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Quarter 4 – Week 2. Module No 2.


Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippine


Concepts on the Use of Software

(Commands, Menu, etc.)

What I Need to Know (Objective/s)

This module contains the lesson in Arts and one of this is the Sculpture
that is specifically concerned with expressive three- dimension form.
After completing this module, you are expected to:
1. Manifests understanding of concepts on the use of software (commands,
menu, etc.).

What’s New

Product designers use accessible material and technologies when creating prototypes
or the sample of working models. Since a good design can move the product off the shelves,
art elements and design principles are applied.
The shapes and colors or your design should have a visual impact on your target
market. It helps encourage the buyers to buy rather than restrain the buyer to use your product.
It also looks presentable when there is harmony in the letters, shapes, and colors.
A free software that you can use to create model of your product is Blender.

Blender- is a free open source 3D creation suite that supports an entire 3D pipeline from
objects modelling to texturing, rigging and animating to rendering, compositing and even video
editing. Blender can also be used to create interactive application, including web-based ones.

Blender is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Linux and macOS platforms
equally well.

Blender starts up showing the default screen, which is separated into five areas
containing the Editors listed below:

1. Information Editor
2. 3-D View
3. Timeline
4. Outliner
5. Properties

Info (blue), 3D View (yellow), Outliner (red), Properties (green) and Timeline (purple)
Each Editor has a region which is its main part, a header at its top or bottom which
contains the menus and commonly used tools, panels that have collapsible options like
buttons, menus, and checkboxes, pinning so it remains visible regardless of the tab you select,
and vertical tabs.
1. Information Editor
The Info editor found at the top. Logs executed operators, warnings and error
messages. Logged reports can be selected by clicking on them. To select multiple reports,
hold down Shift-LMB.

2. 3-D View

The main window of the program, showing a currently loaded 3D scene (through a camera
or otherwise). 3D objects that compose any 3D scene are created, edited and animated in this

3. Timeline

This window (usually located at the bottom of the screen) shows various data that concern
animation. This includes the current frame, the total number of frames (i.e. the length of the
animation in the current scene) and key frames for the selected object. The key frames
themselves are also created in this window.

4. Outliner

The Outliner is a list that organizes data in the blend-file, i.e. the scene data, Video
Sequencer data, or anything that gets stored in a blend-file. The Outliner can be used to:

 View the data in the scene.

 Select and deselect objects in the scene.
 Hide or show an object in the scene.
 Enable or disable selection (to make an object “unselectable” in the 3D Viewport).
 Enable or disable the rendering of an object.

 Delete objects from the scene.
 Unlink data (equivalent to pressing the X button next to the name of a data-block).
 Manage collections in the scene.

5. Properties

Properties editor is probably the second-most used editor type in Blender. You use buttons
and values in this editor to modify the attributes of your scene and elements within it. Because
this editor can manipulate so many parts of a scene, it’s broken down and organized into a
series of subsections.

Creating shapes and transforming it

Press Shift + A, then select Mesh on the 3-D View so that you can create the shape of
your product design: plane, cube, circle, UV sphere, icosphere, cylinder, or cone.
If you look at the left-hand panel, you can edit the shapes through the vertices, radius,
depth, and cap fill type. If you want to transform your objects in Object Mode, select it, then
press G to move it, R to rotate it, or S to to scale it.

Selecting and viewing your shapes

Use the mouse’s right click for selecting, left click for performing an action on the
selection, or press Shift, then right click for adding more items in the selection.
The 3-D view allows you to look at the shape of your design at various angles. Hold the
middle mouse button and drag around to rotate your view or use the mouse’s scroll wheel to
zoom your view. To pan up and down, hold down Shift and use the mouse’s scroll wheel. To
pan right and left, hold down Control and use the mouse’s scroll wheel.
If you don’t like the shape that you made, you can delete it by clicking the shapes of
your product design. With your right mouse, press X, then choose Delete. To combine the
shapes of your product design, select both objects, press Ctrl + J, and select Join Selected

Painting your shapes

To put colors on your product, you can use the Texture Paint, Vertex Paint, and Weight
Paint. In Texture Paint, your mouse becomes a brush and you can choose its texture, strokes,
and colors at the Properties Editor. Vertex Paint has setting for brush presets, its texture,
stroke, and curve. In Weight Paint, you can use a set of weight brushes to paint on top of the
Mesh’s body.

