1992-Nash-Surface Antigen Variability and Variation in Giardia Lamblia

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Parasitology Today, vol. 8, no.

7, 1992 229

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Surface Antigen Variability and Variation

in Giardia larnblia
T. Nash

Recent studies show that Giardia isolates are hetero- with regard to VSPs but, if not kept in culture over
geneous but fall into at least three groups as determined prolonged periods, consist of a predominant vari-
by a number of complementary techniques. Giardia ant. GS/H7 refers to the H7 clone of isolate GS. The
undergoes surface antigenic variation, both in vitro, predominant VSP (VSPH7) is a 58kDa surface
and in humans and other animal model infections. antigen. VSPs have also been called cysteine-rich
Many of the characteristics of antigenic variation and proteins (CRPs) 2, but this nomenclature is mis-
the proteins involved, called variant-specific surface leading because there are most likely a number of
proteins (VSPs), are unique. The sequences of five cysteine-rich molecules in Giardia with different
VSPs reveal a family of cysteine-rich proteins. Here functions; I prefer the term VSP. The gene
Theodore Nash reviews the relationship between anti- encoding a particular VSP is designated by italics,
genic variation and Giardia heterogeneity. as VSPH7.
Analysis of 29 Giardia lamblia isolates and clones
Giardia lamblia is one of the most common parasites from some isolates reveals marked surface antigen
of humans. Ingested cysts excyst in the small variability3-5. Heterogeneity occurs primarily for
intestine and multiply as motile, flagellated, bi- two reasons. First, there are heritable differences
nucleated trophozoites. These encyst in the lower between isolates3-5, and second, isolates undergo
intestine and colon and are then excreted in the antigenic variation that results in heterogeneity
feces, sometimes in enormous quantities (approach- even in clonaUy derived populations2'6'7. Although
ing 107 per gram). Molecular comparison of cul- the underlying mechanisms of antigenic variation in
tured isolates 1 and clones has led to an understand- Giardia are not known, it should be remembered
ing of the genetic relationship among isolates and that the nature of the proteins involved, the location
the finding that Giardia trophozoites undergo sur- of the parasite in the intestine and the biology of the
face antigenic variation. parasite are very different compared with the
In this review I shall refer to major surface African trypanosomes and other micro-organisms.
proteins of Giardia that undergo antigenic variation
as VSPs. Most clones rapidly become heterologous Heterogeneity among isolates
A number of characteristics have been used to
differentiate isolates. These include differences in
Theodore Nash is at the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National isoenzymes8-1°, restriction fragment length poly-
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Building 4, Room 126, morphisms (RFLPs) 3, phenotypic surface antigen
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA. expression4-6, susceptibility to chemotherapeutic
230 Parasitology Today, vol. 8, no. 7, 1992

agents 11, 18S ribosomal D N A (rDNA) sequences 12, Over the past decade my colleagues and I have
chromosome size and staining characteristics 13, systematically compared 29 Giardia isolates; a
differences in homologous genes 14, the presence or summary of the findings are shown in Table 1. Our
absence of certain genes or transcripts (T.E. Nash original grouping is based on RFLPs using un-
and M.R. Mowatt, and A. Aggarwal and T.E. defined probes 3 and the patterns of surface re-
Nash, unpublished), susceptibility to Giardia RNA activity using a panel of isolate-specific antisera 3'4.
virus ~5 and the ability to grow, in vitro 16. As we learned more about antigenic variation and

Table I. Comparison of 29 Giardia isolatesa

Isolate Group mAb6E7 b mAb5C| b mAb3F6 b mAbGI0 b VSPA6 c VSPH7 c VSPI267 ~ C4 d Giardin e RNA f

