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Smart Choice

Students’s name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________


Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Choose A, B or C.

1. ____, when we got to the club, it had already closed. We were so upset.

A) Unfortunately

B) Suddenly

C) Clearly

2. I use my ____ to look up words I don’t know.

A) webcam

B) headset

C) electronic translator

3. I like people who are ____. They are always happy and positive.

A) nervous

B) optimistic

C) dangerous

4. This ____ was painted in Italy.

A) graffiti

B) monument

C) landscape

5. I don't understand the narrator at all. Could you explain what this ____ is about?

A) documentary

B) channel

C) drama
6. Michelle has been running ____ since she was a teenager.

A) nature

B) marathons

C) autographs

7. A Your hair looks different. What have you done?

B I ____.

A) had it pierced

B) got a perm

C) trimmed my mustache

8. A I had my head ____. What do you think?

B Well, it really changes your appearance.

A) painted

B) trimmed

C) shaved

9. A Are you absolutely ____ these earrings are made of gold?

B Yes, you can trust me.

A) proof

B) uncertain

C) sure

10. A How was your first day at work?

B I don't know. My boss was kind of ____. He didn't talk to me at all.

A) rude

B) friendly

C) glad

11. A What kind of work do you do?

B I'm an office worker for a company that sells ____ like smartwatches, smartphones, and
sports cameras.
A) utensils

B) contraptions

C) gadgets

12. A Maybe my sister can write ____ about your new company in the computer magazine she's
been working for.

B That would be great!

A) an editor

B) an article

C) a newspaper

13. Maddie didn't call me yesterday. She ____ my number.

A) should have lost

B) must have lost

C) might lost


What did they say? Complete the sentences with Reported Speech. Choose option A) or B)

14. "Email me if you need help."

A) She told me to email her if I needed help

B) She told me to email me if she needed help

15. "I finished the report with Amanda's help."

A) He said that I had finished the report with Amanda's help.

B) He said that he had finished the report with Amanda's help.

16. "Can you see the flashing lights in the sky?"

A) They asked us if we could see the flashing lights in the sky

B) They asked me if we can see the flashing lights in the sky

17. "I haven't had a haircut in several months."

A) He said that he hasn't had a haircut in several months

B) He said that he hadn't had a haircut in several months

35. "She will call you back immediately."

He told me __________________________________________________.
Complete the sentence. Use the correct form of have.

18. The children __________ been eating too much all week. I don't know what to do.

A) Has B) have C) had

19. No, she __________ been singing in a choir for three years. She started last year.

A) has B) have C) had

20. Until he went to South America, he _________ never danced salsa.

A) has B) have C) had

21. What __________ you been doing for the last four months?

A) has B) have C) had

Choose the correct Relative Clause.

22. A _____

B I enjoy writing songs

A) Can you tell me what is your hobby?

B) Can you tell me your hobby is what?

C) Can you tell me what your hobby is?

23. A30. ____

A ____
B Not
B really. I enjoy dating outgoing men.
In 2003.
A) Do
A) you like was
When menthis
are reserved?
B) Do
B) you like was
When menthis
which are reserved?
monument replac
C) Do
C) you like is
When menthisthat's reserved?
monument replacing?

Choose the correct modal verb phrase to complete the sentence.

24. Maddie didn't call me yesterday. She ____ my number.

A) should have lost

B) must have lost

C) might lost

D) could has lost

25. If Kyle ____, she probably would have forgiven him.

A) would apologize

B) apologized

C) had apologized

D) has apologized

26. If they hadn't arrived so late, I ____ for them.

A) would wait

B) will wait

C) will have waited

D) would have waited

27. I wonder where Marianna is. She ____ trouble with her car again.

A) may have had

B) couldn't have

C) should has had

D) must have

28. I wouldn't tell her anything about the accident, if ____.

A) I had been you

B) I was you

C) I were you

D) I'm you

Choose the correct indirect question.

29. A What are you doing?!

B Do you have any idea ____ ?!

A) what are you doing

B) what you are doing
C) what you do
30. A Could you take me to the airport?
B Is there any chance ____ ?

A) that you take me to the airport

B) you could take me to the airport
C) could you take me to the airport
31. A Are you coming to the party?
B Can you let me know if ____ ?

A) to come to the party

B) you are coming to the party
C) are you coming to the party

Mark A or B whether the causative sentences are correct or incorrect.

32. I'm going to get my cut my hair.

A) correct

B) incorrect

33. Kelly needs to have get a manicure.

A) correct

B) incorrect

34. I'm going to have getting something done at the salon tomorrow.

A) correct

B) incorrect

35. Don't get having your hair permed!

A) correct

B) incorrect

36. Henry got his beard trimmed yesterday.

A) correct

B) incorrect

Choose the correct option to complete the following third conditional sentences.

37. If I had studied harder, I __________ my exam.

A) will pass
B) would pass
C) would passed
D) would have passed

38. If you ___________ to the party, you would have seen me.

A) have gone
B) will go
C) went
D) had gone


Read the text. Choose True or False.

