivial so a fastidious person will not accept it
He can buy the costlier thing because he is a rich man
He has compassion for all because he is conscientious
54. “Do not take sugar because you have diabetes” is logically similar to
a. Do not play as you are hurt
b. Do not read as you have weak sight
c. Do not sing as you have hoarse throat
d. Do not speak as you are not asked to speak
132CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
55. “Read in order to increase your knowledge” is logically similar to
a. Speak to relieve your tension
b. For building body take exercise
c. For making profit do not cheat others
d. Pay only when you have
Directions: Question numbers 56-60 are based on matching the
relationship of the pair of words that carry same meaning as the pair of
words given in the left hand side.
56. Doctor : Disease
a. Psychiatrist : Maladjustment b. Teacher : School
c. Scholar : Book d. Lawyer : Law
57. Always : Never

a. Often : Rarely b. Frequently : Occasionally

c. Constantly : Frequently d. Constantly : Occasionally
58. Large : Huge
a. Life : Death b. Trees : Forest
c. Crowd : Mob d. Two dozen : 24
59. Latitude : Equator
a. Direction : Gravitation
b. Weight : Height
c. North Pole : Arctic Circle
d. Longitude : International Date line
60. Multiplication : Division
a. Increase : Decrease b. Infinity : Zero
c. Calculate : Estimate d. Digit : Series
Directions: Find the odd-man out for the question numbers 61-65.
a. Now Nowhere

62. Seoul
a. Kathmandu Delhi

63. Volleyball
a. Chess Hockey

64. 44
a. 60
65. View
a. Watch Hear

66. If HEAD is coded as EHDA what should be the code of DEAD?
67. If LION is coded as ONLI what should be the code for TAPE?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 133

68. If CROW is coded as RWCO, what should be WORK?
Directions: Question number 69-70 is based on the following figures.
There are eight squares among the left four squares are the problem
figures and the right four squares are the solution figures. The correct
answer in the solution figure follows same relationship as in the problem
Problem figures Solution figures

a. b. c. d. a. b. c.
Problem figures Solution figures

[qqq] b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
Directions: Question number 71-75 are based on following four set of
figures. Identify the figure that represents the relationship among the
three items given in the question.

a. b. c. d.
71. Right, Left, Up
72. Bird, Swan, Duck
73. Tiger, Book, Road
74. Guitar, Tennis, Computer
75. Growth rate, Poverty, Ramayan

General Awareness
76. CAC stock exchange belongs to
a. Switzerland b. Germany c. France d. Italy
77. The French open, 2006 was won by
a. Roger Federer b. Rafael Nadal
c. David Nalbandion d. Xavier Mailisre
78. Which is the only country to represent Asia Africa in the second round
of 2006 World Cup?
a. Japan b. South Korea c. Nigeria d. Ghana
79. The revolutionary iPod was brought out by
a. IBM b. Microsoft c. INTEL d. Apple
80. The present trade treaty with India will expire on,
a. 2006 b. 2007 c. 2008 d . 2009
81. The next SAARC summit is going to be organized at,

134CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. India b. Nepal c. Bangladesh d. Sri Lanka
82. Currently BIMSTEC regional cooperation has ____ members.
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
83. Marco Polo named China as
a. Chung Ko b. China c. Silk Country d. Cathey
84. Who has won the most major’s so far in the arena of golf?
a. Tiger Woods b. Jack Nickolens
c. Tom Wafson d. Sergio Garcia
85. The banking software made by the mercantile corporation of Nepal is
known as,
a. Pumori b. Everest c. Kanchanjungha d. Globus
86. NEPSE Nepal Stock Exchange. became operational since
a. 1981 b. 1991 c. 1993 d . 1994
87. Deming’s management is related to.
a. quality circles b. quality control
c. input management d. total quality management
88. The oil crisis first of all started after the Yom Kipper War with more
than four folds increase of the crude oil by OPEC in,
a. 1967 b. 1973 c. 1979 d . 2005
89. The leader who changed the fate of Chrysler corporation, an automobile
manufacturer of the United States and became management icon is,
a. Peter Drucker b. Warren Buffet
c. Lee Lococca d. Phil Crosby
90. The first female chief executive officer (CEO) of PEPSI INC. appointed
in August 2006 is,
a. Cinderella Rice b. Vera Ivanovich
c. Iva Sugiyama d. Indra Nooyi
91. The largest ever passenger aircraft manufactured so far is,
a. Boeing 747 b. Boeing 747-400
c. Airbus 380 d. C -130
92. Alonso, the young Spanish driver at formula one racing, who became
the champion in 2005 and is leading against Michael Shumacker in
2006 among others in 2006 drives,
a. Ferrari b. Williams c. McLaren d. Renault
93. Dual factoral theory of motivation is explained by,
a. Abraham Maslow b. Frederick Herzberg
c. Victor Broom d. David McOlleland
94. The concept quality is free is popularized by
a. Phil Crosby b. Dr. Jucan
c. Dr. Deming d. Mitsu Shrohara
95. Participatory management is theoretically explained by,
a. Ronsis Likert b. Douglas McGregor
c. Peter Drucker d. Philip Kotler
96. Detailed study and development of tools and techniques in motion study
was made by,

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 135

a. F. W. Taylor b. Frank and Lilian
c. Henry Fayol d. Elton Mayo and the team
97. The famous study conducted by Elton Mayo and the team to study the
impact of physical factors on work performance that led to the
development of Human Relations Approach is known as,
a. Ford Study b. Carnegie Study
c. Hawthrone Experiment d. Expo Experiment
98. The concept of aggregation of demand and supply in economics is
introduced by,
a. Paul Samuelson b. Baumol
c. Keith Davis d. J.M. Keynes
99. The concept of ‘no rent land’ is visualized by,
a. J.S. Mill b. Alfred Marshall
c. Adam Smith d. David Ricardo
100. Herbert Simon got the Nobel prize for working on the theory of,
a. Decision Making b. Portfolio Management
c. Participatory Management d. Matrix Organization

CMAT 2005 (Batch 2062)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate choice
among the option that follows
1. Those who seek …………from others must learn to forgive and forget.
a. leniency b. clemency c. country d. retribution
2. His business …………saw him through the new venture.
a. interest b. skill c. venture d. acumen
3. Lets us keep the plan in…………till we get support from people.
a. abeyance b. waiting c. doubt d. storage
4. He decided to …………of the generous offer.
a. avail b. not avail c. not to avail d. avail himself
5. Sita was…………with her own petard and faced defeat.
a. hoisted b. hoist c. confronted d. reviled
Direction: Select the correct prepositions to fill in the blank in the
following questions.
6. If you repent…………your sins, god will forgive you.
a. for b. about c. of d. on
136CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
7. Reema’s marriage…………Rakesh was the culmination of the stormy
a. with b. to c. between d. against
8. Shyam kept talking to Jaya oblivious…………the fact that he was in
library and not the common room.
a. of b. to c. with d. about
9. A mixture of Quinine, Basil leaves and Neem extract is effective
a. against b. about c. of d. on
10. At the hospital, Ram was mistaken------------------a doctor.
a. upon b. over c. on d. for
Direction: choose the littered expression that most nearly express the
meaning of the given idiom or phrase.
11. To draw a line
a. To impose certain restrictions b. To restart
c. To have a fair game d. To decide evenly
12. A bird of passage
a. Active worker
b. A person who shifts from place to place
c. A coward person
d. A person who cannot keep secrets
13. To crow over
a. To criticize bitterly b. To become unwanted
c. To exult in triumph d. To compromise
14. To be at sea
a. To wait for an opportunity b. To watch events
c. To make futile efforts d. To be perplexed and confused
15. Root and branch
a. Step by step b. Entirely c. Part by part d. Bare truth
Direction: Choose the littered expression that most nearly express the
meaning of the given idiom or phrase
16. rift
a. Treat with contempt b. Break down
c. Split d. Rigorous
17. penal
a. Connected with punishment b. Acrid
c. Grope d. Preconceived opinion
18. profound
a. Sleepy c. Abandon
b. Asylum d. Deep
19. lavish
a. Accumulate c. Uphold
b. Misuse d. Preserve
20. euphoria
a. Witty b. Loss of speech

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 137

c. State of pleasant excitement d. Tempt
Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at
the end by picking out the most suitable response to each question.
Philosophy means and includes five field of study: logic, ethics, politics and
metaphysics. Logic is the study of ideal method in thought and research:
observation, introspection, deduction and induction, hypothesis and
experiment, analysis and synthesis- such are the forms of human activity
which logic tries to understand and guide; it is the dull study for most of us,
and yet the great event in the history of thoughts are the improvements men
have made in their methods of thinking and research. Aesthetics is the study
of ideal form, or beauty; it is a philosophy of art. Ethics is the study of ideal
conduct, “the highest knowledge”, said Socrates, is the knowledge of good
and evil, the knowledge of the wisdom of life politics is the study of the ideal
social organization. It is not, as one might suppose, the art and science of
capturing and keeping office. Democracy, socialism, anarchism, feminism,
aristocracy-these are the dramatis personae of political philosophy. And,
lastly, metaphysics is the study of the “ultimate reality” of all things, of the
real and final nature of matter, of mind, and the interrelation of “mind and
matter” in the process of perception and knowledge.
21. Logic means
a. Observation and introspection
b. Deduction and induction
c. Hypothesis and experiment
d. All of these
22. Ethics
a. The study of religion
b. The study of good and evil
c. The study of metaphysics
d. The study of the concept of beauty
23. Politics
a. The art of gaining power and retaining it
b. Last refuse of the scoundrel
c. The science of good governance
d. The study of ideal social organization.
24. The phase dramatics personae here means
a. Important aspects b. Characters in the political drama
c. Essential ingredients d. Plays shown in the theater
25. Metaphysics is the study of
a. Superiority of mind over matter
b. The composition of the earth
c. The physical aspects of matter
d. The ultimate truth i.e. the foundation of life

Quantitative Analysis
26. The roots of the equation x 2+ x− 6   are

138CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. (-2, -3) b. (2, 3) c. (2, -3) d. ( 2, 3)
27. If x 3+   5 x2  − 10 k leaves the reminder -2x when divided by x 2+2 ,
then the value of k is
a. -2 b. -1 c. 1 d. 2
28. If the sum of the roots of the quadratic equation is 6 and the product of
roots is also 6,then the equation is
a. x 2−6 x+ 6= 0 b. x 2+6 x− 6= 0  
c. 2
x −  6 x−6=0 d. 2
x +6 x +6=0
29. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 50% then its area is
increased by
a. 20% b. 30% c. 40% d. 50%
30. If twelve people can do a work in four days, in how many days can 8
people complete that work?
a. 4 days b. 6 days c. 8 days d. 12 days
31. The average of the first five multiples of 7 is
a. 7 b. 14 c. 21 d. 28
32. A cricketer has a certain average in 9 innings. In the tenth innings he
scores 60 runs, thereby increasing his average by 5 runs. What is his
new average?
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10
33. The ratio of the ages of A and B is 3:5. if B is 8 years elder to A then
what is the age of A?
a. 12 b. 14 c. 16 d. 18
34. How many years will a sum of money become double at 10% per
annum simple interest?
a. 5 years b. 10 years c. 15 years d. 20 years
35. Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% is equivalent to a single
discount of
a. 18 b. 24 c. 32 d 36
36. One-third of three-fifth of a number is 35. What is that number?
a. 100 b. 125 c. 150 d. 175
37. If √ x+ 9 = √784 then x = ?
a. 136 b. 361 c. 613 d. 316
38. Walking at the speed of 5 km per hours from his home, Bikram reaches
his school 5 minutes late, but walking at speed of 6 km per hours he
reaches his school 5 minutes early. What is the distance of Bikram’s
school from his home?
a. 2km b. 2.5km c. 5 km d. 5.5 km
39. What is the cost of fencing a rectangular field of 50m * 35m with the
barbed wire running twice around it at the rate of Rs. 5 per meter?
a. Rs. 1250 b. Rs. 1550 c. Rs. 1700 d. Rs. 2550
40. The angle of elevation of the top of the tower at distance of 200m from
its foot on a horizontal plane is found to be 60 degree. What is the
height of the tower?
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 139
a. 340m b. 340.4m c. 346m d. 364.4m
Question numbers 41 to 45 are based on following case. The
production of clothes (000,00 meters) for six years are given


20 series

1 2 3 4 5 6
41. What percentage decrease in production 6th year compared to 5th year?
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40
42. What was the percent production of 4th year to the 1st year?
a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 d. none
43. Increase in production from 1st to 2nd year was what time increasing
the production from 4th to 5th year?
a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 2.5
44. Total production of 1st and 2nd was what percent of production in
a. 40 b. 80 c. 120 d. 140
45. How many years of production was less than the average production the
given six years?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
46. If A={1,2,3 ……9}, B={2,4,6,7,8} and C={3,4,5,8,9,10}, then
a. {1, 2, 3 ……….10} b. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
c. {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} d. {1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10}
47. The number of marbles slabs of the size 20 cm × 30 cm required to pave
the floor of a square room of side 3 meter is
a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200
48. If the angles of a triangle are at the ratio of 2:3:4 then the greatest angle
of the triangle is
a. 70 b. 80 c. 90 d. 100
49. How many men need to be employed to complete a job in 5 days if 10
men can complete half of the job in 7 days?
a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 28
50. If the compound interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 10%
per annum is Rs 2200, the simple interest on it at the same rate for 2
years will be
a. Rs. 1000 b. Rs. 1500 c. Rs. 2000 d. Rs. 2500
Logical Reasoning
Direction: The following question ( to 55) consists of two words
that have a certain relationship with each other, followed by four pairs
of choice. Select the pair that has the same relationship as the
original pair.
140CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
51. Stratum : strata :: ?
a. moral : mores b. plead : pleads
c. criterion : criteria d. small : big
52. 3000 : 5000 :: ?
a. ( 10 )3   :   ( 10 )5 b. 1/4 : 1/5
c. 0.33 : 0.55 d. 10*10 : 50*50
53. Forgive : forget :: ?
a. earn : spend b. crime : criminal
c. demand : supply d. small : big
54. Boxer : boxing ::?
a. teacher : student b. thief: crime
c. air : water d. shoes : socks
55. Medicine : swallow ::?
a. water: drink b. live: die
c. high: higher d. six: seven
Direction: The following questions (Q. no. 56 to 60) present a pair of
words with certain relationship between them. Find out the words with
similar relationship for the second pair from the choice alternatives.
56. sun : cloud :: water :?
a. rain b. dam c. drink d. pour
57. disease : medicine:: treatment :?
a. doctor b. cure c. disease d. medicine
58. loyalty : treachery :: entrance:?
a. exit b. inlet c. door d. window
59. hit : miss :: run :?
a. walk b. fall c. running d. runner
60. school : playground ::?
a. earth : water b. kings : queen c. war : peace d. past: present
Direction: The following questions (Q. no 61 to 65) present four words.
Find out the odd word.
61. a. childhood b. youth c. adulthood d. death
62. a. height b. weight c. age d. thickness
63. a. palace b. temple c. church d. synagogue
64. a. father b. son c. mother d. grandfather
65. a. look b. view c. see d. hear
Direction: Select the answer which is based on the same logic has given
in the statement.
66. A dissatisfied person is rebellious
a. Hard work brings success b. An idle person is clever
c. Educated person are employed d. Players are physically strong
67. If it is cloudy it might rain
a. If he studies hard he is likely to pass exam.
b. If he drives safely he might reach home
c. If he works well he could get promotion
d. If the car crashes he surely will die
68. Hari deserves a medal because he is intelligent and hardworking

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 141

a. All intelligent people deserves medal
b. Some intelligent people who are hardworking deserve medal.
c. Fools do not deserve medal
d. All hard-working people deserves medal
69. Glass is breakable because it is brittle
a. All transparent things are breakable
b. All brittle things easily break
c. Some glasses do not break
d. Glass is breakable because it is made out of silicon
70. Smoking is dangerous still people smoke
a. People smoke out of pleasure
b. Smoking is dangerous because it causes cancer
c. Drinking alcohol is not good for health still people drink
d. If is struggle still people hate to work
Direction: Identify the figure that represents the relation among the three
items in the questions

a b c d
71. Bird, Cock, Hen
72. Numbers, Words, Book
73. People, Men, Women
74. College, Teacher, Parents
75. Asia, Africa, Australia
General Awareness
76. Nepalese population, according to the census of 2001, is growing per
annum at
a. 2.1% b. 2.25% c. 2.27% d. 2.60%
77. The leading international golfer is
a. Vijay Singh b. Tiger woods
c. Ernie Els d. Phil Michelson
78. The only person of the Indian origin to receive Nobel prize is,
a. Jag dish Bhagawati b. Amitabh Kundu
c. Har Govinda Khurana d. Amartya Sen
79. Which of the following is not a grand slam tennis tournament?
a. Rome masters b. Paris open c. Wimbledon d. US open
80. Mirage fighter plane are built by,
a. Russia b. Britain c. America d. France
81. Tomahawk missiles are built by,
a. Russia b. Germany c. America d. France
82. Columbia space shuttle crashed while returning to earth on ,
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004
83. LIFO Is the method of valuing,
a. Suspense accounts b. Goods in process
c. Pilferage rate d. Inventories

142CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

84. The deepest lake in the world is
a. Lake Victoria b. Lake superior c. Aral sea d. Lake Baikal
85. The development of computer is mainly associated with the following
system, company or individual,
a. The Abacus b. Microsoft Corporation
c. John Sulton d. Charles Babbage
86. The culmination of fifth generation computer is the,
a. Main frame computers b. Personal computers
c. Micro processors d. Notepads
87. ‘Shirish Ko Phool’ is an immortal creation of,
a. Shaker Lamichhane b. Bishnu Kumari Waiba
c. Prema Shah d. Ramesh Bikal
88. SAFTA has been signed to be operational from,
a. 2005 b. 2006 c. 2007 d. 2008
89. Xetradas stock exchange belongs to,
a. Switzerland b. France c. Germany d. Italy
90. In which zone is Mount Saipal located at?
a. Seti b. Mahakali c. Dhaulagiri d. Karnali
91. With which country does the secretary of SAARC belong to?
a. Bangladesh b. Bhutan c. India d. Nepal
92. Which is tiniest city state of the world?
a. San Merino b. Monaco c. Lichen Stein d. Holy Sea
93. Eldorado means ,
a. The land of gold b. The land of silver
c. The newly discovered continent
d. The land of joy
94. Napoleon Bonaparte was imprisoned for the first time at,
a. Sicily b. Corsica c. Malta d. St. Helena
95. For which purpose, the largest number of tourists visit Nepal?
a. Trekking and mountaineering b. Pleasure
c. Business d. Meetings & conferences (MICF)
96. Which British emperor could not speak English?
a. James First b. Charles First
c. George First d. Edward seventh
97. Nepal currently experiences,
a. Trade surplus b. Current account deficit
c. Current account surplus d. Balance of payments deficit
98. Which of the following not a direct tax?
a. Income tax b. VAT c. Property tax d. Rent tax
99. Which country attracts largest number of tourists in terms of number?
a. France b. Italy c. Spain d. USA
100. Fiscal policy of government relates to
a. Policies regarding revenue and expenditure of government
b. Policies regarding financial institution and banks
c. Policies regarding interest rate, credit margins and money supply
d. Policies regarding budgeting and planning
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 143
CMAT 2004 (Batch 2061)

Verbal Ability
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the word which best fits in.
1. Many religious believe in the ______ soul.
a. Immoral b. Amoral c. Immortal d. immoral
2. Ram is not willing to ______ the child.
a. Adapt b. Lea c. Adept d. adopt
3. The students organized a ______.
a. Fete b. Feat c. Feet d. fate
4. Rameshwor is an ______ scholar.
a. Imminent b. Eminent c. Iminant d. Emenant
5. His letter to his son speaks ______ for his affection, tolerance and
a. Much b. Volume c. Volumes d. Enough
Direction: select the most suitable Preposition in the following sentences.
6. The student yielded ______ the pressures from their parents.
a. To b. Over c. With d. Against
7. All my advice could not dissuade him ______ the foolish attempt.
a. Upon b. With c. From d. Over
8. The bottle of Plassey was fought ______ the Indian rulers and the
a. For b. With c. Among d. Between
9. What do you infer ______ this boy’s hesitating behaviour?
a. From b. For c. With d. Against
10. The citizens must not murmur ______ new taxes.
a. Over b. Upon c. Against d. With
Direction: select the word, which is the closest to the meaning of the
word in bold letters.
11. Ovation
a. Reception b. Applause c. Egg-like d. revision
12. Dwindle
a. Lessen b. Lesson c. Lumpen d. ditch
13. Corroborate
a. Reduce b. Contrive c. Confirm d. conform
14. Lopsided
144CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. Ticled b. Ugly c. Smart
15. Foster d. unbalanced
a. Rear b. Encourage c. Nourish
d. Promote

Direction: select the best word, which correctly fills the blanks.
The average new born___16___ is about fifty centimeters long. In twenty
years, this little___ 17___ more than triples___18___ in length.
The___19___ height of a man is 1. 7 meters. However, man does
not stop growing then he continues to grow even after the___20___of twenty
five and reaches his maximum height at about the age of thirty-five.
16. a. baby b. child c. infant d. kid
17. a. mass b. body c. child d. infant
18. a. around b. over c. than d. itself
19. a. average b. mean c. common d. usual
20. a. years b. period c. age d. ages
Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the
questions given at the end by picking the most suitable response to each
Both plants and animals of many sorts show remarkable changes in form,
structure, growth habits and even mode of reproduction in becoming adapted
to different climatic environment, types of food supply, of mode of living.
This divergence in response to evolution is commonly expressed by altering
the form and function of some part or parts of the organism, the original
identity of which is clearly discernible. For example, the creeping foot of the
snail is seen in related marine petropods to be modified into flapping organ
useful for swimming, and is changed into prehensile arms that bear suctorial
disks in the squids and other cephalopods. The limbs of various mammals are
modified according to several different modes of life for swift running
(cursorial) as in horse, for flying (Volant) as in the bats, for swimming
(aquatic) as in the seals, whales and dolphins. The structures or that shows
main change in connection with this adaptive alteration thus, the finger and
wrist bones of bats and whale, for instance, have virtually nothing in
common except that they are definitely equivalent elements of the
mammalian limb.
21. “Homologous” means
a. Corresponding b. Simple c. Altered d.
22. Plants and animals change in form
a. In swimming b. As they evolve
c. To adjust to environment d. Because of their structure
23. Horse, monkeys, moles, bats and whales are
a. Aquatic b. Volent

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 145

c. Mammalian d. Because of their structure
24. Cephalopods have
a. Discernible organs b. Homologous organs
c. Creeping feet d. Suctorial disks
25. Marine peteropods
a. Swim b. Crawl c. Grab d. Suck

Quantitative Analysis
26. The two roots of the quadratic equation x2-8x+15=0 are
a. 2 and 5 b. 3and 5 c. 4and 5 d. 5and 5
27. If 4y - x = 10, 3x = 2y, then xy = ?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 12
Direction: questions numbers 28-30 are based on the following
A training institute has one year progress report as follows:

28. The percentage of success in terms of target met programs is highest in
a. Professional course b. Advance course
c. Basic course d. None
29. The percentage of success in terms of number of participants is highest
a. Professional course b. Advance course
c. Basic course d. None
30. The appropriate percentage of success in terms of numbers of
participants in aggregate is
a. 100% b. 55% c. 75% d. 0%
31. A manufacturing company reports that 4000 electronic parts were found
defective. If this represents 12.5% of the total shipment, how many of
these parts were shipped?
a. 3200 b. 17000 c. 32000 d. 34000
32. The number of students in private and public campuses in BBA first
semester is at the ratio of 3:5. If 20 students are increased in each type
of campuses at BBA first semester, the ratio changes to 5:7. The total
number of students in two type of campuses before the increases was
a. 72 b. 80 c. 96 d. 100
33. A baseball team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more
games to play. How of these must the team win to make its record of
75% for the season?
a. 26 b. 29 c. 30 d. 35

146CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

34. Bikram lives 12 miles west of the school and Amrit lives north of the
school. Bikram finds that the direct distance from his house to Amrit’s
is 6miles shorter than the distance by way of school. How many miles
north of the school does Amrit live?
a. 6 b. 9 c. 12 d. 14
35. A farmer wishes to built a fence around a rectangular field; the field is
100 long and 60 feet wide. The fence will be of stone in one side and of
wire in three other sides, stone cost Rs 50 per foot and wire costs Rs 20
per foot. How much will the fence cost?
a. 9,400 b. 11,000 c. 11,500 d. 12,300
36. In a city 8% of the people are eligible to vote are between 18 and 21, in
an election 85% of those eligible to vote were between 128 and 21
actually voted. In that election, people between 18 and 21 who are
actually voted were what percent of those people eligible to vote?
a. 4.2% b. 6. 4% c. 6.8% d. 8%
37. If the area of a square increases by 69% then the side of the square
increase by:
a. 30% b. 39% c. 60% d. 69%
38. A borrower pays 18% interest per year on the first Rs 600 he borrows
and 17% per year on the loan on the part of the loan in excess of Rs
600. How interest will the borrower pay on the loan of Rs 6000 for one
a. 1,020 b. 1,026 c. 1,080 d. 1,126
39. In a certain town 40% of the people have brown hair, 25% have brown
eyes and 10% have both brown hair and eyes. What percentage of the
people in the town has neither brown hair nor brown eyes?
a. 35 b. 40 c. 45 d. 50
40. A worker is digging a ditch, he gets two assistants who work 2/3 as fast
as he does. If all three work on a ditch they should finish it in what
fraction of the time that the worker takes working alone?
a. 1/7 b. 2/7 c. 3/7 d. 4/7
41. In the series 3, 7, 12, 18, 25...the 9th term is :
a. 50 b. 63 c. 75 d. 86
42. Whenever a particular organism reproduces, it doubles in a number
each hour. If you start with one organism at 3:00, how many will you
have by 6:00?
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 24
43. An ice cream truck runs down a certain street 4 times a week. This truck
carries 5 different flavors of ice cream bars, each of which comes in two
different designs, considering that the truck runs Monday through
Thursday, and Monday was the first day of the month, by what day of
the month could a person buying one ice cream bar each time the truck
runs purchase all the different varieties of ice cream bars?
a. 16th b. 17th c. 18th d. 19th

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 147

44. If the base of rectangular is increase by 30% and the altitude is decrease
by 20%, the area is increase by:
a. 4% b. 5% c. 10% d. 25%
45. A sum lent at 2% per annum will produce as much simple interest in 2
years as RS 480 lent at 5% per annum will produce in 4 years. The sum
a. Rs 2,000 b. Rs 2,200 c. Rs 2,400 d. Rs 3,000
46. If a plot is for Rs 18,700, the owner losses 15%. Find the price at which
it must be sold to gain 25%?
a. Rs 27,000 b. Rs 27,500 c. Rs 29,000 d. Rs 38,000
47. Sashi started a business investing Rs 75,000. After 3 months, Shikha
joined with capital of Rs 60,000. If at the end of the year total the profit
was Rs 16, 000 then what was Shikha’s share in it?
a. Rs 5000 b. Rs 6000 c. Rs 8000 d. Rs 9000
48. The average of three numbers is 100; two integers are 119 and 120 then
what is the value of third number?
a. 1 b. 10 c. 61 d. 71
49. A can do a piece of work in 40 days. He worked it for it for 5 days and
Then B finishes it in 21 days. In how many days A and B together
finish the work?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 15 d. 18
50. If the angle of elevation of an electric bulb on a tower is 45° when
observe from the ground at a distance of 45 meters from the foot of the
tower then the height of the tower (in meters) is:
a. 40 b. 45 c. 60 d. 75

Logical Reasoning
51. “Make hay while the sun shines” is logically similar to which of the
a. Sleep when you are tired
b. Jump when you are dancing
c. Take the flood at its tide
d. Entering hope when other helps you

52. “Save so that you may have a bank balance” is logically similar to :
a. Play well to win the game
b. Listen properly to pick up the ideas
c. Eat so that you may live longer
d. Spend so that other may respect you
Directions: questions numbers 53-55 are based on the following figure.
The circle represents “villagers”, the triangle stands for “educated” and
the rectangle for the “employed”

148CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA


5 4 2

53. Some educated villagers are employed

a. 4 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
54. Some educated are neither villagers nor employed
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 8
55. Some employees are neither educated nor villagers
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 7
56. You have to catch the plane at 6:10 am. You reach the airport at 6:40
am by your watch, which was 6 minute fast.
a. You miss the plane by 24 minute
b. You were just in time
c. You had to wait for 5 minute
d. You had to wait for 24 minute
Directions: All the squares except one is filled with the number
according to a particular scheme. Find out the number following the
scheme for question number 57-58.
25 35 47

17 5 61

11 72 ?

a. b. c. d.
80 160 320
90 64
40 5

20 10 ?

a. 1100 b. 1200 c. 1280 d. 1180

Directions: following equations follow particular mathematical
reasoning. Find out the number according to the reasoning.
59. If 6 x 5 = 41, 7 + 2 = 51, and 2 + 2 = 2 then 5 x 5 = ?
a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60
60. If 4 + 5 = 3, 7 x 7 = 7 and 40 - 4 = 6 then 45 + 5 = ?
a. 39 b. 40 c. 41 d. 42

Directions: find logically best answer from 61-65

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 149

a. b. c. d.
61. Computer, printer, book
62. Olympic, football, tennis
63. Student, boy, girl
64. Gold, water, petrol
65. God, garden, gas
66. If four brothers with their wives each with two children met for a tea,
how many are there for the tea party?
a. 8 b. 10 b. 12 d. 16
67. Things made of gold cost more than things made of iron because :
a. Gold is not so cheap as iron
b. Gold is not so easily melted as iron
c. Gold is more difficult to work with then iron
d. Gold is a rare metal then iron
68. While driving a man goes wayward and losses the track, the man first
starts from the garage and goes west and then turns right and goes
straight and then turns left and the right. In which direction is he
from the starting point?
a. North-East b. North-West c. North d. West
69. IF CARE is coded as 27, what should be the code of TOTAL?
a. 46 b. 64 c. 68 d. 86
70. If PEN is coded as ODM, what should be the code for WET?
a. UFR b. TFQ c. VDS d. SHP
Directions: Two words from the left hand bear some relationship. The
samerelation exists in the right hand words. Select the best answer.
71. vender : buyer :: advocate : ?
a. court b. chamber c. client d. law
72. entrance : exit :: loyalty :?
a. treachery b. loyal c. kingship d. servant
73. hot : cold :: ?
a. sweet :: soft b. brilliant :: radiant
c. dark :: light d. constant :: instant
74. army: soldiers :: galaxy :?
a. star b. meteor c. universe d. planet
75. ?: foot :: hand : wrist
a. leg b. thigh c. nail d. arm

General Awareness
76. Who is known as “KABI SHIROMANI” of Nepal?
a. Laxmi Prasad Devkota b. Madhav Ghimire
150CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
c. Lekhnath Paudyal d. Parashu Pradhan
77. Where is the headquarter of world trade organization (WTO)?
a. Washington D.C. b. New York
c. London d. Geneva
78. Nepal’s largest trade relationship now is with:
a. India b. China c. US d. Germany
79. J. F. Kennedy airport is located at
a. New York b. Chicago
c. Los Angeles d. Washington D.C.
80. How many countries are participating in Athens Olympics, 2004?
a. 180 b. 182 c. 200 d. 202
81. 2010 world cup football is being organized at:
a. Argentina b. China
c. Germany d. South Africa
82. Which country is the largest producer of rice?
a. India b. USA c. China d. Thailand
83. In which country, there is the largest temperate forest cover in terms of
a. Canada b. USA c. China d. Russia
84. Nepal formally became the member of WTO on:
a. April 23, 2004 b. September 8, 2003
c. May 23, 2004 d. January 1, 2004
85. Alcohal based transport fuel was developed for the first time in:
a. Brazil b. Cuba c. USA d. Indonesia
86. The latest bank to go for public issue is:
a. Kumari bank b. Siddhartha bank
c. Machhapuchhre bank d. Lumbine bank
87. Which insurance is also known as assurance?
a. Life b. Fire c. Marine d. General
88. At present, generally, countries having per capita income of he much is
categorized as developed countries?
a. US$5000 or more b. US$ 10000 or more
c. US$ 12000 or more d. US$ 20000 or more
89. Which is the odd name out?
a. Jo Jo b. Rum Pum c. Wai Wai d. Kurkure
90. Which beer factory has the largest market share in Nepal?
a. Mount Everest Brewery b. Himalayan Brewery
c. Gorkha Brewery d. Choudhary Group
91. The latest country to join BIMST-EC is :
a. Singapore b. Malaysia c. Bangladesh d. Nepal

92. The first meeting to establish WTO was held at Havana in :

a. 1947 b. 1948 c. 1987 d. 1995
93. The first commercial bank in Nepal to be established with 100 percent
government ownership is:
a. Nepal Bank Limited
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 151
b. Rashtriya Banijya Bank
c. Agriculture Development Bank
d. Nepal Rastra Bank
94. The first public sector enterprise of Nepal is:
a. Nepal Bank Limited
b. Nepal Industrial Development Corporation
c. Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation
d. Bansbari Leather and Shoe Factory
95. The first generation computer was bought into use on :
a. 1948 b. 1950 c. 1952 d. 1954
96. Which of the following is not a computer language?
a. BASIC b. Java c. FORTRAN d. Forensic
97. Surya tobacco is the joint venture with :
a. BAT and ITC
b. Philip Morris
c. Philip Morris and ITC
d. National Tobacco and Golden Tobacco
98. Makhan is the brand name of :
a. Butter b. Rice c. Instant noodle d. Soap
99. Sharapova is associated with :
a. Tennis b. Cricket c. Athletics d.
100. Johar Ali Khan is associated with :
a. Violin b. Sitar c. Guitar d. Tabala

CMAT 2003 (Batch 2060)

Directions: Select the most suitable Preposition in the following

152CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
1. The patient is afflicted ………. cough.
a. from b. by c. in d. with
2. The old man is honest………. word and deed.
a. to b. in c. upon d. for
3. The rich man has no affection……. the poor.
a. to b. upon c. with d. for
4. Suresh had no servant to attend ……….him.
a. upon b. over c. with d. to
5. Beggar begged money ………. me.
a. to b. from c. by d. with
Directions: Complete the following sentences correctly.
6. The……….document was destroyed by him.
a. factious b. facetious c. factitious d. fictitious
7. We never ……… what we are ashamed of.
a. acknowledge b. confess c. admit d. avow
8. He…… to us for half an hour.
a. said b. spoke c. talked d. told
9. Before one …… one should make an attempt to discover the artist’s
a. assigns b. purchase c. deliberates d. criticizes
10. In order to control and defeat the dreadful diseases that plague
humanity,……. activity is necessary.
a. constant b. full c. concerted d. vital
Directions: Select the Antonyms of the following words.
11. Exaggerate
a. Relate b. Condone c. Minimize d. Disclose
12. Alleviate
a. Aggravate b. Hostile c. Friendly d. Protect
13. Arrogant
a. Familiar b. Humble c. Detach d. Regular
14. Exotic
a. Poor b. Expose b. Fragile d. Indigenous
15. Diverse
a. Different b. Unequal c. Deniable d. Homogeneous
Directions: Select the best word, which correctly fills the blanks.
Most people spend…….16…….of time and money buying their toothpaste,
but buy the first toothbrush they can find. It …….17……. more attention
than that, say dentists. The brush…….18…….the less glamorous
partner in your dental kit, but it is the more…….19….one. It does something
that the best toothpaste…….20…….do alone.
16. a. enough b. part c. most d. plenty
17. a. needs b. demands c. deserves d. command
18. a. may be b. is c. has to be d. need to be
19. a. frequent b. vital c. relevant d. common
20. a. need not b. should not c. may not d. cannot

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 153

Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that
follow, based on the options to each question.
The great, adventure of the electric train over the steam train, I think, is that
it does not smell. When you’re in a train drawn by a steam locomotive, you
always have the unpleasant odor of burning coal around you. If you open the
window to look out at the view and to get some fresh air, you are covered
with little bit of coal-ash, which gets into your hair and eyes and soon forces
you to shut the window again and withdraw into the impure atmosphere of
your compartment. In a tunnel, your misery reaches a peak, for there
the smokes is forced into a long tunnel, smells grows worse and worse, while
your eyes smart and the electronic light in the carriage grows slim, hidden
behind the wreathing smoke. With an electric locomotive, on the other hand,
you can enjoy the view and the fresh air without inconvenience.
21. Why does one get an unpleasant smell in the steam train?
a. Because no fresh air cam enter the train
b. Because coal gives out unpleasant smell when it burns.
c. Because the steam trains are very old and foul-smelling.
d. Because there is too much crowed in the trait.
22. What forces you to close the window of a steam train?
a. It is very noisy inside
b. There is no fresh air outside
c. Little bits of coal-ash get into the viewer’s eye and hair.
d. It is too cool outside
23. Why does one feel miserable when the steam train passes through a
long tunnel?
a. One cannot see things.
b. The train gets very noisy.
c. The atmosphere inside the train becomes smoke-filled and eyes
begins to pain
d. One cannot get fresh air.
24. What advantages does one have when one travels by an electric
One can have a full view of things outside and breathe fresh air.
One can travel to the mountains.
One can travel in any part of the world.
One can travel faster.
25. The author seems to suggest that
a. Steam engines should banned
b. All trains should be pulled by electric engines.
c. Passengers should be issued air filters during journey.
d. Train engines should be repaired periodically.

