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Mulero 1

Sebastian Mulero


English 9H Per.2

October 2, 2017

My Hero Julia Buenrostro

Hello! I interviewed my 23-year-old Sister Julia Nichole Buenrostro. It was a sunday

afternoon. The humidity hit us slowly but surely. All I could see as we made our way into my

room for our interview was her beautiful brown ocean waved hair. We sat down. She sat on a

lounge chair while I sat on my uncomfortable twin bed. Her lips reminded me of red roses, while

her eyes reminded me of my mothers. It was pretty dusty and dirty but my sister didn’t mind. We

live in a noisy community so not one place was quiet except for my room. Anyway, let us go on

to the interview.

At the age of 19 Julia entered a community college at glendora called Citrus College

where she stayed for 2 years. She mention that she chose Citrus College because it was next to a

University called Azusa Pacific where she hoped to get started at Citrus College, then after a few

years transfer to Azusa Pacific to her General Education Degree. Unfortunately, she didn’t go to

Azusa Pacific University but instead went into working at a shoe brand named “Vans”. She does

hope to go back to school. While going to school she did live near the College. She lived with

Jessica Buenrostro (our sister),“...We lived down the street from there… literally down the

street,it probably took me,like ,ten minutes driving there…’’ She sounded soft and gentle.
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Since it was Community College she had no trouble getting into it. She had to make sure

they had the placement test(to help refresh for College), “...I didn’t remember too much ,so for

the Placement test I didn’t score as good as I wanted to...but it wasn’t to bad…” In her first


she did well because school was still fresh for her. Working until the end of her first year she

started to get lazier and lazier because she realized that in highschool they are on you to motivate

you to do good in highschool but in College it’s really up to you, so my sister(who hopefully

regrets it) took it for granted. During her experience she had to buy her own books. Each book


300 DOLLARS!!! Even though they were (horribly) expensive she needed those books for

college...or so she thought. You see in Universities you NEED those books as for College you

hardly OPEN THE BOOK, “ you realize it’s a waste of money…” Julia added while rolling

her eyes, while sounding annoyed. After that she realised the value of a dollar.

Even though she didn’t complete her tasks of going to College then a University, her

main goal was to go into Design and Fashion and possibly business(as you can tell she wanted to

go into Fashion and Design because now she is a floor supervisor at Vans). (During our

conversation my parents were talking really loudly which made me and my sister wide eyed for a

second because we also left the door open a crack for air). Surprisingly, Julia was very good at

english and was almost a Teacher’s Aid for her english class to but it didn’t go through because

that’s the time she left College. But every hero has a weakness and her’s was the worst of
all...Mathematics. She said she only took one or two math courses because she didn’t need it for

a major.

At the end of my interview i embraced her. She felt warm, besides the cup of melted ice

cream in her hand. She went back with her boyfriend in San Pedro while I went all the way back

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in the kitchen because a long 10 minute interview makes a 13-year-old hungry. But before she

left she told me this, “Don’t take life too seriously…” She said that so crystal clear that I will

never forget that.

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