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This is the 2nd of our

revolutionary G7
Summaries. All of them
can be found at
Thanks for finding and
reading all.


Note that the essence of all this 5-year research, and all its
attending details, is to convince each of us, citizens and
international friends, that the current running of our country, as it
has been so from 1822 to date, is just not sustainable, apart from
being very dangerous, and thus, must be relatively halted now. Available now on the Internet
Let’s instead go to a national round table to review these details; at
adopt lessons learnt from them as raw materials and new inputs for
a new civic design that will see us start life all over, as a people.Iif
not, continuous failure, fragility, and ultimate disaster will remain
our portion – sad to state this unbeatable truth!! SEPTEMBER
Welcome to our Revolution of DETAILS, a civic endeavor
that seeks to dig out root causes, and to get to the
bottom of our country’s deep-rooted social problems,
using God’s eternal principles of Love, Patience, Truth,
Hard Work, and Justice.
This is the 4th issue among the several critical national issues that we started writing about a
few years back, but are now privileged to start bringing them to your full attention through
this PTR’s 2020/2021 Sensitization Campaign. Please get any other one that you are
interested in, or very importantly, all the rest, either from your friends, or from the street
corners, if possible, or better, simply from the Internet at either or
Special Notes: (a) Please take the reading of these items very seriously as God needs everybody’s
attention and input now to either change this only country of ours for the better once and for all, or
sadly, to deal it a big blow of punishment for stubbornly refusing to change in 200 years.
Remember Liberia was physically established in 1822 though, but according to very credible
sources, the act to create this US Colony was passed by the American Congress on March 3, 1819,
and it still maintains this US colony status in practice today, in 2021. (b) We are encouraging every
publisher, street vendor, or all business people for that matter to please produce and reproduce
copies of these items free of charge (although maintaining their originality and integrity), and deal
them out to the public at very affordable prices as part of this great sensitization campaign for final
change in our country by God’s grace.
To restress the need for reading now in this society, something which when any of us refuses to do
now, the consequences for society will be even much dangerous and graver than any shock or
sorrow that we have experienced here before, as we now see the writing on the wall again, let’s
encourage you with these 3 quotes, 3 of our prominent quotes on reading, including: (1) There are
crimes worse than burning books [or articles, papers, leaflets etc.], and one of such horrible
crimes is your refusal to read them. – Joseph Brodsky (2) Read, Read, and Read!!! Read
everything – thrash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who
works as an apprentice and studies the master, Read! You will absorb it. Then write. If it is good,
you will find out. If it is not good, then throw it out of the window. – William Faulkner (3) If you
would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads, but [rather] what he rereads. –
Francois Muriac
WE STRESS: If everyone fights to read, especially about things pertaining to our country now,
and we together, create this new civilized and lifesaving culture and tradition of reading together,
pushing this great tradition on future generations beginning now etc., you could be surprise to see a
brand new and productive country coming into being right now during your own lifetime, and
before your own eyes, but if you refuse, thinking that your time is too important to read things
about your own country, or you are too busy with your job or your business etc., and as such, you
care less about reading what’s happening around you, and to your society etc. and etc., you may be
surprise as well, that during your very lifetime again, and right before your own eyes again, war
could break out in this country, and that cherished job or business that is too important to you
today, including your very lives – God forbid – could be shattered; and in this way, you are going
to be responsible. The blood of your people will be on your hand and head. A hint to the wise
should be quite sufficient!!!!
Thank you very much for getting properly informed, and joining us to make “Liberia’s 201st
anniversary a year of great change on Planet Earth!!!! **Note: The numbers on the cover page are
exclusively for our money transactions, but to call us, you may kindly use either 0555161001 or

Beginning notes………………………………………………………………………………i
The big, open secrets behind all of “Liberia’s dismal performance and massive failure
in all spheres of life, from economics, to all else, besides criminality……………………..1
Liberia’s 3 big vices born out of Americo-Liberia’s ethnocentrism, or tribalism……….......1
The sorrowful story of Little Shakie Kamara………………………………………………..2
Imam Ali Krayee complains…………………………………………………………………2
Andrew Ngorno; the story of 12 Nimbaians jailed for 10 years for their own rights………..3
The story of around 20 Sinoians jailed for time indefinite for their own rights……………..4
The marginalization stories of Col. Abraham Kromah, Samuel Nimely, Phil
Tougbaye etc., not forgetting Rixck Barsi Giah, Jeddi Armah, Thomas Kaydor,
Michael Wah, and Mohammed Passawe etc………………………………………………...4
Mr. Sylvester Wellehteh of Bong County found guilty for US$44,000……………………..5
The short tales of 3 Natives suffering at the hands of Americo-Liberian justice……………5
Westley Jlue suffers 5 year imprisonment, Moses Wogbeh and few Natives go to jail
for 10 years, while Florence Chenoweth, Ellen, and others go free…………………….......5
3 short accounts again, of Natives nipped by Americo-Liberian Courts…………………….6
Ellen uses Americo-Liberian Courts to jail 13 Grand Gedians, (Krahns) for life…………...6
Indigenous man, Pewee Flomo of NOCAL, sentenced for 2 years and further fined, while
Rudolph Mclain, …Robert [Johnson] Sirleaf freely enjoy tens of millions from
Native Klado of Rivergee receives life sentence…………………………………………….7
Few newspaper headlines on Liberian justice……………………………………………….7
A country very wicked to its own people, especially the ordinary people, owing to its
historical foundation, and as a spillover effect of extremely hating the Natives, who
are in very huge majority…………………………………………………………………….7
3 short narratives about Americo-Liberian wickedness during Ebola……………………….8
Americo-Liberian Government closes down LPMC, National Food Assistance
Program and Others…………………………………………………………………….........9
5 short stories on Liberia’s official wickedness to its own citizens………………………....9
The Congo boys and their government suffer the people of Sinoe over
Golden Veroleum, Global Witness reports…………………………………………………10
Cllr. Dempster Brown talks about Liberian Government wickedness in the
jailing of Sinoe Citizens over Butaw protest……………………………………………….10
Cllr. Thompson Adebayo on the cruelty of GOL in issues pertaining to prisons………….11
14 brief explanations about Liberia’s official wickedness in the name of
running government…………………………………………………………………….......11
A Country whose leaders, political and opinion, just verbally insult citizens broadly –
directly or indirectly……………………………………………………………………......13
Ellen proudly refers to her citizens as very bad people…………………………………….13
Ellen insults her citizens as people who went to lie down in ETUs (Ebola Treatment Units)
just For food………………………………………………………………………………...13
Ellen suggests GAC and others lie on Musa Bility because of his good work…………….14
Senator Sheriff says the voters don’t even know the functions of their lawmakers………..14
Ellen son says he will root the citizens intestine from their stomach………………………15
Other gross indirect insults from government officials, including the President
Again, to the citizens……………………………………………………………………….15
Some strong proofs that the entire Theory of Liberia is NEVER for the Natives………….16
How the national symbols and emblems of Liberia prove country’s theory NEVER
to be for any NATIVE; and the importance of national symbols and emblems in a

