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TRUTH This is the 3rd of our
revolutionary G7
Summaries. All of them
can be found at

Thanks for finding and
reading all.



Note that the great pile of mess that you are

going to read about Liberia here is being
exacerbated or worsened by the nastiness of
Capitalism, America’s Imperialism, her Neo-
colonialism, and of course Americo-Liberians’
inherent and hyper-criminality!!!!
Available now on the Internet

Welcome to our Revolution of DETAILS, a civic endeavor

that seeks to dig out root causes, and to get to the
bottom of our country’s deep-rooted social problems,
using God’s eternal principles of Love, Patience, Truth,
Hard Work, and Justice.
This is the 6th issue among the several critical national issues that we started writing about a few
years back, but are now privileged to start bringing them to your full attention through this
PTR’s 2020/2021 Sensitization Campaign. Please get any other one that you are interested in,
or very importantly, all the rest, either from your friends, or from the street corners, if
possible, or better, simply from the Internet at either or
Special Notes: (a) Please take the reading of these items very seriously as God needs everybody’s attention
and input now to either change this only country of ours for the better once and for all, or sadly, to deal it a
big blow of punishment for stubbornly refusing to change in 200 years. Remember Liberia was physically
established in 1822 though, but according to very credible sources, the act to create this US Colony was
passed by the American Congress on March 3, 1819, and it still maintains this US colony status in practice
today, in 2021. (b) We are encouraging every publisher, street vendor, or all business people for that matter
to please produce and reproduce copies of these items free of charge (although maintaining their originality
and integrity), and deal them out to the public at very affordable prices as part of this great sensitization
campaign for final change in our country by God’s grace.

To restress the need for reading now in this society, something which when any of us refuses to do
now, the consequences for society will be even much dangerous and graver than any shock or
sorrow that we have experienced here before, as we now see the writing on the wall again, let’s
encourage you with these 3 quotes, 3 of our prominent quotes on reading, including: (1) There are
crimes worse than burning books [or articles, papers, leaflets etc.], and one of such horrible
crimes is your refusal to read them. – Joseph Brodsky (2) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read
everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who
works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good,
you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner (3) If you
would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads, but [rather] what he rereads. –
Francois Muriac
WE STRESS: If everyone fights to read, especially about things pertaining to our country now,
and we together, create this new civilized and lifesaving culture and tradition of reading together,
pushing this great tradition on future generations beginning now etc., you could be surprise to see a
brand new and productive country coming into being right now during your own lifetime, and
before your own eyes, but if you refuse, thinking that your time is too important to read things
about your own country, or you are too busy with your job or your business etc., and as such, you
care less about reading what’s happening around you, and to your society etc. and etc., you may be
surprise as well, that during your very lifetime again, and right before your own eyes again, war
could break out in this country, and that cherished job or business that is too important to you
today, including your very lives – God forbid – could be shattered; and in this way, you are going
to be responsible. The blood of your people will be on your hand and head. A hint to the wise
should be quite sufficient!!!!
Thank you very much for getting properly informed, and joining us to make “Liberia’s 201st
anniversary a year of great change on Planet Earth!!!! **Note: The numbers on the cover page are
exclusively for our money transactions, but to call us, you may kindly use either 0555161001 or

Beginning Notes…………………………………. …………………………………………1

The wealth and numerous sources of revenue generation that Liberia plays with………......2
Short comparisons of some of Liberia’s peers’ revenue generation with hers………………2
The main reasons for which folks are elected here, and leaders’ perception about the
only way to create jobs in this country, and to boost their Liberia’s economy etc., :…….....3
How every policy move or every governmental action and decision in
Americo- Liberia is dictated by some foreign force or influence – nothing
indigenous or organic…………………………………………………………………..........3
The key reason Ellen gave for turning Taylor over ………………………………………...3
The motivation behind the set ups of all of Liberia’s current integrity institutions
– GAC, LACC etc…………………………………………………………………………..4
How Ellen’s Liberia pays hundreds of millions of Dollars to Washington
DC-based commercial diplomacy firms, KRL International, and others, just to
maintain this status quo……………………………………………………………………...4
Here is how Ellen addresses the press after Liberia’s acceptance within the World
Trade Organization…………………………………………………………..……………....4
Few accounts of how Liberia creates jobs and boosts its economy…………………………5
Liberia believes in begging so much that, the presidents writes begging for an
invitation to visit other people……………………………………………………………….5

Ellen raps on UNMIL Radio about why her government is always in the air looking from
Some miscellaneous accounts of how Liberia generates her development money…………6
How Liberia’s president negotiates the sale of her country’s natural resources at the
receipt of even foreign diplomats……………………………………………………………8
Ellen meets visiting Chinese health delegation……………,………………………………..8
How, apart from these regular trips on building the economy, which the president
embarks upon almost every week, on the home front, and during other domestic or
even foreign engagements, government officials build their economy by urging
people theoretically all day, to either invest, or do some other things to improve
americo-Liberia’s economy…………………………………………………………….........8
Two quite interesting points to back our argument that you must think in line with all of
the above, in order to be a hero on the Liberian political scene……………………………..9
A terribly handicapped country that never does anything worthwhile on its own…………..9

Some extensive accounts of how Liberia NEVER does anything worthwhile on her
own, and anything worth doing here must be done with some donor, or, as the
cliché is, some partner’s support or money………………………………………………...10

More on Liberia’s dangerous joke in the name of running an economy…………………..10

Liberia: a land sustained by only gifts, loans, grants and donations etc…………………..15
Loans (small sample of several accounts that filter in, in just 1.5 years)…………………16
Grants (small sample of several accounts that filter in, in just 1.5 years)………………...16
Donations & goodwill (small sample of several accounts that filter in, in just 1.5 years).18
How, in the midst of all these loans, grants, donations etc., mighty Americo-Liberia
remains A Land Of Unspeakable Poverty ………………………………………………....20
Some examples of Liberia’s very poor infrastructure and human development…..……....20
Some expansive narratives on Liberia’s very poor human capacity reality…………….....24
Some accounts of both poor human resource capacity + poor infrastructure….…………..25
How Government agencies or institutions, like individuals, have very
poor purchasing power…………………………………………………………………......26
Americo-Liberia’s only solution approach, or its biggest responses to
all these huge economic woes……………………..…………………………..………........31
Results from all this mockery out of economic and general management ………………...32
Other domestic day-to-day economic results are as follows……….………………………33
Some examples of the kinds of shocks citizens face in Liberia…………………................33
Closing notes……………………………………………………………………………….35

For your polite contribution to

this cause for change, if you are
moved, our Mobile Money # is
0888176055, while our Orange
Money # is 0777484817. Thnx.

First Note: This 31-page narrative, trying to systematically outline some of the countless
shameful accounts of begging, waste, and unimaginable dependency culture of Americo-
Liberia, is an excerpt of one of our revolutionary pamphlets, “If This Is The Best Of
Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Then What
Else Are We, The Natives, Still Waiting For To Constructively Snatch Our Arm Robbed
Country From Out Of The Hands Of America And Her Americo-Liberians?”, which can
be found either at in its .doc format, or in its Adobe .pdf format at This excerpt as such intends to give you some summarized picture of
how dangerous our country’s situation is, for which total change has now become a MUST
by the grace of God. The secret of course, is that, this much-needed change can, and will
NEVER come about from any already existing source or process, such as political elections,
as being run or administered here by existing Americo-Liberian structures and institutions.

Revolution, preferably a peaceful one, of course, has this God-approved solution for us,
through His grace and guidance. This excerpt is mainly intended to give you some quicker
insight into the much bigger problems at hand, and to drive you into reading our more
detailed pamphlets. These excerpts further come to strengthen our arguments drawn against
Liberia from within other works, based upon observations and slightly paraphrased
quotations from 3 revered American academicians and professionals, including Messrs.
Hugh Mason Brown and Patrick J. O’Rouke and Dr. James Ciment, two of which address
Liberia directly, while the other one references Liberia indirectly.

The three remarks or paraphrased quotations and observations include: (a) Mr. Hugh Mason
Brown, who studied, observed, and declared that “a Liberian only sadly memorizes concepts
and theories from other people, and refuses to use or practically apply these concepts and
theories to change his situation and overall life”; (b) Dr. James Ciment, after carefully
studying and observing Liberia for years through research also, finally discovers that Liberia
is unfortunately an illegitimate statehood arrangement whose people have a very twisted
approach to things, and a thwarted modus operandi. Then, (c) Mr. Patrick Jake O’Rouke
declares that, once a people overlook their own History, (by refusing to use it as a guide for
finding solutions to their problems etc., they will also NEVER be able to do well in other
aspects of their lives, including their Economics, English, or Math etc.
As usual, some of our presentation styles may seem unconventional, but permissible, as they
are revolutionary, and can’t just be tied to norms. But please read on, and make sense out of
According to some local radio report in 2013, all of the government offices, institutions and
state-owned business enterprises – that both collect monies or raise funds, and those that do
regular commercial activities for government – when combined, are up to 113, and in this
number, everyone should know by now that state-owned business enterprises (like the
Freeport of Monrovia, the LPRC, the RIA, the Maritime Authority etc.) are strictly profit-
making institutions that are supposed to follow every business practice for cutting costs and
generating huge revenues just like Facebook, Microsoft or Lone Star Cell or Cellcom etc. is
doing. In a related argument, Liberia is about the size of the states of Tennessee or Ohio in

the United States, or the size of Northern Ireland in Europe. We are interested in these
comparisons on the bases of age, size and opportunities; that’s why we don’t want to bring in
Ivory Coast or Ghana or Guinea for instance. For example, Tennessee was admitted into
statehood in July of 1796, less than 30 years before Liberia’s establishment; Ohio, just about
the same size as Liberia and Tennessee, became a state in February of 1803, less than 20
years before Liberia’s establishment, while Ireland obtained nationhood status in January of
1919, with Mama Americo-Liberia of course, having been established in 1822, and gaining
so-called independence in 1847.

But while Tennessee, way back in 2011, had an annual tax collection, excluding other
sources of revenue, of Forty-Five Billion, One Hundred Eighty Nine Million, Six Hundred
Ten Thousand Dollars (US$45,189,610,000), and Ohio, One Hundred Twelve Billion,
Sixty-Nine Million, Four Hundred Seven Thousand (US$112,069,407,000) – all, according
to the US Census Bureau, January 1, 2011, Americo-Liberia’s part of National taxing
authority, the Liberia Revenue Authority, was vowing that it would collect a total tax amount
of US$7 million for fiscal year 2015/2016, a fiscal year in which the country’s disgraceful
total budget of US$622 million was heavily subsidized by different foreign sources,
including the European Union, which alone, injected $279 million, or around 45% of this
national forecast budget, but sadly again, the country still endured and incurred unspecified
amounts of budget shortfalls, as former Lofa County Senator Sumo Kupee had already
predicted a shortfall of about US$150 million, all, according to local media reports.
Moreover, while 97 year old Ireland (in terms of independence), just about half the size of
170 year-old Liberia in land area, had a GDP, Purchasing Power Parity, of US$235.850
billion in 2015, criminal Americo-Liberia still fakes GDP/PPP figure of around US$1.5
billion, less than 12% of the GDP of baby, 5-year-old, trouble-stricken South Sudan etc.

Liberia is also blessed with numerous precious resources. Some of them include: over 10,
million acres of fertile agricultural land; about 9 million acres of thick rain forests which
produce logs etc. with the friendliest agricultural climate in the world; about 2.8 billion long
tons of proven iron ore deposits, most of which have now been depleted by marauding settler
economic vampires calling themselves national leaders etc.; vast quantities of diamond, gold
and manganese; and huge quantity of proven natural oil deposits, of which the current
puppet government has already mortgaged more than 13 key blocks mainly to their
American partners-in-crime for peanuts as it has always been the case since 1862.

