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Logical reasoning

1. Bull: cow::

a. geese: gander b.deer:foal d.child:boy

2. room: house

A .cabin:sheep b.chair: room c.refrigerator:kitchen d.deck:ship

3. china:yuan

a. mongolia:tugrik b. afganistan:riyal c. indonesia:hat d.sri lanka:rupiah

4. find the odd one out:

a. fowl b. fledging c.cub d.kitten

5. a. salmon b. dolphin c. shark d.trout

6. a.24 b.72 c.44 d.120

7. a.12 b.33 c.84 d.65

8.if 53971 stands for CAGES, what does 7391 stand for?


9. what is the next number in the series?2,4,7,12,19,30…..

a.45 b.42 c.43 d.51

10.what is the missing number of series?1,2,3,6,….,24,48?

a.8 b.12 c.16 d.18

11. no drugs is tonic. Some tonics are beneficial.

a. no drug is beneficial b. some drugs is not beneficial

12.choose the odd words:

a.calender d.month

13. a. bagful b.careful c.skilful d.hopeful

14 a.tansen b. dhangadi c. nepalgunj d.nagarkot

15.a. paris b. new York c. kathmandu d. tokyo

16 a. one b.three c.fifth d. seven

17 .the parts of human body are:

A .waist b. belly c. chest d. head e. neck f. foot

18.which is the following will appear third in the English dictionary?

a.question b.quarrel c.quack d. query

19.A boys goes 6 m north and turn east and walks 8m. again he turn to his right and walks 4m. after this he
turns it his right and walks 8 m. how far is he from his starting points?

a.3m b.4m c.2m d.6m

20.if 1 is added to the last digit of the each number then how many number will be divisible by 5?

a.2 b.1 c. 3 d.4

21. one takes medicine because one is sick.

a. all medicine make people sick. b.medicine certainly cures sick. c.sick people take medicine

d. no sick person take medicine.

22. 8,13,21,32,47,63,83(find wrong term)

a.13 b.32 c.47 d.63

23. if four brother with their wives each with two children met for a tea, how many were there?

a.8 b.10 c.12 d.16

24. 180 is what percent of 45?

a.200% b.100% c.400% d.none

25. Mumbai:sensex::kathmandu:?


1. A sum lent out at 12% p.a. compound interest for two years amount is Rs.15600.the sum lent is:

a.Rs.12000 b.Rs12250 c. Rs 12484 d. Rs 12880

2. The interest rate that doubles a sum in ten years is

a.12% b.11% c.10% d.9%

3. ramesh invested a sum of money at simple interest at a certain rate of interest for three years.had it
been invested at 4% higher rate,it would have fetched Rs 480 more. Find out the principal amount that was
invested by ramesh?

a. Rs 3000 b. Rs 4000 c. Rs 5000 d. Rs 4500

4. a salary of an officer being increased by 10% every year becomes Rs48400 in the third year.what was his
original salary?

a. Rs 45000 b. Rs 44000 c. Rs 42000 d. Rs 40000

5.when usha was thrice as old as nisha,her sister asha was 25. When nisha was half as old as asha, then sister usha
was 34 their ages add to 100.100. how old is usha

a.20 b.30 c.40 d.50

6.) the average age of a family members is 24yrs.if the present age of the youngest member is 88 yrs, what was the
average age of the family at, the time of the birth of the youngest member?

a.50 b.40 c.30 d.20

7.) 1397*1397=?

A.19510609 B.1981709 C.18362619 d.2031719

8) Paras khadka takes 5 wicket for 26 run in a final match due to which his bowling average improves by 2.his old
bowling average was 14. Find the total number of wickets after the final match.

a.20 b.22 c.24 d.26

9) the average mark of a class in science test is 75. Geeta was the topper with 96 marks . if her mark was wrongly
entered as 69, the average of the class decreases by 1. Find the number of students in class?

a.24 b.25 c.27 d.29

10) arun obtained 76,65,82,67,85 marks (out of 100) in English, mathematics, chemistry, biology, & physics. what is
his average marks?

a.53 b.54 c.72 d.75

11) In an examination, a student’s average marks were 63. If he had obtained 20 more marks for his geography and
2 more marks for his history, his average would have been 65. How many subjects were there in the examination?
a.12 b.13 c.11 d.14
12) the average of six numbers is x and the average of three of these is y. if the average of the remaining three is z,
a.2x=y+z b. x=y+z c.x=2y+2z d.none
13) a person crosses a 600m long street in 5 min.,what Is his speed in km/hour?
a.10 b. 8.4 c. 3.6 d. 7.2
14) a vendor bought bananas at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%?
a.3 b.4 c.5 d.6
15) the largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 is:
a.9944 b.9768 c.9988 d.8888

16) (12)3* 64 /432=?