WB + + + O E+ O WB O 23 I
LT + + + O S+ ND WB O 23 ND

Isr + + + O S+ O WB O 23 I

Be2 + + + O S+ O WB O 23 I

CAT + + + O S+ O WB O 23 I

RS + + + O E+ ND ND O 23 ND

P-I II + + + O S+ O WB O 23 ND

G2M ND + + + O S+ ND WB O 23 I

Dan II + + + O E+ ND WB O 23 ND

GP II + + + O S+ ND WB O 23 I
G3M ND + + + O S+ ND WB O 23 I
E2 ND + O O O P+ ND P O 23 II

N II O O + O P+ ND P O 23 II

Ac - O O + O P+ ND P O 23 ND

DH II O O + O P+ ND P O 23 II

JH II O O + O P+ O ND O 23 II
Sug ND O O + O O ND ? O ND ND
Andi ND O O O O P+ ND P O 23 ND

Mar ND O O O O P+ ND P O 23 ND

Erin ND O O + O P+ ND P O ? ND



E9 ND O O O O O O O + 4 III

E4 ND O O O O O ND O + 4 II
GS III O O O + O + O + 4 III

CM III O O O + O + O + 4 III
aThe features studied are shown across the top of the table and the various isolates are designated in the far left column. +, presence of a particular feature;
O, absence of the characteristic; ND, not done; ?, uninterpretable results; WB, identical to the WB isolate; E, banding pattern identical to WB; S, similar
banding pattern, containing some bands in common with WB; P, banding pattern dissimilar to WB.
b Presence of any trophozoites expressing surface epitopes recognized by the indicated mAbs. mAbs 6E7 and 5C I were made to isolate WB and mAb G 10/4
to GS. mAb 3F6 was most likely produced to a WB-like organism, which contaminated isolate GS(18).
c Hybridization to internal fragments of VSPA6 and VSP 1267 or a VSPH7-specific oligonucleotide.
tiC4 is a gene that was detected by differential screening of an expression library with two isolate-specific antisera. Under high stringency it recognizes
fragments in Group 3 isolates only (T. Nash and M.R. Mowatt, unpublished).
e Giardin refers to the size of the fragment in kilobases (kb) detected in Southern blots after digestion of genomic DNA with EcoRI and probed with l~-I
fGrouping based on the sequence of a 3' fragment of the 18S rDNA 12. Isolates in each group have identical sequences.
Parasitology Today, vol. 8, no. 7, 1992 231

