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Macbeth Soliloquy Project

Due: May 12th

1) You must choose an approved scene from the list below and translate the scene into
Modern English and change t
2) You must have a similar formahe genre (change it from Shakespearean to
Western/Sci-Fi/thriller etc). tting as to the script (like speakers saying which lines).
3) You must submit a copy of your script on Google Classroom as well as a video of you
performing the script on FlipGrid.
4) You must title your video and script as “Your Name - Chosen Scene” and post it to our
FlipGrid (
5) You must have:
a) A character description for your character before the scene starts (you must
read the character description on camera). It must contain:
i) Their full name (make one up if they don’t have one).
ii) Their age
iii) What they would wear as a costume and why they would wear that
iv) What the character is like (motivations, desires, personality etc.)
b) A scene description (you must read the stage description on camera - but not
the stage directions).
i) Describe what the stage would look like when this scene is occurring
ii) Tell me the time period and location
c) A minimum of FIVE stage directions.
d) Followed script writing conventions (italics, speakers, indents, new lines, etc.)
e) Accurate translations/modernizations that do not leave anything out. The
genre adaptation is a good fit and has been followed well.
f) I must see your WHOLE body on the camera for a minimum of 15 seconds (this
can be where you read the character description/scene description).
g) Props/costumes/backgrounds that emphasize your translation.
h) Creativity!

Soliloquies in Macbeth:
-Act One, Scene Five: Lady Macbeth (Lines 1-29)
-Act One, Scene Seven: Macbeth (Lines 1-27)
-Act Two, Scene One: Macbeth (Lines 40-71)
-Act Three, Scene One: Macbeth (Lines 52-76)
-Act Three, Scene Five: Hectate (Lines 2-35)
-Act Four, Scene Three: Macbeth (Lines 129-152)
Script Marking Schema

5 - Excellent 4 - Proficient 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Limited 1 - Poor

Character All character descriptions are There may be a character There are more than a few The reader is unable to There are no
Descriptions present and are done with great description missing or the elements or characters get a clear picture of the character descriptions
attention to detail. Reader is able to descriptions are missing an missing from the description. character in their minds present anywhere in
get a vivid mental picture from these element or two. These The descriptions are lack- from the character the script. This
descriptions. It was read on camera. descriptions are well done but luster and often vague or descriptions as elements element has been
could use more detail. It was hurried. It may or may not are missing or forgotten. It was not
read on camera. have been read on camera. contradictory. It was not read on camera.
read on camera.

Scene The scene description adds to the The scene description is The scene description is The scene description is There is no scene
Description meaning of the scene and correlates missing a few elements that there but lacks necessary so limited that it is difficult description. This
to the script that has been created. would really add to the setting detail that impedes from the or hard to imagine what element has been
Description is vivid and adds lots of of the scene. However, overall overall image of the scene. this scene would look forgotten. It was not
detail to the scene.It was read on the reader is able to get a clear The reader is left with blanks like.It was not read on read on camera.
camera. picture of the scene from the in how the scene would look. camera.
description. It was read on It may or may not have been
camera. read on camera.

Stage All five stage directions are present The stage directions that are The stage directions that are The stage directions that There is one (or less)
Directions and add depth to the play. They are present (4-5) are added but add present (3-4) are added but are present (4-5) are stage direction written
interesting and are specific to the some emphasis to the scene. add little emphasis to the added but add no into the script. The
action of the characters. Proper scene. emphasis to the scene. stage direction(s) that
stage direction conventions are is included do not add
followed. to the scene.

Formatting The script is written with the The script is usually written with The script is written with The script has many The script follows no
appropriate script-writing the appropriate formatting but some formatting, however formatting errors and it script writing
conventions and is used in a way there may be some error in there are several errors that leads to the script conventions, is
that helps to communicate the some of the conventions. impede the meaning of the becoming hard to follow. messy, rushed, and
meaning of the script. writing. hard to read.

Translation/ Students accurately portray the Students miss one or two key Students do not translate the Students’ adaptation is a Students did not
Modernization meaning of the scene in their lines or elements in their scene accurately, or still meager translation of the attempt to translate or
translation and do not miss any key translation, however they do not have areas in which the message of the scene. modernize any
lines. Their translation adds to the distract from the overall translation has not been fully The message is impaired element of the script.
dialogue. They chose a genre and meaning that was intended of completed. This does not due to the translation that There is no change in
stuck with it. the scene. The adaptation is impede the meaning but has been attempted with genre.
well done and accurate. The impedes the flow. The genre not much success. There
genre they chose works though they chose could use some is little evidence of a
may be at times difficult to work. change in genre.

Creativity The creativity presented through this The creativity of the adaptation Students’ creativity is There is little evidence of There is no creativity
script adaptation is unique, creative is present, however there were present, however it is very creativity in the script, in this project and the
and an interesting take on the play. elements that could have been similar to the original script. It thus making it dull and scene is left feeling
Students have put obvious thought added to really make it pop. is evident that there has very similar to the original stale. No props,
and energy into this project and it Students included props, been some thought, but it scene. It is difficult to costumes or
adds a breath of fresh air to the play. costumes and backgrounds on has not been carried follow as the direction of backgrounds were
Students include props, costumes camera, though they are a little throughout. Student included the creativity has created added to the film.
and background on camera. lack-luster. one - two of the following: a some issues. The
prop, a costume, or a props/costumes/backgrou
background on camera. nds that were included
are poor.

Presentation Student’s presentation is well Student’s presentation is Student’s presentation is Student’s presentation is Student did not
thought out and interesting to watch. adequate but could have used satisfactory. Student could lack-luster, hard to upload a script to
It is clear that the student has a little bit more time in the have used some more time understand, and overall FlipGrid so the
thought about how this presentation presentation. It is slightly hard in the presentation and does not show the depth presentation aspect of
will be perceived. They have put time to understand at times, but the thought about how it would and breadth of their script. this project is
and effort into filming their message is still clear. It is be perceived. Student just They needed more time. unavailable.
presentation. evident that some effort was put reads off of the paper - there
into filming their presentation. is nothing interesting on

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