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Process Mining & OpEx

Find out how to continuously improve your business processes for lower operational risk,
lower operating costs, and increased revenues.

Operational Excellence is crucial to the success

of a company. But fixing a process problem with
traditional methods to measure, analyze or
model processes takes too long and requires
a lot of money. Additionally, showing and
visually explaining broken processes to the
right people can be a tough challenge for
in-house consultants.

Some companies rely on Business

Intelligence tools to monitor relevant
KPIs in their OpEx projects, however
a process-centric view is needed to
find the factors that hinder
businesses from achieving
top-level performance.

Process Mining solves these issues and makes

it easy to start OpEx projects. It simply uses
data that already exists in the system to
visualize as-is processes. This makes it easy
to find problems and their root causes, works
across teams and departments and makes it
easy to show and explain why a process is
broken to people who need to fix it.

Discover the power of knowledge

PAFnow is the first Process Mining tool built on Power BI and the only one that is fully
integrated into the Power Platform. Users benefit from over 300 Action connectors and 200
source connectors to various applications and data sources.
PAFnow’s prebuilt dashboards make it easy to get started with the analysis; the Microsoft
infrastructure allows users to share their insights with the right people and take collaborative
action to improve processes.


The new PAFnow OpEx Edition turns you into a

summiteer when it comes to achieving peak
Operational Excellence and real continuous

Analysis: Fast, objective, data-based insights into

actual business processes. Visualization of all
process variants and deep analysis to find problems
such as loops, waste or rework.

Root Causes: Use the PAFnow Root Cause Analyzer

to finds the causes behind process problems and
track them down to the individual case level.

Collaboration: Share relevant findings easily with

any employee within the Microsoft environment.
Embed insights collaboration applications that are
already in use in your company, such as Microsoft
365, Slack, Asana, Trello, Sharepoint or Teams.
Increase the first-time-right ratio. Make your
continuous improvement project a team-project.

Monitor: Measure the process performance,

monitor the progress and success of improvement

Discover the power of knowledge

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