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COMPILED: Jan – Mar. 2016 DRAFTED: April 2016




Surat/Quran 14:24 – 26 – “Art thou

Luke 5: 36 – 39 – (36) He (Jesus) told them not aware how God sets forth the
this parable: “No one tears a piece of a new parable of a good word? [It is] like a
garment to patch an old one. Otherwise, they good tree, firmly rooted, [reaching
will have torn the new garment, and the out] with its branches toward the
patch from the new will not match the old. sky, and yielding its fruits at all
(37) And no one pours new wine into old times, by its Lord’s leave. And [thus
wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst it is, that] God propounds parable
the skins; the wine will run out and the unto humanity so that they may
wineskins will be ruined. (38) No, new wines bethink themselves [of the truth].
must be poured into new wineskins. (39) And And the parable of a corrupt word is
no one, after drinking old wine wants the that of a tree, torn up [from its roots]
new, for they [will] say, “The old is better.” onto the face of the Earth, wholly
unable to endure. (Courtesy of an
American Islamic Commentator,
“There are two primary choices in life: [they are], Hesham A. Hassaballah’s translation)
either to accept conditions as they exist [no matter how “A lie gets half way around the world before
NASTY they are], or [as a true child of God], to accept the TRUTH can have the chance to put on its
the responsibility for changing the [bad conditions] – pants”- Sir Winston Churchill, former
Dr. Dennis Waitley, American Motivational Speaker British Prime Minister

“A good sermon should be like a woman’s

“Without deviation from [what everybody considers] the skirt: short enough to rouse the interest, but
norm, progress can [never] be possible”- Frank Zappa, long enough to cover [all] the essentials-
American Song Writer and Guitarist Ronald Knox, British Author

“There is one thing stronger than all the armies of this

world, and that is the idea whose time has [finally] come”- Available on the Internet
Victor Hugo, French Poet at


This is the 1st issue among the several critical national issues that we started writing about a
few years back, but are now privileged to start bringing them to your full attention through
this PTR’s 2020/2021 Sensitization Campaign. Please get any other one that you are
interested in, or very importantly, all the rest, either from your friends, or from the street
corners, if possible, or better, simply from the Internet at either or
Special Notes: (a) Please take the reading of these items very seriously as God needs everybody’s
attention and input now to either change this only country of ours for the better once and for all, or
sadly, to deal it a big blow of punishment for stubbornly refusing to change in 200 years.
Remember Liberia was physically established in 1822 though, but according to very credible
sources, the act to create this US Colony was passed by the American Congress on March 3, 1819,
and it still maintains this US colony status in practice today, in 2021. (b) We are encouraging every
publisher, street vendor, or all business people for that matter to please produce and reproduce
copies of these items free of charge (although maintaining their originality and integrity), and deal
them out to the public at very affordable prices as part of this great sensitization campaign for final
change in our country by God’s grace.
To restress the need for reading now in this society, something which when any of us refuses to do
now, the consequences for society will be even much dangerous and graver than any shock or
sorrow that we have experienced here before, as we now see the writing on the wall again, let’s
encourage you with these 3 quotes, 3 of our prominent quotes on reading, including: (1) There are
crimes worse than burning books [or articles, papers, leaflets etc.], and one of such horrible
crimes is your refusal to read them. – Joseph Brodsky (2) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read
everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who
works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good,
you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner (3) If you
would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads, but [rather] what he rereads. –
Francois Muriac
WE STRESS: If everyone fights to read, especially about things pertaining to our country now,
and we together, create this new civilized and lifesaving culture and tradition of reading together,
pushing this great tradition on future generations beginning now etc., you could be surprise to see a
brand new and productive country coming into being right now during your own lifetime, and
before your own eyes, but if you refuse, thinking that your time is too important to read things
about your own country, or you are too busy with your job or your business etc., and as such, you
care less about reading what’s happening around you, and to your society etc. and etc., you may be
surprise as well, that during your very lifetime again, and right before your own eyes again, war
could break out in this country, and that cherished job or business that is too important to you
today, including your very lives – God forbid – could be shattered; and in this way, you are going
to be responsible. The blood of your people will be on your hand and head. A hint to the wise
should be quite sufficient!!!!
Thank you very much for getting properly informed, and joining us to make “Liberia’s 201st
anniversary a year of great change on Planet Earth!!!! **Note: The numbers on the cover page are
exclusively for our money transactions, but to call us, you may kindly use either 0555161001 or
1. Introduction (highlights about education and its practical use to our day-to-day lives)…………1
2. Intro (The biggest requirement for shareholding in the Plain Truth Revolution)..………………1
3. Intro (The need for the creation of massive awareness in our country right now)………………2
4. Instead of the noise of elections, elections, 2017, what should we be yearning for now……...3-4
5. List of reasons why we should be yearning for independence rather than voting now………4-16
a) Liberia was pronounced doomed by its conceivers or crafters even before it was
established, and we can’t keep struggling in vain with a doomed structure – voting
now will not change this sad, and very damaging reality…………………………………6
b) No entity, no structure, no nation etc. can stand, survive and progress without a
sound or solid foundation. Liberia does not have a JUST and sustainable foundation,
and as such, can NEVER flourish – going to the polls this year won’t build us
this much needed foundation to get us on our feet once and for all………………………7
c) Voting this year means obeying the current 1986 Constitution. We
just can’t keep obeying a constitution that works against our lives and our
interests, PERIOD!!!...........................................................................................................7
d) We can’t go to vote again with the same national emblems we have here (flag, seal,
motto etc.), that STUPIDLY neglect all the interest of our Native people……………….8
e) We need a legitimate independence now because the first one declared in 1847
was fake and illegitimate………………………………………………………………….9
f) Liberia is a formally known structure set up to officially promote lies and all sorts
of criminal activities – we can’t undo this by going to the polls
again in this 2017………………………………………………………………………...10
g) What we have here is not a JUST and LEGITIMATE Government, but rather a
structure set up to prosecute white-collar terrorism. In fact, because the country,
beyond all doubts, was established by criminals, it has almost always been,
and it will continue to be governed, and sustained by criminals (conscious or
unconscious) – voting this year will only keep this painful reality in tact………………..10
h) No sound person or entity does the same thing over and over, applying the same
formula, and then expects a different, positive result. Going to the polls this
year, instead of finding a different formula to solving our huge problem
will paint us as a very STUPID people who are out of options in life……………. ….......11
i) Liberia currently understands democracy as only voting – we say no…………………….12
j) We are currently suffering under two badly self-interest seeking masters as
double slaves – voting right now means prolonging this pain……………………………..13
k) There is ABSOLUTELY no trust between government and citizens in this country
and going to vote now will NOT reverse this deadly situation…………………...,……….14
l) We, the Natives, were given citizenship rights because the Americo-Liberian
Government was jammed for money and was demanded by her lenders to give us
citizenship, so to keep voting without correcting this messy news means we are a
STUPID People…………………………………………………………………………….14
m) We have been collectively reduced to an object of mockery for people in
the international world – voting now ONLY finishes us once and for all...……………….14
n) We have been left too far behind in life, and therefore need to radically
employ different shades of ideas to make up for lost time – only
independent people can do this, which voting will Not help us accomplish now………….14
o) Liberia’s current posture puts it in a very dangerous position to reverse all
of Africa’s enormous gains against colonialism – 2017 elections will even
deepen this mess……………………………………………………………………………15
p) Liberia remains currently the BIGGEST violator of all international covenants,
protocols and conventions – when we prioritize elections now, this reality will
even turn worse……………………………………………………………………………..15
q) We can’t keep moving with a terribly faulty car (Liberia), and expect to fix it
while in motion – this is what going to the polls 2017 will mean………………..………...17
6. Our country is still being criminally colonized by America through her Americo-
Liberians – check out some of America’s track records in modern day
colonialism and imperialism…………………………………………………………...……….18
7. Our Plain Truth Revolutionary Pamphlets and some proposals for debate at our
currently demanded National Convention………………………………………………...........24
8. Parting comments……………………………………………………………………….............26

For your polite contribution to

this cause for change, if you are
moved, our Mobile Money # is
0888176055, while our Orange
Money # is 0777484817. Thnx.

Although we tried to inspire you with a couple of strong quotations on the cover page above, let’s
not forget to acquaint you with this last one, which is truly a great source of motivation for the Plain
Truth Revolution. This astute American Minister and Author, Norman Vincent Peale has told us
that: “Empty pockets NEVER hold anyone back. [But] it’s only empty heads, and empty hearts,
that can do so. We are truly moved by this exhortation from Mr. Peale. We thought to bring this
encouragement because everything being discussed here might be regarded by many as far-fetched
and impossible for fear of lack of resources, including human and material, to achieve these huge
goals, but we like to affirm that ideas, faith, and determination come first before resources,
including finances, to accomplish great goals. Welcome to the Plain Truth Revolution’s world of
massive reading, discerning analyses, and well-informed decisions and actions.

Before reading our 17 reasons for why we the ‘original’ people of this country MUST now
prioritize true independence rather than another round of STUPID political elections, coming
from out of the provisions of a stupid constitution (with all due respect however to Dr. Amos
Sawyer and other hardworking people who wrote this constitution), let us take up a little bit of
time to put ourselves into the right frame of mind.
One of the all-time heroes of true liberation and human independence, Mr. Nelson Madeba
Mandela, after all of the struggles against Apartheid, and a painful 27 years of imprisonment,
concluded that the ONLY, and MOST powerful tool to change a people, no matter how chronic
and BAD their situation; the ONLY dependable tool to change our world and make it a livable,
decent place for all, is EDUCATION.
Now, please get this point clearly. What proudly distinguishes our peaceful revolution and its
arguments from other revolutionary agendas is our ability to break down blanket theories and
concepts into simple interpretations and ideas – what the professional people call, “putting
things into context.” With this said, when Nelson Mandela was referring to EDUCATION, he
was not blindly making reference to our mere memorization of people’s theories and concepts,
or, to forcing ourselves to speak stupid “series” and big terminologies all around the place, or
yet still, to be reciting our Quadratic Equation formula (ax2 + bx + c = 0) all around the place to
prove that we know Math so much etc., BUT INSTEAD, Mr. Mandela was referring to how we
can use those original theories handed down to us through education, to put our current realities
and situations into them – or in other words, to tweak these theories and concepts to match our
environment – and make our country, our world etc. a livable and decent place. This
practicalization of education also means respecting and incorporating ideas from every area of
human knowledge – beginning with History and going on to Math, Science and so on, to apply
them adequately to our day-to-day life challenges.
As such, the biggest requirement for holding share in our Plain Truth Revolution is to Read,
Read, and Read because Reading is the first step, and the First major skill to acquiring any form
of education. You can call it the “ABC” of that Education that Mr. Mandela referred us to,
earlier above. We therefore encourage all well-meaning people who want good for this country
now, to read, read, and Re-read ALL articles of the Plain Truth Revolution. Even if you can’t
read – a very crippling situation that America and her Americo-Liberians have sadly subjected