Closing Notes………………………………………………………………………………19

For your polite contribution to

this cause for change, if you are
moved, our Mobile Money # is
0888176055, while our Orange
Money # is 0777484817. Thnx.
WARNING: If You Ignore The Kinds Of Very Bloody Realities In This Place, Like The
Few That We Are Going To Be Bringing To You In This Narrative; And, Instead Of
Joining Us To Demand This All-Citizens Conference To Discuss These Burning Matters
Before Anything Called Genuine Elections Can Ever Take Place In This Country Again,
This Time Under A New Country’s Name, A New Flag, A New Seal, A New Declaration
Of Independence Etc., And You Still Stubbornly Go Ahead Again To Cast Ballot For
Americo-Liberia This 2017 In Their So-Called Run-Off, God Will Seriously Hold You
Responsible For Any Consequences In The End, Which Unfortunately Seems Sure,
Based On God’s Words, And From The Look Of Things. Thanks.
*** Further note that this is an excerpt (page 45-67) of the main pamphlet entitled, If This
Is The Best Of Americo-Liberian Leaderships, In Harvard-Trained Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf, Then What Else Are We, The Natives, Still Waiting For To Constructively Snatch
Our Arm Robbed Country From Out Of The Hands Of America And Her Americo-
Liberians? ,which can be found on the Internet at in its .doc format, or
at in its Adobe .pdf format.
The big, open secrets behind all of “Liberia’s dismal performance and
massive failure in all spheres of life, from economics, to all else,
besides criminality
Every legitimate and serious country is established to develop, cherish and seek the best out
of life for each of its citizens – NOT only its government officials and their relatives and
stooges – or not just a few for that matter, who will put themselves into a small criminal
social class and impose themselves upon the rest of society as the masters and keep the
balance 99+% of the citizens as their perpetual slaves, who deserve nothing good out of life.
This vice of ETHNOCENTRISM has been Liberia’s age-old curse from which almost all of
its woes have derived since its fake establishment in 1822, and continues, in different, more
exacerbated shades and proportions, up to this 2017. So as we will try to break down below,
this ethnocentrism has been able to lead up to a couple of other related vices, the three most
crippling ones – up to this 2017, of which we will endeavor to elaborate upon here as
follows: (a) the Unspeakable Suppression and Marginalization of the Natives; (b) An
established societal culture by which government and its operatives generally treat citizens
very cruelly and abnormally; and (c) A societal culture by which most of the so-called
political and opinion leaders just openly insult citizens like their pets and domesticated

As a result of these and many more vices, which form the very foundation of this country,
Liberia is never stable; its fragile peace, often sustained temporarily by external actors,
normally lasts for a maximum of 5 to 10 years or so, after which the country is sadly back
to hostilities.

To prove these arguments, as the United Nations has been in this country for almost 15
years now, sustaining peace, and virtually helping to run government with Americo-
Liberian leader, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, here are the country’s accounts of its current
involvements with the 3 highlighted vices above, and how such practices, compounded by
its very criminally carless economic governance have all driven Liberia back at the brink of
a very imminent civil disorder and bloodbath again, just at the time the United Nations is
taking its exit after having invested over US$50 billion of foreign tax payers’ monies (in
both physical and intrinsic costs) trying to stabilize this DULL, LAZY, and CRUEL Black
American colony.

