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Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

Chemotherapy against babesiosis

Henri J. Vial a,*, A. Gorenflot b
Dynamique Moléculaire des Interactions Membranaires, UMR 5539 CNRS/Université Montpellier II,
Case 107, Place Eugène bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
ERT 1038 ‘‘Vaccination antiparasitaire’’, UFR Pharmacie, 15 Avenue Charles Flahault, F-34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France


Babesiosis is caused by a haemotropic protozoal parasite of the genus Babesia, member of the phylum Apicomplexa and
transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. There are many Babesia species affecting livestock, dogs, horses and rodents which
are of economic significance. Infections can occur without producing symptoms, but babesiosis may also be severe and
sometimes fatal caused by the intraerythrocytic parasite development. The disease can cause fever, fatigue and haemolytic
anemia lasting from several days to several months. There are a number of effective babesiacides, but imidocarb dipropionate
(which consistently clears the parasitaemia; often the only available drug on the market) and diminazene aceturate are the most
widely used. Some Babesia spp. can infect humans, particularly Babesia microti and Babesia divergens, and human babesiosis is
a significant emerging tick-borne zoonotic disease. Clinical manifestations differ markedly between European and North
American diseases. In clinical cases, a combination of clindamycin and quinine is administered as the standard treatment, but
also administration of atovaquone–azithromycin is successful. Supportive therapy such as intravenous fluids and blood
transfusions are employed when necessary. More specific fast-acting new treatments for babesiosis have now to be developed.
This should be facilitated by the knowledge of the Babesia spp. genome and increased interest for this malaria-like parasite.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Babesiosis; Cattle; Human; Treatment; Chemotherapy; Babesia; Babesia bigemina; Babesia bovis; Babesia divergens; Babesia
canis; Babesia gibsoni; Babesia microti; Babesiacidal drugs; Piroplasmosis; Review

1. Introduction well-recognised disease of veterinary importance in

cattle, horses and dogs, which has gained increasing
Babesiosis is a parasitic infection caused by attention as an emerging zoonotic disease problem.
haemotropic protozoa of the genus Babesia, family This organism may cause a malaria-like syndrome,
Babesiidae, order Piroplasmida, within the phylum including fever, haemolysis and hemoglobinuria.
Apicomplexa. This malaria-like protozoan parasitizes Babesia infections have probably been complicat-
the erythrocytes of wild and domestic animals. It is a ing the lives of humans since antiquity, primarily
through infections of domestic livestock. The first
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 67 14 37 45;
recorded reference to babesiosis is probably in the
fax: +33 4 67 14 42 86. biblical book Exodus 9:3, which described a plague of
E-mail address: (H.J. Vial). the cattle of the Egyptians Pharaoh Ramses II that

0304-4017/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

could have been red water fever of cattle (caused by The life cycle of Babesia is highly complex and can
Babesia bovis) and could have included hemoglobi- be separated into three stages: (i) gamogony, i.e. a
nuria as a prevalent sign. However, the genus was not sexual stage with formation and fusion of gametes
formally recognized until the work of Babes in 1888, inside the gut of Ixodid tick vectors; (ii) sporogony, i.e.
who described an intraerythrocytic pathogen (sus- asexual reproduction in salivary glands of the tick and
pected to be a bacterium) causing a febrile hemoglo- (iii) merogony, i.e. asexual dividing stage in the
binuria in Rumanian cattle (Babes, 1888). Shortly erythrocytes of vertebrates (Kakoma and Mehlhorn,
thereafter, the agent of Texas Cattle Fever, initially 1993). Following a bite by an infected tick, Babesia
called Pyrosoma, was discovered by Smith and sporozoites directly invade vertebrate erythrocytes
Kilbourne in 1893 (Smith, 1893) and later identified where asexual reproduction (called merogony) occurs.
as Babesia bigemina. The first evidence that humans B. microti and Babesia equi may first divide in
could be infected with Babesia parasites was reported lymphocytes, in a way similar to that observed in
by Wilson and Chowning (Wilson and Chowning, Theileria (for detailed discussion of the taxonomic
1904), who described piriform, intraerythrocytic classification of these species see the contribution of
inclusions like those described by Smith and Uilenberg in this issue [ed.]).
Kilbourne, in the blood of patients with Rocky The intraerythrocytic trophozoite multiplies and
Mountain spotted fever in the western US. They called forms two to four separate merozoites, and a seemingly
this agent Pyroplasma hominis. perpetual cycle of asexual reproduction is established,
This review deals primarily with the treatment of despite the rapid development of a strong immune
babesiosis in cattle. It is thought that these animals are, response. The rapid intracellular multiplication leads to
from an economy point of view, the most severely destruction of the host erythrocyte, with release of new
affected by Babesia infection. Equine babesiosis and parasites and subsequent infection and destruction of
babesiosis of other animals are also discussed. other erythrocytes. One cycle of B. divergens asexual
Epidemiology of human babesiosis and their current intraerythrocytic reproduction takes about 8 h in vitro
treatment are described. Finally, treatments of (Valentin et al., 1991). A small percentage of
babesiosis have been established on empirical basis, merozoites do not divide but turn into non-dividing
and should evolve on a more rational basis. large and unusually shaped spherical gamonts which
remain inside erythrocytes (Mackenstedt et al., 1990).
They are ingested when a competent Ixodid tick take a
2. Characterization of the organism blood meal from an infected host and differentiate
further in the tick gut (gamogony).
Babesia are ubiquitous parasites with a world wide
distribution. They generally have two classes of hosts,
an invertebrate and a vertebrate host and the 3. Epidemiology and clinical presentation
maintenance of Babesia spp. is dependent on both
hosts. The specific Ixodid tick vector must feed on a The different Babesia species vary in host specifi-
vertebrate reservoir host that is competent in main- city. The diseases are caused by the asexual reproduc-
taining the Babesia organisms in an infectious state. tive stage of Babesia in the erythrocytes of the host and
There are over 100 species within the genus the subsequent lysis of the host cells. For diagnosis, the
Babesia, family Babesiidae, order Piroplasmida, presence of intraerythrocytic parasites in animals or
within the phylum Apicomplexa. Species vary in size humans can be demonstrated through examination of
from large (2.5–5 mm, represented by B. bigemina) to stained blood smears (e.g. Giemsa). Morphologically,
small members (1.0–2.5 mm, such as B. bovis, Babesia Babesia needs to be distinguished from Plasmodium
divergens and Babesia microti) (Homer et al., 2000; spp. The diagnosis can also be established by serologic
Mehlhorn and Schein, 1984). In addition to Babesia, evaluation, through indirect (immuno)fluorescent anti-
there are two genera of veterinary importance, body assays and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Theileria and Cytauxzoon, included in the family (Zintl et al., 2003). Many reviews have described the
Babesiidae; they are outside the scope of this review. parasite specificity, host susceptibility, symptoms and
H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160 149