more than 90% of our population to, for almost 200 years now, we encourage you to take these
articles to family members, friends, loved ones and neighbors that can read, to help you out, but
ALL must take part, and be informed about everything in this positive storm that is about to
sweep across our country like a wildfire by the grace of God. We are stressing this point
because we have unconditionally established that ALL must be informed in order for us to start
thinking for our very selves, and not for America, UN, World Bank, EU and the likes to keep
thinking for us in this life; we all MUST read so that we all begin, first in our life’s time, to eat
well and live well; we must all read now so that together, we can create a new country that will
provide Quality Education – the very first step in life – for all of our current children, our future
generations, and even for our elderly ones of today – as a Matter of Compulsion; we must all
read now, so that each one of us can share in the process of constructing, by ourselves, and for
ourselves, a true, new capital city, and real 4-lane streets and roads across our country at least
in this 21st century. We must all read now so that everyone, not a few can know what true and
fair justice means for each citizen, and not for a few; we MUST all read now so that everyone
knows the importance of the resources that God has blessed us with, and how criminals are
stealing and damaging them right before our own eyes, thereby robbing our current and future
generations of everything; we must all read now so that we can seek true justice for the blood
and sufferings of our people from 1822 to present, at the hands of America and her Amerio-
Liberians – something which when we overlook, we will NEVER experience peace, ‘talk less’
about anything called prosperity and development in this country; and to pause for now, we
must all read now, in order to PREVENT another NASTY round of bloodbath that is already
hanging over our country again – the only result that a joint America and Americo-Liberian
leadership of the Johnsons, Tubmans, Barclays, McClains, Bernards etc. has always been able
to bring to this country since 1822. History has ENOUGH proofs of this claim.
So the challenge is yours now, fellow compatriots, to Read and Re-read these articles which
have been made freely available for you at various social media websites and at almost all
media houses in Monrovia and others abroad. Remember, the innocent blood and sufferings of
our poor people are banging too much now at the Gate of Heaven, and God is about to deliver
His Children out of this modern-day “Spiritual Egypt” called the “Republic of Liberia”, but we
must know that God’s work for humanity is a two-way street – that is, we have a compulsory
role to play too. In our country’s case right now, we ALL have some responsibilities – some
decisions and some actions to take so that God’s perfect will for us is finally realized.
But the big question is how do we make these decisions and take these appropriate actions if at
first, we are not well educated (we’re not referring to the big, big book here), and we are not
well informed about ourselves, our situation, and our environment. Providing this much needed
education is the role that the Plain Truth Revolution has sought God’s permission, His
guidance, and His power, to play for our people, and you too, the rest of our compatriots, will
equally have a responsibility to read, get informed and act well. There is no standing on the
fence in this country again, everyone must be a part of this process for change, for two major
reasons: (a) we, the people, the citizens of this country, are like an 11-men football team, that
every player’s input counts so much, and we are now seeking a new national arrangement that
every citizen’s interest and well-being (starting from Cape Mount to Maryland, and from Lofa
and Nimba to Montserrado etc. no matter who and where), will be sought equitably unlike the
current Americo-Liberian country which only seeks the interest of less than 1% of its citizens;
and (b) Since God is quite involved with this new national endeavor and He needs everyone’s
input, those refusing to take part in a positive way, will bear on their hands and heads direct

responsibility for any more blood that ever wastes in this country again owing to our refusal to
act now, and act well.
For these grave reasons, the initiators and enunciators of the Plain Truth Revolution, fearing
God, and loving their fellow compatriots as themselves have for the past 4 years now been
fasting from material desires and other comforts, sifting through 60,000 to 70,000 pages of
rough information and documents, listening to all major local and international radio programs
and talk shows, getting all of the major local and international dailies’ headlines, especially
those relating to our country, just to research this country well, adequately establish its
problems, design solution options for these problems, and bring these details to us, as a people,
for our education and input. We are all simple, poor, and struggling human beings, like a vast
majority of you, fellow compatriots out there – sometimes pushing wheelbarrows with small
waiter markets to conduct small trade activities, or even begging friends at times etc. in order:
(a) to get daily bread on the table; (b) to pay children’s school fees (though we know that the
schools will always remain ill-equipped and poorly staffed in the meantime due to colonialism),
(c) to keep candles burning every night to enable us read and write, (d) to get our US$1
Cellcom or Lonestar Cell data plan in tact regularly just to keep us downloading new
information from the Internet, and constructing our social media sites etc. – ALL in an effort to
live our side of this highly MORAL, CIVIC, and SPIRITUAL obligation of contributing to the
betterment of society. And with all these and many constraints, God has helped us in 4 years to
sift through this mammoth stockpile of information: reading, writing, re-reading, summarizing
etc. and have now been able to produce and bring to you 11 revolutionary pamphlets, several
mini revolutionary articles etc., covering all of the perceived major issues that are holding our
common destiny down, along with their attending solution options, one of which is this simple
28-page article pertaining to the need for our country’s true independence right now rather than
political elections. The pamphlets and other articles, everything combined will sum up to Not
less than 1,000 pages of highly summarized materials, as we said earlier, coming from out of
60,000 to 70,000 pages of rough work, different radio programs, news magazines, newspaper
articles and so forth.
The ball now is in every citizen’s court to read these Note less than 1,000 pages of work about
the country that they so love; about the only home that they have on this planet etc., so that we
all, together, can avoid maybe another 25 years of carnage and bloodbath that could befall us
again, if we keep insisting that we are unable (if that’s what it takes) to take two straight weeks
of what we now regard as our precious time, to read, re-read, listen out there again, connect the
dots from history etc., and be able to decide and act well for ourselves and our country etc.,
even though Madam Marisa Mayer, current CEO of Yahoo!, has told us that “Geeks are people
who love something so much, [put another way, who love their country so much], that all the
details [matter to them].” A hint to the wise is quite sufficient.
Thank you so much for going through this long prelude with patience. Let us now get to the
main theme of this article.
In this literature we are saying, instead of making all the noise about Elections, Elections,
Elections 2017 as it sadly seems to be the case everywhere right now, an election which in
reality will not do us any good, but will be a way of keep prolonging our misery and agonies in
this country, especially for us the Natives, the original 16 African Ethnic groupings of this land
etc., our Plain Truth Revolution is calling on us to instead please focus our entire attention on
how we can use this year, 2017, to first demand and establish a true independence in this place,

as a country and people. This call may sound too strange for those who don’t understand what’s
happening; and on the other hand, for those who know what’s happening, this call or endeavor
may seem too difficult, if not impossible, to embark upon. But we boldly would like to inform
all of you that it is possible only if we are determined to do so, and then invoke God’s power
and guidance right now, but the price we must pay at present is to speak and accept the bold,
clear truth, and allow all of our actions in this endeavor to be informed by the Truth and only
the Truth.
Here, meanwhile, is how the Plain Truth Revolution is encouraging us, citizens, to go about the
process of executing this very important and lifesaving civic activity for ourselves and our
future generations. We call on everyone to now demand an “all-citizens” convention to be held
early 2017, a sitting which we have already titled as a National Rebirth and Constitutional
Convention. At this convention, to be completely organized by us, and financed by our
country’s own resources, we must then discuss boldly among ourselves, all of the pressing
issues which continue to hold our common destiny and fate down so disgracefully as a people,
and what we must do at the moment to overcome some of these grave problems, one of which
is a compulsory demanding of our country’s true independence from America and her
Americo-Liberians so that we are finally delivered from this huge “Hell of Mess” called
country, by the grace of God. Such genuine independence will enable us to think for ourselves,
act and fend for ourselves; and with this new, cherished development, we will now begin to
command genuine respect from peers, and not the respect they give us at the moment, which is
either inspired by some corrupt action of our [“criminal”] leaders, or respect given out of
flattery, just to have some piece of the pie they continue to steal from us. (Please read our
other revolutionary articles and listen to some of the available podcast for more details on how
we want this national convention to be structured and what issues initially to discuss. This will
put All in the right frame of mind for positive change)
Wondering why so much emphasis is being placed on the 16 indigenous African Ethnic groups
of this country, and why independence should be a MUST right now at all costs by God’s
grace, please read below SOME of the many justifications that the Plain Truth Revolution has
compiled to inform and motivate this entire agenda.
Before we begin to elaborate on each of our 17 solid reasons for why we MUST now be talking
about independence in this place rather than another round of silly Americo-Liberian political
elections, let’s now bring you a summarized listing of them as they appear in the table of
contents above. Again, our reasons for demanding that we don’t prioritize elections now are as
1. Liberia was pronounced doomed by its conceivers and crafters even before it was
established, and we can’t keep struggling in vain with a doomed structure, and one that was
not designed by ourselves – voting now will not change this sad, and very damaging reality
2. No entity, no structure, no nation etc. can stand, survive and progress without a sound and
solid foundation. Liberia does not have a JUST and solid foundation, and as such, it can
NEVER flourish – going to the polls this year will NEVER build us this much needed
foundation to get us on our feet once and for all
3. Voting this year means obeying the current 1981 – 1983/1986 Constitution. We just can’t
keep obeying a constitution that works against our lives and our interests, PERIOD!!!

4. We can’t go to vote again with the same national emblems we have here (flag, seal, motto
etc.), that STUPIDLY neglect all the interest of our Native people
5. We need a legitimate independence now because the first one declared in 1847 was fake
and illegitimate

6. Liberia is a formally known structure set up to officially promote lies and all sorts of
criminal activities – we can’t undo this glaringly SHAMEFUL fact by going to the polls
again in 2017, and it MUST be undone now!
7. What we have here is not a JUST and LEGITIMATE Government, but rather a structure set
up to prosecute white-collar terrorism. In fact, because the country, beyond all doubts, was
established by criminals, based on certain social science concept, it has almost always been,
and it will continue to be governed and sustained by criminals (conscious or unconscious) –
voting this year will only keep this painful reality intact.
8. No sound person or entity does the same thing over and over, applying the same formula,
and then expects a different, positive result. Going to the polls this year, instead of finding a
different formula to solving our huge problem now will paint us as a very STUPID people
who have completely gone out of options in life, and we must disprove this.
9. Liberia currently understands democracy as only voting – we say no
10. We are currently suffering under two horribly self-interest seeking masters as double slaves
– voting right now means prolonging this pain
11. There is ABSOLUTELY no trust between government and citizens in this country and
going to vote now will NOT reverse this deadly, counterproductive situation
12. We, the Natives, were given citizenship rights because the Americo-Liberian Government
was jammed for money to credit, and was demanded by its lenders to grant us citizenship
before getting this loan; and so, to keep voting without correcting this messy news means
we are a STUPID People. If you read about the concessions made by Liberia’s Arthur
Barclay before qualifying for Erlanger &
Company’s $500,000 loan extended to Liberia in 1906, you will discover more about some
of the very FOOLISH concessions always made by Americo-Liberian Governments, which
are always clutching at straws in their own country.

