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Name: Kaya Spence School: BTW Magnet High School

Date: 12/1/2020 Facilitator: Mr. Walker

4.06 Managing Media

Total points: 75
Managing Media Effectively
Answer the questions below based on what you learned in this lesson.
1. In the table below, list three positive and three negative effects of media.
Positive Effects of Media Negative Effects of Media
Send messages quickly Can be addictive
Keep up with loved ones Often presents unattainable standards for
Helps us have a more global perspective Aggressive behavior

2. List five internet safety practices.

a. Keep your identity private
b. Do not share your username or password with anyone but your parents
c. Do not talk to people you do not know well online
d. Never meet up with someone you do not already know face-to-face
e. Do not send sexually explicit pictures or messages
3. List five guidelines for healthy use of technology.
a. Protect your privacy and the privacy of others
b. Set limits on the use of social media and screens
c. Share all passwords with your parents
d. Consider how what you post reflects on your reputation
e. Set aside plenty of “no screens” time and stick to it
4. Discuss why sexting is dangerous. After sending them, you lose control of who sees them
5. Jill has been bullying Sandy on Instagram. It makes you uncomfortable and you are
trying to decide what to do. What is one response that often stops bullying? Speaking up
when witnessed
6. Allison has been talking with a boy on Snapchat. When he asked her not to tell anyone
they were talking, Allison felt uncomfortable. What should she do? Cut off
communication and she should tell her parents
Reviewing My Media Presence
I. Reviewing My Social Media Accounts
Look at each of your social media accounts. Review what you have posted in the past week. If
you do not post often, look back at your most recent posts. What is the overall theme of the
messages you have posted? Did you treat others the way you want to be treated? What do you
think someone considering you for a job would think of your media presence?
After reviewing your social media accounts, how do you feel? Are you satisfied with your media
presence or will you adopt any new guidelines for what you post in the future?
Write a paragraph of at least five sentences reflecting on what you learned and how that will
affect how you use social media in the future.
Actually I don’t post on social media. I usually just look at others post. If I see an unkind or
negative post, I often report it. The only social media I really use on a daily basis is Pinterest and
Tik Tok. It just takes my mind off all the bad going on in the world. Some of the stuff I see on
these social media apps is body positivity and encouragement

II. Reviewing My Use of Technology

In the chart below, log each time you use a form of media, the type of activity, and the start and
end times. If you need more space, add additional lines. Total your time using media each day.
Enter your total times here: Day 1 total: 3hrs 10mins Day 2 total: 3hrs 45mins
After reviewing your findings, write a paragraph describing how you can use this information to
manage your use of technology. Talk about how you feel before, during, and after using
technology. Write at least five sentences.
Before using technology, I don’t actually feel much because I use it for online school. It gets
kind of tiring after a while. During my time using it, I feel kind of proud of who I am because of
the positive I see on social media. After using it, I somewhat feel a little relaxed because I just
got done unwinding from my day.
Type of Media Activity Start Time End Time Total Time
Day 1 Pinterest Search for Xmas 4 pm 4:30 pm 30mins
Tik Tok For fun 5:00 6:15 1hr
Tik Tok For fun 6:45 7:30 45 mins
Pinterest Just to look 7:35 7:50 15 mins
Tik Tok To look for a Tik 7:55 8:20 25 mins
Tok that I liked
earlier to show my

Day 2 Tik Tok BORED 3:30 pm 4 pm 30 mins

Tik Tok Looking for a Tik 4:10 4:45 35 mins
Tok I liked earlier
to send to someone
Tik Tok For fun 5 pm 5:50 50 mins
Tik Tok For fun 6:15 7 pm 45 mins
Pinterest Looking for 7:35 8:40 1hr 5 mins
something that I
saved to a board I

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