We now start with the sustained suppression and marginalization of the Natives, then next,
to some accounts of how generally wicked the country is towards its own people, and then
finally, we will move on to feature some of the insults that citizens receive at the hands of
their political and opinion leaders here on a daily basis. We will then conclude this handout
with a proposal of which actions are now required of all citizens for us to get rid of this
NASTY 195 year Americo-Liberian dominance chapter and its scourges, and start on a new
page as a people, God willing:
As it has always been the case since 1822, the Natives of this country continue to remain
subjects of Americo-Liberian suppression and marginalization, which up to this point
happen in different forms, including the use of our people in scientific tests, the broad day
selective justice consistently being meted out against our Native elements, the treatment of
our huge indigenous population like domesticated pets and wild animals etc. at even
exacerbated rates. This spells more of imminent DANGER. Let’s give a few, very fresh
examples here:
1. Tribal 16 year old lad, Shackie Kamara of the slum community of West Point in
Monrovia, was carelessly murdered by the colonial Armed Forces of Americo-Liberia or
AFL, as their track record has been, beginning with their deadly Liberia Frontier Force,
against our Native population. With respect to the incident that led to the wrongful
killing of this native child, around mid 2014, the Independent National Human Rights
Commission of Liberia, after their investigations, blamed the government for the death
of this innocent child and the psychological pains suffered by the people of West Point
at the hands of the GOL and their AFL, and instructed the President, on behalf of their
government, to apologize to the Shackie Kamara’s family, pay some monetary
reparations to the family, and fly one of the critical living victims of this criminal
negligence, Titus Noah, out of the country for advanced medical attention. (ELBC,
November 2014). Note: Pained by these recommendations, and feeling belittled as an
Americo-Liberian President to swoop to the point of apologizing and paying reparations
to a Native Shackie Kamara’s family and the “Native Savages” at West Point, Ellen
downplayed this authoritative November 2014 recommendation of the Commission for
almost 1 whole year, then in September 2015, after much international pressure
reportedly, she reluctantly goes to give the Shackie Kamara’s family US$15,000, as this
recommended reparation that the Commission had instructed her to pay for her army’s
negligence that took away this child’s life in August 2014. That $15,000 looked so big
in the eyes of this Americo-Liberian President, as if she would have EVER, in this life,
accepted someone killing one of her 4 sons, even out of mistake, to hand her $15,000;
or, as if this amount could have been given to her parents in the past to pay for her own
life, if someone had mistakenly harmed her while she was a child, although life we
know, is priceless. Ellen also demonstrated her conviction that Shackie was so
insignificant that he could never have one day too gotten some opportunity to attend
Harvard University to acquire his part of Master’s in Public Administration like her, if
his life was not negligently taken away by her forces of suppression and repression
(ELBC, September 25, 2015). For Titus Noah, the most critical survivor of this incident,
from whose stomach AFL bullets were extracted, and whom the Commission had
recommended his being flown out of the country for advanced medical attention apart
from him deserving some monetary reparation, the government categorically refused to
fly him out, and it is never clear whether he ever received anything tangible from
Government. This touched Native George Weah so much from the beginning that he had
to hand a US$2,000 check to his fellow aboriginal Titus Noah for some care (Sky F.M.
October 21, 2014).
2. Instances of the relegation of the Natives to non-entities filter in daily, in different forms
in this criminal Black American Colony called Liberia. Most of the big name Christian
Schools in this place were established by American entities directly, or by Americo-
Liberians, but the Islamic Faith is practiced almost entirely among the Natives here, so
Islamic schools in Liberia are owned and run by Native elements as such. An authority
of the National Imam Council of Liberia, Mr. Ali Krayee, speaking to Farbric FM Radio
in March 2016 disclosed how, in addition to the excessive accounts of other forms of
marginalization that Muslims have, and continue to endure here, Christian Schools get
hundreds of thousands of US Dollars as subsidies, but all Islamic Schools put together,
can’t even get up to $25,000 in subsidies from government (Farbric FM. March 1,
3. Andrew Ngorno, of the Ducor Community, victim of Americo-Liberian paid agent,
Mary Broh’s ruthless and visionless destruction of people’s homes and poor business
centers in the name of beautifying dirty 1822 Monrovia to be like New York, claim that
top Liberian Government Officials have a strong notion that tribal people don’t deserve
living in some parts of Monrovia, like their community, the Ducor Rocky Hill
Community (Farbric FM. November 12, 2015)
4. There is no record in this country’s 195 year history that it ever struck any good
concession agreement for the benefit of the country, and especially the people of
immediate concessions-affected communities, most openly beginning with J.J.
Cheeseman’s 1894 rubber concession deal with British firm, Monrovia Rubber
Company, to Firestone’s 1926 raw deal, to all of the criminal iron ore deals brokered
here by the Americo-Liberian criminal elites etc., and coming up to date, with all
concession deals signed in the country thus far, according to multiple sources, including
the books, “In the Cause of the People” by Prof. Tuan Wleh, “A Short History of the
First Liberian Republic” by Dr. Joseph Saye Guannue,, Reports of British integrity institutions
such as the Publish What You Pay Coalition, Global Witness, in addition to empirical
realities on ground. In fact, Americo-Liberians use these concession agreements, apart
from clearly pillaging the country’s resources along with their foreign capitalists, to also
wreak terrible havoc on the already devastated, poor, defenseless, and innocent
indigenous people that directly live in concessions-affected communities. With our poor
Native people starting to take little notice of these painfully excruciating exploitations,
to take actions for their rights, the only redress that the Americo-Liberian Government
has accorded them thus far is to be locking us up in long jail sentences and sometimes
keeping us indefinitely locked up in pretrial detention, even though they quite know
that the first faults in all these kinds of matters always lie with them , the so-called
government. Here are two notable examples:
a) After many complaints of feeling criminally exploited by the Government of Liberia and
her Arcellor Mittal Iron Ore Mining Company in Nimba County reportedly went
unattended to childishly – as is always the case in this country – the community dwellers
went on the rampage in some civil disobedient action to seek redress, as any civic-aware
people would do. In the process, ever-revengeful or reprisal seeking Americo-Liberian
security forces responded heavy-handedly and the situation went out of control, with
some property getting destroyed and no life lost however. At the end of the day, the
predominantly-criminal Black American Court system, ignored the side of the
Government, grabbed 12 of the poor community dwellers, our always badly treated
Native brothers and sisters, and locked them up for 10 years (Daily Observer
Newspaper, August 15, 2015 etc.). Note: Our people took their civic action sometime in
2014, and the Second Judicial Circuit Court in Grand Bassa County brought down this
guilty verdict against them on April 6, 2015.
b) Aggrieved youths, again, of our always exploited tribal people of this country, staged a
peaceful protest in Butaw, Sinoe County on May 26, 2015, to find answers from Golden
Veroleum Liberia, for how they feel badly exploited of their own resources and
livelihoods by this company. After some reported sabotage by government officials,
tensions flared, and as usual, the Americo-Liberian Reprisal Machine, called security
forces, came in, and added fuel to the already simmering flames, resulting to a few
property damage; once again, without any loss of life. At the end of the day, as
expected, disregarding the fact that they (the government) and their Golden Veroleum
are on both domestic and international records as the first offenders for how they have
massively abused, and economically dispossessed the poor tribal people of Sinoe
County in this deal, these ever-cruel people have gone ahead to lock over 20 tribal
Sinoians in pretrial detention for over one year now, with some of them reportedly dead
now, due to the harsh conditions at the prison (;, June 2, 2015 etc. ). Note: The raw fact of the matter here
is that no ‘pioneer’ child, or true Americo-Liberian child or element would ever be
treated like this, in this Americo-Liberia, even if it’s proven that they went wrong.
Similar discontentment over how we continue to be robbed of our valuable resources in
the name of concession deals in this place have also been reported in the concessional
areas of Sime Darby in Grand Cape Mount County and Bomi County, the Equatorial
Palm Oil Concession in Grand Bassa County, the China Union Concession Areas in
Bong and Margibi Counties etc., but we are not quite abreast of the fate of the protestors
in each of these struggles, although it is crystal clear that these developments are very
dangerous time bombs that could still explode in the future if we don’t take the right
actions to peacefully take over our country – meaning the 16 indigenous ethnic groups
of this land – to redesign it for the benefit of all. Let’s be categorically clear here that
Americo-Liberians are ABSOLUTELY non-leadership, non-managerial, and non-
governmental materials” Period!!! They are a terrible set of “Jonahs” on our public
sector ship in this country, unless they get radically rehabilitated.
5. The Colonial National Police of Americo-Liberia has always been having some serious
internal problems, especially at the top. When these embarrassments or complaints reach
the public’s attention, the Americo-Liberian President is constrained to act. In just one
of many instances, when complaints against pure pioneer’s child, Madam Rose Stryker,
intensified some time ago, President Sirleaf, with heavy heart, only had Madam Stryker
reshuffled her to another top government portfolio, according to government sources,
but when similar fate befell names like Col. Abraham Kromah, Samuel Nimely, Phil
Tougbaye etc., they were reportedly dismissed from government with disgrace, but not
reshuffled too, just as living witnesses include Rixck Barsi Giah, Jeddi Armah, Thomas
Kaydor, Michael Wah, Mohammed Passawe, among others. For these are names that
deserve easy, quick disgrace and firing in this place, and not names like the Strykers,
Williams, McClains, Weeks etc. (ELBC, May 1, 2015, Farbric FM. May 1, 2015,
others). And as a key note here, some of the disgraced Natives above were only recalled
to government way later on, either just to show some patronage, or because of acute lack
of trained manpower.
Electronic and Print Media headlines highlighting this one-sided justice phenomenon
are numerous, including the few listed below:
6. A local county official, Mr. Sylvester Wellehteh of Bong County has been convicted by
the Americo-Liberian courts for corruption and asked to restitute US$44,000. He was
also fined an initial US$1,000 to be paid immediately (ELBC, January 22, 2016). Note:
It’s very easy to hand down judgment against a Wellehteh in Liberia than for example a
Urey, or a McDonald, as usal.
7. A 30 year old man sentenced for 1 year in “Grand Kru County” for dealing in
counterfeit US$100. (Farbric FM, March 2016). Note: This is most probably a Native,
as no true Americo-Liberian can ever receive punishment for something like this here.
8. Another Native, Junior Ballah, sentenced to death by hanging in Lofa County for
“murder” (Heritage Newspaper, April 28, 2015). *As usual, only Natives can commit
crimes in this country.
9. In June 2015, Americo-Liberian Criminal Court A sentenced Native Motorcyclist Eric
Bentou to 4 years imprisonment for “aggravated assault” against Americo-Liberian
police officer David Frank (The News Newspaper, June 24, 2015)
10. Americo-Liberian Criminal Court D sentences Native Wesley Jlue to 5 years
imprisonment for what it calls Jlue’s stealing of US$179,183.06 from the National
Drugs Service’s account (Liberia News Agency, January 12, 2016). *No one supports
Jlue for stealing, if he really did, but to leave names like Urey, (NOCAL), Tyler
(Legislature), Lawrence (Legislature), and the likes, going scot-free for relatively
proven insincerity with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands and millions of US
Dollars, just to rush at poor Jlue, only because he’s a Native, less-connected person in
their Americo-Liberian Society, and jailing him for 5 years is one of the most iniquitous
examples of this Native Suppression tale in this place.
11. The Forestry Development Authority is run by a management team, overseen by a
Board of Directors, who are all in turn supervised by the President, head of the
Executive, and this entire chain is superintended by the National Legislature. The
business of issuing out Private-Used Permits (PUPs) to logging companies is a process
that goes through a chain of activities and facilitated by different signatories, punctuated
by the Board of Directors’ signature, according to unimpeachable sources. But in the
midst of all this reality, the Americo-Liberian Government, through their Criminal Court
C, in April 2015 commenced a trial against the mainly Native elements of Moses
Wogbeh (Managing Director, who the President had earlier sacked for this same
allegation that we are concerned about here), John Kamara, David Blayee, Maxwell
Gwee etc. – all lower-level personnel of government for what they claimed as these
subjects’ illegal issuance of 56 private used permits to logging companies over an
appreciable period of time in contravention of some so-called Community Rights Law.
Government said this action of Mr. Wogbeh and others led to them (government) losing
US$6 million. At the end of the day, these Natives were later sentenced to ten years
imprisonment (, August 26, 2015; Local Daily, September 1, 2015,
“Judge Reverses Guilty Decision etc.), without any reference made to their
superintendents – i.e. the Americo-Liberian Board Chairman, Agriculture Minister
Florence Chenoweth, the Americo-Liberian President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has
been very desperate to sell off all of Liberia’s remaining forest products to the point that
the Norwegian Government had to come in, during the month of September 2014,
giving US$150 million to the Liberian Government to stop STUPIDLY exhausting her
own forest resources at one time, and of course the Americo-Liberian Legislature,
overseeing all this. Meanwhile, FDA still operates, but the country’s seemingly
illustrious National Oil Company (NOCAL) was devastated and prematurely broken
down by the proven corruption and mismanagement of the McClains, the Shermans, the
Parkers, and the son of the Americo-Liberian President – something she herself
confirmed and took responsibility of, but today, no one is behind bars for stealing and
mismanaging tens and hundreds of millions of US Dollars at NOCAL, and breaking the
company down, while also damaging the country’s promising oil and gas sector well in
advance, and shattering the economy so massively (Daily Observer Newspaper, June
23, 2015)
12. The 8th Judicial Circuit Court in Sanniquellie sentences one Albert Sonnii to 40 years
imprisonment for rape. Note: only these names can ever commit rape in Liberia, but not
names like Hans Williams and others. (ELBC, September 24, 2015)
13. In Gbor Kiza, Zorzor District, Lofa County, a 12 year old pregnant child raped to death.
[This kind of horror can NEVER befall the kids of any original pioneer’s child –
meaning children of the Browns, Tubmans, Shermans etc. in this country because they
are all criminally well-off economically while our people are subjected by them to
scorching poverty and grinding deprivation that make them exposed to all sorts of
dangers. Americo-Liberians, for example, can afford to, and are permitted to own guns
for self-protection, but NOT the Natives etc. (ELBC, September 28, 2015)
14. 48 year-old Arthur Doryen has been sentenced for life in prison in Sanniquellie on
“murder conviction” (ELBC, March 2, 2015). Good, but in the 195 year record of this
country’s justice system, besides the days of Tolbert, it is difficult to establish when a
pure Americo-Liberian was ever sentenced this way, although they are always
implicated in these, and other big crimes too.
15. In June 2014, the Americo-Liberian Government, through her Criminal Court D went
ahead and sentenced 13 tribal Grand Gedians for what they claimed as these Grand
Gedians’ involvement with mercenary activities in the Ivory Coast. But according to
these people’s defense lawyer, the 13 tribal guys were never arrested in Ivory Coast (the
alleged crime scene), and turned over to the Americo-Liberian Government; neither
were they ever arrested while going to, or coming from Ivory Coast with
arms/ammunitions, nor is there any proof that they were arrested by the Ivorian
Government and turned over to the Americo-Liberian Government based on some
bilateral or diplomatic agreement whatsoever; or even, some proof that the Ivorian
Government had prepared names and requested Liberia to help bring to justice on their
behalf etc. But the ever vengeance-seeking Americo-Liberian Government went ahead
and crept on these poor guys in their villages and rudely separated them from loved ones
and family members just to bring them to Monrovia and jail them for life – for some
sinister agenda (Daily Observer 2014; ELBC, June 17, 2014 etc.). The hard fact of the
matter is that no ‘original’ Americo-Liberian (the pioneers’ children) will EVER receive
this kind of treatment in this place, but only us, us, and us, the so-called Americo-
Liberian voters.
16. In August 2014, Criminal Court A brought down guilty verdict against Junior
Accountant Pewee Flomo of the National Oil Company (NOCAL) for some US$16,000;
sentenced him for 2 years, and asked him to restitute the amount (ELBC, August 27,
2014). Today, the McClains, the Johnsons, the Parkers and the Shermans, and their
children have totally broken down that very NOCAL out of gross stealing and
mismanagement in the name of CORRUPTION and no one is in jail, as we mentioned
some time earlier, but the President openly announces, that she is responsible for
shipwrecking the company, and then she further orders the payment of handsome
retirement benefits to her accomplices, the company’s top management team of the
McClains and Shermans for helping her in the process of bankrupting NOCAL and
damaging the lucrative oil industry of the country well in advance. (Truth FM. August
31, 2015, ELBC, August 25, 2015 etc.)
17. A 65 year-old school principal in Telegboe Town, Rivergee County, one Mr. Klado
Kaiyee, receives life sentence for what the Americo-Liberian Courts call his kidnapping
of a child (although they say the child was unfortunately found dead) (Local Radio
News, September 2, 2014). Note: While no one is supporting crime, we wish the
Americo-Liberian Courts could be treating all evil doers this same way, and not the poor
Klaiyees alone.
Other Newspaper headings of similar things include:
18. Marginalization in Sinoe, citizens claim (Focus Newspaper, February 23, 2016)
19. Death by hanging, 13th Judicial Circuit Court sentences two (New Republic Newspaper,
February 25, 2016) etc. and etc.
With this, fellow citizens and all alike, needless to delve any much deeper into similar
issues always raised in US State Department reports on this country, as the first line alone
in each of these reports is enough to validate almost everything we have claimed here –
although more of them follow below.
Because of the Americo-Liberians’ EXTREME hatred for the Natives, who form more than
99% of the population of this country, and because of the inherently cruel and criminal
pedigree of the Americo-Liberian ethnic group, which is in almost complete control of the
Liberian society, the human rights situation and general human behaviors towards one
another, especially, the way the Americo-Liberian machine called Government, set up to
terrorize and dehumanize the Natives, treats human beings, in this place, is similar to a
society of animals and not humans – with all due respect to our always suffering Tribal
people. Just as the US Congress predicted aggravated mischief to characterize Liberia’s
existence 200 years ago, and as key Congressmen like John Randolph of Virginia and
Henry Clay of Kentucky stressed with vigor, that the society which their unwanted Blacks,
the Johnsons, Tubmans, McClains, King and Bernards etc. are going to establish in Africa
will be so mischievous beyond description, the very HATED Natives are the ones
unfortunately bearing the brunt of this mischief, as they (i.e. the Natives), interestingly have
sadly been criminally enticed with their own resources, and made to join the Americo-
Liberians to work against their own people. So, human beings; mainly the ordinary people
here, are treated like animals, and this trend is exacerbated by the day, as technology and
sophistications improve. To summarize again, because of the coming together of these two
unfortunate scenarios (i.e. [a] the hated group constitutes over 99% of society, and [b] the
hating group and power wielders of society, is in very small number), this pretty few (less
than 1%) Black American elite, plus a small set of Native loyalists and ‘contractors’ –
placed under the canopy of a so-called national government – have just been, and continue
to wreak untold havoc on the larger population in different forms under the pretext of
running government. Here are a few proofs of the cruelty and “aggravated” mischief,
according Hezekiah Nile’s Weekly Register’s edition of April 12, 1817, orchestrated in this
society on a daily basis, directly and sometimes indirectly against the larger ordinary human
1. In 2014 during Liberia’s so-called Ebola crisis, the government pleaded with civil
servants to stay home in their thousands to avoid the spread of this virus due to
crowdedness. A few months into their stay at home, and still during the pandemic,
government, through the Civil Service Director, announced a well-orchestrated plan,
approved by the President, to lay off all those obedient workers in their thousands.
Fortunately for these poor, predominantly Native Civil Servants, the Americo-Liberians’
much talked about Special Senatorial Elections were in the corner, with a good number
of sitting Senators vying for re-election, and so some senators intervened and saved
these poor, civil servants their bread-winning jobs (Radio Veritas, ELBC and Sky FM,.
October 2014)
2. In August 2014, during the heat of the reportedly American genetically engineered filo
virus try outs in Liberia under the canopy of some Ebola pandemic, while hospitals were
closed mainly due to lack of drugs and sophisticated implements; and while government
had made it crystal clear to the world that it could not afford even rubber gloves,
sanitizers and the likes for its health workers, as ordinary citizens trapped up in the crisis
die in their hundreds from hunger and others, the Americo-Liberian President
commissioned a hundreds of thousands of US Dollars military crackdown on the poor,
Native slum community of West Point, officially killing one person in the process,
critically wounding some, and causing them huge physical and psychological agonies.
The Independent National Human Rights Commission of Liberia acknowledged these
acts of cruelty, investigated them, and formally requested remedial actions from the
government, including apologies and reparation payments. (ELBC, November 2014,
3. American-profit seeking elements, with their usual insider agents within the Liberian
Government started going ahead without any formal notice, to both the public and the
so-called governing authority of the country, in late 2014 to early 2015, to administer
some test vaccines to healthy Liberians in the name of some PREVAIL project. Senator
Jewel Howard Taylor and Rep. Gabriel B. Smith blew alarm at this criminal scheme
describing it as “People using Liberian citizens as Guinea Pigs.” (Farbric FM. February
3, 2015 etc.)
4. While other countries are working around the clock to cater for all their citizens at every
level by doing such things as improving general standards of living through mechanisms
like the implementation of enhanced social insurance and social protection programs –
especially in helping them achieve their SDG obligations to citizens, while also
strengthening their economies inter alia, Americo-Liberia, in 2015 decided to close
down and dissolve such key institutions as the National Insurance Company, the
National Food Assistance Program, the Liberia Produce Marketing Association, and the
Bureau of State Enterprises, among others. This of course is a country that keeps crying
about a dysfunctional economy. (Radio Veritas, June 5, 2015)
5. Dr. Francis Kollie of the Prison Fellowship Liberia Network expresses his deepest
frustrations at the Liberian Government’s inability or refusal to rehabilitate prisoners
across the country; claiming, prisoners are made to languish in deplorable conditions in
detention centers across the country, without being rehabilitated when it is their due
right to be rehabilitated. (Local Radio News, April 1, 2015)
6. In ‘Datoquen’ Town, Rivergee County, an Americo-Liberian Drug Enforcement Agency
officer reportedly kills a physically challenged man, one Darlington, for allegedly
refusing to locate drugs that the DEA officer claims he was in pursuit of Darlington’s
housemate for. (ELBC, April 10, 2015)
7. Congress for Democratic Change’s Vice President for Operations, Mulbah Morlu claims
that the Liberian Government and its operatives squarely hate the ordinary citizens of
the country. He calls this culture “misanthropy.” (Farbric FM. April 28, 2015)
8. Grand Kru County Senator Albert Chie expresses regrets and disappointments about
how in all of the concession deals entered into by this Americo-Liberian Government
thus far, especially the oil concessions, there are ABSOLUTELY no benefits specified
for the affected local communities and community dwellers (ELBC, April 29, 2015)
9. UNICEF Child & Maternal Health Goodwill Ambassador Miatta Fahnbulleh complains
that while there are virtually no sound health centers outside of Monrovia, and pregnant
women die all across the country for the lack of these facilities, the EU gave a grant of
US$13 million for Liberia to develop this sector and no one can now account for this
money (ELBC, April 8, 2015)
10. The Lands, Mines & Energy Ministry authorities and those of the Liberia Electricity
Corporation instructed USAID never to help one Rev. Gittens, a wheelchair
entrepreneur supplying electricity through generators to around 45,000 persons within 6
different neighborhoods in the Rock Hill Community in Paynesville, with the funding he
(Rev. Gittens) had applied for, met the criteria for, to improve and expand his services
(Harry Greaves, Farbric New Dawn, September 17, 2015)
11. Because of the terrible lack of jobs in the country, which the larger tribal people bear the
brunt of, thousands of youths have turned to motorbike riding for survival; wherein,
after a whole day or half a day’s work (since some of them are students), these sons of
the Yarkwolos and Dolos take a few dollars home to keep their families going the next
day. Around July 2015, the Americo-Liberian authorities obligated all bike riders to pay
US$100 for plate and another US$100 for insurance, for a total fees payable of US$200,
which the government mandated the police to enforce, with a deadline set for July 15,
2015, just a week or two, after which these suffering guys’ bikes would be impounded.
(Farbric FM, July 2, 2015)