13. We have been left too far behind in life, and therefore need to radically employ different
shades of ideas to make up for lost time – only independent people can do this, which
voting will never help us accomplish now
14. We have been collectively reduced to an object of mockery for people in the international
world – voting now ONLY finishes us once and for all
15. Liberia’s current posture puts it in a very dangerous position to reverse all of Africa’s
enormous gains against colonialism – 2017 elections will even deepen this mess
16. Liberia remains currently the BIGGEST violator of all international covenants, protocols
and conventions – when we prioritize elections now, this reality will even turn worse
17. We can’t keep moving with a terribly faulty car (Liberia), and expect to fix this car while in
motion – this is what going to polls 2017 means
With this outlining, let’s now begin to elaborate in small details what we mean by each of the

1. Independence has become a matter of MUST right now for us by the grace of God because
the 4.5 million people of this country, including our countless future generations deserve
quite better in life than to keep suffering as a direct result of some doomed and gloomy fate
that America (with some authority) intentionally imposed upon our country about 200 years
ago. It may interest you, fellow citizens, and the world at large, to know that the terrible
things that have been happening here since 1822, and the ‘hell of mess’ still persisting in
this place, so-called country, unabated, have NEVER, and are NEVER strange to America
and her surrogates, the Americo-Liberians. To prove these strong points, at the US
Congressional sitting of February 11, 1817, in their debate to respond to an American
Colonization Society’s communication calling on them (i.e. the US Congress) to provide
financial contributions to the ACS’ “Back to Africa” Project – a project that became so
pressing when criminal Blacks were now on the rampage terrorizing the American society
through different waves of mischievous activities, this is how Congress debated the issue at
its concluding point, to make room for the American Government’s first $100,000
contribution to the ACS, to come later. Referring to the targets of this American
Colonization Society’s “Back to Africa” campaign, Congress argued, “…..Hence, it seems
manifest that these people [i.e. the Johnsons, the Bernards, the McClains, the Weeks, the
Joneses, the Tubmans etc., and by extension their descendants today,] cannot be colonized
within the limits of the United States. If they were not far distant [meaning, if we don’t
dump them far off], our rapidly extending settlements would soon reach them, and the
EVIL NOW FELT would be renewed, probably with aggravated mischief…..”
Meanwhile, all of America’s antebellum South, the region of the United States from where
almost all of the repatriated Blacks came, and where almost all of the founders of the ACS
came from, especially people like Congressman John Randolph, Henry Clay etc. had these
four grave adjectives to describe the targets of their “Back to Africa” ACS campaign; and
the adjectives included: Morally Lax, Mentally Inferior, Criminally Oriented, and
Promoters of Mischief. This means, people had to match these adjectives before being
rounded up for ACS ships bound for present day Liberia. To further strengthen this
argument, at no time, and nowhere on the pages of American History, has she so
systematically disposed of, or ridded herself of useful human beings like what happened
during the establishment of Liberia. America has ALWAYS wanted useful people all along,
and the DV program and other immigration programs of today etc. are our proofs. - (This,
and many more troubling information about Liberia’s societal frontrunners, according the
US Congress’ perspectives, can be found in the Niles’ Weekly Register, Vol. XII, No. 7,
page 103, under the topic: “Free People of Color, lower half of left column, to upper half of
right column; Saturday, April 12, 1817 edition, printed from Baltimore, Maryland, the
Now here are just two of the many interpretations of the US Congress’ February 11, 1817’s
prediction of the level of mischief that would be to where they were dumping their
Johnsons, Tubmans, Williams, Bernards and the likes, which is Liberia: (a) Imagine a small
group of less than 1% manipulating a huge group of around 99% of a country’s population
to work against themselves for almost 200 years now, and still dead set to go further. (b)
Imagine people being quite conscious that this route; that is, this way of nation building can
never work, but they continue to put their subjects, their citizens, their slaves, i.e. mainly the
Natives, and the world at large under the impression that this formula can work, and that
they have stuck to this cruel determination unbending, for almost 200 years now, and are

ready and determined to keep it so until God comes back to judge this world – all because
they (the Americo-Liberians and their America) enjoy the spoils coming from out this evil
and cruel design, called a country.
2. According to, a certain section of the Hadith (or Hadeeth), one of the
Islamic Faith’s Holy Writings, teaches that our intentions form or establish the very
foundation of our actions. It is said that many Islamic scholars begin their books with this
Hadith. Imam Al-Bukhari for example commences his book with this Hadith, and he
explains that every action that is done or taken without seeking Allah’s (or God’s) pleasure
is invalid and void of reward. Imam Ash-Shaafi’i for his part is quoted as saying that this
Hadith constitutes a THIRD of all of mankind’s knowledge.
Putting this powerful Hadith into context with the Liberian foundation story; for example,
you cannot establish a country with the primary intention that one small segment of the
society (that is, the Americo-Liberians) are the superiors, and the only human beings, while
the rest of society that forms the large mass of indigenous people are the savages and slaves,
who are only good when they join you in cohort (under some devilish structure you call
Government) to work against their own people. Proofs abound for all these statements.
Check them out in all of our Plain Truth Revolutionary articles. Such foundation can
NEVER stand, it will always crumble; that’s why Liberia can NEVER prosper until we redo
its foundation.
In addition to the fact above, the current treacherous national foundation was laid by
criminals to mock God, and we all know that our CREATOR is NEVER mocked, God
forbid! Liberia was established by Black American criminals to respect and fear their
America more than God, and any attempt by anyone under the current “Liberian State” to
change this mode of living, but wanting to do this under the name Liberia, will be strongly
resisted, and that person even risks being gruesomely murdered, if care is not taken, as the
proofs are enough; and so, the best thing to do NOW is to declare our independence from
America and her Americo-Liberians, so that we can obtain the uninterrupted chance and
opportunity to serve our God with the TRUTH, and with a clear and bold conscience. This
will also enable us to live our lives to the fullest of our huge potentials by the grace of God.
None of these can happen under the Johnsons, the Bernards, the McClains, the Tubmans
etc. under the influence of their America.
We therefore demand independence now so as to enable us peacefully breakdown the
current rotten national foundation to rebuild a new, better one. It should now take no one in
this country any rocket science knowledge to establish beyond all doubts that this current
Liberian foundation was built on the pillars of DECEIT, ETHNOCENTRISM and a whole
bunch of Dirty, Evil tricks that we just can’t allow ourselves to keep struggling with
unsuccessfully forever. We must now build a new national foundation on the rather Godly
principles of Truth, Love, fair and equitable Justice, and mutual respect for ALL. Only
through genuine independence can this happen because the less than 1% of our citizens
enjoying the current ‘spoils’ will do all they can to maintain the status quo through their
fake elections and other deadly tricks.
3. We say voting this year means obeying the current 1981 – 1983/1986 Constitution. We just
can’t keep obeying a constitution that works against our lives and our interests, PERIOD!!! We
of the Plain Truth Revolution don’t respect this 1986 constitution because it does not

respect our people; it is recipe for chaos; it promotes impunity; it promotes perversion of
the law; it promotes selfishness; it was used as a tool to kill and re-kill almost 1 million
of our citizens through war and through the EVER-Corrupt Supreme Court of Liberia; it
was used as a tool to send more than 1 million of our people into exile, making them
suffer and face humiliating situations outside of home; it was used to shield productive
President Tolbert and his government officials’ killers forever; it was used to deny our
people reparations after criminals took advantage of its loopholes to set our people’s
lives back for scores and decades; it has been used to perpetuate the sufferings of our
people by maintaining a criminal gang called government and keep bringing criminals
(conscious or unconscious) to power to inflict more harms on our people forever; we
will NEVER respect this constitution, that’s why our Revolution demands the writing
of a new constitution under a new state structure.
We need a new constitution because the current one is fake. If you intentionally put
provisions within your organic law book that you know you are not ready to implement,
but have them there for mere formality, then you are a dangerous person, wanting to stir
up confusion because every provision within an organic law book is compelled to be
considered important as all else, and MUST be ready for full implementation at all times
as all others. Anything to the contrary should gain the approval of the people through a
formal process. You cannot say that some provisions or some articles must be kept on
hold until we are ready for them in the future. No. For example our religious teaching,
especially James 2:10 from the Bible tells us that if we obey all the provisions of the
law, but yet decide (especially intentionally in this case) to violate one, then we are
guilty of all the rest. We can’t just keep joking here. We must get serious for business.
We came on this Planet, made in God’s image and His likeness, to live amply and work
assiduously, but not for mere joke and play like the hell going on in this rogue state
called Liberia. It’s better to get a small law book that all of its provisions will be equally
and rigorously implemented than to get one big one just to be picking and choosing
from among provisions for what to implement in the interest of the elite or so-called
well-connected. Don’t forget laws are sacred; they come from God, whether you have
90 articles or 10 articles in your constitution, they are all derivatives of God’s Ten
commandments, and God does not joke, neither does He joke with Justice, for He is not
mocked. For example in our current fake constitution, Article 26 says we will have a
Claims Court to pursue damages against the criminal structure here called government
and any of its officials, or workers; this has been a lie all through; Article 10 of this
constitution says all MUST be taught the constitution, since no one is innocent before
the law, but this continues to remain a big SCAM in Liberia etc… Please go to other
articles of our Revolution for some of the mess in this constitution that was written
under the rain of blood, and under the influence of the barrels of guns in the early 1980s,
when our country’s most innovative and productive president had just been murdered in
cold blood through some huge international and Americo-Liberian cruel conspiracy. We
say all this without any prejudice to hardworking and astute Dr. Amos Sawyer and his
team, who did their best in this work, but the powers that be would not give them any
fair chance to be objective.

4. We can’t go to vote again with the same national emblems we have here (the flag, the seal, the
motto etc.), that STUPIDLY neglect all the interest of our Native people. Creed, Symbols,
Emblems, Awards and so forth are more to a country like mission/vision statements and
and logo are to a business enterprise. In business, just as it is supposed to be in our civic
life, mission and vision declarations steer everyone within an organization in the same
direction in fulfilling a common agenda. Logo, mission and vision statements on the one
hand for a business entity, like flags, other symbols, emblems or awards etc. on the other
hand for a nation, hold the mirror to the core values and aspirations of the unit, and they
help to instill confidence in, and to gain the commitment of everyone to work for a
common purpose. Dull Liberia again, has missed the mark big time in this direction as
all of its symbols, the flag, motto, and even the name of the country, ALL neglect the
interests of 16 out of the questionable 17 ethnic groups that currently formally
constitutes the country’s population - conditions ripe enough always to invite war! Who
all in this place will disagree with the fact that we can NEVER go to the polls with a red,
white and blue, 11-stripe flag, one that squarely indicates that our country is only owned by
the Johnsons, Grippons, Lewises, Wilsons, etc. and that the Boakais, Samukais,
Massaquois, Sendolos, Sannons, Cherues and Konnehs are wild animals that didn’t deserve
to talk at a national convention that laid the foundation of their own country in 1847. Going
to the polls now to vote under such flag will mean that the Americo-Liberian statements
about the Natives are ALL true, and that this curse should continue forever. We can only
change this ‘damnable’ situation when we prioritize gaining our true independence first,
over going to elections every time to promote and sustain this same BIG LIE and grave
INSULT to ourselves and our forefathers and future generations. The current Americo-
Liberian status quo will never change this flag because it keeps them as the superior over
us, and it keeps their backer, America’s economic interest in tact at the expense of our
blood and our future. Take for example, George Turner’s latest report on Liberia being
America’s outpost of financial secrecy etc.
A typical justification of all this is when astute History Professor Elwood Dun warned the
present Americo-Liberian authority in 2013 to review these symbols for possible change
because, as he suggested, they were recipes for conflict, disunity, backwardness, bloodbath,
[and by extension, God’s fury against us]., but they (i.e. the Americo-Liberian Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf-led Government, backed by America) acted as if they were agreeing to the
professor’s call, just in the end, to have allegedly gone up to the Masonic Craft Temple,
come back, and kill this all-important Warning. This same NASTY reality applies to the
seal, and its motto that lies that, ‘The Love Of Liberty Brought All Of Us Here’. Everybody
knows that the Bassas, Mendees, Dans, Krus etc. came here for different reasons, ranging
from Agriculture to trade. Only independence from America and her Americo-Liberians can
help us correct these stupid LIES to set our records straight, to now begin to move forward,
with the grace and blessings of our Almighty Creator. Their declaration of independence
document also lied, that all of us here came from North America. WHAT A CURSED
as His Truth does not remain under cover forever!!!!
5. We need a legitimate independence now because the first one declared here in 1847 was fake
and illegitimate. We MUST now declare, or redeclare our independence anew because what
was declared here in 1847 was a fake one requested by a group of poor, illiterate and lazy

