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Retrieved Reformation, ​when Jimmy, A safe cracking criminal, risks the good life he has

made for himself as Ralph Spencer to save the child that was locked in the bank safe.

Ben Price, the detective and witnesses, understands the sacrifice Jimmy has made to

save the child. As Jimmy goes to Ben to turn himself in, Ben responds by pretending not

to know the real identity of Jimmy by calling him Spencer and goes away. The response

of Ben shows that he is letting Jimmy go instead of taking Jimmy to prison as he

believes that Jimmy changed from his previous life and became a better person. By o


2. Hunchback of Madonia, ​by Fray Angelico Chavez, O.F.M. In the story, Mana Seda is a

hunchback woman who started the tradition from her hometown where they hold a

procession for every day of May with flower offerings she provides as her way of fulfilling

her wish to be a flower girl since her hunchback does not allow her to become one. The

selection is from the last day of May when the Padre convinces her to lead the

procession as a flower girl to make her wish as a young girl come true. The selection

shows that when the Padre learns of her wish from Esquipula, he chooses to let her be a

flower girl as a chance to show his recognition of Mana Seda’s dedication and love to

Mary and his gratitude to Mana Seda for all her work in the chapel.

3. Damien the leper, ​Father Damien talks to the lepers on the island and tells them that he

has contracted leprosy. Father Damien now experiences the same as the lepers and has

a limited number of years left to do his work. This section of the story marks the

beginning of the end of Father Damien’s life and the story as they prepare for his coming

death and adjust to the future life on the island without him. The story is by John Villers


4. The Highwayman, is written ​by Alfred Noyes. In the story, the people who are looking

for the highwayman, they use Bess to capture him but Bess sacrifices herself by killing

herself to warn him. He runs away from them thinking he was under attack. Later on, he
finds out of her sacrifice and goes back to take revenge but he dies as well. The story

shows the Highwayman’s reaction to Bess’s death and shows the feelings of love for

Bess that caused him to sacrifice his own life.

5. Patchwork quilt,written by Rachel lyman field. When Anne and Joe take away Mrs.

Willis’s quilt because they think it's nothing but old garbage. Mrs. Willis needs to move

on from. Joe, Mrs. Willis’ son-in-law asks Mrs. Willis for the last time where Mrs. Willis

placed the deed to the land but she can only remember her quilt but can't seem to think

about the white piece. This scene shows that in the end, Anne and Joe are unable to

4ind the deed because they were not able to realize the significance of the quilt to Mrs.

Willis and how it affects her memory. They gave away the quilt and at the same time

without releasing it gave away the deed to the land they were looking for.

6. The Griffod girl,​Leonard Feeney, S.J after Grace Gifford.​ The patriot soldier is killed on

his wedding day. they cut him down before he could marry.

7. destruction of sennacherib by Lord Byron , it shows a victory of battle through God. the

victors with their banners over the losers.

8. The Canticle of our brother's son,by Saint Francis of Assisi. We must praise God and the

brother's son because they both bring light into our lives. through God all things are



1. Bill is hardworking, kind, pious, and intelligent. There are many details in the story

about it but I've just listed some of the largest ones in this essay.Bill is extremely

intelligent because, when he finds out he is terminally ill he doesn't feel sorry for himself,

instead he sets out to find a foster parent for his daughter. He narrows it down to two
options. The first of which was a rich mother and daughter who really don't love each

other truthfully, and the second family is a loving family with a carpenter for a father.

deciding what's best for his daughter he chooses the loving family to adopt her. He

values their love over the mother and daughters money. He is also extremely kind and

caring after all he is a single parent caring for his daughter after finding out he's

terminally ill whilst trying to find foster parents for her, he is also hard working, finding

the time for the teacher not only school but about God, which shows he is extremely

pious. along with all of that she cleans cooks and provides everything she needs while

he can.

2. The evil in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a baseless murder. Wich is sailor

killing an arbrtross. He kills the bird for no discernible reason other than his boredom

presumably. after which she feels completely horrible. as a result he starts to see and

hear things. He starts to pray hoping things will get better and eventually basically starts

to beg for forgiveness through his prayers. as a type of redemption since he has to

travel from country to Country telling his tale about what he did and what he has to do.

3. Louis is an extremely dedicated and intelligent man. his dedication and his knowledge

leads him into the first of his achievements such as creating a cure for rabies . He's also

an extremely well regarded and rewarded man through his achievements he has been

awarded many medals. one example of this is his cure which has saved many people.

He also has an extremely good tendency to draw good holy people to him.

4. Anne and Joe got what was coming to them. they didn't care about Miss Willis's

well-being at all; They took her quilt away from Miss Willis. but Anne and Joe didn't

know that the quilt was the secret to the deed that they were looking for all along. if Miss

Willis couldn't have her quilt and along with it her memories of her life they were never

going to get the deed so they doom themselves in their own greed.
5. Joan of Arc What's a very pious, selfless, courageous woman.In a way all of these traits

tie into her and what she did to fight for France and God. She was a very courageous

woman for putting herself out on the battlefield to fight. Which was not very common in

her time for a woman to be out on the battlefield.Joan was an extremely Pious woman

after she saw her vision she became completely dedicated in God and everything she

does. For her Selflessness she put her cause it was good in front of her in her


6. Damian ‘s traits are kind , hardworking, pious, and he has a lot of perseverance.

Damian is an extremely kind and caring man, because when everyone turned their

backs on the lepers he went to help them. He is extremely hard working also for

example he helped to build the lepers houses and churches to increase the

infrastructure and quality of life in their town she also taught them. he is also extremely

pious he preached to the lepers and taught them about God and all of his glory. he's also

has a lot of perseverance, he became a leper and instead of giving up on life he decided

to work hard for other people.

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