Quantitative Analysis
26. In June a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its games
played. After phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to

154CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

50 %. How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this
a. 12 b. 20 c. 24 d. 30
27. One-half of a number is 17 more than one -third of that number. What is
the number?
a. 52 b. 84 c. 102 d. 112
28. 3 X + 10 = 9X - 20, (X + 5)2 =?
a. 52 b. 84 c. 100 d. 112
29. Two cars start towards each other from points 200 miles apart. One car
travels at 40 miles per hours and the other travel at 35 miles an hour.
How far apart will the two cars be after four hours of continuous
a. 20 b. 40 c. 75 d. 100
30. A diagram of a plane drawn to the scale of 0. 5 inch equals 80 feet. If
the length of the diagram is 4.5 inches the actual length of the plane is
a. 720 ft. b. 680 ft. c. 640 ft. d. 360 ft.
31. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and the width of the
same rectangle is decreased by 20% then the area of the rectangle is:
a. Decreases by 20% b. decreases by 4%
c. Unchanged d. increases by 40%
32. The afternoon classes in a collage begins at 1:00 PM and end at 3:52
PM. There are four afternoon class period with 4 minutes allowed
between periods for passing to classes. The number of minutes in each
class period is
a. 39 minutes b. 40 minutes c. 43 minutes d. 45 minutes
33. Which of the following fractions has the smallest value?
a. 1/7 b. 1/8 c. 2/9 d. 3/11
34. How many terms of the sequence -12,-9,-6,-3….. must be taken to make
the sum of 54?
a. 13 b. 12 c. 14 d. 11

35. Shyam lost 15% by selling his old bicycle for Rs.170 for how much he
must have sold it to gain 15%?
a. Rs.184 b. Rs. 194 c. Rs.230 d. Rs.224
Directions: Question number 36 to 40 are based on the following table.
Following table represent the export (In million) if an article in two year
1990 and 2000 from the cities of Nepal:
36. Which of the following cities had the largest change in export between
1990 and 2000?
a. Kathmandu b. Bhaktapur c. Lalitpur d. Bhairahawa
37. What is the percentage change of export of Pokhara from 1990 to 2000?
a. 3. 25 b. 2. 25 c. 3. 16 d. 0.25
38. If the total export of the whole country was 70 million in 1990,
approximately what percent of export was in due to 5 largest cities in

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 155

a. 5% b. 10% c. 17% d. 25%
39. In 2000 how many times in terms of export larger was Biratnagar than
a. 1.2 b. 1.5 c. 2.0 d. 2.6
40. If Bhaktapur had export of 1 million in 1962, what was the percentage
change between 1962 and 2000?
a. 13% decrease b. 13% increase

c. 30% increases d. 30% decreases

41. (25 x 92) ÷ (82 x 35) =?
a. 1/6 b. 6 c. 1/2 d. 1
42. The average of ten numbers is 5. If each number is multiplied by 3, the
average of the new set of number will be
a. 34 b. 30 c. 28 d. 15
43. A mixture of 40 liters of milk and water contain 10% water. How much
water must be added to make water 20% in the new mixture?
a. 10 liter b. 7 liter c. 5 liter d. 3 liter
44. If 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 8 days whole 3 men and
4 boys will do it
a. 3 days b. 4 days c. 5 days d. 6 days
45. If X /Y = 2, then (X – Y) / X =?
a. -1 b. -1/2 c. 1/2 d. 1
46. A person lent a certain sum of money at 4% simple interest and in 8
year the interest amounted to Rs. 340 less than the amount lent, find the
sum lent
a. Rs.400 b. Rs.450 c. Rs.500 d. Rs600
47. If X > 0 and X2> 161, what is the best whole number approximation of
a. 13 b. 18 c. 41 d. 80
48. A sum of money is to be divided among three persons A, B and C at the
ration of 4:9:7. If the difference between the shares of B and C is
Rs.1000 the difference between the 50 percent shares of A and C will
a. Rs750 b. Rs. 1500 c. Rs.1600 d. Rs. 1800
49. Two train of length 300m and 200m are running in opposite direction
on parallel tracks with the speed of 40 km/hr. and 60 km/hr.
a. 12 seconds b. 18 seconds c. 24 seconds d. 27 seconds
50. If the side of a square is increased by 25% then its area is increased by
a. 56.25% b. 50% c. 10.5% d. 25%

Logical Reasoning
Directions: Find out the wrong number in the following series:
51. 3, 13, 40, 124, 386
a. 124 b. 40 c. 386 d. 3
156CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
52. 808, 408, 208, 108, 68
a. 68 b. 208 c. 808 d. 108
Directions: Find logically the best number.

Directions: Select logically best sentence which signifies similar meaning

a. b. c. d.
61Doctor, Rubber, Chair

53. 2 7 9

3 ? 4

7 1 10

a. b. b. d.
35 30 ?
8 11 28 13
40 5 20

45 10 15
a. 20 b. 25 c. 28 d. 35
55. If BEAT is coded TAEB what should be the code of SOUP
56. If PEN in coded as ODM what should be the code for WET
a. UFR b. TFQ c. VDS d. SHP
Directions: Two words on the left hand bear the same relation. Find the
word that carry similar meaning on the right and side.
57. Sparrow: Nest:: Rabbit:?
a. Hole b. Cage c. Kennel d. House
58. Vendor: Buyer:: Advocate:?
a. Court b. Chamber c. Client d. Law
59. Nip : Crush :: ?
a. Rip : Tear b. Tab : Slam
c. Crime : Cramp d. Pound : Pat
60. Surgeon : Scalpel :: ?
a. Baker : oven b. Architect : Plant
c. Carpenter : Furniture d. Sculptor : Chisel

62. Men, Women, Universe

63. Tree, Thief, dog

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 157

64. Computer, Machine, Typewriter
65. Day, Night, TV
Directions: Select the best sentence with signifies similar meaning.
66. “The sky is cloudy so it may rain”
a. He has not worked he will fail.
b. Students are absent, the teacher will not teach.
c. They are happy so they will dance.
d. The cold war is at breaking point it may result in shooting war.
67. “Make hay while sun shine”
a. Sleep when you are tired.
b. Jump when you are dancing.
c. Take the flood at its tide.
d. Entering hope when others help.
68. “All lawyers are cunning so is he”
a. Children are happy as they have no worries.
b. All philosophers are wise to Socrates.
c. All animals have tails so do the dogs have.
d. People worship because they fear.
Directions: An incomplete argument is followed by four statements.
Select logically the sentence which completes the argument without
importing any fallacy.
69. He cannot cheat because he is shrewd.
a. No shrewd person can be cheated.
b. All shrewd person cannot be cheated.
c. Shred person can be cheated.
d. Only shrewd person can be cheated.
70. He will die because he takes drugs.
a. All who take drug will die.
b. All who die take drug.
c. Some who die take drug.
d. Some who take drugs die.
71. He is an engineer so he cannot write poem.
a. No engineer can write poem.
b. So who cannot write poem are engineer.
c. Some engineer cannot write poems.
d. Some who cannot write poems are engineer.
72. He deserves victor as he is brave
a. Some brave deserves victory
b. Some who deserves victory are brave
c. All who deserve victor are brave.
d. All brave deserves victory.
73. If the day after tomorrow is Friday, what day was it yesterday?
a. Thursday b. Wednesday c. Monday d. Tuesday
74. A clock seen through a mirror reads quarter past three, what is the
correct time?
a. Quarter to Nine b. Nine thirty
158CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
c. Ten thirty d. Quarter to ten
75. I walk 12 kilometer to the north, then 10 km east and then 12 km south.
How far am I from the starting point?
a. 8 km b. 10 km c. 12 km d. 14 km

General Awareness
76. A computer can perform all the following functions except
a. Add, subtract, multiply and divide
b. Exercise independent intelligence to solve problem
c. Compare alphabetic and numeric characters.
d. Store and retrieve information.
77. Alexander was king of
a. Macedonia b. Turkey c. Egypt d. Rome
78. The planet that came nearest to earth after 600000 year in August 2003
a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Venus d. Mercury
79. Ohm’s law is related to
a. Electric current b. Hydro power
c. Telephone d. Lord Shiva
80. The hardest elements of the human body is
a. Bones b. Enamel c. Nail d. Skin
81. What might be the greatest risk to any computer installation?
a. Fire b. Sabotage c. Fraud d. Theft
82. Which blood is universal accepter?
a. O b. A c. AB d. B
83. Which country was the first to hold competitive examination to select
candidates for a particular job?
a. Britain b. USA c. USSR d. China
84. Which year declared as “International women’s year”?
a. 1970 b. 1975 c. 1980 d. 1985
85. In an electric fun transfer (EFT), there is
a. A high probability of error
b. No exchange of money in form of cash and cheque
c. An exchange of money in form of cash or cheque
d. None of above
86. The famous religious place in Hindu “Man Sarover” is in
a. Nepal b. India c. Tibet d. Pakistan
87. Expense relating to the sale of gods are shown in
a. Trading account
b. Profit and loss account
c. Profit and loss appreciation account
d. Balance sheet
88. Storage capacity of magnetic tape is determined by the tape’s
a. Record length b. Interblock gaps
c. Density d. Interblocks gaps
89. Dow-Jones stock exchange belongs to
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 159
a. USA b. Singapore c. UK d. Bombay
90. The historical “Silk Road” links
a. Asia and Europe b. China and Iran
c. Mongolia and Korea d. Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
91. Standard chartered Bank is rename of
a. Indo-Suez bank b. State bank of India
c. Mongolia and Korea d. ANZ grind lays bank
92. The part of computer instruction that tells the control unit what
operation to be performed is called
a. Opened b. Register c. Address d. Operation code
93. Depreciation is related to
a. Investment b. Current assets
c. Inventories d. Fixed assets
94. The World Trade Organization (WTO) came into operation since
a. 1st January 1994 b. 1st January 1995
c. 1st January 1996 d. 1st January 1997
95. Archimedes was a great
a. Scientist b. Mathematician c. Botanist d. Surgeon
96. Who is considered to be the father of Greek medicine?
a. Charak b. Hippocrates c. Allopathy d. Homeopathy
97. On which river is “Barh Chhetra” situated?
a. Koshi b. Mechi c. Narayani d. Bagmati
98. Wall Street (New York) is famous for
a. Stock Exchange b. Hotels
c. Parks d. Exhibitions
99. The Nepal Youth Cricket Team came first in 2003 in
a. Nepal b. Pakistan c. India d. Sri-Lanka
100. “Kanchanjunga” lies in which district?
a. Solukhumbu b. Tapejung c. Panchthar d.Sankhhuwasabha
CMAT 2002 (Batch 2059)

Verbal Ability
Directions: Questions are based on the following paragraph. Please read
the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.
Behavior of man does not come out of vacuum. Behavior is the outcome of
the operation of internal and external factors at a given time. For instance, a
man in a work situation works to get his bread and goes on strike if he feels
deprived of it. Thus man’s behavior is not meaningless. It is purpose-
oriented and goal directed. Their persistence in activity and the tendency to
complete an interrupted task are some of the marks of the goal directed
behavior. For instance, in work organizations a diligent worker
would like to finish the work assigned to him. He would not rest till he
completes it. This goal directed behavior is elaborated by saying ‘the
behavior is motivated’. Motives are fundamentally of two types, innate

160CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

biogenic and acquired social. the later developing as a result of the purpose
of socialization.
1. Behavior of man comes out of
a. Vacuum
b. Operation of internal and external factors at a given period of time
c. Society
d. Industry
2. Man’s behavior is not meaningless because
a. It is purpose oriented b. It is self-oriented
c. It is system oriented d. It is global oriented
3. A man goes on strike because
a. He does not want to work
b. He feels he is deprived of his bread
c. He is interested on the salary
d. He needs rest from the work
4. Motive are generated from
a. External and internal factors of the working environment
b. Purpose and goal of the work
c. Biogenic and social causes
d. Intelligence and diligence of the worker
5. The behavior is said to be motivated if
a. The worker is goal directed and does not rest until he completes his
b. The worker assigns his work to his subordinates
c. The worker goes on the strike to fulfill his purpose
d. The worker interrupts the task assigned to him
Complete the following sentences correctly
6. It depends on ……… on time
a. they coming b. them coming
c. their coming d. them to come
7. I ……… from New York only yesterday
a. have returned b. had returned
c. returned d. was returning
8. ……… his friends are tired.
a. Neither he nor b. Not only he but also
c. Either he or d. He as well as
9. As the bridge gave way the traffic was………
a. held b. held up c. held down d. held in
10. He is in the habit of finding ……… everyone.
a. fault in b. faults in c. faults with d. fault with
Direction: Select the synonyms for the following words
11. Catastrophe
b.c. a.
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 161


b.c. a.
t cr
i ua

b.c. a.
i ei
i bt


162CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

b.c. a.
i ni
r go
ut o
i n
b.c. a.
i eu
f te
tm i

Direction: Select the best words or phrase which correctly fills the

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 163

For successful education their must always be certain freshness in the
knowledge…16… it must either be new in itself or it must be invented with
some …17… of application to the new world of new time. You may be
dealing with the knowledge of the world species. With some old truth: but
some how or other it must come to the students as it were …18… of the sea
with the freshness of its immediate importance. It is the research worker that
keeps knowledge …19…and saves it from fossilization. He discovers things
52so far lying obscure and …20… fresh light on things already discovered.
Thus the researcher worker is at the same time observer, a discoverer, and
inventor. These are the three activities that keep the intellect of a nation alive
and progressive.
16. a. dealt in b. dealt out c. dealt with
d. dealt
21. a. newness b. novelty c. nicety d.
22. a. just drawn out b. drawn out just
c. drawn just out d. out just drawn
19. a. ever b. ever fresh c. ever novel d. novel
20. a. bringsb. throws c. bestows d. puts
Direction: Select the must suitable preposition in the following sentences
21. This remark is not ……your favor.
a. to b. for c. in d. of
22. This item has been included …… the agenda of the meeting.
a. into b. in c. on d. with
23. Your team played a match …… the young men’s.
a. by b. on c. to d. against
24. Aspiration ……the people have remained on fulfill in spite of much
progress through planning.
a. by b. of c. in d. for
25. Newspaper is effective media …… public opinion in democratic
a. for b. of c. to d. onto

Quantitative Analysis
Direction: Select the correct answer choice
26. Five boys went to see the CIRCUS. Four of them had Rs. 5 each and the
fifth boy had Rs. 1 more than the entrance ticket price. If with the whole
amount (which the 5 boys had) the boys were able to just by the
entrance ticket for all the 5, cost of the entrance ticket per person was:
a. Rs. 4. 25 b. Rs. 5 c. Rs. 5.2 d. Rs.5.25
27. The side of two squares is X:Y, the ratio of their perimeter is :
a. X/4:Y/2 b. 4X:Y c. X:Y d. X2:Y2
28. How many numbers of two digits can be formed out of the four digits p,
q, r, &s?

164CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 6 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
29. A, B, C did a work together and earned Rs. 195. If the ratio of
work of A:B:C be as 4:6:3, the money obtained by C is:
a. Rs. 90 b. Rs. 60 c. Rs. 45 d. Rs. 30
30 A number ‘x’ when multiplied by 5 and added to three times its own
number gives 64, the number ‘x’ is:
a. 8 b. 12 c. 16 d. 20
31. Area of a rectangle is 150 sq. m. Its one side is 15m. the height of the
rectangle is:
a. 8m b. 10m c. 12m d. 16m
32. Divide Rs. 53 among A, B, and C so that A may receive Rs.7
more than B, and B may receive Rs. 8 more than C.
a. 10, 15, 18 b. 18, 10, 25 c. 20, 12, 27 d. 25, 18, 10
Direction: Question no. 33 to 37 are based on the following table:
Select the best answer choice
Number of articles sold by a Jeweler during a week
Days Rings Necklaces Watches
Monday 2 3 2
Tuesday 4 7 5
Wednesday 7 2 3
Thursday 5 8 6
Friday 7 9 8
Saturday 8 10 7
33. Which articles were sold most in the week?
a. Rings b. Necklaces
c. Watches d. Both ring & watch
34. Which articles were sold least in the week?
a. Ring b. Necklace
c. Watch d. Both ring & watch
35. How many articles were sold in the week?
a. 99 b. 103 c. 107 d. 111
36. On which day most articles were sold?
a. Friday b. Tuesday c. Saturday d. Wednesday
37. On which day fewest articles were sold?
a. Tuesday b. Wednesday c. Friday d. Monday
38. The system of equation 2x+ky+5=0 and x-3y-9=0 ha a unique solution,
a. k `•6 b. k = 6 c. k `•-6 d. k = -6
39. 312 × 2x2 = 612 then x equals to
a. -6 b. +6 c. 12 d. K=”6
40. If one straight line meets another straight line. The sum of the two
adjacent angles on one side of it is:
a. 1 right angle b. 2 right angle c. 3 right angle d. 4 right angle

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 165

41. The current population of town is 10,000. if the population of the town
is increasing at the rate of 10% every year, then the population of the
town after three years will be:
a. 13000 b. 13310 c. 13300 d. 13330
42. A book seller purchased a book at Rs. 20 and sold it at a profit of 15%.
The selling price in Rs. Of the book would be:
a. 22 b. 23 c. 27 d. 30
43. A library has an average number of 510 visitors on Sunday and 240
visitors on other days. The average number of visitors per day in
amount of 30 days beginning with Sunday is:
a. 285 b. 290 c. 300 d. 400
44. A journalist traveled 1200km. by air which formed 2/5 of his trip. The
remaining part of his trip was one third of the whole trip by car and the
rest by bus. The distance traveled by bus is:
a. 700 km b. 800 km c. 900 km d. 100 km
45. If y is 25% less than x then x is what percent more than y?
a. 25% b. 33.33% c. 16.5% d. 22.22%
46. If a = 8, b = 6 and c = 4, find the value of (abc)5÷(abc)4
a. 192 b. 18 c. 324 d. 1
47. A businessman mixes two varieties of tea in the ratio of 2:5 and sells
the mixture at Rs. 40 per kg. If the cost of two varieties respectively be
Rs. 45 per kg. What would be his profit percent?
a. 13 b. 14.37 c. 16 d. 14.28
48. The smallest number which when subtracted from the difference of the
squares of 29 & 22 that gives a perfect square is
a. 9 b. 33 c. 13 d. 21
49. If a + b + c = 0 find the value of (a + b)(b + c)(c + a)
a. -3abc b. 3abc c. abc d. abc
50. An examination paper consists of 12 questions divided into parts A and
B. part A contains 7 questions and part B contains 5 questions. A
candidate is required to attempt 8 questions selecting at least 3 from
each part. In how many maximum ways can a candidate select the
a. 320 b. 400 c. 420 d. 480
Logical Reasoning
Direction: select the logically best answer
51. Akbar was popular because he was secular
a. All popular are secular b. All secular are popular
c. Only secular are popular d. None

52. He cannot understand because he does not concentrate

a. All who understand concentrate
b. All who concentrate understand
c. Some who understand do not concentrate
d. Some who do not concentrate do not understand

166CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

53. Drug addicts are hated because they are criminals
a. All who hated are drug addicts b. All criminals are hated
c. All hated are criminals d. Some criminal are hated
54. The poor are not happy because no poor have money
a. All happy have money
b. All who have money are happy
c. Some who have money are happy
d. Some who are happy have money
55. Birds can fly because they have wings
a. All having wings can fly
b. All which can fly have wings
c. Some which can fly have wings
d. Some which have wings can fly
Direction: find the odd-one out
56. a. Monitor b. Accelerator c. Printer d. Zip-driver
57. a. Mother b. Sister c. Brother d. Aunt
58. a. Guitar b. Piano c. Harmonium d. Banjo
59. a. Train b. Car c. Cart d. Truck
60. a. Fur b. Wool c. Cotton d. Beard
Directions: Two words on the left side of the sign (::) bears same
relationships. The same relationship exists between the third and the
word provided in the answer choices. Select the logically best word.
61. Shout : whisper :: run?
a. Stay b. Stand c. Walk d. Hop
62. Caste : Class :: appointed?
a. Status b. Achieved c. Between d. Upper middle
63. Faulty : useless :: slow?
a. Moronic b. Intelligent c. Wary d. Fresh
64. Do : undo :: reason?
a. Learning b. Intelligence c. Ignorance d. Genius
65. Cylinder : motor :: foundation?
a. Plan b. House c. Brick d. Basis
Directions: select the pair of words that expresses a relationship to the
given pair of words.
66. Ring : engagement :: ?
a. Handshake : treaty b. Kick : beat
c. Angle : insult d. Bangle : wrist
67. Suggestion : order :: ?
a. Advice : suggest b. Smile : laugh
c. Plan : implement d. Anger : shout
68. Curve: accident :: ?
a. Dirt : disease b. Women : sweeper
c. Narrow : road d. Bad : health
69. Shoe : leather :: ?
a. Brick : Clay b. Cement: Building
c. Match: fire d. Cotton : clothes
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 167
70. Launcher: missile ::?
a. Boat : anchor b. Gun : revolver

72. Problem Answer figure


a b c d
73. Problem Answer figure
74. Problem Answer figure
figure a b c d

a b c d
75. Problem Answer figure
c. Catapult : stone d. Engine : train

71. Problem figure Answer figure

a b c
a b c d

General Awareness
Directions: each question is followed by four answer choices. Select the
best answer.
76. Data originally collected by the investigator himself/herself iscalled?
a. Official data b. Secondary data
c. Primary data d. Group data

77. Which automobile company manufactures the ‘Matiz’ model of car?
a. Maruti b. Honda c. Daewoo d. Nissan
78. To which product is the brand name ‘Mayos’ associated with?
a. Tomato sauce b. Car
c. Noodles d. Toothpaste

168CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

79. In which desert is the Kalahari Desert located?
a. Asia b. South America
c. Africa d. Australia
80. Which country is the largest producer of aluminum?
a. Russia b. USA c. South Africa d. Japan
81. To which country does the NASDAQ stock exchange index Belong?
a. Nepal b. India c. USA d. Japan
82. Which country is the larges producer of cotton yarn?
a. Egypt b. UK c. China d. Russia
83. The airline ‘Garuda’ belongs to which country?
a. Sri Lanka b. India c. Pakistan d. Indonesia
84. “Lets make things better” is the slogan of :
a. Philips b. Daewoo
c. Sony d. Grind lays bank
85. The brand name ‘CBZ’ is associated with :
a. Cold drinks b. Confectionary c. Cosmetics d. Motorcycle
86. G8 is the organization of :
a. Least developed countries
b. Industrially developed countries
c. Petroleum exporting countries
d. Non-aligned countries
87. Which of the following is an export item of Nepal?
a. Cement b. Cashew nut c. Pashmina d. Palm oil
88. Everest Bank has been established in collaboration with :
a. Habib Bank of Pakistan b. City Bank of Punjab
c. State Bank of India d. Punjab National Bank
89. What is SAFTA?
a. A sports promotion organization in South Asia
b. A brand of detergent
c. An arrangement for promotion of liberalized trade policy
d. A kind of computer software
90. Which of the following is not associated with foreign trade?
a. Tariff b. Excise duty
c. CIF price d. Marine insurance
91. A person that contributes capital to a partnership but is not involved in
its daily running is known as:
a. Nominal partner b. Half partner
c. Sleeping partner d. Limited partner
92. A joint stock company is called an artificial person because :
a. It does not have the shape of natural person
b. It cannot be sued in the court of law
c. It exist only in contemplation of law
d. It is invisible and intangible
93. The internal affairs of a company are controlled by the :
a. Memorandum of association b. Articles of association
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 169
c. Prospectus d. Company act
94. The whole seller is an important link between :
a. Manufacturer and consumer b. Manufacturer and retailer
c. Retailer and consumer d. Government and people
95. Among the following functions, commercial banks do not perform one
of the functions, identify it.
a. To issue bank draft b. To issue currency notes
c. To issue LC d. To issue credit cards
96. Saving is the :
a. Difference between current income and consumption
b. Sum of saving of different factors
c. Excess of expenditure over available income
d. Amount of reserve for future use
97. Black money is generated as and when people:
a. Do not pay for goods and service they use
b. Don pay taxes on their income
c. Keep heavy foreign exchange accounts
d. Print their own currency note
98. A man insures his house for Rs. 60000 and pays the insurance company
a yearly sum of Rs. 500. This payment is:
a. Premium b. Insurable interest
c. Down payment d. Yearly payment
99. A ‘Laissez –fairie’ economy is found only under :
a. Pure socialism b. Pure capitalism
c. Pure communism d. Pure monarchy
100. A period of low economic activity is known as :
a. Boom b. Recovery c. Recession d. Inflation

170CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA


Verbal Ability
Choose the correct meaning of the words highlighted from the options given:
1. abstain
a. refrain b. obtain c. allow d. retain
2. connote
a. signify ` b. notify c. justify d. magnify
3. occult
a. excite b. natural c. mystical d. cut down
4. collude
a. conclude b. collide c. comment d. conspire
5. mortgage
a. compensation b. collateral c. grievance d. loan
6. epigram
a. logo b. story c. biography d. short poem
7. scrutiny
a. look b. critical gaze c. optimistic view d. empathetic
8. contemporary
a. preceding b. succeeding
c. existing at same time d. contingent
9. turbulent
a. stable b. disturbed c. tranquil d. stagnant
10. timid
a. apprehensive b. comprehensive
c. reprehend d. possessive
11. miser
a. broad-minded b. spendthrift
c. extravagant d. avaricious person
12. devout
a. deceive b. sincere c. devote d. sober
13. agony
a. depression b. joy c. pain d. anger
14. enthrall
a. captivate b. free c. surround d. exclude
15. savvy
a. know b. rude c. ignorant d. lazy
16. shove
a. push b. cry c. scron d. show
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 171
17. revere
a. forecast b. express c. daydream d. recoznize
18. reparation
a. report b. compensation c. comment d. present
19. heed
a. neglate b. remember c. notice d. contempt
20. obsolete
a. antiquated b. obsess c. noisy d. compel
Select the correct synonyms for the following:
21. acknowledge
a. know b. understand c. grant d. preface
22. embrace
a. settle b. enclose c. offence d. repair
23. jesting
a. reasoning b. delivering c. coax d. gag
24. coherence
a. apart b. dynamic c. adversary d. set
25. forbear
a. apper b. refrain c. filter d. hide
26. potent
a. active b. prominent c. small d. distinct
27. concession
a. discussion b. fund c. salary d. compromise
28. venture
a. invent b. undertaking c. adventure d. find out
29. benign
a. gentle b. rude c. passive d. fine
30. abide
a. welcome b. bind c. entangle d. tolerate
31. commute
a. come together b. communicate
c. exchange d. expel
32. fragile
a. exciting b. strong c. diligent d. weak
33. grudge
a. ill will b. force c. sympathize d. fruad
34. morose
a. bright b. tantalizing c. gloomy d. aspiring
35. relinquish
a. win b. surrender c. fight d. defeat
36. notion
a. value b. notice c. idea d. virtue
37. quarry
a. prey b. query c. protector d. predator
38. postulate

172CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. show b. deal c. prerequisite d. prevalent
39. magnate
a. calm b. sensitive c. proudly d. wealthy
40. gullible
a. immune b. stable c. vulnerable d. stubborn
Select the appropriate prepositions:
41. I shall be back ---- a week.
a. in b. at c. within d. after
42. Britain consists ---- three countries.
a. about b. of c. across d. in
43. Christianity accounts ---- about 92% of the population.
a. for b. by c. on d. at
44. Many years ago there lived ---- one eyed hermit.
a. an b. the c. a d. by
45. The minister went back home ---- his chariot.
a. in b. on c. by d. inside
46. I am always at home ---- a Sunday morning.
a. on b. in c. for d. since
47. Progress report are sent to the parents ---- the end of the month.
a. in b. at c. on d. till
48. He has been in hospital ---- January.
a. from b. since c. for d. after
49. Applications must reach the office ---- 31st march.
a. in b. on c. by d. between
50. A small table was lying ---- the two chairs.
a. among b. between c. upon d. above
51. The flags waved ---- our heads.
a. on b. over c. between d. upon
52. He went ---- the school.
a. towards b. across c. to d. down
53. The child leaves --- the school early in the morning.
a. to b. off c. for d. towards
54. He threw the bag ---- the wall.
a. on b. in c. towards d. against
55. The dog jumped ---- the pond.
a. over b. in c. into d. on
56. He fell --- the cycle.
a. from b. on c. behind d. off
57. She came back --- an hour.
a. in b. after c. on d. about
58. ---- giving me books, she gave me her notes.
a. besides b. on c. after d. by
59. She has already gone ---- the office.
a. to b. by c. towards d. from
60. The traveler was struck --- the lightning.
a. with b. from c. by d. of
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 173
61. Distribute these books ---- the girls.
a. from b. among c. between d. in between
62. There was a beautiful lake ---- us in the valley.
a. behind b. between c. among d. below
63. Two cars collided ---- the middle of the road.
a. at b. on c. in d. about
64. He was happy to be ---- his friends again.
a. between b. among c. with d. by
65. The cat sprang ---- the table.
a. upon b. over c. on d. in
66. My father put a blanket --- me.
a. on b. over c. upon d. below
67. Turn left ---- the crossing.
a. by b. on c. at d. from
68. Please put this bag ---- the box.
a. besides b. on c. over d. beside
69. Everyone was satisfied ---- the end of the meeting.
a. in b. at c. after d. by
70. She invited all her friends ----- her sister’s weeding.
a. in b. at c. to d. on
71. The lawn was mown by the gardener ---- a mower.
a. from b. with c. by d. on
72. The bird flew ------ the cage.
a. into b. in c. out of d. to
73. We are leaving ---- the school in few minutes.
a. for b. from c. to d. through
74. She quietly walked ----- the room.
a. in b. to c. from d. into
75. The principal went out of the concert ---- he could not enjoy it.
a. since b. because of c. inspite of d. as
76. I will have finished my duty ---- tomorrow.
a. until b. by c. on d. at
77. The cat ran ---- the rat.
a. beside b. behind c. below d. after
78. The show will be over ---- 6 p. m.
a. at b. on c. in d. by
79. She threw stone ---- the dog.
a. at b. on c. towards d. over
80. We reached the station ------ for the train.
a. on time b. in time c. at time d. by time
Select the correct antonym for the following:
81. bold
a. timid b. strong c. outrageous d. dark
82. spendthrift
a. avaricious b. wealthy c. extravagant d. expensive
83. altruism
174CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. unaltruism b. groupism c. individualism d. communism
84. motivate
a. unmotivate b. demotivate
c. activate d. counter motivate
85. demure
a. absurd b. rude c. modest d. blur
86. vicious
a. violent b. energetic c. passive d. tranquil
87. persist
a. collapse b. continue c. present d. gain
88. rigour
a. move b. harshness c. shiver d. leniency
89. lament
a. comment b. order c. rejoice d. mourn
90. sinner
a. saint b. agitated c. shine d. glommy
91. depression
a. shallow b. elevation c. impression d. expansion
92. stern
a. weak b. firm c. mild d. strong
93. adversity
a. distress b. prosperity c. diversity d. complexity
94. secular
a. reliable b. cultural c. social d. religious
95. wax
a. wane b. mane c. increase d. decrease
96. abundance
a. bundle b. scarcity c. plenty d. variety
97. aggressive
a. gentle b. passive c. submissive d. compressive
98. notorious
a. obedient b. disciplined c. unknown d. famous
99. protagonist
a. antagonist b. sociologist c. advocacy d. leader
100. reveal
a. advice b. conceal c. forbid d. exhibit
101. adamant
a. tangible b. stiff c. yielding d. heavy
102. synthetic
a. artificial b. cosmetic c. natural d. plastic
103. impoverished
a. soluble b. poor c. affluent d. allowed
104. curse
a. sacrifice b. blame c. bless d. donate
105. obsolete

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 175

a. free b. old c. new d. priceless
106. seldom
a. often b. daily c. ever d. never
107. strange
a. warm b. cold c. familiar d. unique
108. dual
a. triple b. quadruple c. single d. zero
109. fallacy
a. fruitful b. truism c. aversion d. false
110. ratify
a. approve b. prove c. veto d. agree
Direction: Each question below consists of an idioms or phrase, followed by four
lettered expression. Choose the lettered expressions that most nearly express the
meaning of the given idiom or phrase
111. To break down
to go out of order c. to bring down
separate into pieces d. to enter forcibly
112. To call at
a. to speak loudly b. to send for
c. shout d. to visit a place
113. To give up
a. distribute b. to leave c. to surrender d. to escape
114. To catch hold of
a. to notice b. to support c. to seize d. bring about
115. For want of
a. in the absence of b. in need of
c. desire d. to get
116. To hold one’s tongue
a. to be active b. to scold
c. willing to speak d. to keep quiet
117. To put up with
a. to bear b. bring together c. to discover d. align
118. To bury the hatchet
a. to remove b. to dump things
c. to forget past quarrels d. to end
119. To tell upon
a. give feedback b. to spread rumors
c. to have a bad effect d. to share a secret
120. To burn the midnight oil
a. to go in search of b. study till late hours
c. multiple usage d. use of the last resource
121. To take after
a. to resemble b. to follow c. to write down d. to take care
122. To cut a sorry figure
a. to be sympathetic b. to appear miserable

176CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. to throw away d. to create a bad impression
123. In the long run
a. long ago b. after a long time
c. ultimately d. actually
124. To be fed up
a. to be sick of b. force to eat c. looked after d. to feel great
125. Once for all
a. for everyone b. one each c. forever d. Last chance
126. To leave in lurch
a. Happy and gay b. Helpless condition
c. affirmative d. be pessimist
127. Kith and kin
a. close relatives b. friends
c. collegues d. work force
128. To lose heart
a. to die b. be liberal c. to be sick d. lose courage
129. Out of pocket
a. having no money b. from the pocket
c. without pocket d. overflow
130. To take heart
a. to be desperate b. to feel pity
c. to take courage d. to frighten
131. In black and white
a. in writing b. contrast c. dull d. verbal
132. To be taken aback
a. devastated b. to remove c. to deceive d. to be surprised
133. To make up one’s mind
a. to be confused b. to decide c. to ponder d. to back up
134. To win laurels
a. to win honour b. attention seeking
c. have something worthless d. appraised
135. Ins and outs
a. to and fro b. excess of things
c. come and go d. complete fact
136. From far and wide
a. extream b. broad
c. from all directions d. over all
137. In the nick of time
a. just in time b. at a time
c. before deadline d. narrow escape
138. part and parcel
a. an inseparable part b. letters
c. Cargo d. useless
139. In vain
a. for success b. without success

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 177

c. as per d. because of
Direction: Select the best word or phrase which correctly fills the blank Passage
No. 1
Faced …141….a problem to accommodate the growing the number of inmates …
142… country, Department of Prison Management (DoPM)has unveiled a planned to
construct regional level prisons in …143…of the five development regions. Officials
at the DoPM said each prison will …144…a maximum capacity of at least 2,000
inmates.Construction …145… one such prison in eastern development region is
currently underway at Jhumka area in Sunsari districts.
141. a. of b. on c. with d. along
142. a. across b. under c. among d. with
143. a. every b. many c. most d. each
144. a. had b. have c. possess d. having
145. a. of b. in c. into d. with
Passage No. 2
The cooperatives institution and members must not exert …146… pressure or
succumb to any pressure applied to fulfill …147… interest of different groups and
members.Likewise, it asks members to give priority …148… goods and services
produced by cooperative.The code has further asked cooperatives, their managerial
staff and office bearers …149… involve in undue activities and seek undue financial
benefits, and to stay …150… all forms of influences, among others.
146. a. some b. any c. few d. many
147. a. vested b. invested c. wasted d. deepest
148. a. to consume b. of consume
c. for consume d. in consume
149. a. to b. not to c. nothing to d. should not
150. a. away with b. always from
c. way from d. away from
Passage No. 3
The gold price fell …151… rupees per ten grams over the week, led by a fall in
international prices.The data of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers Associations shows
that the…152… the yellow precious metal …153…at Rs 14,015 per ten grams and
ended at Rs 13,960.Gold traders said better-than-expected June jobs report from US
Labor Department supported the dollar…154…other major currencies and prompted
a drop …155…gold price.
151. a. by b. off c. into d. upon
152. a. price off b. price of c. price to d. price for
153. a. begin b. begun c. began d. beginning
154. a. against b. for c. with d. upon
155. a. on b. upon c. of d. in
Passage No. 4
Absence of sufficient collection centers …156… prevented vegetable farmers from
getting reasonable …157… there products.There is no specified sales center for
vegetables in Narayanghat, which is the main market for farmers …158… vegetables.
Also there is a problem in transporting the produce up to the handful of collection

178CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

centers that exists in Narayanghat.…159… that, they don’t have direct contact and …
160… people at collection center.
156. a. has b. have c. had d. has been
157. a. value in b. value for c. value of d. value to
158. a. in trade b. of trade c. to trade d. trading
159. a. In top of b. On top of c. At the top of d. Over
160. a. access to b. access for c. excess to d. assess to
Direction: Choose the words which is the exactly opposite of the given words.
161. Provocation
a. Vocation b. Pacification c. Peace d. destruction
162. Subservient
a. Aggressive b. Straight-forward
c. Dignified d. Supercilious
163. Lend
a. Borrow b. Cheat c. Pawn d. Hire
164. Faint-hearted
a. Warm-hearted b. full-blooded
c. Hot-blooded d. Stout-hearted
165. Remiss
a. Forgetful b. Watchful c. Dutiful d. Harmful
166. Transparent
a. semi-transparent b. Moody
c. Opaque d. Dark
167. Honorary
a. Dishournable b. Reputed
c. Paid d. Official
168. Meticulous
a. Mutual b. Shaggy c. Meretricious d. Slovenly
169. Annoy
a. Praise b. Rejoice c. Please d. Reward
170. Repel
a. Attend b. Concentrate c. Continue d. Attract
Direction: Select the words which is closest to the meaning of word.
171. Feeble
a. Weak b. Arrogant c. Vain d. Sick
172. Transient
a. Transparent b. fleeting c. Feeble d. Fanciful
173. Bare
a. Uncovered b. Tolerate c. Clear d. Neat
174. Repeal
a. Sanction b. Perpetuate c. Pass d. Cancel
175. Salacity
a. Bliss b. Depression c. Indecency d. Recession
176. Ecstatic
a. Animated b. Bewildered c. Enraptured d. Iiiful

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 179

177. Candid
a. Apparent b. Explicit c. Frank d. Bright
178. Admonish
a. Punish b. Curse c. Dismiss d. Reprimand
179. Diligent
a. Progressive b. Brilliant c. Inventive d. Hard-working
180. Pious
a. Devout b. Pure c. Pretentious d. Clean
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom.
181. To smell a rat
a. To see signs of plague epidemic
b. To get bad smell of a bad dead rat
c. To suspect foul dealings
d. To be in bad mood
182. To set one’s face against
a. To oppose with determination b. To judge by appearance
c. To get out of difficulty d. To look at one steadily
Direction: Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of
idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence.
183. Sobhraj could be easily arrested because the police were tipped off in advance.
a. Toppled over b. Bribed
c. Threatened d. Give advance information
184. I met him after a long time, but he gave me the cold shoulder.
a. Scolded me b. Insulted me c. Abused me d. Ignored me
185. He passed himself as a noble man.
a. Was regarded as b. Pretended to be
c. Was thought to be d. Was looked upon
186. The small child does whatever his father was done.
a. does b. did c. has done d. had done
187. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to
by their short names.
a. initials b. signatures c. pictures d. middle names
188. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.
a. to whom I sell b. to who I sell
c. who was sold to d. to whom I sold

189. They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.

a. were shocked at all b. had all shocked
c. had all shocked by d. no correction required
190. He is too important for tolerating any delay.
a. to tolerate b. to tolerating c. at tolerating d. with tolerating
Direction: Pick out the most effective word.
191. Fate smiles…..those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life.
a. with b. over c. on d. round
192. The miser gazed… the pile of gold coins in front of him.

180CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. avidly b. admiringly c. thoughtfully d. earnestly
193. Catching the earlier train will give us the… do some shopping.
a. chance b. luck c. possibility d. occasion
194. I saw a…. . of cows in the field.
a. group b. herd c. swarm d. flock
195. The grapes are now…. . enough to be picked.
a. ready b. mature c. ripe d. advanced
Success in the examination depends …. .hard work alone.
a. at b. over c. for d. on
My uncle decided to take…. . and my sister to the market.
a. I b. mine c. me d. myself
198. Rohan and Ronit are twins brothers, but they do not look…..
a. unique b. different c. likely d. alike
199. To err is…. . to forgive divine.
a. beasty b. human c. inhuman d. natural
200. The ruling party will have to put its own house ….order.
a. in b. on c. to d. into

Quantitative Analysis

Each question is followed by four answer choices.Select the best answer choice.
1. Fill in an appropriate number in the series 5, 9,17,29,45 ………
a. 50 b. 55 c. 60 d. 65
2. A man has to walk 2 kilometers to reach the bus station. How many meters he
will walk?
a. 500meter b. 1000meter c. 2000meter d. 3000meter
3. In a triangle ABC, angle B and C are 600 each, what is the value of angle A?
a. 600 b. 900 c. 1200 d. 1800

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 181

4. Sagar sold a watch at Rs.400 that he had purchased at Rs.500.what is his
percentage loss?
a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d. 30%
5. Simplify 0.012
a. 0.1 b. 0.01 c. 0.001 d. 0.0001
6. Find x if 1/x=a/b
a. ab b. a/b c. b/a d. a+b.
7. Which one is the largest?
a. 2/5 b. 8/15 c. 9/25 d. 11/20
8. The value of log25125 is
a. 5/2 b. 25/2 c. 9/2 d. 3/2
9. The value of log255-ln√10 is
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 0
10. Log 6 equals
a. log(1+2+3) b. log (1.2.3) c. log2 + log3 d. all of these
11. If ax = b, by = c, cz = a, then the value of xyz is
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. none of these
12. Log ab -log b equals
a. log b b. log a c. -log a d. none of these
13. The number of terms in the expansion of (x + y + z)10 is
a. 11 b. 33 c. 66 d. 99
14. The constant term in the expansion of (n-1/n)2n
a. n b. n+1 c. 2n d. 2n-1
15. The coefficient of middle term in the expansion of (3x + 2) 4 is
a. 81 b. 54 c. 216 d. 36
16. 2/3! + 4/5! + 6/7! + ……to ∞=
a. e b. 1/e c. e + 1/e. d. 1/2e-e-1.
17. 1 + 3/2! + 7/3! + 15/4! + …to ∞=
a. e2 b. e2-1 c. e (e – 1) d. e-e-1
18. Number of ways in which letters of the word ‘ACCOUNTANT’ be arranged so
that vowels are always together
a. 7350 b. 6240 c. 7560 d. 8400
19. Number of ways in which ‘NUMBER’ can be arranged so that the 1st and last
letter are the vowels is
a. 24 b. 36 c. 12 d. 48
20. Number of ways in which 6 different beads be arranged in a bracelet is
a. 60 b. 30 c. 45 d. 50
21. The average of x and y is 40. If z = 10, what is the average of x, y and z?
a. 20 b. 16. 75 c. 25 d. 30
22. The average of a and b is 22.If b = 10, a =

182CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. 32 b. 33 c. 34 d. 31
23. The average of p and q is 67.If p = 15, q =
a. 117 b. 118 c. 116 d. 119
24. How many millimeters are in 8 centimeters?
a. 100 b. 40 c. 80 d. 180
25. What is the interest of Rs.2500 for 5 years at a rate of 5%?
a. Rs.425 b. Rs.525 c. Rs.625 d. Rs.725
26. How many degrees are there in an angle formed by the hands of a clock at 3 O’
a. 450 b. 600 c. 900 d. 1800
27. Ram Lal sold 50 meters of clothes. After selling he got a profit of 10 meters.
What is his percentage of profit?
a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d. 30%
28. One salesman sold a fan costing Rs. 1000 at a loss of 20%. What is the selling
a. Rs.400 b. 600 c. Rs.800 d. 1000
29. The next figure in the series 2397, 3972, and 9723 is
a. 7293 b. 7923 c. 7239 d. 7293
30. If a train travels 600 Km. in 4 hours, what is the distance traveled in 10
a. 25 Km b. 30Km c. 35 Km d. 40 Km
31. When an article is sold for Rs.2000 there is a loss of 10%.To earn a gain of 10
% the article must be sold for:
a. Rs.2444.44 b. Rs.2420 c. Rs.2160 d. Rs.2222.22
32. What is the profit if 24 meters of cloth are bought at Rs.14.50 and sold at
Rs.15.75 per meter, respectively?
a. 35 b. 37 c. 40 d. 30
33. Suppose you bought 90kg of biscuits for Rs.2700. When sold, it
gained you Rs. 450.How much did you charge per kg?
a. 34 b. 33 c. 36 d. 35
34. Joshi bought rice at Rs.486 per quintal and sold it at Rs.500 per quintal.
If he gained Rs.56, how many quintals did he buy and sell?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
35. Ram bought 350kg of mangoes at Rs.5.60 per kg and sells one half of it at Rs.7
per kg.How much should be charged for others to gain Rs.350 on the whole.
a. 6.20 b. 6.25 c. 6.15 d. 6.30
36. The milkman sold 85 liters of milk at Rs.586.50 and gained 40 paisa per
liter.What could have been the profit if he had sold them for Rs.600.10?
a. 66 paisa per liter b. 56 paisa per liter
c. 65 paisa per liter d. 55 paisa per liter
37. A man bought a bicycle for Rs.960 and sold it next year for Rs.720.How much
did he lose?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 183

a. 12% b. 10% c. 25% d. 20%
38. A man bought 420 apples for Rs. 280 but 84 were rotten. Yet he earned
20 %.How much did he sell each?
a. Rs.1.25 b. Re.1 c. Rs.1.50 d. 95 paisa
39. For what sum much one sell a cycle that cost Rs.720 to gain 12.5% on SP.
a. Rs.818.86 b. Rs.1010.58 c. Rs.910.21 d. Rs.822.86
40. The number 40 is what percentage of 8000?
a. 0.5% b. 2.0% c. 5.0% d. 20.0%
41. 4. 8 is 15% of
a. 31 b. 32 c. 3.2 d. 23
42. If x/4 = 16/x, what is the value of x?
a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 64
43. How many kilometers are 25 meters + 50 centimeters + 15 millimeters?
a. 0.025515 b. 0.02456 c. 0.255015 d. 25615
44. Which one is the greatest?
a. 1/5x1/4 b. 1/3x1/4 c. 1/3x0/2 d. 1/5x1/2
45. What is the tenth number of the series 1, 4, 9, 16 ……?
a. 10 b. 100 c. 1000 d. 96
46. I bought 50 caps for Rs. 5 each. I sold 20 at Rs. 2 each and 30 at Rs.
3 each. What percent did I lose altogether?
a. 48% b. 50% c. 33% d. 65%
47. Which one is not true?
a. 0.2 = 0.5 b. 0 = 0/1 c. 0 = 1/0 d. 0.25 = 2/8
48. Simplify [½]2–[1/4]2
a. 3/16 b. 1 c. 1/4 d. 1/16
49. The radius of a circle is doubled; the original area is X.what will the new area
a. 4X b. 2X c. X2 d. 3X2
50. If 8 men can carry 7 tons of goods in 6 hours, in how many hours can 10 men
carry 21 tons of the same goods at the same rate?
a. 17 b. 14.5 c. 15.6 d. 13
51. The perimeter of a square is 60 cm, what will be its area?
a. 60 cm2 b. 225 cm2 c. 365 cm2 d. 15 cm2
52. The marks obtained by a student in an exam are respectively 80, 93, 75, 75, 62,
and 96.He was absent in one subject’s examination.What is his average mark?
a. 69.5 b. 14.5 c. 68.71 d. 70.45
53. Which one is the smallest?
a. 1/2 + 1/4 b. 1/3 + 1/3 c. 1/3 + 1/4 d. 1/2 + 1/3
54. How many bricks each 5 sq.ft is required to cover a wall 156 ft & 25 ft?
a. 780 b. 3900 c. 390 d. 7800
55. What is 20% of 10% of 5% {5600 –(150 – 4)}?
184CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. 17.50 b. 6.5 c. 5.45 d. 12.50
56. The two sides of a right angled triangle are 300m and 400m, what is the
a. 500m b. 700m c. 100m d. 350m
57. {f,r,e,e} is a same as
a. {f,r,e} b. {f,r,r,e} c. {f,r,e,e} d. all of them
58. Potatoes were sold at Rs.20 per kg.50kgs were purchased for Rs.750.What was
the loss if 10kgs were sold?
a. 550 b. 560 c. 475 d. 680
59. What must be added to 4:5 to makes it 5:1?
a. 21:5 b. 5:21 c. 70:3 d. 51:17
60. What will Rs.4520 amount to in 8 years at 12.5% interest per annum?
a. Rs.9040 b. Rs.4520 c. Rs.9000 d. Rs.8750
61. Which one is greatest?
a. 4:5 b. 5:4 c. 5:20 d. 4:2
62. What is the interest rate of Rs. 2500 for 5 years at a rate of 5%?
a. Rs 425 b. Rs 525 c. Rs 625 d. Rs 725
63. Ram Lal sold 50 meters of clothes.After selling he got a profit of 10 meters?
What is his percentage of profit?
a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d. 30%
64. Which will be the next number in series 5, 8, 12, 17……?
a. 23 b. 25 c. 27 d. 29
65. Which one is the smallest?
a. 3/4 b. (3/4)2 c. (3/4+3/4) d. (3/4+3/4)2
66. To cover a floor or 10ft wide and 10ft length, how many tiles of 6 ||x 6|| are
a. 100 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400
67. Find x if x/3 = 4-x
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
68. Simplify 0.53
a. 0.125 b. 1.25 c. 12.5 d. 125
69. Which of the following statement is true?
a. 1/4+1/2=3/4 b. 1/2+1/4=4/3
c. 3/4+4/3=1/2 d. 1/2 +1/3=1
70. How many weights of 100gm each are necessary to weigh 1.5 kg?
a. 5 b. 15 c. 25 d. 35
71. What is the value of√81 ×√ 64
a. 68 b. 72 c. 120 d. 145
72. Which one is the largest?
a. 1/3 b. 1/√3
c. 1/32 d. 1/3.3
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 185
73. Which of the following is true?
a. √2/√2 ×1=1 b. √2×√2=1
c. √2 / 2 ×1/2=2 d. 2/√2 ×1/√2 =2
74. The milk man sold 85 liters of milk at Rs. 586.50 and gained 40 paisa
per liter. What would have been profit if he has sold them for Rs. 600.10?
a. 66 paisa per liter b. 56 paisa per liter
c. 65 paisa per liter d. 55 paisa per liter
75. 8.19 is 22.5% of
a. 46.30 b. 36.40 c. 26.10 d. 10.26
76. The sum whose interest is Rs. 200 in 5 years at the rate of 5% is:
a. Rs. 800 b. Rs. 8000 c. Rs. 80 d. Rs. 80.80
77. The greatest number of 4 digits beginning with 6 and ending with 5 is:
a. 6005 b. 6655 c. 6665 d. 6995
78. What percentages of boys are there among 45 students with 18 girls?
a. 60% b. 44% c. 66% d. 55%
79. Which of the following statement is true?
a. 22×24=28 b. 5-3=3-5 c. 52+122=132 d. 2+2=3+3
80. the number of 4 digit that can be formed from the integers 2,3,4,5,6 are
a. 120 b. 60 c. 56 d. 240
81. 0.3 × 0.006 =
a. 0.00018 b. 0.0018 c. 0.018 d. 0.18
82. If x + y = 3 and z - x =4, then z-x =
a. -1 b. 7 c. 5 d. 1
83. How many cubic centimeters are there in 2 liters?
a. 200 b. 2000 c. 2200 d. 120
84. The average of x, y, and z is 27. If y=3 and x=6. What is the average of x and
a. 39 b. 38 c. 37 d. 36
85. Which of the following number is smallest?
a. 1/5 b. 5 c. 0/5 d. 1/55
86. The simple interest rate on Rs. 600 at 6% for 6 month is
a. Rs. 218 b. Rs 21.80 c. Rs. 36 d. Rs. 18
87. If xyz=240, which of the following cannot be the value of y?
a. 0 b. 2 c. 4 d. 16
88. A bicycle originally was priced at Rs. 5000.After one month, the price was
discounted by 10%. Two months later, the new price was discounted by 20 %
and the bicycle was sold.How much did the buyer pay for the bicycle?
a. Rs. 2400 b. Rs. 3600 c. Rs. 4800 d. Rs. 5200
89. Shyam goes to work by bus.The bus stand is 100 meters far his home, where as
his office is 8 kilometers form the bus stand.How does he travel altogether?
a. 8100 meters b. 108 km c. 800 km d. 108 meters

186CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

90. In a triangle ABC, A=2B=2C, what are the degree measures of A, B, and C?
a. 90, 45, 45 b. 90, 60, 30 c. 90, 30, 30 d. 90, 60, 60
91. If a pizza has 8 pieces, how many pizzas pie have been eaten at a party where
35 pieces were eaten?
a. 34/8 b. 35/8 c. 33/8 d. 36/8
92. A box of light bulbs contains 24 bulbs.A worker replaces 17 bulbs in the
shipping department and 13 bulbs in the accounting department.How any boxes
of bulbs did the worker use?
a. 3/4 b. 9/4 c. ½ d. 5/4
93. There are 15 tacos in a lunch box. Janak eats 2 of the tacos. What fractions of
the original tacos are left in the lunch box?
a. 12/15 b. 14/15 c. 13/15 d. 6/15
94. What is 2/9 of 3690. 90?
a. 819.90 b. 820.30 c. 820.20 d. 820.25
95. What annual rate of interest was paid if Rs. 5000 earned Rs. 300 in
interest in 2 years?
a. 3% b. 3.1% c. 4% d. 2%
96. A bicycle originally cost Rs. 100 as was discounted 10%. After 3 months it
was sold after being discounted 15%. How was the bicycle sold for?
a. Rs. 76 b. Rs. 76.50 c. Rs. 76.90 d. Rs. 77
97. If 5301 of 499863 workers employed at the XYZ factory don’t show up for
work on Monday, about what % of the workers don’t show up?
a. 1% b. 1.06% c. 2% d. 6%
98. If the annual average income of 10 workers is Rs. 15665 and 2 of the workers
each made Rs. 20000 for the year, what is the average annual income of the
remaining 8 workers?
a. Rs. 15665 b. Rs. 14000 c. Rs. 14581.25 d. Rs. 15000
99. In how many ways 9 balls can be divided equally among 3 students?
a. 1600 b. 1520 c. 1680 d. 1700
100. If n is any positive integer and i=√-1, then in+in+2 equals to
a. i b. -i c. 0 d. 2
101. If 2x + y = 5 and x + y = 4, find x and y?
a. 1 and 3 b. 3 and 1 c. 3 and 3 d. 1 and 1
102. Find a if a-3=10/a
a. 2 and -5 b. 3 and -2 c. -2 and 5 d. -3 and 5
103. A coat was sold for Rs. 75. The coat was sold for 150% for the cost of
the coat. How much did the coat cost?
a. Rs. 75 b. Rs. 57 c. Rs. 45 d. Rs. 50
104. A train travels at a average speed of 50 miles per hour 5/2 hours and then
travels at a speed of 70 miles per hour for 3/2 hours. How far did the train travel
in the entire 4 hours?
a. 229 miles b. 230 miles c. 250 miles d. 1000 miles

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 187

105. Find x if 4/5=10/x
a. 12 b. 13 c. 13.5 d. 12.5
106. The numbers are in the ratio 5:4 and their difference is 10. What is the larger
a. 40 b. 50 c. 400 d. 51
107. How many ounces are there in 19/4 pounds?
a. 75 ounces b. 5 ounces c. 76 ounces d. 2 ounces
108. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5:3:4. How many degrees are there in a
largest triangle?
a. 750 b. 1800 c. 900 d. 1000
109. Find the value of x where 2x2+5x-4=x2+6X+2
a. -2,-3 b. 2,-3 c. -2,3 d. 2,3
110. If the supplement of a angle x is 3 times as much as the complement of angle x,
how many degrees in angle x?
a. 600 b. 450 c. 1800 d. 900
111. A man 6feet tall casts a shadow 4feet long; at the same time a flagpole casts a
shadow 50feet long. How tall is the flagpole?
a. 79 feet b. 55 feet c. 75 feet d. 54 feet
112. What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon whose sides are 6inches long?
a. 2 feet b. 1 feet c. 2.4 feet d. 2.5 feet
113. City A is 5 miles north of city B and city C is 12 miles west of city B.
How far is it between city A and city C?
a. 13 miles b. 10 miles c. 17 miles d. 12 miles
114. A car driver income consists of his salary and tips. His salary is Rs. 50 a week.
During one week his tips were 5/4 of his salary. What fraction of his income for
the week came from tips?
a. 4/9 b. 1/2 c. 5/9 d. 5/7
115. The function fx. = 1/1-x. is
a. continuous and derivable at x=1
b. neither continuous nor derivable at x=1
c. continuous but not derivable at x=1
d. derivable but not continuous at x=0
116. If x + y = 6 and 3x - y = 4, then x-y is equal to….
a. -1 b. 0 c. 2 d. 4
117. If a is less than b, which of the following number is greater than a and less than
a. (a + b)/2 b. (ab)/2 c. b2 - a2 d. b - a
118. It cost Rs.1000 to make the first thousand copies of book and x dollars to make
each subsequent copy.If total cost Rs.7230 to make first 8000 copies of a
book.What is x? Suppose Rs.100 = $1.
a. 0.89 b. 0.90375 c. 1.00 d. 89
119. If x+2y=4 and x/y =2, then x is equal to…
188CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. 1/2 b. 1 c. 3/2 d. 2
120. The perimeter of a rectangular lawn is 90m.if its breadth is half of its length.
The area of a rectangle is….
a. 450m2 b. 451m2 c. 452m2 d. 449m2
121. Which of the following number is largest?
a. (2+2+2)2 b. {(2+2)2}2 c. (2×2×2)2 d. 2+22(22)2
122. If the radius of a circle is increased by 5% then the area of the circle is increased
a. 3.6% b. 6% c. 10.25% d. 36%
123. If the average of 6 numbers is 4.5. What is the sum of numbers?
a. 4.5 b. 24 c. 27 d. 32
124. If x2+2x-8=0, then x =
a. -2,-4 b. 2,-4 c. -2,4 d. 2,4
125. A car traveled 75% of the way from town A to town B at an average speed of
50 miles per hour. The car travels at an average speed of S miles per hour for
the remaining part of the trip. The average speed for the entire trip was 40 miles
per hour. What is S?
a. 10 b. 20 c. 25 d. none of them
126. If you test two different light bulbs from a box of 100 bulbs that contain 1
defective bulb. What is the probability that both bulbs you test are defective?
a. 0 b. 0.0001 c. 0.01 d. 1/99
127. The coordinates of a point on the x-axis which is at distance of 10 units from
the point (4,6) are
a. (-4,0) b. (-6,0) c. (5,0) d. (7,4)
128. Let g(x) = 4x, if g(a)= 32, then a is
a. 8 b. 8.33 c. 8.5 d. 8.75
129. The equation of the line parallel to 3x+5y-8=0 and passes through the point 1,2.
a. 3x+5y+1=0 b. 5x-3y=12 c. 5x+3y=-10 d. 3x+5y=-13
130. The maximum value of sinx.cosx is
a. 1 b. ½ c. ¼ d. 2
131. The sum of the greatest and smallest number of five digit is:
a. 11,110 b. 111,110 c. 10,999 d. 109,999
132. A man deposits Rs.1 on a day, Rs.2 on the next day Rs.3 on the third day and so
on for 60 days.Total collection at the end of 50 days will be:
a. Rs.183 b. Rs.1275 c. Rs.3660 d. Rs. 5460
133. A man drove 100 km in 2 hours and 27 minutes.Of the following, which is
closest approximation to his average speed in kilometer per hour?
a. 33 b. 38 c. 39 d. 41
134. The next figure in the series of PQLM, QLMP, LMPQ, will be.
135. The fourth term of GP is 2.Then the product of 1st seventh term is

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 189

a. 25 b. 26 c. 27 d. 28
136. Which of the following fraction is the largest?
a. 11/4 b. 29/35 c. 17/21 d. 5/ 6
137. If m is proportional to n and m=5 and n=4, then what is the value of m if n=18?
a. 22.5 b. 10.5 c. 12.5 d. 18.5
138. If x2+y2=13 and x+y=5, then x-y= is:
a. 0 b. 3 c. -3 d. 1
139. If A*B = {1,2.,2,5.,2,3. }, then A is
a. {1,3} b. {3,5} c. {1,2} d. {2,3}
140. Which one is the greatest?
a. 4:5 b. 5:4 c. 5:20 d. 4:20
141. Which will be the next number in the series 5, 8, 12, 17, ….?
a. 23 b. 25 c. 27 d. 29
142. Simplify 0.5.2
a. 0.125 b. 1.25 c. 12.5 d. 0.25
143. A company makes a profit of 7% selling goods which costs Rs. 2,000.It
also makes a profit of 6% selling a machine that costs the company Rs.5,000.
How much total profit did the company make on both transactions?
a. 330 b. 440 c. 400 d. 420
144. Ram’s salary is currently Rs.35,000.Ram was hired 2 years ago, his salary was
Rs.10,000.By what percent has Ram’s salary increased since he was hired?
a. 250 b. 350 c. 40 d. 50
145. What is the eighth term of the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25…?
a. 36 b. 64 c. 49 d. 92
146. A bus travels at an average speed of 50 miles per hour for 2.5 hours and then
travels at a speed of 70 miles per hour for 1.5 hour.How far did the train travel
in the entire 4 hours?
a. 150 miles b. 130 miles c. 125 miles d. 230 miles
147. If f(x) =(x+1) and g(x) = (2x2+1), then gof(x)is
a. 2x2+2 b. 2x2 c. 2x2+4x+3 d. x2+1
148. If 25 men can unload a truck in 1 hour and 30 minutes, how long should it take
25 men to unload the truck?
a. 2 hours b. 3 hours c. 2.5 hours d. 3.5 hours
149. One percent of 497000 is
a. 4.97 b. 49.7 c. 497 d. 4970
150. Tif fx. =x+2 and gx. = then fog
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
151. Which of the following number is a perfect square?
a. 7799 b. 7755 c. 7766 d. 7744
152. Kamal spent 40% of his income. He deposited Rs.400 in a bank and was
left with Rs. 500.What is his income?

190CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Rs. 1200 b. Rs. 1450 c. Rs. 1500 d. Rs. 1680
153. (7x2)2÷7=
a. 4 b. 28 c. 45 d. 56
154. A departmental store has 6435 bars of soap. If the store sells 20% of its bars of
soap, how many bars of soap did it sell?
a. 1187 b. 1287 c. 1387 d. 1487
155. How much interest will Rs.10,000 earn in 9 months at an annual rate of 6 %?
a. 250 b. 300 c. 450 d. 550
156. If x/y = 1/24 and y/z = 25 what will x/z be
a. 25/24 b. 24/25 c. 1/49 d. 49
157. The parameter of square is 60 cm what will its area?
a. 60cm2 b. 225cm2 c. 365cm2 d. 115cm2
158. The two sides of right angle triangles are 300m and 400m what is hypotenuse?
a. 500m b. 700m c. 100m d. 350m
159. Ujjwal goes to work by bus.The bus stand is 100 meters far from his house,
where as his office is 8km from the bus stand.How much does he travel all
a. 8100 meters b. 108 km c. 800 km d. 108 meters
160. Simplify: 0.05.2 - 0.04.2
a. 0.01 b. 0.09 c. 0.0009 d. 0.0001
161. If the duty on imported consumer goods be increased by 25% by what
percentage must a man reduce his consumption of that goods so as not to
increase his expenses
a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%
162. A bicycle was priced originally at 5000 after one month the price was
discounted by 10%. Two month later, the new price was discounted by 20% and
the bicycle was sold.How much did the buyer pay for the cycle?
a. Rs.2400 b. Rs.3600 c. Rs.4800 d. Rs.5200
163. If x=10, find the value of {x3 - 3x2–(4x – 5)} - {- 5x –(3x2 – x3 - 5)}
a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d. 10
164. Find the missing no in the series 16, 12, 64, 16… 20, 256, 24
a. 18 b. 144 c. 20 d. 96
165. In the town of 50000 population 28000 read Gorkhapatra and 23000 read
Kantipur and 4000 read both what percentage of population read neither
Gorkhapatra nor Kantipur?
a. 94% b. 54% c. 6% d. 16%
Direction: Read the following table and answer the question 36 to 40.
i. Every students (boys and girls) of each class participated in a game
ii. In each game the number of girls participating is 25% of the number
of the boys participating in each game.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 191

iii. Each student (boy and girl)participates in one game only; no one
participates in more than one game.
166. In order to makes four times the number of girls in group B and C, boys of
which two groups should be combined.
a. A and B b. B and C c. C and D d. None
167. What ratio of boys is to girls if the boys playing Chess and Badminton are
combined and the girls playing Cricket and Football are combined?
Games Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Total
Chess 8 8 8 4 4 32
Badminton 8 12 8 12 12 52
Tennis 12 16 12 8 12 60
Cricket 8 4 8 4 8 32
Football 8 8 12 12 12 52
Total Boys 44 48 48 40 48 228
a. 1:2 b. 2:3 c. 3:1 d. 4:1
168. What percentage if girls participation in Badminton and Table Tennis
a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 d. 75
169. In the total number of students in the whole class if all the boys of group A and
all the girls of group B are combined they form … percentage of the total
number of students.
a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 35
170. If the boys of group E participating in Chess along with the total girls of group
E are selected for the course at the collage of sports, what percentage of the
students in total will get the advantage Approximately ?
a. 2.2% b. 3.4% c. 4.5% d. 5.6%
171. What is the value of root 81 x root 64.?
a. 68 b. 72 c. 120 d. 145
172. A man has to saw a 10 meter pole into 1 meter length.How long will it take him
if he cuts 1 length every two minutes?
a. 20min b. 18min c. 16min d. 40min
173. What is the interest of Rs.100 at the rate of 5% for 3 years?
a. Rs.100 b. Rs.150 c. Rs.200 d. Rs.250
174. Jay, Bikal and Paras agree to divide the profit Rs1800 according to the ration
9:10:11 find the share of Paras on the profit.
a. Rs.560 b. Rs.360 c. Rs.760 d. Rs.660
175. The salaries of two persons are in the ratio of 4:7 both of them spend 80% of
their salaries and save the rest of money.The ratio of saving is?
a. 8:2 b. 4:7 c. 5:3 d. 7:5
176. In a triangle ABC, A =2B=2C, what are the degree measures of A, B and C?
a. 900, 450,450 b. 900, 600,300 c. 900,300,300 d. 900, 600, 600

192CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

177. How many pieces of wallpaper each 5 square feet, is required to cover a wall
70 feet long and 5 feet height?
a. 70 b. 14 c. 5 d. 25
178. If a clock strike once at one o’clock, twice at two o’clock and so on.How many
times will it strikes in 14 hours.
a. 300 b. 156 c. 78 d. 130
179. Janak spends 60% of his salary and saves Rs.500 per month.What is his
monthly salary?
a. Rs.1000 b. Rs.1250 c. Rs.1500 d. Rs.1750
180. If area of a rectangular plot is 2400 square meter and its sides are in the ratio
of 3:2.Its perimeter is
a. 60m b. 40m c. 100m d. 200m
181. If 12a+3b=1 and 7b-2a=9, what is the average (arithmetic mean)of a and b?
a. 0.1 b. 0.5 c. 1 d. 2.5
182. If x2+2x-6>x2-2x+6, which of the following must be true:
a. x<3 b. x=3 c. x>3 d. x=4
183. Jessica has 4 times as many books as John and 5 times as many as Karen. If
Karen has more than 40 books, what is the least number of books that Jessica
can have?
a. 240 b. 220 c. 210 d. 205
184. What is the largest integer, n, that satisfies the inequality n 2+8n-3<n2+7n+8?
a. 0 b. 5 c. 7 d. 10
185. Judy is now twice as old as Adam but 6 years ago she was five times as he was.
How old is Judy now?
a. 10 b. 16 c. 20 d. 24
186. If a<b and c is the sum of a and b, which of the following is the positive
difference between a and b?
a. 2a-c b. 2b-c c. c-2b d. c-a-b
187. If 120% 0f a is equal to 80% of b, which of the following is equal to a+b?
a. 1. 5a b. 2a c. 2. 5a d.
188. What is the average of 4y+3 and 2y-1?
a. 3y+1 b. 3y+2 c. 3y+4 d. Y+1
189. If an object is moving at a speed of 36 kilometer per hour, how many meters
does it travel in 1 second?
a. 10 b. 36 c. 100 d. 360
190. If 50100=k 10050., what is the value of k?
a. 250 b. 2550 c. 5050 d. (1/2)50
191. Which of the following is equal to 78 *79.10?
a. 727 b. 782 c. 7170 d. 49170
192. What is the value of 23/2-21/2?
a. 1/4 b. 1/2 c. 1 d. 2
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 193
193. Which of the following is not equivalent to 15/24?
a. 45/72 b. 60/96 c. 180/288 d. 3/5
194. A French class has 12 boys and 18 girls. Boys are what fraction of the class?
a. 2/5 b. 3/5 c. 2/3 d. 3/4
195. If 2/3 of the worker in an office is non-smokers. What is the ratio of smokers
to non-smokers?
a. 2:5 b. 1:2 c. 3:5 d. 3:2
196. D.Eisenhouse was born in October 14, 1890 and died on March 28,1969. What
was his age, in years, at the time of his death?
a. 77 b. 78 c. 79 d. 81
197. If 32a+b =16 a+2b, then a =
a. b b. 2b c. 3b d. b+2
198. What is the arithmetic mean of 210 and 220?
a. 215 b. 25+210 c. 29+219 d. 229
199. A jar contains only red, white and blue marbles. The numbers of red marbles is
4/5 the number of white ones, and the number of white ones is ¾ the number of
blue ones. If there are 470 marbles in all, how many of them are blue?
a. 120 b. 135 c. 150 d. 200
200. If length of rectangle is 4 times its width, and if its area is 144, what is its
a. 6 b. 24 c. 30 d. 60

Logical Reasoning
Directions: The following question consists of two words that have a certain
relationship with each other, followed by four pairs of choice. Select the pair that
has the same relationship as the original pair.
1. Cells: Cytology
a. Worms: Ornithology b. Insects: Entomology
c. Diseases: Physiology d. Tissues: Morphology
2. Birds: Aves
a. Fish: Water b. whale: Fish
c. Lizard: Insect d. Man: Homosapiens
3. Dusk: Night
a. Afternoon: Evening b. Infant: Child
c. Walk: Run d. Day: Light
4. Triangle: Hexagon
a. Cone: Sphere b. Rectangle: Octagon
c. Pentagon: Heptagon d. Angle: Quadrilateral
5. Pesticide: Plant
a. Pesticide: Plant b. vaccination: Body
c. Advocate: Court d. Teacher: Student

194CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

6. Crown: Royal
a. Throne: Regal b. Wrap: Ermine
c. Pen: Author d. Crucifix: Religion
7. House: Ceiling
a. Hut: Roof b. Building: Floor
c. Bed: Bed sheet d. Grapes: Wine
8. Fish: Aquarium
a. Teacher: Hostel b. Bee: Apiary
c. Bird: Nest d. Child: School
9. Dog: Kennel
a. Horse: Carriage b. Sheep: Flock
c. Cow: Barn d. Sports: Stadium
10. Explosion: Destruction
a. Talk: Exaggeration b. Girl: Woman
c. Talk: Exaggeration d. Engagement: Marriage
11. Pen: Nib
a. Book: Knowledge b. Sword: Blade
c. Radio: Transistor d. Nut: Bolt
12. Sigh: Relief
a. Tear: Joy b. Trembling: Fear
c. Carefulness: Accident d. Sweat: Hot
13. Branch: Tree
a. Crest: Wave b. Bulb: Filament
c. Clothes: Cupboard d. Water: Tap
14. Theft: Confess
a. Fight: Dare b. Fault: Admit
c. Murder: Commit d. Mistake: Agree
15. Balance: Weigh
a. Aeroplane: Height b. Radar: Detection
c. Satellite: Revolution d. Television: Picture
16. Shield: Soldier
a. Stethoscope: Doctor b. Book: Author
c. Advocate: Court d. Helmet: Rider
17. Chaff: Wheat
a. Bone: Flesh b. Blood: Vein
c. Dregs: Wine d. Rubbish: House
18. Friendly: Inimical
a. Lithosphere: Hydrosphere b. Condemnation: Approval
c. Abstain: Refrain d. Disappointment: Embarrassment
19. Range: Mountain
a. Point: Line b. Bouquet: Flower
c. School: Class d. String: Bead
20. Spring: Summer

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 195

a. Adolescence: Youth b. Fight: Battle
c. Stagger: Walk d. Read: Learn
21. Textile: Mill
a. Eggs: Hen b. Coal: Mine
c. Food: Agriculture d. Brick: kiln
22. Shoes: Cobber
a. Spectacles: Optician b. Education: Teacher
c. Oxygen: Plant d. Food: Kitchen
23. Low: Cattle
a. Sheep: Beef b. Gaggle: Chicken
c. Grunt: Hogs d. Flock: Goat
24. Arrows: Quiver
a. Sheep: Beef b. Money: Bank
c. Farmer: Field d. Assistant: Clerk
25. Symphony: Music
a. Mural: Painting b. Ode: Prose
c. Preface: Book d. Editor: Journal
Direction: The following questions present a pair of words with certain
relationship between them. Find out the word with similar relationship for the
second pair form the choice alternatives.
26. Moon: Satellite: Earth?
a. Sun b. Planet c. Solar System d. Asteroid
27. Influenza: Virus: Typhoid?
a. Bacillus b. Parasite c. Protozoa d. Bacteria
28. Melt: Liquid: Freeze?
a. Ice b. Condense c. Solid d. Crystal
29. Muslims: Mosque: Sikhs:
a. Golden Temple b. Medina
c. Fire Temple d. Gurudwar
30. Eye: Myopia: Teeth?
a. Pyorrhea b. Cataract c. Trachoma d. Eczema
31. Scribble: Write: Stammer?
a. Walk b. Play c. Speak d. Dance
32. Errata: Books: Flaws?
a. Manuscripts b. Metals c. Speech d. Charter
33. Breeze: Cyclone:Drizzle?
a. Earthquake b. Storm c. Flood d. Downpour
34. Race: Fatigue: Fast?
a. Food b. Appetite c. Hunger d. Weakness
35. Acting: Theatre: Gambling?
a. Casino b. Club c. Bar d. Hymn

196CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

36. Water: Convection: Space?
a. Conduction b. Transference c. Vacuum d. Radiation
37. Oxygen: Burn: Carbon Dioxide
a. Isolate b. Foam c. Extinguish d. Explode
38. Cobber: Leather: Carpenter?
a. Furniture b. Wood c. Hammer d. Chair
39. Oceans: Deserts:Waves?
a. Sea b. Dust c. Sand dunes d. ripples
40. Dungeon: Confinement: Asylum:?
a. Refuge b. Mercy c. Truancy d. Remorse
41. Country: President : State:?
a. Governor b. Minister c. Chief Minister d. Citizen
42. Bread: Toast: Curd?
a. Fungi b. Bacteria c. Germs d. Virus
43. Quartz: radio: Gypsum?
a. Glass b. Porcelain c. Cement d. Powder
44Trees: Forest: Grass?
a. Lawn b. Field c. Garden d. farm
45. Pigeon: Peace: White Flag?
a. Friendship b. Victory c. Surrender d. War
46. Dog: Rabies: Mosquito?
a. Plague b. Death c. Malaria d. Sting
47. Tea: Cup: Tobacco?
a. Leaves b. Hookah c. Toxin d. Cheroot
48. Professor: Lecture: Doctor?
a. Hospit b. Disease c. Medicine d. Patient
49. Ocean: Pacific: Island?
a. Greenland b. Netherlands c. Island d. Borneo
50. Fire: Ashes: Explosion?
a. Sound b. Debris c. Fury d. Flame
51. Video: Cassette: Computer?
a. Reel b. Recordings c. Files d. Floppy
52. Pongee: Silk: Shallot?
a. Boat b. Building c. Ship d. Stream
Direction: The following questions present four words. Find out the odd word.
53. a. b. Potato c. Spinach d. Cabbage
54. a. b. Short c. Twig d. Spray
55. a. b. Brother c. Woman d. Sister

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 197

56. a. b. Sparrow c. Cow d. Pig
57. a. b. Orange c. Apple d. grapes
58. a. b. Anger c. Thirst d. Joy
59. a. BF b. EH c. JM d. LO
60. a. b. WUS c. MKI d. NPR
61. a. b. Box c. Room d. Hall
62. a. b. Devotion c. Attachment d. Hatred
63. a. b. Trickster c. Musician d. Juggler
64. a. b. Student c. School d. Teacher
65. a. b. Rule c. Custom d. Uncommon
66. a. b. Now c. If d. By
67. a. b. Kitten c. Horse d. Lamb
68. a. b. Cluster c. Pack d. drum
69. a. Intelligent b. Comprehensive c. Précis d. Stupid
70. a. b. Optician c. Cell d. Draper
71. a. b. Hot c. Salt d. Sour
72. a. b. Wisdom c. Intelligence d. Honesty
73. a. b. Stool c. Bed d. Sofa
74. a. b. Brass c. Copper d. Gold
75. a. b. Morbid c. Deceit d. Swindle

76. a. b. Guilty c. Innocent d. Faultiness
77. a. Commonplace b. Customary c.Unusual d. General
78. a. Friendship b. Enmity c. Intimacy d. Attachment
79. a. Television b. Cinema c. Radio d. Drama
Direction: Choose the correct option of each question.
80. If diamonds is called gold, gold is called silver, silver is called ruby and ruby is
called emerald, which is the cheapest jewel?
a. Diamond b. Silver c. Ruby d. Gold
81. If eye is called hand, hand is called mouth, mouth is called ear, ear is called
nose and nose is called tongue, with which of the following would a person

198CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Eye b. Mouth c. Nose d. Ear
82. If room is called bed, bed is called window, window is called flower and flower
is called on what would a man sleep?
a. Window b. Bed c. Flower d. Cooler
83. In a certain code language, 617 means sweet and hot; 735 means coffee is
sweet; and 263 means tea is hot. Which of the following would mean
coffee is hot?
a. 731 b. 536 c. 753 d. 367
84. A train 150m.Long takes 20 seconds to cross a platform 450m. Long.What is
the speed of that train?
a. 25m/s b. 50m/s c. 40m/s d. 30 m/s
85. Three coins are tossed in the air at the same time.What are the chances that at
least two of the coins will finish heads up?
a. 100% b. 50% c. 40% d. 60%
86. Arrange the following words form general to particular order
1. Sentence 2. Words 3. Chapter 4. Phase 5. Paragraph
a. 43125 b. 23541 c. 35142 d. 12345
87. What is common in - Love, Respect, and Sympathy?
a. They are sentiments b. They are feelings
c. They are net reciprocal d. They cannot be displayed
88. I have no brothers and sons but Ajit’s father is my father’s only one son.
Who is Ajit to me?
Wife b. Mother c. Sister d. Daughter
89. A man said to a woman “Your brother’s only sister is my mother”.How is the
man related to woman?
a. Nephew b. Son-in- law c. Husband d. Son
90. X is the son of Y and Y is the mother of Z and Z is the daughter of A.Who is A
to X?
a. Mother b. Brother c. Father d. Sister
91. Pointing to an old man, Paras said, “His son is my son’s uncle”. How is
the old man related to Paras?
a. Father b. Son c. Brother c. Uncle
92. Pointing to a lady, a man said, “The son of her only brother is the brother of my
wife”, how is the lady related to the man?
a. Mother’s sister b. Grandmother
c. Mother in law d. Father’s sister
93. A and B are brothers.C and D are sisters.A’s son is D’s brother.How is B
related to C?
a. Father b. Brother c. Son in law d. Uncle
94. A and B is a married couple, X and Y are the brothers.X is the brother of
A.How is y related to B?
a. Brother in law b. Brother

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 199

c. Grandfather d. Uncle
95. C is the brother A; B is the daughter of A; E is the sister of C: and D is the
brother of B. Who is the uncle of D?
a. A b. B c. C d. E
96. W is the brother of R; P is the sister of Q; T is the brother of S; Sis the daughter
of R.Who are the cousins of Q?
a. R & P b. P & T c. Q & T d. S & T
97. I traveled 3km southwards, then turned right and traveled 5 km.Thenagain
turned right and traveled 7 km. In which direction was I traveling last?
a. South b. East c. West d. North
98. My house is facing West.I start from house and turn left and walk 30
meters.Then I turn 45degree towards right direction and walk 20 meters.In
which direction is I form the starting point?
a. South b. East c. South East d. North East
99. Janak went towards East 8 km straight, then turned right and went 3 km
straight, then again turned right and went 12 km straight.How far is he from the
start point?
a. 10km b. 5 km c. 6 km d. 8 km
100. A clock is so placed that at 12 noon, its minutes hand points towards North-
east.In which directions its hour hand points at 1:30 PM?
a. East b. West c. North d. South
101. A glass gull of Beer weights 1 kg and the glass and half full of Beer weights ¾
kg.What is the weight of glass?
a. 1/2 kg b. 1/4 kg c. 1/8 kg d. 1/3 kg
102. Which word comes last in Dictionary?
a. Ensure b. Enslave b. Ensnare d. Ensign
103. If English Alphabets are written in reverse order, what will be the 4th letter to
the right of the 13th letter from the left?
a. J b. L c. K d. M
104. Which word cannot be formed from MADRID?
105. How many 8’s are there in the following series which are preceded by 5 butnot
immediately followed by 3?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 7
Direction: Find the missing number.
14 21 13 8
12 7
4 4
21 16 26
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
200CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
7 2

? 6

a. 84 b. 21 c. 22 d. 12

10 9 8

8 6 4

4 1 ?

a. -2 b. -3 c. 1 d. -1
9 81 6561
18 324 ?

a. 656165 b. 104976 c. 104967 d. 109476

2 2
5 25 ?
2 2
10 100 10000

a. b. c. d.

252 605 8 603 625 6 4

5 4 9

6 4 ?

a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
112. 16, 4, 2…
a. 0 b. 1.11. c. -1 d. 1.41.
113. 3, 5, 9, 17…. .
a. 33 b. 43 c. 32 d. 30
114. 1, 25, 100, ….
a. 125 b. 225 c. 252 d. 250

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 201

115. 82, 73, 64, ……, 46, 37
a. 54 b. 50 c. 45 d. 55
116. 1/4, 1/9, 1/16, 1/25, ….
a. 1/49 b. 1/36 c. 1/25 d. 1/63
117. 100, 95, 85, 70, 50, …. .
a. 25 b. 52 c. 24 d. 30
Direction: Following equations follow particular mathematical reasoning.
Find out the number according to the reasoning.
118. If 8+2= 62, 7+3= 46, then 6+4 =?
a. 33 b. 22 c. 32 d. 24
119. If SDC=26, NCC=20, SDCNCC=?
a. 50 b. 60 c. 62 d. 46
120. If R+B= 116 R= C-3 and R= B+4, if so what is the value of C?
a. 63 b. 60 c. 65 d. 58
121. If + = ÷, - = =, X = +, ÷ = >, = = <, > = X and < = -, which one is correct?
a. 5> 3*7 =8>4+2 b. 5<3>7-84+2
c. 5*3>7÷ 8+4<2 d. 5+3<7-8*4+2
122. If 7 + 4 = 11, 12 + 5 = 62, 20 + 120 = 320 then 320 + 41 = ?
a. 721 b. 361 c. 730 d. 3610
123. What is there in the middle of SUN?
a. Fire b. Helium c. Heat d. U
124. If 2 + 3 = 49, 5 + 7 = 2549 then 9 + 8 =?
a. 8164 b. 8016 c. 8641 d. 4618
125. If A + B = 3 then A + B + C + D + E =?
a. 15 b. 20 c. 16 d. 14
126. If BBA = 221, then SHANKER =?
a. 19811411518 b. 19811411519
c. 19811411517 d. 19811411520
127. If A= -, C= *, D= ÷, and R= +, then 14C3A12R4D2=?
a. 32 b. 30 c. 28 d. 26
128. If A=0, E= 4, Then I =?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 10
Direction: Fill the missing number.
129. 1, 25, 100, 225, …
130. 1, 4, 9, 16, …
131. 1, 8, 27, 64,…
132. 5, 25, 125, …
133. 50, 25, 0, …
134. 6, 16, 31, 51, …

202CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

135. 0, 3, 8, 15, …
136. 9, 18, 27, 36, …
137. 1, 3, 7, 15, 31…
138. 10, 18, 34, …
139. 3, 7, 16, 35,. . . .
140. 112, 100, 88,….
141. 101, 92, 83, 74,…
142 How many triangles are there in the given Diagram?

a. b. c. d.
143. How many squares are there in the give
13 figure?
18 10 12

a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 9
144. Democracy is the best system.It gives greatest freedom to the greatest people
a. Communism is a political system
b. Nepal has just restored democracy
c. People everywhere want freedom and democracy
d. Autocracy is even better than democracy
145. Prices are rising again. This is the mainly due to fall in production
a. Production is expected to increase now.
b. Earlier the production was high.
c. If production falls, prices will rise.
d. If production increases, prices will fall
146. People do not use black clothes in summer because
a. Black clothes are not available in Nepal.
b. People of Nepal are generally whitish.
c. Black clothes are very cold.
d. Black clothes absorb more heat.
147. Plastic handles are used in cooking material because
a. Plastics are good conductor of heat.
b. Plastics are bad conductors of heat.
c. Plastics burn easily.
d. Plastics are the cheapest raw materials.
148. We use fans in summer because
a. Fans are very light. b. Fans circulate the air very fast.
c. Fans are very cheap. d. Electricity does not cost much.
149. Clothes dry soon in summer because
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 203
a. There are less water droplets in air
b. No rain falls in winter.
c. Houses are very warm.
d. People use heater to dry them
150. People use raincoats during monsoon because
a. They provide protection against cold
b. They are costly.
c. They are to be used sometimes
d. they protect from getting wet.
151. Mercury is used in glass thermometer instead of alcohol because
a. less mercury is wanted. b. Mercury does not stink.
c. Mercury does not stick to glass.d. Alcohol is very costly
152. People in Nepal use rice because
a. Rice is grown in the Terai. b. People can import it from India.
c. Rice is a staple food for them. d. There is no tax on rice.
153. Blood transfusion is very popular these days because
a. It is easily available. b. It saves life.
c. Everybody can conduct it. d. People often sell their blood.
154. We use leather shoes because
a. They are made in Nepal
b. They are more comfortable.
c. We can kill animals for their skin
d. People are mostly cobblers.
155. We use heaters in winter because
a. Heaters provide light.
b. Heaters provide badly needed heat.
c. Heaters are not expensive
d. Firewood is costly.
156. We eat food because
a. Eating food is a fun
b. Food provides us energy to do work.
c. Food makes us fat.
d. Food keeps us physically fit.
157. Boiled water is good to drink because
a. Boiled water is tastier.
b. Boiled water makes us strong.
c. Boiled water is very pure water.
d. In boiled water most of the germs that can cause disease are killed.
158. A morning walk is good because
a. The morning air is less polluted.
b. There are not many vehicles on the road.
c. It is not so hot in the morning

204CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

d. The road is less crowded in the morning
159. A small child should be treated with love because
a. They do mistakes unknowingly.
b. Love makes them realize their mistakes more efficiently.
c. Children like love
d. Hate spoils them
160. People use bus to go to office because
a. Bus is safe b. Bus is easy to travel.
c. Bus is a faster means of transport.
d. Bus is less expensive.
Direction: Sentences below describe the relationship between the first two words.
Then try to use the same sentence to find out which of the same answer
choices completes the same relationship with the third word:
161. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
a. speed b. hiking c. needle d. direction
162. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to
a. winter b. bear c. dream d. sleep
163. Window is to pane as book is to
a. novel b. glass c. cover e. page
164. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to
a. dish b. soup c. spoon d. food
165. Yard is to inch as quart is to
a. Gallon b. ounce c. milk d. liquid
166. Play is to actor as concert is to
a. symphony b. musician c. piano d. percussion
167. Sponge is to porous as rubber is to
a. massive b. solid c. elastic d. inflexible
168. Careful is to cautious as boastful is to
a. arrogant b. humble c. joyful d. suspicious
169. Pride is to lion as shoal is to
a. teacher b. student c. self-respect d. fish
170. Exercise is to gym as eating is to
a. food b. dieting c. fitness d. restaurant
Direction: Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same
pattern and replace the question mark in the given series.
171. 2 , 8, 16, 128,?
a. 2042 b. 2046 c. 2048 d. 2044
172. 8 , 6, 9, 23, 87,?
a. 376 b. 228 c. 450 d. 429
173. F2, ?, D8, C16, B 32
a. A16 b. G4 c. E4 d. E3

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 205

174. 120 , 99, 80, 63, 48, ?
a. 35 b. 38 c. 39 d. 40
175. 1 , 1, 2, 6, 24, ?, 720
a. 100 b. 104 c. 108 d. 120
176. 22 , 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ?
a. 22 b. 24 c. 25 d. 26
177. 14 , 28, 20, 32, 64, ?
a. 52 b. 56 c. 96 d. 128
178. J14, L16, ?, P20,R 22
a. S24 b. N18 c. M18 d. T24
179. U32, V29, ?, X23, Y 20
a. W26 b. W17 c. Z17 d. Z26
180. 70 , 71, 76, ?, 81, 86, 91
a. 70 b. 71 c. 80 d. 96
Direction: Choose the word that is necessary part of the given word.
181. Desert
a. cactus b. arid c. oasis d. flat
182. Language
a. tongue b. slang c. writing d. words
183. Gala
a. celebration b. tuxedo c. appetizer d. orator

184. Election
a. President b. voter c. November d. nation
185. Antigue
a. Rarity b. artifact c. aged d. prehistoric
Direction: Replace the alphabets in a word according to a specific rule to form
its code.
186. If in a certain language FASHION is coded as FOIHSAN, how is PROBLEM
coded in that language?
187. If CIGARAETTE is coded as GICERAETT, then DIRECTION will be coded
Direction: Find the correct direction.
188. A is 40m south west of B. C is 40m south east of B.Then, C is in which
direction of A?
a. West b. south c. north-east d. east
189. P, Q, R and S are playing a game of carrrom P, R and S, Q arepartners, S is to
the right of R who is facing west. Then Q is facing
a. North b. south c. east d. west

206CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Direction: Choose the correct relationship.
190. A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother’s of her mother.How is the
man related to the woman?
a. Son b. nephew c. grandson d. uncle
191. Prasanna said,” This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” Who is
Prasanna to the girl?
a. Husband b. father in law c. father d. grandfather
192. If X is the brother of the son of Y’s son, how is X related to Y?
a. Son b. grandson c. cousin d. brother
Direction: Pick out odd ones.
193. a. b. Hawk c. Man d. Seal
194. a. Honey b. Rasin c. Wax d. Coral
195. a. b. X-ray c. Radio d. Television

196. a. Warm b. Hot c. Cool d.


Direction: Find the missing alphabets.

B C E G ?
a. b. c. d.

O ?

a. b. c. d.
199. Find the minimum number of straight lines required to make the given figure.

P R I 3.

a. 16 b. 17 c. 18 d. 19
200. Find the number of triangles in the given figure.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 207

a. 12 b. 18 c. 22 d. 26

General Awareness

1. Which disk has storage capacity of 1.44 MB?

a. Hard disk b. 3. 5” floppy disk
c. Both a and b d. None of above
2. When was the first computer introduced in Nepal?
a. 1972 b. 1974 c. 1970 d. None of the
3. MICR stands for?
a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
b. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
c. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
d. None
4. Fifth generation of computer is known as?
a. Knowledge Information Processing System
b. Very Large Scale Integration
c. None of the above
d. Both of above
5. Which operation is not performed by computer?
208CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
a. Inputting b. Controlling c. Processing d. Understanding
6. How many years does Neptune take to revolve around the sun?
a. 104.35 yrs b. 284.23 yrs c. 105.51 yrs d. 164.79 yrs
7. What is demo phobia?
a. Fear of school b. Fear of crowed
c. Fear of ladder d. Fear of marriage
8. What is the scientific study of the soil called?
a. Pedology b. Astrology
c. Seismology d. Socoilogy
9. For which language did the word ‘Bank’
a. Ptalian b. Spanish
c. English d. Indian
10. What is apiculture?
a. Butterfly Keeping b. Bee-Keeping
c. Bird-keeping d. Goat-Keeping
11. When did the Nepal become the member of
a. 2003 Sept 12 b. 2003 Oct 12
c. 2003 Sept 13 d. 2003 Oct 15
12. Which animal don’t have teeth?
a. Tortoise b. Frog c. Dolphin d. Snake
13. By which name Mahakali river is known in India?
a. Ganga b. Brahmaputra c. Saradha d. Satlaj
14. Which country is known as ’Land of lost Continent’?
a. Tibet b. Bhutan c. Argentina d. China
15. Which Country does the famous Tennis player Roger Federer belong to?
a. Sweden b. America c. Switzerland d. China
16. What is the capital city of Austria?
a. Sydney b. Vienna c. Canberra d. Vivtore
17. When did Finland become independent?
a. 1918 b. 1958 c. 1952 d. 1917
18. Where was Pakistani president Parbaze Musaraf born?
a. New Delhi b. Karachi
c. Kashmir d. Lahore
19. Which country introduced the AIDS disease?
a. France b. America
c. England d. Africa
20. Which country is known as ‘Country under
a. Greece b. Denmark

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 209

c. Bulgaria d. Netherlands
21. What is the weight of FIFA World Cup?
a. 5 Kg b. 6 Kg c. 7 Kg d. 8 Kg
22. Which was the first Nepali film Made in Nepal?
a. Buwa b. Aama c. Didi-Bhai d. Bhauju
23. Who was the first Nepali lady film director in Nepal?
a. Maunata Shrestha b. Bipana Thapa
c. Rekha Thapa d. Suchita Shrestha
24. How many pounds are there in 1 kg?
a. 2.5 pound b. 1.5 pound c. 2.2 pound d. 3.2 pound
25. Which is the runner up of 2015 ACC 20-20 Cup?
a. Afaghanistan b. Nepal c. UAE d. Kuwait
26. Where is the 18th Asian Games 2018 going to be held?
a. Hanoi b. Surabaya c. Dubai d. Jakarta
27. When and where did the first ICC World Cup take place?
a. 1950 Pakistan b. 1975 England
c. 2000 West Indies d. 2007 Srilanka
28. FIFA World Cup 2014 was held in ……
a. South Africa b. Brazil c. England d. China
29. Where is the 22nd FIFA World Cup 2022 going to be held?
a. Qatar b. South Korea c. Russia d. Brazil
30. The Japanese space probe ‘Hayabusa’ was targeted at………
a. Saturn b. satellite of Saturn
c. An asteroid d. none of these
31. Where were 2016 Summer Olympics held?
a. Doha b. Rio de Jenairo c. London d. Peking
32. Who is the head of WTO?
a. M. Kamalnath b. Roberto Azevedo
c. Dr. Incropera d. Pascal Lamy
33. Which of is not member of G-20?
a. Brazil b. China c. Pakistan d. Japan
34. The famous Hollywood Actress Nicole Kidman is from
a. Australia b. Sudan c. America d. China
35. Who is the lead vocalist of the band Nepathaya?
a. Amrit Gunung b. Sudip Giri
c. Sugam pokherel d. Shiva Mokhia
36. Which is the first country in South East Asia to eliminate Trachoma as per the
a. India b. Nepal c. China d. Maldives
37. Who established the world famous website

210CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. David Felo and Geryang b. Yahoo and Tiker
c. Bill gates d. Cherry and josheph
38. Who is the writer of Book “Let’s Visit to Nepal?
a. Tong b. Angsang Suki
c. Kolin Powel d. Atal Bihari Bazpai
39. How many types of Language are spoken in Nepal?
a. 125 b. 120 c. 115 d. 110
40. In which Vitamin we introduced from rainy water?
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin E
41. Which is the world oldest game?
a. Football b. Judo c. Circket d. Polo
42. From which flower we can take out electricity?
a. Jasmine b. Lotus c. Rose d. Lily
43. Who is the first poet of Nepal?
a. Suwonando Das b. Bhanubhakta Achary
c. Laxmi Pd. Devkota d. Shakti Ballav
44. Who is known as Mahakabi in Newari?
a. Siddi Das Amatya b. Bhanubhakta Acharya
c. BaBuram Acharya d. Dharma Thapa
45. From which year Nepal Started to take part in Olympic Game?
a. 1964 AD b. 1954 A D c. 1920 A D d. 1918 A D
46. Name the creature whose eye focuses are in two different directions?
a. Octopus b. Shark c. Sea horse d. Dolphin
47. Which animal has the three heart and blue colored blood?
a. Sea horse b. Shark c. Octopus d. Dolphin
48. What are the three fundamental colors used in the color Television?
a. Red, Green and Blue b. Red, black and Green
c. Red, White and blue d. Black, brown and white
49. Which computer was used in Nepal at first?
a. IBM1400 b. IBM1401 c. IBM1403 d. IBM1402
50. Micro processor can be used to make
a. Computes b. Digital system
c. All of the above d. Calculators
51. Which a component is required to boot and self test?
a. Rom Bios b. Config sysfile
c. RAM-memory d. Hard disk Drive
52. Which is the Municipality having least population?
a. Damak b. Dhulikhel
c. Banepa d. Itahari
53. Which country’s map is same as Nepal?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 211

a. Pakistan b. Portugal c. Africa d. Quba
54. How many kinds of sound can cat produce?
a. 10 b. 21 c. 200 d. 100
55. How many countries are landlocked in SAARC?
a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3
56. Which animal can breathe through eye and nose?
a. Giraffe b. Bear c. Deer d. Pig
57. How many Hectors are there in one acre?
a. 0.406 b. 0.408 c. 0.405 d. 0.407
58. When was the first Miss World competition held?
a. 1952 AD b. 1953 AD c. 2000 AD d. 1951 AD
59. Who was the first woman minister of Nepal?
a. Dwarika Devi Thakurani b. Sailaja Acharya
c. Hisila Yaami d. Sahana Pradhana
60. Which is the country having least population in SAARC country?
a. Nepal b. Bhutan c. Maldives d. Srilanka
61. Which is the district having the most V.D.C. in Nepal?
a. Jhapa b. Dang c. Birjung d. Saptari
62. Which is the first industry in Nepal?
a. Birjung sugar mills b. Biratnagar jute mills
c. Hetuada cement factory d. Basbari shoe factory
63. Who is the first Nepali player who won the medal in Asian games?
a. Sangina Baidiya b. Deepak Bista
c. Raj kumar Rai d. Baikunda Manandhar
64. Who was the prime minister in Nepal when first world war took place?
a. Dev Samsher b. Bhim Samsher
c. Chandra Samsher d. Prakash Samsher
65. Who is the writer of the book “Faces of Nepal”?
a. Harka Gurung b. Angsang Suki
c. Lokendra Bahadur Chand d. Kali Prasad Rijal
66. When was Nepal divided into 14 zones and 75 districts?
a. 2018 b. 2017 c. 2001 d. 1990
67. What is the area of Kathmandu valley?
a. 600 k.m b. 542 k.m c. 442 k.m d. 742 k.m
68. Which is the district in Nepal often refer as desert?
a. Manang b. Mustang c. Nepaljung d. Dolpa
69. Which king is known as “Kabindra”?
a. Pratap Malla b. Ratna Malla
c. Jay prakash Malla d. Mandev
70. Who is known as “The Living Lion of Nepal”?

212CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Bhimsen Thapa b. Bhakti Thapa
c. Amarsingh Thapa d. Gagan Thapa
71. When was radio Nepal established?
a. 2008 B.S b. 2002B.S c. 2003 B.S d. 2004 B.S
72. When was Nepal television established?
a. 2042 B.S b. 2041 B.S c. 2008B.S d. 2015 B.S
73. Which caste is referred to as “Eastern People”?
Sherpa b. Newar c. Brahman d. Gurung
74. How many member countries are there in UNESCO?
a. 166 b. 189 c. 200 d. 195
75. Where is the 2018 Asian Games going to be held?
a. Seoul b. Jakarta c. Busan d. Incheon

76. When was Nepal Rastriya Bank established?

a. 2013 b. 2014 c. 2009 d. 2015
77. Which was first bank in Nepal?
a. Nepal Rastriya b. Nepal Agriculture Bank
c. Nepal Bank Limited d. Nabil Bank
78. Which was the first daily Newspaper?
a. Suda sagar b. Gorkhapatra c. Kantipur d. Aawaz
79. Who was the first lady ambassador of Nepal?
a. Bindaswari shah b. Sahana Pradhan?
c. Shailaja Acharya d. Rakshya Rana
80. When was Srilanka become independence?
a. 1947 b. 1938 c. 1944 d. 1945
81. Which mountain is known as “Killer Mountain”?
a. Mt.Everest b. Kanchanjunga c. Manasalu d. Mt.K2
82. How many districts are there in eastern development?
a. 18 b. 24 c. 9 d. 16
83. Who named Mt.Everest as Sagarmatha?
a. Baburam Bhattrai b. Motiram Bhatta
c. Bhanubhakta Acharya d. Baburam Acharya
84. What is the length of Karnali River?
a. 507 k.m b. 1027 k.m c. 201 k.m d. 506 k.m
85. When did Second World War end?
a. 1945 AD b. 1947 AD c. 1942 AD d. 1940 AD
86. Who adopted the universal declaration of Human Rights?
a. Amnesty International b. UNO
87. Everest Bank is the joint venture with

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 213

a. Punjab National Bank b. Bank of Baroda
c. Bank of Rajasthan d. Bank of Maharsatra
88. Which is the odd name out
a. Sony Ericsson b. Nokia c. Motorola d. Hyundai
89. Bata is the brand name of
a. Shirt b. Footwear c. Car d. Computer
90. Rolex is the brand name of
a. Footwear b. Car c. Wrist Watch d. Mobile Phone
91. Currency of Thailand is
a. Taka b. Rupee c. Dinar d. Bhat
92. The latest bank to go for public issue is
a. Global Bank b. Sanima Bank
c. Everest Bank d. Macchapuchre Bank
93. “Believe In The Best” is the slogan of
94. Where’s the headquarter of UNO
a. New York b. Geneva
c. Washington DC d. London
95. Where’s the headquarter of IMF
a. New York b. Geneva
c. Washington DC d. London
96. What is the length of Araniko Highway
a. 100 KM b. 105 KM c. 110 KM d. 115 KM
97. Where is Ross Sea?
a. Asia b. Europe c. Africa d. Antarctica
98. Which country is the largest manufacturer of Uranium?
a. USA b.Kazakhstan c. Brazil d. Canada
99. Dumdum airport is located at which city?
a. Calcutta b. Mumbai c. Madras d. Delhi
100. Garuda is the airlines of
a. Bhutan b. Singapore c. Indonesia d. Bahrain
101. Which country is known as “Switzerland of East”
a. India b. Nepal c. Pakistan d. Sri Lanka
102. What is the altitude of Tilicho Lake
a. 4000 m b. 4975 m c. 4949 m d. 4932 m
103. Which is the smallest district of Nepal
a. Manang b. Mustang c. Bhaktapur d. Kathmandu
104. What is the boundary between North Korea and South Korea called?
a. 24 Parallel b. 49 Parallel c. 38 parallel d. 42 Parallel
105. Which is the odd one out

214CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

a. Nepal b. Bhutan c. Mongolia d. Iraq
106. When was “Sugauli Treaty” made
a. 1810 AD b. 1814 AD c. 1816 AD d. 1818 AD
107. Who is known as the founder of SAARC.
a. Chandra Shekhar b. Benjir Bhutto
c. Zia Ur Rahaman d. Chandrika Kumaratunga
108. Who is founder of Rotary International
a. Chris Harris b. Paul Harris c. Mark Harris d. John Harris
109. When was Bretton Woods conference held
a. June 1944 b. July 1944
c. August 1944 d. September 1944
110. Who introduced “Facism”
a. Hitler b. Mussolini c. Pinochet d. Idi Amin
111. When was Abraham Lincon killed
a. 1854 AD b. 1865 AD c. 1832 AD d. 1795 AD
112. Who killed Mahatma Gandhi
a. Ram kumar yadav b. Nathuram Godse
c. Jaswant Singh d. Karl Lewis
113. Which country is known as the cultural capital of Europe?
a. England b. Italy c. Spain d. France
114. Who is the first Indian astronaut?
a. Sunita Williams b. Kalpana Chawla
c. Rakesh Sharma d. Chandrakant Rao
115. Persia is the old name of
a. UAE b. Iraq c. Iran d. Qatar
116. Who is the secretary of UNO?
a. Kofi Annan b. Dr. Wan Ki Moon
c. George W Bush d. Antonio Guterres
117. Which day is celebrated as “Anti smoking day”?
a. 31st May b. 10th July c. 9th October d. 25th December
118. When was Nepal Airlines Company established?
a. May 12, 1953 b. July 6, 1984 c. July1, 1958 d. May 23,1984
119. Which is the first commercial bank of Nepal?
a. Nepal Bank b. Agriculture Development Bank
c. Rastriya Banijya Bank d. NABIL Bank
120. Which animal’s picture is imprinted in Rs. 250 note?
a. Dog b. Tiger c. Cow d. Elephant
121. Which is the world’s oldest crop?
a. Corn b. Soya bean c. Rice d. Wheat
122. Who proposed the Path-Goal theory of Leadership?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 215

a. Peter Drucker b. Abraham Maslow
c. Robert House d. Stephen P Robbins
123. Who proposed the Expectancy Theory of Work Motivation?
a. Victor Vroom b. Edwin Locke
c. Abraham Maslow d. J. Stacy Adams
124. Arrange in ascending order.
a. Vision-Mission-Objectives b. Mission-Vision-Objectives
c. Objectives-Mission-Vision d. Mission-Objectives-Vision
125. “Seriously Fresh” is the slogan of
a. Colgate b. Pepsodent c. Babool d. Close-Up
126. What does DSL stands for?
a. Digital Subscriber Line b. Digital Security Locker
c. Digital Standard Laws d. Doing Space Launch
127. Which is the odd one out
a. Fiber Optics b. Twisted Pair
c. Co-axial Cable d. Satellite
128. Who is the author of world famous book “Harry Potter”?
a. Roland Dahl b. Karl Sagan
c. J.k. Rowling d. Charles Dickens
129. Which country will host 2018 BIMSTEC Summit?
a. Bangladesh b. India c. Nepal d. Myanmar
130. From when did FIFA start to award to FIFA World Player of the year?
a. 1971 b. 1981 c. 1991 d. 2001
131. What is the real name of Prachanda?
a. S. K. Dahal b. K. P. Dahal c. P. K. Dahal d. K. K. Dahal
132. What is the meaning of com in Internet?
a. Commerce b. Community c. Company d. Capital city
133. Loktantra Day is celebrated in ?
a. Chaitra 26 b. Baishak 11 c. Falgun 7 d. Baishak 20
133. Who is the first speaker of elected parliament of Nepal?
a. Tara Nath Ranabhaat b. Krishna Prasad Bhattarai
b. Ramchandra Poudel d. Subash Nembang
134. What is the Arjun’s bow called in Mahabharat?
a. Pinak b. Urbasi c. Gandeev d. Satyam
135. Who is the nicknamed as the Golden Voice of Nepal?
a. Prem Dhoj Pradhan b. Narayan Gopal
c. Alok Shree d. Yogesh Baidhya
136. Which country the Tuborg brand of beer has come from?
a. USA b. Finland
c. United Kingdom d. Denmark

216CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

137. Which country had won the first modern world cup football in 1930?
a. Brazil b. Italy c. Uruguay d. USA
138. In which sports the term ‘follow on’ is used?
a. Cricket b. Chess c. Rugby d. Bull fighting
139. What is the original name of Tukucha?
a. Indrawati b. Ichhumati c. Kantiwati d. Bishnumati
140. Who wrote the Wealth of Nations?
a. John Dalton b. Henery Keynes
c. Adam Smith d. Peter Drucker
141. Who is the Vice Chancellor of TU?
a. Dr. Madhav P. Koirala b. Dr. Madhav Sharma
c. Prime Minister d. Prof. Dr. Tirtha Raj Khaniya
142. How many wards are there in Kathmandu Metropolis?
a. 30 b. 32 c. 35 d. 38
143. Which English alphabet the Foksundo Lake looks like?
a. T b. Y c. L d. C
144. How many municipalities are there in Kathmandu?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
145. Who is the chief secretary of Nepal government?
a. Madhav Pd. Ghimire b. Yadav Kanta Silwal
c. Padam Pd. Pokhrel d. Lok Drasan Regmi
146. In which district is the Bis-hajari Taal or lake is located?
a. Kaski b. Rukum c. Chitwan d. Nawalparasi
147. From when did the FIFA World Cup begin?
a. 1925 b. 1930 c. 1935 d. 1940
148. What is the official name of Indian central bank?
a. Reserve Bank of India b. Central Bank of India
c. Indian Central Bank d. None of the above
149. What is the national game of Bhutan?
a. Judo b. Kabbadi c. Archery d. Football
150. Who is the author of Pagal Basti, a Nepali novel?
a. Laxmi Pd. Devakota b. Saru Bhakta Shrestha
c. Bal Krishna Sama d. Parijat
151. Which country has no constitution?
a. Britain b. Switzerland c. UAE d. Malaysia
152. Who is known as the Black Pearl in world sports?
a. Maradona b. Ronaldo c. Pele d. Ronaldino
153. PEST refers to?
a. Politics, Economy, Society, Technology
b. Political, Economical, Social, Technological

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 217

c. Political-legal, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological
d. Political, Economical, Socio-cultural, Technological
154. Full form of SAFTA is?
a. South American Free Trade Area
b. South Asian Free Trade Area
c. South American Free Trade Arrangement
d. South Asian Free Trade Arrangement
155. 4p’s of Marketing are?
a. Power, Purchase, Producer, Price
b. Power, Product, Producer, Promotion
c. Place, Product, Price, Promotion
d. Place, Producer, Price, Promotion
156. Longest day in the year is?
a. Jun 21 b. Feb 29 c. Mar 21 d. Jan 1
157. Who is current Minister of Foreign Affairs?
a. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali b. Hisila Yami
c. Kamal Thapa d. Upendra Yadhav
158. Among below which one is not current Seven Wonder of the World?
a. Taj Mahal b. Great Wall of China
c. Statue of Christ d. Statue of Liberity
159. Where is the head quarter of BIMST-EC?
a. Dhaka b. Kathmandu c. Delhi d. Bangkok
160. Who is the current president of India?
a. Shri Pranab Mukhejee b. Ram Nath Kovind
c. Man Mohan Singh d. Sonia Ghandi
161. According to Forbes, who is the world’s most powerful woman?
a. Michelle Obama b. Hillary Clinton
c. Angela Mekel d. Soniya Gandhi
162. Which country is the largest producer of textiles?
a. India b. China c. USA d. Germany
163. Who was crowned Miss World 2017?
a. Manushi Chillar b. Wen Xia Yu
c. Xu Pia Yu d. Alexendria Mills
164. Which is the largest district of Narayani zone?
a. Makwanpur b. Chitwan c. Parsa d. Bara
165. What is the national language of Brazil?
a. Spanish b. Latin c. Brazilian d. Portugese
166. What is the capital of Peru?
a. Bogota b. Lapa c. Lima d. Kingston
167. Which is the highest mountain of South America?
a. Mt. Kilimanjaro b. Mt. Aconcagua

218CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c. Mt. Blanc d. Mt. Sheridian
168. Who invented dynamite?
a. Michael Faraday b. Alfred Nobel
c. Thomas Edison d. Michael Spinz
169. Who is the current prime minister of France?
a. Edouard Philippe b. Nicholas Sarkozy
c. Jean Dujardin d. Manuel Valls
170. When did Margaret Thatcher die?
a. May 8, 2013 b. April 8, 2013
c. April 18, 2013 d. April 22, 2013
171. According to World Bank which country has the highest per capita income?
a. Qatar b. Switzerland c. Luxembourg d. USA
172. Who invented revolver?
a. Thomas M. Revolver b. Samuel Colt
c. Michael Faraday d. Edward Butler
173. What is the full form of UNDCP?
a. United Nations Development Committee Program
b. United Nations Development Cooperation Program
c. United Nation Drug Council Program
d. United Nation Drug Coordination Program
174. When was the national zoo at Jawalakhel established?
a. 1995 A.D. b. 1996 A.D. c. 1997 A.D. d. 1998 A.D.
175. Who devised Intelligence Quotient IQ. test?
a. Alfred Nobel b. Alfred Binet
c. Michael Spinz d. Edward Butler
176. What is the nationality of famous singer Rihanna?
a. USA b. Jamaica c. South Africa d. Barbados
177. Who won the Best Actor Oscar held in 2016?
a. Denzel Washington b. Leonardo DiCaprio
c. Brad Pitt d. George Clooney
178. When was UNESCO established?
a. 1946 November 4 b. 1945 November
c. 1946 November 6 d. 1946 November 16
179. What is the capital of Ramechhap district?
a. Chatahara b. Garuni c. Dhunche d. Manthali
180. Who is the Greek God of sea?
a. Aquarius b. Poseidon c. Mars d. Aphrodite
181. Who won the French Open women’s singles tennis championship in 2018?
a. Maria Sharapova b. Simona Halep
c. Venus Williams d. Serena Williams
182. Who is the father of genetics?
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 219
a. Charles Darwin b. Gregor Mendel
c. Vladmir Medvedev d. Thomas Mackintosh
183. What is the word coined for fear of marriage?
a. Maritophobia b. Gamiphobia
c. Gamophobia d. Gomophobia
184. When was the first football world cup held?
a. 1928 b. 1930 c. 1934 d. 1936
185. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
a. 5th June b. 6th June c. 7th June d. 2nd July
186. Where did the first Industrial Revolution take place?
a. France b. England c. Germany d. USA
187. What is actual name of Psy whose song’s refrain “Oppan Gangnam Style” is
most watched video in Youtube?
a. Lu-Sen b. Yum Jae-Chang
c. Park Jae-Sang d. Park Jae-Chang
188. Which team won the IPL season 2018?
a. Chennai Super Kings b. Royal Challengers Bangalore
c. Sunrisers Hyderabad d. Mumbai Indians
189. How many words can you make from a five letter word by shuffling the places
of each alphabet?
a. 120 b. 100 c. 80 d. 60
190. Who invented the trekking to the world?
a. Colonel William Roche in 1960 b. Colonel Jimmy Roberts in 1965
c. Colonel Kibo Tamak in 1962 d. Colonel John Marsh in 1963
191. Who won the MVP award in 2017-2018 NBA Championshi?
a. James Harden b. Stephen Curry
c. Russell Westbrook d. Lebron James
192. Who topped Forbes list of “Billionaire Universities”?
a. Oxford University
b. Stanford University
c. University of Pennsylvania
d. Harvard University
193. Where can you find London Bridge today?
a. USA b. England c. Italy d. Jordan
194. Who has won the most Oscars?
a. Danny Boyle b. Walt Disney
c. Daniel Day-Lewis d. Katherine Hepburn
195. Which movie has been awarded as the best picture in Oscar 2018?
a. Life of Pi b. The Shape of Water c.Spotlight d. Amour
196. Which people were first settled in Nepal and ruled it for about 2500 years?
a. Shah b. Shahja c. Gopala d. Kirata

220CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

197. This is the tagline of “Once you pop, you can’t stop. ”
a. Pringles b. Kurkure c. Nuts d. Lays
198. Who is the COO of Facebook?
a. Mark Zuckerberg b. Sheryl Sandberg
c. Levi Straus d. Enron Scandal
199. Which phone has become the world’s best selling smartphone?
a. IphoneX b. One Plus 5
c. Samsung Galaxy S9 plus d. Oppo
200. Who won the Madan Puraskar 2073 B.S.?
a. RamLal Joshi b. Ghanashyam Kandel
c. Vijay Kumar Pandey d. Radha Paudel

201. Name the First Nepali Movie Nominated for Oscar Award
a. Kagbeni c. Bhijlante
b. Caravan d. Bulbul
201. When was World AIDS Day Celebrated ?
a. Nov 1 c. Jan 1
b. Dec 1 d. Feb 1
201. Who is the minister of “Ministry of Home Affairs” ?
a. Ram Bahadur Thapa c. Krishna Bahadur Mahara
b. Bhim Rawal d. Ishwar Pokhrel
201. ‘Simple Bsnking For Everyone’ is the slogan of
a. NMB Bank c. NCC Bsnk
b. Century Bank d. Civil Bank

201. Who is the last Rana Prime minister of Nepal?

a. Chandra Shamsher c. Mohan Shamsher
b. Padma Shamsher d. Dev Shamsher
201. Who is awarded as the Best Goalkeeper Award in Copa America 2019?
a. Allison b. Ederson c. Romero d. Bravo
201. Name the Chief Minister of Province No 1
a. Shankar Pokhrel c. Bishwa Prakash Sharma
b. Sherdhan Rai d. Dig Bahadur Limbu
201. Who is the Mayor of Bhaktapur Municipality?
a. Sunil Prajapati c. HariKrishna Byanjankar
b. Chiribabu Maharjan d. Narendra Kanshakar

201. Who is Considered as the “IRON MAN” in the history of Nepalese Politics?
a. Girija Prasad Koirala c. Man Mohan Adhikari
b. Ganesh Man Singh d. Krishna Peasad Bhattrai
201. Chame is the Headquarter of …………. District
a. Manang c. Dolpa
b. Mustang d. Humla
201. MICR Stands for

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 221

a. Mangetic Ink Character Reader
b. Mangetic Ink Cases Reader
c. Mangetic Ink Code Reader
d. None
201. What is demophobia?
a. Fear of School
b. Fear od Crowd
c. Fear of ladder
d. Fear of Marriage
201. When did Nepal became the member of WTO?
a. 2003 sept 12
b. 2003 oct 12
c. 2003 sept 13
d. 2003 oct 15
201. What is the capital city of Austria?
a. Sydney b. Vienna c. Canberra d. Vivtore
201. Who was the first Nepali lady film Director in Nepal?
a. Maunata Shrestha c. Rekha Thapa
b. Bipana Thapa d. Suchita Shrestha
201. Which is the world oldest game?
a. Football b. Judo c. cricket d. Polo

201. How many Pounds are there in 1 kg?

a. 2.5 b. 1.5 c. 2.2 d. 3.2
201. When was Nepal divided into 14 Zones and 75 districts?
a. 2018 b. 2017 c. 2001 d. 1990
201. Which was the first daily Newspaper?
a. Suda Sagar c. Kantipur
b. Gorkhapatra d. Aawaz
201. What is the length of Karnali river?
a. 507 KM b. 1027 KM c. 201KM d. 506 KM
201. Currency of Thailand is
a. Taka b. Rupee c. Dinar d. Bhat
201. When was “Sugauli Treaty” made?
a. 1810AD b. 1814AD c. 1816 AD d. 1818AD
201. When was Abrahm Lincon Killed
a. 1854AD b. 1865AD c. 1832 AD d. 1795 AD
201. Who is the winner of Top Scorer Award in UEFA Nations League 2019?
a. Bernado Silva c. Virgil Van Djik
b. Cristiano Ronaldo d. Frenkie De Jong

General Knowledge

222CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Constitutional Bodies of Nepal

Constitutional body Head

Federal Parliament Bidhya Devi Bhandari, President.

Supreme Court Cholendra Shumsher Rana, Chief Justice.

Commission for the Investigation of Dip Basnyat, Chief Commissioner.
Abuse of Authority CIAA.
Public Service Commission Mr. Umesh Prasad Mainali, Chairman.

Office of the Auditor General Tanka Mani Sharma (Dangal), Auditor

Election Commission Ayodhi Prasad Yadav Acting Chief
Election Commissioner.
Office of The Attorney General Basanta Ram Bhandari, Attorney General.

National Human Rights Commission Anup Raj Sharma Chairman.

Nepal Army Gen. Rajendra Chhetri,Chief of Army
Nepal Police Sarbendra Khanal,Inspector General.

Armed Police Force Sailendra khanal, Inspector General .

National Investigation Department Dilipraj Regmi

Seven Wonders of the world

Wonder Date of construction Location
Great Wall of China Since 7th century B.C China
Petra 100 BC Jordan
Christ the Redeemer Opened October 12, 1931 Brazil
Machu Picchu c. AD 1450 Peru
Chichen Itza c. AD 600 Mexico
Colosseum Completed AD 80 Italy
TajMahal Completed c. AD 1648 India
Great Pyramid of Giza
Completed c. 2560 BC Egypt
Honorary Candidate.

Nobel Prize 2016

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 223

Economics Oliver Hart
Peace Juan Manuel Santos
Literature Bob Dylan
Chemistry Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and
Bernard L. Feringa
Physics David J. Thouless, F. Duncan M. Haldane and J.
Michael Kosterlitz
Physiology/Medicine Yoshinori Ohsumi

Nobel Prize 2017

Economics Richard H. Thaler
Peace International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Literature Kazuo Ishiguro
Chemistry Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank, and Richard
Physics Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish, and Kip S. Thorne
Physiology/Medicine Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Roshbash, and Michael W.

Nobel Prize 2018

Economics William D. Nordhaus, Paul M. Romer
Peace Denis Mukwege, Nadia Murad

Chemistry Frances H. Arnold, George P. Smith, Sir Gregory P.

Physics Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou, Donna Strickland
Physiology/Medicine James P. Allison, Tasuku Honjo

Oscar Awards 2019 (91th Academy Awards)

1. Best Picture
Green Book
2. Best Director
Alfonso Cuarón – Roma
3. Best Supporting Actress
Regina King – If Beale Street Could Talk
4. Best Actress
Olivia Colman – The Favourite 
5. Best Supporting Actor
Mahershala Ali – Green Book 
6. Best Actor
224CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Rami Malek – Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Best Original Screenplay
Green Book
8. Best Animated Feature Film
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney
Rothman, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
9. Best Live Action Short Film
Skin – Guy Nattiv and Jaime Ray Newman
10. Best Sound Editing
Bohemian Rhapsody – John Warhurst and Nina Hartstone

11. Best Production Design

Black Panther
12. Best Film Editing
Bohemian Rhapsody – John Ottman
13. Best Foreign Language Film
Roma (Mexico) in Spanish and Mixtec – Directed by Alfonso Cuarón
14. Best Documentary – Short Subject
Period. End of Sentence. – Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton
15. Best Animated Short Film
Bao – Domee Shi and Becky Neiman-Cobb
16. Best Original Song
"Shallow" from A Star Is Born – Music and Lyrics by Lady Gaga, Mark
Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt
17. Best Sound Mixing
Bohemian Rhapsody – Paul Massey, Tim Cavagin and John Casali
18. Best Cinematography
Roma – Alfonso Cuarón
19. Best Costume Design
Black Panther – Ruth E. Carter
20. Best Visual Effects
First Man – Paul Lambert, Ian Hunter, Tristan Myles and J. D. Schwalm

FIFA World Cup 2018

Dates 14 June– 15 July 2018

Venues 12 Cities
Champions France (2nd Title)
Runners- up Croatia
Third Place Belgium

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 225

Fourth Place England
Matches Played 64
Goals Scored 169 (2.64 per match)
Top Scorer Harry Kane – 6 goals ( golden boot).
Best Player Luka Modric (golden ball).
Best Young Player Kylian Mbappe
Best Goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois (golden glove).
Fair Play Award Spain

ICC Cricket World Cup 2019

Hosts England and Wales

Dates 30 May – 14 July
Champions England (1st Title)
Runner Up New Zealand
Participants 10
Matches played 48
Player of the series Kane Williamson
Most runs Rohit Sharma (648 runs)
Most wickets Mitchell Starc (27 wickets)

23rd March, 2019– 12th May, 2019

IPL 2019
Administrators. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)
Cricket format Twenty20
Tournament formats. Double round robin and playoffs knockout

226CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Hosts.  India
Champions Mumbai Indians (4th title)
Participants 8
Matches played 60
Most runs David Warner (SRH)(692)
Most wickets Imran Tahir (CSK) (26)
Official website
Player of the Series Andre Russell (KKR) 510 runs and 11 wickets

2016 ICC World Twenty20

• Held in India from 8th March to 3rd April;
• Sixteen participating teams;
• In the final, played at Eden Gardens, Kolkata, the West Indies defeated
England by four wickets
• Indian batsman Virat Kohli the player of the tournament.
12th SAG
• Nepal bags 60 medals that included 3 Gold, 23 Silver and 34 Bronze in 12
SAG held in Shillong and Guwahati, INDIA
• Nepal finishes 6th
• Maskot name – Tikhor
• 13th SAG to be held in Nepal

•Nepal Men won against India, 2-1 in finals of Men Football event to clinch Gold for
Football for the 3rd time in SAG after 1984 and 1993.15 Feb, 2016.
Nepal Constitution 2072
• Total Part: 35
• Total Articles: 308
• Annexes: 9
• Promulgated: Ashwin 3, 2072
• Passed: Bhadra 30, 2072 507 MPs voted for, 25 voted against, 57 were out of
• Signed by 537 MPs on Ashwin 1, 2072
• 7th constitution of Nepal
• 31 fundamental rights Article 16-46 of Part 3.
• 4 Duties of citizens Article 48 of part 3.
• Amended for the first time: 10th Magh 2072
 Boutros BoutrosGhali (Egyptian), the 6th General Secretary of
UN, died on 16 February 2016.
Court/Campus/Field Games/Sports
Court Tennis, Badminton, Net Ball, Handball, Volleyball,

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 227

Squash, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi
Arena Horse riding
Board Table Tennis
Course Golf
Diamond Baseball
Field Polo, Football, Hockey
Greens Bowls
Mat Judo, Karate, Taekwondo
Pitch Cricket
Pool Swimming
Range Shooting, Archery
Ring Skating, Boxing
Rink Curling, Ice Hockey
Track Athletics
Vellodrome Cycling

Sports Number of Players

Baseball 9
Rugby football 15
Polo 4
Water Polo 7
KhoKho 9
Kabaddi 7
Hockey 11
Football Soccer. 11
Cricket 11
Netball 7
Volleyball 6
Countries and their stock exchanges:
Countries Name of the stock exchanges
Afghanistan AFX
Bangladesh DSE
Bhutan RSEBL
Canada CNQ
China SSE
Europe Euronext, GXG, OMX
228CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Kuwait KSE
Maldives MSE
Pakistan ISE
Qatar DSM
Singapore SES
South Africa JSE
Sri Lanka CSE

Father of
Scientific Management FW Taylor
Accounting/Double Entry Book-Keeping System Luca Di Pacioli
Economics/ Microeconomics Adam Smith
Macroeconomics JM Keynes
Human Resource management Elton Mayo
Psychology `William James
Auguste Comte

Heads of Organizations: National

Nepal Bar Association SherBahadur K.C
Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ). Dr. MahendraBista
Nepal Bankers Association Anil Keshari Shah
FNCCI Mr. PashuptiMurarka
Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) Hari Bhakta Sharma
Nepal Chambers of Commerce Dr. Rajesh KaziShrestha
National Planning Commission Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha

Some Constructions and their Creators

Pashupati Temple Prachanda Dev
9-Storied palace of Basantapur Prithivi Narayan Shah
Changuyarayan King Mandev

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 229

Kasthamandap Laxmi Narsingh Malla
Bir Hospital Bir Shamsher
Ghantaghar Bir Shamsher
Narayanhiti Palace Bir Shamsher
Singha Durbar Chandra Shamsher
Military Hospital Chandra Shamsher
Sital Niwas Krishna Shamsher
Janaki Temple (Janakpur) Brish Bhanu Kumari Devi
Hanumandhoka Durbar Pratap Malla
Ranipokhari Pratap Malla

Some Traditions and their Founders

Ghode Jatra Jaya Prakash Malla
Bisket Jatra Jagajyoti Malla
Indra Jatra Gunakam Dev
Hile Jatra Gunakam Dev
Gai Jatra Pratap Malla

Tradition of:-
Four-cornered coin Pratap Malla
Silver Money Indra Malla
Paper Money King Tribhuwan
Holiday on Saturday Bhim Shamsher
10 – 05 office hour Dev Shamsher

Bank Slogan
Standard Chartered Here for good
NABIL Your bank at your service
NIBL Truly a Nepali bank
Siddhartha Our business is to understand your business
Laxmi Passion for excellence
NMB Customer care : Our religion
Global IME The bank that cares
Himalayan The power to lead
NIC Asia Bank pani; sathipani
Sunrise Rising to serve
Century Simple banking for everyone
Everest The bank that makes it easy
Sanima Capable and trustee
Mega From plough to hydro
Janata Always with you
Civil Thinking forward , Moving forward

230CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Kumari Banking par excellence
Machhapuchre Servise at personal touch
Nepal SBI Pure banking, nothing else

Company Slogan
Ace Travels Your travel partner
Yeti Airlines You come first
Thai Air I fly smooth as silk
Mc Donald I’m loving it
Apple Think different
HP Invent
Sony Make. Believe; like no other
BPL Believes in the best
Honda The power of dreams
Toyota We do little things
Nike Just do it
Samsung Touch the future

Inventors and their inventions:

Inventor Invention
John L.Baird Television
Guglielmo Marconi Radio
Christopher Scholes Typewriter
William K. Roentgen X-Ray machine
Johann Guttenberg Printing Press
George Eastman Camera Kodak.
Blaise Pascal Calculator
Charles Babbage Computer
E.H. Land Camera Polariod.
Christian Huygens Watch Pendulum.
Thomas Alva Edison Cinema Projector.
AlaxenderGrahm Bell Telephone
Michael Faraday Transformer , Dynamo
Alfred Bernhardt Nobel Dynamite
Leonardo Da Vinci Scissor
James Harrison Refrigerator
Galileo Galilie Thermometer
Edward Butler Motorbike
Karl Benz Automobile
William Stocke Stethoscope

Full forms:

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 231

A/V  Audio Visual
B&P  Bid and Proposal 
BPM Business Process Management
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
CAI Computer Aided Instruction
CBI Computer Based Instruction
CBT Computer Based Training 
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CM Change Management
CMI Computer Managed Instruction
CPI Continuous Process Improvement 
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DoE Department of Education
DoL Department of Labour
EMT Executive Management Team
EU European Union
FQAs Frequently Asked Questions
FTA Free Trade Agreement
FY Fiscal year
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out 
GNP Gross National Product

232CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

HR Human Resources
HRM Human Resource Management
HRM Human Resources Management
HRP Human Resources Planning
I/O Input/ Output 
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ILO International Labour Organisation
IP Intellectual Property
IPT Integrated Product Team 
IQ Intelligence Quotient
IR Industrial Relations
IT Information Technology
LIFO Last in First out
LRA Labour Relations Act
MD Managing Director
MEC Member of the Executive Council
Metro Metropolitan Municipality
MIS Management Information System
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
OPT Optimized Production technology
PA Personal Assistant
PERT Project Evaluation and Review Technique
POM Principles of Management
PRO Public Relations Officer
QC Quality Control 
QFD Quality Function Deployment
R&D Research and Development
SCM Supply Chain Management

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 233

TOC Theory of Constraints
TQM Total Quality Management 
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organisation

List of Management Theories

Founders Theories
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy theory of motivation Dual
Charles Handy Virtual Organization, Outsourcing
Douglas McGregor Theory X and Theory Y
Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger Hawthorne experiments
Frederick Herzberg Two-factor theory of job satisfaction
Michael E Porter Five Forces Model, Value Chain
Peter F Drucker Father of modern management
FW Taylor Scientific Management
Participatory Management Peter F Drucker
Participatory Decision Making Herbert Simon
Bureaucratic theory of management Max Weber
Robert House Path-Goal Theory
Victor Vroom Path Goal Theory
Utility theory Jeremy Bentham
No rent land theory David Ricardo
Theory of marginal utility H.H. Gossen
Malthusian theory of population T.R. Malthus
Optimum theory of population Prof. Cannon

Administrative Division of Nepal

Provinces Area (km2)
Province No. 1 25,905
Province No. 2 9,661
Province No. 3 20,300
Province No. 4 21,504
Province No. 5 22,288

234CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Province No. 6 27,984
Province No. 7 19,539

Metropolitan City (महानगरपालिका)

Name Nepali District
Kathmandu काठमाण्डौ Kathmandu
Pokhara Lekhnath पोखरालेखनाथ Kaski
Lalitpur ललितपरु Lalitpur
Bharatpur भरतपुर Chitwan
Biratnagar विराटनगर Morang
Birgunj वीरगंज Parsa
 There are 11 sub – metropolitan cities in Nepal.
 There are 246municipalities across the country.
 There are 481 Gaupalika's in Nepal.

 Who is the first female CDO of Nepal?
-Usha Nepal
 Which temple in Kathmandu does not have pinnacles?
-Ashok Binayak
 LIFO and FIFO are associated with?
-Inventory Techniques
 The Great Victoria Desert is located in which country?
- Australia
 Who is the Mayor of Kathamandu?
- Bidya Sundar Shakya
 What is the central bank of America called?
-Federal Reserve Bank
 Who was the person to represent Nepal to find the gravitational waves?
- SudharshanKarki
 Who was the winner of the T20 world cup 2016?
-West Indies
 Who was the person from Nepal to find water in the Mars?
- LujendraOjha
 With which bank was the Everest Bank tied up with?

- Punjab National Bank of India.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 235

 Expenses related to the purchase and sale of the goods are recorded in
whichaccount? -Profit and loss account
 When was the first five year plan started in Nepal?
-2013 B.S.

 Which country is the highest producer of rice in the world?

 What is the currency of UAE?
 What is the currency of Malaysia called?
 Who was the writer of the Argumentative Indian?
 Who was the writer of Communist Manifesto?
-Karl Marx
 Luftthansa Airlines belongs to which country?
 GARUDA airlines belong to which country?
 What is the depth of the Rara Lake?
- 167m
 When was Nepal divided into 14 zones and 75 districts?
-2018 Baisakh 1
 Which district currently has the lowest number of VDCs?
-Kanchanpur 4.

 When was the constitution of Nepal amended for the first time?
-10th Magh 2072
 Which place is called as “The hill station of Nepal?”
 CAC stock exchange belongs to which country?
 NASDAQ stock exchange belongs to which country?
-America USA.

 Who was the person to name Mt. Everest “The third pole?”
-Michael Kerg
 How many nations are there in EU?
-28 Croatia, 28th.

 Which is the longest glacier of Nepal?

 Delta carriers belong to which country?
 With which bank is the Himalayan Bank associated?

236CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

-Habib Bank Limited of Pakistan
 Which name is associated with Standard Chartered Bank?
-Green lays Bank
 Which bank got the bank of the year 2015?
-Standard Chartered Bank

Extra General Knowledge

1. Malaysia is the leading producer of rubber.
2. Headquarter of Amnesty International is located at London.
3. Days and nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above
4. Mouth and foot disease in cattle are caused due to virus.
5. Cuba is the first country to eliminate mother-to-baby HIV transmission.
6. Sachin Tendulkar is the first player to hit century of century in cricket.
7. Rabindranath Tagore is the first Asian winner of Nobel Prize.
8. Entomology is the science that studies insects.
9. Nazi is the Hitler’s party that came into power in 1933.
10. First China war was fought between China and Britain.
11. Federation cup, world cup, Allywyn International Trophy and challenge cup are
awarded to volleyball.
12. Zoroastrianist worship at the Fire Temple.
13. DRDL stands for Defense Research and Development Laboratory.
14. FRS stands for Fellow of Royal Society.
15. Excessive secretion from pituitary gland in the children results in increased
16. Filariasis is caused by mosquito.
17. The sportswear company ‘Adidas’ belongs to Germany.
18. The slogans for national census 068 B.S is “Include all, No Double.”
19. Bhutan is the south Asian nation that has prohibited the sale of cigarette in its
20. Japan is the largest bilateral donor of Nepal.
21. Girija Prasad Koirala died on 2066 B.S. Chaitra 07.
22. The old name of Iran is Persia.
23. World population day is celebrated on July 11.
24. Aristophanes is considered as the master of Greek comedy.
25. The autobiography of Adolf Hitler is called Mein Kampf.
26. China started the first newspaper services in the world.
27. Bismarck is known as the man of blood and iron.
28. Radio Carbon Dating is used to estimate the age of fossils.
29. Male mosquitoes take their food from the sap of plants.

International Organizations and their Headquarters and Heads 2016

Int'l Organization Headquarters Heads
ILO Geneva, Switzerland Guy Ryder Director-General.
UN New York City, USA Ban Ki Moon Secretary-General.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 237

UNICEF New York City, USA Anthony Lake Executive Director.
UNESCO Paris, France Irina Bokova Director-General.
Commonwealth of Nations London, United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II Head.
SAARC Kathmandu, Nepal ArjunBahadurThapa Secretary-
WTO Geneva, Switzerland Roberto Azevedo Director-General.
ADB Metro Manila, Philippines TakehikoNakao President
IMF Washington, D.C., United States Christine Lagarde Managing
World Bank Washington D.C., United States Jim Yong Kim President.
FIFA Zürich, Switzerland Gianni Infantino President.
International Cricket Dubai, United Arab Zaheer Abbas President.
Council ICC.
International Committee of Switzerland, England Peter Maurer, Switzerland
the Red Cross President.
Interpol Lyon, France Ronald Noble Secretary-General.
OPEC Vienna, Austria Mohammed S. Barkindo
Multinationals Headquarters CEO
Apple, Inc California, US Tim Cook
Facebook California, US Mark Zuckerberg
Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffet Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Google SundaiPichai Mountain View, California, United
Microsoft Satya Nadella Redmond, Washington, United
PepsiCo, Inc IndraNooyi Purchase, New York, United States
Coca Cola Muhtar Kent Atlanta, Georgia


1. Let the cost of entrance ticket be Rs. 'x'
4  ×  5  +( x+ 1)=5 x
Or, 20+ x +1=5 x
Or, 4 x =21

238CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

∴ x=R s.   5.25 (OPTION B)
27. Perimeter of square=4l
Ratio of two squares= x: y
Length of first square = x
Length of second square = y
We know,
Ratio of their perimeter = 4 x = x (OPTION C)
4y y
2. n=4, r=2, then P(4,2)=?
P (n,r)= n! 4 ! 4×3×2!
= = =12   (OPTION C)
( n−r ) ! 2 ! 2!
There are 4 choices for digit in the tens place and 3 choices in the units place
place. So, total no. of two digits number ¿   4  ×3  = 12   (OPTION C)
29. Total money = 195
Money obtained by C = 195  ×3 =R s . 45   (OPTION C)
30. Here,
 5 x +3 x =64
Or, 8 x=64

∴ x=8   (OPTION A)
30. Area of rectangle = l×h
l=15m, A=150 sq.m & h=?
150 = 15  ×h
... h=10m (OPTION B)
32. Let amount received by C = Rs.x
Amount received by B = x+8
Amount received by A = (x+8)+7 = x+15
From question,
( x+15 )+( x +8 )+ x=53
Or, 3 x+23=53
Or, 3 x=30
∴ x=10
∴ Amount received by A = 10+15=25
Amount received by B = 10+8=18
Amount received by C = 10 (OPTION D)

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 239

33. In a week,
Total rings sold = 2+4+7+5+7+8=33
Total necklaces sold = 3+7+2+8+9+10=39
Total watches sold = 2+5+3+6+8+7=31 (OPTION B)
34. No. of watches sold= 2+5+3+6+8+2=31
No. of necklaces sold= 3+7+2+8+9+10=39
No. of rings sold= 2+4+7+5+7+8=33
∴ Least sold article is watch (OPTION C)
35. Total articles sold = 33+39+31 (OPTION B)
36. Monday = 2+3+2=7
Tuesday = 4+7+5=16
Wednesday = 7+2+3=12
Thursday = 5+8+6=19
Friday = 7+9+8=24
Saturday = 8+10+7=25 (OPTION B)
37. (OPTION D)
38. When k=6,
2x + 6y + 5 = 0.............. (i)
x - 3y -9 = 0.................. (ii)
x= 13 (OPTION B)
39. 312× ( 2 x )2= 612 then x equals to
312 ×22 x = (3×2 )12
Or, 312×22 x =3 12×212
Or, 22 x =212
Or, 2 x =12

∴ x=6   (OPTION B)
40. By question,
The sum of the adjacent angles is always 180°
It is equal to two right angles
41. r
P n= P 1+
100 )
P3 = 1000 1+ 10
(100 )
P3 = 10000×1.331
P3 = 13310   (OPTION B)
42. Selling price of book = Cost price + Profit

240CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

= 20+15 %   o f   20

¿  R s .23   (OPTION B)
43. No. of visitors on Sunday = 510
No. of visitors on other days = 240
The average no. of visitors per day in amount of 30 days beginning with Sunday
¿ =285 (OPTION A)
44. Whole trip ¿ 1200×5 =3000 k m
Remaining trip ¿ 3000−1200=1800 k m
Trip by car ¿ 3000×1 =1000 k m
Trip by bus ¿ 1800−1000=800 k m (OPTION B)
45. y=x−0.25 x=0.75 x
x−0.75 x 0.25 x
xi s = =0.3333
0.75 x 0.75 x
¿ 33.33 %  m o r e t h a n y (OPTION B)
46. ( a b c )5
( a b c )5÷( ab c )4= 4
=a b c
(a b c )
¿ 8×6×4=192   (OPTION A)
48. Difference ¿ ( 29 )2−( 22 )2 =357
357−9=348  i s n o t a p e r f e c t s q u a r e
357−13=344   i sn o t a p e r f e c t s q u a r e
357−21=336  i s n o t a p e r f e c t sq u ar e
357−33=324   i s a p e r f e ct s q u a r e (OPTION B)
49. a+b +c=0   t h e n a+ b=−c ,   b+c=−a ,   c +a=−b
( a+b ) ( b +c ) ( c+ a ) =( − c ) (−a )(−b ) =−a b c
50. At least 3 from each part:
Total no. of ways = 7C3 X 5C5 + 7C4 X 5C4 +7C5 X 5C3
= 420 (OPTION C)


26. First case:
No. of games won = 30% of 60 = 18
Average = 50% of 60 = 30
Second case:

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 241

No. of games won = x
18+ x
or, 18+ x=60
 x=42
Hence, required no. of games the team have won=42-18=24 (OPTION C)
27. Let the number be x

( 13 ) x+17=( 12 ) x
( 16 ) x=17
∴            x=102  (OPTION C)
28. 3 x+10=9× (−20 )
o r ,         30=6
∴           x=5
Now, ( x+5 )2=( 5+5 )2=100   (OPTION C)
29. After 4 hours of continuous traveling:
Distance travalled by first car=40 X 4 = 160
Distance travelled by second car = 35 X 4 = 140
Distance between two cars = 200 - 60 - 40 = 100 (OPTION D)
Distance between two cars = 160 + 140 -200 =100 (OPTION D)
30. 0.5 inch = 80ft. Then,
4.5 inch = 80 X 4.5 = 360ft (OPTION D)
31. Area of rectangle = lb
Length = l + 20% of l = 1.2l
Width = b - 20% of l = 0.8b
Area = 1.2l X 0.8b = 0.96lb
Area of rectangle decreased by l b−0.96 lb = 0.04= 4% (OPTION B)