criminals, sitting at some illegitimate convention, and wanting this status just for mere
personal enrichment and aggrandizement, and to further be empowered to suppress our poor
traditional forefathers. Moreover, the source of the authority of this independence, the so-
called American Colonization Society, a purely racist and business organization that later
went bankrupt and closed down, and who additionally just criminally enticed the ignorant
Black American Settlers into making this request because they, the ACS, as said earlier, had
gone bankrupt, and were shying away from their binding moral and financial obligation of
sustaining the colony etc. and etc. can NEVER be the one granting us independence as a
serious people, since we here are not Black Americans alone. The one truly colonizing our
country, although in different cunning manners, is the American Government, and this is
the source from which we demand our independence right now. This independence will be
pronounced at a legitimate gathering of representatives from our current ‘17’ Ethnic groups,
including other major strictly restricted stakeholders sitting at a legitimate National Rebirth
and Constitutional Convention in 2017, God willing, as is now being demanded by the Plain
Truth Revolution.
We demand this independence to enable us smoothly transform our country into a paradise
for all, because the current one, Liberia, as we have repeatedly proven, was established as,
and continues to run as a Black American Colony, (sadly intended to accommodate
America’s perceived “Human Wastes”), but not for us, the Boakais, Pajiboes, Nagbes,
Weahs etc. Under this Liberia, we, the Natives, are only good to be their (the Black
Americans’) foot soldiers, their stooges, their cannon fodders, their accomplices, their
partners in crime etc., but we are NOT to INDEPENDENTLY live to the fullest of our very
great potentials, with clear conscience and clean records – ABSOLUTELY NOT! It has
NEVER been so since 1822, and it WILL NEVER be so, even if God were to give Liberia 1
billion more years to come.
6. Liberia is a formally known structure set up to officially promote lies and all sorts of criminal
activities – we can’t undo this glaringly SHAMEFUL fact by going to the polls again in 2017,
and it MUST be undone now! This country is the biggest structure known to be set up by
America purposely to fabricate, accommodate, and sustain official lies on this planet, Earth,
at present. This sad reality makes our country a very big threat to world peace because our
Creator, God, badly hates lies (for example, read Prov. 6:16 – 19; Surat 2: 42 etc. to find
out how all point out God’s intense hatred for lies). The argument that went into the
establishment of Liberia, as designed by the so-called American Colonization Society, was
a BIG, but cleverly presented LIE, intended to get proven and would-be trouble makers,
including very unproductive elements, off the back of the American Society, so that their
citizens can go to bed in peace. 19th century US Congressman John Randolph of Roanoke
County, Virginia, and Hon. Henry Clay of the Kentucky among others are a few of our
strong historical backers here. Under no circumstances can rounded up criminals and
societal outcasts ‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ a dark continent, as the Americans claim. This
lie brought some temporary relief to the United States, but in the end, it now sadly blows up
in every one’s face today, as Liberia is at current, the darkest and faithless corner left on the
African continent. Based upon this one big lie, the whole Liberian Society has turned out to
be a huge paragon of LIES, as BBC’s Robin White once pronounced the name of this
country, “Lie be here”. As such, Liberia’s culture of lies has now disgracefully ensnared
even the world’s superpower, and has terribly belittled the United States, which has been
putting aside all of her beautiful, Godly principles and defiling herself with Liberia just for

economic gains. Let’s see how, for example, America disgraced herself through the
Millennium Challenge Corporation to grant prize money to the EVER-criminal and corrupt
Liberian Authorities in 2015, for what the MCC terms as the country’s improvement at
good governance…. Our going to the polls this year instead of sitting around the table to set
these ugly past records straight will be a CURSE to ourselves.
7. What we have here is not a JUST and LEGITIMATE Government, but rather a structure set up
to prosecute white-collar terrorism against our people – voting this year will only keep this
criminal structure intact, and prolong the already excruciating agony of our people. We have
never had anything called a just government since the terrible Black Americans established
their rogue state here in 1822 called Liberia. According to the American Heritage
Dictionary and other sources, 4 of the very key criteria of a just government are as follows:
(a) it must be honorable, fair, and consistent with what is morally right in its dealings and
actions; (b) it must place the interest of its citizens above all else; (c) it must impartially
give to all men what they truly deserve; and (d) it must make it a binding duty to protect
all lives and property of every kind – tangible and intangible. Even a 3-year-old child
knows very well that all these are not the case in this place. In fact, because the country,
beyond all reasonable doubts, was established by criminals, based on certain political or
social science theory called historical institutionalism, it has been, and it will continue to be
governed and sustained by criminals (conscious and unconscious), and elections will not
change this very sad and bloody fate. If you think that we are lying here, then we will urge
you to please honestly compare the records of grandpa Joseph Jenkins Roberts with some of
his latest successors such as Bill Tubman, Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor, and Ellen Sirleaf. In
fact, the big question that anyone wanting to go and stand on line this year to vote will have
to answer is, who else, more crooked, more deceitful and more criminal will you find on the
2017 ballot paper to head your Americo-Liberia again, than the current Harvard-trained,
World Bank, HSBC, Citibank etc. seasoned “Snake Oil” hoax, in the reading of the Global
Witness, that you now have in charge. Should this not mean that Americo-Liberia, plus all
of her governmental arrangements, plus their so-called democratic elections etc. have now
come to an end, and as such, we must now redesign a new, better, national arrangement,
whose heads will henceforth be people of high moral standing? Maybe we sadly want
drums to be beaten into our ears before we can wake up to smell this coffee. According to
the founding fathers of America, governments are established to pursue purposes as the
ones mentioned earlier, but when they do not flow in these directions, just as Liberia’s
situation has always been, then the best option is to remake or redesign the government. In
our case, going to the polls 2017 to vote will not remake or redesign this criminal structure
in our country called government, but will perpetuate it. It is only a true independence from
the influence of America and her corrupt and cruel Americo-Liberians that will help the
undiluted Gongars, Dolos and Musas to set up a just government that will honestly and
adequately cater for all of our fathers, mothers, and siblings there in Tajuwon, Glorgarkpa,
Lontuo, and Salala just as it will do for those in Monrovia.
8. No sound person or entity or group does the same thing over and over, applying the same
formula, and then expects a different, positive result. Going to the polls this year, instead of
finding a different formula to solving our huge problem now will paint us as a very STUPID
people who have completely gone out of options in life, and this is not so. For there are very
productive and smart people still in this place. In one of President Obama’s engagements with
the press over his decision to renew friendly ties with Cuba after more than half a century of

strained relationships, he is quoted as saying that “when we try one thing over and over for 50
years and it does not seem to work, then it makes no sense to keep doing it the same way.”
This is the argument of the Plain Truth Revolution. We are saying that it is time that we
think out of the box and redesign our own workable form of democracy and government,
instead of keep struggling in vain with a specific style imposed upon us by America. We
must learn to break free of old traditions that were imposed upon us in the past and think
out our own design, though with the same bigger picture objective. Every sound country
wishes all the best for ALL of its citizens in a free, productive, comfortable and democratic
environment, but democracy is not tied to the American model alone. And going to the polls
again in 2017 without radically advancing new, better ideas of how we can turn the table on
subjection to slavery, poverty of ideas, poverty of materials etc. will mean just what we
have said above. But to get more insight on an alternative option being demanded by the
Plain Truth Revolution, please read, and listen to the remaining of our articles.
9. Liberia currently understands democracy as only voting – we say no. There is more and more to
democracy than mere voting, and if you don’t set those other sides to democracy right from the
beginning, voting becomes very USELESS, and in fact very HARMFUL like it is now in
While election in itself is good, it also has its other side of the coin, whereby, cruel people
could just use it to perpetuate their wickedness, and then try to formalize these acts of
wickedness to the rest of the world, through some official process, like elections in this
case. An election alone does not constitute democracy, and it is just a small exercise
performed in choosing leaders (already made leaders etc.) or deciding courses of actions
(already well-defined, or well-aided actions) in almost all forms of government, and not in
democracies alone. So elections are NEVER the first step to solving a people’s problems –
but instead, going back to the drawing board; going back to their foundation, and putting
their national act together well, which requires true independence. If the process of elections
were enough, then by now, Liberia would have been having no major troubles again
because, people started voting here since the early 1800s. When the country got its Mickey-
Mouse independence in 1847, which we are now bent on undoing by the grace of God, they
conducted their first post-independence elections, just few days later, September 27, 1847.
Afterwards, Liberians went to the polls to vote every 2 years; then in the early 1900s, it
changed to every 4 years; then in 1975, the politicians changed it to every 8 years; then in
the 1980s, it changed again to every 6 years etc., yet and still, this fake Liberia, since 1822,
has gone nowhere closer to the meaning of a true, liberal democracy, or just any form of
elementary democracy for that matter.
Here is how the experts define a true, working democracy. Mr. Guillermo O’Donnel, a great
Argentino-American political and social science authority, conceptualized the human being
as an agent endowed with 3 attributes: (a) an autonomy (i.e. freedom) for decision-making;
(b) a cognitive (rational, mental etc.) ability for reasoning; and (c) a responsibility for taking
actions [on his own]. He says, in line with these three basic human attributes, the concept
of Democracy, and the Quality of Democracy, are based on the two key principles of
Human Development and Human Rights. Mr. O’Donnel says Human Development
focuses on the basic conditions and capabilities that enable individuals to act as Agents [on
their own]. He says human development issues emphasize how every individual is
succeeding progressively at achieving his most elementary capabilities such as living a long

and healthy life, being knowledgeable [through some form of mass quality education], and
enjoying a decent standard of living. He then placed the human rights dimension into the
trio of political rights, civil rights and social rights. Mr. O’Donnel’s concept of democracy
is being supported or backed one way or the other by almost all prominent scholars, think
tanks, and authorities working around the clock to define true democracy, including the
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Freedom House, the Polity IV, the
Vanhanem Index of Democracy, and the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Index of Democracy.
When you place all of these beautiful arguments and interpretations of democracy into their
practical context, it becomes 100% clear that Liberia is sadly NOT practicing one inch of
democracy, but is instead practicing what the social scientists call “Ochlocracy” or
“Mobocracy”, which rides on the “Tyranny (painful, raw, brutal power) of a huge ignorant
majority” to perpetuate the wickedness of a small group of both insiders and outsiders. In
the process of all this, our people have instead, turned into objects of insult from the mouths
of Americo-Liberian politicians and opinion leaders. Independence now, will stop the
further insult received by our poor, illiterate people, and will afford us time to develop
them. We need to prioritize our independence now rather than some STUPID political
election because majority of our people are not adequately prepared for true democracy –
due to our lack of the requisite authority and resources to develop their lives in the way it is
supposed to be for participation into a true liberal democracy. When we keep forcing them
into our criminal games called elections instead of developing them adequately, the only
thing our good people – our mainly deprived and dehumanized Native population – will
keep receiving at the hands of so-called politicians and others in this country, will be
INSULT, INSULT and INSULT etc. – something which is now very UNACCEPTABLE
for God’s children to keep enduring. We CAN’T just continue on this route, and it is only
an unconditional declaration of independence under the right, God-approved leadership that
can help us change this NASTY trend right now.
10. We are currently suffering under two horribly self-seeking masters as ‘double’ slaves, that’s
why nothing seems to be in order, and no one seems to be in control, except unproductive
repressors, oppressors and suppressors showing their heavily misguided strength under the
canopy of the sacred name of government. We need our true independence now because we
are in a very sad, complex or mixed up, and deadly situation; and this situation is, by being
currently ‘colonized’ implicitly by two very self-seeking masters - the two being, (a)
America (just for the purpose of obtaining cheap and sometimes absolutely free economic
resources from our land), and (b) Americo-Liberians (just for their power, power, power,
and their coercion and repression, making sure that they prove their original argument right,
that we, the Natives, the 16 indigenous African ethnic groups of this country, are mere sub-
humans and wild beasts, and that we remain so until God comes back - God forbid!!!!). No
country runs and succeeds the way we have been, and continue to proceed, and in order to
abort this current status quo, we NEED true freedom of thought and action, none of which
can be exercised without true independence. We need to think and act properly for
ourselves right now, that’s why this demand for independence must NEVER be taken for
joke by anyone. The Johnsons, Tylers, Findleys, McClains, Tubmans and so on have been,
and continue to run our country criminally (although this is obvious, because they are
predominantly born criminals), and making our country look like an animal farm that has no
human owners, while in actuality, we, the full blooded Yarkpawolos, Kollubas, Ngafuans,
Samukais, Massaquois, Sirleafs, Does, Piahs etc. are the true human owners, who, acting on

