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Agency/ Area:
Name of Patient: Kadija, 30____________________________ _______________________

Diagnosis: _______________________________________________________ Rating: ________________

 OB SCORE: G9P7  Well nourished, carefully groomed
 Full time homemaker, works and runs a  English is her second language but she can
daycare center in her home understand some
 She and her family immigrated to US 5 years  Skin is dark tan, smooth, and has a small
ago. Now lives in a one-bedroom apartment scarring on left arm and both legs, she has no
 LMP: May 28th of this year lesions and tattoos
 EDD: March 5th of next year  She has poor dentition, her oral mucosa is
 AOG: 11 weeks’ gestation pink, hypertrophy in her gums, her thyroid
 One child “died in childbirth” glands are small and smooth
 Last delivery was normal vaginal delivery and  Chest expansion is equal, no effort in
labored for 5 hours respiration, no presence of lung sounds, and
 Unaware of baby’s weight, and her family no CVA tenderness
history  HR: 84 bpm, regular rhythm, heart sounds
 Had undergone female circumcision as a are normal, with soft blowing systolic
child murmur, grade 2/6 at 2nd left interspace
 She is having nausea and occasional vomiting  Breasts are tender, no mass present, she has
 Breast tenderness large everted nipples. No drainage present.
 Experienced pink spotting 1 week ago  No abdominal masses and bowel sound
 Family is deceased except for 1 sibling present in four quadrants, no hepatomegaly
 Present Pregnancy is unexpected or splenomegaly, uterus is non palpable, no
 Concerned about transportation to her inguinal lymphadenopathy, no healed
appointments because husband works at incisions
days and she does not know how to drive.  No varicosities present in lower extremities,
no edema or redness. She is negative for
Homan’s sign. +1 for Deep tendon reflex.
 BP: 124/76 mmHg
 Female circumcision is present without
 Bartholin’s, urethra, and skene’s glands are
negative for discharge
 Vagina is pinkish in color, with white, creamy
and non-odorous discharge. The cervix is also
pink, non-friable, closed and approx. 3 cm
long and soft. Vaginal wall muscles are
relaxed. No presence of cystocele or
 Uterus size is appropriate for 11 weeks
gestation and it is non-tender. Dextrorotated.
Fetal heart tones are not yet heard by
doppler. Pregnancy is confirmed through
 Pubic arch is wide; side walls are straight,
spines are blunt , the interspinous diameter is
greater than 12 cm, bituberous diameter is
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greater than 8 cm, pelvis is spacious,
gynecoid type pelvis = 8 pounds
 Has positive fetal activity
 She is aware of potential language and
cultural issues and already has an interpreter
with her.
 She understands advised prenatal testing,
clinic routine, and warning signs and
 Risk for fluid deficit related to effects or discomforts of pregnancy as evidenced by patient reporting
that she has nausea and occasional vomiting.
 Pain or sensitivity in the breast related to effects or discomforts of pregnancy
 Presence of vaginal discharge as evidenced by patient report of pink spotting one week before the
 Risk for ineffective childbearing process related to insufficient parental role or support system as
evidenced patient reporting that multiple members of the family are already deceased
 Risk for ineffective childbearing process related to concerns regarding her attendance in her doctor’s
 Anxiety related to transportation plans regarding her doctor’s appointments

 Nausea and vomiting is present during the early stages of pregnancy because of the presence of
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is a fetal hormone that is seen as a foreign substance
that is why nausea and vomiting or morning sickness happens.
 After the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining that marks the start of production of HCG.
 Normally, morning sickness occurs at around the first months of pregnancy and fades between 14
-20 weeks.
 The pathophysiology for breast tenderness explains that the hormones are preparing the breast for
lactation. The milk ducts are being prepared to grow and produce milk and this causes the breast to
be sensitive.
 The pathophysiology of pink vaginal discharge during pregnancy is that the cervix is highly vascular,
so pregnant women bleed easily. Although it may be normal as long as its infrequent. (It may be
implantation bleeding.)
 Pregnant women with poor social support are at higher risk for depression during current and
subsequent pregnancies.
 Pregnancy can be a very emotional experience.
 Kadija may be at risk for not attending appointments because of troubles with her transportation
and it may result to having inconsistent prenatal health visits.
 My goal is that the patient will verbalize and
acknowledge the normal signs and symptoms
or discomforts of pregnancy by the end of
the appointment.
 Patient will cope and make actions to
manage the said discomforts.

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To address nausea and vomiting
1. Educate the patient about the normal events It is important to be knowledgeable about the
or discomforts in pregnancy. discomforts of pregnancy and knowing what to
expect so that the health care team may monitor the
health of the mom and the child.

2. Discuss about the dietary plans of the mom, Some foods trigger their feeling of nausea.
if there are some changes that needed to be
addressed to lessen the symptoms of nausea
and vomiting.

3. Advise the patient to eat small meals It is less likely to have nausea and vomiting if patient
throughout the day and not large meals. does not have a full stomach.

4. Encourage the patient to eat bland foods like Avoid foods that make you nauseated.
crackers and toast with less salt.
Drinking lots of water will prevent dehydration from
5. Encourage the patient to drink at interval vomiting.
times a day.


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 The patient will understand and be knowledgeable about the normal signs and symptoms of
 The patient will have made actions and changes in her dietary/nutritional plans to manage through
the reported discomforts on her last appointment.

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