LANGUAGE ASSESMENT (Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment)

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Laila Maryam Ray ( 11810422677)

Miftahurrahmah ( 11810422606 )






Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The author thanks to the Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given us mercy and
blessing during writing this paper entitled “ Curriculum 2013-Based
Assesment” is properly, correctly, and on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that

given by Ms. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd. as the lecturer of Language
Assessment and Evaluation. This working paper is supplementary material for
student of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Although
this paper has not been complied maximally, the author as a human being
realizes that there are still many errors in the writing of this paper.
Therefore, critics and suggestions are needed here to make this paper be
better. Hopefully, this paper can be useful and add knowledge for the

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Pekanbaru, Mei 16, 2021

Group 10



TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................ii

CHAPTER I....................................................................1


A. Background of The Problem.............................................2

B. Formulation of The Problem............................................2
C. The Purpose of Writing................................................2

CHAPTER II...................................................................3


A. The Definition of Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment.......................3

B. The Categories of Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment .....................4
C. Obstacles-schools that are English master-teachers..............................8
D. The problems solution.................................................8

CHAPTER III..................................................................12





A. Background of the Problem

Assessment is one of the important aspects of learning. By conducting the assessment,
the students can develop their potential optimally, because the number of students’ low
score or below the standard will affect the effectiveness of learning as a whole. Therefore,
the assessment of learning should be done continuously, to know and monitor the changes
and progress achieved by learners as well as to score the student's performance, which
commonly done by assessing the students’ learning outcomes (Taras, 2005 & Wojtczak,
2002). The assessment of learning outcomes is absolutely done in accordance with existing
provisions or norms that have been determined.
According to Law number 20 year 2003 regarding National Education System in
article 1 point 1 states that "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential
to have spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, Noble, and
necessary skills of himself, society, nation, and state ". The implementation of the 2013
curriculum has been implemented by teachers from elementary to senior high school level.
In the 2013 Curriculum, students are no longer as the object of learning, but students are the
main actors of learning (students' center). In this case, the students become the subjects of
learning by participating in developing themes and materials in the learning process. By
focusing the learning activities on the students’ participation, the content standards, process
standards and graduate competency standards, and even assessment standards have been
changed. In this curriculum, the assessment implementation includes; assessing the
students’ attitude, knowledge, and skills for each level of education during the learning
processes (assessment process) and after the learning processes (assessment of learning
The assessment implementation in teaching and learning will determine the success of
the teaching and learning process (Widiastuti, 2016). Assessment which is conducted in the
learning process is not only measuring the student's learning ability but also understanding
the weaknesses of the student in learning, in order that the teachers can modify their
teaching strategy to achieve the learning objectives (Marshal, 2005; Box, Skoog & Dabbs,

2015; Widiastuti, 2017). Curriculum 2013, which is applied at this time is expected to
answer the constantly changing challenges of the time which cannot be prevented, and to
prepare learners who are able to compete in the future with all the advances in science and
technology. Changes in the KTSP curriculum into the

Curriculum 2013 caused alteration of paradigm in the learning process, in which

every learning activity is expected to shape the attitudes and behavior of the students. The
curriculum changes have implications for how teachers teach in the learning process using a
scientific approach. Curriculum changes also have implications to assessment.

B. Formulation of The Problem

1. What is the definition of Curriculum Based Assessment?

2. The Categories of Curriculum Based Assessment ?
3. The purpose of Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment ?
4. Obstacles-schools that are English master-teachers ?
5. The problems solution ?

C. The Purpose of Writing

1. To understand the definition of Curriculum Based Assessment.

2. To know Categories of Curriculum Based Assessment.
3. To know Purpose of Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment.
4. To know Obstacles-schools that are English master-teachers.
5. To know The problems solution.



A. Defenition Curriculum Based Assessment

Assessment is the process for making decisions using information obtained through
measurement of learning outcomes, whether test or non-nontal. Meanwhile, understanding
the assessment of learning and learning is a decision-making process of the value of
learning and learning achievement qualitatively. The goal is to give value about the quality
of something (Hamdayana, 2016: 190).