our own, and under no STUPID foreign influence, will turn our home into a paradise and a
civilized place for living because it has been proven that we are industrious, hardworking
and honest in deeds than the Americo-Liberians, who only claim these qualities and virtues
falsely on paper, but have unfortunately and ironically been referring to us, and treating us,
to date, as Savages and wild beasts. Thank goodness that time has now proven their claim to
be the opposite. But we demand our unconditional independence and statehood now so that
we can prove our true industrious and civilized colors outside their dirty, mischievous
influence, to everyone now, but voting in 2017 will NOT achieve this proud objective of the
Natives of this land.
11. There has been, and there is even badly now, ABSOLUTELY NO trust within the Liberian
society between government and its citizens, and so, going to vote this 2017 will just mean
an extension of this dangerous embarrassment because this lack of trust has even now
reached into our homes between husbands and wives, and between siblings. The explicit
cause of this dangerous lack of generalized trust in our society is the amount of hatred that
went into the fake foundation of the country, which we continue to struggle with today.
Only a true independence from those who establish their Liberia and its fake foundation,
can help us remove this hatred and instill the very significant social capital, called
generalized trust, into our new society.
12. We, the Natives of this current illegitimate arrangement, called country, were granted some
STUPID and CURSED citizenship when the Americo-Liberians, through one President
Arthur Barclay, were jammed for money to credit, and the creditor demanded them to
change their NASTY policy towards us, the Natives, the original owners of the land. What
this grave INSULT means is that, in this country, we can NEVER enjoy any sustained and
clear-conscience prosperity under this arrangement until we rise up and reclaim our country
from America and her Americo-Liberians by just simply declaring our independence at
some National Get Together now, as is being demanded by the Plain Truth Revolution.
Citizenship attained just because someone is pressed against the wall and needs money, but
not because you are a human being, you own the very land etc. is NEVER any citizenship to
be proud of continuously. It’s in fact an INSULT, and going to the polls this year will mean
that we agree to this INSULT forever.
13. We are tired living our entire national lives on this planet as a mere object of mockery, or a
people only good to play all sorts of funny ‘political’ games out of. This course has been
deeply institutionalized by the Americo-Liberians against us in this country, for their own
benefit, and they are smoothly succeeding with it through the help of numerous accomplices
and collaborators out there in the international world, again, for people’s personal, corrupt
gains at the painful detriment of millions of our precious human beings of today’s
generations, and the countless generations of our people to come. Independence will put a
halt to this ugly reality now, or drastically minimize it. For example, while almost all the
US State Department’s Justice and Human Rights Reports on Liberia categorically speak of
a clear lack of justice and working systems in this country; while numerous international
think tanks, including America’s own Freedom House, the Fund for Peace etc., are all
decrying huge governance and rule of law deficits in Liberia, the US Millennium Challenge
Corporation, as we disclosed to you some time ago, has just dished out $256.7 million to
the Liberian Government in prize money for doing good job at management and governance
in the country. The European Union and others are following America’s footsteps and doing

the same thing, though bit by bit. This sad narration is too long, but it is no doubt that true
independence can put a halt to it.
14. We have remained too far behind in life as a people, and it is only by taking radical
decisions and much more giant steps, or by uncomfortably adopting quite different and new
ways of doing things, that we will be able to pick up steam and make some mark in this race
of life. For example, we MUST not continue with this funny, thwarted version of the
already lazy and unproductive 18th century Laissez-Faire Capitalism that Liberia claims to
be practicing, and we MUST adopt our own forms of politico-economic systems in order to
speedily start from Ground Zero with our economics and other aspects of life. We MUST
also take power from the hands of an all-powerful, all-imperialist, one-person, colonial
master-surrogate president, under some fake presidential democracy, and place power
instead into the hands of some sizable group of an all-educated, all-undiluted,
representatives of every one of our ethnic groups in this country in a parliamentary
democracy, that will speedily and more authoritatively move our poor, broken country
forward etc., but none of these and many more productive ideas, will ever find breathing
space in this “Liberia”, that’s why the cry and demand for an unconditional independence
has now began to take over our country. Moreover, the next time we go to the polls in this
country, we want to vote for ideas, and not merely for personalities, as it has sadly always
been since 1822. But this present country only organizes elections for promoting
personalities – and the worse thing is that those personalities must either be criminals, or
people with some criminal intent, or still, people easily converted to criminality in end, not
because they are bad, but because that’s what the current system dictates. PERIOD!!!
Therefore we demand this independence so that we can put our national house in order, so
for example, our people, now well-guided, well educated (not normally with the big, big,
books etc.), can be able to stand on line to vote for ideas such as capitalism, socialism,
communism etc., and things like that, instead of only always voting for John Brown or Peter
Paul to go and form part of some criminal gang called “government” here, which in the end,
will turn him or her into another criminal or lawless person.
15. Africa has done a great job now at decolonization, but Liberia is 100% dangerously poised
to reverse these great gains, and return the continent gradually to status quo ante, with
respect to colonialism. Liberia is completely tied to America and the West’s apron string,
and can NEVER do anything on her own since 195 years now of being around as a so-
called political entity. This foolish Americo-Liberian colony wants everything (even down
to batons) for its police officers, as gift or some false loan that she can NEVER pay back,
but authorities will criminally mortgage natural resources for these gifts and loans behind
the scenes. We demand independence to change all this NASTY situation God willing.
16. We need our independence now because remaining under the influence and leadership of
these Black Americans, will continuously, sadly, present our country as the BIGGEST
VIOLATOR of all international covenants, protocols or conventions on the rights of the
human being, and therefore keep this country as an enduring threat to world peace; in that,
because the frontrunners of this society, the Americo-Liberians, with huge backing from
America, as we will always say, have long established this perception about us, the Natives
of this land, as “Savages”, “Sub-humans”, “Wild Beasts” etc., which has become very
rooted, and is being demonstrated in different forms up to today, sometimes in subtle
manners and other times in very crude forms, NOTHING called affording a people sound
education; affording them opportunities to decent standards of living; affording people

opportunities to fair justice etc. WILL EVER be realized in this Liberia, PERIOD!!!. This is
simply because doing so will prove Americo-Liberians and America wrong with their initial
hypothesis about the Natives, which they will not allow.
For example, Liberia is an original signatory to the great Universal Declaration of Human
Rights of 1948, which only three African countries (Liberia, Egypt, and Ethiopia) voted for,
from Africa; she is an original signatory to the two key extensions of this Universal
Declaration of Human Rights; namely: the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the both of
which were adopted on December 16, 1966, but made internationally binding and legal in
1976. All of these beautiful instruments, among other things obligate all governments to
provide every essential human need and care for every citizen in very practical ways (NOT
TO CARE FOR SOME, IN CENTRAL MONROVIA, as foolish Liberia does). This foolish
country has NEVER, and will NEVER be able to put up such care for all of its citizens
alike, not because there are no resources to do so, but just because the terrible black
Americans that are in control of things in this country, are on some dangerous revenge
agenda (for what no one knows yet) against the original 16 Ethnic groups of this land. Just
to mention two points from the covenants mentioned above, parts of Article 13 of the 25-
articled International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which
recognizes the right of everyone (every citizens’ right) to education, read thus:
“…..Education is seen both as a human right and as "an indispensable means of realizing
other human rights", and so, this is one of the longest and most important articles of the
Covenant…… [Some actions] parties are required to pursue to realize the right to education
for every [soul]…. include the provision of free, universal and compulsory primary
education, "generally available and accessible" secondary education in various forms
(including technical and vocational training), and equally accessible higher education. All
of these must be available to all, without discrimination. …. Parties are required to make
education free at all levels, either immediately or progressively; "[p]primary education shall
be compulsory and available free to all"; secondary education "shall be made generally
available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and in particular, by the
progressive introduction of free education"; and "[h]higher education shall be made equally
accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate means, and in particular, by
the progressive introduction of free education…..etc.". Let’s just pick one article from the
53-articled International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights too. Article 19, of this
convention reads: “…. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to
seek, receive and impart information, and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either
orally, in writing, or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice…”
Our country, under the Americo-Liberians, backed by America, has NEVER, and will
NEVER attain excellence at providing any of these rights to all of its citizens. In addition to
the big protocols mentioned above, in the year 2000, the United Nations, which crazy
Liberia formed part of its establishment way back in October 1945, just for mere
recognition and assistance, launched their Millennium Development Goals to push all
nations to do just 8 basic things for every one of their citizens, in an effort to ensure
dignified life for all, but with a time tag of 15 years as deadline. Liberia failed to live up to
all this commitment to its citizens, again by year end 2015. Last year, upon the expiration of
the MDGs, the UN again moved from 8 to 17 good things required of all responsible
governments to do for ALL their citizens (NOT ONLY TOP GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS
another 15-year deadline set. The fact that the feedback or result from pursuing these SDGs
will be an even massive failure, owing to the Americo-Liberians’ deep seated hatred for