a.5060 b.5184 c.5148 d.5084
17) what is the 0.5% of 100000?
a.0.05 b.0.5 c.50 d.500
18) if 8x+4=32 then 2x-1=?
a.9 b.8 c.6 d.5
19) 60 is 80% of which number?
a.60 b.72 c.75 d.80
20) the average of x and y is 40. If z=10 what is the average of x,y&z?
a.16.6 b.20 c.25 d.30
odd one out (46 to 50)
21) 1,3,9,12,19,29
a.12 b.9 c.1 d.3
22) 18,27,64,125,196,216,343
a.64 b.196 c.216 d.18
23) 3,5,11,14,17,21
a.21 b.17 c.14 d.3
24) 1,4,9,16,23,25,36
a.9 b.23 c.25 d.36
25) 24,36,52,72,96
a.72 b.36 c.24 d.52
General Awareness
1. Which of the following is Nepal's largest trading partner?
2. ln which district is shey phoksundo lake situated at?
a.mugu b.maanang c.dolpa d.kaski
3. Which country stock exchange index is as CAC?
a.germany b. Singapore c.italy d. france
4. Where is the hindukush mountain range located ?
a.india b.pakistan c.nepal d.indonesia
5. Oslo is the capital of ?
a.norway b.canada c.yaman d.sweden
6. Swargadwari temple is situated in?
a.surkhet b.jajarkot c.dang d.pyuthan
7. Brain lara is related with which sport? c.rafting d.badmintion
8. Which is the following is not a Himalayan river?
a.trisuli b.bagmati c.kaligandaki d.koshi
9. A web sites main pages is called as ?
a.websites page b.home page page d.browser page
10. Sofia is the capital of ?
a.italy b.mauritius c.denmark d.bulgaria
11. What is the nation currency of Afghanistan?
a.afghan dollar b.afghan yen c.afghan afghani d.afghaa rupee
12. Where is the tallest bridge of Nepal?
a.chisapani b.trishuli c.madikhola d.koshi
13. Sun rays yield vitamin?
a.A b.B c.C d.D
14. The longest river in the world is ?
a.indus b.nile c.ganga

15. Which of the following is not a part of the internet?


16. Olumpic games are held in every years

a.2 b.3 c.4 d.5

17. The terms CLEAN SWEEP is associated with c.badmintion

18. filarial is casued by

a.bacteria b.protozoa c.virus d.mosquito

19. Seismology refers to

a.earthquakes b.plants c.humidity d.planets

20. QUNTAS airlines belongs to

a.japan b.germany c.australia d.southafrica

21. ENTOMOLOGY is the science that studies

a.human beings b.the formations of rocks c.animals d.insects

22. Which is the largest bilateral donor to Nepal ?

a.USA b.UP c.australia d.japan

23. Where is the headquarter of the word bank?

a.newwork b.washington DC c.nairobi

24. Thailand is baht as Indonesia is to

a.dollor b.yen C.rupiah d.dirham

25. Data that is copied from application is store in the

a.ram b.prompt c.clipboard D.CPU


Solve all the problems
Q.N.1, The birth of daughter is no more a/an............occasion because education has...........
the people.
a.being; esteemed b. magnificent; liberalized
c. propitious; blinded c. ominous; enlightened
Q.N.2, The police was at last able to...........the...........of her disapperance from her
husband’s home.
a. reveal; secret b. confirm; doubt c. expos; mystery d. solve; mystery
Q.N.3, ................the more they the same.
a. The less the dynamism b. The more things change
c. The more pronounced the transformation d.The more the merrier
Q.N.4, Revenues are likely to register a dramatic increase if on the hundred million people
who are said to comprise the rising Indian middle class.
a. Aflat tax is collected b. Aflat tax is placed
c. Taxes at the flat rate are changed d. Tax is imposed at a flat rate
QN.5, A dime a dozen means...............
a. Anything that is difficult to get
b. Any object that is group of 12
c. Any thing that is common and easy to get
d. Gruop of 13
Q.N.6, Opposite meaning of word Timorous is ........
a. trembling b. cowardly c. bright d. bold
Q.N.7, Antonym meaning of the word Idiosyncrasy is.........
a. instanity b. sanity c. generality d. singularity
Q.N.8, The bullet went straight...........him.
a. to b. through c. in d. for

Q.N.9, Padam ran...........the road

a. along b. across c. to d. in
Q.N.10, Ram Hari passed himself off as a noble man.
a. was regarded as b. pretended to be
c. was thought to be d. was looked up on
Q.N.11, What is the opposite meaning of word Antipathy is.......
a. profundity b. objection c. willingness d. foundnes
Q.N. 12, Synonym meaning of the word is Spoil is................
a. repair b. amend c. make d. ruin
Q,N.13, What is the synonym of word Departed is........
a. born b. birth c. dead d. killed
Q.N.14, Once the principal...............that the fire alarm had been set of by accident , she
apologized to the suspected students and announced that they had been..................
a. Realized...exonerated b.Denied....reprimanded
b. perceived.....enlightend d. understood... apprehended
Q.N.15, In many cases, the formerly.......... origins of disease have now been identified
through modern scientific techniques.
a.Insightful b. Mysterious c. Cruel d.Notable
Q.N.16, We reached the station...... for the train
a. on time b. in time c. at time d. by time
Q.N.17, You cannot have your cake and eatit too.
a. Enjoy forever b. Have it both ways
c. Run away from responsiblity d. Above yourself of guilt
Q.N.18, Though he has lot of money, yet all his plans are built upon sand
a. established on ensecure foundations b. based on inexprince
c. resting in cheap material d. resting on immature ideas
Q.N.19, Jaya had a cheque red career since I first knew him as an office assistant in the
insurance company.
a. Had a vriety of jobs and experiences
b. A career which helped him a make lot of money
c. A career where he signed a lot of cheques
d. did odd jobs.
Q.N.20, We cut the cake..........ten pieces
a. to b. into c. above d. through
Q.N.21, The best antonym of the word Win is .........
a. victory b. triumph c. succeed d. yield
Q.N.22, The cricket match proved to be a big draw.
a. a keen contest b. a huge attraction
c. a lovely spectable d. a game without any result
Q.N.23, To catch a tartar
a. to trap wanted criminal with great difficulty
b. to meet with disaster
c. to deal witha person who is more than one’s match
d. to catch a dangerous person
Q.N.24, In a changing and.......... unstructured business environment, cretivity and
innovation are being.......... demanded of executives.
a. progressively; increasingly b. excessively;rapidly
c. increasingly; rapidly d. highly;extermely
Q.N.25, It is very unfortunate thatthe two communities which were so friendly till recently
are now...........
a. unhappy b. unfriendly c. hostile d. at daggers drawn

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