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Prewriting Activity

Argumentative Essay

Raisin in the Sun

-For your argumentative essay, you will have to describe the consequences for characters whose dreams
are deferred (delayed, put aside), characters whose dreams are fulfilled, and characters who are living
without dreams.

-In order to generate ideas and possible examples to use in your essay, you will fill in the following items.
You will identify two examples for each of the three types of consequences. For each example, you
must identify the character, the example from the play that shows the consequence or effect, the effect
or consequence the example reveals, and the Act and Scene that the example is from.

-Your examples may be direct quotes, paraphrases of what a character says, actions, reactions, or

-This is a 5-Point Major Grade. It is due by the end of class today (April 23).

A Dream Deferred

Character- Walter Younger

Example #1- “...Man not with that money...Man… THAT MONEY IS MADE OUT OF MY FATHER’S

What the example reveals- Walter was going into a deal to have a liquor store with Bobo and Willy, but
Willy took all of the money. It was Walter’s dream to own this business, and he is extremely angered
that more than half of the money that the Younger’s got from when his father passed away is gone.

Act and Scene Numbers- Act II , Scene III

Character- Bennie Younger

Example #2- “You mean… your sister’s school money… you used that too… Walter?” (129)

What the example reveals- Mama was angered that Walter used his sister’s money for medical school,
and now, Bennie can’t fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor, at least for now.
Act and Scene Numbers- Act II, Scene III

A Dream Fulfilled

Character- Ruth Younger

Example #1- Ruth’s dream of moving was fulfilled because Mama put a down payment on a house.

What the example reveals- Ruth shares that she is finally able to have more space for her and her
family. She says, “Honey- I’m going to me a tub of water up to here… And I’m going to get in- and I’m
going to sit…”(111) The family had to share a bathroom with the rest of the people in their
apartment, but now, Ruth is excited about being able to take her time and actually sit in the bathtub.

Act and Scene Numbers- Act II, Scene II

Character- Lena Younger

Example #2- Lena wants to be able to provide for her family, and since she put a down payment on a
home right outside of Chicago.

What the example reveals- Lena and her late husband have always wanted to provide for their family
and put them first, but since he passed away, they got $10,000, some of which was for their home that
the family has been wanting for over 2 decades.

Act and Scene Numbers- Act II, Scene II

Living Without Dreams

Character- Ruth Younger

Example #1- “Sit down and have your breakfast, Travis.”(31)

What the example reveals- Ruth always put her family before herself. In the beginning, she was trying
to feed her family breakfast and telling them to eat their eggs. She was only focused on trying to help
her family and her work schedule.

Act and Scene Numbers- Act I, Scene I

Character- Bennie Younger

Example #2- After Bennie found out that Walter took her money for medical school, she gave up on
her dream of becoming a doctor.

What the example reveals- Bennie is now hopeless because of not being able to go to medical school.

Act and Scene Numbers- Act II, Scene III

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