fellow humans, i.e. the Natives of this country, is already a foregone conclusion. What all
this does is that it keeps reinforcing Liberia’s position as a serious threat to world peace in
the end, because as President Thomas Jefferson of the United States once said, “God’s
justice doesn’t sleep forever.” So you cannot keep suppressing and oppressing one set of
people like what’s happening in this country forever, and expect any better results in the
end – whether for the oppressed, the oppressors, the oppressors’ supporters, or the global
spectators. Everyone’s peace is at stake on the issue of this enduring Liberian trouble.
Let’s not forget also what Mr. Antonio Gutierrez said the last time about politicians creating
the mess and waiting for humanitarians to come in every time to solve the problem. He
didn’t stop there, he gave a stark warning that the international community was losing its
authority at controlling conflicts, which presumably meant that they are either showing lack
of will power to stop the rot, or that they are one way or other part of the rot. The biggest
cue to take from all this is that the need for individual countries to govern themselves well
has never been so demanding than this time in the history of mankind, and for our case, we
can NEVER get any such leadership with America’s influence and with Americo-Liberians
in the “leadership crew”, much less to mention their being in the driver’ seat. So we say,
Yarkpawolos, Konnehs, Sannons, Samukais, Dolos, Massaquois, Nyenkans, Nagbes,
Korkpors, Norgehs, Karnweas etc. and etc. please wake up and let’s take our country
peacefully from the hands of these people that armed robbed it. For we can manage it better
for ourselves and our children to come. For this is where God sent our forefathers - some,
more than 8 centuries ago, and scores of our past generations’ navel strings are buried here.
This is our land. Let’s not make God’s wrath beat us badly. For He hates people who don’t
take care of their possession, or who let it lay waste to their enemies/detractors’ hands,
probably for personal gains, or for the fear for man rather than for Him, God!!!!! Let it not
take drums to be beaten into our ears before we wake up and smell coffee, as Mr. Gandhi
once said.
17. We can’t keep moving with a terribly faulty car (Liberia), and expect to fix it while in motion –
this is what going to polls 2017 means again. Reporter Julius Jeh of Farbric FM in Monrovia
once said, “If you establish that a car has major problems while moving, you can’t keep
moving or going with that car, and expect to repair it while in motion.” This is exactly
one of the very key arguments of the Plain Truth Revolution, that’s why we have
included it in most of our writings or articles. We contend and demand that there be
some constructive intrusion or disruption of all the current activities so that we sit down
and discuss, know ourselves, know all that’s happening, and then decide a next course
of action together. We demand a National Rebirth and Constitutional Convention for the
redesigning of our country and the relaying of its foundation. We do NOT want this
process spearheaded in anyway or overseen or directed by government, but instead by a
group of seasoned, undiluted citizens under the banner of the Plain Truth Revolution,
although with some government involvement and participation because they are in
control of things right now and also because we now seek an All-inclusive solution to
our nation’s massive problems. Let’s not forget that drastic times call for drastic
Talking about National Convention or some kind of national soul-searching and
solution-seeking dialogue, this should not be strange, as many out there, even in top-
levels of government, have been strongly proposing similar kind of dialogue for some
time now. We are only reinforcing it, and making it a demand now instead, with some
radical attachments or conditions appended. For example, Atty. Koffi Woods has been

calling for a National Consultative Dialogue (Sky FM. June 20, 2014); Vandarlark
Patricks has been calling for a National Reconciliation Convention (July 8, 2014, local
radio news etc.); Lofa County Senator Steve Zargo stressed the need the last time for
some National Security Dialogue (Local Radio News, and the Local Dailies); The
Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC) has called for a national civil society
dialogue to discuss the current security situation in the country. (Inquirer Newspaper,
February 2016); The European Union (EU) Delegation accredited near Monrovia
proposed and held a political dialogue with Liberia in light of the United Nations
Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) planned drawdown and the upcoming presidential and
legislative elections this year. On the upcoming presidential and legislative elections, the
head of the EU Delegation said they were interested in political dialogues among and
between political parties on one hand, and political parties and the government on the
other (20 March 2016: FrontPageAfrica (Monrovia) : Liberia: EU Delegation Proposes
Political Dialogue With Liberia); and Liberia’s former interim president Dr. Amos
Sawyer is strongly recommending that the country holds a political summit before
heading to elections in 2017.” ( Liberia: Dr. Sawyer calls for
political summit, Thursday, January 28, 2016) etc. and etc.

To close on this narration, may be people will consider the claim that we are being cunningly
and half-heartedly colonized up to this point, this very 2017, as strange and impracticable, but
anyone who has a pair of civic eye glasses on in this country knows that the only power holding
our destinies down in this place is America, and they are bent on holding it down forever just
for the unfair, exploitative benefits and advantage of their big Wall Street or multinational
companies. Unless we rise up peacefully, design our own game plan, and demand our
independence, as the Plain Truth Revolution is requesting all of us to do NOW, NOTHING
WILL EVER CHANGE in this place. In fact, things will only turn worse and worse as time
goes by. America will NEVER release our common destiny by themselves because they are
harvesting tremendous economic benefits from our country, the primary reason however, for
which they are around us. Astute former President Abraham Lincoln did not mince words about
this US’ primary objective, though he presented it in a rather subtle manner when he engaged
Congress in 1862, to recognize Liberia’s fake independence, according to the New York Times,
after 15 years of insisting vehemently that Liberians (the Americo-Liberians in this case) lack
all abilities of self-governance, a claim that has been proven more than tenfold today,
nevertheless. Our best bet now is to demand our independence from them and their Americo-
Liberians so that we prove to the world that we, the Nyenkans, Sendolos, Boakais, Konnehs,
Massaquois, Samukais, Jallahs, Gwehs, Dargosehs etc. acting on our own, without any corrupt
foreign influence, can work wonders because we are a naturally progressive and innovative
All this, even though, does not suggest that America is bad, or Americans are a bad people, but
simply confirms that the relationship between us and this great nation is cursed, and the Bible
and Quran say, anything about us that we find cursed, with the potential of bothering us for life,
we MUST CUT IT OFF, no matter how dearly or darling it may deceitfully seem to us,
Worrying about firstly substantiating this claim that America has a big Imperialist Government,
sometimes practically bent on holding a whole people’s future hostage forever (as it is sadly in
the case of Liberia), or destabilizing other continents and countries (if that’s what it takes) just

for their big multinational companies (like the Firestones, the Chevrons, the Exxon Mobils, the
Microsoft etc.), or put simply, “Wall Street”, to gain unfair upper hand in business and trade
over other competitors, and then secondly to substantiate the claim that America is still, during
this day and age, cleverly colonizing other territories and unduly exploiting their economic and
other vital resources, then welcome to this short narrative about the United States’ activities in
these respects before we finally close this article later:
According to Wikipedia, by the late 1800s, 3 American Multinational Companies [just as we
have the likes of Firestone, Chevron, Exxon Mobil etc. in Liberia as mentioned above], the
United Fruit Company (UFC), the Standard Fruit Company (SFC, also called the Dole Food
Company) and the Cuyamel Fruit Company (CFC) dominated the cultivation, harvesting, and
exportation of bananas, and controlled the road, rail, and port infrastructure of Honduras, a
Latin American Country. These American fruit companies were dealing mainly in bananas.
Among the Hondurans for example, the UFC was known as the El Pulpo, meaning the Octopus.
This was because UFC’s influence had come to pervade their society, controlled their country’s
transport infrastructure, and sometimes violently manipulated their politics – same thing done
repeatedly in Liberia since its establishment. The man credited with truly creating this banana
republic stereotype was US Businessman, Sam Zemurray of New Orleans, Louisiana, founder
of the Cuyamel Fruit Company, who had entered into the banana business by buying overripe
bananas from the UFC to sell in New Orleans. In 1911, Sam entered into an illegal business and
political alliance with Manuel Bonilla, an ex-Honduran President. This Sam Zemurray-led
clique then staged a coup d’état against sitting President Miguel R. Davila (1907 – 11) and
installed Gen. Manuel Bonilla as the new President of Honduras (1912 – 13). The US
Government turned a blind eye on this unlawful deposition of an elected government through
an American-citizen engineered coup, using a private army, with the US State Department
seeing ousted President Davila as too politically liberal, and as a poor businessman, whose
management decisions had caused Honduras to become too indebted to Great Britain – an
unacceptable geopolitical risk for the United States in light of the Monroe Doctrine. US
Mercenary Lee Christmas, who technically executed the coup, then became Honduras’ new
President’s choice for the position of Honduras’ Chief of Military. Still this indispensable,
‘utility player’ Lee, was later appointed by Washington again as America’s Consular General to
the Republic of Honduras…..
The next victim of this campaign by the US MNCs to take charge of Latin and Central America
was Guatemala. Guatemala [had been manipulated behind the scenes] into a state with gross
inequality, with respect to the country’s inequitable distribution of agricultural land and its
natural wealth, uneven economic development, and an economy heavily dependent upon a few
export crops – coffee, sugar cane, and bananas. 90% of Guatemala was involved in subsistence
farming that yielded insufficient foods to feed their households, while 2% of the country’s other
farmers occupied over 65% of the fertile land – operating huge farms and plantations that
belonged to the oligarchy (the people in power, or the wealthy elite) and their mainly foreign
interests. Because President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman expropriated unused company lands to
landless peasants, the UFC of Andrew Preston and others convinced the Administrations of
Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower (1945 – 1953 and 1953 – 1961 respectively)
that the Guatemalan President was secretly pro-Soviet or pro-Kremlin. Influenced by
Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, President Eisenhower ordered and
authorized “Operation Success” – the 1954 Guatemalan Coup – by means of which the US
Central Intelligence Agency deposed democratically elected Jacobo (1950 – 1954), and

installed the pro-business [or one may say, pro-American MNCs)’s Colonel Carlos Castillo
Armas (1954 – 57), who was later assassinated by a presidential guard. This event ushered in a
long period of turmoil in Guatemala; in fact, a course of 36 years of Civil War in Guatemala.
Note: These different bananas or fruit companies, through their manipulation of the producing
countries’ national land use laws, were able to buy large tract of fertile lands for banana
plantations in the countries of the Caribbean Basin, the Central American Isthmus, and the
tropical South American countries – and, having rendered the Native peoples landless through
a policy of legalistic dispossessions of their land, while employing them (the dispossessed
Natives of these countries) as low-wage workers –
Here is how a few other political commentators on a California-based question & answer site,
called Quora, presented their part of the story about America’s Imperialism hullaballoo:
(a) One of them wrote: “….It's true that the US wasn't out there sending military expeditions to
remote parts of Asia and Africa like the British and French were doing, but that's not to say that
they weren't [or they aren’t] out there colonizing too. If you take a look at the US in 1783, [he
meant here the time Britain formally recognized America’s 1776 independence], after they
gained independence from the British, their territory only extended to the eastern half of the
Mississippi River, and apart from the coastal areas, most of this was vastly unorganized
territory. During the rest of the 19th century, the US proceeded to acquire the rest of what has
since become the continental United States, through purchases and conquests from various
Indian tribes and European powers. During this time, the idea of "Manifest Destiny", that it
was the God-given duty of Americans to settle North America, began to emerge. And if "we-
need-to-settle-the-entirety-of-this-continent-because-God-said-so" doesn't this sound like
colonialism, I don't know what does. In the later part of the 19th century and into the 20th
century, the US continued acquiring territory out of what is currently the continental United
States, including many islands in the Pacific. America’s overthrow and subsequent takeover of
the Hawaiian kingdom was a textbook example of colonialism. Furthermore, in the late 19th
and early 20th centuries, policy makers, most prominently Teddy Roosevelt, began to exert
their influence on various countries in the West Indies and in Latin America.
What made American colonialism much more different from the British was that they did a
great job at homogenizing (standardizing, regulating and integrating) the areas they conquered.
If you look at territories in the British or French Empires, their populations are generally made
up of a large native population ruled by a small, white elite (there are of course some
exceptions to this, namely Canada and Australia, but this was overwhelmingly the norm in Asia
and Africa). When the US acquired new territories, however, large numbers of American
settlers quickly poured into the area, quickly outnumbering preexisting populations (whether
those were Indian, Creole, Hawaiian or Hispanic)….”
(b) Jesse Jones, Armchair foreign policy analyst, commented, “…..Some U.S. leaders had
ideas of invading Canada and/or Cuba, to add these territories to those of the United States, but
this would have involved conflict with European powers (Great Britain and Spain) which
would have been too risky. Instead, the U.S. left Cuba alone, and the Oregon Treaty in 1846
peacefully demarcated the boundary between the U.S. and British Canada. In 1854, the
American Commodore, Perry, "opened" Japan to trade through a display of force, but America
never "colonized" Japan. In 1867, Alaska was purchased from Russia on peaceful terms…..By
1898, the U.S. had become a world power in terms of industrial and military strength, and the
"closing of the frontier" meant further expansion would have to come from overseas. The