So instead of smartly taking care of our vast natural resources, while at the same time
properly managing these 113, both fund raising and ordinary profit-making business
institutions combined, and inculcating a culture of massive revenue generation under strong
internal control mechanisms and transparent business practices into these many commercial
or fundraising institutions of government, the only thing that the Liberian Government has
known since 1822, has been to fly left, right and center, foolishly begging for grants, loans,
goodwill, criminal partnerships, criminal stake holdings etc., and crying on foreign capitalists
to come and invest in the country, even if it means killing 100,000 citizens directly or
indirectly in both current and future generations, just to see these illicit foreign direct
investment deals go through. Because of all this, you must be a good case maker for these

kinds of financing arrangements before gaining prominence in the Liberian Governance


As a result of Liberia’s thwarted idea of what constitutes economics; what constitutes

creating jobs for the country, as a leader; what it means to grow your economy as a
government etc., here is what the Ellen-led government alone, like almost all other Americo-
Liberian Governments before her, believe, that officials of government were elected to do, in
addition to the criminal waste and pillaging of state resources, compounded by the citizens’
lack of independence to think for themselves, develop themselves, and act in their own self-
interests autonomously. Liberia, after 195 years of being around as a so-called political
entity, remains a land of horrible destitution, unimaginable deprivation, and scorching
poverty – both in ideas and materials – from the very president’s office in this country to the
least of janitors in the least of government offices. For we want to restrict ourselves here to
government alone however.
How every policy move or every governmental action and decision in Americo-Liberia is
dictated by some foreign force or influence – nothing indigenous or organic
1. When Nigeria decided to grant Charles Taylor asylum in 2003 to enhance the current
Liberian Peace process, there were no provisions for him to be extradited in the future, as
he himself decided to take several things into consideration and drop his right to fight to
the end, for the sake of peace. Nigeria stuck to its vow that it will never turn Taylor over
to the Hague, nor to any authority except upon the formal request of a democratically
elected Liberian president or government. But when Harvard-trained World Bank
Economist Ellen Johnson Sirleaf took power in 2006, just within less than two months
after her inauguration, in betrayal of Taylor, and in breach of a key element strengthening
the country’s current peace, she did a formal request to the Nigerian Government for
Taylor’s extradition. After denying this action for a while as usual, Mrs. Sirleaf finally
admitted this iniquity; and, responding to a suggestive concern about why so soon with
the issue of turning her fellow compatriot and rebel-mate over to an already American
backed kangaroo justice process against Taylor], Ellen replied, “[We acted out of]
international pressure, ‘controlling our efforts to…. raise the resources we need for
our development etc…. (Nicolas Cook, Analyst in African Affairs: Foreign Affairs,
Defense and Trade Division, US Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress)
2. From unimpeachable sources, including Unity Party stalwarts such as George
Kailando (talking to Farbric FM sometime in 2015 or thereabouts, and Toga McCintosh
(talking to Farbric FM on April 4, 2016) etc., all of Liberia’s professed reform agendas,
including its much talked-about Agenda for Transformation, Vision 2030 etc.; the setup
of all of its integrity institutions, including the so-called Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission, their General Auditing Commission, the Liberia Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative, the Internal Audit Agency etc. were all done to urgently meet up
with certain criteria imposed upon the country by international donors and lending
agencies so that Liberia, first off, gets relieved, of its previous criminal and useless debt

burden, and then for the country to begin swimming into more grants, loans and other
financial packages for her so-called development, but none of these are an independent or
indigenous effort to add value and sanity to governance. It has never been so before in the
195 round year history of this country, except to a considerable extent under William
Tolbert, and to a little extent during the latter days of Samuel Doe.
3. Electricity is a very key and integral part of 21st century life. President Sirleaf,
during her 2005 elections campaign, promised that she will restore electricity (the
previously existing substandard one) at least to the whole of Monrovia during the first 6
months of her administration, before tackling the rest of the country (Public Agenda News
etc.). But 10 years into her presidency – i.e. up to 2015 – not a single street in Monrovia
had been electrified. Because the government was in search of some grant from the US
Government, the American Authorities compelled the Americo-Liberian Government to
craft some electricity bill reflecting their intention for the sector (Harry Greaves, ELBC,
etc.). It was at this time that the issue of reforming the Liberia Electricity Corporation
became serious in Black American Liberia to the point that Ellen requested the
Legislature to extend its sitting by additional 3 weeks just to be able to ratify the
ostensible LEC Reform Bill and the US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation’s
iniquitous grant deal (ELBC, September 24, 2015)
4. From research done by our Plain Truth Revolution, the Liberian Government hired
the services of a Washington DC-based commercial diplomacy firm, KRL International,
to which it has secretly been dishing out more than US$470 million of our country’s
already meager financial resources over a couple of years, and the job that this company
does for the GOL, is to paint every ugly picture within this country positively to the
international world, by which means, loans and grants will pour in, unhindered. In fact,
one source narrates that this firm has been fighting behind the scenes for the Government
of Liberia, so that nothing called recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission are EVER implemented here, so that the blood of our over a million people
that were gruesomely killed here, in senseless wars, mainly intended to bring Americo-
Liberians back to power etc., finally go in vain.

5. Here is how Ellen addresses the press after Liberia’s acceptance within the World
Trade Organization in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2015. Asked about the benefit of such
accession, she joyously replied, “they will give us some technical assistance; they will
support us in our trading. Through them, America and Japan have all agreed to help us
etc.” Then asked about her trip to Kenya generally, apart from her country’s WTO
accession success story, Ellen says, “…Kenya will provide us some technical assistance,
they are a strong country in Agriculture and IT etc.” (ELBC, December 18, 2015)

6. Liberia believes in begging so much that, just to be able to discuss so-called

partnership issues – which in reality will boil down to begging for some assistance while
criminally offering something under the cover of darkness in return, the Liberian
President at times, writes or makes requests in other forms to foreign leaders to grant her
permission to go visit them (Jerolinmek Piah and Dehpue Zuo, Farbric New Dawn,
November 10, 2015)

7. Jerolinmek Piah raps on Liberia’s engagement with China on their trip to this North
Asian Country as follows: “…Most of the assistance projects China should have done
here have been pending for a while now, so we thought to remind President Chi about
this, and he promised to have these projects fast-tracked because he acknowledges that
they too will benefit from an early harvest of these projects, and some of these works are:
(a) the construction of our ministerial complex,
(b) the extension of our capitol building, and
(c) the rehabilitation of the SKD Sports complex.
But we also made additional requests to the Chinese President, which he considered,
(d) their assistance to enable us add value to our iron ore, and
(e) their indulgence to help us construct an airport city at the RIA.
At the conclusion of the talks, 3 formal agreements were signed between Liberia and
China, as follows:
(1) a Marine Agreement, for the Chinese to help enhance our fishery industry and
other marine activities,
(2) an Agricultural Production and Food Security Agreement, for China to help Liberia in
the area of Agriculture, and
(3) a Visa free waiver agreement.
Then finally, a technical cooperation deal of $60 million for the early harvest of these
projects was signed. (Farbric F.M. New Dawn, November 10, 2015)
8. Of an insignificant 38 MW (megawatts) of dirty electricity – to be generated through
Heavy Fuel Oil machine – that the government has been promising its people for years
now, Americo-Liberian Government authorities say, 10 MW will be financed by the
World Bank, 10 by the Japanese Government, then before the Liberian Government
herself takes care of the rest, [which when proper investigation is done, it will be
established that they will still use some other donor money from somewhere to do]
(Jerolinmek Piah and Elkina Westley, Farbric FM New Dawn, December 22, 2015)
9. “While attending the World Women’s Forum in Tokyo, Ellen managed to meet with
Prime Minister Abe on the sidelines to remind and encourage him about some of Japan’s
promises and commitments to helping Liberia, and she also made new requests to him.
Prime Minister Abe then reassured Ellen that his country will still take care of the HFO
machine that will generate 30 MW of electricity to Monrovia through LEC (the Liberia
Electricity Corporation). In addition, he promised that Japan will still do the Somalia
Drive Road. Then Ellen asked him to talk to his government to revamp the A. M.
Dogliotti College of Medicine, and to help train more doctors. Moreover, Ellen made an
appeal for Japan to consider doing the Somalia Drive Road to two lanes instead of the
existing one lane, and Prime Minister Abe said he would look into this appeal (Local
Radio, 2015)


10. Ellen has left for Berlin, Germany, where she will also be making case for support
from this sisterly Republic for the improvement of Liberia’s health sector – she will be
telling her counterpart Angela Merkel that she wants Liberia to have a robust health
sector (ELBC, September 16, 2015)
11. Jerolinmek Piah boasts of his boss as being a global leader; says, during Ellen’s recent
meeting with world leaders, she gave them some excuse about how Ebola impeded our
progress, and then she presented to them a new recovery plan [which falls under the
Marshall Plan for worst-hit Ebola countries] (ELBC, September 28, 2015)
12. A 5-man GOL delegation headed by VP Boakai is in South Africa to seek more help
for Liberia’s Agenda for Transformation. (ELBC, April 6, 2016)
13. Ellen disclosed in November 2015 that during her visits to China and India for help,
the both countries reaffirmed their commitments to Liberia’s development. According to
her, the visit was to help her learn from these people how they passed through their times
of poverty [especially with their exceptionally huge human populations and land masses
etc.] two decades or so ago, to now be vying for world ‘superpowership’. She said one
response that she got from both countries that will resonate with her forever was, quoting
the two countries, “Yes, we are willing to help you, but we only want to help people
who want to help themselves” – (ELBC, November 9, 2015)
14. At the end of the 2015 China-Africa Forum in South Africa, China announced a boost
in its development fund to Africa from US$8 to $60 billion. In reaction to this news,
Ellen joyously celebrated in an ELBC interview with her, and she said, “We can now get
some financing to build our roads …” “….We also took some time to talk to Chinese
companies to come and invest in our country. What China has done [today] is a win-win
situation for them and Africa” (ELBC, December 7, 2015)
15. Jerolinmek Piah and ‘Elkina Westley both talk to Farbric FM New Dawn about their
government’s plan to massively create jobs in the Agriculture Sector as follows:
“……We all have agreed that Agriculture is the only single biggest place to provide
employment for our people because we are aware that iron ore and other extractable
resources can get depleted. So to use Kenya’s success story in the Agriculture sector, our
two countries have agreed to set up a joint commission……[In fact], when we were in
China, we were discussing Agriculture; when we were in India the last time, we were
discussing Agriculture; and recently when we were in Kenya, we were discussing
Agriculture etc. (Farbric FM New Dawn, December 22, 2015)
16. Between February and March 2015, Ellen headed a high power government
delegation to 3 of the world’s 7 continents – Asia, Europe and North America – on what
the government referred to as “An Appreciation and Advocacy Trip”. The appreciation
aspect was to thank nations for how they helped in fighting Ebola for Liberia, and the
Advocacy piece was to present a new “Marshall Plan” to the international community to
help build Liberia after Ebola. This huge government delegation comprising over 25
members, headed by the President herself, for 3 weeks shuttled among and between the
United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Belgium etc. appreciating and

advocating. At her “Mama Welcome Back Home Ceremony” held at the Effort Baptist
Church in Monrovia on March 13, 2015, Ellen explained how she was playing her part, to
build the country by taking these long trips across the world to build Liberia’s case for
development. She then admonished citizens as follows: “…..Do your part, whatever that
part is, to move the country forward, because Liberia now has a big window of
opportunities, a window which will not remain open forever, as other global happenings
will take place that will shift the world’s attention from our country…. (ELBC, March 14,
17. When suggestively quizzed by UNMIL Radio’s Torwon Sullohnteh about why the
Liberian Government will not learn to generate her own revenue with the vast resources
and opportunities that she has, but will keep flying left, right and center, begging for
assistance, Ellen too suggested three reasons why, which include: (a) Liberia [only]
depends on money from the two crude commodities of iron ore and rubber, and
unfortunately these two commodities’ prices have dropped on the world market; (b)
Liberia’s budget is too small for the kind of capital projects that we have to undertake,
and to add insult to injury, 80% of this small budget goes to paying people [called civil
servants] who are just playing cards behind their desks in government offices; and (c) Too
much of the already little that the country generates or receives as revenue leave the
country and go to America [in remittances] etc. (UNMIL Radio, Talk with the President,
December 1, 2015)

18. Ellen speaking to the press upon her arrival at the Roberts International Airport after
almost 1 month away on a 3-nation tour says, Liberia will benefit from these trips
particularly in the areas of Agriculture and security, as UNMIL draws down, because
Israel has expertise in these areas (ELBC, June 12, 2016)
19. From the signing ground of the MCC grant in Washington DC or the US, a Liberian
Government dispatch read as follows: “Under the compact, the MCC will fund the
rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee Hydro Plant, develop a training center for electricians,
create an independent energy sector regulator, and create a nationwide road maintenance
framework ….. (, 2015)
20. Senator Steve Zargo announces that two European nations – Germany and France – have
committed to providing finances for his proposed national security dialogue for Liberia
(ELBC, July 19, 2016)
21. Government, World Bank, to launch school feeding pilot (The News Newspaper, June 16,
Liberian government officials, including the President, also extend this perception of
theirs at the receipt or reception of foreign diplomats. Here are a few proofs:
22. At the receipt of credentials for the new ambassadors of Switzerland, Turkey,
Russia, and Colombia at her displaced office in Monrovia in March 2015, President
Sirleaf went straightway into encouraging the new diplomats to start exploring areas in
which they could invest to exploit some of Liberia’s vast natural resources. In her direct
words, “We are a country endowed with so many natural resources.” (ELBC, March 16,

