CARM Reply To John T in CC 9 Feb 2019

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[QUOTE=john t;n5814503]

Your rant and what I made red indicate that you have animis towards anyone who disagree with you, and
expecially those who use the Bible to base their agreements

You seem to hate all Christians, excepting perhaps those who are like you, lodge members
You seem to have a likeing of profanity by your own words
You hurl insults and mock Christians in the name of supporting your religion, Freemasonry

So tell us why we should not, based upon your own words, request to the administrators that you become a
member of the secular forums?


Oh, look the expected antimasonic prevarications.

If you want to quibble, I'll break it all down for you since in this thread, proving the facts rationally shows
orthodox Christians what antimasonry actually is.

I'll even use the four axioms of a Christian apologist that you use for your sig, since they apply so well to
refute your false accusations and claims in your post. I've always liked that sig, too bad that interactions
with the one who uses it proves the sig to only be a cut 'n' paste job.

Correct, I have been known to use strong language sometimes to point out the cultists who claim to be
Christian and cannot use the Bible to base their "agreements" (arguments?) on.

Strong does not equal profane.

It does often equal telling the truth, especially when basing my position firmly on the Word of God, like a
Christian should.

The link to the second thread is covered by sig rule 1, because that was the most common way to prove
you tried to use Scripture incorrectly was to show that your text was out of context, which makes it a pretext
for a proof text.

For the three deceitful charges you hurl:

1. I refer you to your sig. In this case sig rule 2.

2. Oh, look, I guess this based on the "JT edited for profanity" bit above?

You mean the part that is no longer present in the post you are supposedly replying to?

How totally honest of "JT" to make claims about things that cannot be researched.

It would appear that a duo action might be in progress, but that (speaking honestly) would be pure

In any case, I still have the original on file on my computer and there is not a single word commonly
considered profanity covered by the "JT edited for profanity" bit.

I will draw your attention to the fact that the CARM rules disallow the use of profanity by posters.

This would mean that given the state of the post you are replying to that it would not require a "JT edited for
profanity" as if "JT" is trying to play moderator.
BTW, I have not received any such notification of a profanity violation in over a decade, from before my son
was born. That was using the common ROFLMA(rse)O (without the "(rse)") and why I use it or ROFLMBO.
I had an email exchange over that with Diane S where she explained why given what the A normally stands
for and told me that the two variants were acceptable on these forums.

I have received no warning for use of profanity since then on the CARM forums. Period.

So, false accusation proven and apparent attempt to moderate by "JT".

NOTE: The above represents a stantment of actual facts not a "comment, question, grievance or
complaint" directed to or about any member of the CARM staff or CARM policies. It also does not
represent an attempt to moderate any other use by me. I know perfectly well how to request
moderator assistance for any post that appears to violate CARM rules IF I WISH TO.

3. Nope, I'm a Christian who actually does some apologetics and countercult work in the real world.

Given the latest interactions with followers of antimasonry, it is apparent that my beliefs are based on the
Bible and orthodox Christianity.

As for the fabrication that Freemasonry is a religion has multiple responses, but the simplest one would be
the failure of the followers of antimasonry who claim to be Christian to answer one simple question.

Instead, antimasons bloviate dishonestly about things that were refuted in the first few posts of this very

In fact, this entire thread consists of nothing but positive proof that antimasonic beliefs that claim to be
Christian are NOT supported by the Bible, at least the Bible read as rule 1 in your sig demands it to be.

Proof of that was linked earlier. in this post where, as was shown, violation of rule 1 in your sig was the
most common error in the antimasonic personal interpretations of Scripture.

As for your final question: Request away, given the recent history I believe it might be possible for that to be
achieved under the current situation.

It would be in error because:

1) I am an orthodox Christian who follows the Bible and points out the errors of followers of antimasonry.
Hint: "REAL Christians" do not try to claim the abilities, duties and powers that God reserves to Himself

I will reserve comment on this subject at this time, but it has been proven in other posts.

2) It is merely an attempt to suppress the proof that antimasons who claim to be Christian bear false
witness with their multiple fabrications, like claiming Freemasonry is a religion.

Proof of this habit of deception by antimasons who claim to be Christian occurs multiple times in the posts
you are replying to, including making up sins not in the Bible, using forged and fraudulent documents,
contradictions where some accusations are disproven by the "proof" of other accusations (called
"indictments") and other of the usual tools and methods of antimasonic deceit.

3) Seriously. Did you just claim that Freemasonry is a religion and then try to claim that you could get me
tossed into the SECULAR forums?

See sig rule 3.

Even if CARM fell into the dishonesty of other forums where the moderators admit that they must delete
posts that show that antimasons who claim to be Christian are making things up, CARM would still then
have to falsely proclaim Freemasonry to be a religion, which would definitely make it NON-SECULAR.

Looking at it objectively without any review of the evidence involved, merely by the positions of regular
Masons and antimasons who claim to be Christian, all Freemasons have a religious belief of some sort.

Of course, an honest review of the evidence would show that regular Masons have individual religious
beliefs that are not part of this fictional "Masonic religion" fabricated by antimasons who claim to be

Antimasons would fabricate a masonic religion for all Masons and, as for me, I am a Christian, so I think I
qualify as having a NON-SECULAR belief system.

Yes, I think orthodox Christianity qualifies as a religion.

Which actually leads us to rule 3 of your sig and the truth of the rule as shown by your personal actions on
this forum in defense of antimasonry.

The inconsistencies abound.

Oh, as for your rule 4?

I already showed that in the historical thread about the fellow travelers of antimasonry....who also claimed
to be Christian.

Mainly relating to the clear fingerprints of a certain style of argumentation in clear use today by certain
elements of our political spectrum.

Note the last three words of my post that you chose to highlight in red.

That is what antimasonry that claims to be Christian is all about.

This entire thread, especially including interactions with forum antimasons, document the truth of that.

Which remains why antimasons who claim to be Christian fear and avoid the proven facts in this thread.

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