outcome of the diseases and provide key referenced blood inoculation, the incubation time is usually 10–14
details (Gelfand and Callahan, 1998; Gorenflot et al., days, but can be shortened by large inocula. Infection
1998; Homer et al., 2000; Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2000; can persist for years, perhaps even the lifetime of the
Weiss, 2002; Zintl et al., 2003). These reviews provide animal. Infections of B. bovis resemble, in many
the current key elements about animal (cattle and respects, those seen with B. bigemina, with fever and
domestic animals) and human babesiosis which are cachexia but hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria are
needed to assess the current treatments. not as consistently seen. In many cases, there is cerebral
involvement and respiratory distress syndromes that
3.1. Bovine babesiosis can lead to death. B. bovis infection involves massive
intravascular sequestration of infected erythrocytes
Babesia infections have long been recognized as carrying mature parasite stage (Allred, 2003; Aryeetey
an economically important disease of cattle. At least and Jimenez-Lucho, 2002). It is generally conceded that
six Babesia species appear responsible for bovine B. bovis is the more virulent of the two organisms.
babesiosis which is generally characterized by Whereas the packed cell volume in most fatal infections
extensive erythrocytic lysis leading to anemia, with B. bigemina will be well below 10%, death
icterus, hemoglobinuria and death. The tick-borne commonly occurs with B. bovis when the packed cell
protozoan parasites B. bovis and B. bigemina affect volume is 12% or higher. In the United States a tick
cattle in tropical and subtropical areas. They impose a eradication program was essentially completed by
great economic burden on the tropical and subtropical 1943, and bovine babesiosis ceased to exist except in
developing countries, where raising cattle provides the quarantine buffer zone adjacent to the Mexican
milk and meat, badly needed protein sources of high border (Graham and Hourrigan, 1977).
nourishing quality (Ristic, 1988; Roberts et al., B. divergens appears to be a serious pathogen for
1998). cattle in the United Kingdom and northern Europe
B. bigemina is widespread in cattle and occurs (Purnell, 1981). B. divergens produces a disease
wherever Boophilus ticks are encountered, which syndrome similar to B. bigemina and B. bovis;
includes North and South America, southern Europe, however, the cerebral form is rarely seen.
Africa, Asia, and Australia. Calves normally are Additionally, there are also other bovine Babesia
reasonably resistant to B. bigemina, or the infection species. As an example, Babesia major is a large
does not usually result in clinical disease. In older species only slightly smaller than B. bigemina,
animals, clinical signs can be very severe; however, transmitted by Haemaphysalis punctata which occurs
differences in pathogenicity may occur with various B. in the United Kingdom and northern Europe. It is
bigemina isolates associated with different geographic essentially non-pathogenic but can be induced to
areas. The anemia may occur very rapidly, with 75% produce clinical effects and even death by serial
or more of the erythrocytes being destroyed in just a passage in splenectomized calves (Purnell, 1981).
few days. After the onset of hemoglobinuria, the
prognosis is guarded. Mortality is extremely variable 3.2. Equine babesiosis
and in the absence of undue stress most animals may
survive. Among fully susceptible older cattle, the Equine babesiosis is caused by Babesia caballi or
mortality may reach 50% without treatment, whereas B. equi and is generally characterized by erythrocy-
anemia is a contributory factor to the weakness and tolysis leading to anemia, icterus, hemoglobinuria,
loss of condition seen in cattle that survive the acute and death. The severity of clinical response is variable,
phase of the disease (Aryeetey and Jimenez-Lucho, and in many cases spontaneous recovery may occur
2002; Purnell, 1981; Ristic, 1988). following a febrile response with no marked hemo-
B. bovis first identified in Argentina in 1934 (Rees, globinuria or anemia (Purnell, 1981). An array of
1934) usually occurs in the same areas as B. bigemina other Babesia species exist and a great number of
and in association with Boophilus ticks but has been vertebrate species are also sensitive to these intraer-
described in some parts of Europe where Boophilus ythrocytic parasites (Aryeetey and Jimenez-Lucho,
does not occur, which suggests other vectors. After 2002).
150 H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