32. Number of minutes between 1:00pm to 3:52pm

= 60+60+52=172
The number of minutes in each class period
= 172−4×3

242CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

= 40 minutes
33. 1 1 2 3
=0.1428 ,   =0.1250 , =0.2222, =0.2727   (OPTION B)
7 8 9 11
34. Sn = 54, a= -12, d= -9+12 = 3, n=?
Sn= n ( 2 a+ ( n−1 ) d )
o r ,        54= ( 2×(−12 ) + ( n−1 ) 3 )
o r ,        108=n (−24+3 n−3 )
o r ,           108=n ( 3 n−27 )
o r ,        108=3 n −27 n
o r ,           36=n −9 n
o r ,        n −9 n−36=0
o r ,   n −12n+ 3 n−36=0
o r ,   n ( n−12 ) +3 ( n−12 )=0
o r ,   ( n−12 ) ( n+ 3 )=0
∴ n=12   o r −3   (OPTION B)
35. Let the cost price of a bicycle be ‘x’
By the question,
x−15 %   o f x=170
or, 15
x− x=170
o r ,           85 x=17000
To sell it for gain at 15%, he should sell it for,
200+15% of 200=200+30=230 (OPTION C)
36. Kathmandu = 7.89 - 7.71 = 0.18
Bhaktapur = 3.62 - 3.49 = 0.13
Lalitpur = 2.45 - 1.97 = 0.48
Bhairahawa = 0.93 - 0.6 = 0.33 (OPTION C)
37. % change of export of Pokhara ¿ 0.95−0.92 ×100 % = 3.16% (OPTION
( 0.95 )
38. Required % ¿ 7.89+3.62+1.97 +2.07+ 1.83 ×100 % =24.83 25%
( 70 ¿ )
39. In 2000 ¿ E x p o r t o f Bi r a t n a g a r = 1.96 =2.61   (OPTION D)
E x p o r t o f N e p al g u n j 0.75
40. % change ¿ 3.49−1 ×100 %=249 %

41. 25 × ( 32 )
( 25× 92 )÷( 8 2×35 )= 3 2
( 2 ) ×35

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 243

25 ×34
¿ 6 5
2 ×3
1 1
¿ = (OPTION A)
2×3 6
42. Total sum of numbers ¿ 10×5=50
Now, New average ¿ 50×3 =15   (OPTION D)
43. Let the new mixture be x
Water in old mixture ¿ 40×0.1=4 l
Milk ¿ 40−4=36 l
36+0.2 x=x
o r ,   0.8 x=36
∴ x=45 l
Hence, required water to be added = 45 - 40 = 5l (OPTION C)
44. 2 mean and 3 boys can do work in 8 days
1 man and 1 boy can do work in 8×2×3 days
3 men and 4 boys can do work in 8×2×3 days(OPTION B)
45. x then,
=2 x=2 y
Now, x− y = 2 y− y = y = 1 (OPTION C)
x 2y 2y 2
46. I= P T R
o r ,   P−340=
o r ,   100 P−34000=32 P
o r ,   68 P=34000
∴ P=500 (OPTION C)
47. X >0   a n d X 2> 161
X > √ 161=12.69
The best whole number greater than 12.69 is 13(OPTION A)
48. Let sum of money = Rs.x
Ratio, A:B:C = 4:9:7
Shares of A ¿ 4 x Shares of B ¿ 9 x
( 20 ) ( 20 )
Shares of C ¿ 7 x
( 20 )
From question,

( 209 ) x−( 207 ) x=1000

244CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
or , =1000
∴ x=10000
Again, Difference between 50% shares of A and C
7 4
¿ 0.5
(( ) ( ) )

¿ 0.5× ( 203 )×10000

¿ R s . 750
49. Let required time be x
200+ 300
40 x +60 x=
o r ,   100 x=
o r ,   x=0.005   h r
∴ x=0.005×60×60=18   s e c o n d s (OPTION B)
50. Area of square ¿ l 2
When side of square increases by 25%, then,
New side ¿ l+ 0.25l =1.25l
Area ¿ ( 1.25l )2=1.562 l 2
2 2 2
% increase in area ¿ 1.5625 l −l ×100 %= 0.5625l ×100 %  =56.25 %
2 2
l l


26. 2
x −8 x+15=0
Or, x 2−5 x−3 x+15=0
Or, x ( x−5 )−3 ( x−5 )=0
Or, ( x−3 ) ( x−5 )= 0
Hence, x=3  a n d  5 (OPTUON B)
27. 4y-x=10 …………(i)
or, 2y-3x=0……(ii)
Solving, 10y=30
So, y=3 then x=2
So, xy=6(OPTION C)
28. Total target  47
PC  = 12 =0.25

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 245

AC ¿ 10 =0.21
BC ¿ =0.53  
Total achievement =  34
PC  = 12 =0.35
AC ¿ 7
BC ¿ 15 =0.44   (OPTION C)
Target Total=750 Achievement Total=410
PC=150/750=0.5 PC=145/410=0.35
AC=100/750=0.133 AC=65/410=0.16
BC=500/750=0.67 BC=200/410=0.49
BC has the highest percentage of success in terms of no. of participants
30. Aggregate % of success in terms of participants
={(145+65+200)/750}*100= 54.67 or 55%(OPTION B)
31. Here, 0.125x=4000
So, x=32000
32. (3x+20)/(5x+20)=5/7
Or, 21x+140=25x+100
So, x=10
Total no. before increase was= 3x+5x=80(OPTION B)
33. Here, Total games=92
75%*92=69 games
So, team must win = 69-40=29 games(OPTION B)
34. x+x-6=12
or, 2x=18 {(x+12)-6}
So, x=9m x
35. Length=100ft
Breadth=60ft 12m
Total cost=100*50+60*20+60*20+100*20
=Rs.9400(OPTION A)
36. Here, % of people eligible to vote is=85%*8%=6.8%(OPTION C)
37. Ans:30% (OPTION A)
38. Total interest=600*18%+5400*17%=108+918=Rs.1026(OPTION B)
39. P(AUB)=40%+25%-10%=55%
P(AUB)’=100%-55%=45%(OPTION C)
40. X+2x/3+2x/3=1
Or, (3x+4x)/3=1 or, 7x=3(OPTION C)
41. Here, for 9th term,
6th term=25+8=33
246CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
7th term=33+9=42
8th term=42+10=52
9th term=52+11=63(OPTION B)
42. At 3:00=1
At 4:00=2
At 5:00=4
At 6:00=8 organism(OPTION C)
43. Here, No. of different variety of ice cream = 5 X 2 = 10
The ice cream truck runs 4 times a week from Monday to Thursday.
Monday is the first day of a month. So, the dates in which the truck runs
down a street are shown below:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

① ② ③ ④ 5 6
7 ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ 12 13
14 ⑮ ⑯
Hence, on the 16th day of a month, a person could buy all the different
varieties of ice cream. (OPTION A)
44. Here, new base=1.3x
New altitude=0.8x
So, increase in area=(1.04-1)/1*100=4%(OPTION A)
45. Here,
Or, 0.04x=96
So, x=Rs.2400
46. Here, Gain=25%
Price of plot=18700/0.85=Rs.22000
So, plot must be sold at = 22000*1.25=Rs.27500(OPTION B)
47. Sashi’s investment=Rs. 75000
After 3 months, Shikha’s capital=Rs.60000
Total profit=Rs.16000
Sashi’s investment=75000*12=Rs.900000
Shikha’s investment=60000*9=Rs.540000
Sashi’s and Shikha’s ratio=5:3
So, Shikha’s share in profit=(3/8)*16000=Rs.6000
48. We have, (x+119+120)/3=100
Or, x+239=300
So, x=61(OPTION C)
49. A: 40 days=1 work
1 day=1/40 work
5 days=5/40=1/8
Remaining work=1-(1/8)=7/8

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 247

B: 7/8 work=21 days
1 work=24 days
A & B can finish the work in = (1/40+1/24)=1/15
So, they can finish the work in 15 days(OPTION C)
50. tan45=p/b
or, 1=p/45 45°
So, p=45m


26. 2
x + x−6=0
or, 2
x +3 x−2 x−6=0
or, x (x + 3) – 2(x +3) = 0
or, (x +3) (x – 2) = 0
∴ x = 2, -3 (OPTION C)
27. Here,
x 2+2 ]   x 3 +5 x 2−10 k [ x+5  
x +2 x
(-) (-)
5 x −2 x
5 x +   10  
(-) (-)
-2x – 10 – 10k
Here, Remainder = -2x – 10 - k……….. (i)
From question, (remainder being same)
-2x = -2x -10 -10 k
or, 0 = -10 -10 k
or, 10 = -10k
∴ k = -1
28. x2 – ( s u m   o f   r o o t s   ) x +( p r o d u c t   o f   r o o t s)
i.e sum of roots = 6
Also products of roots = 6
∴ Equation is: x 2−6 x+ 6=0 (OPTION A)
29. Here, Let length be 10 m
Breath be 5 m
Area = 50 m2
When length increases by 50%, i.e. l = 15m
Area =  75 m2
∴ Increase in area = 25 * 100 %=50 %  (O P T I O N D)  
30. Here,

248CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Person Days
12 4
8 3
we know, 12 x
8 4
or, 48
∴ x = 6 days (OPTION B)

31. Average = ( 7+ 14+21+28+35 ) = 21 (OPTION C)

32. 9 x  + 60
or, 9x+60 =10x +50
∴ x =10 (OPTION D)
33. A 3
B 5
or, A = 3
A  +8 5
or, 5A = 3A + 24
or, 2A =24
∴ A =12 (OPTION A)
34. Here,
A = (PTR)/100
Or, 2x = x*T*0.1
∴ T = 20 years (OPTION D)
35. Here,
Let the price of a good be Rs. 100
At 20% discount price = Rs. 80
Again, 15% discount price = 80-12 = 68
Hence, single discount = Rs. 100- Rs. 68= Rs. 32 (OPTION C)
36. Let the number be x.
1 3
* *   x  =  35
3 5
∴ x = 175 (OPTION D)
37. Here,
√x + 9 = 784

√ x + 9 = 28
or, √x = 28 - 9
or, x = 192
∴ x = 361 (OPTION B)
38) S1= 5 km/hr S2= 6km/hr
T1 = x  +5 hr T2 = x –  5 hr
60 60

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 249

D1 = S1 * T1 D2 = S2 * T2
Since distance is same, so,
S1*T1 = S2*T2 [Distance = speed *time ]
39. Here,
Total cost = (50+35+50+35+50+35+50+35) * 5
= Rs. 1700 (OPTION C)
40. √3 = p/200
∴ p = 346 m (OPTION C)
41. 50−35
* 100 %   = 30% (OPTION C)
42. 40−  25
* 100 %=60   %   (OPTION B)
43. From 1st to 2nd = 45−25 *   100=80   %
4 to 5 =th 50−40
* 100 %=25 %
1st to 2nd = 20
4th to 5th =10
∴ Increase = 2 times (OPTION C)
44. % of production in 5th year = 25  +45 * 100 = 140 % (OPTION D)
45. Average production = 250/6 = 41.67
∴ 3 years didn’t meet average production. (OPTION C)
46. A∪B∪C = {1, 2, 3…9} {2, 4, 6, 7, 8} {3, 4, 5, 8, 9}
¿ ¿
= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}(OPTION A)
47. Given,
Size of a marble slab = 20cm X 30cm
Area of slab = (20 X 30)cm2 = 600cm2
Area of room (in cm) = (300 X 300)cm2 = 90000 cm2
No. of marble slabs required ¿ 90000 =150 (OPTION C)
48. 4
The greatest angle is = * 180 °
= 80 ◦ (OPTION B)
Men work days
10 ½ 7
X 1 5

or, 10 =  1 * 5
x 2 7
∴ x = 28 men (OPTION D)

50. Here,
250CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
CI = P [ 1+   i
( 100 ) – 1]
Or, 2200 = P [(1.1) ^2 – 1]
Or, 2200 = P [1.21-1]
Or, 2200 /0.21 = P
Hence, P = 10475
SI = PT R = ( 10475  *  2  *   10 ) = Rs. 2095 (OPTION C)
100 100


26. HCF of (201-6) and (671-8) (OPTION C)
27. Put x = −3 in the expression
i.e 16 −3 +24 −3 +9 = 9 – 18 + 9
( ) 4 ( )
∴ solution =0 (OPTION C)
28. Total distance – 1500km/hr
Usual speed = x km/hr
Time taken with usual speed of x km/hr
t= D i st ance = 1500 h r
s pe ed x
after increasing speed with 250km/hr, new speed is (250+x) km/hr
new time taken = 1500 h r
250+ x
According to the question,
New time taken + Delayed time = Old (usual) time
Or, 1500 + 30 hr = 1500
( 250+ x ) 60 x
Or, 1500 – 1500 = 1
x x +250 2
or, 1500 ( 1x − x +250
)= 12
Or, 250 1
1500* =
x 2 +250 x 2
Or, x 2+250 x−750000=0
(x +1000)(x-750) = 0
∴ x = 750(negative is rejected) (OPTION B)
Men Day Work
15 24 ½
15+x 6 ½

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 251

Cross multiply,
∴ x = 45 men
In 2 day, 15 men, does ½ work
In 1 day men, does 1 work
15 * 24 *
In 6 day 2 men, does ½ work
30. We know,
Distance = speed *t
Downstream trip
(Speed of boat + Speed of current)*t = Distance
or, (S.o.b + S.o.c) *75min = 30km
or, (S.o.b + S.o.c )* 75 h r = 30km
or, (S.o.b +S.o.c ) = 30
i.e. S.o.b +S.o.c =24km/hr ……….(i)
Upstream trip
(S.o.b -S.o.c)*t = Dis
or, (S.o.b - S.o.c) = D i s
or, (S.o.b - S.o.c)= km30
1.5 h r
i.e. So.b – S.o.c = 20km/hr ………….. (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii)
∴ Speed of current = 2 km/hr (OPTION A)
CP of A = Rs x
CP of B = SP of A = Rs x + 20% of x = Rs 1.2x
CP of C = SP of B = Rs1.2x +25% of 1.2x = Rs 1.5x
CP of c = Rs 225
or, 1.5x = Rs 225
i.e. x = Rs 150
∴ CP of A = Rs 150 (OPTION C)
32. Step 1: Pick the first odd integer i.e. 21
Step 2: Pick the last odd integer i.e. 39
Step 3: Find the difference 39-21 = 18
Step 4: Divide by 2 i.e 18 =9
Step 5: Add 1 for inclusive range,9+1 =10 (OPTION A)

252CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Note: For exclusive range, you should consider if the number you picked
lie inside the interval or not in order to consider it inclusive.
Let’s say: Odd between 100 to 150 i.e. odd starts as 101 to 149 (Here Since
it’s the odd we are counting (101 and 149 is also included. so it is
Even between 100 to 150, then it is consider exclusive because 100 and
150 are not counted,
SO for exclusive, at step 5 subtract by 1 (instead of adding).

33. Let the number be x

1 1
o f x−17= o f x
2 3
Solve for x = 102 (OPTION C)
0.5i = 80 ft.
1 i = 80 f t
4.5i = 80 * 4.5   f t
∴ 4.5 I = 720 ft. (OPTION A)
35. n
S n=   * ( 2 a+ ( n−1 ) d )
or, 54 = n ( 2 * (−12 ) +( n−1 )d )
or , 54*2 = n [-24 +3n -3]
or, 108 = n [3n -21]
i.e. n2−9 n−36=0
∴ n = 12 (OPTION B)
Cost price = Rs x
Listed price = Rs 250
(-) dis = 30 %
SP after discount = Rs 162.5
SP after profit = Rs x + 30% of x =1.3x
i.e SP after profit = SP after discount
or, 1.3x = Rs 162.5
∴ X = Rs 125 (OPTION B)
37. 1
st R = 3 N ……… (i)

2 (R+13) +1= 2(N +13) …… (ii)


Solving both equations, we get
∴ R = 36 years (OPTION C)

38. A: B = 5:7 and B: C = 3:5

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 253
In the given ratio, ‘B’ is the common term but their values are not equal.
To make them equal, find the LCM of 7 and 3 i.e. 21
A: B = 5:7= 5 * 3 = 15:21
7* 3
B: C = 3:5 = 3 * 7 = 21:35
5* 7
∴ A:B:C = 15:21:35 (OPTION B)
[Same question to find A:C]
a :b =5:7 b:c =3:5
Therefore, a = 5
b 7
Now cross multiply,
7a =5b 5b = 3c
( 75 ) a=b b= ( 35 ) c
Comparing both,

( 75 ) a = ( 35 ) c
a 7

c 5
∴ a :c = 3: 7
39. y = x 2+r x−3
When y = 11 and x = 2
11 = 22+ r * 2−3
or, 11+4 +3 = r*2
or, r = 10 =5
∴ r = 5 (OPTION A)
40. Combined mean= − X 1 * n1 +−X 2 * n 2 = 6 * 8+8 * 6 = 66 (OPTION B)
n1 +n2 6+8
41. Principal (p) = Rs x
Time (t) = t
Rate (r) = 10%
Interest (I) = Rs x [sum is doubled]
We know,
I = PT R
Or, x = x * t * 10
∴ t = 10 years (OPTION C)
42. % of shipment that was defective = 6.25%
Defective parts = 2000

254CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Total shipment = D e f ec t i v e
% o f s hi p me nt t ha t w e r e d e f ec t i v e
Or, Total shipment = 2000
∴ Total shipment = 3200(OPTION A)
43. Average capacity utilization in 2000/01 ¿ 44+80+ 59+58 =60.25
Average capacity utilization in 2001/02 ¿ 40+86+ 64+59
Average capacity utilization in 2002/03 ¿ 43+90+66 +63 =65.25
Average capacity utilization in 2003/04 ¿ 42+89+65+63 = 64.75
Highest capacity utilization is in the year 2002/03 (OPTION C)
44. #
Description 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
Cigarettes 80 86 90 89
Beer 59 64 66 65
Difference 21 22 30 24

Description 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04

Cigarettes 80 86 90 89
Matches 58 59 62 63
Difference 22 27 28 26
From the tables, the difference is highest in 2002/03 (OPTION C)
46. From the tables, the difference is lowest in 2000/01 (OPTION A)
47. B = 1 O …………. (i)
600O + 400B = 4500 ………..(ii)
∴ O = Rs 6
∴ B = Rs 2 (OPTION D)
48. Area = l*b ………… (i)
Given condition
L = 1.2l
B = 0.8 b
Area = 1.2 l * 0.8 b= 0.96lb
Decrease in area = l b−0.96 lb *100= 4 % (OPTION B)
49. 2
x − ( s u m o f r o o t s ) x+   ( p r o d u c t o f r o o t s )=0
Or, x 2−6 x+ 6= 0 (OPTION A)
50. A = {1, 2, 3… 10}
B = {2, 4, 6, 7, 8}
c = {3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10}
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 255
A∪B∪C = {1, 2, 3…..10} (OPTION A)


26. P[(1+0.15)2-1] - P X 2 X 15 = 14y
or, P[(1.3225-1)] – 0.3P = 14y
or, 0.3225P-0.3P =14y
or, P = 144
or, P = 6400 (OPTION C)
27. Let total students be x
3 x +20 = 5
5 x +20 7
Or, 21x+140 =25x+100
Or, x =10
i.e Total students= 3x+5x=8X10=80 (OPTION B)
28. leaving reminder
i.e. 201-6=195
Find HCF

3 663
13 221

HCF = 3x13=39

Ans. c) 39
29. If both number is even
H i g h e st−l o w e s t = 80−50 = 15 (OPTION D)
2 2
Note: If both number is odd, then ( H −L )-1
For finding odd number in case of even number…just opposite.
30. From question
x = x +20
3 5
Or, x - x =20
3 5

256CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Or, 2 x =20
i.e. x=150 (OPTION D)
31. we have,
5% of total ie x=2000
Ex=40,000 (OPTION A)

32. here,
0.5inch = 80 feet
So, 1inch= 160feet
And,4.5inch=160X4.5 feet=720feet (OPTION A)
33. x2+5x=12-x2
Or, 2x2+5x-12=0
Now, go through ans.
3 & -4 ie 2X 9 +5X 3 -12=0
4 4 2
i.e 12-12=0
i.e. 32-20-12=0 (OPTION A)
34. 44-x=10- -(i), 3x=2y
x= 2 y - -(ii)
now put the value of x in eq (i)
4y- 2 y =10
12 y−2 y =10
x= 2 X 3 =2
x X y=2X3=6 (OPTION C)
35. Total students= 50
Appeared = 90% = 0.9X50=45
Passed= 2 of appeared
= 2 X45=30 (OPTION A)
36. pr od uct ion = 5722 =1.88 (OPTION C)
ar ea 3030
37. productivity = pr od uct ion
ar ea
Production of cash crops in 2005= 1794 =6.23 (OPTION A)

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 257

38. 2001= 4811 =1.63
2002= 4462 =1.5
2003= 4948 = 1.65
2004 = 5475 =1.808
2005= 5722 =1.88 - - highest (OPTION D)

39. 2001 = 1132 =3.62 - - lowest

2002= 1180 =4.11
2003= 1515 = 5.33
2004= 1653 = 5.78
2005= 1794 =6.23 (OPTION A)
40. productivity of food and cash crops together in 2001
= 4811+1132 = 5943 =1.82 (OPTION B)
2950+313 3263
41. travels for 3hrs at 40 miles 1 hr
Total travelled distance = 40X3= 120 miles
In 2hrs 40min ravels 80 miles
Ie 2hrs+ 40 hrs =2.66hrs
Total distance = 120+80 =200
Total time = 3hrs + 2.66 =5.66 hrs
Average rate = di st an ce = 200 = 35.3 mph (OPTION B)
time 5.66
Workers Hrs
4 12
6 X
(workers and hrs are inversely proportional so)
4= x
6 12
i.e 6x= 4X12
x= 4 X 12 =8hrs (OPTION B)
43. Geometric mean = x y =8

i.e. xy = 64

258CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Arithmetric mean ¿ x + y =10
i.e. x + y = 20
On solving,
x = 16, 4 (OPTION A)
44. actual diameter must be less so than magnified so,
0.3 =0.00003 (OPTION D)
45. let articles be x
SP= cost of 5 articles
i.e SP= 5x
Gain= S P−C P X100= 5 x−4 x X100=25% (OPTION B)
CP 4x
46. MP=$48
Discount = 25%
SP after discount = 48-25% of 48=$36
Dealer makes 20% profit on cost price
Let x be cost price
Sp= x+20% of x
Or, x= $30 (OPTION B)
h= =
√ p 2+ b 2^ √ 82 +6 2^ = √ 100 =10 (OPTION A)
49. CI= P[(1+ n )n-1]
Or, 25=x[(1+.04)1-1]
i.e. 25=0.04x
for 2yrs on same principal
CI=625[(1+ R )1-1]=625[(1+ 4 )2-1] =625 x [(1.04)2-1]=625x0.0816
100 100
=51 (OPTION B)
L of QR = 50+14=64m
B of RS =20+14 =34m
A of PQRS = 64x34 = 21765 sqm
L of BC = 50m
B of AB =20m

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 259

A of ABCD =50x20=1000 sqm
Area of road = area of PQRS – Area of ABCD
=1176 sqm (OPTION C)


26. Here, when an odd integer is added to the odd integer, it becomes an
even number. When any integer is multiplied by an even integer, the
result becomes an even integer. So the answer is n(n+3). (OPTION D)
27. Here, when n is multiplied by an even number(2) then, it becomes an
even number. And when an odd number is added to the even number
the result will become odd number. Therefore the answer to the above
question is 2n+3. (OPTION B)
28. x
  X     y>1   X   y
or x> y
or, x > y
x x
or, y (OPTION C)
29. Solution: let x=a2 and y=b2
now, x2 = (a2)2 = a4 ( perfect square)
xy= a2*b2 = (ab)2( perfect square)
yx= b2*a2 = (ba)2( perfect square)
x+y= a2+b2= (a+b)2-2ab ( may not be perfect square) (OPTION B)
30. the answer is
p(q+2) - pq + 1
= pq+ 2p– pq + 1
= 2p + 1 (OPTION D)
31. X4-2x2=-1
Or, x4-2x2+1=0
Or, (x2)2-2*x2*12=0
Or, (x2-1)2 = 0
Or, x2-1= 0
Or, x2=1

260CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

32. solution:
here, 9+3=12, 9≠ 1 ×3. (false)
5+4=9 (false)
4+8=12, 4≠ 1 ×8 (false)
3+9=12, 3= 1 ×9(true) (OPTION D)
33. 15 =0.9375
7 =0.7777
13 =0.8666
8 =0.8888 (OPTION A)
34. 1
1−( .2 ) 2
= = =
= 25/24 (OPTION C)

35. 20−18
×100 %
= 2
×100 %
= 11.11% (OPTION A)
36. Here since in a school all students study at least one subject. So,n(U)=n(A

¿ B)
n(U)=n(A)+n(B)-n(A B)
=23 (OPTION C)
4 x + y =14
3 x+2 y=13
( -) ( -) (–)
x− y=1

38. We know, All the prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers. The
multiplication of odd numbers results to odd number itself. Thus, it will
not be divisible by 2
39. In the number 40, 4+0=4 and 4-0=4. Hence the answer is 40. (OPTION C)
40. 57 is a prime number but other numbers are not. Hence answer is 57.
41. here n=4, r=2

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 261

now, npr= n! = 4 ! = 12 (OPTION A)
(n−r)! (4−2 )!
42. 15 men can do a work in 16 days
1 man can do a work in 16×15 days
8 men can do a work in 16×15 =30 days. (OPTION B)
43. Let the cost price be x
By question,
x−17 %   o f   x=415
Or, x− 17 x=415
Or, 83 x=41500
Or,   x=500 (OPTION C)
44. The formula for simple interest is P×T ×R and compound interest Is
C . I =P { 1+
100 ) −1} . Use the formula to derive your answer.
Answer is 15000.
45. here when remainder is deducted from above numbers the result
becomes, 223-8= 215 and 1083-5=1075
using 5, 215/5=43. And, 1075/5=215(accepted but smaller than 43 )
using 40, 215/40=5.375 and 1075/40=26.875( rejected)
using 43, 215/43=5 and 1075/43=25(accepted ) greatest number
using 47, 215/47=4.574 and 1075/47=22.87( rejected) (OPTION C)
46. let the total number of units be x, then
5% of x=1800
Or, 5/100 × x=1800
Or, x= 1800×100/5
Or, X=36000. (OPTION A)
47. {} (OPTION D)
48. #
49. 600−564 ×100 %
×100 %=6 %   f o r  6   mo n t h s
Hence, 12% for 1 years. (OPTION A)
50. Pt= Po(1+ I/100)T
Or, Po= = 5 ^ = 2040 =1678.31 (OPTION C)
( 1+ )4 1.2155


26. 1st integer= 2x+3 , 2nd integer=2x+4 and product=(2x+3)*(2x+4)=
4x2+14x+12 (OPTION A)

262CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

27. 2N/N2= 1 and N2= 2N, so N= 2 (OPTION C)
28. (1/5)/(1/4)=(1/4)/x
Or, (4/5) = (1/4x
Or, 16x= 5
Or, X= 5/16 (OPTION B)
29. Let x= 0.5
1/√x=1.414 , √x=0.7071 , x3= 0.125, x4= 0.0625 (OPTION A)
31. 4*6=24 (OPTION C)
32. -x= -│-(2+5) │
-x= -7, so x= 7 (OPTION D)
33. Let number= 19 (i.e. 19 = 12*1+1)
19/6 = 3.1667
19 = 6*3 + 1
34. (64- 63)/5 = 1/5 (OPTION A)
35. 1st discount = 20% , after discount amount = 80%
2nd discount = 0.15*80= 12%
Final discount = 32 % (OPTION C)
36. 3x= 81, i.e. x= 27
(3x + 1) ( 4x + 1)= (3*27+1)* (4*27 +1) = 8938 (OPTION C)
37. Average = (x+2x+6)/3 = x+2 (OPTION C)
38. 7 workers can assemble car in 8 hour
1 worker can assemble car in 8*7 hour
12 worker can assemble car in (8*7)/12 = 4( 2/3) hour (OPTION B)
39. For 320 miles = 80 gallons of fuel
For 1 miles = (80/320) gallons
For 700 miles = (80/320 *700)= 175 gallons (OPTION D)
40. Let price be ‘x’
x- 30%of x = x -90
0.3 x= 90
X = 300 , then, price= 300-20%0f 300 = 240 (OPTION C)
41. No of subset = 2 to the power 3 (OPTION C)
42. Commutative property (OPTION A)
43. Sn = a/(1-r)= 5/(1-(-1/5))= 26/5 = 4 1 /6 (OPTION A)
44. 10! / (2!*2!*2!) = 3628800/8 = 453600 (OPTION A)
45. Mode is greater than median and mean, and median is greater than mean
46. Let x= 2 and y= 3
3= 2*2-1
3=3 (OPTION B)
47. Let unit be x
18000 = 32x- (20x+6000)
12x= 78000

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 263

X = 6500 (OPTION C)
48. 6 men in 10 days earns 150
1 man in 1 day earns 150/60
8 men in 7 days earns (150*8*7)/60 = 140 (OPTION B)
49. List price = 100%
Selling price = 75%
Discount = 100%-75% = 25% (OPTION C)
50. CI-SI = 15.75
P ((1+5/100)3-1) - (P*5*3)/100 = 15.75
0.15763P- 0.15P = 15.75
P= 15.75/ 0.00763
P= 2064.O5650 ≈ 2100 (OPTION D)


26. x + y + z = 18
y = 2x
x = 1/3 z
x + 2x + 3x = 18
6x = 18
y = 2x = 2 X 3 = 6
z = 3x = 3 X 3 = 9 (OPTION B)
6 3
27. x −5 x −16
3 3 3
x . x −5 x −16=8
3 3 3
o r ,   x . x −5 x =24
o r ,   x 3 ( x 3 −5 )=24
o r ,   x 3 ( x 3 −5 )=8×3
x =8  ∴ x=2
o r ,   x −5=3   ∴ x =2 (OPTION A)
28. h=5
we have,
h2 = p2 + b2
52 = 32 + b2
25 – 9 = b2
16 = b2
Area of Δ = ½ b X h = ½ 3 X 4= 6 (OPTION C)

264CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

29. ( i ) x +1 <1   ( i i ) ( x +1 ) = x ( i i i ) ( x +1 ) > 1
y +1 y +1 y y +1
i.e. x>0, y>0 & x>y
Let x=0.5 & y=0.4
(i) 0.5+1
(ii) 0.5+1 =1.07≠ 0.5 =1.25
0.4+1 0.4
(iii) 0.5+1
=1.07>1 (OPTION A)
30. Here,
a ∆ b=a2
z ∆ 2 z2
∴         = =1 (OPTION B)
z ∆ 3 z2
31. x#y = (xy)2 – x + y2
For x#y = -x,
- x = (xy)2 –x + y2
0 = (xy)2 + y2
0 = y2 (x2 + 1)
it gives, y2 = 0
i.e. y = 0 (OPTION D)
32. An odd difference needs the numbers to be both odd and even.
The only even prime number is 2.
So, the difference 9 is possible for 11 and 2,
Difference of 15 is possible for 17 and 2,
But, difference of 23 is not possible since it requires 25 and 2 where 25 is
not a prime number.
For 30, 7 and 37 is possible.
(Note: mostly even numbers are possible for difference between the
prime numbers)
33. Since there is no even prime number that is greater than 2, 2 cannot be the
divisor of product of prime numbers greater than 2. (OPTION A)
34. If a number (x) is both a cube and square of different numbers, it should
verify the condition of
x = a6 = (a2)3 where a is another number.
for a = 2, x = 26 = 64
for a = 3, x = 36 = 729
So, answer is 64. (OPTION B)
35. x
3 =  27

3 x  =   ( 33 )

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 265

3 ^x  =  3 15^
x=15   (O P T I O N   C )
36. 4% of (p+q) = 8
for greatest value of q, keep smallest possible value for p.
smallest positive integer is 1, so p =1.
4% of (1+q) = 8
1 + q = 200
q = 199 (OPTION C)
37. first equation : 2x + y = 3
second equation: 3y = 9 – 6x
or, 3y + 6x =9
or, 3(2x + y) = 3 X 3
or, 2x + y =3
Since both are same quation, it has infinite solutions. (OPTION B)
38. 1 hr at 50 mph = 50 miles
3 hr at 60 mph = 180 miles
Total time = 1 + 3 = 4hrs
Total Distance = 50 + 180 = 230 miles
Average Speed = 230/4 = 57.5 mph (OPTION D)
39. If a average of consecutive numbers is given, you can directly know the
numbers by taking the number behind it and ahead it in equal quantity.
(It takes a long time to solve it in formula.)
So, when 9.5 is average of 6 numbers, take 3 numbers behind it and 3
numbers ahead of it. They are 7,8,9 and 10,11,12.
So, average of last three numbers is (10 + 11 + 12) / 3 = 11
(or the middle number, only used for consecutive numbers) (OPTION A)
40. For a product of two numbers to be odd, the both numbers must be odd.
Sum of two odd numbers is always even. (OPTION B)
41. p and q are both non zero positive integers.
For p = 4q, p must be divisible by 4.
Since, p < 8, the only remaining number divisible by 4 is 4.
So, q=1 gives p = 4. (OPTION A)
42. y – 2 = (y + 5)/2
2y – 4 = y + 5
2y – y = 5 + 4
x = y – 2 = 7 (OPTION B)
43. √ ( 31−6 ) ( 16+9 ) = 25×25 = 25 (OPTION C)

44. 4/44*100 = 9.111 = 9 (OPTION A)
45. with 20% discount, a person pays 80% of total amount.
Price before discount = 32000/80 * 100 = 40000 (OPTION C)

266CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

46. 7 workers can assemble 1 car in 8 hrs.
1 worker can assemble 1 car in 8 X 7 hrs.
12 workers can assemble 1 car in 8 X 7/12 hrs.= 14/3 hrs (OPTION B)
47. Projected no. of white collar criminals in 2010= 30% of 0.2 million =
60,000(OPTION C)
48. Required ratio = 25 %   o f   0.1   m ill i o n = 25000 = 25 (OPTION A)
28 %   o f   0.2   m ill i o n 56000 56
49. No. of criminals in murder in 2000=7% of 0.1 million = 7000
No. of criminals in murder in 2010 = 10% of 0.2 million = 20000
Approximate projected % increase =
×100 %=185.71 %≈186 % (OPTION D)
50. Net % increase in assault in 2010 = 32-30=2% (OPTION A)


26. Let the ten’s digit be x and unit’s digit be y. By question, x=2y and x+y=9.
From options, only option B and D meet 1 st condition and only B meets
2nd condition. Hence, (option B) is the correct answers as it meets both
27. Using Pythagoras theorem (h2 = p2 + b2), we get p = 4 and b = 3.
So the area = ½*4*3 = 6 i.e. (option A)
28. Using set rule, ‘how many’ denotes the union set. Hence, Math U History
= no. of math students + no. of history students – common students in
i.e. total students there = 20 + 10 – 7 = 23 students. So the correct option
is B
29. Integers are non- decimal numbers like . . ., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .
P is even and Q is odd. Now go through options. (i) (odd+even)/even
always gives a non-integer i.e. decimal number. (ii) If either of p or q
happens to be the multiple of 3 (i.e. 3, 6, 9 …) the expression will give an
integer. (iii) Even square is always even and odd / even is always a non-
So, I and III cannot be an integer. Hence the correct option is D
30. First read the question and see the options. Eliminate invalid options like
D (there is condition for even)
Make sets applying to option a, b, and c (2, 4, 6 and -2, 0, 2) and quickly
calculate average and a/3
The given condition matches for option B, i.e. the second set i.e., ‘a’ being
31. Suppose values for x and y to match to the given condition.
(2+1)/(2-1), (4+2)/(4-2), (6+3)/(6-3). In each situation, x is even. So,
option D is correct.