Assessment management is an effort consisting of planning, organizing, moving and
controlling to measure learning outcomes using both test and non-test. The ability of
teachers to conduct student learning assessments adheres to pedagogic competence and
professional competence. Pedagogic competence includes the ability of teachers to conduct
process assessments and learning of students and utilize the results of assessment and
evaluation of student learning for the interests of student learning. There are four principles
of professional teachers related to student learning assessment activities that is sustainable,
comprehensive, objective and cooperative (Yosep & Wahyu, 2014: 16). The teacher plays a
role and is responsible for the continuous assessment of student learning activities.
Continuous student learning assessments should constantly monitor the process, progress,
and improvement of student learning.
The teacher conducts a comprehensive student learning assessment. Student learning
outcomes include aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills. In practice, students' learning
assessments use a variety of methods / assessment techniques and instruments over a given
learning period, so that teachers obtain comprehensive and accurate student learning
progress information covering all three aspects. In addition, while various methods /
techniques and assessment instruments are available, teachers may select and use the most
appropriate assessment techniques and instruments to measure student learning outcomes or
The implementation of curriculum 2013 uses a new technique in assessing students
called authentic assessment. This study focuses on analyzing the application of authentic
assessment based on the 2013 curriculum. In Curriculum 2013, based on Peraturan Menteri
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 65 Tahun 2013, there are three main aspects assessed
using authentic assessment, which are attitude, knowledge, and skill. Techniques and
instruments used for the authentic assessment of the competence of attitudes, knowledge,
and skills are further described in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 104
Tahun 2014 about Assessment of Learning Outcomes by Educator on Primary Education
and Secondary Education as follows.

In the implementation of Curriculum 2013, teachers are strongly encouraged to

prioritize performance appraisal (Mulyasa, 2015, 144). Students are observed and assessed
in socializing, socializing in the community and in applying real-life learning.

B. The Categories of assessment in the curriculum of 2013

The focus of assessment in the curriculum of 2013 is the success of student learning
in achieving the specified competency standards, including attitudes, skills and knowledge.
Achievement of student competence is thoroughly measurable and empirical, therefore there
must be a clear formula about the competent criteria. Here are the competent criteria that
must be achieved by the students, among others:

1. Students are able to understand the concepts underlying competency standards that
must be mastered.

2. Students are able to perform work in accordance with the standards of competence
that must be achieved with the correct procedures and good results.

3. Students are able to apply their abilities in their daily life. Students can be said
competent after the assessment with instruments that really competent in real and relatively
permanent / fixed, so that the information provided is really accurate.

1. Attitude Competency Assessment

Educators assess attitude competence through observation, self-assessment, peer-

assessment by learners, and journals. The instrument used for observation, self-assessment,
and assessment of learners among participants is a check list or the assessment scale (rating
scale), accompanied by rubric, whereas in journals such as notes educators.

a. Observation, carried out continuously either directly or indirectly by the student's

b. Self-assessment, asking students to express their advantages and disadvantages in
achieving competence.
c. Interdisciplinary assessment, students assess each other related to the achievement
of competence.
d. Journals, are notes of teachers both inside and outside the classroom, on the
strengths and weaknesses of students.
Assessment of spiritual attitudes (KI-1), among others: 1) Obedience of worship;
2) Behave the gratitude; 3) Pray before and after activity; and 4) Tolerance in worship.
Spiritual attitudes can be added according to the characteristics of educational units.
a. Social Attitude
Assessment of social attitudes (KI-2) includes:

1) truthful behavior based on an attempt to make himself / herself a person
who can always be trusted in words, actions and work;
2) discipline that is action that shows orderly behavior and adheres to various
rules and regulations;
3) the responsibility of the attitudes and behaviors of learners to carry out
their duties and obligations, which should be done to self, society, environment, country,
and God Almighty;
4) polite that is respectful behavior in others with good language
5) care that is attitude and action that always want to give aid to other people
or society in need; and
6) confidence is a belief in its own ability to perform activities or actions.
Social attitude can be added by the educational unit as needed.