23. In October 2015, Sweden and Egypt replaced their ambassadors here. At the receipt of
credentials for these two new diplomats, Ellen announced to them how glad she would be
were they both to encourage investors from their respective countries to start flocking into
Liberia to exploit the country’s vast natural resources (ELBC, October 20, 2015)
24. Ellen, meeting with a visiting Chinese high power delegation headed by that
country’s Minister of Health and Family Planning Minister Choo Lee, begged the
Chinese to please provide training for Liberian healthcare workers. She also begged the
Chinese military to help provide training to Liberia’s 2,000 strong army established and
sustained thus far with foreign dollars etc. (ELBC, November 25, 2014)
25. Ellen announced that she was in vigorous search of foreign aid to help empower rural
women farmers and marketeers (ELBC, June 12, 2015)
Apart from these regular trips on building the economy, which the President
embarks on almost every week, on the home front, and during other domestic or
even foreign engagements, government officials build their economy by urging
people theoretically all day, to either invest or do some other things to improve
Americo-Liberia’s economy. Here are some press clippings and newspaper headlines
about this reality:
26. Ellen meets with Arcellor Mittal and Firestone [to plead with them to keep Liberians on
their payroll] – (Farbric FM News, February 8, 2016)
27. VP Boakai pleads with US Entrepreneurs to come and build the capacity of Liberian
entrepreneurs (ELBC, September 17, 2015)

28. Ellen says only Western investors will help transform Africa, including Liberia (ELBC,
September 25, 2015)
29. Foreign Minister Manjohn Kamara calls on South Africa to come and invest in Liberia’s
rich soil (ELBC, April 29, 2016)
30. Government has written the European Union to start with the rehabilitation of the RIA
terminal, so says Information Minister, Eugene Nagbe (ELBC, May 17, 2016)

31. At the launch of a mini foreign plastic materials’ manufacturing plant on the Jamaica
Road in Monrovia in February 2015, President Sirleaf and Speaker Tyler “helped to
employ more Liberians by issuing the following directives”:
(a) Ellen generally called for more factories to be built in the country, while asking Sethi
Brothers, the owner of this new plastic plant, to employ more Liberians at their plant;
(b) Mr. Tyler for his part, called on Sethi Brothers too to build more factories across the
country so that, in his word, “our people can get jobs” (ELBC, February 9, 2015)
32. While touring the Firestone Area on July 1, 2015, especially in the Division #16 area,
where she had gone to see Firestone’s new rubber wood processing plant, President
Sirleaf called on Liberians to invest in rubber more, and also rubber wood. (Farbric FM.
News, July 2, 2015)
33. President Sirleaf meets with Indian Entrepreneurs, says Liberia Welcomes India-Africa
Partnership Formation (, October 28, 2015)

34. President Sirleaf receives Chinese business delegation – says private [foreign] sector
investment provides a springboard for Liberia’s development
(, August 6, 2015)
35. VP Boakai wears advocacy garment – wants Golden Veroleum to employ more Liberians
(INSIGHT newspaper, 2015)
36. President Sirleaf urges increased American investment in Africa (,
September 28, 2015)
37. At the receipt of some international trade delegation to Liberia in early March 2016, Ellen
expressed the need for more [foreign] investment in Liberia in order to improve the lives
of the people of her country. She said her government will forge more international
partnerships so as to improve the lives of the people. (ELBC, March 3, 2016)
Here are two quite interesting points to back all that we have said here, in probably
more intelligent ways, that you must think in line with all of the above in order to be
considered a hero on the Liberian political scene:
38. During the farewell party of Finance Minister Amara Konneh in late April 2016,
President Sirleaf rained so much praises on him. The justification was that through this
man’s strong cases and advocacies at international conferences, Liberia became one of
the countries that obtained more international aid etc. (ELBC News, April 2016)
39. Tired with this kind of news, or mentality, Ambassador Malac reacts by saying, “I know
Liberians tend to think of concessions as the one model for foreign investment, but that
model is increasingly outdated.” – Ambassador Deborah Malac, US Ambassador to
Liberia, May 2015 etc. and etc.

Solidifying the same arguments of ours above in other modified forms, we say in
continuation here that: as a result of this twisted understanding of what life is; what
independence means; what revenue generation is; and what constitutes economics etc.,
as trumpeted by her so-called leaders, Liberia NEVER does anything worthwhile on
her own, and anything worth doing here must be done with some donor money, or, as
the cliché is, some partner’s support or money. Here are just a very few examples in an
ocean of proofs, within a short space of time – i.e. between late 2014 and sometime in
1. During the so-called Ebola fight, everybody saw that the people and government had
nothing significant to contribute to the fight – no expertise, no cash, no equipment, no
facility etc., and so the Senate voted that this whole health war be turned over formally
and explicitly to international institutions and NGOs, so that Liberia and its people can
only play some political role. This is how Finance Minister Amara Konneh is quoted as
justifying the decision: “…Our procurement processes are very cumbersome, they are too
slow as compared to those of other international agencies, especially UN agencies, and
so, the Ebola fight must be totally turned over now to our international partners…. (ELBC
Super Morning Show, October 1, 2014)

2. As a result of Liberia’s incapacity to contribute anything meaningful to the Ebola battle of

2014-15, the World Bank, in October 2015 officially clarified that they had been
providing their support to Liberia in this public health crisis in 3 basic ways as follows:
✓ Providing pay incentives for all healthcare workers, including their hazard pay
✓ Providing supplies to all affected people and quarantined communities
✓ Providing all the tools and equipment needed for the Ebola fight (ELBC, October 15,
3. In early 2015, news broke out that the Liberian Government, in its Education reform
process, had secured 1 million new text books to share with her primary schools across
the country. The secret was that these text books cost a grand total of US$9 million of
World Bank Funding.
4. During the Ebola crisis, special burial centers were needed to bury victims. According to
Incident Management Team head and Assistant Health Minister Tolbert Nyensuah, it was
USAID that helped set up about 70 of such special burial centers across the country
during the crisis (ELBC, January 19, 2015)
5. Around late 2014 or thereabouts, the Ministry of Youth & Sports announced it had
provided 300 vacation jobs to students across the country at $50 dollars for each student
at the close of the work. The truth of the matter is that all this was UNICEF money.
(Local Radio News, 2015)

6. As part of Liberia’s Agriculture Ministry’s commitment to empowering rice farmers after

the Ebola devastation, it was the World Bank that mobilized money to purchase seed rice
and fertilizers to share with the farmers (Truth FM, February 13, 2015)
7. The Americo-Liberian Legislature goes to Ganta, Nimba County to hold a 5-day retreat at
which proposals presented by the Special Constitution Review Committee would be
debated. The United Nations Development Program takes on the responsibility for
providing daily sustenance allowances for food etc., rental for the hall, accommodation
for the lawmakers etc. (ELBC, November 24, 2015)

8. Information Minister Eugene Nagbe speaking to ELBC from Israel says that a team of
Israeli engineers will soon arrive in the country to assess Liberia’s Water & Sewer
Corporation’s infrastructure to make interventions. He said Liberia will be tapping into
Israel’s knowledge in the area of applying technology to Agriculture, and that Liberia will
also start benefiting from Israeli investments soon (ELBC, June 9, 2016)
Every time one turns their radio on in Liberia, the only thing you hear from “criminal”
government officials is how the administration of Harvard-trained Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf is the best in the country’s 195 year history. They boast so much of how the
government has built new roads; rehabilitated old roads, is rehabilitating a hydro plant
etc., but what most of these criminals won’t openly disclose with emphasis is that all
these relatively very insignificant or unsustainable work programs are funded by
international people’s monies. Let’s drill you through a few examples:
9. The newly rehabilitated, so-called two-lane Jacob Milton’s ‘Caldwell’ Bridge, which
truly is one-lane (whose rehabilitation became paramount because international
organizations and institutions are working on mainly the funny Mount Coffee Hydro

Plant and the Water & Sewer Corporation’s old plant) was funded by the World Bank
(ELBC, September 13, 2015)
10. The rehabilitation of few alleys and corridors in 1822 Monrovia during the Ellen’s regime
are all, or 95% or more, funded by the World Bank, according to reliable sources,
including the government herself
11. The much publicized one-lane Red Light to Gbarnga’s 176 km route, plus its other
adjunct of 67 km Gbarnga to Ganta Border Road rehabilitation currently ongoing is an
EU (European Union) funded project, implemented by the World Bank (ELBC,
September 17, 2015)
12. The current Somalia Drive 50 km (or about 31 mile), one-lane road that the Japanese
are trying to upgrade to two lanes, if possible, is something that President Sirleaf has been
begging the Japanese Government to help her do since 2009 according to the National
Chronicle Newspaper, and according to presidential spokesperson Jerolinmek Piah and
others, during the 6 year period that the Japanese were studying this request before finally
coming to start sometime in late 2015 – Ellen flew for 20 hours sometimes going to beg
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to come build this 31 mile road for her [so that it boosts her
legacy]. Four things to note here with emphasis meanwhile, are as follows:
a. From reliable sources, this poor, one-lane Somalia Drive alley in 1822 Monrovia was not
even constructed by the government, but by Firestone, just to make sure that she gets her
criminally exploited latex out of vulnerable Liberia into the ports for shipment;
b. This Japan, that Ellen bombarded for 6 round years to help her do this 31-mile Somalia
Drive Road, has around 7 or more assistance projects ongoing in the country – most of
which, or all of which, have been at some standstill now due to proven massive
corruption from the Liberian criminal gang called Government, and some of these
projects or assistance packages include: (1) An over US$700,000 fund to build the
capacity of staffs at Liberia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs; (2) An oil grant scheme to
empower the Liberian economy, that started with a $13 million infusion in 2011; (3) A
food grant that sees over $5 million worth of food assistance coming to Liberia yearly;
(4) A huge infusion of tens of millions of USD into Liberia’s 10 year, 80 MW hydro plant
rehabilitation project etc.
c. This Japan, which Ellen keeps pressing against the wall for help, despite being the
world’s 3rd biggest economy, has been having a series of major economic and other crises
over a couple of years, including two recessions just in the past two years, about three
massive earthquakes (one in 2011 and two in 2016), all of which took away scores of
lives and billions of dollars of property worth that the country’s authorities are still
assiduously struggling to recover; and

d. During the 1960s, when Americo-Liberian Tubman was selling out all of our ‘virgin’,
precious resources for peanuts like a STUPID FOOL, just like Ellen is doing today,
Liberia was rated on par, in terms of economic growth figures, with this same Japan etc.
13. In mid-December 2015, government broke grounds for the rehabilitation and
construction of the Bardnersville, Kebbah, Diggsville, Caldwell New Georgia etc. roads–
all, around 11-12 kilometers community roads in suburban Monrovia, at the cost of a little
over $12 million. (ELBC, December 17, 2015). Most of these had been politically

promised for over 4 years, but nothing was happening during this time. The secret behind
the groundbreaking done this day was that the criminal Americo-Liberian Government
had just won a ‘bogus’ prize money from the US-based Millennium Challenge
Corporation for what the both parties dishonestly call Liberia’s improvement at
governance, economic management, fight against corruption, and the list goes on.
14. Government has been boasting of its preparedness now to pave the Gbarnga-Mendikorma
Road. Here is the secret behind this preparedness from a local newspaper caption: “Arab
Lenders on Gbarnga-Mendikorma Road Project Appraisal Mission”, which was captured
by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning’s website (,
late 2015)
15. Since Liberia’s only international airport was constructed as a US military quick
impact project, to run some of their World War II operations from an African base in the
1940s and turned over to the government, the country has never been able to carry on any
major repair work, or even do some further extension to this single runway facility
independently, and with the country’s recent ‘uncivil’ war adding insult to injury, this
facility lies in further ruins. To get this 1940s’ relatively makeshift facility rehabilitated
over ten years on, into a peace time Liberian administration, up to three foreign lenders
are financing the project, with government swooping as low down as crediting $2 million
reportedly from some of the multiple lending firms, after the project took years to hit the
ground running owing to massive corruption within the processes leading to jumpstarting
it (FrontPage Africa Newspaper and other sources)
16. In mid-September 2015, Liberian Education Authorities – through County Officer
Cecelia Reeves – announced the training of 800 teachers in Montserrado County. The
money used to train these teachers was NGO money (ELBC, September 17, 2015)
17. In September 2015, the Chief Medical Officer of Bong or Bomi County, Dr. Logan, was
complaining about the dilapidated state of health centers in his county. Guess on whose
head was this responsibility placed? Dr. Logan called on the International Maritime
Organization, which had reportedly pledged to help earlier, to hurry up to come and
rehabilitate these 10 health centers in his county (ELBC, September 25, 2015)
18. Out of tip offs that Liberia stands to benefit some assistance if her name is placed on the
World Heritage listing, “independent and sovereign” Black American Liberia secures
some UNESCO experts and UNESCO funding to do a tour of important/interesting sites
in the country that could be developed later; again, with international dollars. (ELBC,
October 15, 2015)
19. The Civil Service Agency is launching some program aimed at explaining to the public
how she will effectively deliver services. USAID/GEM funds this initiative. (ELBC,
December 12, 2015)

