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October 16, 2020

ATTY. ________
(Law Firm)

Dear ____:
Subject: Engagement Proposal
We are pleased to present our Retainer Proposal for the engagement of your
Firm as our retained legal counsel.

Scope of Retainer Services

1. (LAW FIRM NAME) shall make itself available for ready consultations
by RGC or its duly authorized officers in all business matters requiring legal
advice and opinion affecting RGC.
2. (LAW FIRM NAME) shall render legal advice and issue written opinions
on all aspects of Philippine Law on matter affecting the business and operations of
3. (LAW FIRM NAME) shall prepare and review Contracts, (Service
Contracts, Memorandum of Agreements, Trusteeship Agreement, Consultancy
Agreement), demand letters and regular documentations such as but not limited to:
preparation of Secretary’s Certificate, Special Power of Attorney, and Affidavits as
part of compliance to regular requirements in relation to the availment of car and
non-car insurance, loss of documents for re-processing or acquisition of business
permits and clearances and other documents in the ordinary course of RGC’s
4. (LAW FIRM NAME) shall assist in the documentations and render
notarial services WHENEVER ACCESSIBLE to RGC as part of this retainership.
RGC documents shall be notarized WHENEVER ACCESSIBLE, free of charge
while documents requiring the participation and signature of a party other than the
RGC shall be subject to fees or charge not higher than the existing standard rates to
be agreed upon by both parties.
5. (LAW FIRM NAME) shall render Consultation services (NOT TO
FUNCTION AS) to corporate Secretary’s functions and trusteeship agreement.
Services subject to separate billings
The following services are outside the scope of the monthly retainer and shall be
subject to separate billings/agreements and subject to the RGC’s approval prior to
the rendition of such services:
In case in its judgment RGC finds the rates unacceptable, it shall exercise its
prerogative to seek other legal counsel to handle such services without prejudice to
the existing retainer agreement.
1. Litigations and administrative cases, and other adversarial or dispute
resolution proceedings;
2. Intensive liaison and follow-up efforts aimed at achieving a desired result;
3. Projects, contract preparations requiring extensive study (to be defined
and clarified by both parties), negotiation and/or documentation;
4. Collective bargaining and labor disputes;
5. Directorship or trust-related services except for consultations and
contracts preparation and review of the same as stipulated in the foregoing
provisions which shall be within the regular scope of this Retainer Agreement;
6. Other services analogous to the foregoing (as may be agreed by the Firm
and RGC)
Term of Retainer
The term or duration of the retainer shall be for one (1) year effective upon signing
of the Retainer Agreement unless other pre-terminates the same upon serving a
thirty (30) day-prior written notice to the other party, without the need of cause.
Retainer Fees
(LAW FIRM NAME) shall be entitled to a fixed monthly retainer fee of
twelve months through a dated check for the current month and eleven post-dated
checks in the name of _______ or deposit in the Firm’s account with (BANK)
Account Number: _______. An Honoraria/Appearance fee of PESOS: THREE
THOUSAND (PHP 3,000.00) will be charged to the client every time any lawyer
of (LAW FIRM NAME) is required to appear in a meeting, negotiation, and other
similar engagements within Metro Manila and PESOS: FIVE THOUSAND (PHP
5,000.00) outside Metro Manila.
In case of pre termination by either party the post-dated checks subsequent to the
month of termination shall be deemed cancelled.
Oversight of RGC Cases
In addition to the general retainer, the Firm shall undertake to perform oversight
duties over cases filed by or against corporations, officers and employees of the
RGC. The Firm shall, upon referral of RGC, shall review, comment on and
improve pleadings and other papers filed in relation to these. A pleading fee
PESOS (Php 3,000.00 – Php 5,000.00) depending on its complexity, shall be
charged for every pleading or paper referred to the Firm for review.
(LAW FIRM NAME) may also be requested to attend the hearings of these cases,
and to report directly to the Chairman of RGC or to any of his designated
representative. In this case the usual appearance fee, as stated above, shall apply.
Out of pocket expenses
Ordinary out-of-pocket expenses such as printing, photocopying, mailing, cable
and fax charge, transportation, accommodation and representation expenses and
other similar expenses incurred in undertaking work for your Company shall be for
your account. Similarly, in litigation cases and adversarial matters (whether
judicial or otherwise), all docket fees, sheriff’s fees, cost of stenographic notes,
printing and photocopying of pleadings and other documents, shall be for the
account of our Company.
In this connection, any expenses stated above shall be the subject of a separate
It is understood that the parties to this, agreement shall, except as otherwise agreed
upon, consider confidential all information that may be relayed to each other in the
course of the lawyer-client relationship, including, but not limited to the contents
of this agreement.
If these terms are acceptable to you, kindly indicate your conformity by signing on
the space provided herein-below.
Thank you for your trust and confidence and we look forward to a mutually
rewarding relationship.
Very truly yours,

For the Firm:

ATTY. _____



Represented by:

HR Director

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