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June 9-13, 2014

University of Basel

9. International Congress on the

Archaeology of the
Ancient Near East




Basel Organising Committee International Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Antonio Loprieno Prof. Dr. Manfred Bietak

Rector of the University of Basel, Egyptology University of Vienna

Prof. Dr. Susanne Bickel Prof. Dr. Hartmut Kühne

Egyptology, University of Basel Free University of Berlin

Dr. Denis Genequand Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Margueron

Islamic Archaeology, University of Geneva École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris

Prof. Dr. Bruno Jacobs Dr. Wendy Matthews

Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Basel Reading University

Dr. Oskar Kaelin Prof. Dr. Paolo Matthiae

Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Basel University of Rome La Sapienza

Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Le Tensorer Prof. Dr. Diederik Meijer

Prehistorical Archaeology, University of Basel University of Leiden

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Mathys Prof. Dr. Ingolf Thuesen

Old Testament Studies and Semitic Languages University of Copenhagen
University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Alan Walmsley
Prof. Dr. Rolf A. Stucky University of Copenhagen
Classical Archaeology, University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Irene Winter
Harvard University

Further Support Islamic Archaeology

Dr. Ueli Brunner Dr. Alison Gascoigne
University of Zurich University of Southampton

M.A. Gino Caspari Dr. Cristina Tonghini

University of Hamburg Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia

Dr. Rita Gautschy Prof. Dr. Donald Whitcomb

University of Basel University of Chicago

General Information

Please, have your Congress ID with you while attending all ICAANE functions.
The Congress Office is located on the Ground Floor of the Kollegienhaus. It is open daily from 8.30
to 17.00. We are there for all your inquiries.
A Free WI-Fi internet service is available to all lCAANE participants within the premises of the Kolle-
The Congress ID allows for a free visit to the Antikenmuseum Basel (St. Alban-Graben 5, CH-4010 Basel;
Tuesday, June 10 to Friday, June 13).

The time limit of a single lecture is 20 min, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.
Have your own USB-Stick with a Power Point presentation or a PDF. On the computers in the lecture
halls the software installed will be Windows 7 64 bit, Office 2010 32 bit and Acrobat XI 32 bit.
There will be a manned computer in the Reception Area where you can check the functioning your
presentation beforehand all week. Please, do that well ahead of the time of your talk.

Posters will be displayed on the 1st floor of the Kollegienhaus. You may exhibit your poster after re-
gistration. The Poster Session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 14.30 -16.15.

Bookstalls for Publishers are located on the 1st floor of the Kollegienhaus.

Social Events (Admission by Congress ID. Drinks and snacks will be served)

Opening Reception by the Rectorate of University of Basel

Monday, June 9, 19.30 to 22.00. Kollegienhaus.

Reception by the Governments of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft
Thursday, June 12, 19.30 to 22.00. Antikenmuseum Basel.

Public Evenings (open to everybody, see separate flyers)

Zwischen Damaskus und Bagdad –

Archäologische Forschungen zu den Anfängen des Islam
Tuesday, June 10, 19.30 to 21.00.

Von den ersten Menschen zum Imperium – Basel forscht im Nahen Osten
Wednesday, June 11, 19.30 to 21.00.

15-18 Registration (open whole week)
June 8

Monday 0900-1045 Opening

June 9 1115-1300 Section Introductions

S1 S2 S3 S4
Egypt & ANE – Travelling Images - ANE Traditions Reconstructing
1430-1615 Perceptions of Transfer and Trans- vs. Hellenization/ Ancient Eco-Sys-
Alterity formation of Visual Romanization tems


Evening Reception Rectorate

Tuesday 0900-1045

June 10 1115-1300

1430-1615 Poster Session

1645-1830 Desert Kites

Evening Public Conference: Zwischen Damaskus und Bagdad – Archäologische Forschungen zu

den Anfängen des Islam

Wednesday 0900-1045

June 11 1115-1300
WS12 S4
1430-1615 Elite Residences Reconstructing An-
WS9 cient Eco-Systems
1645-1830 Archaeology of
the Negev & the
Evening Public Conference: Von den ersten Menschen zum Imperium – Basel forscht im Nahen

Thursday 0900-1045

June 12 S6 Reports
S6 Reports


Evening Reception by the Governments of the Cantons Basel-City & Basel-Country

Friday 0900-1045

June 13 1115-1300

1430-1615 S6 Reports

1645-1830 Closing Session

9th ICAANE, 2014 Basel

S5 S6.1 Reports S6.2 Reports S7 WS2 WS1

Dealing with the Islamic Session Chronology of Construction of
Past: Finds, Boo- Transitional Neolithic Corpo-
ty, Gifts, Spoils, Periods rate Identities
Tracing Comme-

S5 Dealing with WS11 WS10

the Past Museums and Late Neolithic at
the Ancient Çatalhöyük
Middle East

Settlement Trajectories of
WS14 Landscape of Complexity
Irrigation and the Orontes
Water Works Valley

WS6 S7 WS4 WS13

Collections at Islamic Session Artifact of Bone Ethnoarchaeo-
Risk logy and Experi-
mental Studies

S6 Reports

S6 Reports

Monday, June 9, 2014

Opening Plenary Session

0930-0945 Hans-Peter Mathys

University of Basel

0945-1000 tba
Vice-Rector of the University of Basel

1000-1015 Urs Wüthrich-Pelloli

Regierungspräsident of Basel-Landschaft

1015-1030 Paolo Matthiae

International Committee of the ICAANE

1030-1100 Coffee Break

Introductions to the Sections

1100-1115 Susanne Bickel

Egypt and Ancient Near East - Perceptions of Alterity

1115-1130 Oskar Kaelin

Travelling Images - Transfer and Transformation of Visual Ideas

1130-1145 Bruno Jacobs

Ancient Near Eastern Traditions vs. Hellenization/ Romanization

1145-1200 Jean-Marie Le Tensorer

Reconstructing Ancient Eco-Systems

1200-1215 Rolf A. Stucky

Dealing with the Past: Finds, Booty, Gifts, Spoils, Heirlooms

1215-1230 Denis Genequand

Islamic Session
1230-1430 Lunch Break

Monday, June 9, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S1 Egypt & ANE S2 Travelling I mages S3 ANE Traditions vs. H el- S4 R econstructing A ncient S5 D ealing with the Past
lenization / Romanization Eco -S ystems

Chair S usanne B ickel E leonora Pappalardo H ilary G opnik Carmen del Cerro Frances Pinnock
1430- B ietak , M anfred D onald , A lex ander M c R ae , I ona K at B r aemer , Fr ank – B aldi , J ohnny S amuele
1455 Canaanites and Egyptians: Adaptation, Appropri- Assessing Change and G eyer , B ernard The Many Lives of a Bowl.
Ethnic Markers and Evidence ation and Late Cypriot Continuity. Achaemenid and From Site Catchment Analysis Serially Produced Chalcolithic
of Co-existence Glyptic Iconography Post-Achaemenid Ceramic to Regional Settlement Pattern Containers through Ancient
Traditions in the Achaeme- Analysis: Building Regional Map and Current Re-attributions of
nid Heartland of Environmental Resources‘ Meaning

1455- P edr a zzi , Tatiana S auvage , C aroline M aresca , G iulio C asana , J esse Vahdati N asab , H. – K a zz a zi ,
1520 Identity and Alterity in the Late Bronze Age regional Echoes of Regional Landscape Phenology, Climate M andan – N ayebi , S amir a
Early Iron Age Northern Le- identities and distribution Traditions plus Western Variability and Settlement Sus- Venus Figurines: Paleolithic
vantine Coast: a Hypothesis of motifs: Mycenaean Typological Influences: tainability in the Northern Fertile vs Neolithic. Metric Analysis of
of “Code-Sharing” in the Pictorial Ceramics in Some Notes about the Crescent: Insights from Regional- Female Figurines from Europe
Material Culture their Cypriot and Levanti- Post-Achaemenian Pottery Scale, Satellite Remote Sensing and the Middle East
ne contexts Assemblage from the Italian
Excavations at Qal‛a-ye
Sam (Iran, Sistan)

1520- Wasmuth , M el anie B ergoffen , C elia J. H off, C orinna M atthews , W endy R assmann , P hilipp M.
1545 Egyptians in Iron Age Meso- Prized Pots: Cypriot Achaemenid and Greek – M atthews , R oger (with Repurposing and Re-depositing
potamia: Reconstructing their Painted Wheel Made Influence in Lycia during the CZAP team colleagues) Levantine Neolithic Ground
Socio-Cultural Settings Kraters in MB-LB Cyprus 6th to 4th Centuries BC Reconstructing Neolithic Eco- Stone Tools
and the Levant Systems in the Central Zagros of
Iran and Iraq

1545- V ermaak , Fanie P oggio , A lessandro R iehl , S imone – A souti , E leni Taha , B uchr a – S idér a , I sabelle
1615 The Ancient Persians in The Hellenic Impact on the – S tarkovich , B ritt – Z eidi , Caprine’s Tibias Cutting-edges
Egypt – Focus on the Kharga Dynastic Figurative Langua- M ohsen – C onard , N ichol as J. and the Associated Bone
Oasis ge in 4th-Century Lycia Subsistence Change and Envi- Objects through Near-East,
ronmental Patterns at Aceramic Asia, Europe and Balkans:
Chogha Golan (Ilam Province/ Signs of Neolithic Dispersal and
Iran) Networks

1615- Coffee Break

WS Tracing C ommemoration

Chair Eva L ange tba Stephanie L angin -H ooper K atleen D eckers Sarah L ange & A aron S chmitt

1645- B ader , B ettina K odas , E rgul D önmez , Ş evket E berle , J oachim – B achofer ,
1710 Differences in Settlement Le socle/cou des crânes ‘Persianisatıon’ at Oluz Felix – H ochschild ,
Structure and Burial Customs surmodelés : une nou- Höyük, North-Central Volker – M arker , M ichael
as Perception of Alterity at velle approche sur leur Anatolia – U erpmann , H ans -P eter G ebhard S elz
Tell el-Dab’a II «phase d’utilisation» Holocene Landscape Dynamics The State, the Family and the In-
and Geo-Archaeology in the dividual: Funerary Practices and
Central Region of the Emirate of Commemoration Rites in the
Sharjah (UAE) Light of the late Early Dynastic
Mesopotamian sources
1710- L ehmann , M anuel a M udd , D avid H aider , M ay A ltaweel , M ark – M arsh , A nke
1735 Ethnicity and Archaeological The Symbolic World of Importation of Attic Pottery – K adereit, A nnette – R ösch ,
Reality: Material Culture in Wadi Faynan 16 to the Levantine Coast M anfred – M ühl , S imone
Tell el-Dab'a during the Late during the Persian Period: Reconstructing the Paleoenviron- E dgar P eltenburg
Period Case Study the College ment in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraq Monuments and Materials: the
Site Sidon Development of Commemorative
Practices in North Syria in the
Early-Middle Bronze Ages
1735- M üller , M iriam V ered (R osenblum), Fr angié -J oly, D ina M ilevski , I anir – G andulla ,
1800 Differences in Settlement A riel Beyrouth hellénistique B ernardo – J aruf, Pablo
Structure and Burial Customs The Birth of a Myth? Eco-Systems or “Socio-Systems”?
as Perception of Alterity at Incised Motifs on Female The Case of the Chalcolithic of the
S ar ah L ange
Tell el-Dab’a I Figurines from Neolithic Southern Levant
kispum for Family Members
and Chalcolithic Sou-
Only? How a “Family Cult” was
thern Levant
used to link one’s own History
with Historical Personages
1800- R eali , C hiar a B elcher , E llen – W hincop, M atthew
1830 Sealings and Sealing Practice C roucher , K arina Reconstructing the Bronze and
at Avaris, Tell el-Dab’a Exchanges of Identity Iron Age Ecosystems of Western
in Prehistoric Anatolian Inland Syria: Accounting for
Figurines Variability in Existing Population
and Sustainability Models.