Spanish-American War in 1898 marked the beginning of the "American Empire." The U.S.
crushed the Spanish Empire and added the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico, gaining its first
overseas territories, as well as acquiring a temporary protectorate over Cuba. In a separate
action, Hawaii was annexed from the native Hawaiian kingdom in 1898. Even so, this
American Empire was still quite limited in scope compared to the European Empires……After
World War II, decolonization meant that the U.S., Great Britain, France, etc. relinquished many
of their colonies. The U.S. granted the Philippines independence. However, America remained
in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and several Pacific islands (Guam, the Virgin Islands etc.) by the
consent of the locals, similar to continued British rule in Bermuda & the Falkland Islands, or
the French in French Guiana….In the Cold War, the Americans and Soviets engaged in a
geopolitical struggle for influence around the world, but this is generally not considered
"colonialism." We can debate whether "colonialism" still exists today.
The U.S., as the world's sole remaining superpower today, maintains military bases all over the
world. In the early 2000's, [for example], America invaded and occupied Afghanistan and
Iraq. However, I disagree that this amounts to evidence of an "American Empire." The U.S.
maintains military bases in countries such as Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, etc. via
alliances….As for Afghanistan and Iraq, these invasions were fundamentally about national
security and not resource exploitation as in true colonialism…..Iraq's ownership of large oil
reserves may have been another motivating factor (as it is in all, or many of the U.S.'s dealings
with Middle Eastern countries), however, it's patently obvious that Iraq was not purely a "war
for oil" as some critics suggest…
(c) Quora User - America participated in European-style colonization in the late 19th century,
particularly as American naval strength increased to parity with European nations, and during
WW1. The Philippines, Hawaii, Guam, and a few other Pacific islands were acquired.
Denmark sold its holdings in the Virgin Islands to the U.S. during WW1. (The U.S. wanted to
preclude German seizure of the islands, and Denmark had been trying to sell them to the U.S.
for several decades.)……
(d) Another Quora User, Reader – “……Here we run into a pretty gargantuan (gigantic,
massive) difference between American and British patterns of colonization. The British
colonized without the expectation that the colony would become part of the metropole - in other
words, India would never become part of the UK, Canada would never become part of the UK,
et cetera. On the other hand, the US colonized - at least in the westward expansion - with the
expectation that the colonies would mature into states, which would formally become part of
the US. Just because you call your colonies "territories" and just because you expect to
one day formally annex them doesn't mean you're not colonizing, it just means you're not
using the jargon. So the US started out as a colonial enterprise of England, became
independent of Great Britain, and then became its own colonial enterprise.
Alaska was originally a Russian colony that was cheaply purchased without reference to the
wishes of the indigenous peoples living there, and the US bought the Virgin Islands from
Denmark in much the same manner. [Indigenous Liberian ethnic groups could learn a very big
lesson from this clue]. The US assumed control over several Spanish colonies after the Spanish-
American War, including the Philippines, Cuba (as a protectorate) and Puerto Rico. Most
American textbooks also do a miserable job of covering the Philippine-American War, which
lasted from 1899 to 1902 and was the result of the US wanting to crush the Philippine
independence movement. The Kingdom of Hawaii ended up getting colonized by Dole (yeah,
the fruit guy) and annexed by the US. And getting really on the nose, the African nation of
Liberia was founded as an American colony of freedmen, virtually none of whom had

come from that part of West Africa. [What a great cue here again for Liberians of the 16
original ethnic backgrounds.]
Also, the US was a tremendous bully to other nations in the Western Hemisphere during the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We can talk about how America uses its influence now in
the Western Hemisphere, but it's small potatoes compared to how it used to do it. Consider this
1935 quotation by US General Smedley Butler: [He says], “I spent 33 years and four months
in active military service, and during that period, I spent most of my time as a high class muscle
man for Big Businesses, for Wall Street, and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster
for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in
1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect
revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of
Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers
in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in
1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China, in
1927, I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I
might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three
districts. I operated on three continents….”
There were nastier examples - the Congo Free State comes to mind - but we are dealing [with]
nasty, savage behavior on the part of the settlers. Scalping was primarily done by the settlers,
for example. Roughly three years longer than the Spanish-American War, with three times as
many American casualties, not to mention some 210,000 to 220,000 dead Filipinos. Then-US
President William McKinley talked of "Christianizing" the Philippines - which the Spanish had
mostly seen to be that point. Again, the Christianizing point gets brought up in textbooks, the
obvious rejoinder (reply, answer, riposte etc.) gets brought up much less frequently. This isn't
to say that the US has become [a sort of] kind and gentle in recent years, just that it used to be
much, much worse….”
Dear readers, especially our countrymen, in addition to stories like these, as we speak today,
America, for the love of imperialism and colonialism, has a total of 5 inhabited colonies,
including those mentioned earlier – and they refer to these 21st century colonial arrangements as
unincorporated or insular territories. They also have numerous uninhabited ones. The full list
of the inhabited ones again include: Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, American
Samoa, and the Virgin Islands of the United States. Guam, a Western Pacific Ocean Island, is
being governed under the US Organic Act of 1950; Puerto Rico, part of a Northeastern
Caribbean archipelago, is currently administered under the US Puerto Rican Federal
Relations Act; the Northern Mariana Islands, located in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, is at
present run under the US 1977 Covenant of Administration; American Samoa is located in the
South Pacific Ocean, and is governed too under the authority of the US Department of Interior;
while finally, the US Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean, are regulated under the US
Revised Organic Act of 1954.
Every attempt by all, or a majority of these territories, backed by UN resolutions, to gain their
full-fledged independence, or gain some form of clear political autonomy, has been squashed
by America. For example, In the 1980s and early 1990s, there was a significant movement in
favor of Guam becoming a commonwealth, which would give it a level of self-governance
similar to Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, although these latter islands too are
currently in search of greater autonomies. However, the US Federal Government rejected the
version of a commonwealth arrangement that the government of Guam had proposed, due to it

having clauses, in the words of Washington, that are incompatible with the Territorial Clause
(Art. IV, Sec. 3, cl. 2) of the U.S. Constitution. Other movements are advocating U.S. statehood
for Guam, union with the state of Hawaii, union with the Northern Mariana Islands as a single
territory, or independence, but none of them is succeeding. Guam is generally thought of as
conservative, on the political spectrum.
For Puerto Rico, the United States Congress legislates over many fundamental aspects of
Puerto Rican life, including citizenship, the currency, the postal service, foreign affairs, military
defense, communications, labor relations, the environment, commerce, finance, health and
welfare, and many others….In 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011 the United Nations Special
Committee on Decolonization passed resolutions calling on the United States to expedite a
process "that would allow Puerto Ricans to fully exercise their inalienable right to self-
determination and independence," and to release all Puerto Rican political prisoners in U.S.
prisons; to clean up, decontaminate and return the lands in the islands of Vieques and Culebra
to the people of Puerto Rico, to perform a probe into U.S. human rights violations on the island
and a probe into the killing by the FBI of pro-independence leader Filiberto Ojeda Rios – all of
these have yet to be realized.
Then next, and in a nutshell, is the case of American Samoa, a place noted for having the
highest rate of military enlistment of any U.S. state or territory. As of September 9, 2014, the
local U.S. Army Recruiting Station in Pago Pago was ranked first in production out of the 885
Army recruiting stations and centers under the United States Army Recruiting Command
(USAREC), which includes the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam,
the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, the
Republic of the Marshall Islands, Korea, Japan, and Europe….Although technically considered
"unorganized" since the U.S. Congress has not passed an Organic Act for the territory,
American Samoa is [somewhat] self-governing under a constitution that became effective on
July 1, 1967. However, the Island is still on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing
Territories, a listing which is disputed by the territorial government officials, who do consider
themselves to be self-governing. It is though still being administered by the Office of Insular
Affairs, U.S. Department of Interior.

Finally, on May 26, 2009 the U.S. Virgin Islands’ Fifth Constitutional Convention adopted a
proposed Constitution of the Virgin Islands, which was submitted by President Barack Obama
to Congress on March 1, 2010. On June 30, 2010, President Obama signed Pub.L. 111–194 in
which Congress urged the constitutional convention to reconvene [because apparently,
provisions in their new constitution did not match Congress’s wishes for the Island]. etc. and

Former territories of the United States also include Philippines, who fought America for her
independence for about 3 years, but her independence was formerly recognized by the United
States way later on July 4, 1946. Cuba was an American colony, or territory, as they love to
refer to theirs, whose independence America recognized on May 20, 1902; and the Panama
Canal Zone, under an effective joint Panama-U.S. control based on provisions of the Hay–
Bunau-Varilla Treaty from 1903 to 1979, eventually gained some freedom under different
arrangements after this time. Note that all of these accounts come from Wikipedia.

The big concern after all this reality has been established is that “If America has all these, and
even more records about colonialism and imperialism in the respected Whiteman’s world, even
up to this point, then think about what she would care about in a sadly perceived, cowardly,

insignificant, disrespected. Blackman’s Liberia? But with God above, however, and with our
strong determination to constructively engage them, our only all-time friend, with some people
even referring to them as our stepmother, we all can together turn this very ugly page around
for the BETTER, and that’s what the Plain Truth Revolution advocates right Now, God willing.

Thank you fellow citizens and everyone else for mustering the civil courage to change your
world by joining or supporting the Plain Truth Revolution to demand this National Rebirth and
Constitutional Convention to convene by all means in 2017 by God’s grace.
The titles, arguments, opinions and so forth of, and in these literatures, are truly long and
strong; some may even view them as insulting and otherwise, but they are sincerely meant to
snap us out of our inertia and push us into the unconditional urgency to rise up and act
positively in this country now. So we urge all, including the few personalities mentioned by
name, our Americo-Liberian comrades, our good friends of the United States etc. to please pull
the emotions out, and x-ray the facts that have been presented, so as to enable all of us to adopt
the right approach for handling these very grave issues that continue to hold the lives and
destinies of millions of fellow human beings down in this country forever. Let us NEVER
forget that based on the gravity of the issues we have at hand in this place, others could even
take up arms and justifiably go to war. This should suggest that just plain words, with the sole
intent of bringing some forceful, peaceful change, should NEVER cause people to go bananas
in this place, and start thinking about hunting others down because of the plain truth. Let us
also NOT forget we can never make omelets without breaking eggs, as some old folks say, and
that drastic times, as our country is faced with now, call for drastic measures, which in our
modus operandi dictates strong, but factual words, to get everybody on their feet etc. and etc.

