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Name Ericka Yelene lozanoa bello


Who is the healthiest?

Read the piece below and decide who is healthiest, Mary or


My name is Mary and I am an architect. I get up every morning and

have cereal for breakfast. I also have a can of coke. I drink too
much coke but I really like i t. For lunch I have a sandwich but I
al so eat a lot of frui t. I don't do enough exercise but I try and go
for a run once a week . for dinner I usually have pasta or salad. My
brother is called Tim and he works i n an office. He doesn't eat
breakfast in the morning but he has a salad and a glass of orange
juice for lunch. He does a lot of exercise and goes to the gym
every day but he eats too many cakes. He works very hard and
sometimes. just has a sandwich for d i nner. I don't think he gets
enough sleep.

1. Write down the vocabulary from the text that you don’t know:

2. Read the article about Mary and Tim and fill i n the blanks

l. Mary drinks_____too much___________coke.

2. Mary eats____a lot of______________ fruit

3. Mary doesn't do enough exercise.

4. Tim does a lot of exercise.

5. Tim eats to many cakes.

6. Tim doesn't get enough sleep.

3. Discus this workshop in class

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