20. 43,000 square-mile, 4.5 million-population Black American Criminals’ Liberia has
two recognized vocational schools – all built by, and with foreign people’s money. One of
these, the Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) had been dilapidated for some
time now; recently, it got blessed to be spotted by the Chinese Government for
rehabilitation. After the Chinese had spent over $9 million to rehabilitate the MVTC, sent

25 Liberians to China for training to form the teaching staff at the school, and pledged to
undertake the running of the school for 1 year before turning it over to Mama Liberia,
Ellen, at the dedicatory program of the newly rehabilitated school in November 2015,
first thanked the Chinese for the project, and then outlined a long list of projects that the
Chinese have successfully assisted the country with, including the government’s much
talked about Jackson F. Doe Memorial Hospital, the only up-to-standard football field
Liberia has ever seen since 1822, which is the SKD Sports Complex, the University of
Liberia’s over $20 million Fendell Campus, the Central Agriculture Research Institute
project etc. Then, in a rather disgracefully ungrateful mood, Ellen used this same occasion
to call on the Chinese to hurry up and complete the other assistance projects they had
promised for “handicapped” Liberia so as to boost her legacy. Ellen called on them to
hurry up and construct, as promised, the Government of Liberia’s Ministerial Complex; to
hurry up to construct the Capitol Building Annex for the National Legislature; [to hurry
up and upgrade Liberia’s only makeshift airport, the Roberts International Airport, an air
strip, as mentioned above, that was constructed as a US Military quick impact project
during World War II days – to a new airport city…..] (ELBC, November 19, 2015). To
make this story even more interesting, just within less than a year, newspapers started
publishing stories about this institution with such titles as “MVTC faces perpetual
closure, 15,000 students’ fate hang in limbo”. This was because of government’s lacks
of capacity to begin maintaining the school while they awaited the 25 teachers being
trained by China to man the school to return etc. (Focus Newspaper, April 20, 2016 etc.)
21. In late 2015, Senator Edward Dagoseh announced to his people of Grand Cape Mount
County that an 8-mile road from Robertsport to Medina, including other smaller feeder
roads nearby would soon be paved. The assurance given to his people was that all of this
would be pre-financed by some partners from South Korea. (ELBC, November 27, 2015)
22. The Americo-Liberian Government, through its Governance Commission has been
boasting of decentralizing governmental activities outside of Monrovia, as it has been the
case, that almost everything else, has been done only in Monrovia since 1822. Here is the
only strength the government has been relying on, in all this decentralization noise: (a) In
early December 2015, the Government of Liberia, and the United Nations Development
Program signed a US$5 million grant agreement with the Swedish Government for the
implementation of Liberia’s decentralization program (ELBC, December 9, 2015). In fact,
what truly happened according to ELBC was that a joint contribution agreement among
the ‘sovereign and independent’ GOL, the UNDP, the EU, the USAID etc. was struck for
$18 million in total to be used over a period of 5 years, to take care of Liberia’s
decentralization, poverty alleviation and other needs during this age of artificial
23. Mr. Nathaniel Blamo, head of some Liberia National Union, disclosed once that USAID
was the one that renovated the National Legislature; put into place an electronic voting
system to be used during plenary debates etc., but that as we speak, the Legislators has
been unable to continue with the use of this electronic system for some time now because
of their financial inability to solve some problem on the system; and so, individual
legislators are still putting fingers up, and the body is manually counting heads during
votes in this 21st century. (ELBC, December 12, 2015)
24. In late December 2015, a Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Research finding was published
that identified 34 sites in 8 of Americo-Liberia’s 15 counties at which mini dams could be

built to boost Liberia’s electricity supply. This purely domestic research was funded by
the Norwegian Government (ELBC, December 29, 2015)
25. In anticipation of a smooth upcoming 2017 polls, Liberia’s Elections Coordinating
Committee decided to host a short symposium to amend or discuss amendments to the
existing elections law of the country. This symposium was funded by the USAID. (ELBC,
January 4, 2016)
26. The Liberian Government after the Ebola fight decided to motivate its health workers by
providing them some housing incentives. To do this, the National Housing Authorities
had to liaise with the World Bank in identifying a $2.5 million housing project (ELBC,
January 8, 2016)
27. Since the UN Peace mission began in Liberia in 2003, the Liberian Government had
known quite well that this very expensive UN Mission, costing over $600 million per
year to sustain, will definitely leave at least within a decade, and as such, every
mechanism should be in place to domestically train and equip more security forces. But
this has not been the case even as the UN Mission has spent over 13 years around, costing
the organization over $50 billion US Dollars, in both explicit and intrinsic costs, actually
beginning 1990. It is in the same year of UNMIL’s final draw down, in 13 years, that the
Americo-Liberian Government makes case for $90 million to train security forces, and
puts out SOS call for help to train security forces. (, September 2015),
as the President seeks Legislative approval to restructure the Liberian National Police and
the Bureau of Immigration, among others. (Local Newspaper, September 4, 2015). The
Irish Aid Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds in its own little way by
sending 14 Drugs Enforcement Agency officers and 10 National Police officers to Ghana
and Egypt respectively, all in January 2016, 5 months away from the final UN draw down
(ELBC, January 23, 2016 etc.)
28. Just to encourage the public to report corruption cases to the Americo-Liberian Anti-
Corruption Commission, the World Bank was requested to fund the publicity. The result
is a paper sticker printed by the LACC with World Bank money, which reads,
“Corruption is injustice, silence is consent! Report Corruption Now! .....
29. The National Bureau of Concessions, with some external advice, decided to come up with
a computer software to track the activities of concession companies across the country. At
the close of the day, it is the USAID/GEM, according to Madam Ciatta Bishop, head of
the Commission, that funded the software program. (ELBC, September 17, 2015)
30. The Swedish Government and the UNDP are the ones jointly funding the construction of
court houses – including magisterial courts across the country. This was disclosed in mid-
November 2015 when groundbreaking ceremonies were being held for the construction of
the Omega Magisterial Court in Paynesville (ELBC, November 18, 2015)
31. In February, 2016, some fire incident was reported on top of the Wologisi Mountain in
Lofa County. The GOL shamefully could not handle this small fire incident on her own,
and had to seek UNMIL’s assistance (the Parrot Newspaper, February 17, 2016)
32. The In Profile Daily Newspaper’s February 26, 2016’s edition reported a story titled, “
Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) solicits partnership [international partnership] to
enhance tax collection

33. In Profile Daily Newspaper’s November 25, 2015’s edition reportedly depicts Ellen
[showing her hands] to the UN to provide money for Liberia’s Constitution Review
34. Ellen justifies flying around the world for help to ELBC boss, Legiwood Rennie as
follows: “…..We don’t have our own resources to do the kinds of work that we want to
do, so we need to go around and make cases, and when we make these cases or assertions,
the people to whom we make them will have to come on ground and verify things for
themselves…” (ELBC, February 20, 2015) etc. and etc.

SINCE LIBERIA is a country that almost ABSOLUTELY does nothing on her own, and
down to printing stickers, she must be supported by either the World Bank or the EU and
the likes., the international community, which normally means well, but can also have
elements with either criminal, imperialist, or other exploitative agenda too, prepared to
leverage the opportunity of people’s poverty and other vulnerabilities to enrich themselves
at the expense and blood of poor people etc., has found in Liberia’s criminal gang called
government, a good partnership for aid to pour into the country from left, right and center
– whether people see or feel the reality or not. Liberia has gotten so dangerously exposed
to exploitation that one can smell the monkey business in almost all of the donations,
grants, loans and other financial packages flowing into this country almost every day.

Here are just a few accounts of some of Liberia’s overwhelming aid and loan packages –
all left with you the readers, creditors and donors etc. yourselves, to figure out which ones
really reach down there to benefit the poor people. Just monitoring radio for less than 3
hours a day, and tuning in to 1 to 3 of Liberia’s reportedly over 30 FM radio stations, this
is just a small sample, within 1 and a half years (between late 2014 and sometime 2016) of
the level of goodwill and loans (both delivered and pledged) flowing into this country.
Please note that to save us time, details are not provided here. We also placed all of them
under one section here because no one ever sees any transparent record of Liberia’s debt
payments, thus effectively making loans to appear too like all the other ordinary gifts
because they are never paid, or at least convincingly paid back. Here we go:

(A) LOANS (small sample of several accounts that filtered in, in just 1.5 years)
1. The House of Representatives ratifies US$20 million International Development
Association’s funding deal. The money is intended to support Liberia’s 2014/2015 fiscal
budget (ELBC, March 25, 2015)
2. President Sirleaf submits $20 million loan instrument for ratification (Focus Newspaper,
March 11, 2016)
3. Ellen has written the House of Representatives to ratify two different loan agreements of
$54.25 million and $8 million respectively to be used to revamp the economy (UNMIL
Radio, November 1, 2014)

4. Presidential Press Secretary Jerolinmek Piah discloses his government’s receipt of $144
million concessional loan from the Indian Government as follows: “….We have just
attended the 3rd India-Africa Summit in New Dehli; the second took place in 2011, during
which time $8 billion was offered by the Indian Government as a line of credit to African
countries, an amount from which Liberia managed to engage $144 million in loan to be
used for our electricity project (Farbric New Dawn, November 10, 2015)
5. Ellen seeks US$12 million loan for Gbarnga-Sarlayei Road Project - (Women’s Voices
Newspaper, June 28, 2016)
6. GOL and African Development Bank sign US$35 million agreement for road pavement
in the South East - (ELBC News, July 19, 2016)
GRANTS (small sample of several accounts that filtered in, in just 1.5 years)
7. $318,000 has been provided by the Food & Agriculture Organization to fight a disease
called PPR, that has attacked and killed 300 cattle thus far in Lofa and Nimba counties
(ELBC, November 23, 2015)
8. USAID signs $25 million municipal water system grant
(, August 27, 2015)
9. Sweden commits $88 million to Liberia – (Frontier Newspaper, February 29, 2016)
10. Liberia’s 2015/2016 budget receives $279 million infusion from the EU (Local Radio
News etc.)
11. World Bank provides $54 million to cut poverty and food insecurity in Liberia (Liberia
News Agency, 2015)
12. Sweden gives $32 million to Liberia annually (Liberia News Agency, October 26, 2015)

13. LEC Reform – Liberia poised to manage US$30 million EU aid

(; September 20, 2015)
14. The Millennium Challenge Corporation approves US$256.7 million grant for Liberia
(Daily Observer, September 22, 2015)
15. GOL-World Bank sign $132 million agreement (The News Newspaper, February 26,
16. Liberia gets EU financial support to implement climate change programs
( December 15, 2015)
17. Government of Liberia and the US launch [US Government-funded] $5 million National
Security Radio Communications Network (ELBC, May 16, 2016)
18. GOL and World Bank sign $46 million financing agreement (ELBC, April 27, 2016)
19. Liberia gets US$37 million to sustain forest (The People Newspaper, May 9, 2016)
20. World Bank gives US$10 million for Liberia’s extremely poor (Capitol Times
Newspaper, May 4, 2016)
21. World Bank approves $27 million for mini hydro plant in Lofa County (Capitol Times
Newspaper, April 22, 2016)