What Is It

Activity 1

Directions: Look at each picture of five areas of Blender and write its name on the line.
Choose your answer from the box. Use Activity Sheet No. 1, pages 11-12 for your

Information 3-D View Timeline Outliner Properties

______ 1.

_____ 2.

_____ 3.

______ 4.

_____ 5.

What’s More

Activity 2

Directions: Familiarize and label the parts of five areas of Blender. Use Activity Sheet
No. 2, page 13 for your answer.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3

Directions: Fill in the blank the correct answer of the given statement. Choose your
answer from the box below. Use Activity Sheet No. 3, page 14 for your answers.

Properties Outliner Timeline Information Editor Blender

Texture Paint Weight Paint Product Designers 3-D View Vertex Paint

1. __________ is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Linux and macOS

platforms equally well.
2. __________ parts of the blender interface that found at the very top.
3. __________ it is usually located at the bottom of the screen.
4. __________ is a list that organizes data in the blend-file.
5. __________ the second-most used editor type in Blender.
6. __________ the main window of the program.
7. __________ your mouse becomes a brush and you can choose its texture, strokes, and
colors at the Properties Editor.
8. _________ you can use a set of weight brushes to paint on top of the Mesh’s body.
9. _________ has setting for brush presets, its texture, stroke, and curve.
10. _________ use accessible material and technologies when creating prototypes or the
sample of working models.


Activity 4
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Use Activity Sheet No. 4, page 15
for your answer.
1. To create the shape of your product design, press______________ then select Mesh
on the 3-D View.
a. Shift + A b. Ctrl + J c. Alt + Shift d. Ctrl + Shift A
2. If you want to move, rotate, and scale the objects in Object Mode, press
___________ to move, R to rotate, and S to scale.
a. N b. F c. G d. M
3. To create the join shape of your product design, press _____________ and select
Join Selected Meshes.
a. Alt + Shift b. Ctrl + J c. Shift + A d. Ctrl + Shift A
4. To create the delete shape of your product design, use the right mouse, press
_________, then choose delete.
a. A b. G c. J d. X
5. To color the shapes, use the texture paint, ______________, and weight paint.
a. Vertex Paint b. Horizontal Paint c. Slant Paint d. Zigzag Paint


Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: _________

School: __________________________________________________ Score: _________
Teacher: _________________________________________________

Activity Sheet No. 1

Activity 1
Directions: Look each picture of Blender interface and write its name on the line.
Choose your answer from the box.

Information 3-D View Timeline Outliner Properties

______ 1.

_____ 2.

_____ 3.

______ 4.

_____ 5.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: _________
School: __________________________________________________ Score: _________
Teacher: _________________________________________________

Activity Sheet No. 2

Activity 2
Directions: Familiarize and label the parts of blended interface.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: _________
School: __________________________________________________ Score: _________
Teacher: _________________________________________________

Activity Sheet No. 3

Activity 3
Directions: Fill in the blank the correct answer of the given statement. Choose your
answer from the box.

Properties Outliner Timeline Information Editor Blender

Texture Paint Weight Paint Product Designers 3-D View Vertex Paint

1. __________ is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Linux and macOS

platforms equally well.
2. __________ parts of the blender interface that found at the very top.
3. __________ it is usually located at the bottom of the screen.
4. __________ is a list that organizes data in the blend-file.
5. __________ the second-most used editor type in Blender.
6. __________ the main window of the program.
7. __________ your mouse becomes a brush and you can choose its texture, strokes, and
colors at the Properties Editor.
8. _________ you can use a set of weight brushes to paint on top of the Mesh’s body.
9. _________ has setting for brush presets, its texture, stroke, and curve.
10. _________ use accessible material and technologies when creating prototypes or the
sample of working models.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: _________
School: __________________________________________________ Score: _________
Teacher: _________________________________________________

Activity Sheet No. 4

Activity 4
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Use Activity Sheet No. 4, page 15
for your answer.

1. To create the shape of your product design, press______________ then select Mesh
on the 3-D View.
b. Shift + A b. Ctrl + J c. Alt + Shift d. Ctrl + Shift A
2. If you want to move, rotate, and scale the objects in Object Mode, press
___________ to move, R to rotate, and S to scale.
b. N b. F c. G d. M
3. To create the join shape of your product design, press _____________ and select
Join Selected Meshes.
b. Alt + Shift b. Ctrl + J c. Shift + A d. Ctrl + Shift A
4. To create the delete shape of your product design, use the right mouse, press
_________, then choose delete.
b. A b. G c. J d. X
5. To color the shapes, use the texture paint, ______________, and weight paint.
b. Vertex Paint b. Horizontal Paint c. Slant Paint d. Zigzag Paint


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