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mentals of Semicon
nductors: EPL213 (2012) 1

ndamentals of Semiconductorss
blem sheet 4
(IV) Aim:
A Concep
pts of Drift-d
ptical processses

1.. Estimate the

t (a) effectiive density of
o states for valance
v and conduction bands
b and (b
intrinsic ca
arrier concenttration for siliicon at 300K.

2.. The energy y gap in Ge isi 0.67 eV. Th

he electron annd hole effectiive masses arre 0.12 me annd
0.23 me, reespectively (m
me is the free electron masss). Calculate, for T = 300 K,
K (a) the Ferm
energy, (b)) the electron number denssity and (c) th
he hole numbeer density.

3.. A sample of Ge is dopeed with P. Asssume the exccess electron revolves

r arouund the P+ io
in a hydrogen-like orbitt. The dielectrric constant of Ge is 16 and
d the electron effective masss
is 0.12 me. Calculate (aa) the ionisation energy of the excess electron
e and (b) the orbitaal
4.. Estimate the resistiv vity of
phosphoro ous doped (10013 cm-3) 1400
Silicon at room temperature.
Also estiimate the carrier n-type 1000
scattering time. Is theere any
C o n d u ctv ity1 /Ω

M o b ility ( cm/ V -ss )

effect of
o holes? (m* 100
(conductivvity) = 0.26m0, 800

ni=1.5x10100cm-3) ( use the

600 1
figure of dopedd Si
( −c m )

characterisstics at 3000K for 400
further infformation)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
10 1
10 10 1
10 10 10 10
Doping Conc
centration (cm )

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakashh, IIT, Delhi

mentals of Semicon
nductors: EPL213 (2012) 2

5.. How long does it take to drift electtron in 1 µm length in thee above samp ple ( use sam
mobility value)
v pply electric field of 100V/cm? Repeatt the same forr 105V/cm an
if we ap nd
explain yo
our result.

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakashh, IIT, Delhi

mentals of Semicon
nductors: EPL213 (2012) 3

6.. If a pure semiconducto

s or mobility ( at 300K) is 85500cm2/V-s, calculate scatttering time. If
impurity donors
d (Nd=11017cm-3) are added, the mobility
m decreeases by 59%
%. Estimate th he
relaxation time due to ionised impurrity scattering
g. (m*=0.067m

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakashh, IIT, Delhi

mentals of Semicon
nductors: EPL213 (2012) 4

7.. Minority carriers

c are in
njected in n-ty
ype of unknoown semiconductor. Undeer electric fielld
of 50V/cmm, carriers mo ove 1cm in timme of 100µs. Find the difffusion and drrift coefficients
of minority
y carriers. (m
m0= 0.97x10-30Kg,
K e= 1.6x10-19C)

8.. (a) Derive generalised expression fo or the Fermi level (EF) of extrinsic semmiconductor in
terms of EFi (intrinsicc Fermi level), n and p ( electron and a hole carrier densitiees
respectivelly). (b) Dettermine the position
p of Feermi level at 300K
3 in silico
on doped witth
Arsenic of 1018cm-3. Speecify any assu
umptions youu make ( ni = 1.45x1010cm-33 at 300K) . (cc)
If we havve the data fo or carrier concentration vs
v temperatu ure for the abbove materiaal,
explain, ho
ow you determ mine the band gap value.

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakashh, IIT, Delhi

mentals of Semicon
nductors: EPL213 (2012) 5

9.. Show thatt in 2D elecctron gas at absolute zeero temperatture the Ferm
mi level Ef is
h2  Ne 
E f = 2π  wwhere A is area
a of the sy
ystem, Ne is number
n of ellectrons in th
2m *  A 
system and
d m* is effectiive mass.

100. Show that in a simple twwo atom per primitive bassis model, thee phonon disppersion show a
gap close to 1.15 (C/MM)1/2, at the Brillouin
B zonee edge. C staands for forcee constant an
consider th
he ratio betweeen two atom
mic mass is 3.

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakashh, IIT, Delhi

Fundamentals of Semiconductors: EPL213 (2012) 6

11. A small piece of semiconductor having dopant profile is N(x) along x-axis: (a) find the
‘internal’ electric field inside the semiconductor at temperature T; (b) find the electric
field profile at a constant dopant profile and (c) plot the electric field vs length when the
mobility is 1500 cm2/V-s and the profile along x-axis vary as N(x)=No exp(-x/λ2) ( No=
1018cm3and λ=100nm)

12. In impact ionisation process, the initial hot electron has a velocity vs. Assume after the
collision all the carriers posses same effective mass, kinetic energy and momentum. Now
show that the kinetic energy required to initiate ionisation process is equal to 1.5Eg.
where Eg is the band gap of the semiconductor.

13. Show that in a simple two atom per primitive basis model, the phonon dispersion show a
gap close to 1.15 (C/M)1/2, a the Brillouin zone edge. C stands for force constant and the
ratio between two atomic mass is 3; (a) Draw a rough sketch and explain conductivity
behaviour in extrinsic semiconductor operating in the working temperature region,
involving various scattering mechanisms.
14. A piece of 0.055 Ωm p-type silicon has a carrier drift velocity of 2x103 ms-1 at an applied
field of 105 Vm-1. Calculate the hole concentration and diffusivity at 27°C.

15. A silicon sample is having impurity of 1015cm-3. These impurities create a mid band gap
level of cross-section of 10-14cm2. Calculate the electron trap time at 77K.

16. Measurements on the conductivity of a specimen of semiconducting material are made at

several temperatures as in the table below. Estimate the temperature at which intrinsic
behaviour begins. What is the energy gap of this material? At what wavelength will
optical absorption begin?
T(°C) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

σ (kΩm)-1 8.1 9.1 14.0 21 67 196 470

17. Explain the terms lattice, Brillouin zone and symmetry points as applied to the crystal
structures. If a silicon “photonic crystal” has been given to you for analysis, how you
perform experiment in order to draw a E-k graph

© Dr. G.Vijaya Prakash, IIT, Delhi

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