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Act 3 Scene 1 Adaptation

Name Age Costume Personality

Mack Smith 18 ● Always wears a ● He's popular and well known

(Macbeth) : letterman jacket and liked by everyone.
Nana or denim jacket ● He’s smart and makes sure
● Follows and everybody knows it
wears whatever ● He's arrogant and egotistical
is trendy and in as his life was going well so
style far and everything worked
● Wants to fit in out for him.
and be ● He’s short tempered, feels
considered cool he’s more important than
by his peers. everybody else, can’t be
● Double denim bothered by others
● He especially doesn't treat
his girlfriend (Beth) well

Beth Davis 15 ● Has a ● She’s smart, but overlooked

(Lady Macbeth) : casual/sporty by everyone.
Hannah sense of style to ● She wants to be respected
try and fit in with and noticed by everyone
others, else.
especially with ● Seems to have the perfect
her boyfriend life but in reality has many
and his friends. problems in her personal life
● Dresses older as ● In a toxic relationship
to appear older ● Very manipulative and is able
than she actually to get what she wants easily.
is to be ● Wants power and is
respected more. controlling
● Acts as though ● Everyone would describe her
she doesn’t try as nice and quiet, but most
on her outfits, people don’t know that her
when in reality big dream in life is to be
she does voted most popular in the

Ben Cooper 17 ● He has a casual ● He’s Mack’s BFF and is loyal

Lil B and relaxed and trusting but isn't treated
(Banquo) : sense of style, the same in return.
Aidan but still is trendy ● Fits in with the popular
without trying to crowd, is well liked but
be. doesn’t care about his
● He wears a popularity.
denim jacket, a ● Admired by his peers
white shirt, black ● He is nice to everyone no
jeans and black matter what.
shoes. ● The “good guy”
First Jock 16 ● Wears ● She’s not too smart.
Jessica Morgan oversized, comfy ● Follows the crowd and will do
(Murderer 1) : clothing whatever it takes to be liked
Elda ● Bit of a tomboy by others, even if it means
● Wants to be making a fool out of herself.
liked by the ● Does whatever she’s told to
other girls, so do if it makes others laugh.
tries to follow ● She is the class clown and
trends but always wants a reaction out
doesn’t succeed. of others, either good or bad.

Second Jock 16 ● Slicked back ● Doesn’t do well in school.

Brock Jones mullet ● Gets in trouble a lot.
(Murderer 2) : ● Doesn’t follow ● Doesn’t have many friends
Reid trends at all and doesn’t show respect to
● Doesn’t care too many people.
much about ● He’s a wallflower, doesn’t try
what he is to stand out and is
wearing. completely fine with that.
● Wears mainly
dark clothing

Scene Description: Scene takes place inside of Mack’s family’s boxcar diner in Dallas, Texas.
The diner is empty, dimly lit with a flickering light in the background. Lil B is sitting alone in a
booth with a half empty drink.
Lil B: Hmm… you have it all now; as the prom king, football team captain and class president.
Just like the three weird skids in the alley told us; and I’m scared
That you might’ve played dirty to get these titles; but they also said
that your siblings will never be as popular as you,
And that mine will be even more popular.
If the skids weren’t lying, which all of what they said has been true so far,
That means that there’s actually a chance for me. But whatever.
[Loud music plays as Mack enters with Beth beside him]
Mack: Here’s the M.V.P. that we all love! The mannnn.
Tonight we are throwing a huge party
And it would be really cool if you came with us.
Beth: The rager wouldn’t be the same without you!
Lil B: Most definitely, whatever the football captain
Asks, I’ll do. Anything for you dude!
[Mack sits down]
Mack: You gonna go cruise tonight?
Lil B: Heck yeah dude, gotta test the power of my new ‘stang! Make some gnarly rips round
Mack: Aw shucks, we kinda wanted to chill with the boys tonight.
And we would’ve been totally stoked if you came. Whatever.
You gonna drive far?
Lil B: Totally; imma go far enough that I’ll be a while, I'll probably be back just before sundown.
Unless I can get this thing to go faster.
Mack: Gnarly, bro just don’t miss the party!
Lil B: Take a chill pill bro; I’ll be there.
Mack: The two jerks that made it seem like Chad was messing with the votes
Transferred to other schools.They still haven’t admitted
What they did and are still spewing bogus lies.
Oh well, that's not important right now, we’ll deal with it tomorrow.
You should probably get driving, is your lil bro going with ya?
Lil B: Yeah my mom said I had to bring the little dweeb.
I better jet or else I might be late to the party.
Mack: Alright then. Have a wicked/rad time!
[Exit Lil B ]
Mack: Guys! Go chillax ‘til 7! The party is going to be so sick!
I’m gonna go and chill by myself until then.
[Exit everyone but Mack and Jessica]
Mack: Hey Jessica, Is that your buddy out there?
Jessica: Yeah man, he’s waiting outside.
Mack: Go get him! Why are you standing here looking like a hoser!
Jessica: Sorry man, my bad.
[Exit Jessica]
Mack: When you're the prom king you’ll never know if you're safe.
Everyone’s always out to get ya look at Lil B for example.
He’s super kind and super smart as well
And everyone likes him.
But worst of all he’s good looking.
No one else has a chance of being prom king except him
He asks the skids about what they said about me
And they told him his future too.
They said that his siblings will be prom kings and queens
What’s the point then; I won’t be king again
I sabotaged Chad’s campaign for nothing.
I’m tripping if I’ll let Lil B win!
He’s bugging if he thinks that I will let go of that crown!
[Enter Jessica and Brock]

Mack: What’s happenin’? Remember what we talked about the other day?
Brock: I do remember, wastoid.
Mack: [ Very Sarcastically] haha very funny you barf bag
[normal voice] Did you think about the schweet deal that I gave you?
It’s Lil B’s fault that you guys aren’t starting on the football team
And I told you last time we met that I had nothing to do with it.
I told you how he told the coaches to bench you.
Even a spazz knows that Lil B did it.
Brock: Yeah yeah.
Mack: I know I did, which makes me wanna ask you two posers,
Are you really gonna let him off the hook?
After all he did! That’s why I brought you here again;
We have to make him pay for what he did!
Jessica: C’mon we are only kids, man.
Mack: Yes you are kids. Just like skaters, goths, jocks,
Nerds, valley girls are all kids! But you want to be
Better than them. You can tell the difference
Between them all; between their gifts and talents.
You guys have a chance to control your destiny!
Take the chance or forever regret it.
So long as Lil B’s still in the running I am not happy
When you hurt him then I’ll be happy
Brock : At this point I am so fed up with everything that I don’t care what I do
Jessica: Honestly, same. I kinda don’t care what happens anymore.
Mack: We all know Lil B’s a poser at this point.
Jessica and Brock: Yeah of course
Mack: I don’t like him either. I literally hate him so much and
everyday that I see him makes me gag. But since I’m the prom king
I could pretty much ruin his social status
But no one can know that I did that.
I gotta at least pretend like I’m friends with him.
That is why I need you dweebs. I have to hide my plans .
Brock: Yeah yeah, whatever you say, we’ll do it
Jessica: Although—
Mack: I am happy you’ll do it,
I’ll give you the rest of the details later.
Just remember if they catch you, nobody’s telling right?
Are you sure that you wanna do this?
Jessica and Brock: Yes way
Mack: Word. I'll see y’all later then.
[Exit Jessica and Brock]
Mack: What's done is done, have fun now Lil B.
[Exit Mack]

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