Gianna Lashley Student - Heritagehs - Furlough - U2l3 Special Diet Meal Planning Worksheet

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Unit 2: Promoting Learning through

Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Special Diet Meal Planning Worksheet

North Carolina Healthful Living State Standards
● Organize meal plans to meet special dietary needs for athletes, pregnant women, diabetics, and those experiencing allergies.
● Plan vegetarian diets that are balanced and nutrient dense.
● Recognize the benefits of folic acid and other vitamins and minerals.
● Summarize the effects of hydration and dehydration and preventive measures for dehydration.

Student Name: Gigi Lashley

Part I: Conduct research on the special diet you have been assigned. Trusted websites for information include:
● Harvard School of Public Health -
● United States Food and Nutrition Service of Department of Agriculture (USDA) -
● Center for Disease Control (CDC) Food Allergies –
● National Institute for Health (NIH) –
● American Diabetes Association (ADA) -
● Center for Disease Control (CDC) Diabetes and Pregnancy -
● American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Pregnancy) -

Part II: Using your research, complete the section of the table (on pages 2 -4) associated with the special diet you have been assigned.

Part III: Using the table on pages 5 and 6, complete the meal planning activity associated with the assigned special diet for two days.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 1

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Part II: Using your research, complete the section of the table below that is associated with the special diet you have been assigned.

Type of Special How many calories List the types of List the types of How many times a What nutrients are List at least 3
Diet per day should be foods that are foods that are day should a essential in this myths about this
consumed by a especially especially person eat that is special diet? special diet (e.g.,
person eating this important to important to avoid on this special Please explain diabetics cannot
special diet? consume for this for this special diet? why. have sugar).
Please explain special diet. diet. Please explain Explain why the
why. Please explain Please explain why. myths are not
why. why. true.
Athletes should Carbs give you - Alcohol Athletes typically Calcium keeps “Eating carbs will
typically be eating energy. (Pasta) - Trans fats eat every 2-3 your bones strong make me
at least 2,000 Proteins will fuel - Soda/Suga hours. With them and minimizes fat.”Without carbs
calories per day to your muscles. ry drinks having to do a lot fatigue. your body would
fuel themselves. (Chicken) of exercise, if they B Vitamins make break down
The number of Monounsaturated don't refuel their sure your body proteins and
calories will differ fats help with bodies then they turns the food delay muscle
based on age, heart help. won’t have any you eat into fuel. recovery to get
gender, weight, (Avocados) energy. Potassium helps glycogen.
and activity level. balance fluids and “Drastically
electrolytes. cutting calories is
the best way to
lose weight fast.”
When you drop

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 2

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
calorie intake,
your body burns
fewer calories and
increases your
hunger signals.

“Any salt in my
diet will make me
When you sweat
you lose sodium
and sodium is an
needed to keep
you hydrated.

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 3

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3

Part III: Using the table below, complete the meal planning activity associated with the assigned special diet for two days.

Meal of the Day Day 1 Day 2

bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a bagel veggie and meat omelet

apples and peanut butter avocado toast with egg

buttered pasta with meatballs grilled chicken salad

celery and cream cheese banana and peanut butter rice cakes

steak and potatoes grilled fish and salsa

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 4

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through
Brain Maintenance
Lesson 3
List the total water With each meal at least 8oz of water should be
consumption consumed. After workouts, chocolate milk or gatorade
planned within the can also help to refuel.
meal plan and
explain how
dehydration was

List the total

calories/ per day 2,152 calories 2,081 calories

List the nutrients, protein, carbs, calcium, good fats <<<<<<

vitamins and
minerals targeted
in the meal plan
Cite the research ● ●
sources used to onsource/nutrition-education-materia ucational/wecan/tools-resources/nutr
complete this ls/ ition.htm

U2L3: Homework Assignment - Special Diet Meal Planning 5

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