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 267

32. Given that n is an integer, see the options. Only option C follows as n
(n+1) gives either even*odd or odd *even which in either ways result in
an even number.
33. 212+212+212+212 = 4(212) = 22*212 = 214option A
34. By simplification we get, 4(xy)3 + (x3-y3)2 = x6 – 2x3y3 + y6 + 4x3y3 = x6 + 2x3y3 +
y6 = (x3 + y3)2
option B
35. Percent increase = (current population-initial population)/ initial population * 100 =
(16000-12000)/12000*100 = 33.33%
OR Percent increase = (current population/ initial population) -1 =0.3333 = 33.33%
option D
36. 50% of 24 = 12 option C
37. Let Steve’s current age be X, so John’s current age is X + 20. In 10 years, Steve’s age
will be half of John’s or John’s age will be double of Steve’s. i.e. 2(X + 10) = X + 30. It
gives X = 10 years. option B
38. 80 Cents - - - > x ounce (say) 60 Cents - - - > 10-x ounce.
So, [80*x + 60* (10-x)] / 10 = 70. Solving this, we get x = 5. Another way to solve this
problem is to use common sense. Mixture of 80 cents/pound and 60 cents/pound to
make 70 cents/pound (which is average) using 10 ounces requires 5-5 ounces for
each. option A
39. Average speed for round trip = Total distance / total time = (120 + 120) /
[(120/60)+(120/40)] = 240 / 5 = 48 mph. option D
40. First calculate value of the given expression. (24)2-1 = 255.
41. Calculate the value of 1/3n with different options. (a) 0.00411 (b) 0.1234 (c)
0.037 (d) 0.1111
so the condition is met by option A only.
42. 1/109-1/1010 = (10-1)/1010 = 9/1010. (Option D)
43. If 4% of (p+q) is 8, (p+q) = 200. Greatest value q can take with p being
positive integer is 199 i.e. when p = 1. (Option C)
44. Average of 8 no. = A. If 14 is replaced with 28, then new average will be =
(8*A-14+28)/8 = A + 14/8 = A + 7/4 (Option A)
45. 7 can assemble in 8 hours. 1 can assemble in 7*8 hours. 12 can assemble in
7*8/12 = 4.67 hours (Option C)
46. We can write (21+22+23+…40)- (1+2+3+…20) as (21-1, 22-2, 23-3, 24-4, …
40-20) So, it makes 20*20 = 400 (Option D)
47. One fifth of the legislators are neither Republican nor Democrat. i.e. only
4/5th of 200 i.e. 160 are Republican or Democrats. Now, let R denote
Republican. So, no. of Democrats by question = 4*R – 50. SO, R + 4*R – 50
= 160. i. e. R = 42 option C
48. Sample space = 36, no. of favorable outcomes = 4 i.e. [(1,4),(4,1),(3,2),(2,3)]
So, probability = 4/36 = 1/9 option B
49. y – even, x – odd. Check through options. (a) If y happens to be even
numbers like 4, 8, 12, 16 which when divided by 2 gives even number, the
268CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
expression could be an even integer. In options (b) (c) and (d) there is no
possibility that they can be an even integer. Hence Option A is correct.
50. 813=2z (23)13=2z z=39 option C


26. Let she was x years a year before
X+15% of x=159
106 x =159
X= 159000 =150 (OPTION B)
27. Total=100%
25% spent
Let the total be x
75% of x =125
Or, 75 x =125
Or, X=166.67 (OPTION C)
28. Let the expenditure on electricity be Rs.20 before increase in cost after
increase in cost
Cost 100 130
Expense on electricity 20(let) 20(let)
Expense on electricity X% of 100=80 X% of 130=20
X=20% X=15.3845%
%decrease in spent on electricity = 20 %−15.38 %
* 100 % =23.76% (OPTION A)
20 %
29. Here,
Before After
100 100
20(let)=100% 23(let)=115%
X% of 100=20 X% of 125=23
X=20% 184%
%decrease in use of petrol= 20 %−184 % *100% =8% (OPTION B)
20 %

30. Here,
Congress Non-Congress
Votes 55% 45%
No. of V0tes ? 126000
1%= 126000
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 269
55%= 126000 * 55 =154000
∴ No. of votes of congress=154000
No. of votes , non-congress lost by=no. of votes of congress- no. of votes of
= 154000-126000
=28000 (OPTION D)
31. Total population=15400000
Total population at the end of year
=1500000+50% of 1500000- 31% of 1500000
Total Change=1785000-1500000=285000 (OPTION A)
32. let length and breadth of square be 100 and 100 respecctively.
Area of square=10000
Now, after alteration,
∴ %decrease in area = 10000−9900 *100% =1% (OPTION D)
33. Let Bhuwan’s marks be x.
Ram’s mark=40% of 200 =80
Shyams marks=80+25% of 80=100
X= 100+ x
x =100
8x =100
∴ X=112.5 (OPTION A)

34. Let the three Englishmen be E1, E2 and E3. Similarly, Let the three
Frenchmen be F1, F2 and F3. Let E1 be the only one Englishman who
knows French. Now, from the table below:
Phone call Between whom
1 E1-E2
2 E1-E3
3 F1-F2
4 F1-F3
5 E1-F1
6 E1-E2
7 E1-E3
270CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
8 F1-F2
9 F1-F3
35. Step 1: If you were to use two 50 miso notes, you would only pay the
remaining 7 misos through one miso note.
Step 2: If you were to use only one 50 miso note, you could use ten miso
notes and one miso note in 6 different ways.
Step 3: If you were to use no 50 miso notes, you could use ten miso and
one miso notes in 11 different ways.
Hence, the required number of ways=1+6+11=18 (OPTION D)
36. Let cheque amount be 100x+y
Cash given out = 100y+x
So, according to the given condition,
100 y+ x−50=3 ( 100 x+ y )
o r ,   100 y + x−50=300 x +3 y
o r ,   97 y =299 x +50
299 x+50
i . e . y=
As x & y have to be integers
So, 50+299x has to be divisible by 97
So, 50+291x+8x has to be divisible by 97
So, 50+8x has to be divisible by 97
This happens when x=18 (OPTION D)
37. Ages 3 years ago=231 years
3 years later,
Ages=231+8*3-60+0=195 years
After another 3 years,
Ages=195+24-60=159 years
Average age= 159 =19.875
Nearest to 21. (OPTION D)
Hint: After 3 years, ages of all 8 members increases by 3 years each so total ages
increase by (8*3) years minus the age of dead person plus age of newly
born baby which is zero.
34 II
-2 0
0 - 4-
I 8
=1 6


- 4

4-6 =
III Preparation Book, SDC BBA 271
= 10+20+8+4+6+4+2
= 54 (OPTION C)
39. Here,
Total votes polled= 100% 10% voters didn’t pole votes
Valid votes=90%
Successful candidate got 54%
Losing candidate got 46%
% of difference=54-46=8%
Total valid votes=20250 which is 90% of total votes polled.
So total votes polled= 20250 * 100 =22500
Total votes ppolled=22500 which is 90% of votes enrolled in voters list. So,
total no. of voters enrolled= 22500 * 100 =25000 (OPTION A)
40. Here,
P,Q and r are 3 consecutive odd numbers in ascending order.
So, p+2=Q, Q+2=R
0+4=R, p=R-4
According to the question,
2R-3=3(R-4) (Since, p=R-4)
2R-3= 3R-R
∴ R=9 (OPTION E)
41. 6 technicians take 10 hr to build 1 server
6 technicians take 1 hr to build 1/10 server
6 technicians take 6 hr to build 6/10=3/5 server
6 hr mens time from 11:00 am to 5 pm
Now, Remaining server to be built = 1-3/5=2/5
7 technicians take 1 hr to build 7/60 server
Remaining part = 2/5-7/60=17/60
Again, 8 technicians take 1 hr to build 8/60 server
Remaining part=17/60-8/60=9/60
9 technicians take 1 hr. to build 9/60 server
Required time = 5pm+1hr+1hr+1hr= 8pm (OPTION D)
42. Now, The ratio of the speed of fastest and slowest runner is 2:1

272CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

They met after 5 min fom the start of race. That is they met at the starting
The fastest runner completes 2000m in 5 min. Thus, he completes 4000m in
5 X 2=10 mins (OPTION C)
43. Let length of train be x metres
Speed = 45km/hr =
Distance covered increasing the platform = (x+100) m
Or, x+100= 25 ׿¿ 60
Or, x+100=750
∴ x=650m
Thus, time taken to cross electronic pole = 25 (OPTION C)
=52   s e c
44. Let P=x, Q=x+2 and R=x+4
Now, 3P+3=2R
Or, 3x+3=2(x+4)
Or, 3x+3=2x+8
∴ x=5
i.e. R=x+4=5+4=9 (OPTION C)
45. Here,
Perimeter of Hall=400 meters
Perimeter of Square=42
So, length of hall= 400 (i.e. p )
4 4
Total area of hall= l2 = 1002 = 10000
∴ Total number of tiles needed=10000m.
Since, 10% of 10000= 1000 tiles are damaged, contractor needs 1000 more
tiles, So, total tiles needed=10000+1000=11000 m2
Now, cost of tiles per metre=Rs 40
Total cost of titles paid by contracter=11000*48
=Rs 528000 (OPTION A)
46. Here,
Total score till 16th innings=x(let)
Average = x
Total score after 17th inning =x+87
Average = x +87 ------ (i)
Similarly average after 17th innings = x +3 ------- (ii)
From (i) and (ii),
x +87 = x
17 16

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 273

Or, x +87 = x + 48
17 16
Or, 16x+1392=17x+816
Or, 1392-816=x
Or, X=576 (score before 17th inning)
Score after 17th inning = 576+ 87 = 663 =39(OPTION A)
17 17
47. Here,
Let the number be x, y, z and 18.
x + y + z =16 y + z +18 =15
3 3
x+y+z=48 y+z+15=45
x+y+z=48----(i) y+z=27---- (ii)
∴ x=21 (OPTION B)
48. Here,
Investment ratio of narasimha, mashu and pawan=120000 : 135000 :
150000 = 8 : 9 : 10
Share of profit of pawan = 80 * 56700 =21000 (OPTION E)
49. Here,
Ration of ages of Rita and her mother= 3 : 8
Let Rita’s age be 3x and her mother’s age be 8x.
According to the question,
i.e. 5x=35
So, Rita’s age=3x=3*7=21 years
Mother’s age=8x=8*7=56years
After four years,
Rita’s age=21+4 = 25 years
Mother’s age = 60 years
Ratio = 25 = 5 = 5 :12 (OPTION B)
60 12
50. Here,
Contribution of A = Rs 35000
Let the contribution of B be x.
Since, the profit is dividend in equal ratio i.e. 3:3, monthly contribution
must be equal.
i.e. 35000 = x [ Since, B joined after 5 months ]
12 12−5
35000 = x
12 7

274CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

26: Avg. price=$15
No. of stores visited=5(consumer group)
No. of stores visited=4(us)
Let, price of the stores we didn’t visit=x
Avg price=(10+15+15+25+x)/5
Or, 15=(65+x)/5
So,x=$10 (OPTION A)
27: No. of tests=6
Sum of scores in 6 tests=76+80+83+71+80+78=468 scores
Average scores=sum of scores/no. of scores=468/6=78 (OPTION C)
28: No. of students=32
Required rope per student=5 feet 8 inches
Required rope per student in inches=5*12+8=68 inches
Total rope required in inches=68*32=2176
Length of rope in feet=2208/12=184 feet (OPTION D)
29: No. of unemployed people=20000
No. of employed people=230000
Total no. of people=250000
Unemployment rate=(no. of unemployed people/total no. of people)*100
=(20000/250000)*100 =8% (OPTION A)
30: Favouring people=8%
No. of citizens chosen=15
Since, 15 citizens are chosen, % of favouring people in building a police
station represents mean number i.e.,=80% of 15=12 citizens (OPTION A)
31: (x: -3<x<6) represent number greater than -3 but less than 6 (OPTION C)
32: Total wages=168
Let the overtime hours be x,
We have, total wages=time taken * time rate
Or, 168=(3*40)+6x
Or, 168=120+6x
So, x =8hrs (OPTION A)
33: The no. of column is more than rows i.e., 11 so in each column there lies a
tree 2m away from other one consecutively,
So, length of garden=11*2=22m (OPTION B)
34: Total ratio= Bikram: Bishnu: Binita=1:2:3=1+2+3=6
Bikram share in profi=Rs.300

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 275

Total profit=6*300=Rs.1800
So, Binita’s share in profit =(3/6)*1800=Rs.900 (OPTION D)
35. here,
For S.I. For C.I.
S.I. =ptr/100 C.I.=p[(1+r/100)^t-1]
Let p=x c.i=0.0816x
So s.i=0.08x
By question,c.i-s.i=1
Or, 0.0816x-0.08x=1
Or, X=rs.625 (OPTION A)
36: wages paid to male = no. of male * wage per day
Wage paid to female=15*8=Rs.120
Wage paid to children=5*3=Rs.15
Total no. of employees=male + female+children=20+15+5=40
Total wages=200+120+15=335
Weighted(average)wages per day= total wages/total no. of employees
=Rs.8.375 (OPTION B)
37: Total students, n(U)=50
we have,
Thus,n(MUM)’=n(U)-n(MUA)=50-42=8 (OPTION B)
38. here,
let Revenue Before decrease in price=100*100=10000
By question,
price =70 selling price=120 so,
revenue after decrease in price=70*120=8400
now effect on shop=10000-8400/10000=16% fall (OPTION A)
39. here,
Y 2=64
Or , y 2−82=0
Or,(y+8)(y-8) (OPTION C)
40. here,
Or, x 2+5 x−6=0
Or, x 2+6 x−x −6=0
Or, x ( x +6 ) −1 ( x +6 ) =0
Or,  x=¿¿ -6,1 (OPTION D)
41. here,

276CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Let length of window (W)=5 then,
Width of window=w+5
Area of window(a)=36 sq. ft
We have, A=l*b then,
Required equation could be w(w+5)=36 (OPTION A)
42. here,
X1=-1 y1=1
Slope of line=y2-y1/x2-x1= -2-1/-2+1=3
43. here,
Let the selling price be x.then,
By ques. Agent charge=20% of x=0.2x
Now,selling price=agent commission+peter’s s.p
Or, x=0.2x+200000
X=$250000 (OPTION A)
44. S ¿ di st anc e
T i m e  t a k e n
1st condition,   x= d
Or, d = 3.5x
2nd condition,   x +20= d
Or, d = 3x + 60
Or, 3.5x = 3x + 60
Or, 0.5x = 60
Or, x = 120
So, average =
45. here,
We have,
or, 3+(n-1)4
4n-1 (OPTION D)
46. Here,
Total current ages=80 yrs.
Total ages of their three years ago=80-3*3=71 years (OPTION A)
47. here,
For scheme A: Let p=x so that investment in scheme B be 13900-x
We have,
or, 3508=x*2*14/100+(13900-x)*2*11/100
or, 350800-305800=6x
Thus, amount invested in acheme B =13900-7500=6400 (OPTION A)
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 277
48. here,
Let the tickets from a to b=x
& the tickets from a to c=y
Case 1:- 2(a+b)+3(a+c)=77
case 2:- 3(a+b)+2(a+c)=73
i.e. 3x+2y=73
solving 1 and 2 by multiplying 1 by 2 and 2 by 3
Or x=13
From 1,
Or, 2*13+3y=77
Or, y=17.
The respective fares for cities B and C from A=(13,17) (OPTION D)
49. Here,
or, 81=450*t*4.5/100
thus,T=4 years (OPTION B)
50. Here,
This is the case of permutation,
P(n,r)= n!/(n-r)!
= 7!/(7-3)!*4!/(4-2)
=210*12=2520 (OPTION A)


26. 100 mm = 0.4 cups
1 mm = 0.4/100 cups
205 mm = 0.4/100 * 205
This can be also written as:
0.4 * 205/100
i.e 205% of 0.4 (OPTION D)
27. Given,
Percentage of year 8 student = 18%
Percentage of year 9 student = 16%
No of year 8 student = 126
18% = 126
1% = 126/18

278CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

100% = 126/18 * 100= 700
Therefore, the number of students = 16% of 700= 112 (OPTION C)
28. Let the mean of the distribution is µ and standard deviation is σ. Then,
X −μ ( 0.86+ μ ) −μ 0.86
z= = =
σ σ σ
i. e . z=0.8
We know, P(z>0.8) =0.5-P(0<z<0.8)
= 0.5-0.2881 (from the normal distribution table)
= 0.2119
No. of students scored above Jane=21.19% of 500= 105.95 (OPTION A)
29. In first 10 over, run rate = 3.2
Total runs scored in 10 over = 3.2 *10 = 32
Target = 282
Runs to be scored = 282 – 32 = 250
Req. Run Rate for remaining 40 over = 240/40 = 6.25 (OPTION A)
30. 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in 40 days
1 cow eats 40 bags of husk in 40 * 40 days
1 cow eats 1 bag of husk in (40*40)/40 days = 40 days (OPTION C)
31. Amount in 3 years = 815
Using formula for simple intrestest, which is PTR/100
PTR/100 + P = 815
Or, P * 3 * R / 100 + P = 815 …(i)
Amount in 4 years
PTR/100 + P = 854
Or, P * 4 * R/100 + P = 854 …(ii)
Subtracting (ii) by (i)
We get, PR/100 = 39
R = 3900/P
Putting the value of R in (i)
[3*P*(3900/P)]/100 +P = 815
117 + P = 815
P = 698 (OPTION C)
32. Given
P   1+(( 100 )
−  1 − )

4 P*2* 4
(( 1+
100 ) )
−1 −

Solving the equation we get,

51 2
P  ( 625 − ) =1
P * 1/625 = 1
P = 625 (OPTION A)

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 279

33. Given
(1/2) (5/6) (8/5)
= 1/2 * 5/6 * 8/5
= 2/3 (OPTION C)
34. Given
5 =3125  
Or, 5a=5 5
Or, a = 5
(a−3 )
= 55−3
= 52
= 25 (OPTION A)
35. Area of the room=108*(120+8) sq. inch [1 foot = 12 inch]= 13824 sq. inch
Area of tile = 8*12 sq. inch= 96 sq. inch
No. of tiles = 13824/96 sq inch = 144 (OPTION C)
36. Let the total number of students be x
Before increment, seats for Math = 5/20 * x = 5x/20
Computer = 7/20 * x = 7x/20
Accounts – 8/20 * x = 8x/20
If there is 40% 50% and 75% increment respectively
In math = 7x/20 , Computer = 10.50x/20 , Accounts = 14x/20
Ratio = 7/31.5 : 10.5/31.5 : 14/31.5
= 2.22 : 3.33 : 4.44
= 2:3:4 (OPTION A)
37. If we watch carefully, then the 1st 2nd and 5th terms are in arithmetic series
with d= +1 and the 2nd 4th and 6th are also in arithmetic series with d= +1.
So, the next term is 7th term which will be greater than the 5th term by 1 i.e
38. The given series is the arithmetic series with d= -6
Therefore the next term is 28 (OPTION B)
39. 6x +5 = -x+40
Or, 6x+x = 40-5
Or, 7x = 35
Or, x = 5 (OPTION C)
40. 3x+y = 4
Or, y= -3x+4
Or, y= (-3)x+4
Comparing this with y= mx + c then
m = -3 and c = 4
Therefore, slope of the line is -3 (OPTION A)
41. The solution of f(x) = 0 are -2,0 and 3

280CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Therefore, the solution of f(x-2) = 0 are -2+2, 0+2 and 3+2 because there is
opposite relationship between f(x-2) and its solution (OPTION D)
42. F(x) = x 5− 1
y=x −1
x = y +1
x=  √5 x +1    
It can be changed as
y=  √5 x +1  
f ( x )=   √ x +1   (OPTION D)
−1 5

43. When t = e t then

y = ln ⁡e t = l o g e e t = t  l o ge e = t*1= t [ l o g e e=l o ge =1 ]
The co-ordinate is (t,y) i.e ( e t ,   t )  (OPTION D)
44. ( 26 ) ( 2−2 ) = 26−2 = 2^4 (OPTION B)
45. In the individual series, mode is the one with maximum frequency. So, If
we check options then only 1st option consists of two 6s which satisfies the
condition for mode. (OPTION A)
46. Volume of cylinder = π   r 2 h
Volume of ball = 4/3 π  r 3
Let the height of water at first = x cm
Height of water after plastic ball inside a cylinder container = x+0.6
When, r = 2 cm
Now, 1st case
Area = π * 22 * x=4 π x
2nd case
Area = π * 22 * ( x +0.6 )= 4 π x +2.4 π  
Now, volume of ball = 4 π x+2.4   π−4 π x
Or, 4/3 π   r 3=2.4   π
Or, r^3 = 1.8
Therefore, r=1.2 cm (OPTION B)
47. n=10 r=7 p= 1-0.1 = 0.9
q = 0.1
Now, p(n,r) = ncr * P * q r n−r

= 10c7 * ( 0.9) 7
* ( 0.1 )

= 0.0574 (OPTION A)
48. Total number if balls = 21
Probability that it is neither red nor green is

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 281

7/21 = 1/3 (OPTION A)
49. All the elements of a sequence are the sequence of same number except 20.
So it is the odd one (OPTION C)
50. The number of different committees that can be formed from 5 teachers
and 10 students = 5c *   10 c
2 4    

= 2100 (OPTION D)


26. (6435 + 6927 + 6855 + 7230 + 6562 + x) / 6 = 6500 [where, x = the 6th
month sales amount]
34009+x = 39000
X = 4991 (OPTION B)
27. Illustrating the days as per the given constraints in question,
We have 5 Sundays and 25 rest days, thus
Average = (510*5 + 240*25)/30 = 285 (OPTION C)
28. Arranging in ascending order, 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
On comparison, we see that 3 elements are in the same position (OPTION
29. Let the number be x,
24/100 of x = 6
Or, 24/100 * x = 6
Or, 24 x = 600
Or, x = 25
60 % of 25 = 15(OPTION C)
30. Here, let the initial salary be x
The increment for 3 years can be shown as:
x + (10% of x) + [10% of (x+ 10% of x) ] = x + 0.10x + 0.10(x+0.10x) =
1.10x + 0.10(1.10x) = 1.10x+0.11x = 1.21x
Then, 1.21x = 48400
X = 40000 (OPTION D)
31. Let the number be x
80 % of x = 60
0.80x = 60

282CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

X = 75 (OPTION C)
32. 0.1 % of 10000 = 0.1/100 * 10000 = 10
Then, 10000 + 10 = 10010 (OPTION B)
33. (130321)^(1/2)= 361 (OPTION C)
34. Here, checking the numbers,
Divisible by 12: a, c and d
Not divisible by 8 : c (OPTION C)
35. Here, (x+y)/2 = 40
or, x+y = 80
Adding another variable
[(x+y)+z]/ (2+1)=?(One is added in denominator as we have included another variable)
He have x+y = 80, thus
(80+z)/3 = ?
Sincez = 10
(80+10)/3 = 90/3 = 30 (OPTION D)
36. Here, the initial ratio of 60 ltrs in 2:1 with 2 parts of milk and 1 part water.
We derive the quantities of milk and water as
Given ratio / Total ratio * total quantity
Or, 2/3 * 60 = 40
Thus, 40 liters of milk and (60-40 = 20) liters of water
Now the ratio is to be converted as 1:2 where, the quantity of water has to
exceed the quantity of milk
Keeping the ratio of milk constant at 40 liters and keeping double of the
quantity of milk (i.e 40*2 = 80 liters) of water will give us the ratio of 1:2
So, the amount of water to be added is 80-20 = 60 liters (OPTION D)
37. Numbers divisible by 6: b and d, so a and c are eliminated in first round
Numbers divisible by 8: d
So, the answer must be d
upon further checking, we can see d is also divisible by 16 (OPTION D)
38. Let the number of child be n so that the total sum is 60n
For average, 60n/n = 60
When another children is added,
60n/ (n+1) = 50
60n = 50n + 50
10n = 50
Total sum = 60*5 = 300 (OPTION C)
39. The exceed numbers are 100% of x + 20 % of x and 100% of x + 50% of x
which can be deduced as
1.20 x and 1.50 x
Now, taking ratios: 1.20x/1.50x = 4/5 (OPTION C)

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 283

40. Here, 5 routes go between A and B, A person can go from the first line and
return back the same way or through 4 other lines. So for the first line,
there are 5 different ways to return back.
The same applies for each of the 5 lines thus, the total number of options
available are 5*5 = 25 (OPTION D)
41. 5a = 25 or a=5
3b=25 or b= 8.333333333
So by keeping the values, 30 * 5 * 8.33333333 = 1250
NOTE: Please keep more than a few 3s after the decimal point for b while
multiplying in 30ab as, multiplying 30*%*8.3 will only give 1245
42. 76+65+82+67+85 = 375
375 / 5 = 75
Thus the average marks in 75 (OPTION D)
43. #
44. 8x+4=32 or x = 28/8 or x = 3.5
Then, 2*3.5 -1 = 6 (OPTION C)
45. 0.0018 (OPTION A)
46. The gap between number is increasing in the sequence of odd numbers
starting from 3,
2+3 = 5
5+5 = 10
10+7 = 17 and so on
The gap between 50 and 64 is not in sequence with the increase in odd
numbers thus the odd one out is 64 (OPTION D)
47. We can say that 54 is the only number not divisible by 5, thus it is stated as
odd one out (OPTION C)
48. 14 is the only even number in the set (OPTION C)
49. 23 is the only number with no proper square root (OPTION B)
50. There is a gap of 2 then 1 then 2 and again 1
The last number should have been 31 to continue this pattern thus, 30 is
the odd one out (OPTION D)


26. A =   P 1+ r
( 100 )
Or, 15600= P 1+ 12
(100 )
Or, 15600=P ( 1.12 )2

284CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Or, P= 15600 =124384     [OPTION C]
27. Let, the sum be Rs.x and the amount Rs.2x
S I=
Or, A−P= x   X   10   X   R  
Or,  2 x−x= x   X   10   X   R  
Or, 100 x=10 x   X   R  
Or, R= 100 x =10 % [OPTION C]
10 x
28. P = 1000
T = 2 yrs
R = 5% p.a.
CI = P 1+ R −1
(( 100 ) )

( 1005 ) −1)=1000   X  0.1025=102.50

¿ 1000 ( 1+

% rate of interest = C I   X  100 %= 102.50   X   100 %=10.25 %

P 1000
29.If rate is x%, then
Or,   I= P   X  3   X   x
Or, I= P 3 x
Or,  3 P x=100 I ……..   (i )
If rate is 4% more, then
P   X  3     X  ( 4 + x )
I + 480=
Or, I + 480= 12 P+ 3 P x
Or,  100 I + 48000=12 P+100 I  
Or,  12 P=48000
Or,   P=R s . 4000 [OPTION B]
30. Let, the original salary be Rs.x
Second year = x + 10% of x = 1.1 x
Third year ¿ 1.1 x +10 %   o f  1.1 x=1.21   x
1.21x = 48400
Or, x= 48400 =R s . 40000   [OPTION D]
31. #
32. −x=24   yr s
Present age of youngest = 86 yrs

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 285

Or,  24= ∑ x
∑ x=120
At the time of birth youngest brother
i.e. n = 4
∑ x = 120 =30 [OPTION C]
n  4
33. Average = 15.15
Or, S u m =15.15  
Or, S u m =15.15  
Or, S u m=15.15   X  1010=15301.5  
One number 3636 namely read as 26.26. So,
Correct sum = 15301.5 – 26.26 + 3636 = 18911.24
Correct Average ¿ 18911.24 =18.6 [OPTION C]
34. #
35. By the question,
Average ¿ 75
Or, S u m =75
Or, x +96 =75
Or,   x +96=75 n
Or, x=75 n− 96−−−− ( i )
If 96 marks is wrongly entered as 69, then
Average ¿ 74
Or, S u m =74
Or, x +69 =74
Or,   x +69=74 n  
Or,  75 n−96++69=74 n
Or,   N o .   o f   s t u d e n t s   ( n )=27 [OPTION C]
36. Average marks ¿ 76+ 65+82+67+ 85 = 375 =75 [OPTION D]
5 5
37. By the question,
Average = 63
Or, S u m =63  
Or,   S u m=63 n−−−−( i )
If he had obtained 20 more marks for Geography and 2 more marks for
the history.
Average ¿ 65
Or, S u m+22 =65  
Or, S u m+22=65 n  

286CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Or, 63 n+22=65 n  
Or,  2 n=22
Or, N u mb e r   o f   s u b je c t s   ( n )=11 [OPTION C]
38. Let, the six numbers be a, b, c, d, e and f.
According to question,
a+b+ c+ d+ e+ f
x= ………( i )
a+b +c
Or, 3 y=a+ b+c ………. ( i i )
d+ e+ f
Or, 3 z=d +e +f ………. ( i i )
From (i), (ii) and (iii)
3 y +3 z
Or,   x= y + z
Or, 2 x = y+ z [OPTION A]
39. Here, 20% of votes are invalid.
No. of votes = 7500
Let, X got 55% of valid votes. It means he got 44% (55% of 80) of total
So, other candidate got 36% (100% - 20% - 44%).
Other candidate votes = 36% of 7500 = 2700 [OPTION B]
40. Percent increase of population in a decade
¿   X   100 %=50 %
Average percent increase of population per year ¿ 50 % =5 % [OPTION C]
41. 0.5% of 100000 = 0.5   X  100000=0.5   X   1000=500   [OPTION D]
42. If there is a no. of children in a group, each child will receive Rs.60, then
Sum = Rs.60 X a = 60a
If one is added in a group, each children got Rs.50, then
Sum = Rs.50 X (a +1) = 50 (a + 1)
So,  60 a=50 ( a+1 )
Or, 60 a=50 a+50
Or, 10 a=50
Or, a=5
Sum ¿ 60   X  5=R s . 300 [OPTION C]
43. Cost price for 6 banana =  R s.1
Selling price for 6 banana = Rs.1 + 20% of Rs.1 = Rs.1.2
Selling price for 1 banana = 1.2 =R s . 0.2  
In Rs.1, he can sell 5 banana ( 1 =5 ) [OPTION B]
44. Here, 5 routes go between A and B, A person can go from the first line
and return back the same way or through 4 other lines. So, for the first line,

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 287

there are 5 different ways to return back. The same applies for each of the 5
lines thus, the total number of options available are 5*5 = 25 [OPTION D]
45. 30ab = 2 X 5a X 3b = 2 X 25 X 25 = 1250 [OPTION D]
46. 12 is the only even number in the set [OPTION A]
47.18 is the only number with no proper square root [OPTION D]
48. 14 is the only even number in the set [OPTION C]
49. The gap between numbers is increasing in the sequence of odd number
starting from 3.
4+5 =9
9 + 7 = 16
16 + 9 = 25
The gap between 16 and 23 is not in sequence with the increase in odd
numbers thus the odd one out is 23 [OPTION B]
50. We can say that 52 is the only number not divisible by 6, thus it is stated as
odd one out [OPTION D]

CMAT 2009
1. c 2. a 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. d
9. b 10. d 11. a 12. b 13. a 14. c 15. c 16. c
17. b 18. d 19. a 20. c 21. a 22. c 23. c 24. b
25. d 26. a 27. c 28. b 29. a 30. c 31. c 32. d
33. a 34. a 35. c 36. c 37. c 38. b 39. d 40. c
41. c 42. a 43. a 44. a 45. b 46. b 47. c 48. b
49. c 50. d 51. a 52. c 53. c 54. b 55. d 56. c
57. d 58. a 59. d 60. d 61. c 62. c 63. d 64. c
65. d 66. c 67. b 68. d 69. b 70. c 71. a 72. c
73. d 74. c 75. c 76. c 77. d 78. b 79. b 80. c
81. a 82. b 83. a 84. b 85. b 86. b 87. c 88. d
89. c 90. b 91. a 92. c 93. c 94. c 95. a 96. c
97. d 98. c 99. a 100. d
CMAT 2008
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. d
9. b 10. c 11. b 12. d 13. d 14. b 15. b 16. a
17. d 18. b 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. c 23. d 24. c
25. a 26. d 27. b 28. c 29. b 30. d 31. b 32. d
33. a 34. c 35. a 36. c 37. a 38. a 39. c 40. c
41. a 42. b 43. c 44. b 45. c 46. a 47. d 48. a
49. a 50. c 51. c 52. a 53. d 54. a 55. c 56. c
57. a 58. a 59. b 60. c 61. c 62. b 63. c 64. a
65. d 66. c 67. d 68. b 69. c 70. d 71. b 72. d
73. a 74. d 75. c 76. c 77. b 78. c 79. c 80. d
81. c 82. a 83. a 84. a 85. a 86. a 87. d 88. a

288CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

89. d 90. b 91. c 92. c 93. c 94. b 95. d 96. c
97. d 98. b 99. b 100. b
CMAT 2007
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. a 7. b 8. a
9. b 10. c 11. b 12. b 13. c 14. d 15. b 16. d
17. a 18. c 19. c 20. b 21. a 22. c 23. c 24. b
25. d 26. c 27. b 28. c 29. d 30. d 31. a 32. a
33. a 34. c 35. a 36. c 37. a 38. d 39. a 40. b
41. b 42. b 43. a 44. d 45. b 46. b 47. a 48. d
49. b 50. c 51. b 52. b 53. c 54. d 55. c 56. b
57. b 58. d 59. d 60. c 61. c 62. b 63. a 64. c
65. a 66. a 67. b 68. c 69. d 70. b 71. d 72. c
73. c 74. c 75. b 76. c 77. a 78. a 79. b 80. b
81. b 82. d 83. b 84. a 85. c 86. b 87. c 88. c
89. d 90. a 91. a 92. d 93. c 94. a 95. c 96. c
97. a 98. a 99. a 100. c
CMAT 2006
1. a 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a
9. b 10. a 11. a 12. c 13. c 14. a 15. d 16. c
17. c 18. d 19. a 20. c 21. a 22. d 23. c 24. b
25. c 26. c 27. c 28. b 29. c 30. a 31. c 32. a
33. c 34. a 35. b 36. b 37. c 38. b 39. b 40. b
41. c 42. c 43. c 44. b 45. c 46. a 47. d 48. b
49. a 50. a 51. c 52. d 53. d 54. a 55. b 56. a
57. a 58. c 59. d 60. a 61. c 62. a 63. c 64. b
65. d 66. b 67. b 68. a 69. a 70. c 71. a 72. c
73. b 74. b 75. b 76. c 77. b 78. d 79. d 80. a
81. b 82. c 83. d 84. a 85. a 86. c 87. d 88. b
89. b 90. b 91. c 92. c 93. b 94. c 95. c 96. b
97. c 98. d 99. d 100. a
CMAT 2005
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. d 7. b 8. d
9. a 10. d 11. a 12. d 13. a 14. d 15. b 16. c
17. a 18. d 19. b 20. c 21. d 22. b 23. d 24. a
25. a 26. c 27. c 28. a 29. d 30. b 31. c 32. d
33. a 34. d 35. c 36. d 37. b 38. d 39. c 40. c
41. c 42. b 43. c 44. d 45. c 46. a 47. c 48. b
49. d 50. c 51. c 52. c 53. a 54. b 55. a 56. b
57. a 58. a 59. b 60. a 61. d 62. c 63. a 64. c
65. d 66. d 67. c 68. b 69. b 70. c 71. a 72. a
73. a 74. b 75. d 76. b 77. b 78. d 79. a 80. c
81. c 82. d 83. d 84. d 85. b 86. c 87. b 88. d
89. c 90. a 91. b 92. b 93. d 94. d 95. a 96. d
97. d 98. b 99. d 100. a

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 289

CMAT 2004
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. c
9. a 10. c 11. b 12. a 13. c 14. d 15. a 16. c
17. b 18. d 19. a 20. c 21. a 22. c 23. c 24. d
25. a 26. b 27. c 28. a 29. c 30. b 31. c 32. b
33. b 34. b 35. a 36. c 37. a 38. b 39. c 40. c
41. b 42. c 43. a 44. a 45. c 46. b 47. b 48. c
49. c 50. b 51. d 52. c 53. a 54. c 55. b 56. a
57. d 58. c 59. a 60. b 61. d 62. c 63. a 64. b
65. b 66. d 67. d 68. b 69. c 70. c 71. c 72. a
73. c 74. a 75. a 76. c 77. d 78. a 79. a 80. c
81. d 82. c 83. a 84. a 85. a 86. c 87. a 88. b
89. d 90. c 91. d 92. a 93. a 94. b 95. d 96. d
97. c 98. b 99. a 100. b
CMAT 2003
1. b 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. c 8. b
9. d 10. c 11. c 12. a 13. b 14. d 15. d 16. d
17. c 18. a 19. b 20. d 21. b 22. c 23. c 24. a
25. b 26. c 27. c 28. c 29. d 30. d 31. b 32. b
33. b 34. b 35. c 36. c 37. c 38. d 39. d 40. c
41. a 42. d 43. c 44. b 45. c 46. c 47. a 48. a
49. b 50. a 51. a 52. a 53. b 54. b 55. d 56. c
57. a 58. c 59. c 60. a 61. b 62. c 63. b 64. c
65. b 66. b 67. d 68. b 69. c 70. d 71. d 72. c
73. d 74. a 75. b 76. b 77. a 78. a 79. a 80. b
81. b 82. c 83. a 84. d 85. b 86. c 87. b 88. a
89. a 90. b 91. d 92. d 93. d 94. d 95. b 96. b
97. a 98. a 99. a 100. b
CMAT 2002
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. a
9. b 10. a 11. a 12. d 13. b 14. a 15. c 16. c
17. b 18. a 19. b 20. b 21. c 22. c 23. d 24. b
25. b 26. b 27. c 28. c 29. c 30. a 31. b 32. d
33. b 34. c 35. b 36. b 37. d 38. b 39. b 40. b
41. b 42. b 43. a 44. b 45. b 46. a 47. d 48. b
49. c 50. c 51. d 52. d 53. d 54. c 55. c 56. b
57. c 58. d 59. c 60. d 61. c 62. b 63. a 64. c
65. d 66. a 67. b 68. a 69. a 70. c 71. b 72. b
73. d 74. a 75. a 76. c 77. c 78. c 79. c 80. b
81. c 82. c 83. d 84. a 85. d 86. b 87. c 88. d
89. c 90. b 91. c 92. c 93. b 94. b 95. b 96. a
97. b 98. a 99. b 100. c

290CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

Additional Questions:
Verbal Ability
1.a 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.d 7.b 8.c
9.b 10.a 11.d 12.b 13.c 14.a 15.a 16.a
17.c 18.b 19.c 20.a 21.c 22.b 23.d 24.d
25.b 26.b 27.d 28.b 29.a 30.d 31.a 32.d
33.a 34.c 35.b 36.c 37.a 38.c 39.d 40.c
41.c 42.b 43.a 44.c 45.b 46.a 47.b 48.b
49.c 50.b 51.b 52.c 53.c 54.d 55.c 56.d
57.a 58.b 59.d 60.c 61.b 62.d 63.c 64.b
65.a 66.a 67.c 68.d 69.b 70.c 71.b 72.c
73.a 74.d 75.a 76.b 77.d 78.d 79.a 80.b
81.a 82.a 83.c 84.b 85.b 86.d 87.a 88.d
89.c 90.a 91.b 92.c 93.b 94.d 95.a 96.b
97.a 98.d 99.a 100.b 101.c 102.c 103.c 104.c
105.c 106.a 107.c 108.c 109.b 110.c 111.a 112.d
113.b 114.c 115.c 116.d 117.a 118.c 119.c 120.b
121.a 122.d 123.c 124.a 125.a 126.c 127.a 128.d
129.a 130.c 131.a 132.d 133.b 134.a 135.b 136.c
137.a 138.a 139.b 140.d 141.c 142.a 143.d 144.b
145.a 146.b 147.a 148.a 149.b 150.a 151.a 152.b
153.c 154.a 155.d 156.a 157.b 158.c 159.b 160.a
161.b 162.c 163.a 164.b 165.c 166.d 167.c 168.d
169.b 170.a 171.a 172.b 173.a 174.d 175.c 176.c
177.c 178.d 179.d 180.a 181.c 182.a 183.d 184.d
185.b 186.a 187.a 188.d 189.d 190.a 191.c 192.a
193.a 194.b 195.c 196.d 197.c 198.d 199.b 200.a

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 291

Quantitative Ability
1.d 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.d 8.d
9.d 10.d 11.a 12.b 13.c 14.b 15.c 16.d
17.c 18.c 19.d 20.a 21.c 22.c 23.d 24.c
25.c 26.c 27.b 28.c 29.c 30.a 31.a 32.d
33.d 34.a 35.a 36.b 37.c 38.b 39.d 40.a
41.b 42.b 43.a 44.c 45.b 46.a 47.a 49.a
49.b 50.b 51.b 52.a 53.c 54.a 55.c 56.a
57.d 58.a 59.a 60.a 61.d 62.c 63.b 64.a
65.b 66.d 67.c 68.a 69.a 70.b 71.b 72.b
73.a 74.b 75.b 76.d 77.d 78.a 79.c 80.b
81.b 82.d 83.b 84.a 85.c 86.d 87.a 88.b
89.a 90.a 91.b 92.d 93.c 94.c 95.a 96.b
97.b 98.c 99.d 100.a 101.a 102.c 103.d 104.b
105.d 106.b 107.c 108.a 109.a 110.b 111.c 112.d
113.a 114.c 115.c 116.a 117.a 118.a 119.d 120.a
121.b 122.c 123.a 124.d 125.a 126.a 127.a 128.a
129.a 130.b 131.d 132.a 133.a 134.a 135.b 136.b
137.b 138.c 139.b 140.b 141.c 142.c 143.b 144.b
145.d 146.b 147.a 148.a 149.b 150.b 151.d 152.c
153.a 154.a 155.b 156.a 157.b 158.a 159.a 160.c
161.d 162.b 163.d 164.b 165.c 166.b 167.d 168.b
169.a 170.d 171.b 172.d 173.d 174.d 175.b 176.a
177.a 178.b 179.b 180.d 181.b 182.c 183.b 184.d
185.b 186.b 187.c 188.a 189.a 190.b 191.c 192.d
193.d 194.a 195.b 196.b 197.c 198.c 199.d 200.d

Logical Reasoning
1.b 2.d 3.b 4.b 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.b
292CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
9.c 10.d 11.b 12.b 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.d
17.c 18.b 19.d 20.a 21.d 22.a 23.c 24.b
25.a 26.b 27.d 28.c 29.d 30.a 31.c 32.b
33.d 34.c 35.a 36.d 37.c 38.b 39.c 40.a
41.a 42.b 43.c 44.a 45.c 46.c 47.d 48.c
49.a 50.b 51.d 52.a 53.a 54.b 55.c 56.b
57.a 58.a 59.a 60.d 61.a 62.d 63.c 64.d
65.d 66.b 67.c 68.d 69.c 70.c 71.c 72.a
73.c 74.b 75.b 76.b 77.c 78.b 79.c 80.a
81.c 82.a 83.b 84.d 85.b 86.c 87.b 88.c
89.d 90.c 91.a 92.d 93.d 94.a 95.c 96.d
97.d 98.c 99.b 100.a 101.a 102.a 103.a 104.c
105.a 106.c 107.b 108.a 109.b 110.d 111.c 112.d
113.a 114.b 115.d 116.b 117.a 118.c 119.d 120.a
121.a 122.c 123.d 124.a 125.a 126.a 127.a 128.a
129.a 130.b 131.d 132.a 133.a 134.a 135.b 136.b
137.b 138.c 139.b 140.b 141.c 142.a 143.b 144.c
145.c 146.d 147.b 148.b 149.a 150.d 151.c 152.c
153.b 154.d 155.b 156.b 157.d 158.a 159.d 160.d
161.d 162.d 163.d 164.b 165.b 166.b 167.c 168.a
169.d 170.d 171.c 172.d 173.c 174.a 175.d 176.c
177.b 178.b 179.a 180.a 181.b 182.d 183.a 184.b
185.c 186.b 187.c 188.d 189.a 190.d 191.a 192.d
193.b 194.c 195.b 196.c 197.c 198.d 199.b 200.b

General Knowledge
1.b 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.d 6.d 7.b 8.a
9.a 10.b 11.a 12.a 13.c 14.a 15.c 16.b
17.d 18.a 19.b 20.d 21.d 22.b 23.d 24.c
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 293
25.d 26.d 27.b 28.b 29.a 30.c 31.b 32.b
33.c 34.a 35.a 36.b 37.a 38.b 39.a 40.b
41.d 42.c 43.b 44.a 45.a 46.c 47.c 49.a
49.b 50.c 51.c 52.d 53.b 54.d 55.d 56.c
57.c 58.d 59.a 60.c 61.d 62.b 63.d 64.c
65.a 66.a 67.a 68.b 69.a 70.c 71.a 72.a
73.a 74.d 75.b 76.a 77.c 78.d 79.a 80.a
81.c 82.d 83.d 84.a 85.a 86.b 87.a 88.a
89.b 90.c 91.d 92.b 93.d 94.a 95.c 96.c
97.d 98.b 99.a 100.c 101.b 102.c 103.c 104.c
105.d 106.c 107.c 108.b 109.b 110.b 111.b 112.b
113.d 114.c 115.c 116.d 117.a 118.c 119.a 120.c
121.b 122.c 123.a 124.a 125.c 126.a 127.d 128.c
129.c 130.c 131.a 132.a 133.b 134.b 135.c 136.a
137.d 138.c 139.a 140.b 141.d 142.d 143.c 144.b
145.d 146.a 147.c 148.b 149.a 150.c 151.b 152.a
153.c 154.c 155.b 156.c 157.a 158.d 159.c 160.b
161.c 162.b 163.a 164.b 165.a 166.d 167.c 168.b
169.a 170.a 171.c 172.c 173.b 174.c 175.d 176.b
177.b 178.b 179.a 180.d 181.b 182.d 183.b 184.c
185.b 186.a 187.b 188.a 189.d 190.a 191.a 192.c
193.c 194.d 195.b 196.b 197.c 198.b 199.a 200.b

Verbal Ability
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of idioms and phrases
1. To back wrong horse.
a. To follow wrong horse b. To follow wrong person
c. To help the wrong person d. To help right person
294CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
2. To set one’s face against
a. to oppose with determination b. to judge by appearance
c. to get out in difficulty d. to look at one steadily
3. To call a spade a spade
a. To tell spade is spade b. To manipulated things
c. Speak truth d. To speak in owns favor
4. A man of straw
a. a man of no substance b. a very active person
c. a worthy fellow d. an unreasonable person
5. To hit the nail right on the head
a. to do the right thing b. to destroy one’s reputation
c. to announce one’s fixed views d. to teach someone a lesson
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate options.
The last decade has been ...(6)... for management education and development. When
the economies of most western countries were faltering in early 1980s there were ...
(7)... cuts in both in corporate training and in higher education. During the boom years
of mid 1980s there was some reactivity in both areas. In early 1990s industrialized
countries were in the ...(8)... of another service recession and a light retrenchment was
to be reasonably ...(9)...throughout the training world. But this is not the case so far.
Many leading companies are asserting their belief in training as the key to future
competitiveness and governments have ...(10)... an era of rapid expansion.
6. a. dogmatic b. paradoxical c. outstanding d.
7. a. severe b. judicious c. marginal d. proportionate
8. a. area b. mood c. grip d. light
9. a. fabricated b. projected c. lamented d.
10. a. encouraged b. established c. preached d. circulate
Direction: Out of given options choose the correct word which very closely fits
each definition.
11. Disbeliever in God:
a. Agnostic b. Atheist c. Theologist d. Altruist
12. Connoisseur of choice food:
a. Gourmet b. Gregarious c. Glutton d. Greedy
13. Study of diseases:
a. Philology b. Pathology c. Phrenology d. Pharmacology
14. Custom of having many wives:
a. Matrimony b. Bigamy c. Polygamy d. Monogamy
15. Property inherited from one’s parents or ancestors:
a. Matrimony b. Alimony c. Patricide d. Patrimony
Choose the correct synonym of each of the CAPITALIZED words.
a. Victorian b. bombastic c. verbose d. ambiguous
a. Misty b. Confused c. Hazy d. Nimble
18. enthrall
a. captivate b. free c. surround d. exclude
a. Pretext b. Sublime c. Awesome d. Over- indulgence
a. Astronomy b. Magic c. Witchcraft d. Necromanc
Direction: Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the
blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 295
21. Man does not live by ...... alone.
a. food b. bread c. meals d. diet
22. After the rain the weather ...... and the sun came out.
a. cleared out b. cleared up c. cleared away d. cleared off
23. Government buildings are ...... on the Republic day.
a. enlightened b. lightened c. illuminated d. glowed
24. The stenographer is very efficient. He is ...... to his firm.
a. a boon b. a credit c. a blessing d. an asset
25. The boy was cured ...... typhoid.
a. from b. of c. for d. through

Quantitative Ability
26. 10 cats caught 10 rats in 10 seconds. How many cats are required to
catch 100 rats in 100 seconds?
a.100 b.10 c.20 d.50
27. A two digit number is such that the product of the digits is 24. When 45 is
added to the number, the digits interchange their places. Find the number.
a. 38 b.64 c.74 d.83
28. Two identical bottles A and B of sweet drinks contain sugar such that
30% of sugar in A is equal to 40% sugar in b. The ratio of sugar in the two bottles
a.4 : 3 b.3 : 4 c.12 : 1 d.1 : 12

29. Find the area of an equilateral triangle of perimeter 36 cms

a.41 c m2 b.36 c m2 c.36 √ 3 c m 2 d.18 √ 3 c m 2
30. KP and PK can do a piece of work in 20 days and 50 days respectively.
They both started the work together and PK left after 5 days. In how many days will
KP finish the remaining work?
a.10 b.13 c.12 d.14
31. The sum of the present age of the father and his daughter is 42 years. 7
years later, the father will be 3 times old than the daughter. The present age of the
father is
a. 32 b. 28 c. 35 d. 33
32. What number must be added to 6, 16 and 8 to get an average of 13?
a. 22 b. 25 c.20 d. 18
33. What is the ratio of 12 minute to 1 hour ?
a.2/3 b.¾ c. 1/5 d. ¼
34. A man wants to reach a window which is 40 feet above the ground. The
distance from the foot of the ladder to the wall is 9 feet. How long should the
ladder be ?
a. 9 feet b. 81 feet c. 41 feet d. 49 feet
35. There are eight mango trees in a straight line. The distance between
each mango tree with other is 3 metres. What is the distance between first tree
and eighth tree?
a. 24 m b.27 m c. 30 m d. 21 m
36. 4 men & 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7
women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete
a. 35 days b.40 days c. 30 days d. 25 days

296CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

37. A student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left. How many
students are there in total?
a. 18 b. 19 c. 20 d. 21
38. A father is 30 years older than his son. He will be three times as old as
his son after 5 years. What is the father's present age?
a. 35 b. 45 c. 40 d. 30
39. 1
40 .   5 x +5−x =25       , solve
a.4 b. ± 2   c.±3 d.5
40. A two digit number is three times the sum of its digits. If 45 is added to
it, the digits are reversed. The number is
a. 23 b. 32 c. 27 d. 72
41. Three years ago the average age of A and B was 18 years. If C joins
them today, the average becomes 22 years. How old is C now?
a. 27 b. 24 c. 30 d. 28
42. A square garden has fourteen posts along each side at equal interval.
Find how many posts are there in all four sides.
a. 56 b. 44 c. 52 d. 60
43. The ratio of daily wages of two workers is 4 : 3 and one gets daily Rs 9
more than the other, what are their daily wages?
a.Rs 80 and Rs 60 b.Rs 60 and Rs 45
c.Rs 36 and Rs 27 d.Rs 32 and Rs 24
44. A hawker purchased oranges at the rate of 4 oranges per rupee, but he
sells at the rate of 5 oranges per rupee. His loss is:
a. 25% b.50% c.15% d. 20%
45. If A : B = 3 : 4, C : B = 5 : 4, C : D = 10 : 9, then A : B : C : D is
a. 8 : 6 : 9 : 10 b.8 : 6 : 10 : 9
c.6 : 8 : 10 : 9 d. 6 : 8 : 9 : 10
46. A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m
long.Find the area it can graze?
a. 155 sq.m b.19.25 sq.m c.144 sq.m d.38.5 sq.m
47. 42 oranges are distributed among some boys and girls. If each boy gets
3, then each girl gets 6. But if each boy gets 6 and each girl gets 3, it needs 6
more. The number of girls is
a. 10 b. 8 c. 6 d. 4
48. A mobile phone is sold at Rs 20,700 after 10% discount with 15% VAT.
Find the amount of VAT
a.2200 b.2300 c.2500 d. Rs 2700
49. If 30% of a number is 12.6, find the number?
a. 45 b. 8 c. 40 d. 42
50. A coin is placed on a plain paper. How many coins of the same size can
be placed around it so that each of the coins touches its adjacent ones ?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
Logical Reasoning
Direction: Spot the odd one out
51. a) Rara b) Trishuli c) Phewa d) Phoksundo
52. a) Horse b) Sparrow c) Cow d) Pig
53. a) accelerator b) petrol c) brake d) steering

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 297

54. a) soil b) food c) water d) fruit
55. a) bringer b) Orange c) Apple d) grapes
56. A man said to a woman “Your brother’s only sister is my mother”. How
is the man related to woman
a) Nephew b) Son-in- law c) Husband d) Son
57. A glass gull of Beer weights 1 kg and the glass and half full of Beer
weights ¾ kg. What is the weight of glass?
a) 1/2 kg b)1/4 kg c)1/8 kg d) 1/3 kg
58. Which word comes last in Dictionary?
a) Ensure b) Enslave c) Ensnare d) Ensign
59. If English Alphabets are written in reverse order, what will be the 4th
letter to the right of the 13th letter from the left?
a) J b) L c) K d) M
60. Which word cannot be formed from MADRID?
Direction: In each series, look for the degree and direction of change
between the numbers. In other words do the number increase or decrease
and by how much and determine what number should come next?
61. Look at the series:66,77,88,99….
a) 44 b) 55 c) 110 d) 100
62. Look at the series:3,4,7,8,11,12…
a) 7 b) 10 c) 14 d) 15
63. Look at the series: 14, 28, 20, 40, 32, 64 …
a) 52 b) 96 c) 56 d) 128
64. Look at the series: 5.2, 4.8, 4.4, …
a) 3 b) 3.5 c) 3.3 d) 3.6
65. Look at the series: 8, 6, 9, 23, 87, …
a) 128 b) 226 c) 324 d) 429
Direction: Logically decode the given questions
66. If CROW is codded as RWCO, what should be WORK?
67. If PALE is coded as 2134, Earth is coded as 415490, how cam PEARL
be coded in that language?
a) 25430 b) 29530 c) 25413 d) 24153
68. If ZEBRA can be written as 2652181, how can COBRA be written?
a) 302181 b) 3152181 c) 31822151 d) 1182153
69. If ‘eraser’ is called ‘box’, ‘box’ is called ‘pencil’, ‘pencil’ is called
‘sharpner’ and ‘sharpner’ is called ‘bag’, what will a child write with?
a) eraser b) bag c) pencil d) sharpner
70. If FRIEND is coded as HUMJTK, then CANDLE written in that code?
Direction: Two statement are given each followed by four answer choices.
Select the best answer choice which is logically based on the arguments in
the given statement
71. All is fair in love and war.
a) normal rules of society should be applied in every situation of life.
b) everything wrong, unethical, etc. that is done can be excused

298CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

c) person conflict of emotional involvemet shouldn’t be given priority in life
d) kings can do anything in people’s life
72. Smoking is dangerous still people smoke.
a) people smoke out a of pleasure
b) it will effect of smoking is rumour only
c) smoking pollutes environment
d) passive smoking is not so bad
73. Beauty is only skin deep.
a) the beautiful appearance isn’t as important as inner quality
b) beauty lies on the complexion of a girl
c) everything that glitters is like gold
d) what matters is what one looks outside: it doesn’t matter how ugly one is
74. Brittle things break easily.
a) all hard things are brittle
b) some hard things break easily
c) some hard things are brittle and can be broken
d) steel is unbreakable because it is very hard
75. Akabar was popular because he was secular.
a) all seculars are popular
b) all popular are seculars
c) only seculars are populars
d) none of these

General Awareness
76. The most populated city in the world is:
a. Delhi b. Bangkok c. London d. Tokyo
77. Which of the following is not a news agency?
a. PTI b. AP c. GATT d. AFP
78. Which company’s slogan is “Let’s make things better”?
a. General Electric b. Philips c. BPL d. Tata
79. Preference shareholders get:
a. Interest b. Bonus c. Dividend d. Premium
80. Which sports person is known as the “Sultan of reverse swing”?
a. JavedMianad b. SohaibAkhtar
c. WasimAkram d. WakarYounis

81. What is the length of Araniko Highway?

a. 114km b. 193km c. 174km d. 180km
82. To which country the Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden belong to?
a. Afghanstan b. Saudi Arabia c. Iraq d. Iran
83. Nepal’s 1st five-year plan was launched in:
a. 1961 b. 1956 c. 1947 d. 1972
84. AH1N1 is the virus that causes:
a. swine flu b. bird flu c. SARS d. rabies
85. The upward rise in stock market is called:
a. Bull market b. Bear market c. Ox market d. Dog market
86. The downward rise in the stock market is called:
a. Bear market b. Bull market c. Tiger market d. Lion market
87. The brand name “Raymond” is associated with:

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 299

a. cement b. clothing c. biscuits d. cosmetics
88. Which country is the largest producer of Uranium?
a. Canada b. Russia c. Iran d. USA
89. What is the index of Nepal in WTO membership?
a. 146 b. 148 c. 147 d. 151
90. Which temple is portrayed in Rs. 100 note?
a. Nyatapole b. Pashupatinath
c. Swoyambhunath d. Krishna Mandir
91. Which was the former capital of Pakistan?
a. Karachi b. Lahore c. Amritsar d. Peshawar
92. Swahili is the national language of
a. Sri Lanka b. Kenya c. Saudi Arabi d. Afghanistan
93. Which country is the largest importer of Nepalese goods?
a. USA b. Germany c. Japan d. India
94. The official license of ownership of invention by its inventor for a certain period
of time is
a. License b. Copyright c. Patent d. Trademark
95. The market with only one seller is called
a. monopoly b. monopsony c. oligopoly d. monosony
96. The period of severely low economic activities is known as
a. boom b. stagflation c. recession d. depression
97. When was computer 1st introduced in Nepal?
a. 1971 b. 1972 c. 197 d. none
98. How many countries participated on 2018 Winter Olympics?
a. 98 b. 99 c. 204 d. 205
99. When was Kathmandu University established in Nepal?
a. 2048 BS b. 2055 BS c. 2051 BS d. 2049 BS
100. Which is the least corrupt country of South Asia according to Transparency Int’l
Report of 2016?
a. Nepal b. Sri Lanka c. Maldives d. Bhutan

Verbal Ability
Choose the correct synonym for the given word
1. Gauche
a. Aimless b. Tactless c. Shameless d. Hopeless
2. Irascible
a. Erasable b. Strong c. Wrathful d. Spectacular
3. Nudge
a. Push b. Count c. Focus d. Void
4. Brusque
a. Antique b. Bulky c. Rough d. Fearless
5. Skedaddle
a. Make a loud sound b. Shoot
c. Make a fake story d. Run away
Choose the correct meaning of the following phrasal verbs

300CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

6. Bear out
a. Bear the trouble b. To withdraw
c. To support d. To bring to an end
7. Come about
a. To happen b. To arrive
c. To meet by chance d. To succeed
8. Fall out
a. To quarrel b. To drop c. To leave d. To reduce
9. Give in
a. To distribute b. Surrender c. Recover d. Tolerate
10. Set on
a. start b. Pay attention c. Establish a new business d. Attack
Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition
11. The rabbit lay hidden _______ the bushes
a. among b. between c. in d. on
12. ________ the rules, you are not entitled to any leave
a. in b. under c. at d. through
13. _______all his qualifications, he could not do well
a. for b. with c. above d. over
14. We deal _____ deception.
a. for b. at c. on d. in
15. I don’t plan ______ changing.
a. to b. in c. for d. on
Choose the correct option as suggested in the question below
16. She is watching _____ television
a. a b. the c. X d. an
17. Which will be the correct distributive determiner in the sentence below
I enjoyed ________ moment of my stay here.
a. each b. every c. all d. both each and every
18. Which punctuation marks goes in the blank below?
He is a rude guy ____ however, he is very kind to children.
a. ; (semi colon) b. : (colon) c. no punctuation d. - (hyphen)
19. The antonym of the word folly is?
a. rigid b. wisdom c. fake d. discord
20. The correct meaning of the idiom "eye-wash" is?
a. unexpected b. clean c. definite d. deceptive
Read the passage below and choose the correct answers:
Internet Slang
Slang is often taken from social media as a sign of social awareness and shared
knowledge of popular culture. This particular branch of slang has become more
prevalent since the early 2000s as a result of the rise in popularity of social
networking services, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This has created
new vocabularies associated with each new social media venue, such as the use of the
term “friending” on Facebook, which is a "verbification" of “friend” used to describe
the process of adding a new person to one's list of friends on the website. This term is
much older than Facebook, but has only recently entered the popular lexicon.  Unlike
most slang, social media slang is often not spoken aloud in conversation, but rather
written, though it is still not viewed as acceptable in a formal setting. Usually, slangs
are considered taboo and squalor of language. Other examples of the slang found in
social media include a general trend toward shortened words or acronyms. These are
especially associated with services such as Twitter, which has a 140 character limit for
each message and therefore requires a briefer, more condensed manner of

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 301

communication. This includes the use of hashtags which explicitly state the main
content of a message or image, such as #food or #photography
21. Slang is all about
a. Creating new vocabularies
b. Trending or showing off in social networking sites
c. Using acronyms, verbs, hashtags
d. Creating buzz and trends
22. Meaning of lexicon is
a. Network b.Glossary c. Fashion d. Dimension.
23. Hashtags are meant to be used for
a. Uploading pictures and messages on social networking sites
b. Creating a trend (usually on twitter)
c. Creating a network on related words
d. Putting emphasis on main issue
24. The internet slang and its usage is
a. Termed as popular culture among the youths
b. Not precisely acceptable in all social and formal setting so is rather unacceptable
c. More popular in western nations than on the east
d. A taboo and must be discouraged
25. The major opprobrium of slang is that:
a. Slangs are considered degradation of language
b. Slangs create a trend and makes it easier to communicate in social media
c. Slangs are only used in written and online space
d. Slangs were not popular before early 2000s.

Quantitative Ability
26. What is nth term of arithmetic series 3+7+11+15+19+….?
a) 4n b) 2n +1 c) 4n – 1 d) 3n
27. How many digits are used in writing the page numbers of the book from 1
to 500?
a) 1390 b) 1392 c) 1395 d) 1399
28. If 50100= k.10050 , what is the value of k?
a) 250 b) 2550 c) 5050 d) 10050
29. Three containers contain alcohol to water in the ratios 3:5, 1:3 and 1:1
respectively. If the solutions of the three containers are mixed in the volume ratio of
1:2:3, then what is the ratio of alcohol to water in the final solution?
a) 5:9 b) 6:7 c) 12:19 d) 19:29
30. A thief has stolen a car from the point A at 8 AM and drives it away at 50
km/hr. The theft was discovered at 10 am and the owner starts chasing the thief at 10
am at the rate of 70 km/hr. At what time the owner will catch the thief?
a) 2 pm b) 2:30 pm c) 3 pm d) 5 pm
31. Two train travel in opposite direction; one at 30 km/hr. and the other at 42
km/hr. A man sitting in the slower train passes the faster train in 6s. What is the length
of the faster train?
a) 120 m b) 126 m c) 140 m d) 118 m
32. A alone can do a work in 25 days. B is 60 % more efficient than A & C is
50 % more efficient than B. All three of them working together will do the same work
in how many days?
a) 3 days b) 5 days c) 7 days d) 8 days
33. The ratio between Rohit’s and Vivek's age at present is 5:3. Vivek is 8 years
younger than Rohit. The ratio of Rohit’s age to Vivek's age after 5 years will be :
a) 21 : 17 b) 19 : 12 c) 25 : 17 d) None of these

302CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

34. Find the slope of the line that is perpendicular to y= 2x+5 .
a) -2 b) -1/2 c) 2 d) ½
35. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:4, the greatest angle is
a) 80 b) 90 c) 100 d) 120
36. The arithmetic mean of x and y is 10 and their geometric mean is 8. Find the
a) 15,5 b) 14,6 c) 16,4 d) 10,10
37. A basket has 6 apples, 4 oranges, 2 bananas and 3 mangoes, if two fruits are
picked randomly, what is the probability that both are apples?
a) 1/6 b) 1/3 c) 2/15 d) 1/7
38. Without stoppage, a train travels a distance of 120 km in 2 hours. and with
stoppage it covers the same distance in 3 hrs. On an average, how many minutes per
hour does the train stop during the journey?
a) 12 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 18 minutes d) 20 minutes
39. Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% is equivalent to single discount
a) 36% b) 35% c) 32% d) 30%
40. 1/2 and 1/4 quantities of alcohol are there in two similar glasses. They are
filled with water to make the glass full. What is the ratio of water to alcohol in the
new mixture?
a) 3:5 b) 5:3 c) 4:4 d) 3:2
41. What is the diagonal of a rectangle with perimeter and area, 28m and 48m 2
a) 144 m b) 12 m c) 10 m d) 5 m
42. Find the marks obtained by two students in an examination such that the
marks secured by one of them were 10 more than the other and his marks was 60% of
the sum of their marks.
a) 33, 43 b) 21, 31 c) 30, 20 d) 42, 52
43. Find out the price at which Rahul buys the suitcase if he bought a suitcase
with 15% discount on the labelled price and he sold the suitcase with 20% profit on
the labelled price for Rs.2880?
a) Rs.2040 b) Rs.2400 c) Rs.2604 d) Rs.2640
44. If two dice are thrown simultaneously then the probability that the sum is
neither 6 nor 8?
a) 5/18 b) 13/18 c) 7/18 d) 11/18
45. There is a rectangular garden having dimension 20m × 30m. There is a
jogging track inside the garden along its perimeter. The width of the track is uniform
and it is equal to 2m. Find the total area of the jogging track?
a) 104 m2 b) 108 m2 c) 136 m2 d) 156 m2
46. If 32 a + b = 16 a + 3 b , what is the value of a?
a) b b) 2b c) 3b d) b+2
47. If all the rearrangements of the word AMAZON are considered, what is the
probability that Mwill feature between the 2As?
a) 1/3 b) 1/15 c) 2/5 d) 3/8
48. 2a + 5b = 103. How many pairs of positive integer values can a, b take such
that a > b?
a) 7 b) 9 c) 14 d) 15
49. A geometric mean is always ………… arithmetic mean of any two numbers
greater than 1.
a) greater than b) smaller than
c) equal to d) greater or smaller but not equal to
50. Which of the following statements have to be true?

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 303

i. No year can have 5 Sundays in the month of May and 5 Thursdays in the month of
ii. If Feb 14th of a certain year is a Friday, May 14th of the same year cannot be a
iii. If a year has 53 Sundays, it can have 5 Mondays in the month of May.
a) ii only b) iii only c) i and iii only d) none

Logical Reasoning
Direction: Select logically the best answer
51. To every question there is an answer.
a. There is an answer that addresses any question.
b. If there is a question, there is an answer for it.
c. Not all answers can be answered appropriately.
d. Every discussion is bound to produce an answer.
52. Boys will be boys
a. Boys are macho men
b. Girls can never act like boys
c. Boys never worry in condition of tension
d. Young boys as well as grownups will occasionally act childish
53. Plastic handles are used in cooking materials because \
a. Plastics are good conductors of heat.
b. Plastics are bad conductors of heat.
c. Plastics burn easily.
d. Plastics are cheapest raw materials.
54. “Do not take sugar as you have diabetes” is logically similar to
a. Do not read as you have weak sight.
b. Do not speak as you are not asked to speak.
c. Do not play as you are hurt.
d. Do not work as you are already overworked.
55. Drug addicts are hated because they are criminals.
a. All criminals are hated
b. All hated are drug addicts
c. All hated are criminals.
d. Some criminals are hated
Directions: Find the odd one out
56. a. Chicago b. Seoul c. Kathmandu d. Delhi
57. a. Palace b. Temple c. Church d. Synagogue
58. a. Court b. Witness c. Lawyer d.
59. a. Gallon b. Ton c. Quintal d. Kilogram
60. a. Tale b. Fable c. Parable d. Epigram
Directions: Two words on the left side of the sign (::) bears some relationship.
The same relationship exists between the third word and the word provided in
the answer choices. Select the logically best word.
61. Whisper : Shout :: Walk :
a. Race b. Stop c. Run d. Stand
62. Hunger : Food :: Fatigue :
a. Rest b. Eat c. Vitamins d. Sleep
63. Amnesia : Memory :: Paralysis :
a. Movement b. Limbs c. Legs d. Handicapped
64. Cookbook : Recipes :: Manual :
a. Reviews b. Stories c. Articles d. Instructions
65. Guilt : Past :: Hope :
a. Future b. Past c. Sorrow d. Belief
304CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Directions: Look carefully at the sequence of symbols to find the pattern in
questions 66-70. Select the correct pattern

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

a.1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
71. If F is the brother of A, C is the daughter of A, K is the sister of F and G is
the brother of C, then who is the uncle of G?
a. C b. F c. A d. None
72. A clock seen through a mirror reads quarter past three, what is the correct
a. Quarter to nine b. Nine Thirty
c. Quarter to ten d. Ten Thirty
73. If ZEBRA can be written as 2652181, how can COBRA be written?
a. 3152181 b. 302181 c. 31822151 d. 1182153
74. If Tuesday is five days preceding day after tomorrow, then what day, will it
be four days following tomorrow?
a. Friday b. Thursday c. Tuesday d. Wednesday
75. Two persons are in front one person and two persons are behind one person.
How many persons are there if they are all facing the same direction?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 305

General Awareness
76. When was Madan Purashkar established?
a. 2011 B.S b. 2012 B.S c. 2013 B.S d. 2014 B.S
77. Which scientist invented oxygen?
a. J. Pristley b. S. Hahnemann c. W. Harvey d. C. Bernard
78. At what angle is the earth tilted on its axis?
a. 65.6 b. 66.5 c. 67.5 d. 64.5
79. Who is the author of the book "Das Kapital"?
a. Dante b. Rousseau c. Karl Marx d. Goethe
80. Which district is famous for coffee?
a. Gulmi b. Ilam c. palpa d. sindhupalchowk
81. The infamous terrorist group "Taliban" operates in?
a. Iraq b. Afghanistan c. Syria d. Pakistan
82. What is the "First Space station" called?
a. Salute 1 b. Space 1 c. First Space 1 d. First Station 1
83. Who is the wife of Krishna?
a. Radha b. Meera c. Rukmini d. Gauri
84. Who is the president of USA?
a. Hillary Clinton b. Donald Trump
c. Sher Bahadur Deuba d. Frank-Walter Steinmeier
85. Which is the first Sanskrit school of Nepal?
a. Sadananda school b. Sanskrit gurukul
c. Valmeeki Bidhyapeeth d. Sanskrit Madhyamik Bidhyalaya
86. When was paper note introduced in Nepal (in B.S) ?
a. 2002 b. 2001 c. 2000 d. 1999
87. Where's Bhimsen Thapa's head kept ?
a. England b. USA c. France d. Germany
88. In which year did Prithvi Narayan Shah died? (in B.S)?
a. 1829 b. 1830 c. 1831 d. 1832
89. Who built Pashupati temple?
a. Supushpa b. Jaya singh Dev c. Jagat Jung Rana d. Prachanda Dev
90. Which is the biggest district of Nepal?
a. Rolpa b. Dolpa c. Palpa d. Humla
91. How many zones in Nepal are named after river?
a. 10 b. 9 c. 8 d. 7
92. Which is the nearest mountain form Kathmandu ?
a. Gaurishankar b. Jugal c. Everest d. Dhaulagiri
93. What is the maximum capacity of Kulekhani for electricity generation(in
KW) ?
a. 55000 b. 60000 c. 50000 d. 45000
94. Which is the largest river in the world?
a. Nile b. Amazon c. Thames d. Ural
95. Which is the oldest religion in the world?
a. Christianity b. Islam c. Hinduism d. Buddhism
96. Who is known as the "poet of the world"?
a. John Keats b. William Shakespeare
c. W. B Yeats d. William Wordswoth
97. When is "Peace and Hiroshima Day" celebrated?
a. August 6th b. August 7th c. August 8th d. August 9th
98. Who is the first Asian to receive Nobel Prize?
a. Kawabata Yasunari b. Kenzaburo Oe
c. Yosef Agnon d. Rabindra Nath Tagore
99. Which is the oldest language of the world?
a. French b. Chinese c. Portuguese d. Urdu
306CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
100. To which team does Formula 1 star Lewis Hamilton belong to?
a. Mercedes b. Ferrari c. Mclaren d. Red bull

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 307

308CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA
Name: Roll No. ___________________________
Section I: Verbal Ability Section II: Quantitative Ability Section III: Logical Reasoning Section IV: General Awareness
1. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 27. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 30. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 33. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
2. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
3. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
4. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
5. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
6. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
7. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
8. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
9. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
10. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
11. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
12. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
13. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
14. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
15. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
16. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 28. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 31. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 34. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
17. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
18. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
19. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
20. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
21. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
22. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
23. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
24. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
25. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

29. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 32. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 35. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

26. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ
36. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 39. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 42. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 45. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

37. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 40. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 43. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 46. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

38. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 41. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 44. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 47. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

310CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

48. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 51. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 54. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 57. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

49. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 52. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 55. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 58. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

50. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 53. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 56. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 59. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 311

60. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 63. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 66. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 69. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

61. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 64. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 67. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 70. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

62. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 65. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 68. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 71. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

312CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

72. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 75. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 78. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 81. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

73. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 76. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 79. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 82. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

74. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 77. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 80. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 83. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 313

84. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 87. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 90. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 93. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

85. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 88. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 91. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 94. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

86. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 89. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 92. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 95. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

314CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA

96. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 98. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 100. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

97. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ 99. ⓐⓑⓒⓓ

CMAT Preparation Book, SDC BBA 315

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