22. $10 million for water crisis – World Bank approves credit for country (FrontPage Africa
Newspaper, April 4, 2016)
23. Government receives $14 million from the World Bank to relocate the Redemption
Hospital from New Kru Town to Caldwell (ELBC, March 2, 2016)
24. USAID and Liberia sign $59.1 million agreement for Liberia’s health sector (Public
Agenda Newspaper, February 17, 2016)
25. GOL and EU sign two financing agreements worth $60 million to support electricity and
other sectors (Farbric FM News, February 9, 2016)
26. Swedish envoy earmarks US$158 million for Liberia (Women’s Voices Newspaper,
February 5, 2016)
27. Liberia poised to get $1.26 billion share of Ebola money (Parrot Newspaper, January 20,
28. World Bank approves $27 million for Liberia’s rural electrification (Women’s Voices
Newspaper, January 18, 2016)
29. GOL signs $25 million agreement with Germany to enhance Liberia’s socio-economic
development (The Analyst Newspaper, January 14, 2016; The Public Agenda Newspaper,
January 15, 2016)
30. World Bank President Jim Yon Kim announces over a billion US Dollars support to
worst hit Ebola countries, including Liberia – (ELBC, January 15, 2016)
31. VP Boakai’s Office receives US$1.4 million grant from the Bill & Malinda Gates
Foundation to conduct some community-based survey on Ebola (ELBC, January 4, 2016)
32. African Development Bank approves US$33.3 million Ebola Recovery Fund
( October 26, 2015)
33. Montserrado and Grand Bassa Counties receive $45,000 in US Government grant for
youth empowerment (ELBC, June 17, 2015)
34. EU drops US$18 million in Liberia’s [2015/2016] budget - (The News Newspaper, June
16, 2016)
35. African Development Bank dishes out US$10 million to GOL to develop Agriculture in
the country - (ELBC News, June 13, 2016)
36. Michelle Obama announces $27 million for girls’ education - (Inquirer Newspaper, June
28, 2016)
DONATIONS AND GOODWILLS (small sample of several accounts that
filtered in, in just 1.5 years)
37. Save the Children donates 7 motor bikes to the CH Rennie Hospital in Kakata to improve
contact tracing (ELBC, December 19, 2014)
38. A vehicle fleet valuing US$1.2 million (including 12 protocol sedans and 4 buses) has
been donated to the Liberian Government by China (Farbric FM News, June 4, 2015)
39. Chinese based construction company, CHICO donates equipment and tools to highly
impoverished farmers in Bong County (ELBC, January 5, 2016)

40. UNFPA donates, on behalf of the Japanese Government, 2 ambulances and 35 motor
bikes – all worth US$200,000 to the Ministry of Health to tackle maternal mortality
(ELBC, November 20. 2016)
41. UNFPA donates vehicle to Ministry of Health (Focus Newspaper, February 1, 2016)
42. World Bank, Other, boost Liberia’s health, make $1.8 million donation (Heritage
Newspaper, February 16, 2016)
43. As China and America boost capacity, AFL, a force to reckon with (Heritage Newspaper,
February 12, 2016)
44. Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) benefits $3 million Chinese military aid (The
Independent Newspaper, February 12, 2016)
45. UN begins a $1 million water and sanitation project as part of its Ebola Recovery
Program in Clara Town (ELBC, March 3, 2016)
46. British Charity, Tear Fund launches a one year water program in Sinoe (ELBC, March 3,
47. UNICEF donates to Health Ministry (Women’s Voices Newspaper, March 30, 2016)
48. 150,000 farmers to benefit from AfDB support (Women’s Voices Newspaper, April 11,
49. Japan to build reference lab for Ebola and other diseases (Daily Observer Newspaper,
April 11, 2016)
50. World Food Program hands over Emergency Supply chain assets to the Management of
RIA (ELBC, April 18, 2016)
51. UNMIL donates a consignment of explosive ‘ordinance’ device to the AFL (ELBC, April
27, 2016)
52. Lebanese give US$100,000 to Tubman College (Inquirer Newspaper, May 19, 2016)
53. Hope for the visually impaired – World Bank takes Liberia school of the Blind to the
digital age (FrontPage Africa,, November 2015)
54. Sweden turns over crime lab to Liberia National Police (The Analyst Newspaper, October
26, 2015)
55. Liberia Government and World Bank to rehabilitate the Mesurado Fishery Terminal
(, October 15, 2015)
56. WHO (World Health Organization) rescues Liberia’s health sector with 17 vehicles and
computers ( March 20, 2016)
57. In June 2015, the Indian Government donated thermometers and others to the Liberian
Health authorities, and pledged to support the Agriculture sector – (ELBC, June 7, 2015)
58. Liberia is unable to provide science labs in her colleges. Therefore in 2015, USAID
embarked on providing Science lab equipment to the very few (3 or 4) community
colleges across the 43,000 square-mile country, most, if not all of which are built with
donor monies. Grand Bassa Community College receives hers in early October 2015, but

just earlier before that, USAID had done similar donations at the BWI (Boker
Washington Institute), and the Lofa and Nimba County Community Colleges (ELBC,
October 5, 2015)
59. UNMIL turns over jury database system to Liberia’s Temple of Justice (ELBC, January
28, 2016)
60. Justice Minister receives 19 computers from an NGO, while addressing the recent
Darlington George dismissal saga (ELBC, September 18, 2015)
61. UNFPA donates pickup to the Girls Support Division at the Ministry of Education
(ELBC, October 22, 2015)
62. Ducor Lion Club donates wheel chairs to JFK (Hot Pepper Newspaper, May 12, 2016)
63. China medical team donates drugs to JFK Hospital (Heritage Newspaper, 15, 2016)
64. Japanese Government distributes assorted materials to border communities in 8 counties -
(ELBC/Local News, June, 2016)
65. South Korea donates 6 vehicles to Ministry of Foreign Affairs - (Parrot Newspaper, June
27, 2016)
66. US donates military equipment to Liberian Government - (The Catalyst Newspaper, July
13, 2016)
67. World Bank head demands more money for post Ebola Liberia. Madam Helen Clarke was
requesting for more funding to the badly hit Ebola countries, including Liberia (ELBC,
February 16, 2015)
68. 63,000 Liberians to gain access to safe drinking water – World Bank Leads (Women’s
Voices Newspaper, March 30, 2016)
69. Liberia-China sign letter of intent to boost Agriculture (Focus Newspaper, January 20,
2016) etc. and etc.
BUT IN the midst of all these loans, grants, gifts, favors and other forms of assistance which
we could go on listing and listing here endlessly, that continue to pour into this small, old,
dirty country etc., to prove the economists right, that “There Is No Such Thing As A Free
Lunch” or TINSTAAFL – the foundation of all economics, and a concept originating from
the days of Biblical King Nebuchadnezzar, according to historical sources, no one knows
where these gifts, loans and grants are taking Liberia, as POVERTY rages on, and
deprivation ravishes, to the point now of decimating almost a whole society. As if the people
of this country don’t know yet, in their 194 years of being around as a political entity, that the
things called gifts, grants, “goodwill” and other forms of free financial packages, and even
loans to some extent, especially in the case of criminal Liberia (around whose activities are
almost always not well-intentioned), can either be more of curse or further subjection to
slavery or unending indebtedness etc., they keep relying on these kinds of means as their
ONLY major sources of revenue generation and so-called development. The bad side of this

kind of dependency and their crippling effects are adequately defended by authors such as
George Bataille and Jonathan Parry. These writers have convincingly argued, especially
under the broad topic, “Gift Economy”, that there’s nothing called free gifts, as everything
given to a society today under the guise of being free must be paid back, or paid for, by
society tomorrow, one way or the other – whether illegally behind the scenes, or broadly
some way, in addition to the fact that gifts can also be a source of curse or some subjection to
slavery or untold indebtedness. All of this interprets to the conclusion that an economy which
will result to shared prosperity for its people must be developed from within, through
entrepreneurial and indigenous, innovative efforts by the citizens and government
themselves, and NOT necessarily by World Bank and EU loans, especially within the
Liberian context.
Having laid all of the bases above, let’s now list some of the woeful economic realities in
Liberia, ranging from unimaginably poor infrastructure and human resource development
realities, to a generally very poor purchasing power of government institutions, and
extending to individual citizen’s gross lack of capacity to ever withstand shocks etc., in the
midst of all of the wonderful gifts, loans, grants, development assistance, and favors that this
country has been enjoying since 1822 – even though the accounts we have been giving above
just cover 1.5 years, starting late 2014 to 2016. Here we go:
A. Infrastructure And Human Development

POOR INFRASTRUCTURE (just 24 in hundreds of examples or proofs of Americo-

Liberia’s extreme infrastructure poverty)
1. Liberia, 194 years old, 43,000 square miles, has less than 300 miles of paved one-lane
roads that cater for around 4 major, relatively short-distance highways, across the whole
country. (Executive Mansion sources, Ministry of Finance Report and others)
2. Poor quality, diesel-machine generated, and intermittently-supplied electricity reaches
around 0.0024% of the population, only mainly around Central Monrovia (Liberia
Electricity Corporation, US Monrovia Embassy Sources, and others)
3. Government provided housing, since 1822, has not been able as yet to affect the lives of
up to 0.0002% of the population, not to dare mentioning 1% (National Housing
Authority, Executive Mansion Sources etc.)
4. Pipe-borne water supply, like electricity, only reaches a very few, far incomparable to 1%
of the population in the same way, and only in a small portion of Monrovia or in some
other disjointed fashion in some communities outside of Monrovia (Liberia Water &
Sewer Corporation, others)

5. There are a very few, poorly staffed, and ill-equipped health facilities in the country-
mainly in Monrovia. Most of the very few drugs at these facilities, including most of the
beautifully packaged drugs in many pharmacies in the country are reportedly beyond their
expiration dates. The physician to population ratio is at a horrible 1 doctor to 100,000
citizens (1:100,000) etc. (US Monrovia Embassy Sources, President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, BBC, ELBC etc.)

6. At the Gaoula District Police depot in Grand Cape Mount County, the 5th oldest county of
the country, detainees reportedly have to be taken to the nearby bushes to ease themselves
because of lack of restroom facilities. It is reported that one notorious arm-related

criminal, one Kromah, escaped from this facility because he was permitted to go to the
nearby bushes to attend to nature (ELBC, Sky FM, February 16, 2015)

7. There is only one place in the whole country where all birth certificates are obtained; and
this is the Office of Vital Statistics at the Ministry of Health. In fact, some time ago, Rep.
George Mulbah of Bong County was heard expressing his frustration at how people from
all walks of Liberian life must have to come down to Monrovia, with some having to
travel for over 300 miles, just to obtain a birth certificate. Sometime in mid-2015, the
head of this office was heard complaining to the public about how his office, or section, is
terribly underequipped, with only one printer serving the whole country, no means of
transportation for his section, and a very irregular supply of electricity, among other
bloody defects. (Farbric FM. May 29, 2015)

8. Few journalists traveling with Education Ministry officials on an assessment trip to the
South Eastern region of the country made the following claims and observations which
Ministry officials reportedly confirmed:

(a) In the Karlor Area in Sinoe, goat feces and urines flood dilapidated classrooms where
children take lessons;

(b) In many makeshift schools in these areas, there are no latrines, no water facilities/supply,
and students sometimes have to go home and wait for the cessation of downpours of rains
before coming back to class to clean up ditches of rainwater before resuming lessons;

(c) Big-sized girls will have to seek permission to go home and use restrooms before
returning back to class, regardless of how far away from their makeshift campuses they
live; (Farbric FM. June 15, 2015 etc). In further related developments, Education
Ministry authorities and journalists also disclosed how the whole South Eastern Region
comprising the counties of Sinoe, Maryland, Grand Kru etc., especially with emphasis on
the latter, had no Math and Science teachers in their high schools. In May 2015, ELBC
reported how in Nimba County District #8, children shared their makeshift classrooms
with pigs, which sometimes violently interrupt classroom activities during broad day.
(ELBC, May 6, 2015). Still on Education, it is reported that within the 2014/2015 fiscal
budget, the Americo-Liberian National Legislature allotted ONLY US$2,000 for
developing Science & Technology programs in ALL public schools across ALL of
Liberia’s 15 counties (Farbric FM. June 22, 2015). Miss Abigail Freeman, head of the
Nimba County Students Union tearfully narrated how charcoal is still being used in place
of chalks in some schools in her county (Farbric FM, July 15, 2015)

9. Disclosing the Americo-Liberian Government’s achievement in road building thus far,

Executive Mansion authorities narrate, “Government has thus far built 118 km (around 73
miles) of new roads [even though what they will not mention is that these are the same
one-lane roads of 1960s’ standards; and that they are being built with foreign dollars,
plus, that it has taken 10 years to build these 73 miles of roads; that is, around 7 miles of
one-lane roads per year with foreign dollars…. (Jerolinmek Piah and Elkina Westley,
Farbric FM. New Dawn, December 22, 2015)