12. Just as her criminal Americo-Liberian predecessors such as Stephen A. Benson, Joseph
J. Cheeseman, Daniel Howard, Arthur Barclay, Charles King, William Tubman and the
likes wickedly sold our people out into slavery, domestic and commercial forced labor,
and different kinds of serfdoms, while also dispossessing our poor Native people of their
lands and means of livelihoods, sometimes forever, Ellen, upon taking office embarked
upon the same campaign – both crudely in some respects, and cunningly in other
respects. The UK-based integrity group, Global Witness, in July 2015, brought up its
assessment reports on one of Liberia’s biggest Agricultural concessions, the Golden
Veroleum, in which it established how the Liberian Government does not care for its
own citizens, and continues to take painful, deadly and undue advantage of its people
under the canopy of signing concession deals, zooming in on this Golden Veroleum
deal. The report entitled, “The New Snake Oil: [How] Violence, Threats, and False
Promises [Are] At The Heart Of Liberia’s Oil Palm Expansion” paints Ellen Sirleaf as a
hoax, meaning a crook, claiming to have miraculous healing solutions to Liberia’s
problems, but that the Liberians will soon, after she had already done the damage, find
out later that she was a big con artist and criminal that had duped them in reality. For
example, this concession, with a 350,000 hectare or pretty close to 1 million acre Area
of Interest, that spans across 4 of Liberia’s South Eastern counties of Rivercess, Sinoe,
Grand Kru, and River Gee, currently affects 41,000 persons’ lives in its immediate area
of operations thus far, and the concession is initially valid for 65 years up to 2075, with
a provision to extend for 33 years again, up to 2108. Under some of the memorandums
of understanding pertaining to this 98 year deal, which will affect up to 5 generations of
mainly indigenous peoples, the company will actually provide non-employed
community members with little – slightly more than 6 toilets (pit latrines) – over that
which the company was already obligated to provide under its agreement with the
government, which no one will ever know authoritatively in this country. But on the
road to all this, in addition to the insults, has been the company’s use of government
officials to take raw reprisal actions against any citizens that oppose, question, or resist
any of its (Golden Veroleum’s) moves. In response to these deadly claims, Americo-
Liberia Information Minister Lewis Brown says the report is false and does not
synchronize with any existing reality in the country (Farbric FM. July 31, 2015)

