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S - The major flaw in the characters Romeo and Juliet is the way they rush into the relationship

together while still young and vulnerable. Since Romeo and Juliet are still so young they do not
have problem solving skills and are still immature when it comes to their relationship, this
ultimately leads to their downfall.

P - In Act 1 Scene 2, Lord Capulet tells Paris that Juliet is only 14 years old and still too young
to be married to. In Act 3 Scene2, Juliet finds out that Romeo has been banished from the city
and she says that she is so sad, this is worse than the 10,000 of her cousins dying and
proceeds to say she wants to kill herself.

E - You can tell that Lord Capulet does not want Juliet to be married at such a young age and
it’s obvious why. She is still very immature and not smart. If she is 14 she will probably over
react like every teenager does and take things too literally. We then see that Romeo has killed
Tybalt and is banished by the Prince. The Nurse tells Juliet about the banishment and Juliet is
so sad she says she is going to kill herself. This shows that she has no way to solve simple
problems like this, she barely knows Romeo and threatens to kill herself if he leaves her without
thinking about the whole situation.

S - This is why the biggest character flaw in Romeo and Juliet is their rush into a relationship at
a young age and while still very vulnerable.

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