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The Pros and Cons of Fast Food

I've seen a lot of controversy on the subject about fast food. Today, we are going to
discuss one pro and one con of fast food. One Pro is easy access to food without the hassle of
making it. And the most commonly used con is itś effect on our health.
One pro about fast food is that it takes away the hassle of having to actually make food.
People eat fast food because of 3 reasons; it doesn't take long to wait for food, it's always ready
to eat, and it doesn cost much. And another reason is that there are TONS of options when it
comes to fast food such as; pizza, burgers, american food, mexican food, italian food, etc.
One con about fast food is that it causes way too many health problems. Some examples
of an impact on our health is the amount of obesity it causes. Most to not all fast food has alot of
unhealthy fat (and in some cases huge amounts of grease) in their food. And the more people eat
it, the bigger they become weight wise.
In conclusion, there are pros and cons to fast food. There are lots of options, from pizza
and burgers to sushi and chinese food, but in the end you are going to pay a price for what you
eat. So I recommend making at home meals.

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