developed other reagents and techniques, other been formally demonstrated in all five isolates
methods of comparison were used. These include where reagents were available to allow verifi-
the reactivity of trophozoites in populations to cation7,18.
mAbs that recognize specific epitopes in V S P s 6, the The rates of antigenic variation differ and appear
ability of probes encoding fragments of VSP pro- to be mostly isolate and, to a lesser extent, epitope
teins to detect the presence of hybridizing bands in dependent22. Clones of isolates will predictably re-
Southern blots6, the use of conserved and non- express epitopes characteristic of their parent 6'z2.
conserved genes as probes in Southern blots (T.E. We took advantage of this to measure the rate of
Nash and M.R. Mowatt, unpublished) and the appearance of non-expressed epitopes using direct
presence of rDNA sequence differences12. Despite immunofluorescence. The rates of appearance of
the use of a number of diverse methodologies, the VSPs vary dramatically in two different isolates. In
isolates roughly fall into three groups17: Group 1 WB, three specific VSPs appear about once in every
resembles isolate WB, Group 2 shares some of the 12-13 generations (depending on the VSP), com-
characteristics of Group 1 but clearly differs, and pared to once in every 6.5 generations in GS for the
Group 3 consists of heterogeneous isolates that have one VSP we are able to detect. These rapid rates of
few features in common with Group 1. There is a change predicted the development of considerable
clear relationship between the ability to express heterogeneity in continuously maintained cultures,
certain epitopes and the other classifying charac- a finding that has been repeatedly demonstrated,
teristics, indicating that the type and nature of the particularly with GS cultures (T.E. Nash, unpub-
VSP repertoires are at least partly dependent on the lished). Rates of appearance also differed signifi-
Group. For instance, Group 1 isolates express VSPs cantly among epitopes expressed by the same isolate.
recognized by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 6E7, Although differences in the rates of change were
5C1 and 3F6, but Group 2 isolates are unable to relatively small (about 0.7 generations), this sug-
express epitopes recognized by mAbs 6E7 and 5C1 gested a bias toward expression of certain epitopes.
but express mAb 3F6-binding epitopes. In contrast, Differing rates of appearance of epitopes, in viva,
Group 3 isolates express none of the epitopes could have profound biological consequences, such
expressed in Groups 1 or 2 and a subset expresses as a mechanism which could result in prolonged
epitopes recognized by mAb G10/4. RFLP analysis infections. Also, in these experiments we were
using [5-1 giardin and the presence of C4-hybridizing unable to detect two VSPs expressed on the same
fragments (see legend for Table 1) clearly separates trophozoite; only one VSP appears to be expressed at
Group 3 from the other groups (T.E. Nash and M.R. any given time.
Mowatt, unpublished). The genetic differences
between the groups i,; additionally strengthened by Antigenic variation, in viva
group-specific rDNA sequence changes 12. Sequence Antigenic variation was initially described, in
divergence of rDNA has not been recognized within vitro, and it was therefore essential to show rel-
a species and, together with the other characteristic evance, in viva. Unlike many of the organisms that
differences among the groups, leads to the con- undergo antigenic variation, there was little or no
clusion that these groups branched off from a suggestion from the clinical course in human or
common ancestor millions of years ago. Further animal infections of the phenomenon. Further-
support for this conclusion comes from comparison more, antigenic variation had not been described in
of the conserved ADP-ribosylation factor 14 and organisms inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract. In
triosphosphate isomerase genes (M.R. Mowatt, experimental infections of humans 23, gerbils24 and
T.C. Howard and T.E. Nash, unpublished) in the neonatal mice25 with clones of Giardia lamblia, the
prototype Group 1 isolate, WB, compared to the initial VSP is lost and replaced by a heterologous
Group 3 isolate, GS. ]Both sequences show a level of mixture of VSPs in the two models analyzed
nucleotide difference unusual for members of the (humans and gerbils). Replacement occurs between
same species. 14 and 22 days in mice25 and humans 23 and by the
seventh day in gerbils24. Since antibodies to the
Antigenic variation, in vitro initial VSP are detected by day 14, humoral
Antigenic variation has been shown convincingly antibodies could play a role in the selection of VSPs
both by the spontaneous appearance of variants in in mice and humans but not in gerbils because
clones6 and by depletion experiments of clones change occurs before antibodies are detected. A role
using cytotoxic mAbs and the analysis of surviving for antibody response is further suggested by the
trophozoites7'18. Confirmation of these findings continued ability of Giardia to undergo antigenic
includes an exact correlation of the presence, loss variation in nude mice and the failure of parasites in
and subsequent appearance of specific transcripts in scid mice to do SO26. Trophozoites in the latter
clones with the phenotypic expression of corre- continue to express the initial VSP throughout the
sponding V S P s 19-2! and sequence analysis of these course of infection.
transcripts and their corresponding genes 19-21. In contrast to the African trypanosomes, cyclical
Most likely, antigenic variation is a common, if not changes in Giardia VSP expression have not been
universal, phenomenon in Giardia lamblia and has found in infections in gerbils24 or humans23; instead
232 Parasitology Today, vol. 8, no. 7, 1992

there is an expansion of the number of VSPs

expressed. Antigenic variation could cause chronic,
prolonged or normally undetected infections. In the
experimental human infections, the volunteers were
treated at 3weeks, and further analysis was not
possible but in gerbils trophozoites are no longer
seen during microscopic examination in the in-
testines by day 28 (Ref. 24). However, others have
documented the presence of low numbers of organ-
isms after apparent 'self-cure' in gerbils by detect-
ing trophozoites following immunosuppression 27.

