This I Believe 1

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I have learned that failure is the path to success.

Playing baseball since I was 10 years old has

taught me this great lesson. I learned that baseball is a failure sport. You are going to fail more
times than you succeed. If you can’t handle that, then baseball isn’t the sport for you. At first, I
thought I could just jump into baseball and be Mike Trout (3x AL MVP), but that wasn’t the case.
On one of my teams, I ended up having only one hit the entire season. I felt like my head was
going to explode with frustration like a balloon. However, my dad helped me realize that there is
no point in dwelling on the past. There’s nothing you can do to change it. What you can do is
learn from your past mistakes and use that knowledge to get better. I’m really thankful for my
dad drilling this in my head. In baseball, it’s something you have to do every game. If you make
an error or strikeout, you can’t stay frustrated at it or else it’s going to lead to more mistakes.
You have to analyze what you did wrong, then flip the page and focus on making the next play.
Looking back, I remember the hard times with the sun beating down on me or the wind gusting
in my face during practice. Getting through that and polishing my weaknesses has made me
into a better baseball player today. This can also be applied to other sports and life in general.
We all make some mistakes during our lives, and if we use them correctly, they can help us
grow as people.

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