3.3. Canine babesiosis differ markedly between the European and North
American cases.
The large Babesia canis and the small Babesia Human babesiosis is unique in that its transmission
gibsoni are two organisms commonly known to infect depends on the presence of an infected Ixodid tick and
dogs. Both organisms have Ixodid tick vectors and are a vertebrate host that serves as a reservoir, such as deer
found throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle or mice living in concert with each other. Human
East, and North America, with B. canis being more babesiosis is caused by different Babesia parasites that
prevalent. Infection by B. gibsoni is increasing in have distinct geographic distributions based on the
frequency, particularly in North America, although no presence of competent hosts and have been recognised
specific species of ticks in this region have been as a primary agent of human disease: B. microti, a
proven to transmit the disease (Taboada, 1998). Three rodent species, and B. divergens, a cattle species; more
(sub-)species of B. canis, named B. (c.) canis, B. (c.) rarely, infection has been related to ‘‘new’’ or other
vogeli, and B. (c.) rossi have been identified using species on the basis of molecular information. The
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) rising incidence is attributed to the increased exposure
analysis of PCR-amplified small subunit ribosomal of humans to the parasite; parasite reservoirs may
RNA (Carret et al., 1999; for detailed discussion of the expand (e.g. B. microti-infected rodents), and humans
taxonomic classification of these species see the may live in closer proximity to the vectors (such as
contribution of Uilenberg in this issue [ed.]). Ixodes dammini ticks that feed mainly on deer).
Clinical symptoms of carrier dogs are common. In North America, babesiosis is caused predomi-
Cases of canine babesiosis with a wide variation of nantly by B. microti, a rodent-borne piroplasm, and
severity of clinical signs also occur ranging from a also occasionally by a newly recognized species, the
hyperacute, shock-associated, haemolytic crisis to an so-called Babesia WA-1 isolate. In the US, there have
unapparent subclinical infection. Infected dogs show been over 300 reported cases of infection with B.
pyrexia, weakness, mucous membrane pallor, depres- microti but seroepidemiologic data suggest that many
sion, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, and general cases are not reported (Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2000;
malaise. Both B. canis and B. gibsoni can cause an Weiss, 2002). After being bitten by an Ixodes tick, the
acute haemolytic anemia with eventual potentially incubation period for the development of symptoms is
chronic babesiosis. The anemia is usually normo- 5–30 days. Parasitaemia ranges from 1 to 20% of the
chromic to hypochromic (Schetters et al., 1998; erythrocytes in normosplenic individuals, and up to
Taboada, 1998). The (sub-)species of B. canis differ in 80% in splenectomized individuals (Rosner et al.,
virulence (Schetters et al., 1997), geographic localiza- 1984).
tion and the tick species as vector (Uilenberg et al., B. microti infections present a wide spectrum of
1989). clinical manifestations, from an asymptomatic to
acute and fatal disease, which is more common among
3.4. Human babesiosis the elderly and immunocompromised. The mortality
rate for clinically apparent infections of B. microti is
The first human case of babesiosis was described in about 5% in the United States (Gelfand and Callahan,
1957 in a splenectomized Yugoslavian farmer 1998; Homer et al., 2000; Kjemtrup and Conrad,
(Skrabalo and Deanovic, 1957). Babesia gained 2000). Symptoms are similar to those seen with
attention in the United States in 1969, through an malaria, except for the fatal cerebral form of the
infection with B. microti in a patient with an intact Plasmodium falciparum malaria, which does not occur
spleen. In the last 30 years, Babesia has been with human babesiosis. Typically, symptoms are less
recognized as an important pathogen in humans acute than those caused by B. divergens (see below).
which are infected accidentally due to exposure to In Europe, babesiosis is considerably less frequent
established enzootic cycles. Later, piroplasms such as but clinically more severe. Since 1957, around 40
WA-1 in Washington and MO-I in Missouri have been human cases of Babesia infections have been
identified with clinical presentations resembling identified and B. divergens is primarily the etiologic
babesiosis. The clinical manifestations of babesiosis species. Generally they coincide with bovine breeding
H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160 151