13. Cllr. Dempster Brown of the Center for the Protection of Human Rights said, on the 27 th
of May 2015, that over 20 persons were rounded up by the Americo-Liberian National
Police and jailed in Sinoe County on 9 charges, including arm robbery. He said the
victims are people who were merely protesting for their own, legitimate rights, but
government, through the police, mischievously decided to include arm robbery among
the charges levied against these people, just to deny them bill, and keep them in jail
indefinitely because arm robbery is a first degree felony, and is unbillable. Mr. Brown
said the conditions of these people in the cell is deteriorating daily, to the extent that one
of them, Fred Thompson, has been tortured to death. He said that one lady whose twin
sons are among the illegal detainees dropped and died instantly before the prison facility
when authorities denied her of her due right to see her two children. Cllr. Brown further
said that some government officials, including the county superintendent are behind the
ill-treatment of their own citizens. He said that these local officials are now in the
business of collecting money from the communities in the name of some bond fees to
free their kinsmen (Local Radio News, August 19, 2015)

14. Cllr. Thompson ‘Ade Bayo’, head of a local watch group, speaking on the conditions of
Liberian prisons, especially after visiting the Monrovia Central Prison, expressed these
observations as follows: (a) Liberian prisons are a place where people (inmates) prefer
death to life; prisons here are virtual chambers of death rather than correction centers;
they are a place where people are chained like during slave days, and at present, over
700 inmates are there under pre-trial detention – some for between 2 to 5 years now
(ELBC, August 18, 2015)

15. Court Authorities in Grand Cape Mount County, [similar to those in Monrovia and
elsewhere in the country] complain how courts in the county were incarcerating too
many persons beyond the capacity of the prison facilities by unprofessionally issuing out
more writs of arrests in simple issues that only warrant writs of summon (ELBC, August

16. Almost every drug in the country is beyond its expiration date (Health Ministry sources,
National Drugs Service, US Embassy Sources etc.); the entire country lacks electricity
and pipe borne water; there are almost ABSOLUTELY no public transport facilities; the
entire 43,000 square mile country has foolishly less than 300 miles of paved one-lane
roads etc., yet and still, Americo-Liberian paid agent, Tolbert Nyensuah, Assistant
Minister of Health for Preventive Services, goes to New York, stands there, and tells the
whole world that by 2015, life expectancy in Liberia has dramatically risen by an
additional 20 years. What a mischief to the highest degree ever imaginable (ELBC,
September 25, 2015)

17. Hon. Bhofal Chambers expresses deep frustrations at how pretrial detainees and other
inmates go languishing unattended to, in Liberian prisons (ELBC, October 6, 2015)

18. Judge Blamo Dixon of Criminal Court C complains about how fellow colleagues,
especially magistrates, illegally deliberately refuse citizens their due right to bond
(ELBC, November 10, 2015)

19. UNMIL Rule of Law Officer in Margibi County complains of troubling prison
conditions there. According to the officer, the two major prisons in Margibi, the Kakata
Central Prison and the Bodowein Prison were overcrowded by almost 100%, each,
above their original capacity, with majority of the inmates being pretrial detainees
(ELBC, November 10, 2015)