We have drawn for all of us here a very clear battle line. There should now be a set of citizens
who love and believe in the present societal order, and are therefore now prepared to fight
for it, and another distinct group of citizens, who absolutely disagree with the current status
quo, and are ready to take actions now for change. At present there should be nothing in our
national dictionary called standing on the fence, or standing in the middle, or remaining
neutral. This is because God Himself is now ready to intervene in our country’s chronic
situation, but He needs every citizen’s input, one way or the other, as the country is for
every citizen and not for any single persons. Mr. John F. Kennedy, one of our big time
inspirations, and America’s 35th President, gave this warning some time ago to people who
love neutrality in difficult times, when he said, “The hottest places in hell are reserved for
those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” We don’t want to be
caught up in this situation. We must contribute something. We must take a definite side,
although we encourage all to take the side of positive change; that is to take the side of the
oppressed in this place, so as not to prolong our well-intentioned agenda for genuine
To reemphasize the key message of this narrative, we say, the 2017 elections will be one of
the greatest mistakes in Americo-Liberia’s history again if we were to ever be tempted to go
this STUPID way once more as a people, and the result for making such consciously foolish
mistake will be very catastrophic if not point blank apocalyptic (meaning, finishing us once
and for all) than any other collective mistakes we have ever made before in our shameful
194 year of existence in dullness, fear for man rather than God, laziness to think and act for
ourselves, and extreme barrenness etc. Some points that will prove us very SILLY (that we

want, to resonate with you in your secret corners) when we go this route of election in 2017
include, but are not limited to the following:
(a) We will be agreeing with this current constitution that the blood of our over 500,000
fellow compatriots and human beings that were killed during the most recent Americo-
Liberian War of revenge, and for power, are “insignificant and useless” because it is
this same constitution that was used to defend our people’s killers against the TRC’s
recommendations for punitive actions and reparations. We will be demonstrating our
agreement with this constitution by obeying it to go stand on line and vote again to
prolong our own agonies, and deepen our own woes; and, let’s not forget that this
FOOLISH mistake on our part will NEVER go unpunished, if we dare do it.
(b) We will be proving to the world that we are a very dull people who do not think for
themselves, and as such, do the same thing over and over again, even if it is NOT
yielding the desired results.
Being people of faith in God, as demonstrated in all of our writings thus far, we will also
like to leave you here with a strong caveat from the Word of God. Rich Deem, a religious
authority, countering some argument from one atheist that “God Is A Murderer”, says, with
Biblical backings, that God is not a murderer, but that instead, God being both a Creator
and Destroyer in His own right or according to His own standards, sometimes allows a
whole people to be wiped away or destroyed for a justifiable reason to Himself. Deem says
when all, or majority of a people become so corrupted, or blinded in doing the wrong
things over and over, and are continually planning evil things, or comporting
themselves in an embarrassing manner, God chooses among them His righteous
elements, and then completely wipes away the rest of them to clean the slate for a
brand new breed of people. He gave some examples in the Bible including what happened
during the days of Noah. Considering such scriptures like Deuteronomy 9:5, it is said that
because of the wickedness of a people, God also drives them from their land or destroys
them completely. In Genesis 18 for instance, God and Abraham were in conversation about
His plan to destroy a whole people that had become so corrupted; in Joshua chapter 6, God
was instructing Joshua whom to spare as He ordered Joshua to wipe out Jericho. Similar
discussions and instructions continued in regards to different groups of people in the books
of Samuel, Kings, Numbers, Judges, and Chronicles etc. in the Bible. Such wickedness like
in our country’s situation could be likened to sins such as having utter disregard for fellow
human beings, as in the case of our TRC saga in this place, destroying all of our future
generations by depriving them of every resource well advance, while leaving them with no
working systems upon which to survive and flourish and so forth. Bringing in a more
modern time example, Mr. Deem then said in recent times, Nazi Germany suffered similar
fate when almost a whole society welcomed the wanton killing of Jews; in Canaan, Joshua,
acting on God’s order went ahead and wiped out all men, women, and children for their
worshipping of false gods. According to him, the big argument here is that corruption
literally breeds more corruption, and depending on the scale, God sometimes just [takes a
deep breathe] and wipes out a whole society, while sparing only His righteous, even if He
finds just one. He says Our God also visits the iniquities of the fathers upon the children
unto the 3rd and 4th generations of them that hate Him; and hating God, fellow citizens, in
this instance, could just simply mean respecting and fearing man more than Him, or having

little or no faith in Him, that with Him, nothing doable by others can be impossible with us.
In the Bible book of Acts 17, nations were established by Him, to seek His face exclusively,
with an implication that He gave them resources to sustain themselves, and these resources
must be used wisely for the benefit of all generations. The idea of borders demarcating
nations was designed by Him, and in the end, we are supposed to seek His face and place
our faith in Him. In the book of Ezekiel 14, it is said because of ‘faithlessness’ God delivers
a people into slavery or other forms of harsh treatments as punishment.
We bring you all this not to preach a sermon, but to let you know that whether we like it or
not, there are spiritual implications to everything that we do in this life, and one can never
overlook this reality if they are to ever make progress. In fact, in one blogpost written by a
Filipino Accountant and social counsellor Maria Lourdes Macabasco Yanuaria, she
indicated that every human being is a house with four rooms – a physical room, a mental
room, an emotional room, and a spiritual room. She said, unless we go into each of these
rooms every day and do some clean up, even if it is just to open the window and keep it
ventilated, we are NEVER a complete person or human being. And this very powerful
reality also refers to a people, a nation or country, whatever entity. Taking Miss
Macabasco’s statement into serious consideration and reading beyond the lines, our
country’s problem is more spiritual in nature and weight than it is within the remaining 3
dimensions or rooms as we mentioned above, thus requiring a very strong battle of wills,
spirits, souls etc., and not a battle requiring AK 47s, 103 howitzers, rocket launchers or F16
warplanes, neither is it a battle requiring too much of academic theories such as
Stoichiometry, Marchov Analyses, or Historical Institutionalism. Our battle in this country
against untold corruption, ethnocentrism, unspeakable poverty, mass illiteracy, and deadly
ignorance and stupidity and the likes is one that truly requires strong spiritual weapons in
order to be fought successfully and won, according to the observations of the Plain Truth
With that said, according to the Bible, Apostle Paul listed many defensive pieces of the
armor (shield, protective clothing etc.) of God, but only one of these pieces he is said to
have declared as a weapon to be used in going on the offensive, and this is the sword, in
the context of spirituality, the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit. And people MUST
go on the offensive in order to truly test and demonstrate their faith and beliefs in God, a
step without which we can NEVER enjoy the complete favor of God. True children of God
are not only a defensive people in their actions and approaches. They do, and MUST, go on
the offensive at times to solve key problems. In this vein, Apostle Paul revealed the weapon
for offensive, the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians Chapter 6 to be the Word of God, and in
our case, for the Plain Truth Revolution, no matter which Scriptures of God bring these
spiritual weapons to bear, be it the Holy Bible, be it the Holy Qu’ran etc., we use it to go on
the battle front.
In addition to the Word of God having been adopted as our weapon of choice in this huge
battle at hand for the deliverance of our country, the Word of God has all through history
demonstrated itself as the best lamb to humanity’s feet and the best light to our paths,
according to King David. The Word of God illuminates; it clearly reveals to us what is
good and what is bad; it shows us who is wise and who is unwise. It is the ultimate tool in
helping us learn the best possible life to live; a life free from the restraints of darkness.

God’s Word is true, plain and simple. It is the only thing that can sanctify or clean up a
very DIRTY, NASTY and DANGEROUS situation like ours in this country. God’s Word
is living, active, powerful, and sharper than any double-edged sword – piercing even to
the division of the soul and spirit, and of the joint and marrow, and it is the discerner of
the thoughts of man’s heart. The Word of God, our Plain Truth Revolution’s weapon of
choice, is the only best weapon used for very close-range combats rather than long range
warfare, and our country’s current battle requires a close-range engagement. With true
knowledge and application of the Word of God in every aspect of our lives, we are
winners and champions, even in advance of our engagements. But without this
knowledge, as a people, we remain in perpetual confusion, running around in a vicious
cycle, talking vain talks of peace and reconciliation all the days of our collective lives
while others make huge progress and headways in achieving their Domain Mandate.
Based on this weapon of choice we have, we are therefore massive in our information
gathering, dissemination and actions because the Word of God has instructed us to do so. In
the Book of Proverbs Chapter 18, verses 13, 15, and 18, we are thought and instructed
respectively that the first step, yea, the first principle to solving any [gigantic] problem is to
gather all the facts first; the second step is to open up to new ideas, or put another way, to
invite more ideas in solving the problem, and the third step is to create room to be able to
hear from all, or both sides of the story, or parties to the problem, a process which also
encourages the casting of some honest and constructive blame.
Anyone doubting the truth of these expressions should take the side of the oppressors now
in this battle, and see what God can do when He is ready to deliver His children from their
Spiritual Egypt. Wanting to know the oppressors in our scenario here, they are those who
give our precious resources out in very criminal and careless manners every time while we
suffer and die in poverty under their watch; they are those whose two-century old
governmental policies can only see poor quality electricity, distributed through soft wooden
poles, reaching only Central Monrovia, New Georgia Estate and Sinkor in a 43,000 square-
mile country; the oppressors are those who must only contract huge World Bank and EU
loans before our country can ever pave a few miles of substandard one-lane roads in our big
land territory; our oppressors are those under whose watch our pregnant women are
delivered in poorly-staffed, poorly-equipped health centers using flashlights; our broad day
oppressors are those under whose leadership guidance, we have only been known to the
world as people who don’t think and act for themselves and in their own best interests, but
everything else must be handed over to them either through gifts, grants, loans etc. and even
ideas and concepts must be imposed upon them, or dictated to them etc.; and finally, our
oppressors are those hell bent again to keep this cruel status quo intact through their
senseless activity called democratic, popular votes or elections coming up again in 2017
because this is the only way we can solve our national problem in their reading.
Finally, we want to encourage all Whites born on this soil, especially our Lebanese brothers,
although with emphasis too on Whites from all backgrounds, and all Muslims, including any
other religious minorities, who, like the Natives of our country too, continue to suffer all kinds
of untold marginalization and suppression in different forms in this Liberia since 1822, to see
reason to actively take ownership in our peaceful revolutionary agenda, let’s peacefully get our
beautiful country out of the hands of America and her cruel and criminal Americo Liberians,

and establish a new, forward-looking, civilized, and positively diversified nation, a nation that
will first respect the dignity and worth of all of its citizens and all human beings – Natives,
Blacks, Whites, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists etc.
As you may have been previously informed, this is just one of the 51 main articles that form
part of our ongoing 2020/2021 citizens’ enlightenment campaign, or our Revolution’s
honest, but painstaking effort and determination never to leave any stone unturned – relative
to exposing ALL of the big and bloody problems of this country (“Liberia”), as we prepare
the mind of every citizen and well-wisher for our demanded National Dialogue, or
National Convention, or Sovereign Citizens’ Convention etc., whichever way one prefers
to call it, so that if this dialogue will have to last for days, weeks, or even months, there can
absolutely be no dull moment at that event. Remember that such activity or event promises
to eat up considerable national resources, and as such, it will rightly be expected to produce
the much-needed final, lasting solutions to our country’s seemingly unsolvable problems by
the grace of God, a strong reason for which we MUST do all we can to provide every bit of
information needed to guide and sustain this process. The file that lists all of these 51 main
articles, including the one you just read (exposing the huge mess of this country, ranging
from its colonial understanding of religion – without prejudice to our many good people in
the religious circles here - to its broken reasonings behind deeds and actions, and to its
colonially sorrowful activities in the areas of education, health, governance, politics, civics
and economics etc. and etc. – all of which make REVOLUTION the ONLY most viable
remaining alternative for change, in line with GOD’s WORDS), can be found at or Thanks once again.

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