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2nd Long Test in Trends Network and Critical Thinking

Name: ______________________________________________Section:___________________
Test I Identification. Identify the word/words being asked.
_____________________1. It’s a form of government wherein the power to rule resides in the people
_____________________2. A form of gov’t wherein the people are governed by an individual who has
absolute governing power and assumes the roles of the three branches of the
gov’t – executive, legislative, and judiciary.
_____________________3. Gov’t wherein the governing power is shared between a central gov’t and group
of regional or local gov’t.
_____________________4. It is a form of gov’t wherein the people are ruled by King and Queen
_____________________5. Gov’t wherein the people are ruled by a few people
_____________________6. Type of Government that is existing in the Philippines
_____________________7. A form of government wherein idea is to arrive at a classless society
through the equal sharing of goods by the people.
_____________________8.  Government in which love of honor is the ruling principle.
_____________________9. Father of Communism
_____________________10. Founder of revolutionary government in the Philippines
Test II True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not
___________1. Democracy literally means “Rule of the People”
___________2. Monarchy belongs to the nobility
___________3. Despotism characterize by the rule of one
___________4. Federalism exist in United States of America
___________5. Adolf Hitler and Ferdinand Marcos once lead a Dictatorship form of Government
___________6. Solon introduced timocracy as a form of government
___________7. Aristocracy still exist in the Philippines
___________8. President is the head in a democratic form of government
___________9. A monarch who has managed to expand one’s kingdom to an empire is called
Emperor or Empress
___________10. His Excellency a title of respect for males used when referring
to heads of state, heads of government
Test III Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it before each number
_______1. Year when television was invented
a. 1911 b. 1920 c. 1940 d. 2000
_______2. What is the meaning of the acronym ICT
a. Information Communication Technologies
b. Information and Communication Technology
c. Information Communication and Technology
d. Information Communications Technology
_______3. He invented the Telephone
a. Agapito Flores b. Alexander Graham Bell c. Charles Babbage d. Edward Mill
_______4. He invented the Abacus
a. Agapito Flores b. Alexander Graham Bell c. Charles Babbage d. Edward Mill
_______5. Year when digital technology was introduced
a. 1911 b. 1920 c. 1940 d. 2000

Test IV Enumeration. Enumerate what is being asked

Dimensions of Democracy Types of Print Media

1. ___________________________ 1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________ 4.___________________________
5. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________
The Seven Mass Media 6. ___________________________
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________ Give 7 most used of Social Media platform/sites
3. ___________________________ in the Philippines
4. ___________________________ 1.___________________________
5. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________
6. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________
7. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________
8. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________
6. ___________________________
7. ___________________________

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