areas, and the tick responsible for transmission of B. each country and their commercial availability. The
divergens to humans is likely Ixodes ricinus (which is most commonly used compounds are indicated below.
also the vector for the Lyme disease spirochete in Supportive treatment is sometimes desirable, particu-
Europe) (Gorenflot et al., 1998; Telford and Spielman, larly in valuable animals. Blood transfusions may be
1998). In human infections with B. divergens, life-saving in very anaemic animals. Anti-inflamma-
parasitemias range from 1 to 50% (Gorenflot et al., tory drugs, such as phenylbutazone, help relieve the
1998) and the spectrum of disease is broad, ranging inflammatory processes that occur, particularly with
from an apparently silent infection to a fulminate, B. bovis infections. They are not within the scope of
malaria-like disease. this review.
The incubation period (i.e. the time of tick
transmission to the onset of symptoms) varies usually 4.1. Animal babesiosis
from 1 to 6 weeks, and patients frequently complain of
general weakness and discomfort. Clinical disease 4.1.1. Available chemotherapeutics
appears suddenly, generally with severe intravascular For many years, three babesiacides, quinuronium
haemolysis, hemoglobinuria and jaundice, myalgia, sulphate (Ludobal1, Bayer Ltd.), amicarbalide iso-
chills and persistent non-cyclic fever (40 8C). In the thionate (Diampron1, May and Baker Ltd.) and
most severe cases, patients develop a shock-like diminazene aceturate (Berenil1, Hoechst Ltd.) were
picture, with renal failure and pulmonary oedema available in most European countries for the treatment
(Homer et al., 2000; Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2000; Zintl of bovine babesiosis. In the 1970s, a fourth, imidocarb
et al., 2003). The extreme end of the spectrum is often dipropionate was introduced (Imizol; Schering-
described as a fulminating malaria-like infection. Plough), and it rapidly became the product of choice
Total hemoglobin level may fall to 70 g/l and values as in those countries that licensed it because in addition
low as 40 g/l have been reported. Most patients have to its therapeutic utility, it also proved to be an
been previously splenectomized and present fulminat- effective prophylactic at twice the therapeutic doses.
ing, febrile haemolytic disease; mortality rate is Quinuronium and amicarbalide were withdrawn
around 50% (Gelfand and Callahan, 1998; Gorenflot because of manufacturing safety issue, and dimin-
et al., 1998; Homer et al., 2000). The cases due to B. azene, which is widely used in the tropics as both a
divergens infections in Europe are significantly more babesiacide and a trypanocide was withdrawn from
severe than those caused by B. microti in the USA. Europe for marketing reasons.
Immediate detection is essential because the disease Imidocarb dipropionate (N,N0 -bis(3-(4,5-dihydro-
usually progresses extremely rapidly. The high 1H-imidazol-2-yl)phenyl) urea) (Imizol1, Schering-
parasitaemia present during acute infection (varying Plough Animal Health) is to be administrated
from 5 to 80%) can be easily detected microscopi- intramuscularly or subcutaneously, but not intrave-
cally; misdiagnosis with Plasmodium spp. has to be nously. It is the only babesiacide that consistently
prevented by attentive examination of stained blood clears the host of parasites (Lewis et al., 1981) and
smears. cattle treated with imidocarb may end up with a solid
Only two cases of B. microti infections in Europe sterile immunity. It is the only chemoprophylactic
have been reported so far. This is likely because of drug on the market, which provides protection from
limited or no interaction between the tick host for B. clinical diseases from 3 to 6 weeks but allows a
microti in Europe and humans (Gorenflot et al., 1998; sufficient level of infection for immunity to develop
Homer et al., 2000; Telford and Spielman, 1998). which is interesting in areas where babesiosis is
endemic. So far no other suitable prophylactics have
been identified. Long term persistence of low level
4. Treatment parasitaemia is now considered a disadvantage, both
for possible recrudescence and appearance of resistant
A list of compounds recognized as having parasites. A number of acute phases of babesiosis were
babesiacidal properties in vivo is shown in Table 1. not responsive to treatment with imidocarb and
Their effective use depends on the regulatory rules of resistance can be introduced in the laboratory (Zintl
152 H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