SB = Very Good = 80 - 100

B = Good = 70 – 79

C = Enough = 60 - 69

K = Less = <60

2. Knowledge Competence Assessment

Knowledge assessment (KI-3) is done by measuring the mastery of learners that

includes factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge in various levels of thought

Educators assess the competence of knowledge through written tests, observation, and
worksheet. Written test instrument is in the form of multiple choice questions, stuffing, short
answer, true-false, matching, and description. Observation is done through discussion,
question and answer, and conversation in the classroom activities. Worksheet is the form of
homework assignments or projects done individually or in groups according to the
characteristics of the task.

a. Knowledge Assessment is done by the Subject Teachers (Educators) The Knowledge

Assessment consists of: Process Value (Daily Value) = NH, Semester Midterm Value = UTS,
and Semester's Ultimate Values = UAS

b. Daily Value is derived from the results of Test Write, Oral Test, and Assignment
conducted at the end of learning one Basic Competence (KD).

c. Knowledge value calculation is obtained from the mean of NH, UTS, and UAS.

d. Assessment of report cards for knowledge using quantitative assessments on a scale of 1 -

4 (multiple of 0.33), with 2 (two) decimals and each level (level).

e. Knowledge Value Calculation

f. Written test, in the form of PG, stuffing, short answer, right-wrong, matching and
description. b. Oral test, in the form of a list of questions.

g. Assignments, in the form of homework and projects that can be worked individually or in
groups according to task characteristics.

3. Skills Competency Assessment

Educators assess competency skills require learners to demonstrate a certain

competence by using performance, project, product, portfolio, and written assessments.
Instruments used in the form of a check list or the assessment scale (rating scale)
incorporating sections. Performance is a practice that requires a response in the form of
assessment skills of an activity or behavior in accordance with the demands of competence.
Projects is learning tasks which include the design, implementation, and reporting in writing
or orally in a certain time. Product assessment includes the ability of learners to make the
products, technology, and art, such as: food, clothing, sanitary facilities, technological tools,
works of art, and goods made of fabric, wood, ceramic, plastic, or metal. Portfolio assessment
is the assessment carried out by assessing the entire collection of works of students in certain
fields that are reflective-integrative to know the interests, growth, achievement, and / or
creativity of learners within a certain time. The work can be shaped concrete actions that
reflect concern for the learner to the environment. In addition to assess the competence of
knowledge, a written assessment is also used to assess the competence of skills, such as essay
writing, report writing, and writing letters.

a. Job assessment, students demonstrate a certain competence with practice, projects

and portfolios.
b. Practice tests, assessments that require responses in the form of behaviors
appropriate to competence demands.

c. Projects, learning tasks that include the activities of designing, implementing and
reporting both written and oral within a certain time.
d. Portfolio, in the form of a collection of reflective-integrative student works, can
take the form of concrete actions that reflect students' concern for their environment.

Not all basic competencies can be measured by performance appraisals, project

appraisals, or portfolios. The determination of assessment techniques is based on the skill
competence characteristics to be measured. Skills assessment is meant to know the mastery of
learners knowledge can be used to recognize and solve problems in real life (real world).
Assessment of knowledge and skills using numbers with range 0 to 100 and description. As
for the final value of the semester is completed with the predicate:

86 - 100 = Very Good (A)

76 - 86 = Good (B)

56 - 75 = Enough (C

≤ 55 = Less (D)

Assessment is done by test and non-test through observation / observation, self

assessment, peer assessment, replication, examination, and assignment (project and
portfolio). Assessment instruments may be test kits containing item items, check lists or
rating scales with rubrics, and journals. Assessment instruments must meet substance /
material, construction, and language requirements. The results of the assessment by educators
every semester need to be processed to be included in the report book of learning result
(report card). The value of report cards is a picture of the achievement of the ability of
learners in one semester.