1930 Reception by the Rectorate of the University of Basel. Aula, Kollegienhaus.

Monday, June 9, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS The C hronology of Tran - WS The C onstruction of N eo -
sitional P eriods lithic C orporate I dentities

tba Wiesiek Więckowski Cristina Tonghini E lisabetta B oaretto M arion B enz – H. G. K. Chair
– Felix H öflmayer G ebel – Trevor Watkins
S tuder , J acqueline
G avagnin , K atia S apir -H en , L idar – The Importance of Archaeo- 1430-
The Land of Nineveh Re- B en -Yosef, E rez logical Context in Understan- 1455
gional Project: Preliminary Social Status, Ethnicity and ding Human Diet: Animal
Results on 3rd Millennium Animal Economy at the Late M ichael W. D ee N igel G oring -M orris &
Bone Accumulations from Relative and Radiocarbon- A nna B elfer -C ohen
B.C. Settlement Patterns in Bronze/Iron Age Copper Early Islamic Qasr al-Hayr
the Northern Region of Iraqi Smelting Sites at Timna, based Chronologies for Egypt Moving Around’ and the Evo-
al-Sharqi, Syria. during the First and Second lution of Corporate Identities
Kurdistan Israel
Millennia BCE
K aercher , Kyr a C hamel , B. – R av y, E. H arrison , M atthew 1455-
A Preliminary Assessment – C oqueugniot, E. The Houses of Fusṭāṭ: Bey- 1520
of the Ceramic Sequence of Task Related Wear, ond Importation and Influence R ita G autschy L isbeth B redholt
Northeastern Iraqi Kurdistan Interproximal Grooves and Astronomical Data and their C hristensen
Non-masticatory Tooth Use in Potential for Chronological Things Animate and Inanima-
the Pre-pottery Neolithic Po- Purposes te: Objectification of Things
pulation of Dja‘de el-Mughara as Part of Corporate Identity?
(Syria, 9th Millennium BC)

K epinski , C hristine S ataev, R. L ester , Ayal a Tobias R ichter 1520-

– Tenu , A line Horse, Donkey, Onager in Roman and Byzantine Influ- Felix H öflmayer The Corporate Group Re- 1545
Kunara, a Bronze Age City on the Life of Ancient People of ence on the Consolidation of Middle Bronze Age Chrono- considered: Counter-power,
the Upper Tanjaro (Iraq) Gonur-Depe (Bronze Age, Fatimid Jewelry logy, Egypt and Tell el-Dab’a: Cooperation and Agency in
Turkmenistan) Where it fits and where it Epipalaeolithic Societies in
doesn’t Southwest Asia
E idem , J esper S ataeva , L. S t. L aurent, B eatrice 1545-
Back To Shemshara Wood Using at the Bron- – A w wad , I sam 1615
ze Age Site Gonur-Depe Archaeology & Preservation
(Ancient Margiana, South of Early Islamic Jerusalem:
Turkmenistan) Revealing the 7th Century
Mosque on the Haram al-

Coffee Break 1615-

J esper E idem L. Sataeva A lastair N orthedge E lisabetta B oaretto M arion B enz – H. G. K. Chair
– Felix H öflmayer G ebel – Trevor Watkins

O sborne , J ames – U r , J ason E lias , N ada –H our ani , A vni , G ideon 1645-
Results of the Erbil Plain Ar- Yasha – B adawi , A li – Continuity, Innovation and 1710
chaeological Survey (EPAS), A rbogast, R ose -M arie Decline of Agricultural Fields K urt W. A lt &
Kurdistan Region of Iraq –C astex , D ominique in Early Islamic Palestine B ietak , M anfred M arion B enz
Burial or not? The Case of tba Teeth Story Writing: Basta
Men/Cattle Deposit in the Ne- and the Difficult Path to
cropolis of Jal al-Bahr in Tyre. Farming Communities
Reflection on the Phoenician
Funeral Symbolic
Ş erifoğlu , Tevfik D ighton , A nne G or z alcz any, A mir E lisabetta B oaretto E leni A souti 1710-
E mre – G l atz , C l audia Human Interaction with the Early Islamic Industry, Ecolo- Radiocarbon Chronology of The Role of Climate Instability 1735
– C asana , J esse Olive Tree in the Neolithic- gy and Urbanism: The Case the Early Bronze Age in the and Resource Predictability
Between the Mesopotamian Iron Age Jordan Valley: of Ramla South Levant: Improving Time in the Formation of Neolithic
Plains and the Zagros Moun- New Research from Pella in Resolution and Synchroni- Corporate Identities in Sou-
tains: The Sirwan (Upper Jordan zation thwest Asia
Diyala) Regional Project

M erlino , M. – G iannessi , D. K imiaie , M asi W hitcomb , D onald Pascal B utterlin A my B ogaard 1735-
Gird Bardastee: an Early Ni- Crop Choice in Neolithic- The Mosques of Mafjar: A Between the East and the Neolithic ‘Cooperatives’? An 1800
nevite V Site in Northern Iraq Aeneolithic Southwestern Sequence and some implica- West, Chronological Issues at Archaeobotanical Approach
Turkmenistan: Archaeobotani- tions for understanding Qasr Mari (2900-1760 BCE) to Neolithic Corporate
cal Investigations in Monjukli Hisham Identities

D anti , M ichael D. 1800-

The Rowanduz Archaeolo- 1830
gical Program 2013 (Iraqi

Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S1 Egypt & ANE S2 Travelling I mages S3 ANE Traditions vs. S4 R econstructing A ncient WS Tracing C ommemoration
H ellenization / Romanization Eco -S ystems

Chair M anfred B ietak David I lan Ş evket D önmez J ulien Charbonnier Sarah L ange & A aron S chmitt

0900- B ecker , J ohannes Atakuman , C igdem Yedidağ , Turgay Yaşar E rtsen , M aurits –
0925 Large-Scale Landscape Pain- Stamp Imagery and Social Hellenistic Moldmade Bowls W ilkinson , Tony
tings of Tell el-Dab’a/Egypt Transformation during the from Phrygia Epiktetos: New Understanding Long-Term
Later Neolithic of the Near Evidence from Dorylaion Trends in Ancient Water P eter P fälzner
East Systems Keeping Remembrance
through Objects - Old Objects
in Later Grave Contexts
0925- J ungfleisch , J ohannes D enham , S imon U ygun , Ç ilem P ustovotoy tov,
0950 ‘Aegean’ Style wall Paintings The Social Importance of Roman Pottery from Üçtepe K. – R iehl , S. A aron S chmitt
meet ‘Egyptian’ Palatial Late Neolithic Stamp Seal Excavation in South-East The Early Bronze Age/Middle Thoughts about the Relation
Architecture: Architectural Imagery Anatolia Bronze Age Transition and between Material Culture
Simulations from ‘Palace G’ the Aquifer Geography in the and Memory in Ancient
in Tell el-Dab’a Near East Mesopotamia

0950- Truex , L ise R eichel , C lemens Palermo , R occo del C erro , C armen
1015 Returning the Egyptian Gaze: Far-Reaching Consequences: Local Traditions and Regional Irrigation Canals and Cul- E lisa R ossberger
Earning Status and Enacting the Impact of Transferring Influences: Hellenistic Meso- tures in the Oases of Oman Things to Remember: Storage
Syro-Palestinian Identity Symbols and Visual Narrati- potamia in Context. The Data Peninsula in the Iron Age. und Function of Dedicated
ves through Seal Impressions from the first two Seasons of Questions, Systems and Objects in Old Babylonian
in Late Chalcolithic Northern the Land of Nineveh Regional Environmental Adaptations Temples
Syria Project

1015- A bu -L aban , A iysha H auser , S tefan R.

1045 Representing the Divine in Similitude and Syncatabasis.
Dilmun Iconography – bet- Remarks concerning the
ween Image and Concept Relation between Styles and
Religious Practice in Mesopo-
tamian Representational Arts

1115 Coffee Break
Chair A lexander A hrens D.J.W. M eijer Carrie E. D uncan N imrod M arom Sarah L ange & A aron S chmitt

1115- K ennedy, M elissa B attini , L aur a L angin -H ooper , S tephanie D evillers , A nne
1140 Egypt and the Southern Syro-Mesopotamian Tra- Both Hellenized AND New Approaches in Paleao-
Levant during the EB IV velling Images from Seals Native: Common Ground and fauna Reconstruction
Examples Mutual Acceptability in the D aniel Fisher
Cross-Cultural Figurines of The Misplaced Altar and
Hellenistic Babylonia the Forbidden Serpent: The
Problem of Material Culture in
Biblical Israel
1140- G ol ani , A mir C atanz ariti , A ntonietta R ist vet, L auren A rwa , K harobi – Patrice ,
1205 Circular Structures of the Traveling Images from Between Theater and Ritual: C ourtaud – H enri , D uday
Late Early Bronze I in the Southern Lebanon and Public Events as a Middle Bones can talk: An Archeo-
Southern Levant and Predy- Southwestern Syria: A Study Ground in Seleucid Babylonia Anthropological analysis of
D avide N adali
nastic Egypt on the Perception and Use of Mozan Graves in Units A16
Defragmenting Memories:
Extrinsic Motifs and A15 (Northeastern Syria
The (ab)used Power of
– Middle Bronze Age)
Remembering in the Ancient
Near East
1205- Pappal ardo , E leonor a Tar afdari , A li M ohammad S choch , C hiar a
1230 Traveling Images in 1st Mill- The Position of Greek Poleis Early Wool in the Ancient
ennium Mediterranean. Crete in Government System of the Near East
and the East. Arsacid Empire
N orman Yoffee
Final Discussion
1230- L orenzon , M arta Z olfaghari , S ar a G reenfield , Tina –
1300 The Iconography of Mudbrick The Figure of Parthian R osenzweig , M elissa
Production throughout the Women on Archaeological Assyrian Provincial Life: Fau-
Mediterranean Remains nal and Botanical Remains
from Domestic Contexts at
Ziyaret Tepe, Southeastern

1430 Lunch Break

Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS The C hronology of Transitional WS The C onstruction
Periods of N eolithic C orporate
I dentities

tba N icholas C onard M artina M üller -Wiener E lisabetta B oaretto – M arion B enz – H. G. K. Chair
Felix H öflmayer G ebel – Trevor Watkins