Table 1
List of recognized active compounds for in vivo chemotherapy against babesiosis

et al., 2003). But the suggestion that imidocarb may fully susceptible to babesiacides (Gray and Parr,
select in vivo for pathogenic strains of parasites is 1992).
questionable, since the only study on this topic so far Pharmacology and pharmacodynamic properties of
assured that all isolates from animals that were still imidocarb and diminazene have been revisited and
parasitaemic on a second veterinary visit were still evaluated by the European Agency for the Evaluation
H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160 153

of Medicinal Products and World Health Organiza- infected following imidocarb treatment (Gray and
tion. Their evaluation as veterinary drug residues in Potgieter, 1981).
food are provided by IPCS INCHEM (the Chemical
Safety Information from Intergovernmental Organi- 4.1.3. Equine babesiosis
zations) ( The plasma half- Both B. caballi and B. equi respond to the
life of imidocarb was 207 min and 80% was babesiacidal drugs but B. equi is more refractory to
eliminated in 8 h in dogs given an intravenous bolus. treatment than B. caballi. Imidocarb appears to be the
It seems to be eliminated through the urine and drug of choice for eliminating carrier status of infected
faeces. Residues were found mainly in the liver and horses. In the case of B. caballi, 2 mg/kg given two
some in the kidney. Toxicity (LD50) in rats was 450– times at a 24-h interval appears effective. For the same
1200 mg/kg and imidocarb is safe in dogs up to effect in B. equi-infected horses, 4 mg/kg is given four
9.9 mg/kg, but causes pain upon injection. Acute times at 72-h intervals. This amount of drug
toxicity symptoms are consistent with a cholinester- approaches the lethal dose for 50% of the inoculated
ase inhibitor activity. group (LD50) of 32 mg/kg when given in two 16 mg/
kg doses at 24-h intervals. Side effects characterized
4.1.2. Bovine babesiosis by restlessness, abdominal pain, sweating, rolling,
Chemotherapy is generally effective against bovine heavy breathing, etc. are not uncommon following
babesiosis, with essentially the same drugs used for B. imidocarb treatment at these high doses (Adams,
bigemina and B. bovis. The most commonly used 1981; Kuttler, 1981).
compounds are diminazene diaceturate (at a dose of 3–
5 mg/kg), imidocarb (1–3 mg/kg), and amicarbalide 4.1.4. Canine babesiosis
(5–10 mg/kg). Successful treatment depends on early Imidocarb diproprionate is currently available for
diagnosis and the prompt administration of effective the treatment of babesiosis in dogs. Two injections
drugs. There is less likelihood of success if treatment of imidocarb diproprionate at 5.0–6.6 mg/kg given
is delayed until the animal has been weakened by fever subcutaneously or intramuscularly at an interval of
and anemia. Trypan blue was one of the first successful 2–3 weeks are reputed to be effective. In acute
treatments against B. bigemina. It is not effective babesiosis, the therapeutic response is rapid, with
against B. bovis (Kuttler, 1981; The Gray Book, 1998). increasing production of new red blood cells within
Treatment of B. bigemina with imidocarb may 12–24 h. Another possible treatment is a single
radically cure the infection, leaving the animal intramuscular injection of diminazene aceturate at a
susceptible to reinfection. For this reason, reduced dose of 5 mg/kg (Birkenheuer et al., 1999; Taboada,
drug levels are sometimes indicated. Imidocarb has 1998). Trypan blue can also be used intravenously at
also been successfully used as a chemoprophylactic, a dose of 10 mg/kg, and would have fewer side-
that will prevent clinical infection for as long as 2 effects than diminazene (Aryeetey and Jimenez-
months but allow mild subclinical infection to occur as Lucho, 2002; Birkenheuer et al., 1999; Milner et al.,
the drug level decreases, resulting in premunition and 1997). Supportive therapy such as intravenous fluids
immunity (Kuttler, 1981; Kuttler et al., 1975; and blood transfusions should be employed when
Todorovic et al., 1973). Imidocarb also induces necessary. Current chemotherapeutic agents used to
radical cure of B. bovis, which is a small Babesia treat canine babesiosis would be incapable of
species that is usually more difficult to treat; a second completely eliminating the disease at the recom-
treatment or slightly increased dose rates may be mended dose; they only are capable of limiting
desirable. Imidocarb may also affect the parasites in mortality and the severity of clinical signs (Birken-
the tick vector. For example, B. bovis-infected Babesia heuer et al., 1999). Owners should be aware that
annulatus ticks apparently lost their infectivity, when dogs that have survived babesiosis may remain
placed on animals recently treated with imidocarb, subclinically infected. These dogs may suffer a
and their progeny failed to transmit infection (Kuttler relapse of disease in the future or serve as point
et al., 1975). In contrast, in a similar experiment with sources for the further spread of disease in a given
B. bigemina in Boophilus decoloratus, ticks remained area.
154 H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