10. Patrick Sendolo, Minister of Lands, Mines & Energy, disclosing the overall progress thus
far that his Americo-Liberian Government has been able to achieve in the area of

electricity narrates, “…We had a few Mega Watts when this President came to power;
today, [in ten years], we have anything between 10 and 20 MW….. (ELBC, April 19,
2016). In short, Mr. Sendolo was saying, it takes his government 1 year to generate 1 MW
of electricity, when from reliable sources, Monrovia alone needs around 120 MW to get
fully electrified, and the whole country needs around 700 MW to get electrified at some
standards. These are some of the depth of the Americo-Liberian infrastructural poverty

11. The biggest, and probably the only referral hospital in the country, when considering
standards (the John F. Kennedy Medical Center) has been decried as dilapidated and very
unreliable. In fact, many have changed the meaning of its initial now to different things
including “Just For Killing” Medical Center, or JFK Death Trap etc., and the
government itself acknowledges these facts, but has repeatedly articulated its inability to
do anything about this hospital, which in reality was also built with foreign grant and loan
in the 1960s, and a loan that government never paid back. In 2015, Hospital Board Chair,
Health Minister Dr. Dahn announced that $181 million will be needed to resuscitate the
hospital. But the question is that, in such a barren country like this, where will such
money come ever from? This just means that the “Just For Killing” label will remain in
place for this facility forever (ELBC, October 13, 2015). In more development from the
health sector, Jallah Louhn Hospital, the only referral hospital in the whole of Gbarpolu
County, a county of around 200,000 inhabitants was totally out of ambulance; was being
supplied by a single diesel generator, and that there were no drugs available. Elsewhere,
the Gboejeezay Hospital in Morweh, Rivercess County, didn’t even have a generator, so
hospital staff were using flashlights at night, even during the delivery of women (National
Chronicle Newspaper, Heritage Newspaper, Farbric Night Time Radio etc., April 29,

12. Dr. Charles Allen of the Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation, talking to the press about
their corporate challenges outlined, among other things, the following: (a) that they need
a fiber glass line of a hundred year guarantee for water transmission but they don’t even
know how much this would cost them, just as they don’t know where to get the money
from, even if they were to get the price today; (b) they need four reservoirs in Monrovia
to ease water supply problems, and for this, they already started talking to the World
Bank; (c) they also need some fallback equipment and facilities to quickly respond to
emergencies, but they don’t have anything as such, and would require more resources for
this etc. (Local Radio News, 2015). Still on another occasion Liberia Water & Sewer
Corporation disclosed in 2015 that to really be functional it needs some US$250 million,
only for the next two years. (ELBC, October 22, 2015). But this is an amount that can
NEVER be indigenously generated in this criminal Black American country. So the
LWSC had been constrained to organize its own international donor conference, just as
the Education Minister announced his going abroad to seek international private partners
and philanthropists to come improve Liberia’s Educational system. In early March 2016
according to Farbric FM, the LWSC announced some one-day international donor
conference to raise funds for operations, especially targeting its required $250 million for
the next two years. The result thus far has been a reported $10 million from the World
Bank (FrontPage Africa Newspaper, April 4, 2016). In the end, the Americo-Liberia
Water & Sewer Corporation now has about 4% of what it needs, and can now start
working to provide water to Liberia’s 4.5 million people.

13. The Parrot Newspaper reports on February 8, 2016 that according to the Liberia Fire
Service Bureau, the entire country has only 4 fire trucks, and the beautiful addition that
would fit this story is that these trucks ABSOLUTELY will be old, donated fire trucks,
that definitely are no longer in their first degree state of efficiency.

14. A whole community of tens of thousands of people in parts of Montserrado County, the
county hosting 1822 Monrovia, was just reported to have received its first hand pump in
20 years (Analyst Newspaper, April 12, 2016)

15. A well-known caller on the Farbric FM New Dawn talk show disclosed that the only high
school in Cestos City, and by extension, Rivercess County, a county of over 200,000
persons, had completely lost its roof to storm and other problems, and as such, operations
were now being run at a nearby residential building on an emergency basis (Farbric FM,
June 2, 2015)

16. Chinese Government builds the Jackson F. Doe Hospital as gift; does its initial set up
(furnishing and equipping the hospital), and then turns it over to the Government of
Liberia. In short time, the CT scanner at the hospital turns dysfunctional/defective, and
the GOL does an SOS call for assistance from anywhere to get a new one. And in fact,
because it will be too difficult for someone or some NGO to purchase this equipment for
the government, this multimillion dollar Chinese built hospital as gift, is about to shut
down operations (Inquirer Newspaper, March 31, 2016; Focus Newspaper, April 20,
2016; Independence Newspaper ‘ etc.)

17. A top official of the Public Works Ministry, Mr. Langlay, in a local radio interview once,
disclosed that the entire Ministry had only one septi-truck to clean drainages across the
43,000 square mile country, which in fact was down at the time. He also disclosed that
the Ministry had only one excavator, which was also down somewhere, and had not yet
been brought back on base. A few times later, the Minister himself revealed that the only
heavy duty light that his Ministry was using to do patch works at night was a little
donation from US Army personnel that had come to Liberia to fight Ebola. Minister
Gyudee Moore further elaborated in April 2015 that most of his resident engineers don’t
even have vehicles to help them monitor ongoing construction works in the leeward
counties. (Farbric FM. April 13, 2015). Still lamenting their part of acute “no money”
plight, Min. Moore further disclosed painfully how his Ministry had submitted a US$107
million budget for 2015/2016 FY for the expensive activities of constructing new feeder
roads and the rehabilitation and maintenance of existing roads, but this amount was cut by
almost 80%, for a total approval of $23 million, an amount of which more than 70% will
go to payroll activities; meaning, 1822 Liberia will be using around $4 - $5 million to do
new feeder roads and rehabilitate old roads for 12 months, when one kilometer of any
new road construction costs around $1 million. Imagine what it will take for Liberia to
independently construct a 100 mile, one-lane road.

18. Rep. Saah Joseph of Montserrado County said during one of his trips to the US, he came
across a hospital in California that had gone bankrupt and wanted to diversify, but was
desperately trying to dispose of its materials one way or the other. When he expressed
interest on behalf of Liberia to take delivery of these over $5 million worth of health
equipment and hospital materials, the hospital authorities sent a team to the John F.
Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia, the expected new facility to host these items from

California. But when the team completed its assessment of the JFK facilities, the opinion
expressed by the team was that JFK was a complete thrash, absolutely incapable of
hosting such state-of-the-art equipment and hospital materials. (Voice FM. January 15,

Still other headlines on Liberian Government Poverty include:

➢ Major army barrack in darkness (Concord Times Newspaper, June 15, 2016)
➢ CB Dunbar Hospital in Bong County closes down due to lack of generator to operate,
drives away even pregnant women in pain (ELBC, June 8, 2016)
➢ Lightning strike takes GOL’s TV station off air – officials/administrators say this may
keep the facility off for time indefinite, as they don’t know how soon such huge sum will
be raised again to resurrect the facility/equipment, and the overall cost of the equipment is
around $70,000 (ELBC, June 15, 2016)


19. Speaking at the launch of his new business project in Monrovia, former Senator Cletus
Wotorson expressed strong regrets about Liberia’s dearth or huge lack of human resource
capacity and disclosed his unfortunate doubt that the country would ever be able to ease
this deficit in any foreseeable future (ELBC, February 13, 2015)

20. In June 2015, Dr. Amos Sawyer registered his fears about the greatest problem he now
perceives for the country. In his words, “The biggest fear we have now is about human
resource capacity, especially of our youths, this generation, and beyond, which means that
we have to do more in the transfer of knowledge and the inculcation of values into our
younger ones…. (ELBC, SMS, Truth Breakfast etc. June 14, 2015)

21. Information Minister Lewis Brown discloses that Liberia, established in 1822, with so-
called independence date at July 26, 1847, has no qualified pathologists on ground, so for
each case of murder, homicide, suicide, and the likes, Americo-Liberia must send for
some pathologist from outside the country (ELBC, February 16, 2015)


22. Poor, 194-year old Liberia, still has major deficits in producing high school teachers, ‘talk
less’ about what’s happening at the undergraduate and graduate levels, because post-
graduate obviously will be a big “No Go Zone” for the Americo-Liberian authorities
forever. Because of the extreme level of poverty in this place, in September 2015, Nigeria
came to Liberia’s aid by sending 19, mainly high school teachers to help 1822 Liberia
(ELBC, September 17, 2015). But to even add insult to injury, these Nigerians, by late
April to early May 2016, just within less than 8 months of their ‘assistance’ assignment,
did start complaining about the lack of services such as electricity, and the lack of basic
things like water, and even food to eat. (ELBC)

23. According to authoritative sources, troop numbers of a country or territory MUST reach
50,000 and above to qualify as a national army or military. Ever since the international

community used around $250 million to establish Liberia’s new army unit, and train its
first batch of between 1,500 to 2,000 troops, which now constitutes the country’s entire
military strength up to this 2017, Liberia’s own efforts at augmenting this foolishly
mocking number thus far, with presumptive traces of donor money again, has been 154
(ELBC, December 10, 2015 etc.). So for instance, if one considers all of the reportedly
illegal dismissals that have been taking place in this 2,000-strong Americo-Liberian
“militia” of tribal suppression and marginalization called the AFL, plus resignations and
other forms of exiting or quitting up to this point, even with the newly trained batch of
154 in December 2015, AFL will NEVER have a total of more than 1,500 troops by now.
But to add insult to injury, this mocking number of Americo-Liberian anti-Native
weaponry called AFL, as it was, in the LFF, only survives on other people’s donated
equipment and logistics, as barren Liberia’s around $12 million annual budget for their
AFL will NEVER do anything substantial other than a mere taking care of basic payroll.
While police units of baby Equatorial Guinea were seen in 2015 hovering over football
stadia in their police helicopters, this 194 year old Black American country’s so-called
police and army have no such things as even independently purchased trucks, much less
to talk about gunboats, helicopters, and basic things like these, for this 21st century – all
because of Liberia’s curse with barrenness and its stubbornness to massively generate its
own revenue.

24. Around 2013, after touring the country for some oil consultations, the House of
Representatives claimed it had discovered painfully massive levels of ‘undevelopment’
and poverty across the country, and got terribly appalled by this embarrassment, thus
pushing it to act. As such, around this same time to early 2014, they proposed a Direct
District Development Fund, to be added to two existing national development programs
or funds – the existing County Development Fund, and Social Development Fund. The
main reason for this 3rd development fund was that the chronic bureaucracy of the
Executive Branch was tying down these previous two funds, thus impeding
developmental projects; and so, the new District Development Fund will fall under the
direct supervision of lawmakers, while the CDF and the SDF remain stuck into these
established long Executive Branch bureaucratic bottlenecks – which everyone knows can
be criminal in intent and nature. The Legislature then demanded the Executive that this
new development fund starts with US$73 million in the 2015/2016 fiscal year budget to
be shared among the 73 electoral districts at $1 million per district. But because of the
extreme poverty of this country in every positive aspect of life, including ideas, as
demonstrated right here, and in finances too, an authoritative $73 million demand/request
made by the Legislature for pressing development purposes dropped to around US$10
million for all 73 districts. This means an over 85% shortage of what they wanted as an
initial amount in something that is supposed to demand tens of millions of dollars for
each district, as the scheme progresses – if this were in the case of a serious people. The
result of all this advocacy was that US$68,000 was shared with each representative –
whether directly or indirectly – to develop their districts out of an initial $1 million, as the
Americo-Liberian society now looks forward to G7-style infrastructure development in
each district by now (Farbric FM. January 5, 2016; Isaac Redd, Farbric FM. New Dawn,
September 14, 2015)

25. Criminal Court Judge Blamo Dixon complaints of the over-crowdedness of court dockets
[due to lack of capacity, facilities, etc.]. He says in October 2015 that many cases from

2006 to 2010 were still stocked on court dockets unheard and needed to just be thrown
out unheard. Imagine how many persons, who believe in the Americo-Liberian Justice
System, would be denied justice in this scenario (ELBC, October 26, 2015). In the same
vein, Associate Justice Kabineh J’aneh of the Supreme Court of Liberia has also disclosed
some of the crippling problems faced by the Judiciary as over-crowdedness of court
dockets, huge number of pretrial detainees, and slow trial processes. He is also
complaining that the current laws of the country are not adequate enough to handle the
challenges faced by the system. (ELBC, November 23, 2015)



The government itself is very poor, and is always pressed for money, as the few
examples below substantiate:

26. Cllr. Marcus Paygar of the Liberia Bar Association decries very low judicial budget that
hampers performance; Judge Blamo Dixon, for his part, complaints how magistrates, the
equivalents of Assistant Ministers, do walk to court instead of owning vehicles for
themselves (ELBC, November 10, 2015)

27. Dr. Clarence Moniba of the President’s Project Office and Deputy Minister Dehpue Zuo,
in conversation with ELBC disclosed that the cost of renovating the JFK Memorial
Hospital would be around US$30 million, but in their words, “Government does not have
that kind of money”, so they had been talking to an Indian Company which will be
coming soon to do an assessment of the hospital facilities (ELBC, November 12, 2015)

28. America has always been a ‘god’ to Americo-Liberia; and so, anything about, or
involving America, is handled by ‘servant’ Liberia with the greatest of care and speed.
But this extreme poverty and barrenness also badly affects Americo-Liberian missions
that the New Democrat Newspaper reports in January 2016, that the Liberian Mission in
the United States was under the spotlight for some embarrassing US$9 million arrears to
US interests.