S kuldbøl , Tim B.B. – R ichter , Tobias C y tryn -S ilverman , K atia C onstanz a C oppini 0900-
C ol antoni , C arlo The Late Epipalaeolithic Tiberias’ congregational Evidences for the MBA-LBA Transi- 0925
First Results of the Rania Plain in Jordan’s Black Desert: mosque: some conclusions tional Period in Northern Mesopo-
Survey Salvage Operations in Recent Fieldwork at tamia: Stratigraphic Sequences and G ary R ollefson
the Dokan Dam Inundation Zone Shubayqa 1 Ceramic Assemblages “I am we”: the Display of
Socioeconomic Politics
E leonor a C arminati of Neolithic Commodi-
Sternitzke, Katja N aderi , R ahmat – R attenborg , R. – Towards the Periodization of the 0925-
Babylon in the Old Babylonian H eydari -G ur an , S aman B røndgaard J ensen , M. – Early Kurgan Cultures of Southern 0950
and Kassite Periods – New The Paleolithic Archeology Thing , E. – M c P hillips , S. Caucasus: State of the Question and
Insights from Old Material of Kurdistan Urban Spaces of Early Preliminary Results
Islamic Jarash: Recent H assan Fa zeli N ashli
excavations of the Danish- C hrista S ütterlin
The Relative and Absolute
Jordanian Islamic Jarash Cultural Memory:
Chronology of the Iranian Central
Project, Jarash, Jordan Symbols and Rituals for
Plateau during the Third and Second
Millennium BC the Purpose of Making
D’A gostino , Fr anco L avi , R on – B ar zil ai , G erber , Yvonne 0950-
and Sustaining Group
– R omano , L icia O mry – H ershkovitz , The South Jordan paradox S. K hasswneh , A. M urr ay & D. 1015
Excavations at Abu Tbeirah, I sr ael – M arder , and the Early Islamic B onatz
Southern Iraq (2012-2013) O fer – G oder , M ae ceramic Investigating OSL Dating Technique
– H er zlinger , G adi for Young Archaeological Heated
Manot Cave Materials Using Potshards
from the Tell Tabqat Fahl Theya M olleson
Z imansk y, Paul M archand , Florine P olitis , K onstantinos D. (Pella) in the Jordan Valley Physical Signs of 1015-
Tell Sakariya and GA.EŠ: Investi- L‘industrie lithique de Tell The Origins of the Sugar Corporate Identity 1045
gation of a Rural 2nd Millennium `Arqa (Plaine du Akkar, Cane Industry in the Eas- H arvey W eiss (Respondent)
BC Site in Southern Iraq Liban Nord) tern Mediterranean

Coffee Break 1115
Paul Z imansky Tobias R ichter tba Chair

H elgestad , B irger E kornåsvåg C onard , N ichol as A rce , I gnacio 1115-

The Ur Project – Z eidi , M ohsen Qasr Harrane. Domed thro- 1140
The Record of Clay ne halls and ribbed vaults
Objects from the Aceramic
Neolithic Site of Chogha
Golan, Ilam Province, Iran

B enati , G iacomo – A reshian , G regory E. R occabella , G iulia 1140-
L ecompte , C amille Geographic Diversity Considerations on the Pavi- 1205
New Light on the Archaic Texts and the Growth of Social lion in Bilād al-Shām The State of the H eritage of S yria
from SIS 5-4 at Ur: A Contextual Complexity in the Late in the Times of C ivil War .
and Archival Reconstruction Neolithic and Chalcolithic: A n informative meeting
New Perspectives from
the Central Near Eastern Organised by the Swiss Society for
Highlands Ancient Near Eastern Studies
(see separate programme).
R ey, S. – L ecompte , C. D ar abi , H ojjat R ousset, M arie -O dile 1205-
– C olonna d ’I stria L. An Updated Chronology Discovering the fatimid 1230
Tello (Ancient Girsu) and its for the Neolithic Western mosque of Tyre (Lebanon)
Countryside: Topographic Layout Iran
and Regional Setting of an Early
Dynastic Sumerian City

G uliyev, Farhad – 1230-

N ishiaki , Yoshihiro 1300
Investigations at the
Neolithic Settlement
of Goytepe Located in
the Middle Kura River,
Azerbaijan, 2012-2013.

Lunch Break 1430

Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

1615 Poster Session

1645 Coffee Break

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S1 Egypt & ANE S2 Travelling I mages S3 ANE Traditions vs. H el- WS D esert K ites S5 D ealing with the Past
lenization / Romanization

Chair C olleen M anassa Javier Á lvarez-M on Stefan H auser U eli B runner tba

1645- M ielke , D irk Paul W inkelmann , S ylvia C oqueugniot, G aëlle S omma , L orenzo
1710 Egyptian Paradigms about Transfer and Transforma- Ancient Near-Eastern Tra- Glass Small Finds from Nimrud,
the Hittites – Past and tion of a Religious Symbol ditions and Greco-Roman Inside and Outside their Contexts
Present System from Southeast Iran Culture in the Agora of
D avid K ennedy – R ebecca
to Bronze Age Margiana Europos-Dura (Syria)
B anks – M atthew D alton
Kites in Saudi Arabia

1710- B en -D or E vian , S hirly O rnan , Tall ay de J ong , L idewijde S purrier , Tr acy L.

1735 Representations of "Sea- Reshef and his Enemies on Empires and Palmyra: a Wael A bu -A zizeh Disregarded Royalty: A Study of
Peoples" as Icons of Alterity: a newly-found Canaanite View from the Tombs – M. Tar awneh the Bronze Coffins outside Tomb
Creating a New Philistine Cylinder Seal Out of the Harra: Desert III at Nimrud
Paradigm Kites in South-Eastern
Jordan. New Results from
1735- A hrens , A lex ander Z olotnikova , O lga Fischer -G enz , B ettina the South-Eastern Badia
1800 “Coherence and Divergence” A Storm-God with a Battle Becoming Roman without Archaeological Project
– Egyptian Iconography in the Axe on Neo-Hittite Reliefs: being Hellenized? A Case-
Glyptic Material found in the Change of Weapon – Chan- Study of Different Narratives
Northern Levant during the ges in the Concept? of Near Eastern Culture in P er S toremyr
Early 2nd Millennium BCE the Northern Beqaa (Syria/ The Distribution of Ancient
Lebanon) Game Traps in Upper Egypt
and Lower Nubia
1800- B aştürk , M ahmut B ilge C harloux , G uillaume et al .
1830 Warriors and Gods on the New Evidence of the
Highlands: Urartian Visual Nabataean Presence in
Perception of the Mesopo- the Jawf Region at the
tamian Divinities Dawn of Romanization:
a Triclinium at Dûmat al-
Jandal (North Saudi Arabia)

1930 Public Conference: Zwischen Damaskus und Bagdad – Archäologische Forschungen zu den Anfängen des Islam
Aula, Kollegienhaus.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

Poster Session 1615

Coffee Break 1645

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS M useums and the WS L ate N eolithic at
A ncient M iddle E ast Çatalhöyük

Peter Pfälzner tba Ayala L ester G eoff E mberling – A rkadiusz M arciniak Chair
L ucas Petit – L ech Czerniak

Z eynivand , M ohsen – Aya z , G ul an E ger , A lex ander A sa 1645-

N iknami , K amal-A ldin The Early Iron Age Jewelries of the (Re)Mapping Medieval Antioch: 1710
– M a z aheri , K hodak ar am Karagündüz Cemetery from Eas- Life After the Islamic Conquests
Chalcolithic Period Settlement tern Anatolia, and their relationship J ack G reen A rk adiusz M arciniak
Patterns of the Seymarreh to Southern Caucasia “We’re not an art – L ech C zerniak
Valley, Central Zagros, Iran museum:” Presenting Çatalhöyük East at the
archaeological narratives End of the 7th Millen-
at the Oriental Institute nium. The Demise of
H ariryan , H. – H esari , B en -Yosef, E rez R ubini , C l audio 1710-
Museum Neolithic Mega-City
M. – M otarjem , A. Back to Solomon’s Era: Results of Antakya urban fabric. A living 1735
Settlements Dispersal of the First Phase of the Central Tim- transformation process
Chalcolithic Period to end of na Valley Project (CTV 2013-2014)
Bronze Age in Gavroud River
Basin in Sonqor H aim G itler G ary R ollefson
The Art of Displaying Late 8th and 7th
N orouzi , A li A sghar – Fr anke , K ristina A. Turchetto , J acopo Small Objects Millennium Turmoil in 1735-
H eydari , M ohsen Metal and Elites in Upper Mesopo- Among ‘Underground Grana- Neolithic Jordan 1800
Saki Abad: A Nomadic Camp tamia - Uniqueness or Uniformity? ries’, Fortresses and ‘Built’
Site in Southern Zagros Churches. Territorial Markers
for the Reconstruction of the
Road Network of Post-classical J oan A ruz – N igel G oring -M orris
Cappadocia (Turkey) Yelena R akic – A nna B elfer -C ohen
H useynli , N amiq Exhibiting Interaction: The Relationship Bet-
A z adi , A hmad H ansen , S. – B oroffk a , Displaying the arts of ween the Aceramic and 1800-
Archaeological Survey of the N. – Thomalsk y, J. Medieval Shamkir Town on the 1830
Great Silk Way (on the Basis of the ANE in their broader Ceramic Neolithic in the
Kohgiluye Area; A Preliminary Ancient Mining and Metallurgy of context Southern Levant
Report of two Seasons Afghanistan 2007-2012 Excavation)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S1 Egypt & ANE S2 Travelling I mages S3 ANE Traditions vs. H ellenization / WS D esert K ites S5 D ealing with the Past

Chair M elanie Wasmuth M ahmut B ilge Baştürk Gaëlle C oqueugniot U eli B runner Lynn D odd
0900- Tucci , G iulia H effron , Yamur K abs , Thomas V erhulst, A strid
0925 Egyptian Royal Statues and Anatolian Lead Figurines: Nabatäische Politik im Spiegel One Seal, Two Souls. A
Stelae from Late Bronze Palesti- Imagery in Literal and römischer Klientelpolitik R émy C r assard Study on the Phenomenon
nian Public Buildings Figurative Melting Pots The Globalkites Project: of the Reuse of an Old Ba-
Multi-proxy Studies of bylonian Relative’s Seal
the Desert Kite Pheno-
0925- N aeh , L iat B ellucci , B enedetta P etrovszk y, K arin Z aina , Federico
0950 Thrones and Equids: A Typology Travelling Monsters: The The Tomb Complexes of Petra: Deep down in the Earth. The
of Levantine Royal Imagery Representation of Fan- Cross-cultural Encounters, Inno- 3rd Millennium BC Levels at
during the Bronze Age tastic Creatures in Late vative Developments and Ancient O livier B arge Tell Ingharra/Kish Revisited
Bronze Age Glyptic Concepts First Results of the
Globalkites Project:
Research in Armenia,
0950- C hanteau , J ulien B ecerr a , A na G erber , Yvonne – C asero C hamorro ,
Kazakhstan and Jordan
1015 The Chapels of the « L shaped » The Buried Griffins of D ur and , C aroline M aria D olores
Temple at Byblos Persepolis: Eagle-Headed At Crossroads — and in the Cross- Sealing the Present with the
Griffins and the Elite in fire? Work-in-progress Studies on Past: The Babylonian Influ-
D ani N adel – G uy B ar -
Elam and Persia Pottery and other Small Finds from ence on the Construction of
O z – D an M alkinson
a Hellenistic/Nabataean Trade the Neoassyrian Empire
– A mnon N achmias
Centre in Northwest Arabia
– A nna K hechoyan
– B oris G asperian
1015- M assafr a , A ngel a K uehn , S ar a D arby, R obert Yashmi , R amin
New Insights into Desert
1045 The Egyptian Presence in Sou- Vestiges of the Ourobóros Local Influence and Adaptation in The Weird Sisters: South-
Kites in Armenia (the
thern Palestine at the Dawn of in the Medieval Islamic the Late Roman Military Bathhou- East of Iranian Plateau vs.
Fringes of the Ararat
the Late Bronze Age as reflected Visual Tradition ses of Arabia/Palaestina Surrounding Regions. The
by Pottery Imports Process of Internal Cultural
Development of Civilization
Centers during the Fourth
and the Third Millennia BC