4.2. Human babesiosis resolved after use of pentamidine and cotrimoxazole

(Raoult et al., 1987). Imidocarb, which is not licensed
4.2.1. Chemotherapeutic treatment for human use, was used successfully under special
Anti-babesial drug therapy is usually indicated for license to treat two Irish patients infected with B.
moderately to severely symptomatic human infec- divergens (Gorenflot et al., 1998; Kjemtrup and
tions. Almost all cases with severe B. divergens Conrad, 2000; Zintl et al., 2003).
infection in the past ended fatally with general organ The hydroxynaphtoquinone, atovaquone, was
failure 4–7 days after outcome of hemoglobinuria shown to be very efficient against B. divergens-
(Gorenflot et al., 1998; Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2000; infected human erythrocytes in vitro and B. divergens-
Zintl et al., 2003). In splenectomized patients, B. infected gerbils in vivo. However, atovaquone mono-
divergens has an acute onset and is considered a therapy is not recommended in the treatment of human
medical emergency. Chloroquine was the initial babesiosis because recrudescences occurred with the
pharmacologic agent thought to be effective (Schol- emergence of resistant organisms. On the other hand,
tens et al., 1968). However, the observed improvement monotherapy with high doses of azithromycin
could be attributed to the anti-inflammatory and significantly suppressed parasitaemia in the hamster
immunomodulating effects of chloroquine; there was model. Azithromycin in combination with atovaquone
no correlation between the use of chloroquine and cure or quinine has been effective in experimental animals
(Homer et al., 2000; Zintl et al., 2003). In 1982, the and in humans (Gray and Pudney, 1999; Shaio and
treatment of a patient with presumed transfusion- Yang, 1997; Weiss et al., 1993, 2001). Atovaquone
acquired malarial infection who failed to respond to plus azithromycin demonstrated superiority as com-
chloroquine was changed to quinine and clindamycin. pared to clindamycin and quinine in the prevention
This combination of quinine and clindamycin resulted and treatment of experimental babesiosis in hamsters
in a dramatic improvement and effectiveness in (Hughes and Oz, 1995; Pantanowitz et al., 2002;
humans and animals (Rowin et al., 1982; Wittner Wittner et al., 1996). In a prospective, non-blinded,
et al., 1982). However, B. microti infection may persist randomized trial of 58 patients with non-life-
after adequate treatment with clindamycin and quinine threatening babesiosis, the combination of azithro-
(Hatcher et al., 2001; Wittner et al., 1996) and adverse mycin and atovaquone showed no demonstrable
effects attributed to quinine may occur in as many as difference in efficacy when compared with clinda-
25% of the cases (Hatcher et al., 2001; Krause et al., mycin and quinine with slow clearance of parasites
2000). Using mouse models, it has recently been from the bloodstream, which could take as long as 3
demonstrated that, in addition to the babesiacidal weeks, but this combination had less adverse effects.
effect, clindamycin also increases the number of The most common adverse effects in the group on
splenic mononuclear cells and their phagocytic clindamycin and quinine were cinchonism from the
activity, thus further adding to its effectiveness quinine and diarrhoea (Krause et al., 2000). It is
(Wijaya et al., 2001). unknown whether a higher dose of azithromycin may
Other antimicrobials and antimicrobial combina- lead to earlier resolution of fever and rapid clearance
tions used in humans include pyrimethamine, chlor- of parasites.
oquine and quinine, tetracyclins, clindamycin, In B. microti infection, the combination of quinine
doxycyclin, and azithromycin. However, they have (600 mg of salt orally, three time daily) and
not been used consistently and are not recommended clindamycin (600 mg orally, three times daily or
(Homer et al., 2000). Diminazene aceturate (Bere- 1.2 mg parenterally, twice daily) for 7–10 days
nil1), an antiprotozoal compound known to be remains the most commonly used treatment for
effective in veterinary cases failed to cure a patient adults. Pediatric dosages are scaled accordingly.
with a severe B. divergens infection (Zintl et al., 2003). Atovaquone suspension (750 mg, twice daily), plus
Pentamidine isothionate has been used to control the azithromycin (500–1,000 mg per day) is also a very
clinical manifestations of babesiosis but is limited in effective treatment. Atovaquone/azithromycin has not
decreasing parasitaemia, as it does not eradicate the been studied in patients with high parasitaemia. In the
organism (Francioli et al., 1981). A mild infection was moderately to severely ill patient, it may be preferable
H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160 155