20. Rufus Zayzay, father of late 21-year-old mysteriously-found-dead Victoria Zayzay

claims his daughter was raped and strangled to death [by the Americo-Liberian National
Police]. She had died in police cell while under detention for alleged assault in her
neighborhood. (Farbric FM., November 12, 2015)
21. Sime Darbe is one of the biggest Palm concessions in Liberia, covering more than two
counties of the country, and spanning over 70 years as the Golden Veroleum too, that no
one explicitly knows what citizens, mainly the Natives again, do stand to benefit from
too. Sometime in 2015, a careless fire incident, specifically a chemical explosion took
place there that reportedly killed a few persons and wounded several. An inter-
ministerial committee investigated the incident and made several recommendations to
both the government and the concession company to be immediately implemented in
repairing the damage and averting future ones, including taking survivors out of the
country for advanced treatment, training handlers of chemicals before the resumption of
any operations involving chemicals; providing school buses for school going children
within the concession areas etc. But Charles Brown, a youth leader of the county
expressed his disappointment about how, long months after these strong
recommendations had been made, the government and the company had done nothing,
even for the direct and immediate victims, but that the company was carrying on its
normal operations as if nothing was pending to be taken care of (Farbric FM, November
12, 2015)

22. Ellen mockingly and cruelly boasts of her government’s belief in the equal rights of all
the citizens, and also equal opportunities for everyone. She says this is the reason why
Liberia now enjoys 12 years of peace – implicitly disregarding UNMIL’s efforts and all
the complaints from her courts and other places about the untold plight of the people
when it comes to the issue of lack of justice. (ELBC, November 23, 2015)

23. Bong County Representative George Mulbah has said that because of Liberia’s
unwillingness to punish certain people according to laws on the books, just for the sake
of satisfying some foreign interests, foreigners now flock unrestricted into the country to
harvest human blood freely, thus “making our people to now live in constant fear”, in
his words. He further suggested that government herself demonstrates her complicity in
the wasting of our people’s blood, in that, when these ritualistic killings go on, those
arrested for the act are normally placed behind bars for very short time, just to divert
public attention, and while they are in custody, they are even fed with the best of meals
thrice a day, after which they are shortly released (Farbric FM. November 24, 2015)

24. The Ministry of Health had accused the National Drugs Service of possessing expired
drugs in the tone of US$9.7 million, but the NDS denied. (ELBC, December 4, 2015).
However, just a week or so later, the truth of the matter was established, and the Health
Ministry and the Liberia Medical and Health Regulatory Agency (LMHA) were heard
burning expired drugs worth over US$9 million (Farbric FM. December 21, 2015)

25. Mr. Soko Sackor laments how around 4,000 ships fly Liberia’s flag but far less than 500
citizens from the country are employed in the shipping industry (ELBC, December 15,

26. ‘Liberia: Police Officer disrobed, Cabbie arrested for L$30 bribe’ (FrontPage
Africa Newspaper, May 22, 2014). In this newspaper story, interestingly, a police
director who had been caught broad day facilitating the escape of an indicted criminal,
in addition to his having been officially slammed by a vote of no confidence from the
Legislature, but will not leave office because men are above the laws here etc., fires two
newly trained police officers (in persons of Humphrey Karn and Varnie Massallay) for
alleged $0.16 bribe taking and bribe solicitation respectively.
27. Mark Willie, from the Monrovia Central Prison says, prisoners and detainees there eat
once a day at around 4 p.m. – just anything, and drugs given them are mainly expired
(Love FM. August 2014)

28. The Government of Liberia claims it acquired through Eminent Domain in the 1960s
1,000 acres of land in the Chickensoup Factory Community in Gardnersville, in
suburban Monrovia to be used as a mini-industrial site. But several factors, capped by
the country’s recent civil war, have made the land to be taken over and inhabited by
poor citizens, most of which acquired property in this area through some municipal
authorities’ approval for over 30 years now. An extremely poverty-stricken country that
has no means of even relocating one citizen struck by fire disaster or sea erosion
(except, may be, to do something sycophantic at times for political reasons), just jumped
up in 2015 and decided to start breaking down more than 2,000 homes built by these
poor people trying to make ends meet, without any substantial relocation plan, as if their
so-called government did not have control over all of the other lands across the country
to build professed new industrial park with foreign money again. As we speak, more
than 3,000 persons are still suffering this homelessness being caused them by their
Americo-Liberian Government in this process. (Farbric FM. October 27, 2015)