Therefore it can be concluded in the assessment of authentic there are three

things that must be considered, namely:
1. Authentic of the instrument used, using a variety of instruments that are
tailored to the characteristics or demands of existing competencies in the curriculum.
2. Authentic from the measured aspect, assessing the aspects of learning
outcomes comprehensively include attitude, skills and knowledge competencies.
3. Authentic from the aspect of the student's condition, assessing the input
(initial condition of the student), the process (student's performance and activity in the

teaching and learning process), and the output (the achievement result of competence,
both attitude, skill and knowledge of the students after following the teaching-learning

C. Purposes of Curriculum 2013 Based Assessment

The objectives of the 2013 Curriculum implemented by the Ministry of Education and
Culture are contained in Permendikbud No. 69 of 2013 concerning the Basic Framework
and Structure of the Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah Curriculum) which reads: "The
aim of the 2013 Curriculum is to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability to live as
individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and
are able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state and world civilization."

In the 2013 curriculum objectives, students are required to think more creatively,
innovatively, quickly and responsively and besides that in the 2013 curriculum students are
trained to foster courage in themselves. Students will be trained in logical skills in solving a
problem. In the 2013 curriculum, elements of social, national and state life as well as
religious elements are also provided or included to form students with character.

In accordance with the objectives of the 2013 Curriculum, this curriculum has four core
competencies which contain the objectives of the learning process. The formulation of the
core competencies is contained in Permendikbud No. 69 of 2013 concerning the Basic
Framework and Curriculum Structure of Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah:

a. the core competencies of the spiritual attitude;

b. For the core competences of social attitudes;

c. knowledge core competencies;

d. Skill core competencies

D. Obstacles-schools that are English master-teachers

Obstacles-schools that are English master-teachers towards the learning outcomes of

the English curriculum2013 based on Permendikbud Number 53 of 2015 and its solution.

a) Employment of service providers andAssessment between friends by students tends to be

subjective. Students only filling out based on a questionnaire given by the teacher but they
don't fill it up properly.

b) In measuring attitude, there are many indicators that must be observed, namely
courtesy,discipline, confidence, and cooperation.

c) The teacher still has difficulty in compiling the aspect grid skills, especially in constructing
the appropriate rubric with aspects of the skills you will master.

d) Teachers do not apply production and production techniquesPortfolio services because

their needs require timethe old one that starts from planning, data, organizing data, processing
and presenting data, and reporting.

E.The problems solution

The problems solution were suggested by the teachers and headmaster. The points in
the suggestion was the teacher should be able to adapt with the curriculum 2013.

Analysis of Teachers’ Authentic Assessment Preparation Based on the analysis of

teachers’ lesson plans can be seen that the authentic assessments on the lesson plans were in
accordance with the syllabus. Teachers already included the authentic assessments demanded
in the syllabus which are assessment of KI-1 and KI-2 which are attitudes, KI-3 which is
knowledge, and KI-4 which is skills of the students. Besides, all teachers already described
the technique and instrument of assessment in the lesson plans.

All lesson plans made by those teachers were only using journal technique to assess
the students’ attitude. The journal was filled with record of the students’ attendance, students’
activities, and record of the students’ behavior. Attitude assessment used observation, self-
assessment, and peer-assessment technique was not mentioned by the teachers.

Preparation of knowledge assessment made by teachers in lesson plans of English
language learning had been able to quantify the students' knowledge. It can be seen from all
lesson plans made for English language learning included written test and worksheet
technique to assess the students’ knowledge which is in accordance with the syllabus.
Observation technique was not mentioned in the lesson plans.

Preparation of skills assessment made in lesson plan by teachers in learning English

had been measuring the student skills. In lesson plan, skills assessments made by teachers
were in the form of performance assessment and written assessment. Meanwhile, portfolio,
product, and project assessment were not included in the lesson plans. The performance
assessments used by the teachers were in the form of speaking task for all lesson plans.

Assessment instruments designed in lesson plans were in accordance to assessment

technique. Note of the students’ attendance, activities of the students, and record of the
students’ behavior were appropriate with journal assessment technique to assess the students’
attitude. Filling monolog/dialogue, answering questions, matching pictures, and making
description in the lesson plans were accordance with written test and worksheet techniques
used to measure the students' knowledge. Speaking task in the form of describing animal or
someone and presenting dialogue were appropriate with the performance assessment
technique. Writing a description about animal or someone was appropriate with the written
assessment technique.

