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Matas 4 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST Oaayived ‘op partion of the page of the answer sheet that you will use to take the Mathematics Level 2 Test must be filed in ly as illustrated below. When your supervisor tells you to fill in the circle next to the namie of the test you are {to take, mnark your answer sheet as shown. > mone eae O) Gama Goetmeng Oa After filbng in the circle next to the name of tne st you are taking, locate the Background Questions section, which also appears atthe top of your answer sheet (es shown above). This is where You will answer the lowing Background Questions on your answer sheet. BACKGROUND QUESTIONS filling in the appropriate circle in the Background Questions box on your conly and will not affeet vour test score 41 and Part ff below by LL cribes a mathematics course you have taken or are curreatly taking? (FILL IN é owing d LES THAT APPL’ Filia circle 1 + Algebra or Elementary Algebra OR Course I ofa college preparsory mathemati + Goometry OR Course Il of «college preparatory mathematies sequence —Fill in circle 2 + Algebre Il or Intermesits Algebra OR Coufse II ofa college preparatory mathematics sequence —Fillin cc 3 +, Blemeutary Functions (Precalculus) and/or Trigonomety OR beyond Course If of acollege preparatory sithematis sequence —Fillin csc 4 + Advanced Placement Mathematics (Calculus AB or Caleulus BC) Flin cicle 5 1 (FILL IN THE ONE CIRCLE THAT APPLIES. If UL, What type of calculator di 6-9) id not bring a scientific or graphing calculator, you bring to use for this tes ot fil in any of cix + Scietitie Fill in : le corresponding tothe mac: 0, Casio 986 ‘TI-83, T83 Plas, TL84 Plus Silver, T-85, TF-86, TENspite, or ThNepie CX io FX 1.0, Casio CG-10, Sharp 9200, 1-83 Plos Silver, TH84 Plus, es, HE 4 ies, HP 49 series, Filner 20, HP 38G, HP 39 sevies, HP 40 970, Casio Algebra a MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST REFERENCE INFORMATION DO NOT DETACH FROM BOOK. | 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST Mates (1) A scientific or graphing calculator willbe necessary for answering some (but not all of the questions in this test For each question you will have to decide whether or not you should use a ealculator For some questions in this test jou n ‘mode or the degree mode le whether your calculator ld be in the radian ~__G) Figures tht accompany problems in this te formation usefut in solving the problems. They are drawn, Grawn to scale, All figures lie rately as possible EX ‘plane unless otherwise indice Unless otherwise specified, the dom for which f(x) is areal Tr n of any function f is assumed to be the set of all 1 he range off is assumed to be the set of all real numbers f(x), she domain off - 5) Rel wage precedi wiation that may be useful in 'wering the questions in this test can be found om th USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK. dts 2, for which of the following is © y=x2 @) yea ® yao Dac Raunmatnas] GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK, " 2. If f(a) =e +8, how much does f(x) increase as x increases from 4 to 5 ? tual s ading on Jim's 12+ 1Tr, What relationship between the 2, inmiles per hour, and there speedometer, r, is given by a is the actual speed of Jim's car when the reading ‘on the speedometer is 15 7 (A) 25.5 mph . ) 27.0 mph . (© 33.7 mph / (©) 37.5 mph. ) 45.9 mph a - GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Cofitinued § What is the third term of an arith sequence following equations tered at the G Inthe xplane, which ofthe represent acre of radios 5 (A) x+y &) [x]+) (249? @) x Ok GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE 2 2 2 2 2: 2 2} MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TES caphs is syrume! fe 2 ek ae sm me ® 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued that a? > 6 GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE > 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FC SCRATCH WORK EO.) of the points in the figure above satisfies relation y > 2x? = 1. The senior lass at North High designed a T-shist as aclass fund raiser. They had to pay $35 t0 Sot up the design and the total cost to make each, Finished shirt was $7.50. They sold the shirts for $10 each. If x is the number of shirts made and y is the number of shirts sold, which of the following conditions represents a profit for the senior elas (D) 1oy = 75-35 <0 (&) 10y - 35475) >0 GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST —Continued ry USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK, Note; Figure not drawn to scale. ag showin in the figure smains stable if 8, the with the ground, is between 70° and 80° f Jusive. Whie) -the base of th building B would be consider 21 feet long? W 19.7 feet (@) 18.8 fect ©) 10.6 feet () 6.5 feet (34 feet lowing ‘atta apg ay ovee ay] GO ON TOTHE NEXT PAGE.) ‘ets pe ic ——= . 