1115 Coffee Break
Chair tba S ylvia Winkelmann Rocco Palermo U eli B runner tba

1115- L ange , E va C outur aud , B arbar a R embart, L. – P eloschek , L. P innock , Fr ances

1140 Phoenician Gods and Crafts in Image and Ideology The Influence of the Hellenistic Dealing with the Past at
the Nile Delta: A Glimpse into during the ED III and the World on the Local Ceramic Produc- Ebla. Ancestors‘ Cults and
the Micro-Stratigraphy of Elite Akkadian Periods: the tion in Syene/Upper Egypt Foreign Relations
M ohammed M ar aqten
Society at Bubastis in the 1st Example of the Figurative
Hunting in Ancient
Millennium BC Inlaid Panels of Mari
Arabia in the Light of
Rock Art and Epigraphic
1140- N ilsson , M aria L inke , J ulia G opnik , H il ary S quitieri , A ndrea
1205 Early Caesars in Gebel el Silsila: The Kings of Urartu in the Mixing and Matching: Hybridity at Inherited, Reused and Loo-
Quarry Activity under Divine Visual World Oğlanqala, Azerbaijan ted Stone Vessels: Some
Protection Cases from the Iron Age
Levant and Assyria

A lison B etts
1205- M anassa , C olleen Á lvarez -M on , J avier L e B ihan , A mélie Beyond the Walls: B inder , A nne -B irte
1230 Another Enigmatic Eastern From Kul-e Farah to Les pratiques religieuses en Syrie Social, Economic and Documentation, Publication
Desert Locale: A Late Roman/ Persepolis: the Elamite romaine: entre traditions locales et Strategic Aspects of and Reception by and of
Byzantine Site near Debabiya, Heritage of Persian Sculp- influences gréco-romaine Kite Use Anton Moortgat
Egypt tural Arts

U eli B runner
1230- M üller , M aya A scalone , E nrico D uncan , C arrie E. The South Arabian
1300 Decorated Tunics from Late New Archaeological Finds Remembered for Giving: Jewish Form and its Implication
Antique Antinoe reflecting the from Ziwiye. The Glyptic Benefaction in the Roman World for the Interpretation of
Egyptian Perception of Near and Art of North-West Iran Desert Kites
Middle Eastern Exotic Peoples during the First Millennium

1430 Lunch Break

Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS M useums and the WS L ate N eolithic at
A ncient M iddle E ast Çatalhöyük

H amid Fahimi R ita D olce M arie -O dile Rousset G eoff E mberling A rkadiusz M arciniak Chair
– L ucas Petit – L ech Czerniak

Yousefi , R. – G olche , M. P hilip, G r aham K ozbe , G ulriz – A lp, 0900-

Tepe Gabri: A Pre-Pottery Death and Burial in the Ancient M esut – E rdoğan , N ihat B eatrice A ndré -S alvini Patrycja Filipowicz 0925
Neolithic Village from the 8th Near East: the “Big Picture” The Excavatıons in the Cıtadel of Permanent and Tem- The Lake District
Millennium B.C. in Eastern Iran Cızre Castle (Bırca Belek) porary Exhibition in a Groups as Descen-
so-called ‘Universal dents of Çatalhöyük
Museum’: The Louvre East
Tsuneki , A kir a B r adbury, J ennie M üller -W iener , M artina 0925-
Tappeh Sang-i Chaxmaq and the “Missing Persons”: body parts, Regionalism and Interaction: 0950
Neolithization of Northeastern Iran personhood and ownership in the ceramic traditions as indicator
Levantine Bronze Age of sociopolitical and economic I an K uijt –
transformations in early Islamic A rk adiusz M arciniak
H olly P ittman – A Tale of Two Cities:
Syria and Iraq R ichard Z ettler Revisiting Popula-
New Galleries at the tion Estimates for
A bol ahr ar , A lirez a – Z are , R eifarth , N. – P ümpin , C h . – B r adost y, Z idan R asheed Penn Museum: Chal- 0950-
Çatalhöyük East and
M osa – E br ahimi , S aeed D outrelepont, H. – V rydaghs , L. The Qaysaria (Suq, Market) of lenges and Opportu- 1015
Neolithic Communities
Archaeological Micro-Structures Erbil in the Othmania period nities
The Study of the Oldest Pottery in Different Light: Reconstructing
belong to Neolithic Period, Based Funeral Activities in the Royal
on Archaeological Survey on P eter F. B iehl et al .
Tomb of Qatna, Syria
Banooj Tepes in Darab, Fars, Iran The Transition
C lemens R eichel Between the East
Conflicted Conscience and West Mounds at
M arghussian , A.K.– S hafiq , R ul a S chiettecatte , J érémie – — on Balancing Clippol Çatalhöyük around 1015-
C oningham , R.A.E. An Overview of Jericho Graves M outon , M ichel – S iméon , uratorial, Design, and 6000 cal BC: a View 1045
Investigation of Neolithic Pottery and Skeletons P ierre A l-Yamāma . Marketing Demands for from the West
from Sialk in the Central Plateau of Excavation of an Islamic city in a Blockbuster Exhibit
Iran, Utilising Chemical and XRD Central Arabia.

Coffee Break 1115
tba J ennie B radbury K atia C ytryn -S ilverman G eoff E mberling A rkadiusz M arciniak Chair
– L ucas Petit – L ech Czerniak

A bedi , A kbar – A hmadi , R asul – D olce , R ita G enequand , D enis – 1115-

K arimifar , A z am – A bbasi , M ahdi Headless Mortals and Gods. N orthedge . A l astair 1140
– M ottaghiz adeh , Farna z – A bedi , Some Remarks on Decapitation in Medieval urban development bet-
H ossein – A llahyari , H asan the Ancient Near East ween Khurasan and Khwarezm:
P edro A z ar a , A lbert E leni A souti
An Updated Chronology for the the case of Misriyan/Dehistan
I mperial , M arc Discussant
Chalcolithic Period of the Lake Ur- (Turkmenistan)
M arin , E ric R usiñol ,
mia Basin, NW Iran: New Evidence
& J oan B orrell
from Dava Göz
Ancient „Art“ in the
White Cube?, or How
K a zempour , M ehdi – N iknami , K anjou , Youssef A z ad , A rezou Contemporary Art 1140-
K amal A ldin – A bedi , Mortuary practice in Tell Qaramel The Landscape of Early Islamic Creates Ancient „Art“. 1205
A kbar – R ez alou , R ez a North Syria from early bronze age Balkh
New Kurgan Burials at Zardkha- and Neolithic period
neh, and Reassessment Chronolo-
gy of Late Prehistory of NW Iran I rving Finkel
How to Make People
R ez ayi , M ohammad R attenborg , R une S iméon , P ierre Stop and Look 1205-
H ossein – B asafa , H assan Land of Behemoths: Altering New Data on Islamic Material 1230
– D ehghani , Z einab Concepts of Political Power and Culture from the Central-Asian
The Effect of Hydrology and Territoriality in the Middle Bronze margins : Dehistan and Balkh
Geographical Environment on De- Age Fertile Crescent ceramic studies
velopment Process of Prehistoric L eil a B adre
Settlements in Kazeroun Plain, Museum Exhibits and
Iran Education: The AUB
Museum as a Case
Fahimi , H amid H eidemann , S tefan – 1230-
Sialk 7; A Suggestion for the La- N aue , M atthias 1300
test Period in Sialk South Mound, Balkh. Lessons on Urban Growth
Based on the New Excavations at from the Coin Finds
Tepe Sialk (2001-05)

Lunch Break 1430

Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S1 Egypt & ANE S2 Travelling I mages WS Elite R esidences S4 R econstructing A ncient S5 D ealing with the Past
Eco -S ystems

Chair tba tba S. G. S chmid – Z. T. Fiema A nne D eviller Federico B uccellatti

– P. B iewnkowski – B. Kolb

1430- Forza , M aria M atthiae , Paolo S tephan G. S chmid R össner , C orinna – A babneh , A.
1455 Could the Crematory Ritual Power and Prestige: – Z bigniew T. Fiema D eckers , K. – R iehl , S. Interpretive Media, Problems
be Explained as a Marker Egyptian Images for Old – P iotr B iewnkowski The Origin of Agriculture in the and Challenges at the Museum
of Alterity with Respect to Syrian Gods and Kingship – B ernhard K olb Northern Fertile Crescent – of Dar As Saraya in Jordan
the Central Power and of Power Landscape and Possible Food Plants at Körtik
Self-Identity? Considerations Luxury Architecture - the Tepe, SE-Anatolia
on Crematory Burials in the IUBP and NEPP Residen-
Upper Tigris Valley during the ces in Petra
Iron Ages I and II.

1455- H errmann , Virginia R. W ygnask a , Z uz anna S tork , L eigh C incotti , S ilvana

1520 "I Counted Them With the A Bun and a Headband– On Pins and Needles, the „Karnac est en paix“: analyse et
People of the Land of Assy- the Shifting Motive of the P oly timi A goridou Relationship between Pins étude des pièces provenant du
ria": Making Imperial Subjects Royal Headdress New Insights into the and Textiles in the Carchemish temple de Karnak et appartenant
at Assyrian Provincial Sam'al Interior Decoration of a Region during the EB I-II au Musée egyptien de Turin
(Zincirli, Turkey) Bath Complex on Umm
al-BIyara, Petra

1520- B urnett, J oel , S. D eckers , K atleen & D i Paolo , S ilvana

1545 Egyptianizing Elements in R iehl , S imone The ‘Modern Life’ of Ancient
Ammonite Stone Statuary M arco D ehner Olive at Zeraqon (Jordan) and Near Eastern Antiquities: Poly-
What these Stones can Tell its Importance in the 3rd millen- valent Objects for the Construc-
Us: a GIS-based Compara- nium BC Levant tion of Cultural Meanings
tive Study of Architectural
Members from the NEPP
1545- Fridman , J ulia Fantone , Federica
Area in Petra, Jordan
1615 Concentric Circles Incised From Fodder to Staple Food:
on Judahite Storage Jars; Rethinking the Role of Barley at
Origin and Meaning LBA Tell Sabi Abyad
1645 Coffee Break
WS A rchaeology of the
N egev and the ‘A rabah

Chair G unnar L ehmann Clemens R eichel S. G. S chmid – Z. T. Fiema H ans G eorg G ebel A sher O vadiah
– P. B iewnkowski – B. Kolb

