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Sofía Flores A01540386

Effective Communication for Today’s Leaders

Self-diagnosis table

Behavior Yes No

1. I seek adequate blocks of time to engage in peaceful dialogue to solve conflicts in a Yes
productive way.

2. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my bosses and/or Yes

3. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my co-workers. Yes

4. I usually listen carefully and respectfully to understand my managers and/or Yes


5. I usually listen carefully and respectfully so I can understand my co-workers. Yes

6. At work meetings, I try to listen carefully, with understanding and respect for all Yes

7. I set aside periods of time to establish my goals and evaluate my performance. No

8. I dedicate sufficient time to establish goals and evaluate my collaborators’ No


9. If I need to bring a matter to a colleague’s attention, I do so in a clear, direct, Yes

respectful way.

10. I give positive recognition to my colleagues well done activities to motivate them Yes
to keep improving.

Total number of answers 8 2

Interpretation of self-diagnosis results:

 Fewer than 5 answers checked “yes,” indicate your communication is deficient, which can
generate conflicts among people, as well as frustration and lack of motivation.
 6 to 8 answers checked “yes” indicate you have good communication, but it could improve.
Remember that the work environment is characterized by peace and the assurance of achieving
 More than 8 answers checked “yes” indicate your communication as excellent. Thanks to this,
your coworkers and collaborators feel motivated and willing to keep improving because the
organization objectives are clear and feedback is given so they can improve their performance.
Sofía Flores A01540386
Effective Communication for Today’s Leaders

Questions for reflection:

1. What positive behaviors could you identify in the way you communicate? 

I always try to listen to everyone carefully to understand their messages and answerback in a
clear and respectful way.

2. What behaviors of yours do you feel need improving?  

I need to take some time to evaluate and reflect the way I am behaving, as well as to do an
analysis on why people are behaving in a certain manner or if my behavior is affecting them in
some way.
3. How do you think your way of communicating affects people and results?  
I think the mood and emotions that we express affects directly the message we deliver and how
the other person takes it. So, if the receiver notices a positive or negative environment, he or
she will answer in the same way.
4. What factors do you think influence the way you communicate with others?
There are several factors such as the type of relationship, the time I’ve know that person, if
there is a hierarchy and the way the other person behaves with me.
5. What conclusions can you make based on these observations that will allow you to improve
your communication as a leader, both in the work environment and in your personal

I believe communication assertiveness is one of the keys to achieve success in every aspect of
our lives. Improving this skill would help me to communicate better. By doing this analysis I
would take a time to evaluate the way I behave, and how this affects my communication and
others. Also, I will take a few minutes to reflect how to improve my communication in order to
elevate my performance and the performance of people that surround me.

 Identifies the behavior chosen to improve.

I would like to improve my conscientiousness and sensitivity.

 Describes at least 3 actions to improve the chosen behavior.

 The actions described are concrete and can be evaluated within a specific period of time.

1. Listen emphatically to analyze people’s emotions on my personal relationships and my work

environment for the next moth to observe if my sensitivity improves or not.
2. Take a time (3 min a day) to make a reflection to identify areas of opportunities to improve the
way I communicate.
3. Speak clearly about every situation (on a daily basis) to avoid misunderstandings

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