to initiate therapy with intravenously administered Exchange transfusion is only advocated for the
clindamycin and quinine and then switch to oral treatment of critically ill patients or patients refractory
atovaquone/azithromycin in those who cannot tolerate to conventional chemotherapy.
the former. In the severely ill patient, quinine can be Infected patients may have prolonged persistence of
exchanged for quinidine and intravenously adminis- Babesia in the blood and may present a risk for blood
tered along with clindamycin. Considering the transfusion transmission of this disease. The blood
similarities between the site of action of clindamycin components that have been implicated in transfusion
and azithromycin, it has been suggested that a babesiosis include erythrocytes, and platelet concen-
combination of clindamycin and atovaquone may be trates that contain residual erythrocytes. Based on
similarly efficacious with fewer adverse effects and several epidemiological studies, the risk of transfusion-
lower costs (Homer et al., 2000; Ranque, 2001; Weiss, acquired babesiosis in an endemic area (Connecticut)
2002; Zintl et al., 2003). This possibility has not been was estimated to be 0.17% per unit of packed cells
tested in practice. (Pankova-Kholmyansky et al., 2003). Chemical and
Today, fast and aggressive therapy to reduce physical manipulation of blood to inactivate microbes
parasitaemia, combining blood exchange transfusion including Babesia spp. are investigated (Grellier et al.,
and chemotherapy, has reduced the mortality rate of B. 1997; Zavizion et al., 2004)
divergens in severe cases. At present, the recom-
mended treatment consists of massive blood exchange
transfusion followed by intravenous administration of 5. Mechanism of action of current babesiacidal
clindamycin. After clearance of the parasitaemia and drugs
resolution of haemolysis, a non-regenerative anemia
may persist for at least 1 month, requiring additional The mechanisms by which the current babesiacides
blood transfusion. inhibit the development of Babesia spp. proliferation
within erythrocytes are largely unknown. As the effect
4.2.2. Supportive therapy of imidocarb on Trypanosoma brucei is antagonized by
Patients with heavy parasitaemia are at risk for excess polyamines, it is has been suggested that
developing severe clinical manifestations; the risk is imidocarb interferes with their production and/or use
proportional to the level of parasitaemia. Similar to (Bacchi et al., 1981). Imidocarb blocks the entry of
malaria, babesiosis can be present in an overwhelming inositol into erythrocytes containing Babesia, resulting
manner, especially in the immunocompromised in ‘starvation’ of the parasite (McHardy et al., 1986).
patient, including the elderly and patients infected All compounds used against human babesiosis
with HIV. In Europe, B. divergens has induced severe have antimicrobial activity against other pathogens,
infections and high mortality rates, primarily in and their mechanisms of action may accordingly be
splenectomized patients (see above). hypothesized; this is particularly the case of the
In severe cases, whole-blood exchange or aphaer- antimalarial quinine, the wide-spectrum antiparasitic
esis (Evenson et al., 1998; Gorenflot et al., 1987, 1990; atovaquone (Baggish and Hill, 2002) and the
Pantanowitz et al., 2002; Zintl et al., 2003) has been antibiotics clindamycin and azithromycin (Finch
suggested as an adjunction measure to reduce the et al., 2003). These hypotheses are outside the scope
parasite burden. Exchange transfusion replaces para- of this review.
sitized erythrocytes and effectively reduces the high
level of parasitaemia. Because Babesia has no exo-
erythrocytic stage, removal of parasitized erythrocytes 6. Prospectives and rationale for drug
is curative. Generally, the advantages of exchange development
transfusion include rapid reduction in parasite load,
correction of the anemia and rapid restoration of other 6.1. The present situation
blood parameters, and the removal of parasite and
red cell debris, including toxic and harmful metabo- Currently the most important babesiacide used in
lites (e.g. cytokines and other vasoactive substances). animals is imidocarb, and the development of resistance
156 H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160

is a likely event. Moreover, imidocarb is associated duplication of their structural components. These
with residue problems and is not available worldwide, events occur in a strict temporal control order and
including in Europe. It is clear that alternative the intracellular parasite has to acquire an appropriate
compounds have to be developed for the veterinary dynamic. Notably, the non-dividing erythrocyte has lost
market. Besides, none of the human treatments are fully all import capacity and some carriers have been
satisfactory considering the mortality associated with eliminated. Consequently, the intracellular parasite has
human babesiosis. More particularly, treatment of B. to possess its own machinery and has also to exchange
divergens infection is problematic with high mortality nutrients and expel metabolites to assure its survival and
rate, most often in splenectomized or immunocompro- propagation.
mised patients. As these have usually a severe
presentation and have a fulminating parasitaemia, 6.3. Identification of drug targets
potent new babesiacidal compounds have to be found.
Several in vitro and in vivo models are available to The identification of novel drug targets is usually
screen potential drugs. A number of Babesia spp. have based upon metabolic pathways and cell structures
now been established in in vitro continuous culture that are different between parasite and host and are
(Grande et al., 1997; Schuster, 2002) which may be used currently revolutionized by the advent of the
for determination of parasite growth in the presence of genomics. Programmes to sequence the genomes of
candidate antibabesial compounds. Different rodents several Babesia species have now been funded. More
such as hamsters and gerbils can be infected by Babesia particularly, a programme to sequence B. bovis is
parasites and can be used for in vivo drug testing. Since provided by The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
B. microti is poorly propagated in vitro, animal models ( as part of
have been the primary means of evaluating new drugs its microbial sequencing effort focusing on pathogens
for the treatment of this babesiosis. The Mongolian and model organisms.
gerbil Meriones unguiculatus has been used as an The challenge will be to identify genetic differ-
experimental model for B. divergens and B. microti ences that are potential drug targets, for example,
infections (Weiss, 2002). parasite-specific genes essential for infection and
pathogenesis, novel metabolic pathways, unique
6.2. The unique position of Babesia parasites parasite-specific mechanisms of gene regulation and
RNA processing. Techniques to analyze the profile of
It is striking to note that most of the compounds the parasite proteins and to identify functionally
reported with babesiacidal activity were first discovered important (essential) genes are needed. Efficient
for other microbial infections, and then applied to procedures for transfection, conditional gene com-
babesiosis, sometimes incidentally (see above for plementation and target validation will be required to
quinine). However, Babesia spp. differ from other rapidly elucidate novel potential pharmacological
Apicomplexa and specificity are not exploited enough. targets. Due to the absence of a parasitophorous
Babesia parasites are restricted to erythrocytes and vacuole plasma membrane, transfection of the
multiply asexually with a reproductive time of around Babesia parasites might be less time consuming and
10 h, whereas all other Apicomplexa are highly painful than that of the malarial parasites. Babesia is
cosmopolitan protozoan parasites capable of invading closely related to Plasmodium which also proliferates
and replicating within nucleated cells. Most of these within erythrocytes. Many similarities exist between
other parasites have to protect themselves from the host malaria and babesiosis in their clinical manifestations,
cellular machinery (e.g. avoiding a fusion with the their intraerythrocytic development in the mammalian
lysosome) but benefit from the host cell machinery with host, and their antigenic properties. An integrated
its metabolite-rich cytosol and reported close contact knowledge of both veterinary and human babesial and
with organelles from the host cells. The red blood cell plasmodial parasites is likely to aid in better under-
is a golden jail for protection from the immune system, standing emerging human infections.
but it appears that proliferating Babesia parasites Indeed, it is evident that some drugs can be useful
must comply with a series of requisite events for the for both of these erythrocyte-invading parasites. Thus,
H.J. Vial, A. Gorenflot / Veterinary Parasitology 138 (2006) 147–160 157