1645- Wagner -D ur and , Yousefi Z oshk , R ouholl ah – K zzo , A hmed Fatima

1710 E lisabeth F oruz an , Frida – M iri , J avad The Ancient Past in the East,
Visual Narration in Assyria Pastoral Nomad Bureaucrats from the East: an Oriental
versus Static “Art” in and Managers: Research on the Perspective
B ernhard K olb
Babylonia – Making a Proto Elamite Period in Central
Yotam A sscher The Mansion of az-Zantur
Difference in the First Iranian Plateau
The Early Iron Age IV in Petra: Parallels and
Millennium B.C.
Chronology of the Negev Differences with Presumed
in the Light of Radiocarbon Residences of the Naba-
1710- W icke , D irk Taghavi , A bed – Far zin , S aman D odd , Lynn
Dates taean Kings
1735 Assyrian or Assyrianising? Environmental Geography Seeing, Selling, Saving Jerusa-
Reflections of Assyrian Impacts on the Distribution lem: Diffusing Heritage-based
imperial art in southern Patterns of Archaeological Sites Conflict
Anatolia in Makran in Southern Iran
L aur a W eis
Tali E rickson -G ini From Absolute Necessity (Case Study: The Cairn Burial's
The 2013 Excavation in ´En to Luxury Display: the of Parthian Era)
Hazeva - Strata 8 and 7b Nabataeans and Hydro-
1735- M onamy, E lisabeth technology Yousefi Z oshk , R ouholl ah S aca , I man
1800 Images. Mouvements – B aghiz adeh , S aeed Against All Odds: Community
imagés. Les orthostates A GIS-Based Analysis of Settle- Archaeology Efforts in Palestine
araméens ment Pattern of Dargaz Plain in
Northeastern Iran

1800- D a R iva , R ocio E smaeili J elodar ,

1830 Recycling Images: Royal M ohammad E smaeil –
Representations in First Yadegarnia , M asoomeh
Millennium BCE Meso- A Comparative Study of the
potamia Ancient Nomadic Camp Sites
and their Modern Counterparts
in Bakhtiari Highlands, Iran

1930 Public Conference: Von den ersten Menschen zum Imperium – Basel forscht im Nahen Osten
Aula, Kollegienhaus.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS The S ettlement L ands - WS Trajectories of C omple-
cape of the O rontes Valley xity in U pper M esopotamia

R.A.E. C oningham N icolò M archetti D onald Whitcomb Stephen B ourke – M arco I amoni – Salam Chair
M elissa K ennedy A l Q untar

C occa , E nzo – Fr anzese , Fr ancesco Faust, A vr aham – B essard , Fanny G r aham P hilip S tuart C ampbell 1430-
– G enito , B runo – M aresca , K atz , H ayah Patterns of Urbanism in The Settlement Landscape Persistent Cosmologies in 1455
G iulio – G enito , A ndrea The Birth, Life and Death Early Islamic Iran and of the Orontes River Valley Mesopotamia; What Hap-
A WebGIS about the Italian Archaeolo- of an Iron Age House at Tel Central Asia I during the 4th Millennium pens to the Neolithic World?
gical Activities in Sistan, Iran (60s-70s Eton, Israel BC: Perspectives from Tell
of the XXth century): ArchaeoPro. Nebi Mend and the Homs
Di.Mu.S. Region
M arcella Fr angipane
B asafa , H assan – R ez ayi , M ohammad B r aun , E liot K ennedy, H ugh Halaf and Ubaid: Two 1455-
H ossein – R ahmati , M ahdiye Early Bronze I Domestic Patterns of Urbanism in Opposite Models of Society. 1520
New Evidences on Bronze Age Cultu- Architecture in the Southern Early Islamic Iran and What was the Basis of their
res in Neyshabur Plain (Northeast Iran) Levant-- Definitions, Central Asia II A gnese Vacca Hybridisation in Upper
Sources, Inspirations and The Orontes Valley and the Mesopotamia?
Functions Sequences of Tell Mardikh/
Ebla and Tell Tuqan in the
Early 3rd Millennium BC: A
K avosh , H oseinali – S almanz ade , J avad M argueron , J ean -C l aude D reiser , A nja R. S al am A l K untar 1520-
Comparative Framework
The Preliminary Report of the 5th Les grandes étapes de la Islamic Ceramics from Economic Opportunities and 1545
Season of Excavation at Tappeh Ta- création d‘une architecture Central and Eastern Interregional Networks in
lebkhan (Talebkhan Mound) in Zabol, urbaine (IVe-IIIe millé- Oman Upper Mesopotamia in the
Sistan and Balouchestan Province naires) Late Chalcolithic
Lynn W elton
N ia , A bbas R ez aei H assas , N ajmeh – R ashid , N argis Northern Levantine Spheres 1545-
The IWAN in Ancient Iranian Imperial R a z avi , L eil a Sgraffito Pottery from of Interaction: The Role M arco R ama zzotti 1615
Tradition Tāq-Strukturen im Iran von first conquered city of of the Amuq in the Early Back to the Future. The Ana-
der Elamite Periode (1250 Debal (Banbhore), in Bronze Age lytical Archaeology of the
B.C.) bis zur Qajar Dynastie south Asia-Pakistan Mesopotamian Urbanism.

Coffee Break 1645
WS I rrigation and
Water Works

H assan Basafa tba S eyed A bazar S hobairi Stephen B ourke – M arco I amoni – Salam Chair
M elissa K ennedy A l Q untar

E sk andari , N asir – A bedi , A kbar G ünel , S evinç 1645-

– S almanz adeh , J avad – S hafie , A New Center of Intercul- 1710
M ozhgan – J avadi , M ehri – Yousefi , tural Relations in Western T.J. W ilkinson & M arta D’A ndrea D an L awrence &
M osayeb A hmad – Tayari , Z ahr a – Anatolia during the Late D an L awrence A Matter of Style: Ceramic A ndrea R icci
E sk andari , Yaser – H abibi , H ossein Bronze Age: Çine-Tepecik Water Use at the Fron- Evidence of Contacts The Roots of Complexity?
The Development of Pastoralism in tier: The Role of Water between the Orontes Valley Landscapes and Settlement
the Highlands of Halil Rud Basin, Sou- Systems in the Border- from the Halaf to the Late
and the Southern Levant
theast Iran: Archaeological Evidence land of the Sasanian Chalcolithic in the Northern
during the Mid-Late 3rd
and an Ethnoarchaeological Study Empire Fertile Crescent
Millennium BC

H ashemi , Z ahr a D öpper , S tephanie M aurits E rtsen & 1710-

Evolution culturelle dans la région de The LBA Pottery of Area Tijs D e S chacht L isa C ooper 1735
Gilan pendant l’âge du fer. A travers BU in the Royal Palace of Wealth is Water” Mo- Orontes-Euphrates Syn- M arco I amoni
l’étude des cultes funéraires à la Qatna, Syria. deling Water Control in chronisms and Spheres of The Dynamics of Complexity
lumière des fouilles récentes Achaemenid Iran Interaction and Exchange in and Settlement Pattern: the
the Early Bronze Age Eastern Upper Tigris Region
between the 6th and 4th
H emati A z andaryani , Ü nsal , N ur D eniz 1735-
Millennium BC
E smail – K haksar , A li What can Mycenaean 1800
Arzanfoud: A Troglodytic Underground pottery of Çine Tepecik can
Architecture Complex in Hamadan tell us? K ourosh M ohammadkhani
Management of Water in Fr ances P innock
Western Iran
the Achaemenid city of Ebla in the IIIrd Millennium S imone M ühl
Dahaneh-e Gholaman, BC: Architecture and Urban Where People Meet - The
A l aei M oghadam , J avad – B anijamali , G reener , A aron Planning Eastern Tigris Region from 1800-
S ey yedeh L eil a – R oustaei , M ohamad Late Bronze Age Imported the 6th to the 4th Millennium 1830
S adegh – Far ahz ad , B ehroz Pottery in the Southern Le- BC
Establishment Periods in City of Mahal- vant: Intercultural Contact,
lat from Early Times to Present (A Symbolism and Society
Summary of Results of Archaeological
Studies on City of Mahallat)

Thursday, June 12, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

WS A rchaeology of the S2 Travelling I mages WS Elite R esidences S4 R econstructing A ncient Eco - S5 D ealing with the Past
N egev and the ‘A rabah S ystems

Chair G unnar L ehmann E nrico A scalone S. G. S chmid – Z. T. Fiema Yousefi Z oshk Piotr B ieliński
– P. B iewnkowski – B. Kolb

0900- M akinson , M artin R oustaei , K ourosh H ageneuer , S ebastian

0925 Self-portrayal and the Image Ancient Nomadic Occupations The Influence of Early Archaeo-
C haim B en D avid of the "Other": Ethnicity, Thomas K abs of the Bakhtiari Highlands, Sou- logical Reconstructions to Near
The Iron Age Road Costume and Outside Same Status – Different thwestern Iran Eastern Archaeology
Network in the Negev Influences in the Depiction status? The Relations
and Wadi Arabah and of Aramaeans and Hittites in of the Herodian and
the Connections to the North Syrian and Assyrian art Nabataean Dynasties
Arabian Trade Routes of the First Millennium BCE with Rome and Eventual
Influences on the Building
0925- D arby, E rin of their Residences H ammer , E mily P rosser , M iller
0950 Reaction, Reliance, Highland Fortress-Polities and Re-imagining Imaging for
Thomas E. L ev y Resistance?: Judean Pillar their Settlement Systems in the Archaeological and Philological
Iron Age Copper Figurines in the Neo-Assyrian S tefan R iedel South Caucasus Projects
Production and Society Levant The basileia at Alexandria
in Faynan, Jordan -
An in Egypt: the Mother of
Overview Based on Prototypes?
0950- M änt yl ä , L auri M arkofsk y, S teve B uccell ati , Federico
New Field Data
1015 „Modeled after a Palace of the Fan's End: An Investigation of Architecture to Stratigraphy,
Land of Hatti“: hilani Suites in Micro-Scale Socio-Ecological De- Spaces to Volumes, Line-of-Sight
the Neo-Assyrian Empire velopment in the 'Oasis' Regions to Perception: The Use of 3D
of Central Asia Models as Vehicles for Archaeo-
E rez B en -J osef S tephan G. S chmid
logical Research
Iron Age Copper Smel- Intercultural Contacts
ting Technologies in the in the Wider Mediterra-
1015- Arabah Valley and the W icks , Yasmina nean Area as Reflected M ashkour , M. – L huillier , C ellerino , A. – B ucci , I.
1045 Question of Their Origin The Journey of a Visual Idea: in Nabataean Luxury J. – G ritsina , M. – B endezu - – F oietta , E. – G iusto , F. –
Bronze “Bathtub” Coffins in Architecture S armiento , M ustafakulov, M ortarini , M. – Q uirico , E.
Elite Neo-Assyrian, Neo- S – K hasanov, M. et al . A Decorated Gold Jug from
Babylonian and Neo-Elamite Subsistence and Exploitation Nimrud Tomb III
Funerary Contexts of Environment Resources in
the Bronze Age Iron Age Site of
1115 Coffee Break

Chair G unnar L ehmann Rocio Da R iva R eza M ehrafarin S ultan M uhesen Piotr B ieliński