The nature of VSPs

The VSPs of Giardia are a unique family of
proteins as judged by the deduced amino acid Fig. I. Irnrnunogold labeling of a trophozoite using a VSP-specific
sequences from both genomic and complementary rnAb. An 18nrn cell coat covers the entire parasite and this is
DNA (cDNA) clones 2'19-21'28. They vary in size specifically labeled (closed arrows). The plasma membrane is
shown by the open arrowheads. Scale bar = 125 nrn. (Reproduced,
from 30 kDa to 200 kDa or more and, for the most with permission, from Ref. 30.)
part, are antigenically distinct and cover the surface
of the parasite 5'6'29. Electron micrographs using
specific labeled mAbs showed that VSPs formed a putative intracellular intestinal zinc transporter 34.
surface coat that covered the entire trophozoite The spacing of the cysteines is well conserved
including the flagellum (Fig. 1 and Ref. 30) and that around the histidine of the LIM-like motif and can
specific mAbs bound to this coat. Despite their be summarized as CX2_3CX9_14CX2CHisX2CX2-
surface location, carbohydrates have not been de- CX7_8CX2CX15_16CX2_5 where X is any amino
tected in VSPs. To date, the sequences of five VSP acid. This compares with the LIM motif
genes have been determined, and parts of a number C X 2 CXI7_19HisX2CXzCX7_ 11(C)X8C. Other putative
of unpublished sequences appear to resemble the zinc-binding motifs are found sporadically in some
more fully characterized sequences. An alignment VSPs. If VSPs are able to bind relatively large
of three VSP amino acid sequences is shown in amounts of zinc, they could inhibit a number of
Fig. 2. A striking feature is the high cysteine content important intestinal enzymes, a notion that is
(11-12%) which commonly occurs as Cys-X-X-Cys supported by the intestinal symptoms of clinical
motifs. The carboxyl terminus is well conserved giardiasis resembling those of zinc deficiency.
among the VSPs thus far studied and is hydro-
phobic except for the last five amino acids. The The control of antigenic variation
amino terminus is also hydrophobic. Small Although the molecular mechanisms controlling
stretches of identical amino acids appear in all three antigenic variation have not been defined, tran-
VSPs, and slightly larger areas of homology occur scriptional regulatory mechanism(s) appear import-
between sequences of any pair of the three. ant to the control of VSP expression. Stable
A repeating sequence is a feature of a subset of transcripts of expressed VSPs are present while
VSPs 2,6,20 . mAb 6E7 reacts with the surface of the stable transcripts of non-expressed VSPs are absent
WB A6. Analysis has shown that the 170 kDa VSP in well-characterized clones 2'19-21. Comparison of
of WB A6 (or CRP 170) contains a 195 nucleotide VSP sequences of parent and progeny do not reveal
fragment that is repeated about 20 times and large fragments of parent sequences in progeny
encodes the epitope recognized by the mAb 6E7 VSP, as one would expect if gene conversion
(M.R. Mowatt et al., unpublished and Refs 2, 20). mechanisms were operative. In African trypano-
The VSPs of other isolates are also recognized by somes, expressed variant antigen genes commonly
this mAb but vary in size, and in at least one undergo duplication and are expressed in telomere-
instance the difference in size can be attributed to a associated sites. V S P genes in Giardia do not
difference in the number of repetitive units (M.R. appear to be telomere associated 2 and, with one
Mowatt et al., unpublished). Only one repeating possible exception 2°, no expression-linked copies
sequence has been described and it is not clear how have been described. It may be that entire genes are
common this feature is or if other repetitive switched on or off by an as yet undefined process.
sequences exist. In one VSP where both genomic and cDNA genes
Motifs that occur in lin-ll, Isl-1 and mec-3 had been sequenced 19, they were found to be
proteins 31 are known as LIM motifs; one such identical, and in the genome there were two
m o t i f 32-34 is present in four of five published identical copies arranged tail-to-tail. Where specific
(absent in CRP72) and two unpublished VSP VSP probes have been used, different-sized bands
sequences. The LIM motif binds heavy metals, are seen in Southern blots for two different VSPs,
particularly zinc, and this motif is also found in a suggesting two V S P gene types for each V S P 19'21 .
cysteine-rich mammalian intestinal protein that is a However, in another study four copies of each V S P
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234 Parasitology Today, vol. 8, no. 7, 1992