Belinda's Beauty Salon

by Angelina Phillips

If you're tired of your appearance and are looking for a change, you should take a trip to Belinda's Beauty Salon. The
prices are reasonable, the service is amazing, and you can have almost anything done there. Belinda's can dye your
hair, paint your nails, and even pierce your ears. I got highlights in my hair two months ago, and they still look
Belinda's was established by Belinda Bové in 1995. Last night, I called Ms. Bové, and she explained how Belinda's
Beauty Salon began. Apparently, Ms. Bové went to art school for two years, but she felt she wasn't learning anything
that she didn't already know. So she decided to make an extreme change. She started going to business school. And
according to Ms. Bové, this was the smartest decision of her life. She said, "If I hadn't gone to business school, I would
never have had a successful salon business. I remember when I told my family my plans about going to business school
and opening a salon—my parents were very angry. They must have thought I was crazy. My father told me that artists
weren't capable of running businesses. My mother said I shouldn't have quit art school so quickly and that I was
throwing my money in the garbage. But these days my parents are happy for my success."
Well, I'm sure all Ms. Bové's customers are glad she didn't take her family's advice. Belinda's Beauty Salon is one
of the most
39. popular
Belinda's salons
Beauty in all
Salon wasof established
Denver, Colorado.
41. Ms. Bové's parents are unhappy about
when Ms. Bové went to business school.
her decision.
A) True
A) True
B) False
B) False
40. Ms. Bové first went to business school and
42. Ms. Bové's salon has been successful.
then to art school.
A) True
A) True
B) False
B) False
Read the text. Choose the best answer to the question about the text.

Frida Fashion comes out with recycled clothes!

Can somebody explain why there are so many awful new fashions out there? Do we really need jackets with 20
zippers or shoes with fur? For years, I've been waiting for somebody to create a fashion trend that was about
more than just appearances. And Frida Jones, the founder of Frida Fashion, has finally done this. She has
designed and produced a fascinating new clothing line that is made completely from recycled materials. So the
next time you plan to throw out your soda bottle or newspaper, you might want to think again. Materials like
these can now be used for making stylish, inexpensive clothing.
Ms. Jones has been designing amazing shirts, pants, dresses, and hats for 15 years. Before she started Frida
Fashion, Ms. Jones had been a clothing designer's assistant at a dull fashion agency that was located in
Elizabeth, New Jersey. She worked there for only two months. On the day Ms. Jones was asked to serve her boss's
daughter coffee and throw out the trash, she decided to quit the boring job and go back to college in New York
to complete her fashion degree. And, soon afterward, she started to plan her future company. Frida's new
clothing line, Recycle Wear, is now sold in London, Paris, Berlin, and New York.

43. What did Ms. Jones create? 45. After Ms. Jones quit her job, where

A) Jackets with 20 zippers. did she return to?

B) Soda bottles that can be recycled. A) London

C) Clothes made from recycled materials. B) New Jersey

44. What is the writer fascinated by? C) New York

A) the new fashions 46. Where is Recycle Wear not sold?

B) Ms. Jones's new clothing line A) in New Jersey

C) the fashion agency in New Jersey B) in New York

C) in Berlin
Listening 1

Listen. Choose True or False.

47. The news story was about life on Mars. 48. Dave is uncertain about the news.
A) True A) True
B) False B) False

49. Dave believes the pictures are real. 50. Dave is late because he had an appointment.
A) True A) True
B) False B) False
Listening 2

Listen. Choose the best answer to the question.

51. What is not true about the speaker? 53. What does the speaker say about her wedding?

A) She forgave the beauty school student. A) It was a very wonderful experience.

B) She got her hair permed. B) She was afraid of her husband.

C) She liked her hairstyle. C) Her husband didn't want to kiss her.

D) She cried at the salon. D) Her family thought she looked great.

52. What does the speaker regret? 54. What did the speaker say about the student

A) texting her friend who did her hair?

B) listening to music A) She was 20 years old.

C) getting married B) She didn't have experience.

D) paying the girl C) She was listening to music.

D) She didn't apologize.

Listening 3

Listen. Choose the best answer to the question.

55. How long has the speaker been painting? 57. What does the speaker say about his father?
A) since he was nine A) His father is too proud about his success.
B) for ten hours B) He taught his father how to use a digital video
C) for seventy years C) He can't understand why his father stopped
56. Why does the speaker paint? doing his art.
58. What does the speaker say about his father's
A) so that he can show his work in galleries work?
A) It can be seen in movies.
B) so that he can make money
B) It can be seen in art books.
C) so that he can relax
C) It can be seen all around the world


59-63 (5 points).

Write a letter to a friend about a terrible day. Answer the following questions:

 What were all the awful things that happened?

 Why do you think everything went so badly?
 If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?
 What could or should have been done instead?

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