29. Even the fiscal arm’s authorities themselves do feel the pinch, and are frustrated by this
depth of poverty. Finance Minister Amara Konneh in February 2016 stated that the
government needed $30 million for budget support, and unfortunately they were now
limited to a maximum loan financing of $7 million. (ELBC, February 10, 2016)

30. Superintendent Matthew Daniels of Rivercess County says his county puts up the highest
amount of maternal deaths [due to lack of facilities and the likes], and the chiefs of his
county do most times work without pay [because of this acute “no money syndrome].
(ELBC, April 2016)

31. The commission controlling and supervising all tertiary education activities in the whole
country says it receives around $300,000 per year as budget, with commissioners not
even having vehicles to take them to work. Dr. Marcus Slewion heads this commission
(ELBC, October 2015)

32. The National Elections Commission in February of 2016 was making its part of request
that it needed $57 million to help it conduct ‘next year’s’ elections (New Republic
Newspaper, February 26, 2016)

33. Nimba County Representative Hon. ‘Mantinokaye’ Tingba once disclosed that the
US$1.5 million Social Development Funds provided his county by Arcellor Mittal has
always been credited by President Sirleaf and her Executive Branch to offset various
government expenditures, including civil servants salaries. (Radio Veritas, March 3,

34. Liberia’s Finance Minister reported in May 2014 that for 8 consecutive fiscal years – i.e.
from 2006 to 2014 – his government had generated a combined, gross revenue of
disgracefully ONLY US$2.7 billion, less than what single private companies, like for
example, Apple, can generate in profits alone during just 3 months of their operations.
(ELBC, May 13, 2014), and sadly, all of this amount will never be money generated from
core business operational activities, but largely from loans and grants, and budget
supports from World Bank, EU and the likes.

35. In April 2015, reporters disclosed that for lack of water supply at the National Legislature
due to unpaid arrears of less than US$3,200 owed the Water & Sewer Corporation by the
Legislature, around 30 restrooms were locked and out of service for months to the point
that Capitol Building staffs, including women, had to be squatting in the grass or around
shrubs to attend to nature, while some visitors reportedly defecated on themselves once,
as a result of this grand embarrassment (ELBC, April 24, 2015). At this same Americo-
Liberian Legislature, which had been waiting for years to see the Chinese Government
construct their annex, an ELBC, February 2016 report disclosed how, at current, the 73
electronic sound system equipment placed in their hall or rotunda by some NGO, to add
value to, or ‘civilize’ their parliamentary debates; again, have all broken down to the
point that lawmakers wanting to contribute to issues across their huge floor, do have to
leave their distant seats and take a long walk upfront, and when journalists want to record
debates, they have to walk to each lawmaker as they talk – and lawmakers have to be
screaming in order to be heard (ELBC, February 5, 2016). There are also reports that
votes at this 53rd, 21st century Americo-Liberian Legislature are counted manually.

36. In April 2015, Margibi County officials were complaining that central government owed
their county around $3 million in County Development Funds, and this was causing them
serious embarrassment to carry out any of their planned development activities in those 4
years up to the time of this revelation (Farbric FM. April 28, 2015)

37. Speaking to the New Dawn program on June 10, 2015, the University of Liberia’s Vice
President for Public Affairs disclosed with frustration that his University, the biggest in
the country, with around 30,000 students, operating from four campuses had submitted a
budget of US$30 million to the National Government, which the Legislature had cut by
half, and that frankly, they could not run the university on this $15 million, over 90% of
which will handle payroll expenses, so it was just another embarrassment to the
educational sector, as it has always been the case (Farbric FM, June 10, 2015)

38. Sports has turned into a multi-million to multibillion dollar business in this 21st century
for all stakeholders, including governments and individuals, apart from it being an

excellent source of entertainment and other forms of human enrichment experiences.

Sports now bring about all forms of economic and infrastructure development, of course
with a precondition that massive investment must be made into it too. Journalist Trojan
Kiazolu, after conducting some investigation into how sporting houses are being sustained
in Liberia financially, disclosed how for example, the Liberia Football Association
budgeted ONLY US$1 million for all of its football programs across the country –
including its 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st division leagues, women’s leagues etc. – but the
government only approved half of this already LAUGHABLE amount, $500,000 to take
care of all these leagues plus the administrative and operational running of the FA for the
whole year. For the national basketball federation, it received $100,000 to conduct
basketball activities in 15 counties across 43,000 square-miles; some other national
federations like Track & Field received $20,000 etc. Trojan then tried to draw some
parallel with other nearby West African countries, and he narrated how for instance, the
Gambian FA received US$16 million for the year; Ghana, for its part, more than $20
million, and so forth, just for their football programs alone, and not for the other sporting
activities (Farbric New Dawn, July 13, 2015). In September of this same 2015, Deputy
Youth & Sports Minister Henry Yonton, made further much graver “no money”
revelations as follows:

a) Most of the federations under our (i.e. Liberian) sporting program don’t have a
budget, they only receive some small subsidies, which can’t even take them to next
door Ivory Coast and back home;

b) Several factors are responsible for why we are just not getting there – he means
making progress here – and the first and foremost serious of these factors is that we
have a very tight envelop, and then we also have no facilities;

c) All of the ministries and agencies are complaining this same way – i.e. that their
budgets are too tight, the envelops are just too tight, but you can’t squeeze water out
of rock;

d) When the All Africa Games Committee extended invitation to Liberia some time ago,
the Ministry of Youth and Sports didn’t even have money to send Liberian teams;

e) The government used $75,000 to send the National Amputee Team to America, a trip
whose objectives were not met, and so the team is still there stranded [apparently
because government only afforded one way tickets, so that their activities in America
could secure for them their return trip tickets];

f) We are now in two regional and continental qualifiers, which will lead us to playing
more than 7 games – both home and away [and this is another huge challenge again in
terms of funding for transportation], as for example, the budget for Guinea Bissau’s
game, back to back, is more than US$400,000; Tunisia, more than US$300,000 etc.

g) As for our county meet preparation, we give each county L$20,000 (around US$220)
to prepare their teams for football, basketball, kickball, and volleyball – for this
national sporting jamboree;

h) Asked about national teams players’ insurance, the Minister responded with BIG
Shame, NOT; meaning, national teams players in this 194 year old Black American

country, in this 21st century, are NEVER insured – so if they go to play a game for
example, and they got seriously wounded or even lose their lives in the process, their
family members will just have to mourn that loss free. (Farbric FM. New Dawn,
September 25, 2015)

39. Here is how Education Minister George Werner voiced out some of his experiences about
the depth of poverty at his ministry:

a) the demand for education is too high in the country, but the services put up by
government in response are relatively poor. Note, he should have just said here
ABSOLUTELY POOR, but he had to somehow protect his job.

b) the reform plans that we now have at the Ministry are very good, but we just will
NEVER get the money for it here, and so, I am going to get out there in the world –
America, Europe etc. – to start talking to philanthropists and donors for help;

c) With respect to the West Africa Examinations Council, Liberia has not paid its
contributions or dues to this body for some time now, and even in the midst of this
embarrassment, the Monrovia Office of WAEC gets so pressed for money that it has
to at times send SOS calls to headquarters in Accra, Ghana – that office that she
heavily owes – for money to continue the Liberian operations. (Farbric FM. New
Dawn, September 24, 2015)

40. Minister Patrick Sendolo of Lands, Mines & Energy walked into the ELBC Studio to
explain his Ministry’s part of the POVERTY experience as follows: (a) For the past 4
budget years, government’s contributions to the electricity sector has been very
negligible; you can’t provide electricity merely on good faith, you can’t do so either on
mere theory. Every step we take in the electricity value chain – from generation, to
transmission, to distribution in this country, we have to seek donor funding; we just don’t
have the money….” (ELBC, Super Morning Show, October 2, 2015)

41. The National Housing Authority’s Deputy Managing Director for Administration, Mr.
Prince Anything Wreh, simply presented his agency’s side of the poverty syndrome as

➢ the government just does not have the resources to do “all” that we want to do; [although
if he were much bolder, he would have simply said, “the government just doesn’t have
the resources it needs to the most basic things it is supposed to do for its people, PERIOD
(Farbric New Dawn, December 16, 2015)

42. In June 2015, the Independent National Human Rights Commission was crying out that it
needed around $3 million to function properly. (Farbric FM. June 10, 2015)

43. The Americo-Liberian National Police (LNP) is a big victim too of this scourging
POVERTY curse in their government. In May 2015, UNMIL boss, Karin Langrin,
expressed her deepest apprehension about Liberia’s obvious inability to provide security
for her people when UNMIL leaves. The UNMIL boss painfully narrated how due to lack
of support and incentives, an already negligible force of 162 police officers assigned in
the whole of Rivercess County at the time, had to be drastically downsized to a mocking
26. (ELBC, May 21, 2015). One can imagine how Madam Langrin would ever feel now to

hear that in 2016, for example, in the same Rivercess County, the whole Morweh District,
of normally over 20 – 30,000 persons, has only one police officer assigned there, who
sometimes for fear of his life, has to pretentiously smile with, and salute bands of drug
traffickers as they pass by in their convoy of motorbikes. In fact, it is reported that the
police depot or facility in this entire District is one poor woman’s former mud-built cook
shop, which the authorities there have painted with the national colors of red, white and
blue. (Farbric News, March 24, 2016). In another county, Grand Cape Mount, the very
few police officers assigned there were reportedly threatening to abandon their
assignment and come back to Monrovia (ELBC, June 18, 2015). Still with the police, Mr.
Anthony Philips, with a local radio, Top FM 105, in Grand Gedeh County narrated how
the Zleh Town’s Police Station in Konoboe District, Grand Gedeh County, is a structure
built out of sticks and red earth. (Voice FM., The Papers, April 7, 2016). But how did the
Police Chief, Col. Chris Massaquoi himself narrate these ghastly tales of poverty? Some
time ago, Col. Massaquoi said he had submitted a yearly budget – referring to his FY
2015/2016 budget – of US$44 million to the National Legislature, but out of this amount,
only $15 million was approved, and sadly out of this $15 million, $13 million goes to
payroll expenses, mockingly leaving $2 million for ALL police operations across ALL
the country’s 15 counties for a whole round year of 12 months – something he referred to,
with frustration as a BIG Joke, although it stood in the end because the common saying to
promote this POVERTY in Americo-Liberia is: “You can’t squeeze water out of rock”
(ELBC, February 10, 2016)

44. At their early July 2015 budget hearing formalities at the Americo-Liberian Legislature,
Ministry of Commerce authorities cried out for lack of adequate implements and facilities
to test things like water, flour, and so forth, and almost all commodities, and that their
existing processes don’t match any ISO standards (referring to the International Standards
Organization). The Labor Ministry also complaint of severe logistical constraints which
impede all their functions. So people all over the Liberian Government just practically go,
sadly, to hustle for their food monies and anything possible to steal based on one’s access,
instead of going to work to impact society. (ELBC, July 2, 2015)

45. To facilitate speedy dispensation of justice, and to ease logistical constraints, the
international community or international donor agencies reportedly identified 4 or 5 spots
across Liberia to construct some sort one-stop shop justice and security-related office
complexes they call justice hubs. The first was built in Gbarnga, Bong County, called
Justice Hub 1, the only successfully and fully functional one thus far. But just in few
years or even months into its operations, Manager Hezekiah Sackor discloses to the press
how it now faces major problems, including its building falling apart due to poor
construction, serious logistical problems, and the likes, as he said this hub that serves the
3 giant and highly populated counties of Nimba, Bong, and Lofa only has 3 [old]
vehicles. (ELBC, April 1, 2015)

46. Liberia is so POOR that she has NEVER afforded any new public buses for her citizens
(although this is a long and deep debate), in any recent memory before. The few National
Transit Authority buses one sees in Monrovia’s dilapidated one-lane streets are all gifts
from other countries. Because these buses are already used up and second-handed from
other countries, some sources at the NTA say they just come and park in the fence for
more maintenance work. The less than 10, purely second-handed gifts, that ply the roads
in this whole 43,000 square-mile country, are highly vulnerable to obvious accidents, just

anytime. Two cases in point are when one of them somersaulted on the Gbarnga-Ganta
highway in August 2015 killing a few and wounding several passengers. The driver,
Robert Larmie, said the bus had abruptly cut off while he was driving in Gear 3….
(ELBC, August 7, 2015). In very early May 2016, one of these old gifts, cruising between
Monrovia and Kakata, just reportedly burst into flames as all 52 passengers disembarked,
stood by, and watched it burned completely to ashes (the Liberia Journal Newspaper,
May 2, 2016 etc.)