29. Gbarpolu Police detains blind man for alleged corruption [An around L$500 reportedly
given this blind man to custode which he had used) (
August 27, 2015)
Again, because a very vast majority of the people of this country are the tribal people or the
aborigines, and by virtue of this reality are being kept largely poor, illiterate and ignorant by
US/Americo-Liberian colonial maneuvers under the guise of government policies, this huge
chunk of ordinary people (with the indigenous constituting over 98%, while a very few
ordinary Americo-Liberians make up the rest), is a subject of verbal insults from the mouths
of Government officials and opinion leaders, sometimes directly or indirectly. Few
examples are as follows:
1. Illegitimate President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, appearing as guest on UNMIL Radio’s Talk
With the President, December 1, 2015, rained enough insults, as usual, on the population
and generally referred to the people at different times of this engagement as either
LIARS, VIOLENT PEOPLE, and BAD people etc. For example:
(a) when show host Torwon Sullunteh asked, ‘what’s about the too many complaints
from different quarters that you are not doing much for the country?”, Ellen replied, in
the Liberian parlance, “The people who’int got nothing to do; the people who’int got
nothing to offer etc. are the ones making all this noise;
(b) Addressing concerns about how Liberia is conducting the fight against Ebola that the
virus had resurfaced for the 3rd time now, Ellen boasted about the capacity of her
government to now tackle the disease, and then insulted the citizenry in this process, as
she defended her government by asserting, “Some of the suspected Ebola cases in the
ETU don’t even want to leave from there now because they are eating free food [all
(c) Asked about whether her government can handle security as the UN leaves,
especially with the prevailing security tensions, uneasiness and concerns, as a result of
this UNMIL draw down development, Ellen replies, “The ‘hola hola’ not from UNMIL,
it’s coming from Liberians, who are [generally] just bad and violent.”;
(d) On the issue of her office according child rights advocate’s award winner, Abraham
Keita some cold shoulders, Ellen says, “….they just want to put something in that young
boy’s head…..that’s the wickedness of the Liberian people – not even modifying it to
say some Liberian people, if that’s what it takes…etc.
2. This same Ellen painted her very ugly perception about the general citizenry of this
place sometime in late 2013, at the appreciation ceremony of the Nimba County Land
Dispute Commission at the Executive Mansion/Foreign Affairs, when she alluded to
Musa Bility’s indictment by the very government for helping in the pillaging of funds at
the Roberts International Airport in this way, “…..He always responds to government’s
calls to take on difficult and strategic assignments, and because of that, he sometimes
gets all kinds of criticisms and false accusations etc. (
The big perception which Ellen and many others – especially Americo-Liberians harbor
about our country’s population (since these are largely made up of the Native people)
are that ‘Liberians’ are very bad, and they generally hate good people. Even if their
perception contains some element of truth (although theoretically our Native people are
not the main Liberians), then what they have failed to do is to use our huge wealth under
their complete control to change the situation, which is possible with good and honest
leadership, one that will see everyone benefiting high quality education and improved
economic opportunities, nothing else. To prove Ellen’s hatred or disdain for the vast
indigenous population of this country beyond all reasonable doubts, when this President
was talking to Torwon Sulonteh of UNMIL Radio on the same show mentioned earlier,
i.e. December 1, 2015, she mentioned with frustration, how bulk of the country’s budget
goes to paying the civil servants, a group she describes as a bunch of “people who just
go to work to play cards behind their desks in government offices”. Remember over
90% of civil servants are the Natives again. Still on this show, touching on the standards
of living in the country, the President said, Liberians are far better today, their lives
have significantly improved….In fact, plenty people own car today, that’s why they
complain about traffic in town….Liberian people love car too much, even all my own
security people now got car etc. On the issue of the acute lack of basic social services in
the country, Ellen argues, “Monrovia is too populated, how will we be able to provide
for all these people [in actuality, all these less valuable Native people or Native
savages], that’s why, we are telling them to go back to the villages to create jobs…” etc.
Note: We could go on listing the barrage of insults that this Americo-Liberian president
rains on the vast indigenous majority of this country either directly or indirectly at almost
every little occasion that she’s opportune to address us, but we are going to stop here for
now. However, one can imagine an American President standing before the very good and
great people of America to use any one of these sarcastic and insulting expressions on them.
What’s about other politicians or opinion leaders? So let’s bring you just a few of what
other politicians and opinion leaders say about the general population of the country too:
3. Speaking at a dedicatory program, at the invitation of Representative Richmond
Anderson, for his part of US$68,000 Direct District Development project, Senator
Geraldine Doe-Sheriff of Montserrado County, lamented the sad plight of the Liberian
people, who she said “do not even know the functions of their lawmakers due to poverty,
and these people expect their lawmakers to be the ones sponsoring their weddings and
buying their baby diapers etc. (Farbric FM. January 5, 2016)
4. Addressing the issue of the level of leadership curse in the country, politician Simeon
Freeman laments his perceived reason for this deadly problem as citizens’ refusal to
vote well, by saying, “You set STUPID criteria like, ‘I will vote for the one who can give
me something.’” He said it is this kind of criteria that citizens set for choosing leaders,
and this is causing the problem in our country, and not necessarily the leaders
themselves, an idea which he got all wrong. (Farbric FM. October 19, 2015)
5. Robert Sirleaf, addressing citizens protesting against him in early November 2014, made
the following remarks, among many more insulting ones: “I can’t wait to catch those
people holding those placards [against me]….I will deal with them in the most timely
manner like the Ebola virus disease…I will make them bleed like the virus….I will
make their stomach [meaning intestine) come from out of their stomach…” (The
Papers, Voice FM. November 13, 2014). Meanwhile this is a very contagious and fatal
disease that killed more than 4,900 citizens in short time, although with another long
story behind it, etc. and etc.
These are just a few of the direct insults that the ever-suffering, vast Native majority
population of this place continue to endure at the hands of elements from the Americo-
Liberian criminal gang called government and some politicians, but the indirect insults
are so countless for someone to think about enlisting them. However, just to tease your
brains a bit, please decide for yourselves whether the small sample of 5 below does not
constitute indirect insults to our people again:
1. Before declaring his intention to run for the Americo-Liberian presidency, almost every
activity of current Vice President Joseph Boakai had been concentrated in his home
county of Lofa, but as soon as he declared his intention to contest the presidency, as if
the people, especially the poor school going kids had been surviving through his food
handouts, the Office of the Vice President immediately started sharing out expired tuna
fish to schools in Montserrado and other parts of the country (Local Community sources,
ELBC, March 10, 2016, local dailies etc.)
2. As if this is a land of dummies or fools, to say the least, Ellen speaks to the press about
growing the economy as follows: “…In 2007, we grew the economy up to 12%; in 2008,
due to the global financial crisis, we dropped to 6%, and by 2012, we came back to 12%
etc….We are very strict in our debt management strategy….We have made sure that the
monetary and fiscal arms cooperate with one another; we follow prudent management
policies… We place the monies to where everyone can see it – the roads, the hydro etc.
[With respect to the Millennium Challenge Corporation grant we just won], we passed
the corruption test consistently as prescribed by the MCC, which is very rigid…”.
(Prime FM. 105.5, December 30, 2015). All these are clear insults to any level-headed
persons, as considering just economics alone here for example, Liberia has got nothing
substantially structural in place to ever grow an economy to a single percentage point!!
3. In a very brief summary, former Senator Blamo Nelson narrates how during the very
heat of the Ebola health crisis in Liberia that killed over 4,900 citizens, the main
institutions fighting the epidemic – i.e. the World Health Organization and the US
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) etc. offered the Americo-Liberian authorities the
option of choosing between holding political elections and halting all electioneering
activities to first attend to the health needs of their citizens, and the Americo-Liberian
authorities strangely chose their elections over the lives of the citizens whose blood was
already been massively wasted by Ebola (Costa Show, Voice FM. November 14, 2014)
4. While the country cries for serious manpower shortage, especially for a huge shortage of
qualified personnel within the educational sector, to the point that Nigeria had to
sometime come in to offer help with high school teachers, Monrovia Consolidated
School System boss, Mr. Adolphus Jacobs, is on record for telling the press that he, just
in 2015, had on standby, or as reserved teachers, 1,000 trained and qualified men.
(ELBC, February 9, 2015)
5. Senator Cummany Wisseh says the “chameleon” style politics in the country, whereby
so-called politicians just jump at any time from one party to another [glaringly just for
quicker access to some government office, and not for any genuine principles], and the
uncontrollable proliferation of political parties in the country, whereby this 43,000
square mile, 4.5 million population country now has over 20 to 30 political parties,
some of which don’t even have offices to work from etc. and etc., are all good signs of
the country’s improvement in democracy. OH WHAT AN INSULT TO A PEOPLE!!!!
(ELBC, October 13, 2015)
Let’s pause here for now.
Before we close, we have sufficiently elaborated on the ‘original sin’ of this country –
which is Tribal Suppression and Ethnic-based Marginalization, a sin whose spillover
effects have produced all of the other societal ills and vices that we have been discussing
above, including a generally cruel society, a country with an unspeakable disdain for fellow
human beings, a country whose political and opinion leaders just rain insults on citizens,
and a country whose government just criminally and carelessly runs the affairs of state etc
and etc., our biggest revolutionary argument, as such, has been that Liberia was founded on
the principles of ethnocentrism – a form of corruption whereby one ethnic or social group
perceives itself as more human being than the rest of the people, and as such, they are the
masters, while the others are their slaves. And this of course, has opened up to all of the
other cruelties in this country and has left society in tatters up to this point – with all these
implanted and sustained by America.
If you don’t believe in this claim of ours that ethnocentrism is Liberia’s biggest and
deadliest problem, then please connect the dots between the current happenings narrated
here, and the few credible claims below from international sources in the past, and from
current events, stressing this same NASTY reality, as follows:
a) New York-based History Professor, Dr. James Ciment describes the Americo-Liberian
treatment of the Natives in this country as Liberia’s “Original Sin.”
b) Sir John Simon of the British Foreign Service wrote on May 29, 1934 that it would be a
NEGLECT of the [West’s] duty to civilization if the misgovernment of the Native tribes
of Liberia [by the Americo-Liberians] was allowed to continue
c) Dr. Charles Johnson of the League of Nations wrote, “Liberia was [is] a nation
conceived solely as a haven for freed American Slaves at the detriment of the vast
indigenous majority (Idem)
d) The League of Nations, in its 1930 – 1931 report on Liberia concluded, “The
Government of Liberia is systematically fostering a policy of gross intimidation and
suppression of the Native in order to prevent him from asserting himself in any way
whatsoever, for the benefit of the dominant and colonizing race, although originally the
same stock as themselves” etc.
e) Then with respect to how justice is dispensed in Liberia from 1822 up to this 2017, here
is how the United States Department of State has almost always painted the real picture
since it started publishing its human rights report on Liberia in 2008 or so. This account
represents a one paragraph summary of their 2014 and 2015 reports, which are the very
latest two, and in addition to explicit emphases on the culture of impunity and ethnic
discrimination, the both executive summaries’ first line each reads, “…The most
serious human rights abuses were those linked to lack of justice, judicial inefficiency,
corruption, lengthy pretrial detention, denial of due process, and harsh prison
conditions..” etc.
For those who overlook such things as the impact of a country’s name, its motto, its
holidays, and all of its other symbols and emblems on key national matters including
how justice is dispensed and how independence, peace, unity, stability, development etc.
are achieved in a country, let’s conclude this short pamphlet with the below explanations
about these items, from our years of studies in Civics and other Social Sciences. Later,
when you read between the lines, you will now get to discover that to change them, in
our case, in this country, requires very radical actions, since they are lifesaving. You
will also discover how, as things currently appear this place, a Boakai’s UP, or a Weah’s
CDC, or a Cummings’ ANC, and the list goes on, will NEVER be able to do these kinds
of changes, which means that we MUST now go around the table to discuss how to start
a new country by changing these items, because if we don’t, there will be NO peace, no
reconciliation, no prosperity, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SUBSTANTIAL will
happen here – ALL BECAUSE GOD IS NEVER MOCKED; and by keeping these
batch of LIES called national emblems and symbols active for all these years, including
the very devilish name, Liberia, itself, means mocking GOD unfortunately, and
everyone should know by now that it is a very BLOODY mistake to want to mock God,
because He’s NEVER mocked, PERIOD!!!!!