atovaquone, whose antibabesial activity has been very rapid cytotoxic effect against malarial parasites in
reported above, is a ubiquinone (also called Coenzyme the very low nanomolar range and are active in vivo
Q) analogue that binds to the P. falciparum bc1 against Plasmodium vinckei-infected mice, with ED50
complex (complex III), at 1000-fold lower concentra- lower than 0.2 mg/kg. They also retain full activity
tion than required for inhibiting rat mitochondria. against P. falciparum and Plasmodium cynomolgi in
Consequently, atovaquone inhibits electron transport primate models with no recrudescence and at lower
linked to dihydroorotate dehydrogenase activity and doses (Ancelin et al., 2003a; Vial et al., 2004;
selectively inhibits plasmodial pyrimidine biosynth- Wengelnik et al., 2002). We have also shown that
esis (Baggish and Hill, 2002; Fry and Pudney, 1992). these compounds exert potent activity against B.
Another example resides in the recent morphological divergens and B. canis with activity in the low
and molecular identification of the apicoplast. Indeed, nanomolar range. They are also active against babesial
Babesia, as other apicomplexan parasites, has infection in gerbil model (Vial and Gorenflot,
acquired (by secondary endosymbiosis of eukaryotic unpublished).
algae) this plastid-derived non-photosynthetic orga- Despite the resemblance of Babesia to Plasmodium,
nelle. The apicoplast contains circular extra-chromo- antimalarial drugs, such as chloroquine, proguanil,
somal DNA of 27–35 kb (Lang-Unnasch et al., 1998; mefloquine, halofantrine (and possibly artesunate) had
Wilson and Williamson, 1997), but most of the genes no activity in either human Babesia infections or the
have been relocated to the nucleus. Important hamster model. Indeed, Babesia differ from Plasmo-
advances over the past 5 years indicate that this relic dium in some essential aspects: (i) the vacuole
plastid is an essential cellular compartment in which membrane is entirely lost shortly after invasion
the products of nuclear genes specifying several (Rudzinska et al., 1976) and (ii) Babesia lack both a
prokaryotic biosynthetic pathways are concentrated cytostome and a digestive vacuole, do not degrade
(Roos et al., 1999). Biosynthetic pathways of plastid- hemoglobin very effectively, and do not form hemozoin
derived organelles are potential drug targets against (Olliaro and Goldberg, 1995; Slomianny et al., 1983).
parasitic Apicomplexa (Ralph et al., 2004; Seeber, Thus, there is no doubt that discovery of new anti-
2003). Triclosan, an inhibitor that binds to FabI Babesia compounds will require specific research
(Surolia et al., 2004) also inhibits bovine and equine devoted to these parasites to discover the biology of this
Babesia growth (Bork et al., 2003) indicating the intracellular, rapidly dividing haemotropic protozoon.
existence and crucial role of type II fatty acid
biosynthesis in babesiosis-causing parasite.
6.4. Phospholipid metabolism pathway
We thank Anja Heckeroth for critical reading of the
Finally, our laboratory has developed a new manuscript.
antimalarial pharmacological approach based on
inhibition of the plasmodial phospholipid metabolism.
The drugs mimic choline structure and inhibit de novo References
phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. Three generations of
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Calas et al., 2000; Salom-Roig et al., 2005). The third Ancelin, M.L., Calas, M., Bonhoure, A., Herbute, S., Vial, H.J.,
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