Still Other Poverty-Related Headlines Include:

47. AFCON U17 Nations Cup – Liberia withdraws: Ghana gets walkover. Note: Liberia
withdraws for lack of finances to even transport their teams(New Democrat
Newspaper, June 17, 2016)
48. No money for national ID card project – says project head (Women’s Voices
Newspaper, June 16, 2016)
Harvard-trained President and her government officials, just as almost all else in the past,
have known over the recent years to responding to these disgracefully dire economic
problems and acts of negligence, have of course been repeated, public warnings of even
bleaker and gloomier times ahead, plus a few free talks of austerity that no one ever sees the
result. Here goes a list of some of their key ways of solving economic problems – mere, free
talks every time:
1. Ellen tells the Liberian Public, “It’s time for us to tighten our belts for tougher economic
times ahead because the prices of rubber and iron ore continue to drop on the world
market. (Talk With the President, UNMIL Radio, December 1, 2015)
2. Senator Lawrence [foresees] economic tough times for Liberia (Parrot Newspaper,
January 18, 2016)
3. Senators, in one of their free-talks plenary sessions in January 2016, expressed serious
dissatisfaction over how the economy is nose-diving or going bad off (ELBC, January 22,
4. Ellen recommends austerity measures (In Profile Daily, January 26, 2016)
5. Economy sinks deeper [into trouble] as President Sirleaf discloses major budget cuts
(Focus Newspaper, January 26, 2016)
6. Ellen admits hardship (Insight Newspaper, January 26, 2016)
7. The economy is under difficult stress – Ellen tells the nation (Heritage Newspaper,
January 26, 2016)
8. Finance Minister Amara Konneh [forewarns] of looming hardship (Public Agenda
Newspaper, February 15, 2016)

9. Ellen predicts more hardship, urges officials to work harder…(Women’s Voices

Newspaper, April 7, 2016)
10. President Sirleaf again predicts difficult economic times for the country (Farbric FM.
News, April 11, 2016)
11. Liberia to experience more budget shortfalls, new Finance Minister asserts (The Focus
Newspaper, May 4, 2016)
These are the results and benefits achieved by Americo-Liberia thus far for her ‘far-sighted’
economic management and general governance, which have produced the level of poverty
that we’ve been trying to depict above, although they won US$256.7 million prize money
from the US Government through the MCC for performing excellently in these areas:
1. Deputy Minister for Sectorial Planning at the Ministry of Planning & Economic Affairs
disclosed in 2014 how at some development conference he had just attended in Bonn,
Germany, 194 year-old Liberia was conspicuously seated in the group labeled by the
Conference as “the Least Developed Countries of the World”, or LDCs (ELBC, June 16,
2. Radio Veritas reports that the IMF (International Monetary Fund), in one of its recent
reports describes Liberia as a country continuously plagued with natural resource curse
due to very poor governance. (Veritas News, March 20, 2015)
3. In late May 2016, VP Boakai and a huge Americo-Liberian Government delegation were
in Istanbul, Turkey, attending the World Humanitarian Summit for Least Developed
Countries – the spot in national existence where Liberia’s part of gods destined it to
remain forever. (ELBC, May 25, 2016)
4. Liberia is now been ranked the second poorest country in Africa and the 5th poorest in the
world (In Profile Daily Newspaper, March 28, 2016)
5. China Union at the verge of collapse, additional 19 employees laid off again – (Parrot
Newspaper, January 18, 2016)
6. Sallala Rubber Corporation to lay off 108 employees [for tough economic times] (The
New Republic Newspaper, March 24, 2016)
7. The Foundation For International Dignity says Liberia is responsible for her own
economic mess (Farbric FM. News, January 27, 2016)
8. The Central Bank of Liberia Governor, Dr. J. Mills Jones, apparently fed up with his
country’s extreme “economic addiction” to begging and only begging, was quoted by the
Frontier Newspaper’s February 9, 2016 edition as saying, “No Nation Develops from

9. The Hot Pepper Newspaper carries a story in its February 10, 2016 edition titled,
“[Liberian] Government spending habits obstruct economic growth”
10. Ellen explains budget shortfall - (the (Inquirer Newspaper, February 19, 2016)
11. Sallala Rubber Company plans to sack over 300 employees, embarks on stopping tapping
(Informer Newspaper, March 4, 2016)
12. APM Terminal kills Liberia’s economy – gives jobs to Ghanaians [instead of Liberians] –
the Daily Guide Newspaper, March 24, 2016
13. Cocopa to layoff 400 employees (Women Voices Newspaper, April 7, 2016)
14. In response to government’s decision to privatize primary education, the Focus
Newspaper asks in one of its editorials, “If the government cannot handle primary
education, now can we trust it to handle tertiary education?” (April 11, 2016)
Apart from the other results and achievements above, citizens of Liberia have no social and
economic shock absorbers. So in this country for instance, when a major health problem hits
a family, other than the 1% that are enjoying the enormous spoils of corruption in this
country, the only viable option at people’s disposal is to rush to a radio station or a
newspaper outlet and launch some SOS call for help. Here are a few drops in the ocean of the
countless SOS calls that families do make here on a daily basis, with these recorded in just a
short period of time:
But first, one of Liberia’s outstanding economic theorists, Mr. Sam Jackson laments the
country’s plight as having no disaster management agenda, and just no shock absorbing
mechanisms at both the levels of the government and of private individuals, and that Liberia
is the world’s most food insecure country (Costa Show, Voice FM, August 5, 2014). Here we
1. At a big dump site in Buchana, Grand Bassa County, which the locals refer to as
“Gbehzongar Findley Supermarket”, men, women and children, had for some time been
earning their daily bread by scavenging from the wastes of especially concession workers
and UN expats, according a local journalist. (Farbric FM. January 26, 2015)
2. Maxwell Miller, a 29 year-old, 2009 graduate of Cuttington University and resident of the
Duport Road Community in Paynesville launches an SOS call to get treated for liver
cancer (Farbric FM. February 13, 2015)
3. Rufus Bargan sends out SOS call for his friend Boscow Duartey to get medical attention
for burns Mr. Duartey had sustained at a gas filling station in Monrovia (Farbric FM.
March 16, 2015)
4. Janet Zoryea, 32, sends out an SOS call for help to tackle eye cancer she’s been
diagnosed of at the JFK Medical Center (ELBC, March 20, 2015)
5. Sylvester Kamara of Gbarpolu County places out an SOS call to get treated for an
abnormally swollen leg (ELBC, April 5, 2015)

6. Patrick Bricks, a traditional officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, puts out an SOS
call to get treated of wounds received at the hands of an angry mob he calls traditional
hooligans (Farbric FM News, April 13, 2015)
7. Mr. Augustine Gborngorlee of the Pipeline Community in Paynesville sends out an SOS
call to get treated for a prolonged, strange health condition that has stolen away his
appetite for food (ELBC, December 22, 2015)
8. Because of acute poverty and hunger in the country, a 13 year old boy who tantalizingly
stole pieces of biscuits from Bangladeshi UNMIL personnel’s car was unmercifully
flogged to the point of helplessness, and he probably died at the JFK Medical Center after
been transferred there by the Phebe Hospital (ELBC, January 25, 2016)
9. International Red Cross Society constructs shelter for some 1,000 homeless fire victims in
Grand Bassa County (Local Radio News, February 23, 2016)
10. [SOS call out for] US$500 to save 28 year-old liver problem victim (In Profile Daily,
April 12, 2016)
11. Caustic Soda victim’s family makes SOS call (Women Voices Newspaper, April 12, 2016)
12. Man, [Steven Vincent], with acute liver problem sends out SOS call (Liberia Journal,
May 2, 2016)
13. Already disabled Oscar Cooper, not the Senator, places out SOS call to help treat sore in
his heart (Farbric FM. March 24, 2016)
14. 12 year-old Foday Sheriff’s parents launch an SOS call for help to treat their son of
diagnosed eye cancer (ELBC, July 20, 2015)
15. Rebecca Reeves launches SOS call for the treatment of her illed 29 year old son (ELBC,
May 18, 2016)
16. Heavy rainfall renders 200 persons homeless in Grand Bassa County, and they gathered
before the house of Rep. Gabriel B. Smith to get assistance (ELBC, May 17, 2016)
17. Boy, 9, with sex organ problem needs help. He’s Darlington Weah (Inquirer Newspaper,
May 18, 2016)
18. Boy, 5, (Steven Patrick), battles with strange disease – parents send out SOS call to Ellen,
Others (Insight Newspaper, May 3, 2016)
19. Hunger hits school of the blind in Ganta (ELBC, June 15, 2016)
20. Disabled people in Buchana suffer acute hunger – launch SOS call for help (Women’s
Voices Newspaper, June 27, 2016)
21. Hot water burns two in Gardnersville – victims send out SOS call for help (Informer
Newspaper, June 27, 2016) etc. and etc.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow compatriots, our world over, from these kinds of narratives and
horrible accounts of bloody criminalities in the running of human affairs, everyone of you
can now judge whether all the assertions, claims, and demands of our Plain Truth Revolution,
centering around breaking down this current NASTY Americo-Liberian statehood foundation

for the rebuilding of a new, better and all-inclusive one, based on God’s principles are wrong
or right.

Note that these great revolutionary summaries are 7 in number; and one you are just
concluding, again, is entitled, “The overriding reasons for which people are elected in
Liberia; How Liberia understands the science and art of setting up and nurturing an
economy – all being reasons for this dull Black American Colony’s untold poverty”; and
the balance 6 include: (1) Why do we say that another danger is already at our door steps,
unless we do something radically different together now, to avoid this by God’s grace; (2)
Liberia”, A Black American Theory Of Massive Human Suppression And Oppression –
Reasons For Which It Will Remain A Failure Forever - Unless We Change Everything About
It Now – From Name, To Flag, To All Its Theories; (3)More convincing reasons why we say
Revolution is the only way out for us now, God willing, rather than elections and
reforms;(4) The Plain Truth Revolution, Its Roadmap, Plus Governance Plan, For The New
Country, And The New Democracy That We Now Demand To Replace Evil, Failed Liberia;
(5) The United States and Liberia – two geopolitical entities with very similar founding
history, but one (the US) is an excellent example worth emulating, while the other
(Liberia), is a very horrible example that deserves serious avoidance immediate demolition
before it fatally explodes and harms the world; and (6) Why do we say that Liberia is an
illegitimate statehood arrangement that must be legitimized now, before we take any more
steps forward as a people, again by God’s grace, and they all can be found at
As you may have been previously informed, this is just one of the 51 main articles that form
part of our ongoing 2020/2021 citizens’ enlightenment campaign, or our Revolution’s
honest, but painstaking effort and determination never to leave any stone unturned – relative
to exposing ALL of the big and bloody problems of this country (“Liberia”), as we prepare
the mind of every citizen and well-wisher for our demanded National Dialogue, or National
Convention, or Sovereign Citizens’ Convention etc., whichever way one prefers to call it,
so that if this dialogue will have to last for days, weeks, or even months, there can absolutely
be no dull moment at that event. Remember that such activity or event promises to eat up
considerable national resources, and as such, it will rightly be expected to produce the much-
needed final, lasting solutions to our country’s seemingly unsolvable problems by the grace
of God, a strong reason for which we MUST do all we can to provide every bit of
information needed to guide and sustain this process. The file that lists all of these 51 main
articles, including the one you just read (exposing the huge mess of this country, ranging
from its colonial understanding of religion – without prejudice to our many good people in
the religious circles here - to its broken reasonings behind deeds and actions, and to its
colonially sorrowful activities in the areas of education, health, governance, politics, civics
and economics etc. and etc. – all of which make REVOLUTION the ONLY most viable
remaining alternative for change, in line with GOD’s WORDS), can be found at or Thanks once again.

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