1115- K elley, K athryn K ızıl arsl anoğlu , A sena C oqueugniot, E ric O vadiah , A sher
1140 Traveling Signs: Women and Elaiussa Sebaste: An Dja’de el Mughara (Syria): a Vil- Mt. Carmel, Pythagoras and
Children in the Early Writing Ancient City of Harbor and lage from the 9th Millennium cal. Elijah‘s Cave. Context and
E li C ohen -S asson of Mesopotamia and Proto- Trade on Southern Coasts BCE in the Euphrates Valley Meaning
Qurayya Ware (Midi- Elamite Iran of Asia Minor
anite Pottery) in the
Southern Levant

1140- H art, C heryl D arles , C hristian H elms , Tobias B. H. A lkhalid , M ohammed

1205 An Analysis of the Iconogra- Un sanctuaire chrétien Lithic Economies of the Western Archaeology Between Literature
M ario M artin phic Rosette Motif as a Means en Arabie : la question de Jezirah during the 3rd Millennium and Discovery
Iron IIA Pottery from the of Non-Verbal Communica- l'église d'Abraha (550 ap. BCE
Negev Highlands and its tion: A Case Study J.-C.) à Sanaa-Yémen
Link to the Wadi Arabah
Copper Districts

1205- I l an , D avid Far amar zi , K hashayar A lbuk aai , D iaa H ossaini , A bbas
1230 D vory N amdar The Iconographic Represen- – A kbari , M ahsa Collectif, familial : reconstitution A Descriptive Survey Regarding
Analytical Evidence for tation of the Crescent in the Sassanian Royal Army de l’organisation sociale dans Archaeology Efforts in Qajar Era
Spice Trade between Southern Levant against Counterpart World le village néolithique à partir
South Asia and the Powers des structures de combustion.
Levant in the Early Iron L’exemple de Jerf el Ahmar et de
Age Halula (moyen Euphrate - Syrie)

1230- Völling , E lisabeth Taghavi , A bed – deG ruchy, M ichelle

1300 Transfer and Transformation M ehr afarin , R ez a Don't Get Stuck in the Mud
of a Notation System from Jundi Shapur: The Urbani- and Other Lessons from Route
Mesopotamia to Bronze Age zation Heritage of Roman Analysis
Anatolia in Iran under the Sasanian

1430 Lunch Break

Thursday, June 12, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports WS I rrigation and Water Works WS The S ettlement WS Trajectories of
L andscape of the O rontes C omplexity in U pper
Valley M esopotamia

O livier Rouault J ean -Claude M argueron S eyed A bazar S hobairi Stephen B ourke – M arco I amoni – Chair
M elissa K ennedy Salam A l Q untar

Pater akis , A lice B occia S chloen , D avid 0900-

– O mur a , S achihiro Recent Excavations at 0925
Gold Cloisonné from the Assy- Zincirli Höyük, Ancient Samal, S eyed A ba z ar S hobairi M elissa K ennedy O livier N ieuwenhuyse
rian Colony Period in Central in Turkey A Comparative Study of Urban Militarisation and the Hosting, Eating and Drin-
Anatolia Water Management in Achaeme- Changing Socio-political king across Boundaries
nid Persia and Classical Greece: landscape of the EBA and
Persepolis and Olynthos (6th MBA
D üring , B leda S. H arrison , Timothy P. 0925-
- 4th c. BC)
Reconstructing Repertoires The Neo-Hittite Royal Citadel 0950
of Rule: The Middle Assyrian at Tayinat (Ancient Kunulua)
Empire in the West
L ouise R ayne C orrine C astel & J ill A. W eber
Water and Territorial Empires G eorges M ouamar Animals and Complexity:
C oşkun , N ilgün M a zzoni , S tefania – Mid/late 3rd Mill. Inland Mapping Urbanized Niche 0950-
Middle and Neo-Assyrian Pe- D’A gostino , A nacleto West Syria viewed from Construction through Sex 1015
riods at the Harran Plain in the – O rsi , Valentina the Arid Margins and Size
Southeastern Anatolia: In the Researches at Uşaklı Höyük
Light of Survey (Central Turkey).
M ehrnoush S oroush S tephen J. B ourke D aniel a A rroyo -
S ollee , A lex ander M archetti , N icolò Mapping Long-term Irrigation The Land Behind Qadesh: B arr antes 1015-
Taking a New Look at Neo- Karkemish: Results of 2012 Strategies on the Miān-āb Plain The Orontes Valley and Feasting and Mass 1045
Assyrian City Gates and 2013 Turco-Italian Excava- of Khuzistan the Wider World in the Production in Early Urban
tion Campaigns Middle Bronze Age Societies: Tell Majnuna,
Tell Brak, Syria

K arin B artl
The Bronze Age Occupati-
on of the Hama Region

Coffee Break 1115

B leda S. D üring Timothy P. H arrison S eyed A bazar S hobairi Chair

M or andi B onacossi , D aniele Özfırat, Aynur 1115-

The Land of Nineveh Regional New Urartian Fortresses in 1140
Project. The Formation of the the Mt. Ağrı and its Vicinity S hahrokh R a zmjou
Assyrian Empire in the Land (Eastern Anatolia) Revisiting Achaemenid Rock-cut
behind Nineveh between Middle Wells: Cistern or Ancient Riddle
Bronze and Iron Ages

R ouault, O livier – M asetti - Z amua , D lshad A. M arf A ntigoni Z ournatzi 1140-

R ouault, M aria G r a zia Back to the Land of Ardini/ Water works at the ‘palace’ of 1205
French excavations in Qasr Musasir – New Archaeological Vouni (Cyprus)
Shemamok, Iraqi Kurdistan Evidence on Fieldwork 2005-
(2013 and 2014 campaigns): the 2012
Assyrian Town, and Beyond

A fshin Ya zdani
A Report on the Discovery and
P oli , Paol a E rdem , Aylin Ü. Excavation of the Four Achae- 1205-
Seals and Sealings from Tell Ethnoarchaeology at Ayanis in menid Water Wells at the Foot 1230
Masaikh-Kar-Assurnasirpal, Eastern Turkey of Persepolis Terrace Platform
New Results Persepolis World Heritage Site

C ooper , L isa H ipp, K r z ysztof 1230-

Shamshi-Adad V’s Cam- 1300
Neo-Assyrian Period paigns into the Zagroeskands
Remains at Bestansur, Iraq Revisited

Lunch Break 1430

Thursday, June 12, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S6 R eports S2 Travelling I mages S3 ANE Traditions vs. H elle- S4 R econstructing A ncient WS C ollections at R isk
nization / Romanization Eco -S ystems

Chair A nn E. K illebrew Paolo M atthiae Christian Darles E ric C oqueniot A ndrew Jamieson
1430- M ilevski , I anir M organ , K athryn S abri , H ossein M as , J uliette
1455 – G etzov, N imrod – Fabian , L ar a Ideology, Coinage and Isla- Production, Private Economy
Ein Zippori, an Early Bronze The Assyrians Abroad: mic Identity and State Entanglement in
Age Town in the Lower Space Syntax Analysis and Early Northern Mesopotamia M ichael T. Fisher
Galilee Administrative Architecture at & G il J. S tein
Zincirli, Turkey Aks of War: A Digital Museum
Inventory for a War-Torn
1455- S treit, K atharina M eijer , D.J.W. C r abtree , Pam J. – M ühl , S imone
1520 The Ein el-Jarba Excavation Mesopotamian Temple C ampana , D ougl as V. Water for Assyria – the Evolu-
Project: A Settlement in the Roofing and Realism and Animal Bone Remains from tion of Irrigation Landscape in
Jezreel Valley from the 6th Naturalism in Art the site of Kinik Hoyuk, North-eastern Mesopotamia Youssef K anjou
and 4th Millennia BC and its Southern Cappadocia, Protection Strategies and the
Transregional Interaction Turkey: Animal husbandry National Museum of Aleppo in
and hunting practices during Times of Conflict
the Iron Age, Hellenistic, and
Medieval periods C heikhmous A li &
P hilippe Q uenet
1520- Fabian , P eter – G ilead , I saac K ertai , D avid G rossman , K athryn – S tone , E liz abeth C. Syrian Museums at Risk:
1545 The Chalcolithic Site of Tel Identifying Assyrian Palatial M onahan , B elinda Social Differentiation in An Overview. Issues and
Sheva - the 2009 Season Architecture in the Southern What the Empire Eats: Animal Southern Mesopotamia: Solutions
Levant Economies at Hellenistic Changing Patterns of Housing
Hacinebi Tepe and Beyond from the Fourth to the First
Millennium B.C. H amed S alem
Palestinian Archaeological
1545- E rlich , A di Collections and Lessons of
1615 Late Hellenistic Figurines Conflicted Situations
from Tel Anafa, Israel

1645 Coffee Break
Chair Uzi Dahari D irk Wicke M arina Puturidze Wendy M atthews A ndrew Jamieson

1645- Wachtel , I do Tourovets , A. D anielyan , A ni L ippolis , C arlo

1710 ‘Jethro Cairn’ - An Early Unreliability or Stereotype L’art rupestre d’Oughtassar, – M essina , Vito
Bronze Age Site in the Upper in the Representation of the Arménie : approche méthodo- Mega Sites Impact on Central
Galilee, Israel: Function and People of the Zagros in the logique et analytique Mesopotamia. The Case-
Fadi B eyano , A ssaad
Significance Assyrian Reliefs Study of the Al-Mada'in Area
S eif & Tim W illiams
Beirut: The Challenge of
Curating Large and Complex
Urban Datasets
1710- G reenfield , H askel J. – S hai , D e B acker , Fabrice M arro , C. – B akhshaliyev, B. I şikli , M ehmet
1735 I tzhaq – M aeir , A ren M. La construction d’un char – B erthon , R. – D essène , F. Re-thinking the Socio-Eco-
Understanding Early Bronze de guerre néo-assyrien: The Earliest Kuro-Araxes nomic Structure of Kura-
Urban Patterns from the quelques idées visuelles Pottery Known to Date: New Araxian Societies in Eastern D ianne Fitzpatrick
Perspective of an EB III Discoveries from Ovçular Anatolia Quantifying the Problems
Commoner Neighbourhood: Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azer- and Counting the Costs of
the Excavations at Tell es- baijan). Near Eastern Archaeological
Safi, Israel Collections Management:
Five Case-Studies

1735- G anor , S a’ar M icale , M aria G abriell a Varoutsikos , B. – Palmisano , A lessio –

1800 Seven Years of Excavation in Women of Clay: Localization M gel adze A. - G abunia ,M. A ltaweel , M ark
Khirbet Qeiyafa. A Fortified and Circulation of the Female – A gapishvili , T. – Understanding Past Human N icole R eifarth &
Judean City of the Tenth Image in the Persian Acha- C hataigner , C. Settlement Hierarchy in Cen- E lisabeth Völling
Century BCE emenid Near East as seen Bavra-Ablari: a Chalcolithic tral Anatolia during the Old Textiles as Culture Heritage
from Tell Mardikh Rock Shelter in the South Assyrian Colony Period in Fieldwork, Repositories
Caucasus. and Collections

1800- K illebrew, A nn E. Festuccia , S ilvia

1830 Tel Akko Total Archaeology Sport Representation:
Project: The 2012 and 2013 Transfer Images of Agonistic
Seasons Contests