7 j 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST —Continued owing functions is there & 14. For which of the fo 4,000? value of x such that f(x) A) fx) 22° ®) Fs) =sin= ) fe) = («27 ©) f() =|=-4) ©) f(x)=2r+3 15, Box I and box [I each contain only red marbles and’blue marbles. The probability of rtf to i 2, mt poe Ioae of selecting a red marble from box I is from each box, les will be marble isto ‘what isthe probability that both marbl blue? ws ® USE THIS SPA! E FOR SCRATCH WORK. 2 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE F =) ze) XT PAG! ae (G0 ONTC {60 oNTOTHE 8, If 3is a rootof ND b 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continuced USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK. 1ix+k=0 MATHEMATICS L has coordinates (5,6, 4). What is the 2L--For which of the following equations is the product of is oats NOT a negative number A) 2 +6r=0 @) 2 =25=0 (©) a -102~24 (0) 2 -6x-27 =0 © x°+7x-18=0 —_\ GO ONTOTHE NEXT PAGE ) 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST (D) Allie © Allee 24, For which ofthe following does the propesty f(a) = x Hold forall x? ® so) © s=% 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL TE f is linear function such th and f(1) = ~3, what isthe value o refs poe 2 2. TEST—Continued USE THIS SPAC )R SCRATCH WORK. 1 2 2 2 2 2 2\y MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST— Continued ? 1 USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK, | 8. What isthe period ofthe Function f given by 1 30. ABC and ADEF, sbown above, are similar. If in oanc, S22 =3 tenis ADEF Helene of EF is ©2 M3 @6 wi we A) 3 B® 5 [so oNTOTHE NEXT PAGE > 2.2 22 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2: TEST—Continued Bh USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK 7 | it | ih am havo hs rapes eps 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continwed nN nN d -eases by $26.97 for every one dozen sein d GO ONTO THE NEXT -88- , 2 > 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST— [soontoTienmrmce) 0 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE POR SCRATCH WORK, 2x +2, the maximum interval [-2, 4] occurs ® 22 [co-onTo THe NEXTAG co) 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued N RATCH WORK. USB THIS SPACE FOR 39%. In the figure above, f(x) isshown inteteept @) 0 ®) (0,2) 40. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2) fn isa positive integer, then n! is d by 9 if and only if : ss —_h, GO ONTOTHE NEXT Page > . 92. 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued USE THIS SPACE FOR SCR. Data Set Dat : } 43. The boxplots for data set A and d follow i of the values i ation of A is greater Jess than the range of B (2) Tend Iand I 22, whatis tan 17321 (E) There is no such angle 6 CHW ee) [60 ONTO THE NEXT PAGE > 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST— Continued Use THIS SPACE FOR SCRATCH WORK hours * point A has coordinates (3, ~l) the degree measure of 8? @ 259 @) 34 © 2218 (D) 2066 ©) 2041 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued E THIS SPAC 2). A(x) = sin x and 08 x, which of the following could B) al © stx)= GO ONTOTHE NEXT Pace 2 2 2 MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 TEST—Continued es of length 50 cent: 50. A parallelogram ha Ifthe smaller angle meters and 75 centimete e parallelogram measures 45° what length of the shorter diagonal, to the nearest centimeter? (a) 50 @) 33 © 7 (D) 90 ® 16 . STOP ME 1S CALLED, YOU MAY CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST ONLY. HER TEST IN THIS BOOK. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TI "DQ NOT TURN TO ANY OTt USE THIS SPACE FOR SCRA’ CH WORK.

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