Assingment 3 (MT&P) (Case Study Telenor Pakistan)

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Management Theory & Practices

Assignment 3
Case Study: Telenor Pakistan

Submitted to:

Dr Osama Naseem

Submitted by:

 Muhammad Hammad Aqdas

 Muhammad Sajid


MBA (Spring 2021)


Lahore Business School (LBS)


Question No. 1: How would you describe the culture at Telenor Pakistan? What
were the main factors which contributed to the development of this culture at

By studying about the culture of Telenor Pakistan for me the culture at Telenor Pakistan is very
unique. An employee could choose to sit anywhere he or she wished regardless of his or her
position in the organization. The open space environment was an innovative and revolutionary
concept adopted by Telenor Pakistan. This increase their employees motivation and also end
the diversity among them.

According to Vice President of Human Capital Division Telenor:

We aspire to build a culture that is free from bureaucracy, open to people and ideas,
innovative, high performing, aggressive towards competition, intimately connected to the
customer, and based on integrity.

Their values, visions and environment they created is very good and attracts volunteers and
also the whole society to be a part of them as a customer or as an employee

Their four core values are the main factors which contributed to the development of this
culture at Telenor as mentioned below

Make it Easy

We're practical. We don't complicate things. Everything we produce should be easy to

understand and use. Because we never forget we're trying to make customers' lives easier.

Keep Promises

Everything we set out to do should work, or if it doesn't, we're here to help. We're about
delivery, not over promising, actions not words.

Be Inspiring

We are creative. We strive to bring energy to the things we do. Everything we produce should
look good, modern and fresh. We are passionate about our business and customers.

Be Respectful

We acknowledge and respect local cultures. We do not impose one formula worldwide. We
want to be a part of local communities wherever we operate. We believe loyalty has to be

I personally very inspired from the culture of Telenor Pakistan

Question No. 2: Do you think that the organization’s culture provided a
competitive advantage to Telenor? Why or why not

Yes, Organization’s culture provided a competitive advantage to Telenor

Because they made their environment for their employees as second home where they will not
be criticized on making mistakes even they will motivate and inspire to learn from their
mistakes this makes their culture unique and attracts everyone’s attention and this built a
confidence among their employees to work even harder and this increase their capabilities of

a senior manager narrated:

Once in Azad Kashmir, the service Centre was closed, causing a great deal of inconvenience.
Our customers needed to recharge their balance desperately so our employees made a new
temporary outlet to help the customers!

The management felt that an employee’s treatment of the customer was highly correlated with
how the employee was treated by the organisation. If the employee was treated with respect
and warmth in the organisation, he/she would treat the customers with greater respect and
warmth. The converse was also true. If an employee was unhappy in the organisation, the
customer would also feel the lack of warmth. The customer experience was directly affected by
the employee’s experience in the organisation.

This type behaviors of organization towards employees made them work harder and this helps
and gives advantage to organization work competitively

Question No. 3: How is the external business environment changing for Telenor?
Should the culture now change in response to the changing external

Telenor Pakistan identified the need to continuously improve business processes as well. The
Six Sigma initiative as well as the Operational Excellence initiative helped in effective
management, enhancement in employee productivity, and improvement in the quality of
services provided. New products and processes were designed with reduced error rates and in
quicker time. The main aim was to surpass competitors and thus establish a competitive
advantage in the industry.
Question No. 4: If changes are necessary, which aspects should be focused on?
How could these changes be implemented?

I think the changes in the work environment and the culture they built should remain the same
they should look up o f some factors mentioned below

1. Deliver growth through clear brand positions, strong distribution and focused customer
offerings that fuel the persistent need for connectivity and related services.

2. Continue to innovate on our core business and be a leader in modernization, from how we
run our networks to the way we engage with customers across touch points.

3. Reinforce the strong foundation of responsible business through the way they raise business
standards and contribute by providing skills for an accelerated digital future.

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