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Answer a(i); I advised that user to use Two-factor authentication (2FA) because its is that the latest best security mechanisms, and also
called as two-step verification or dual-factor authentication, which users provide two different authentication factors to verify themselves.
This process protect both the user's credentials. Two-factor authentication provides a higher security level than single-factor authentication
(SFA) which depend on user password, and also having second factor security, usually either a security token or a biometric factor, like a
fingerprint or facial scan, retina scan and etc. Two-factor authentication add another layer of security to authentication process by making it
harder for attackers gain access control to login these well known messaging application. When attackers want to gain access to these well-
known chats application ,the 2FA security system will send an OTP (One Time Password) to your device. User advised to don’t share the
OTP password to anyone and advised to change the social media passwords to avoid any unauthorized access. User also advised to
enable 2FA factors in your social media application (a)(ii): The first basic security concepts which are important when sending information
across the internets is confidentiality. Confidentiality most important attribute that ensures that computer-related assets are access only by
authorized users or parties. Sometimes confidentiality called as secrecy or privacy. The second security concepts are integrity. Integrity
defines as that assets can be modified only by authorized user or parties in authorized ways. Sometimes information and data might be
corrupted when user connect to insecure network. This will cause loss of integrity. The third security concepts are availability. Availability
defines that assets are accessible only by authorized user or parties at appropriate times. Sometimes data or information can be deleted or
erased that’s causing inaccessible which resulting in loss of availability. (b)(i) Digital signature is one of mathematic calculation which is
used to valid the authentication and integration of a message or digital documents. It’s like handwriting signature that the subject or
message belong to the person who written the message. In digital world, the signature called as digital signature where its proposed
evidence of origin, identity and status of electronic document, transaction, and digital messages. Signer can use the digital signature as
consents. Digital signatures used public key such as RSA (River-Shamir-Adleman),which known as asymmetric cryptography. From using
RSA methodology, two keys are generated, which are one private and one public. Digital signature work within public key also known as
authenticating cryptographic keys. The sender who creates the digital signature use one private key to encrypt the information, while to
decrypt that information is with the sender's public key. As the diagram below, shows the process of digital signature process and how its
works. From the diagram, here a example to show how the process works. Julie wants to send the following message to Rooney : “Hi
Rooney, How are you ?.” Julie wants to make sure the message came from her and no one else to Rooney. So, Julie needs to create a
hash digest and sign it. To create a digest, Julie uses a cryptographic hash function to convert the message into an ID number. It is very
difficult to create an optional message with same ID number to digest the message. This is the ID number/digest for her message:
MD5(rooney-message)= 4b0dadndskdnksdnsdnskd74e. Now to sign the digest, Julie needs a secret private key that nobody else knows.
Here is Julie's private key: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBOgIBAAJBAKkbSUT9/Q2uBfGRau6/XJyZhcF5abo7b37I5hr3
EadhhdajKK -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY---- To verify her signature, Julie needs to publish her public key so that it is available to
everyone. Using her private key, Julie signs the digest. The combination of her message and her signature. At this moment, anyone who
receive Julie's message to Rooney can use Juliet's public key to verify the created message. However, Juliet only want Rooney to read and
verify the message. To complete this, Julie needs to use Rooney's public key to encrypt the messages. Of course, because Romeo wants
to use public key cryptography in order to receive secret, digitally signed messages from Julie, he has also published his public key. Juliet
uses his key to encrypt her message. This ensures that only Rooney can read the message. Because her signature is part of the message,
Rooney will know that message came from her. To reverse this process, Rooney uses his private key to decrypt the message and then
uses Julie's public key to verify the signature. Digital signature is requiring all parties trust that the individual creating the signature has kept
the private key secret. If anyone else had the access to the private key, that person could create fraudulent digital signatures as private key

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