gene per haploid genome were estimated, suggest- diversity in a population and thus allows other
ing two copies of each type of VSP gene per haploid selection processes to come into play. Certain
genome 21. epitopes may or may not be recognized by the host,
Repertoire size was estimated in two ways and and some VSPs may be able to survive better or
both give roughly equivalent estimates. By deter- contribute to virulence, or permit broadening of the
mining the rate of appearance of newly expressed host range. Implicit in this argument is the fact that
VSPs in clones 22, the median number of VSPs was different VSPs have different biological properties.
estimated to be between 20.5 and 184.5. Another Indeed, it is known that VSPs differ in their
method compared the amount of all VSP D N A and susceptibility to intestinal proteases, in vitro 37.
one specific VSP D N A , to yield a repertoire of 130- Whether immunological/nonimmunological selection
150 VSP genes (Fig. 3 and Ref. 21). As mentioned processes are important remains a vexing question.
above, additional calculations indicate that there are Although some questions have been answered, it
four copies of each VSP gene per haploid genome. is obvious that much needs to be learnt to under-
Therefore, the VSP repertoire size is approximately stand not only antigenic variation, but also the
30-40 (Ref. 21), which is considerably less than the biology of the parasite and host-parasite inter-
estimated repertoire size for the African trypano- actions as well. Giardia is a very successful parasite
somes. and unraveling its survival mechanism(s) will likely
There are few studies of the state of VSPs on the lead not only to control of infection and disease but
surface of the parasite. The earliest study of the also to a better understanding of its cellular biology
170 kDa VSP of WB shows that it is released from and evolution.
the surface into the culture medium35; neither the
mechanism of release nor the means of attachment References
to the membrane is known. In contrast to the 1 Meyer, E.A. and Pope, B.L. (1965) Nature 207, 1417-1418
2 Adam, R.D. et al. (1988)J. Exp. Med. 167, 109-118
African trypanosomes, at least two studies have 3 Nash, T.E. et al. (1985)J. Infect. Dis. 152, 64-73
shown that VSPs are not linked by glycosylphos- 4 Nash, T.E. et al. (1985)J. Infect. Dis. 152, 1166-1171
phatidylinositol anchors 36 (T.E. Nash, unpub- 5 Ungar, B.L.P. and Nash, T.E. (1987) Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 37,
lished), neither have free sulfhydral groups been 6 Nash, T.E., Conrad, J.T. and Merritt, J.W., Jr (1990) Mol.
found on the VSPs of live trophozoites (T.E. Nash, Biochem. Parasitol. 42, 125-132
unpublished). 7 Nash, T.E. et al. (1988)J. Immunol. 141,636-641
8 Bertram, S.H. et al. (1983)J. Parasitol. 69, 793-801
The biological significance of antigenic variation 9 Meloni, B.P. et al. (1991) Acta Trop. 50, 114-124
in Gmrdia is speculative although escape from the 10 Korman, S.H. et al. (1986) Z. Parasitenkd. 72, 173-180
host's immunological response is commonly men- 11 McIntyre, P. et al. (1986)J. Pediatr. 108, 1005-1010
12 Weiss, J.B., VanKeulen, H. and Nash, T.E. Mol. Biochem.
tioned. However, although the chronicity of some Parasitol. (in press)
infections could be due to antigenic variation, there 13 Adam, R.D., Nash, T.E. and Wellems, T.E. (1988) Nucleic Acids
are no data directly supporting this idea. Antigenic Res. 16, 4555--4567
14 Murtagh, J.J., Jr et al. J . Biol. Chem. (in press)
variation could be a process that leads to increased 15 Miller, R.L., Wang, A.L. and Wang, C.C. (1988) Exp. Parasitol.
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18 Aggarwal, A., Merritt, J.W., Jr and Nash, T.E. (1989) Mol.
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2.3 -- 28 Gillin, F.D. et al. (1990) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 87, 4463-4467
Fig. 3. Southern blot of H7 29 Nash, T.E. and Aggarwal, A. (1986)J. Immunol. 136, 2628-2632
2.0-- DNA restricted with Hindlll 30 Pimenta, F.P., DaSilva, P.P. and Nash, T. (1991) Infect. Immun.
and hybridized to MM-16, 59, 3989-3996
an oligonucleotide probe 31 Li, P.M. et al. (1991) Proc Natl Acad. Sci. USA 88, 9210-9213
specific to the conserved 3' 32 Freyd, G., Kim, S.K. and Horvitz, R.H. (1990) Nature 344,
region, or to MM- 17, an 876-879
33 Karlsson, S.T. et al. (1990) Nature 344, 87%882
oligonucleotide probe specific 34 Hempe, J.M. and Cousins, R.J. (1991) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
to VSPH7. MM-16 hybridized 88, 9671-9674
to many bands while MM- I 7 35 Nash, T.E., Gillin, F.D. and Smith, P.D. (1983)J. Immunol. 131,
hybridized to only two. 2004-2010
(Reproduced, with permis- 36 Das, S. et al. (1991)J. Biol. Chem. 266, 21318-21325
MM-I6 MM-17
sion, from Ref. 21.) 37 Nash, T.E., Merritt, J.W., Jr and Conrad, J.T. (1991) Infect.
lmmun. 59, 1334-1340

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