Here we go with this short exposition about national symbols and emblems, the issues
that people are sadly still overlooking in this country, and expecting peace and security,
let alone economic prosperity – even though, again, all this hinges upon the gaining of
our ultimate independence NOW.

A common national identity, or a common set of national identities is a very key

requirement of legitimacy, or we will say here, national legitimacy. Liberia is
completely out, when it comes to this pretty essential democratic requirement, and Ellen
and her current government, in 12 unbroken years, with UN putting up an honest
support, refused to do anything sincerely substantial about this crippling national defect,
which is a recipe for continuous chaos, as we mentioned earlier. National symbols and
emblems are the most important tools for common identity and social cohesion, and all
of their dividends because, among others, symbols and emblems do the following
fundamentally important things for any society, country, or a group of people, including:
1. They embody the principles and desires of all citizens (not only Americo-Liberians)
2. They engender the commitment of every citizen (not only Americo-Liberians or
unconscious Natives) to unanimously pursue common purposes and goals
3. They hold the mirror to the values of the country
4. They propagate the messages from national strategic plans to each citizen
5. They steer each citizen in the same direction
6. They ensure the psychological integration of each citizen into the national whole, or
the body politic, which is the first step to social cohesion and national unity
7. They make all citizens to place justified confidence and faith in their country and
8. They create a complete sense of belonginess in every citizen to their country
9. They are a reflection of how justice is dispensed to each citizen and how the
opportunities, wealth, and privileges of a country are shared among each citizen; and
finally for now,
10. They improve the performance of each citizen in all of their daily affairs etc. and etc.
But sadly, for reasons that we have been able to sufficiently discuss in our other articles,
including America’s use of Liberia for mere capitalist or business gains, sometimes very
criminal gains at that rate, and Liberia’s current lack of independence yet from the US
Government etc., none of these symbols, including this country’s very divisive name itself
has been changed in 195 years now, even though the very America, that Liberia’s so-called
political leaders and societal front runners claim to come from, and deceitfully claim to be
imitating in all their activities and lifestyle, is known for being very dynamic and flexible at
change, having, for example, changed its flag 26 times now, with a 27th change in the
making; changed its Pledge of Allegiance, 4 times now. For its Constitution, though the
same, since 1788, the US has gone through more than 25 serious amendments, with the first
set of 10 huge amendments, the Bill of Rights, coming through, in 1791, and as we speak
more than 5 giant amendments to it have already been approved by Congress, awaiting
States ratification; its national anthem has changed more than twice, and the list of changes
to its national theories and Social Contract items goes on. This stubbornness to change by
Liberia is meanwhile happening in the midst of a barrage of expert opinions warning
against the maintenance of these devilish national theories. Here is a sample of proofs:
1. Dr. Abeodu Bowen Jones: He warned that all of Liberia’s symbols are full of very
divisive and segregating ideas, for which President Tolbert had to set up a National
Symbols Review Commission, which no one knows how it ended (
2. Dr. Elwood Dun: Dr. Dun lamented that Americo-Liberia’s national symbols and
emblems do side brush or neglect the interest, and even refuse to recognize the huge
community of aboriginals of this land, for which, they are a recipe for continuous chaos
and bloodbath, and as such, they all must now be revised or changed (Independence
Oration of 2012 or so)
3. Augustine K. Ngafuan: (a): Referring to the mess surrounding Liberia’s current
symbols, he said, “It is difficult, if not impossible, to unite people around symbols that
ought to reflect their nationhood, when in all reality, Liberia’s part of symbols do not
reflect their collective image.” (b) He also said, in this day and age in Liberia, there can
be no room to wax in self-denial and make-belief, that the current Liberian symbolic
mirror omits an image of shared national identity etc. (, and finally for
4. Justice Gladys K. Johnson: Justice Johnson, for her part, had these to say, among
others, that: (a): The phrase “Brought Us Here” or the “here” in this phrase from
Liberia’s current and only motto since 1847, which is “The Love of Liberty Brought Us
Here” shows no sign of conviction from the Black American returnees [even though,
truly, Black American criminals that were being ostracized], of their original
attachments or belonginess to this land, with the “us” also dangerously meaning that the
original inhabitants of this place, which are the 16 communities of ethnic Africans, have
no national identity as we speak. (c) She says the lone star in the Liberian flag,
according to Liberian History, represents the only republic on the African continent at
the time, when the real truth of today is that Africa has 50+ independent states, most of
which are republics.
In the midst of all these, and many more trenchant criticisms of, and the resounding red
flags about these symbols and emblems, Liberia, under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, did
pretentiously set up a National Symbols Review Committee in 2014 to, in their words,
“renew our national identity, and to enhance and promote national peace and
reconciliation”. Today, the whole world knows that this entire project was another
Americo-Liberian scam. Thanks for now.
Note that these great revolutionary summaries are 7 in number; and the one that you are just
concluding, again, is entitled, “Liberia”, A Black American Theory Of Massive Human
Suppression And Oppression – Reasons For Which It Will Remain A Failure Forever -
Unless We Change Everything About It Now – From Name, To Flag, To All Its
Theories”; and the balance 6 include: (1) Why do we say that Liberia is an illegitimate
statehood arrangement that must be legitimized now, before we take any more steps
forward as a people again, by God’s grace; (2) More convincing reasons why we say
Revolution is the only way out for us now, God willing, rather than elections and
reforms; (3) Why do we say that another danger is already at our door steps, unless we
do something radically different together now, to avoid this, by God’s grace;(4) The
overriding reasons for which people are elected in Liberia; How Liberia understands the
science and art of setting up and nurturing an economy – all being reasons for this dull
Black American Colony’s untold poverty”; (5) The United States and Liberia – two
geopolitical entities with very similar founding history, but one (the US) is an excellent
example worth emulating, while the other (Liberia), is a very horrible warning that
deserves serious avoidance and immediate demolition before it fatally explodes and
harms the world”; and (6) The Plain Truth Revolution, Its Roadmap, Plus Governance
Plan, For The New Country, And The New Democracy That We Now Demand To
Replace Evil, Failed Liberia, and they all can be found at
As you may have been previously informed, this is just one of the 51 main articles that form
part of our ongoing 2020/2021 citizens’ enlightenment campaign, or our Revolution’s
honest, but painstaking effort and determination never to leave any stone unturned – relative
to exposing ALL of the big and bloody problems of this country (“Liberia”), as we prepare
the mind of every citizen and well-wisher for our demanded National Dialogue, or
National Convention, or Sovereign Citizens’ Convention etc., whichever way one prefers
to call it, so that if this dialogue will have to last for days, weeks, or even months, there can
absolutely be no dull moment at that event. Remember that such activity or event promises
to eat up considerable national resources, and as such, it will rightly be expected to produce
the much-needed final, lasting solutions to our country’s seemingly unsolvable problems by
the grace of God, a strong reason for which we MUST do all we can to provide every bit of
information needed to guide and sustain this process. The file that lists all of these 51 main
articles, including the one you just read (exposing the huge mess of this country, ranging
from its colonial understanding of religion – without prejudice to our many good people in
the religious circles here - to its broken reasonings behind deeds and actions, and to its
colonially sorrowful activities in the areas of education, health, governance, politics, civics
and economics etc. and etc. – all of which make REVOLUTION the ONLY most viable
remaining alternative for change, in line with GOD’s WORDS), can be found at or Thanks once again..

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