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Eleven Answers By: Zachary Lipinski

1. The theme addressed in this story is about a girl scared about aging and some different emotions
because in the article it says that "maybe some days you might need to sit on your mama's lap
because you're scared, and that's part of you that's five. Also, maybe one day you're all grown up
maybe you will want to cry like if you're three, that is ok. Like unusual times you might say
something crazy and this is a piece of you that is still ten." It may also mean that even though you
bring along the past with you. It may also mean that no matter how old you get there are still
moments when you feel like a kid.

2. The role of the main character in Eleven is Racheal who is the protagonist and she recently
became Eleven . The main character contributes to my answer to question 1 because, in the article, it says
that " Today I wish I was one hundred and two instead of eleven because if I was one hundred and two, I
might know what to say when Mrs.Price put the red sweater on my desk. I would have known how to tell
her it wasn't mine. But instead, I just sat there with that look on my face and nothing coming out of my
mouth." She also contributes to my answer because she realizes that her past experiences of her younger
self are still a part of her personality even as she gets older. Also, she contributes because she gives
reasons why she doesn't like turning eleven​.

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