Follow-up assessments in the lesson plan are usually remedial programs for the
students whose achievement of competence under the thoroughness and enrichment program
for the students who achieved mastering of each competence. Based on the document
analysis for all authentic assessments preparation in lesson plans of English learning made by
those three teachers, there was no follow-up assessment prepared by the teachers. Each lesson
plans used by teachers did not mention any remedial and enrichment programs.

Authentic assessments preparation in the lesson plans of learning English already

included scoring guidelines. Each assessment instruments for knowledge and skills were
included with assessment criteria, assessment scale, and scoring rubric. For the attitude
assessment that using journal, the content was about the note of the students’ behavior and
also the students’ attendance.

The authentic assessments prepared by the teachers in the lesson plans already assess
the Curriculum 2013 assessment aspects which are attitude, knowledge and skill. All subject
teachers only use journal technique to measure competence of attitude. Meanwhile the
observation, self-assessment and peer assessment techniques are not prepared by the teachers.
In assessing competence of knowledge, those teachers prepare written test and worksheet
techniques. Only observation technique is not prepared by the teachers. Performance and
written assessment techniques are used to assess students' skills. The teachers did not prepare
project, product, and portfolio techniques to assess students’ skill. Authentic assessment
techniques prepared by the teachers are in accordance with the aspects that would be
assessed. In the lesson plans made by teachers, journal technique had been appropriate to
measure the value of the attitude of students both on KI-1 and KI-2. Worksheet and written
test prepared by teachers have been appropriate to measure a students’ knowledge.
Meanwhile, performance assessment and writing assessment have been appropriate to assess
the skill of students.These are consistent with the types of authentic assessments techniques
used in Curriculum 2013 according to Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No.
104 Tahun 2014 which is mentioning educators assess attitude competence through
observation, self-assessment, peer assessment by learners, and journals; knowledge
competence assess through written tests, observation, and assignments; and educators assess
competency skills require learners to demonstrate a certain competence by using
performance, project, product, portfolio, and written assessments.

Assessment instruments designed in lesson plans are in accordance to assessment

technique. Note of students’ attendance, activities of the students, and record of students’
behavior are appropriate with journal assessment technique to assess students’ attitude.
Filling monolog/dialogue, answering questions, matching pictures, and made description in
the lesson plans are in accordance with written test and worksheet techniques used to measure
the students' knowledge. Speaking task in the form of describing animal or someone and
presenting dialogue are appropriate with the performance assessment technique. Writing a
description about animal or someone was appropriate with the written assessment technique.
This is confirmed in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 103 Tahun 2014
which stated the assessments system must be adapted based on learning experience gained in
the learning process. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 104 Tahun 2014
also mention authentic assessment is a form of assessment that requires students to show
attitude, using the knowledge and skills gained from learning conducted in actual situation. In

line with this, Muslich (2010) states that authentic assessment is a comprehensive assessment
conducted to assess the start of input, process and output of learning that includes the realm
of attitudes, knowledge, and skill. The results of the assessments obtained by the teachers
need follow-up activity to increase the ability of learners and learning improvement.
However, there is no follow-up assessment prepared by the teachers. Each lesson plans that
used by teachers do not mention any remedial and enrichment programs.

This quite serious problem because Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
No. 103 Tahun 2014 mention that the important things to consider in designing assessment
according to the Curriculum 2013 is follow-up in the improvement for the next learning
process, remedial programs for students whose achievement of competence under the
thoroughness and enrichment program for students who have met completeness.




Assessment is an activity to learn, analyze, and interpret data about the process and
learning outcomes of students which are carried out systematically and continuously, so that
it becomes information taken in decision making. Curriculum 2013 is an accurate curriculum.
The curriculum includes attitudes, knowledge and skills. Measurement results and journals.
In the realm of knowledge, this is done by means of written tests, oral tests, and assignments.
Meanwhile, in the realm of skills, practical tests, projects and portfolios are carried out.



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