1930 Reception: Governments of the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft

Thursday, June 12, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS A rtifacts M ade O ut WS Ethnoarchaeology &
of B one E xperimental Studies

M aamoun A bdulkarim S ébastien G ondet A rezou A zad Canan Çakırlar & Ruth S hahack-G ross Chair
H ermann G enz

H ole , Fr ank B aseri , Z ohreh A lishahi , H amzeh – 1430-

Historical Processes During the Trade and the develop- S hahivand , M ohammad 1455
Late Ubaid in the Khabur Basin, ment of writing (According The Significance of Socio-political C anan Ç akırlar
Syria: Intrusion, Attenuation, to the National Museum of Evolutions in Western Regions of Iran Ivory, elephant bones, and R uth S hahack -G ross
Divergence, Demise Iran Counters: Plain and During Early Islamic Era. According to the relationship between Introduction: Method
Complex Tokens) Scripts and Archaeological Studies; the two in Syria and and Theory in Actualistic
Case Study of Mèhrjan-kàzàgh State beyond Studies

E lisabetta B oaretto ,
Vacca , A gnese K hademi B ami , M ahyar S hobairi , S eyed A ba z ar M intz , E., S hahack - 1455-
New Data on the EB III Pottery – K omijani , S afur a New Evidences of early Islamic and A lice C hoyke G ross , R. & 1520
Materials from Old and Recent The Cultural Interaction late Sassanid Period in Marvdasht Tiny Windows on G ur -A rieh , S.
Excavations at Tell Mardikh/Ebla of Cairn Burials in the Plain Household Affairs: a glim- High Resolution Radio-
and Tell Tuqan, Syria Southeastern Iran pse into Late Chalcolithic carbon Dating in Archa-
Bone-working traditions at eological Research: the
B unnens , G uy R afiei A l avi , B abak C hoobak , H amideh Horum Höyök in Southeas- Lesson from a Modern 1520-
A Third Millennium Temple at Beziehungen zwischen Alamut Dome Chamber "Molasara" tern Anatolia Ethnographic Context 1545
Tell Ahmar (Syria) Khuzestan, dem Zagros
und dem Norden Irans
B accarin , C ristina in der mittelelamischen A liei , M eissam R oz alia C hristidou & G eorgia Tsartsidou 1545-
Consumption in a Temple? An Epoche am Beispiel der A comparison between sepulch- M ihriban Ö zbaşar an Phytolith Assemblages 1615
Interpretation of the Ceramic Metallartefakte aus Haft ral buildings of Lavāssānāt and Early Neolithic bone arti- from two Ethnographic
Repertoire of the Early Bronze Tappeh RūdbārGhasrān region and the tombs facts from Aşıklı Höyük, Contexts of Greece:
Age Temple at Tell Ahmar of Māzandarān area on the decorative Central Anatolia Implications in the
(North Syria) and architectural styles Interpretation of the
Archaeological Record

Coffee Break 1645
Stefania M azzoni tba tba C. Çakırlar & H. G enz Ruth S hahack-G ross Chair

C luz an , S ophie G ondet, S ébastien – L or z adeh , Z ahr a 1645-

Un site du Bronze ancient en M ohammadkhani , K ourosh Landscape Archaeology of Tus in the 1710
Damascène, Syrie Results from 2012-2013 Islamic Period: Interactions between
Large Scale Surveys at Rural and Urban Settlements H ermann G enz E mma J enkins ,
Persepolis (Central Fars, The Early Bronze Age K halil J amjoum &
Iran). New Insights on the Bone Object Asssemblage S ameeh A l N uimat
Achaemenid City Organi- from Tell Fadous-Kfarabi- Phytoliths as Indicators
sation Scheme da, Lebanon of Past Water Availability

M uller , B éatrice Z ehbari , Z ohreh – E smaeili J elodar , M ohammad 1710-

Panneaux d'incrustations de M ehr afarin , R ez a E smaeil – M ortez aei , M ohammad 1735
Mari, Ville II: Implications des – M oosavi H aji , New Findings from the First Phase of H askel J. G reenfield
materiaux et des techniques S ey yed R asool Salvage Excavations at Rayy: Results & A nnie B rown , I tzhaq
The New Studies of of Extensive Excavations at the Base S hai & A ren M. M aeir
Understanding Early Bron- M aria B ofill
Potteries in Dahan-E of Rashkan Fortress in 2012 (Western
ze urban patterns from the What and How to Grind?
Gholaman, Sistan, Iran Section)
perspective of an EB III An Ethnoarchaeologi-
commoner neighbourhood: cal and Experimental
B locher , Felix M ak vandi , L eil a R a zee , S oroush – R avari , A mir the excavations at Tell Approach for the Study 1735-
Excavations at Tall Munbāqa Royal Road in Achaeme- H ashamdar – B emi , M ahyar K hademi es-Safi, Israel. Bone tool of Grinding Technologies 1800
(Syria) – City Development nid Heartland: Persepolis Qal.è Dokhtàr and Qal.è Ardèšïr frequencies and the nature in the Neolithic of the
between Middle and Late Fortification Texts and of Kerman as a Fortress Complex. of bone tool assemblages Near East
Bronze Age Archaeological Data A Study Based on Archaeological in an early urban assemb-
Evidences and Historical Texts“ lage: Tell es-Safi, Israel

K ühne , H artmut M ohammadkhani , K ourosh Fall ah , M eysam – Taghavi , A bed L uca P eyronel S hir a G ur -A rieh 1800-
Reflecting 35 Years of Interdisci- Dahaneh-e Gholaman: New Islamic Potteries discovered Bone manufacture at Ebla A Geo-Ethnoarchaeolo- 1830
plinary Research at Tall Sheikh One Achaemenid City in From Masjed-e Jome Amol (Friday (Syria) during the Early gical and Experimental
Hamad / Dur-Katlimmmahtu Eastern of Empire “Magne- Mosque) and Middle Bronze Age (c. Study of Cooking Instal-
/ Magdalu / Magdala, Syria tic Survey in Dahaneh-e 2400-1600 BC) lations, their Taphonomy
(1975-2010). Gholaman, Sistan-Iran” and Preservation

Friday, June 13, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

H all 115 120 116 118 117

S6 R eports S2 Travelling I mages S6 R eports S4 R econstructing A ncient WS C ollections at R isk

Eco -S ystems

Chair M onther Jamhawi M aria Gabriella M icale J eyhun E minli M atthew Whincop A ndrew Jamieson

0900- Fujii , S umio W ilkinson , Toby C. P uturidze , M arina D avidovich , U ri – M arom ,

0925 Mosaic Representations of Clay, Skin and Cloth: a The Development and Continuity N imrod – P or at, R oi –
Feline Animals: New Finding Diachronic Study of Anci- of Mid IV – Late III Millenniums B oaretto , E lisabetta
at ‘Awja 1, a Late Neolithic ent Near Eastern Modes BC Ceramic Assemblage: View Yoram Cave (Masada): A ntonio S agona , C l audia
Open Sanctuary in Southern of Body Metaphor and the from Eastern Georgia Human-Environment Interac- S agona & A leks M ichalewicz
Jordan Transfer of Pottery-Borne tion in the Late Chalcolithic ‘Legacy Data’ and the site
Image Judean Desert, Israelbewl of Samtavro: Revisiting
Archaeological Collections
and Archives of the Georgian
0925- M üller -N euhof, B ernd R obert, B eatrice M akhar adze , Z ur ab C harbonnier , J ulien National Museum
0950 Jawa’s Hinterland: Mining, & D aver at, L oïc Early Bronze Age Ananauri #3 – P urdue , L ouise
Farming and Settling in the Modeling Images by Great Kurgan: New Discovery Masāfī: Origin and Evolution
Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age Shaping Ceramics from eastern Georgia of an Oasis in Eastern Arabia A nna S tevens
Northern Badia of Jordan from the IInd Millennium B.C. From Dig House to Digital
to the Present Day: Interdis- Humanities: Managing the
ciplinary Approach Archaeological Collection of
0950- P olcaro , A ndrea – M uniz , Fr agnoli , Pamel a – M ahfroozi , A li – G ebel , H ans G eorg
1015 J uan – A lvarez , Valentin M allegni , C hiar a P iller , C hristian – W ellbrock , K ai –
The New Spanish-Italian Society and Visual Image Preliminary Report on the Joint G rottker , M atthias – S ilvia P erini
Expedition to the EB I site of Transmission. The Painted Iranian-German Archaeological Z ielhofer , C hristoph Syrian Cultural Heritage in
Jebel al-Mutawwaq, Middle Pottery during the Early Survey and Excavation Project Mid-Holocene Land-Use in Danger: A Database for the
Wadi az- Zarqa, Jordan: Bronze Age at Arslantepe in the High Mountain Valleys of NW Arabia National Museum of Aleppo
Preliminary Results of the and in the Malatya-Elazi Eastern Mazandaran, Iran
2012-2013 Campaigns Area. A ndrew J amieson
New Uses for Old Collections:
1015- R ichard , S uz anne K adowaki , S eiji – N ishiaki , Community and Curriculum
1045 Recent Excavations at Yoshihiro , G uliyev, Farhad Engagement Using Near
Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan: Tracing the Origins of Early Eastern Archaeological
The EB III Settlement and Agricultural Settlements in the Collections
Fortifications Southern Caucasus: New Evi-
dence from Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe
(Azerbaijan) in the 2012 and 2013
1115 Coffee Break

Chair S umio Fujii N adezhda D ubova M atthew Whincop tba

1115- D’A ndrea , M arta K unze , R ené S taiger , A nnabelle L oreto , R omolo –
1140 Pottery Production at Khirbat Interdisciplinary Studies on the Toponyme als Marker von C harloux , G uill aume
Iskandar, Jordan. Preliminary Small Finds from the Settlements Öko- und Wirtschaftssys- The Saudi-Italian-French Ar-
Results of the Technological of Udabno I-III (Eastern Georgia) temen chaeological project at Dûmat
Study of EB IV Pottery from al-Jandal (ancient Adumma-
the Site tu): Results from 2009-2013

1140- B ourke , S tephen J. E minli , J eyhun – I skenderov, E mil L aleh , H aeedeh H ausleiter , A rnulf
1205 The 2013 Field Season at Archaeological Investigations Nishapur’s Historical Urban Oasis Settlement in Nor-
Pella in Jordan: Major New at Piboz Tapa Necropolis. Lerik, Landscape thwest Arabia in the Context
Civic Structures of the Bronze Southern Azerbaijan (Preliminary of Environmental Conditions
and Iron Ages Report 2012-2013)

1205- W eigl , M ichael – C órdoba , J. M. – M amedov, M. B ieliński , P iotr

1230 B artsch , M arkus The Iron Age at Dehistan. Turk- Kuwaiti-Polish Excavations of
The Development of Specia- men and Spanish Archaeological Bahra 1 Site on As-Subbiya
lized Industries at Khirbat Investigations in Geoktchik Depe Desert
al-Mudayna ath-Thamad, and Izzat Kuli (Balkan Province,
Central Jordan Republic of Turkmenistan)

1230- B oyer , D on Wagner , M arcin

1300 Aqueducts and Birkets: New Topaz Gala Depe. Excavations
Evidence of the Water Ma- on Site Dated to Early Iron Age
nagement System Servicing
Gerasa (Jarash), Jordan

1300- Lunch Break


Friday, June 13, 2014, Morning/Midday Session

Aula 102 001 114 119 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports S7 I slamic S ession WS A rtifacts WS Ethnoarchaeology &

M ade O ut of B one E xperimental Studies

H artmut Kühne tba tba Canan Çakırlar Ruth S hahack-G ross Chair
& H ermann G enz

G l a zer , E va K atarina K arim , M ohmmad A. – A bdul- B anijamali , S ey yedeh L eil a – A l aei S ar ah E lliott, R obin 0900-
Sedentary and Nomadic Popula- K arim , N awz ad A. – Talib , M oghadam , J avad – M ousavi H aji , B endrey & J ade W hitl am 0925
tion during Bronze Age Southern S aman R. – M ajeed , S arwat H. S ey yd R asoul – A farin , R ez a M ehr Ethnoarchaeological
Levant: An Example of Cultural The Parthian Vault-tomb in The Results of the Latest Studies A riel S hatil Research on Modern Animal
Contacts Sarqala in Iraqi Kurdistan (Pre- Conducted on Palace of Kuh-e Bone Carving Husbandry in Iraqi Kurdistan.
liminary report on the Results of Khajeh, Qaleh Kaferun, in Sistan in Early Islamic Linking the Macroscopic with
the Archaeological Excavation) Jerusalem the Microscopic: Integrating
Animal, Plant and Environ-
mental Data
P izzimenti , S ar a A l aei M oghadam , J avad M ousavi H aji , S ey yed R asool 0925-
A Reassessment of the Iron Age Results Obtained from First Part – S hir a zi , R uhullah – Z our , 0950
I-III Pottery in Northern Levant. of Archaeological Activities in M aryam – Far zin , S aman H adia Faisal , R amon B uxó
The Contribution of the Iron Age Kolak Castle Tepe of Sistan Survey of The Pottery Samples & M iquel M olist M ontaña
Levels of Tell Mardikh-Ebla Collected from the Islamic Ages in Agricultural Methods in Sou-
Nikshahr and Chabahar (South- thern Syria: an Ethnoarcha-
East of Iran) eological Study in the Sweida
Region (2011-2012) and its
M essina , Vito – M ehr S hojaei , S eyed M ostafa Contributions to Understan- 0950-
K ian , J afar – M oosa z adeh , B ehrooz ding Agricultural Practices 1015
The Religious Complex at – M oosa z adeh , R ez a in the Neolithic Site of Tell
Shami. Preliminary Report of Iranian Architecture is the Re- Halula (Syria)
the Research Conducted by the flection of Mysterious Patterns &
Iranian-Italian Joint Expedition Façade D avid Friesem
in Khuzestan at Kal-e Chendar Ethnoarchaeology of Mud
Structures Across the Near
A ghal ary, B ayr am – Tabatabaei , N egin East: Taphonomy, Preser- 1015-
A bdoll ahz adeh , Ayl ar A Historic-Comparative Study on vation and Site Formation 1045
Cultural Characteristics of Nor- four Safavid Inscriptions of the Old Processes
thwestern of Iran in the Parthian Gama Mosque of Isfahan
Period (Based on the Results of
the 2nd Season of Excavations
at Köhne Pāsgāh Tepesi)
Coffee Break 1115

S6 R eports

Toby C. Wilkinson Vito M essina tba Chair

K oizumi , Tatsundo D aghmehchi , M aria – S hir z ade , G anji , S hadi – D aneshi , A li 1115-
Preliminary Results of the 2010- G hol am – S har ahi , I smail Probable Evidences of Nomadism 1140
2012 Excavations on Salat Tepe Settlement Patterns of Parthian in the Mountainous Region of Jiroft:
in the Upper Tigris: the Ubaid Sites in Komijan Plain, Central An Archaeological Survey in Iran, 1115-1615
and Late Chalcolithic Periods Iran 2009
A n ARCANE reloaded?
B ulu , M üge S amadi , O mid – G hasemi , H amz avi , S aman – B orujeni , Possibilities on an I ron Age 1140-
An Intact Palace Kitchen M ohsen – R iahiyan , R ez a R asoul S eyedin – Z eidi , M ohsen C ooperation 1205
Context from Middle Bronze Age Survey of Parthian Settlements Discovery of a Long Term Oc-
Alalakh: Its Organization and Pattern in Kahnouj Plain, Ker- cupation in the Saimarreh River (see separate programme)
Function man Province, Iran Valley, Western Iran (Report on the
Archaeological Survey)

B aştürk , E lif G hasemi , M ohsen – H aghighat, M orta z aei , M ohammad 1205-

A Mitannian Fortress on the A li – A refi , Z ahr a – S adr aei , A li 1230
Northern Border of Mesopo- A New-Discovered Altar in the New Findings from the Second
tamia: Siirt – Türbe Höyük North of Iran Central Plateau Phase of Salvage Excavations of
Rayy Fortifications in 2012 (Eas-
tern Section)

A hrens , A lex ander A liz adeh , Fatemeh – 1230-

– K oz al , E kin A farin , R ez a M ehr – 1300
The Turkish-Swiss Excava- S hir a zi , R ouholl ah
tions at Sirkeli Höyük (Eastern Study of the Pottery Samples of
Cilicia) 2011-2013: Material the Parthian Period in Baluches-
Culture, Settlement Structure, tan (Classification, typology and
Chronology and Interregional typology comparison)

Lunch Break 1300-


Friday, June 13, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

H all 116 118 117

S6 R eports S6 R eports S6 R eports

Chair tba Stephen J. B ourke J érémie S chiettecatte

1430- S arianidi , Victor – D ubova , N adezhda K ennedy, W ill M. S chmidt, C onr ad

1455 Types of Graves at Gonur Depe Bronze Age Site in Untersuchungen zum Defensiv- und Kommunikati- Mobile Pastoralists as Global Players in the 3rd Mil-
Turkmenistan onssystem im Umland von Petra, Jordanien lennium BC: Excavations at Bat, Sultanate of Oman

1455- S adoz aï , C hamsia – G andreau , D avid P etit, L ucas M ar aqten , M ohammed

1520 Conservation des Vestiges Archéologiques en Tell Damiyah. A Small Settlement Mound in the Writing History of pre-Islamic South Arabia from
Terre. L'exemple de l'Asie Centrale Jordan Valley with a Remarkable International Role inscriptions: Epigraphic Discoveries at the Awām
Temple/Mahram Bilqīs, Yemen

1520- R aiano , Fabiana B oertien , J eannette D egli E sposti , M ichele

1545 Pottery from the Joint Uzbek-Italian Archaeological Recent Discoveries at Tell Abu Sarbut in the Eas- Excavations at the Early Bronze Age site “ST1”
Activities at Koj Tepa (Samarkand Area - Uzbeki- tern Jordan Valley near Bisyah (Sultanate of Oman): Notes on the
stan) Architecture and Material Culture.

1545- C aspari , G ino K afafi , Z eidan M uhesen , S ultan – N aimi , Faisal

1615 Automatic Detection of Iron Age Grave Mounds in Chalcolithic Ritual Aspects from the Jordan Valley: Recent Archaeological Discoveries from Qatar
the Altai Mountains Examples from Abu Hamid



Friday, June 13, 2014, Afternoon/Evening Session

Aula 102 H all

S6.1 R eports S6.2 R eports

Felix B locher Javad A laei M oghadam Chair

Yener , K. A slıhan – A k ar , M ur at H assanpur , Ata – H ashemi , Z ahr a 114 1430-

A Decade of Excavations at Tell Atchana/Anci- Décors architecturales de palais sassanide de 1455
ent Alalakh Ghaleh-Guri à Luristan

M ac G innis , J ohn G ar avand , M ortez a – Z eynivand , M ohsen A n ARCANE reloaded? 1455-

Excavations in the Lower Town of Ziyaret Tepe Locating Sasanian City of Seimarreh, according Possibilities on an I ron Age 1520
to Historical Scripts and Archaeological C ooperation
(see separate programme)

Yağcı , R emzi R ez aei , Z. – R ajaee , M. 1520-

Rhodian Soli: Geometric, Orientalizing and Archaeological Survey of Khonj, Fars, Iran. 1545
Archaic Periods at Soli

K hosr avi , S hokouh – A libaigi , 1545-

S ajjad – R ashno , A sghar 1615
A Sassanian Fire Temple Found from Plangerd,
Kermanshah (Western Iran)

Coffee Break 1645

Closing Session

Aula 1645-

Manfred Bietak
International Committee of the ICAANE
The 10th ICAANE 2016

Miroslav Novak
Text and Image. The 61th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
June 22-26, 2015, Geneva and Bern.

Antonio Loprieno
Rector of the University of Basel

Public Evenings
Aula, Kollegienhaus

Tuesday, June 10, 19.30

Zwischen Damaskus und Bagdad –

Archäologische Forschungen zu den
Anfängen des Islam

Denis Genequand (University of Geneva)

Les « châteaux du désert » des Omeyyades: vie de
cour, itinérance du pouvoir, diplomatie tribale et

Hugh Kennedy (University of London)

Baghdad and the Economy of Abbasid Iraq : an
Expansion Toward a Globalized System

Chair: Hans-Peter Mathys

Wednesday, June 11, 19.30

Von den ersten Menschen zum Imperium –

Basel forscht im Nahen Osten

Jean-Marie Le Tensorer
Vom Schädel des Homo erectus bis zum Riesen-
Kamel: 30 Jahre Basler Forschungen in der
Syrischen Wüste

Susanne Bickel
Neue Forschungen im Tal der Könige

Bruno Jacobs
Das Bisotun-Monument Dareios’ I.

Chair: Oskar Kaelin

For more information see separate flyer.

Plan Ground Floor

Lecture Halls, Reception





Reception Area Stairs

Main Entrance

Plan 1st Floor

Lecture Halls, Posters, Book Stalls




Book Stalls




Posters Stairs

114 115 116 117 118 119 120




The Basel Organisation Committee of the 9. ICAANE wishes to express their thanks to all the people and
institutions that made this event possible.

Our thanks for their generous contributions go to

The Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim Stiftung and Bank Dreyfus.

The Max-Geldner-Stiftung, Basel.
The Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft.
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

as well as to

The Government of Basel-Stadt and the Government of Basel-Landschaft.

The Rectorate of the University of Basel.
The Faculty of Theology of the University of Basel (especially Sabine Müller-Schneider).
The Fonds für Förderung der Studien auf dem Gebiet der ägyptologischen, orientalischen
und klassischen Altertumskunde.

For their invaluable support we wish to thank

Basel Tourismus (especially Alain Burger and Samuel Schibler). Genossenschaft Migros Basel (especially
Lars Bomberg). Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig (especially its Director Andrea Bignasca, as
well as Ilona Hellstern and Gordana Uzur).

A special thank goes to all the (voluntary) helpers, students, the event-management–team of the
Kollegienhaus, and the URZ Basel, who supported this event with their time and commitment.

Supported by

Max Geldner Stiftung, Basel

Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim

Fonds für Förderung der

Studien auf dem G ebiet der ägyptologischen,
orientalischen und klassischen A ltertumskunde

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